Nicknames of animal dogs girls for a shepherd. What is the best nickname for a German shepherd boy

Who once disappeared or died, as well as choose the names of people with an unfortunate fate. Names like these carry negative energy.

The name for the pet is a kind of command

What does nickname mean? Maybe for many this is just a nickname, but it is fraught with tremendous power. After all, each sound affects the animal in a special way, influencing its behavior. If you choose a nickname with heart, the dog will appreciate it. The name for the pet is a kind of command. And it should also fit the dog. Having chosen your favorite nickname, look at your pet's face and observe his behavior.

The name Archibald is very suitable for guide dogs.

Nickname meanings

For example, the name Archibald is very suitable for guide dogs because it represents patience. Diminutively, such pets are called Archie. Archibald is calm, confident and trusting. A dog with such a nickname becomes very attached to its owner. And the shepherd dog named Archibald can be found among the rescue dogs or in the guard, since such a name inspires confidence in a four-legged friend. An interesting observation: pets whose nicknames begin with the letter "A" are well brought up.

Barkhan. If you have a guard dog, then you will not find a better nickname for large breeds than Barkhan. This is a formidable guard with an aggressive disposition, which is not easy to get close to. The dune is a dog with an excellent sense of smell, hearing and lightning-fast reaction. The dog will obey and love its owner unquestioningly. But the owner needs to remember one feature in the character trait of Barkhan. Being fair, the dog will not tolerate weakness and injustice on the part of its owner. If this happens, then it will be impossible to stop it. It is better to educate a dog from childhood, suppressing all attempts at disobedience and outrage.

Allergies in dogs: symptoms, types, treatment

Mukhtar. Choosing a nickname for a German shepherd boy, many owners stop at the name Mukhtar. And they make the right choice, as the dog really lives up to the expectations of its owner. A pet with this name is very smart and quick-witted. It is not easy to throw him off balance. He will not run after the cat and will bravely endure all the antics of mischievous children. By the way, Mukhtar treats children with special attention. You can safely entrust him with looking after them, he will protect them. He will never rush at passers-by with a "duty" barking. Mukhtar is a hardy dog, he easily gets used to any climatic conditions.

Gordon. A very rare name, but worth it. It is usually given to purebred shepherds or collies. These are the dogs, which are the "right hand" of the border guards. Easily adaptable to any climate. They love the heat and express their delight in the snow. Gordon loves the air, so such an animal must be kept in an open space. The quality of housing is not important to him. For him, the main thing is space. Dog Gordon can be an excellent guard. It has such an impressive barking that attackers will definitely appreciate it. A dog with this nickname will sniff everyone who arrives at your territory. And he won't calm down until he sniffs everyone. He will be grateful to everyone who will treat him with a delicious delicacy, but will remain faithful to his master, whom he will love most of all.

How to choose a nickname (video)

Rex. It is impossible not to mention the name Rex, as a dog wearing it will be a good guard. The Rex dog understands clearly everything that the owner requires of it. Despite the aggression, the pet is very diligent and accurately fulfills the commands given by the owner. Rex will not let a stranger into his territory and will never forget the one who once dared to tease him.

Thor. A good name for a German shepherd boy would be Thor. This nickname will give strength to the dog, as it is the name of the ancient god of power. Pets with this nickname can be trusted to guard their home and family.

Harry. Dogs with this name are very noble, gifted. The name means "rich house".

Features of the breed of dogs Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Charles is a real man and a true gentleman. He will never betray his master.

Ulan. This nickname suits large individuals. You feel very comfortable with Ulan. He believes in people, is very freedom-loving, courageous and energetic. It is easy to train and obeys its master.

Gallery: dog breeds (35 photos)

German nicknames for large breeds

German dog nicknames are often the names of people or rivers. If this does not bother you, then you can safely use them for your pet.

The meanings of German nicknames:

  • Gut is good-natured;
  • Dick is dense, fat;
  • Vert, Lib - beloved, irreplaceable;
  • Besser is an excellent student;
  • Weikh, Zart - gentle, affectionate;
  • Brav is smart, obedient;
  • Stark is strong;
  • Flink - lightning fast, fast;
  • Fett is brave.

There are also names from German mythology that are suitable for both boys and girls:

  • Gery;
  • Arda;
  • One;
  • Freya;
  • Bragi;
  • Idun;
  • Wotan;
  • Baldur.

These nicknames for boys dogs are filled with meaning and charisma, which is important for large breeds.

How to name a malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is a North American breed of dog, which is why they have always been called by their English names. But the owners in the family circle always change the nicknames of their pets, not sticking to the names indicated in the passport. For example, Albert in a narrow circle is called Alik, and Maxwell is simply Max, Benedict for households is Ben, etc.

Before choosing a name for a malamute, take a closer look at the puppy and do not forget that when he grows up, you will call him in an adult way. Malamutes have subtle nicknames that convey their lively, friendly and mischievous nature. Among them: Balamut, Buran, Joker, Laki (which means "lucky"), Brem, Vidgar.

German Shepherds are large canines, known for their search and guard qualities. Many representatives of the breed serve in the police, troops, and customs. Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a German shepherd, priority should be given to the character traits of the dog: Brave, Faithful, Fierce, Terrible, Buyan, etc.

Pedigree puppies are given an official name 1.5 months after birth. It usually consists of two parts: the proper name and the geographical name of the place where the dog is from. Owners often come up with a new, "home" name for the pet, which is used on a daily basis.

It is advisable not to call the animal by human names. Foreign uncommon homonyms may be an exception.

There are rules, in accordance with which, nicknames for dogs are selected:

  1. The name should be short. Optimally 2-3 syllables.
  2. Do not contain hissing and whistling sounds, repeated repetition of the sound "r".
  3. Corresponds clearly to masculine or feminine gender.
  4. Emphasize the appearance or character of the pet (video author Dmitry Kuzmin).

Nicknames for German boys

German Shepherd Boys will need the names of the German Onomasticon. Their value will emphasize the special qualities of the pet.

  • Axel is the father of the world;
  • Alar, Alard - the sovereign;
  • Amos is a porter;
  • Arman is hard;
  • Ahard is a strong man;
  • Bruno is dark-skinned;
  • Waldo is the king;
  • Welf is a cub of a wild beast;
  • Vil - will, desire;
  • Wolf is a wolf;
  • Ged is a hunter;
  • Gert is strong;
  • Hertz - heart;
  • Hugo is a healthy mind;
  • Gunther - the fighting army;
  • Ditmar - glorified by the people;
  • Siegward - guarding the victory;
  • Irmin - reward;
  • Lothar is an excellent military man;
  • Luben is a wolf;
  • Otto is the owner of the estate;
  • Rainer is clean;
  • Ralph is a glorious wolf;
  • Roland / Rolland - glory of the country;
  • Rudolph is a glorious wolf;
  • Freed is peaceful;
  • Harald is a general;
  • Hugo - the desire of the soul;
  • Caesar - Tsarevich;
  • Ewald is dominant;
  • Evold is a forest.

Quite often, instead of nicknames, the names of geographical objects are used: Baikal, Yenisei, Amur, Kazbek, Elbrus. The owners are happy to give their pets the nicknames of popular movie characters: Buddy, Jerry Lee, Jim, Rex, Frank.

The names of deities from Germanic-Scandinavian mythology are suitable as sonorous nicknames:

  • Bragi is the patron saint of poetry;
  • Welund is a blacksmith god;
  • Njord is a sea god;
  • Odin or Wotan is the main deity;
  • Freyr or Fro - the god of creativity and fun;
  • Thor or Donar - the god of inclement weather;
  • Tyr or Tiu - god of battles and battles;
  • Hermod is a heavenly messenger.

Significant for male German shepherd dogs will be the names of famous dogs that have demonstrated the best qualities when performing official tasks.

  • Antaeus - caught 100 criminals;
  • Ajax - rescued a group of students in the mountains;
  • Balto - delivered a medicinal vaccine to residents of a city in Alaska
  • Ber - contributed to the disclosure of St. 50 crimes;
  • Derik - flew into the stratosphere;
  • Dick - helped to defuse 12 thousand German explosive devices;
  • Ingus - detained over 100 border violators;
  • Leo - worked at customs in Amsterdam and assisted in drug discovery;
  • Rin Tin Tin - famous film actor dog;
  • Tref - identified over 1.5 thousand criminals;
  • Gypsy - made a flight into the stratosphere.

Beautiful names for shepherd girls

Beautiful female homonyms of German origin will be a good choice for naming girls-dogs.

  • Adele is noble;
  • Alma is noble;
  • Biruta is a child;
  • Gazelle - arrow;
  • Gemma - adorned with precious stones;
  • Dita - folk;
  • Easter is the goddess of the rainbow;
  • Linda is a linden tree;
  • Rainis is clean;
  • Frida is the world;
  • Helga - light;
  • Hilda - armor;
  • Elodeya is the owner;
  • Elga - sacred;
  • Elda is brave;
  • Ermena is the goddess of war.

The list of famous shepherd dogs, famous for their traits and behavior, includes:

  • Albina - flew into space;
  • Blondie is the best police dog;
  • Doira is the best bloodhound;
  • Palma - for several years faithfully waited for the owner at the Vnukovo airport.

What's your German Shepherd's name?

Every dog ​​owner should know that a dog's name is a kind of calling card. Indeed, often the nickname reflects the temperament, vivid character traits, and even the characteristics of the dog. In addition, some people judge the owners by the nickname of pets. The best dog names, as a rule, consist of several syllables, sound loud and simple. Our list of popular names for shepherd girls, posted below, will help you navigate the variety of names. And we hope that you will find the best nickname for your shepherd dog.

All lovers of four-legged creatures know that the choice of a nickname for a dog is a responsible and important moment. You should be especially careful when choosing names for German shepherds. It should be noted that this breed of dog is distinguished by a rare intelligence, courage, pride and extraordinary intellectual abilities. Therefore, you need to choose an appropriate nickname in order to emphasize the breed qualities of the puppy and its character.

Choosing a name for a girl's shepherd

When choosing a name for a shepherd dog, remember that it has some influence on the future character of the puppy. First of all, you need to consider for what purpose the puppy was brought up. Many breeders advise giving dogs short, monosyllabic nicknames that the animal can quickly remember. As a rule, many service and watchdogs are given precisely such short names as: Colt, Rex, Guy, Lord. It should be noted that dogs with short sonorous names are easier to train.

You should not give dogs common names, it is better to give the girl an exclusive name to the shepherd dog. The shepherd girl will suit such melodious nicknames as: Chiara, Lady, Daisy. For funny and playful puppies, the name Milo is suitable. And, conversely, for serious and phlegmatic dogs such nicknames as: Gray, Diana or Graf are suitable.

Some dog owners use sonorous geographic features as names: Texas, Malta, Dallas; or the names of characters from cartoons: Shrek, Balto, Pluto. You can even use the names of characters from popular movies. The main thing, remember, the name of the puppy should not cause laughter from others.

Beautiful names for shepherd girls:

So, what is worth remembering if you are going to purchase a German shepherd puppy. Firstly, this is a large and service dog, so its name should be as sonorous, short and clear as possible. It should be different from all common words and work commands. What is it for? Just imagine a critical situation when you need to give a dog an urgently needed command. How do you do this if the animal's nickname consists of several words or is too difficult to pronounce?

If a puppy was given a complex long name according to the passport or from the nursery, you can come up with a daily work nickname. Let it be difficult and long for a passport or for exhibitions and titles. The main thing in the work is convenience and functionality. The nickname should be sonorous and short so that it is easy to pronounce.

Secondly, the name must fit the dog. Agree that nicknames, for example, Funtik, Pupsik, Dogi or Archik, are not very suitable for a German shepherd. It is very good if the nicknames for the German Shepherd somehow reflect the essence of the character of the dogs, their demeanor, their appearance or their color. Fourth, you should not call a service dog by the human name from your everyday life. The animal should know well when they are talking to him, and not to a passing neighbor.

Summing up the above, let's outline the basic rules when choosing a nickname for a German shepherd puppy:

  1. The name of the dogs should be suitable for their character, appearance, peculiarities of their use. For example, the nickname Black can be given to a black male.
  2. Choose a sonorous, well-pronounced name that doesn't sound like a command or an everyday working word.
  3. If the passport contains a monosyllabic and two-syllable name, for example, on the mother's or father's side, as well as on the name of the nursery, then be sure to come up with a working everyday nickname. It should be short and clear.
  4. Do not use a human name from your environment or frequent use of your puppy.
  5. The nickname of a German shepherd should not be funny, offensive, contain rude or obscene words.

Do not forget that German Shepherds are confident and resolute dogs, they will become excellent guards and loyal companions for you. Consider these traits when choosing a name.

If a puppy has already appeared in your house, but you still cannot find a suitable name for him, do not rush. Take a closer look at your pet, perhaps you will see after a while its some unusual character traits, some peculiarity of behavior. If you are superstitious, do not choose your previous pet's name for your new pet. Or if you have negative emotions with some names, we also do not recommend using them. Find out an example of a good meaning of a nickname in the video from Polit Russia.

Nicknames for beautiful girls

If you are the lucky owner of a German shepherd girl (bitch), do not rush to give her a cute and calm nickname. Especially if the dog will be involved in official work. As practice shows, girls are even fiercer and more aggressive than males. It should be a louder and even harsher name. Fortunately, there are good choices among the options.

LetterNicknames for girls (bitches)
AAlpha, Alma, Iris, Ariadna, Addie, Alaida, Azari, Adeline, Alta, Aza, Amanda, Quince, Alba, Ada, Azara, Harp, Astra, Adele.
BBagheera, Berta, Basta, Barbara, Bambina, Betty, Bonna, Bonita, Becky, Berita.
VWalda, Venus, Virta, Vlada, Vienna, Blizzard, Varna, Vesta.
GGabby, Galatea, Hekla, Gloria, Greta, Gamma, Thunderstorm, Gerda, Glory, Gretchen.
DDaisy, Dina, Donna, Derika, Gypsy, Haze, Damka, Domenica, Dalma, Dara, Jackie, Gemma, Delta, Dalla.
EEgoza, Eva, Efina.
FJosephine, Giselle, Julia, Jacqueline, Jeanne.
ZZara, Fun, Zateya, Zlata, Zolda, Zidda.
ANDIrma, India, Spark, Indus, Truth, Isis, Isolde.
TOKaira, Blot, Cobra, Drop, Kasiopeya, Katana, Carmen, Cassie, Doll, Cassia.
LLinda, Lada, Lady, Lala, Lizzie, Leila, Laima, Lucia.
MMary, Malva, Milady, Ma'am, Madonna, Monica, Dream, Blizzard, Malta, Maggie, Miranda.
NNera, Nelly, Nevada, Nora, Nymph, Naira, Nika, Nicole.
OOda, Olympia, Osta, Octave, Ocher, Oreanda.
NSPrima, Palma, Pallet.
RRada, Rose, Raquel, Rhyme, Rona, Rapier, Risel, Rusty (Rustinella)
WITHSabrina, Signora, Susan, Cindy, Arrow, Sandra, Selena, Silva, Stella.
TTanta, Taiga, Tina, Tequila, Tera, Thames, Tiffany.
HaveUlana, Undine, Ustilada.
FFelicia, Florence, Fortuna, Fairy, Frida, Flora, Felada.
NSCharisma, Charter
CQueen, Celsius.
HChara, Enchantress, Chizara.
NSShadrin, Shammi, Shaina, Sheina, Rogue.
NSElba, Hellas, Etna, Elsa, Emma, ​​Angie, Era, Esther, Elite, Esmeralda.
NSUnita, Utah, Yuzhanka, Ugra.
I AMYanina, Yanetta, Bright, Jasper.

Do you believe that the nickname influences and determines the fate (character) of the dog?

Nicknames for strong boys

You have or will appear a German shepherd dog, then it's time to find out what names you can pick up. Boys of this breed are incredibly brave, loyal and often ferocious. All belligerent and formidable names are suitable for them, especially if the dog is a service dog.

LetterNicknames for boys (male)
AAntey, Air, Axel, Azart, Aramis, Altai, Almaz, Atlas, Amper, Amur, Arnie (Arnold).
BBars, Baron, Barkhan, Buran, Basalt, Bard, Black, Boss, Bruno.
VJack, Wolf, Leader, Varyag, Knight, Vulcan, Viking, Volt.
GHarold, Vulture, Gideon, Gilmore, Grant, Thunder, Goliath, Grim, Gray.
DJared, Gene, Dzhulbars, Domenik, Dantes, Dinar, Dobrynya, Joker, Savage, Dick, Jack.
EEnisey, Elizar, Huntsman.
FGerard, Jacques, Gesture.
ZFervor, Zach, Zeus.
ANDIkar, Ingus, Irtysh, Irbis.
TOQuint, Claude, Clark, Kazbek, Kaiser, Cardinal, Corsair, Kant, Consul, Colt, Chancellor.
LLord, Locke, Fierce, Lars, Lucky.
MTycoon, Milan, Muscat, Mars, Moor, Milord.
NNord, Neman, Newton, Norman, Nick.
OOrestes, Oscar, Otis, Orion, Orpheus, Olympus, Otto.
NSPerseus, Paladin, Partos, Pirate, Pierre, Pierce.
RRenold, Rex, Ramses, Richard, Rio, Ricky, Ralph, Roger, Richard, Redmond.
WITHSet, Spartak, Sultan, Suleiman.
TTyphoon, Topaz, Titan, Tigran, Tamir.
HaveHurricane, Urgan, Wizart.
FFargus, Farhat, Flipper, Phobos, Falkor.
NSCharon, Hart.
CCicero, Tsimbal.
HChampion, Charlie, Chucky, Chengis.
NSSherlock, Sherkhan, Sheriff.
NSElhan, Elf, Esenhower
NSYustan, Yulan.
I AMJaguar, Ardent.

Video " How to choose a nickname for a dog?»

How you can name your pet, what should be taken into account when choosing a name and what is better not to use, the dog handler will tell you in this video (video from ZooGrad).

Quiz of values ​​"Write the name of the dog and its meaning":

“Dear readers, we invite you to start an exciting quiz about the meanings of dog names. For example, Adele - means noble, kind. We look forward to interesting options from you! "

So, you have decided on the choice of breed - this is a shepherd dog. Found a club or kennel, or agreed with friends who will give (sell) a puppy to you. The whole family is excited.

The day has come - and a smart and carefree piece of fluffy energy has appeared in the family! He happily rolls around the apartment in a ball, fearlessly rushes at his enemies in the face of a broom or slippers and still does not look too much like an adult shepherd dog - an intelligent and serious creature.

Everything would be fine: there are bowls, a muzzle, a collar, a leash and toys.

There is only a nickname. What nickname to choose?

Just call me Ball

If a dog is brought in as a funny companion or a guard of a summer residence, then names such as Sharik, Bublik, Bobik are not bad. But not for a shepherd dog!

A thoroughbred princess or a noble prince is waiting for something chic and harmonious. Yet this is a serious dog.

The Sheepdog, as the name of the breed suggests, was bred for grazing sheep herds - flock.

Such a dog's "profession" was necessary in many parts of the world, and therefore the appearance of different shepherd dogs is so different.

Common to all- protective qualities, fearlessness (after all, the task of a shepherd dog is to drive away any, even a very large predator), intelligence (shepherd dogs do not wait for a command in an extreme situation, but make decisions themselves; it is impossible to wait until a slow person orientates himself: the wolf will not wait!).

Perhaps, to prefer a nickname, somehow connected with the "profession" of the dog? Huntsman, for example, or Hardy?

Nickname constructor

Actually, the acquisition of a purebred dog has another "side effect": there are rules for the selection of nicknames for puppies. There are several of them, and breeders adhere to them.

At first, all puppies of the same litter - boys and girls - must have nicknames starting with the same letter. Moreover, this letter is determined by the management of the club (and in the kennel - the kennel itself). For example, there are 9 puppies in the litter, and they are given the nicknames Lucha, Labzina, Larry, Liang, Lloyd, Lyubim, Laura, Lotos, Leonardo.

Secondly, the nickname should contain a hint of the club (kennel), for example, the first letter of its name.

Thirdly, in the name of the puppy there should be some elements of the nicknames of the parents.

For example, letter -M, kennel "Selena", parents Mars and Sale - Marseille. This is a convenient example, but it might not be so, then the puppy's nickname would have come out of two or three words.

In the case of a purebred puppy, you get a passport where the nickname is already entered, but it is quite possible that it is like the one you see in our example. It is impossible to click the puppy "Graf Schutz Hund". He needs to be given a "usual" nickname, so to speak, not for an exhibition, but for life. It may or may not be in tune with the "official" one.

There are a number of other rules.

For example, it is not accepted to give to dogs human Russian names: different Alexandra and Veronica do not suit them. But if you want to call your beauty a foreign name - please: Harry, Lisa, Adriano, Jack, Oscar, Jacqueline and others.

Also not accepted use city names... But there are as many other place names as you like: Everest, Missouri, Yukon, Congo, Java, Europe. Here you can also emphasize your patriotism: Baikal, Ural, Yenisei, Dniester, Kazbek, Shuya, Taiga.

In search of self-expression

The name of a shepherd dog - male or female - may reflect the interests and worldview of the owner.

  • Popular, for example, computer nicknames - Byte, Gates, Web;
  • political- Clinton, Castro;
  • musical- Beethoven, Jazz, Harp, Giselle, Lyra;
  • cinematic- Brando, Monroe, Cruz, Noris, Uma, Sharon;
  • literary- Wendy, Laertes, Hamlet, Bagheera, Stalker, Quasimodo.

For those who are strong interested in occultism, - the nicknames Karma, or Chakra, for astrologers and astronomers- Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sirius, Vega, Alpha, Altair, Cosmos. Don't just call it Black Hole or the Milky Way - you will be misunderstood.

Wide scientific interests of the owner manifest themselves in such nicknames as Quantum or Kant, Default or Oda, Constant or Sigma. However, before calling a dog Inflation or Forest, it is worth considering.

Chanel, Brandy, Porter, Harley, Carat, Sherry, Poker, Zero, Bridge, Eclair, Diamant, Yakhont, Broadway - not scientific, but still interests. This can also include "Money" nicknames: Thaler, Bucks, Currency, Evrik and others. If only not a cent, a penny or a penny!

Obviously, the owner of such a shepherd is hoping for a significant benefit from keeping the dog. Or he dreams that the nickname will attract financial luck. Or maybe this is in case of a crisis, when he can say: “It's okay! We have one Bucks. "

More examples of nicknames for shepherd dogs boys and girls, which brilliantly reflected the multifaceted interests and knowledge of the owners.

Automotive: Honda, Lexus, Ford, Audi, Opel.
Mythological: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Naiad, Undine, Odysseus, Penelope, Ajax, Achilles, Nymph, Muse, Faerie, Fairy, Troy, Siegfried, Arjuna.
Historical: Hannibal, Bagration, Caesar, Horace, Scythian.

Name and type of shepherd

Another option is to give the dog a “traditional” nickname - from a book, a movie.

This is not the best way out: Well, how many German shepherds Rex, Mukhtarov, Dzhulbars can run along the streets! However, in extreme cases, this option for a shepherd is better than Quintessence or Micron.

You can turn to the breed of a shepherd dog and somehow associate a nickname with it:

  • collie(Scottish Shepherd) may be called Kilt or Scotch;
  • - Kurt or Brunhilde, Otto or Gerda;
  • - Abrek or Shaitan, Ali Baba or Bai;
  • - Kanga, Austra;
  • australian kelpie(which, apparently, has a wild dog among its ancestors) - Dingo, Dynamo;
  • (there are 4 different types, all are very nimble and active) - Best, Hercule;
  • bergamo shepherd(used in the Alps, wool with "ropes") - Alp, Cord;
  • (bred in Great Britain) - Brita, Milord, Lady, Nanny;
  • (bred in England from dogs that arrived with the Vikings) - Viking, Kunigunda;
  • bearded collie(except for sheep breeding, it was used to search for truffles) - Truffle, Rapunzel;
  • welsh corgi(the smallest shepherd dog) - Wales, Malysh, Berkut;
  • Hungarian kuvasz- Matthias, Cherry;
  • (often silver or golden) - Arctic fox, Gold;
  • (Hungarian Shepherd Dog of exceptional intelligence, wool with cords or ribbons) Socrates, Lama;
  • bullets(originally from Asia, jumps beautifully) - Froggy, Pamir;
  • (bred in Crimea) - Crimea, Abrau, Whitey.

A few words about the nicknames of boys and girls shepherds

In general, there is more than forty species of shepherd dogs, although not all can be found in Russia. Nicknames may reflect the features of their appearance or origin, or they may not have anything to do with the breed characteristics.

Often seeking a successful nickname, the owner's gaze turns to flora(Palm, Rose, yes the same Flora) or fauna... Here, of course, there is room for creativity. Tigger, Leopard, Tur, Panther, Bars, Eagle, Berkut, Griffin, Kit, Cobra - if only the name reflects the brave disposition, strength, swiftness inherent in shepherd dogs.

Finally, it is often the focus of attention dog's appearance... Here, too, there is a complete variety, because shepherd dogs are very different. The nickname can be reflected shepherd color- Noir, Black, Brown, Gray. If you are not a polyglot, clarify what does english or german word with which you want to make the dog happy as a name. No, the puppy will still love you, even if you call her, for example, Klein (small).

Among the owners of shepherd dogs, a passion for "Aristocratic" nicknames: Rex, King, Count, Sultan, Shah, Prince, Regina, Shahinya, Kaiser. This is not surprising, because these dogs are so majestic and noble!

Does the nickname affect the character of the dog? Probably yes. Scientists say that dogs are very sensitive, willingly adjust to their beloved owner. And for us all words mean something, and we involuntarily put all these meanings into our understanding of the nickname. The dog just catches what its name is: with humor (Broom), with admiration (Griffin), or imposing aggressiveness (Cobra; in general, many "growling" sounds in the name make the dog more aggressive).

The nickname should, if possible, meet the requirements related to. It shouldn't be long, preferably two syllables.

She shouldn't be consonant with the commands: Pound - "Fu!", Fax - "Fas!" and the like. She must pronounced well so that the owner does not stumble over the letters, and the dog immediately understands that this is her nickname, and not a complex word similar to it.

In general, a sonorous, beautiful name is desirable. You will have to yell it many times in the dog playground. Perhaps names like Pfennig are best avoided.

It is considered a bad omen to call a puppy. by the nickname of his deceased predecessor... And there is no need. That dog is no more, and, having kept the nickname, you will involuntarily see in the new pet that, the old one.

Of course, no matter how you name a shepherd puppy, he will be your most beloved dog, and you will be your most beloved owner for him. But still, it is better to take the choice of a nickname seriously.