Which orphanage needs help. How to help children from orphanages? Check list. Children's charitable foundations of Russia

On June 1, Children's Day, we have prepared a certificate that will be useful to those who would like to help children, but do not know how to approach this. To whom to transfer money, where to donate toys and clothes, what else can be done - some answers (but not all) in our material.


Several major charitable organizations operate in Russia:

  • Some philanthropists consider gifts a bad idea - especially when it comes to valuable things. Elena Alshanskaya, director of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation, says that only what the orphanage needs should be donated. Out of good intentions, people want to donate expensive clothes or equipment, but this can, on the contrary, harm the child: after leaving the orphanage, he will no longer be an orphan whom everyone wants to help. But he will grow up with the idea that he is constantly owed. If you want to support children left without parents, it is better to give them attention.

    The photo:

    Alexandra Krasnova / TASS

    Live communication

    Children from orphanages spend most of their time surrounded by teachers and caregivers. It is very important for them to communicate with adults, because they can set a good example or help with choosing a profession. Of course, movie characters always inspire children to heroic deeds, but real stories are also important and necessary.

    The photo:

    Valery Sharifulin / TASS

    If you are ready to spend time with orphans, then you can, for example, contact the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation. This organization has many programs aimed not only at communicating with children from orphanages, but also at supporting those who are in hospitals.

    You can also become a mentor for a child. It is very important for children from boarding schools to see the world outside their room. You can invite your child to go to the store with you, go to the country house or help with repairs. Before becoming a mentor, you need to prepare and undergo training. Several foundations are involved in this, for example, "Big Brothers Big Sisters".

    Other good deeds

    Good deeds don't have to take a lot of time. For example, you can rummage through your closet and collect clothes that you are unlikely to wear anymore. It is good if things are clean and in good condition.

    Worth a try to turn them in Second Friend Store. To do this, you need to fill out an application on the site, attach photos of clothes and a short description.

    You can also take the clothes to the Charity Shop, which will then sell them, and donate the proceeds to the Second Wind Foundation. By the way, the fund also has separate reception points in Moscow. The list can be viewed on the organization's website.

    Clothes, shoes and bags can be donated to Good Things. Some items are donated to those in need. Another is being sold, and the proceeds are used to buy equipment for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities from state rehabilitation centers in Moscow and the Moscow region. Good Things has several collection points, and project participants can come to you and pick up things themselves.

    The photo:

    Artem Geodakyan / TASS

    P.S. Be assertive in your desire to help foundations and other nonprofits. There are always not enough people and a lot of work. Of course, not all charitable foundations are represented in our note - it is impossible to list them physically. If you want to support children, you will find dozens more ways to do so.

Dear site visitors!
The orphanage really needs your help!

In 2010, she graduates from high school and goes into adulthood Arina Rassadina, our armwrestling and orienteering champion. She really dreams of a beautiful dress for the prom.

The girls try to sew embroidered pillows for themselves and pick them up after leaving the orphanage, for this they need materials (fabric, tapestry, threads and stuffing).
The children had the opportunity to repair and assemble mechanisms. Parts needed to assemble karts.

The orphanage for permanent work requires:
1. Teacher-psychologist with at least 10 years of experience (family counseling).
2. Teacher of additional education (pop song, choreography)

You can help our children!

Orphanage- a big family, and as in every family there are difficult life situations in it: gathering children to school, for the last call, graduation ball, acquiring for everyone all the necessary school supplies, briefcases, so fashionable today, but so expensive, workbooks for everything items, sports uniforms, costumes for children's performances and sports. Our children, just like those at home, or rather, much more than those at home, need this, because they do not take care of things, they do not know how to be responsible for something. Our children really need a change of scenery, warm trusting relationships from adults, close people, and it is impossible to give them this warmth in an orphanage, no matter how hard we try.

Excess energy should be directed in a positive direction: sports, choreography, work. It is very important to captivate the children with these activities so that it becomes not only a free pastime, but also a profession, a way of life, a core that would save them from trouble.

The state took care of the orphans, they are well fed, provided with summer and winter rest, we have a lot of theaters, clubs that offer tickets for various events, a lot of gifts for the New Year, but 50 boys and girls require constant attention and help, they constantly need medicines, vitamins, birthday gifts, they, like all ordinary children, really like gifts bought only for them, taking into account their interests, habits and wishes.

Our new details:
Our details have changed since 01.01.2010
Transfers by non-cash form:
Settlement account 406 038 107 0000 3000009
in branch 1 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia, Moscow 705
BIC 044583001
Account 079 859 2000 930 496
KBK 985.303.03.02002 0000180

Payment receiver:
(FKU SWAD of Moscow)
Address of the recipient: 117574, Moscow, st. Vilniusskaya, 7, building 3

Payer: GOU Orphanage No. 37 of the Department of Finance of Moscow
(FKU SWAD of Moscow)

Cash transfers:
Settlement account 40116810300330000114
In OJSC "Bank of Moscow" Branch "Gagarinskoe"
BIC 044525219
Correspondent account 30101810500000000219

Any society and state has a single problem - orphanhood, in which minors end up in orphanages and boarding schools, where they are provided with certain support. Of no small importance here is the assistance provided to orphanages by sponsors and charitable organizations.

Children's charitable foundations of Russia

The activities of these organizations are often due to the fact that the government provides treatment for children in need. Citizens are seriously concerned about the future of the current generation, so charity is developing and prospering every year.

Assisting employees of medical and educational institutions in Russia, the foundations provide assistance to sick and orphaned children.

It mainly includes:

  • procurement of medicines and/or fundraising for them;
  • purchase of medical and sports equipment;
  • payment for treatment;
  • volunteering in clinics and orphanages;
  • providing food, hygiene products, clothing and footwear;
  • provision of books, stationery, educational toys.

It cannot be said that children with disabilities, or with oncology, or children who have lost their parents are in priority for aid funds. It is important to give the opportunity for full development, to give a piece of warmth and kindness to everyone.

A huge number of charitable organizations providing assistance to children are concentrated in Moscow. However, despite the location, support for sick and needy children from various foundations is provided throughout the country.

Funds to help orphans

The pupils of shelters and boarding schools most of all need warmth and understanding.

Children left without the care of their parents and relatives are considered poor and in need of material and financial assistance.

To date, there are many organizations that are ready to support orphans:

  • Help.org. Participates in the life and activities of citizens with serious illnesses, sends charity to orphanages, including boarding schools.
  • Rusfond. Supports seriously ill children, orphans and the disabled.
  • "Good for the Children" - a charitable foundation takes care of minors from shelters, boarding schools, the sick and those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
  • Volunteers to help orphans. Solves the problems of orphanhood, socialization, ensuring the rights to family relations and childhood.
  • "Change one life." Creation of a database with video profiles of Russian orphans, preparation of future parents, advice on family placement, support for foster families.
  • "Blago.ru". Association of philanthropists to make an unbearable contribution to support orphans and refuseniks.
  • "Our Children". Preventing minors from entering an orphanage, organizing effective systems for family placement, supporting orphans and their successful integration into society.

Support for children with cancer

There are a huge number of organizations that provide assistance to children with oncology, for example, the Nastenka Foundation.

Here are the biggest ones:

  • "A life ". The Foundation provides charitable assistance to children with cancer, including those with hemoblastoses.
  • "Nastenka". Support for children with cancer who are being treated at the Blokhin Research Institute and Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • WorldVita. Provides sick children, including those with cancer, with treatment in the best Russian and foreign medical institutions.
  • "Gift a life ". Participation in the life of minors with severe and, in particular, oncohematological diseases.
  • "Mercy" - as a charity, it collects money for the treatment of sick children with various diagnoses.
  • NONC - the fund aims to help children with cancer, including psychological, household and leisure activities.
  • "Foundation of K. Khabensky". Organization of examinations and treatment of brain diseases, purchase of medicines, rehabilitation, assistance to medical institutions.

Funds for disabled children

Disabled children also need provision, socialization and other types of support, so specialized charitable foundations are of great importance for our society.

Below are the most famous of them:

  • Foundation "Step Together" - assistance to disabled children with cerebral palsy.
  • "Galchonok". Treatment and rehabilitation of minors with organic lesions of the central nervous system, social and psychological assistance to relatives.
  • "Help the child.ru". Fund for helping teenagers and kids with disabilities, serious illnesses.
  • "Help with deed". Support for underage citizens with disabilities, collection of the amounts necessary for treatment.
  • "Children of Russia" is a charitable foundation that is part of the World Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs of UNESCO.

How to help children?

Happy children are the highest gratitude for their support.

When discussing how and how to help children, you should know some of the features and nuances of helping orphanages:

  1. Toddlers require communication with people from outside, whom they elevate to the rank of goodies. The wards of boarding schools need someone to look up to.
  2. Inmates of orphanages are essentially in a closed space, so it is very important to take them to theaters, museums and other institutions.
  3. The wards should be sent to classes in a certain club, section, circle, based on their abilities.
  4. You can become a trustee and take wards into the family. Minors grow up, build their own families, and it is very important that they realize what a new unit of society should be like.
  5. Quality education is considered an important part in the life of children from orphanages. Often, boarding school employees are unable to provide each child with a decent education.

When helping financially or materially, you need to understand that the philanthropist performs the role of a trustee.

Financial aid

Financial support consists in donating certain amounts to orphanages for various needs or collecting money for the treatment of a particular child.

Having a desire to raise money for treatment, one should be completely imbued with the problems of the child and go to the end, and in some cases become his trustee.

The most common way to organize fundraising is to post information on social networks. In order not to cause doubts among people who are ready to help, lay out full information about the problem (medical documents, reports on the therapy performed, account details, etc.).

material support

Financial assistance is always relevant, especially for children with disabilities. State institutions, which take care of citizens with disabilities, are not always able to acquire the necessary equipment even for the minimum restoration of health, promotion and normal life in society.

Social participation consists in the purchase of wheelchairs, prostheses, exercise machines, specialized beds, mattresses and other necessary items.


People who are not related to sponsoring and supporting organizations can also provide all possible assistance to orphanages. These helpers are called volunteers.

The purpose of their charity is to help both sick children (organizing the collection of money for treatment) and those who have lost their parents (material support).

In addition, volunteer groups visit orphanages and medical institutions with entertainment programs.

Video: Volunteers at the Children's Cancer Center.


If you are a volunteer or a philanthropist, have a child in care who needs financial assistance for treatment, organized a collection for children with cancer, and help disabled adults who need financial assistance, you can use the form below and ask for help from sympathizers or wealthy people .

The state claims that our boarding schools and orphanages are provided with everything necessary. And in fact, about 20 thousand rubles are allocated annually for clothes for one pupil alone. Meanwhile, the state of many state residential institutions for orphans remains extremely deplorable, and many of us at least once, but collected "things for the orphanage." What is going on? Nadezhda VOLOBUEVA, President of the Kindness Charitable Foundation, told us about this.

The state claims that our boarding schools and orphanages are provided with everything necessary. And in fact, about 20 thousand rubles are allocated annually for clothes for one pupil alone. Meanwhile, the state of many state residential institutions for orphans remains extremely deplorable, and many of us at least once, but collected "things for the orphanage." What is going on? Nadezhda VOLOBUEVA, President of the Kindness Charitable Foundation, told us about this.

- What is the main thing in financial assistance to orphanages? Gifts for the holidays? Cloth? Computers? Repair?
- Medicines, personal hygiene items are always needed, necessarily materials for needlework - children take it with pleasure: they cut it out, burn it out, sculpt it, knit it. We also need medical equipment, which has become obsolete in almost all orphanages in the last century. Often, in the provinces, repairs in orphanages were last carried out in the fifties - then it is necessary to help with this in the first place. But before helping a specific orphanage, it is always better to come and see for yourself - the situation is very different everywhere.

- But there is an opinion that the orphanages are already full of both state and sponsorship. This is true?
“Unfortunately, not enough money is allocated from the regional budget. Especially in small towns and villages in the regions of Russia. Children's institutions there are in great need of additional funding and assistance. Of course, a lot depends on the leader: if the director is active, does not hesitate to ask for help from local authorities and charitable organizations, then, as a rule, the situation in his institution is much better than that of a less energetic and lively leader.

Then, the main flow of charitable funds to the regions comes from Moscow and other large cities. Therefore, the closer the institution is to such centers, the more charitable organizations offer their help and visit them. A lot depends on the proximity of large enterprises - they often take care of orphanages. Looking at such patronized boarding schools, one might really think that there is abundance everywhere, but this is not so.

Of course, now is not the 90s, and, say, they are trying to allocate enough for food. This was followed up. But repairs are still difficult. It is not always clear whose fault it is, it only happens that the money does not reach the orphanage. It is not uncommon for officials to refuse the institution the most necessary things. For example, in the Rostov region, the local administration announced to the Azov orphanage for mentally retarded children that in 2009 they would not buy diapers for them - there was no money. And she suggested that they themselves find the necessary amount. Pampers for all children in the orphanage cost about 130,000 rubles a month. How can an orphanage find such funds on its own?

Or, for the purchase of “soft equipment” for one child, the state really allocates about 20 thousand rubles a year. It seems to be enough, but with these funds you need to buy not only all the clothes and shoes, but also bed linen, a mattress, and such a “mandatory” inventory item as a bedside rug. “I honestly tried to find boots cheaper than 1200 rubles, so that they were good. I didn’t find it,” the director of one orphanage told us. Well, how can you meet these twenty thousand?

Although the number of charitable organizations in our country is increasing every year, the situation in boarding schools and orphanages is improving very slowly, moreover, because of the crisis, companies are sharply cutting funds allocated for charitable needs. And we must remember that we do not help "children's residential institutions", but children who are deprived of a family. The least we can do is to make their life in the orphanage a little more comfortable, cozy, close to family life. Then they can feel needed, loved.

- There is also an opinion that the administration of orphanages almost without exception steals. How to distinguish an honest leader from a bad one?
- If you give even the best director the opportunity to steal, there is a risk that he will eventually use it and put at least a couple of thousand in his pocket. Many want to be helped in this way - they transferred money and did not require any reporting. This requires meticulous control by the philanthropist. If you wish, you can track every penny. But this is what concerns our means. We have no control over the spending of public money.

We immediately say that we will need all the documents, that we will come to see the orphanage and will control all financial receipts. If the leader is honest, he agrees. This eliminates about one percent of directors. They do not refuse directly, but quietly disappear from the horizon: instead of them, the secretary starts to pick up the phone, they themselves are never there, you ask the secretary to call back, they do not call back.

- How to provide sponsorship so that children do not develop a consumer type of personality?
- How can you spoil a child who does not have the most important thing in life - parents? In our opinion, this is impossible. Every child is special, they have their own thoughts and feelings. It is important for him to be valued, his opinion taken into account, respected. Before buying New Year's gifts, we asked the children to write letters to Santa Claus about what they would like to receive for the New Year. Each letter was different from the others: it was decorated with drawings and poems. We tried to find for each child exactly the gift that he is waiting for. So the baby will feel that he was specially thought of, taken care of and brought exactly what he wanted. This is especially true for "adult" children. They want to have something of their own, personal. If children live in a warm family environment, then they will be able to transfer this atmosphere into their future life, create their own strong family.

And if at the same time a consumer attitude is formed in a child, then this is the fault of the administration of the orphanage, and not benefactors. She is also responsible for preparing the child for life outside the orphanage. A lot depends on upbringing. You can also spoil your child greatly if you do not instill positive qualities in him from childhood.

- They say a lot that orphanages do not cope with the upbringing of children (graduates fill up the criminal layer) and that the system needs to be reformed, and the orphanage should be disbanded. This is true? And - in what direction to reform?
- It is not orphanages that need to be reformed, but a system that now does not support their graduates after they leave. If there is housing and work, they will be more likely to embark on a normal path. Most people commit crime just to survive. Foster families need to be supported. Now the number of adopted children has greatly increased. We even have to close some children's homes, reorganize them, for example, into kindergartens, because there are almost no children left there. But just as sharply, the number of cases of so-called “secondary orphanhood”, that is, when a family that has adopted a child, for some reason, gives it back to an orphanage, has also grown sharply. And for a child, returning to an orphanage is a huge emotional trauma.

The fact is that very often in a foster family there are communication and psychological problems. Now in our country a child is being selected for a family. “I want him to be blue-eyed, calm and like me,” potential adoptive parents say. And you need to do the opposite - look for a family for a child, one in which he will be comfortable, calm, where he will feel loved. It is necessary to provide support to such families, provide them with the opportunity to consult with specialists: family psychologists, teachers. As statistics show, an adopted child behaves exemplary at first, and parents think that this will always be the case. Therefore, they are not ready for the fact that after a while the baby becomes irritable, nervous, his behavior changes dramatically. After all, children are very different in the orphanage. Many have a very difficult fate, most have drinking parents. This cannot but affect their psyche.

And foster parents suddenly begin to doubt whether it was the right decision to take the child from the orphanage. And they need help, to explain that these problems can be solved with the help of specialists. Then, many believe that by adopting a child, they are doing a good deed, and he will be grateful to them for this all his life. But in order to become a strong family, parents need to make a lot of efforts. This does not happen in one day, not in a month or even in a year. So, in my opinion, it is necessary to pay special attention to work with adoptive parents.

Of course, it would be best if we prevent child abandonment. To do this, we need to help single mothers, parents of children with disabilities. But this is a completely different story.

Charitable Foundation "Dobroserdie" invites construction companies, organizations that could help with the repair or construction of new buildings in children's institutions for cooperation. At present, one of the primary tasks is assistance in the repair of the building of the Vorotynskaya (Kaluga region) and Nizhnechirskaya (Volgograd region) correctional boarding schools.

Also, there is no person who would be involved in checking the estimates that are set out to the fund by contractors. In addition, the foundation invites manufacturers of medical equipment for cooperation: inhalers, warming devices, etc., which are needed by almost all children's institutions. The Foundation welcomes any help.

Since the New Year is coming soon, and many will want to polish their karma by showering gifts on completely unfamiliar children in the nearest orphanage, I decided to show you one important text. I warn you right away: the text tells why this is not possible. And the point is not at all in ethical considerations (although they are also in them), but in specific harm. But enough spoilers! Now you will find out for yourself.

Since I am not an expert in helping children, a professional will tell you about the problem. A few years ago, the magazine "Takie Dela" published an excellent article that explains why emergency gifts for children in orphanages are harmful. Unfortunately, over these few years the situation in Russia has hardly changed.

A word to Anna Puchkova, an expert in the field of charity, volunteering and corporate social responsibility:

“No gifts to orphanages. Yes, I don’t mean at all: “Guys, urgently help, this year we don’t have enough gifts for the unfortunate disadvantaged kids in orphanages,” I mean exactly: “Please, stop bullying over children from orphanages, showering them with gifts.

I understand that the text of this article will be very painful to read for about half of those who are going to do this (be strong, positive at the end). And the other half will silently and sadly nod and say: “Yes, I also talk about this all the time, but that doesn’t stop anyone.” I know that the first article will cause frustration or even aggression. Therefore, I want to say right away: “Yes, I also really love children and people in general”, “Yes, I myself also do something to help others, namely, I devote about 95% of my time to this, not counting sleep”, “Yes , at one time I visited a huge number of orphanages and even lived in one for a week, right in a group with children”, “Yes, I deal with volunteers from more than 20 regions of the country, and everywhere there is exactly the same as in Moscow” . So guys, instead of being frustrated, let's just try to make our help at least a little more effective, that's what we all want, right?

So, why is it still impossible to give gifts to orphanages, and what can be done instead?

Take, for example, an ideal situation, that is, a situation in which all children got the same gifts, all equally, an ideal situation that excludes the possibility that the gifts did not reach the children. A situation in which a teenager did not sell a gift to buy cigarettes or beer. Or when the gift wasn't used to make someone jealous or simply show superiority ("look what I have, you don't"), usually after that the gift is either broken or stolen as soon as the owner has distracted himself from it, and, of course, this is very bad both for the owner and for the one who broke or stole.

So, even in this ideal situation (and you understand that this does not happen?), giving gifts to orphanages, boarding schools, social shelters and other forms of state orphanages (I emphasize - especially state ones) is destructive for the child's psyche , because according to statistics, during the New Year holidays, a child from an orphanage visits about 17 Christmas trees and events and receives about 19 gifts (in the Moscow region - 25). Do you understand that this is just a survival marathon? Do you want to be the 26th who came running frantically to love a child you did not know yesterday? What about 18s? The saddest thing is that...

In the next month and a half, billions of rubles will be spent on toys, teddy bears, sleds, Barbies and even tablets, phones and iPods (yes, many children ask for exactly this, and many adults buy it for them, although they themselves guess that there is something it's not)

All this is monstrous because it brings up a terrible dependency, the child gets used to the fact that they give him something all the time, give, perform, and without any effort or visible reasons for him. Some exalted people constantly come who frantically try to love them all to death in half a day and move on (I know, because I myself was exactly the same). And then suddenly the child turns 18, and ... And nothing, no one goes to him, no one showers him with gifts, no one cares about the problems of "an adult healthy guy who has to go to work." Why should he? You only taught him to beg, you didn't teach him to earn. You taught him to accept gifts and amusements and thought that he should somehow guess about work. As a result, only 10% cope with this state of affairs, while the rest become drunkards, get into crime and prisons, and commit suicide. Think about it! 10%! 90%!

Children in orphanages (and I mean in this case all state institutions of this type) live according to the rules of a gloomy, inhuman and merciless system created at the beginning of the 20th century. Their pupils are not considered part of society, and therefore they do not become one. They are considered poor and unfortunate, miserable and deprived, and only truly sincere and professional charitable foundations are struggling with their socialization, trying to give them back the motivation to live, strive for something and achieve their goals, fill them with faith in their own strengths and suit them in families.

“Well, everyone helps as best they can,” they often answer me offendedly at the mention of professional funds. No, no, I'm not at all against a little help, and I know for sure that EVERYONE can help. But this is not about helping. I am writing all this just to explain - gifts to orphanages for the holidays and without them, as well as a bunch of fun activities for the holidays - this is not help, this is harm.

I will give an example from my own practice, when many years ago I came as part of a group of volunteers to one of the orphanages in the Tver region. We agreed on a visit in advance, prepared competitions and performances, clarified with the director that there would be no one except us that day. When we arrived, another group of volunteers left right in front of us, and the children, stretching, left the assembly hall with gifts. They hoped to go about their business, but the director ordered them to urgently go back to the hall, because "sponsors arrived", and the children wandered off to watch our next songs and dances, which they absolutely did not need. What benefit did we bring them by forcing them to sit in the assembly hall for half a day? What benefits can be brought by a master class on weaving baubles and soap making?

Well, what then to do and how to help, if there is such a desire?

I promised a positive at the end, and here it is - you may not only be needed, but very needed! For example, if you want to have a truly festive event, then organize it for children with disabilities. And try to take them somewhere out of the house, in our country they are so rarely given such an opportunity. And even better - consult with specialized funds and organize a joint event for ordinary children and children with disabilities. This will be very helpful for both.

If you definitely want to give someone a gift, that is, children with cancer, there are children from low-income families, and just those who are on long-term treatment in the hospital, you definitely won’t spoil them. There are also elderly people, people in hospices and hospitals, paralyzed people, prisoners (everyone forgets about them) - they will all be happy with your warmth and attention, they will need your gifts and will be gratefully accepted.

Well, if you want to do something specifically for children from orphanages, then my advice to you is to donate money or become a volunteer in one of the funds that really change their lives and save them:

"Change One Life"- they find a father and mother for children, and there is nothing more precious than this gift.

One of the oldest and most professional foundations dealing with the socialization of orphans.

"Volunteers to help orphans"- they strive to keep as many children as possible in the family and prevent them from falling into orphanages, and also take care of the smallest refuseniks from zero to four years old.

"Big change"- systematic tutoring and development of orphans, they help them enter universities, find themselves in life, gain independence and independence.

With the money that is spent annually on teddy bears for children living in a concentration camp, these funds can really save them, get them out of there, protect them, take care of them.

Everything that I have described in this article is far from new, and any expert in the field of philanthropy will tell you exactly the same thing. Many companies and just kind people have already understood this and are beginning to abandon the system of giving gifts and entertainment to orphanages, and this cannot but rejoice.

Nevertheless, finishing the article, I also sadly look into the eyes of its readers, because most of them will agree with it closer to the beginning of the new year, when they return from orphanages, leaving another dose of gifts there ... "