When to teach a child to speak. Creation of a developing speech environment at home. Games for the development of speech

How to teach a child to talk? Start with him to learn poetry, pronounce the letters. How to do it? Read more…

How to teach a child to speak?

According to early development experts, the ability to speak at an early age is the most important factor in determining the entire further development of the child. And how harmonious it will be depends directly on the parents themselves. That is why many today are so eager to teach their child to speak as early as possible. In addition, this is one of the best ways to make the life of a baby even more interesting.

It is important at an early age to teach children to correctly express their feelings and emotions, to build sentences correctly. Of course, we do not remember how and when we learn to speak ourselves, and therefore it seems that the learning process is always easy and simple. But is it really so? Is it really easy to teach a child to speak?

Only if you choose the right technique!

The Umnitsa company offers unique early development methods designed specifically to teach a child to speak, read, count and be independent. Want to know more? We will tell you how to teach your child to speak words correctly. Choose the best for your children!

Here are some ways to quickly teach a child to speak.

From birth, pay attention to establishing emotional contact with the baby. Catch his eyes, smile, talk. Sing, speak with intonation changes. Your speech should be clear, correct, varied.

Tell your baby about what is happening around, what you will do with him now. At the same time, pause so that the baby can answer you in his own language. Be sure to keep up the conversation by repeating his sounds after the child or emotionally asking: “Do you really think so?”.

Purposefully walk around the house or on the street and tell the baby about various objects. When the baby himself learns to point his finger at the thing of interest to him, your conversations will become longer and more meaningful.

Develop your baby's speech by teaching whole words to read. You can start training both from birth and after 2-3 years. First, show him flashcards with words, then move on to reading together children's books from the Book Warm-up kits - part 1 and part 2. To actively replenish the vocabulary of the crumbs, we also recommend using the Talking from the Diapers program.

Complete the baby's words. For example, he learned to say "Bah" while pointing at a dog. Answer him: “That's right, this is a dog, the dog says “Woof”. Actively use onomatopoeia with animals, it brings special pleasure to the baby.

Choose several objects of the same color, and show the baby with the words: “Here is a ring, it is blue, here is a cube, it is also blue, and the box is blue. All these things are blue." After studying the basic colors, you can proceed to get acquainted with the shades of colors.

Tell your baby poems and sing songs, thanks to the rhythm they are perfectly remembered by the child. When the poem has been read many times, give the baby the opportunity to finish the line himself, or end it intentionally incorrectly so that the baby corrects it.

Use special game verses: patties, magpie-crow, geese-geese, which also develop fine motor skills of the hands. All of them, as well as other jokes, counting rhymes, washers, spillers, shagals, are included in the Primer from Diapers set. The unique “leaflet books” that are part of the “We Speak and Read from Diapers” system will also be useful for classes.
Speaking of fine motor skills. It has long been proven that the dexterity of fingers and the development of speech are directly proportional, since neighboring parts of the brain are responsible for them. Therefore, constantly let the baby play with objects that are different in texture and shape.

Here are such useful and fun activities for the development of speech - the exact answer to the question of how to teach a child to speak. In the process of learning, the baby will never be bored, because his favorite pastime now is to learn and explore the world. Communicate with the crumbs with pleasure, and you will not only teach him to talk, but also establish close emotional contact with your closest little man.

Development of speech of a child from 1 to 2.5 years

To get your baby to talk, use a variety of stimulants. It can be your emotions, or words from the lexicon of children and adults. Let's take a closer look at the options for stimulating the speech of the baby.

  1. Positively respond to any attempts by the child to say something new even if the word didn't sound perfect.
  2. Use such syllables and letters: aaa, ha-ha, yes-yes, ma, pa, ba.
  3. V pick 5 key words and use them often in speech, or separately. These can be the following words: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, dog.
  4. Use impersonation words: - sleep - aah, - eat - yum-yum,

    - rain - drip-cap,

    - dog - woof-woof,

    - goose - ha-ha,

    - frog - kva-kva,

    - hand over - ladies-ladies,

    - supal - bang-bang,

    - drum - bam-bam.

  5. Use words from an adult's vocabulary: grass, dog, watch, watch, etc. The child can repeat them in his own way. For example: tava, babaka, titiki, mochi. Simplifying words is natural for children aged 1 to 2.5 years.

Remember that learning something new should evoke positive emotions in the child. Play with your baby, often say “yes” instead of “no” to him, and soon your child will speak.

Speech therapy poems for children, counting rhymes for consonants: V, G, T, D, B



Sparrows, crows, owls,
Wolves, lions, oxen, cows.
Who can repeat?
Failed - you drive!

The locomotive flies in the sky
A wagon floats in the sea
The wolf walks through the air
Who does not believe - get out!



Thunder rumbles, threatens, rumbles -
The storm wants to scare us!

The sky was blue
It became menacing, steel ...

The city beats with peas,
The city won't let us walk!
But the storm is getting further, quieter,
Muffler thunder, and the sky is clearer ...

Lit up in a semicircle
Rainbow - an arc over the meadow!

We run out one after another -
We play catch-up!

Homonym, clamor, cackle,
We jump, we roar, we roar!


Dog Laika guest
Brought a big bone.
The husky opened its mouth,
Grabbed a bone and a bone
Under Nastya's bed
So that the cat could not get it.
Dog: crunch yes crunch,
But suddenly - what sadness! -
stuck in the mouth of a bone
And pricks like a nail!
The kitten shouted: “Nast!
Open the dog's mouth!
Grabbed a bone with his claws
And the guest saved the dog.
Kitten, Kostya, Nastya
Everyone shines with happiness!
All day kitten Vasya
Taught the dog Nastya:
“Greedy, know that no one loves,
Greed, know, will destroy you!


Tatka put on
Slippers on paws.
Slippers - on Tatka.
On slippers - patches.

Tatka threw off
Slippers in patches.
- Give me socks!
-Give me stockings!

Put on your boots
On Tatka's legs!
Put on your gloves
On Tatka's hands!

Put on a handkerchief
In a blue flower!
Now everything is all right
Fashionista Tatka.



Walked, wandered
judged, rowed,
hooted, hooted
No business, no purpose.

The weeks go by
The years have flown by...
The idlers roam
No business, no purpose...


greedy, greedy,
I ate chocolate
Ate a grape
Currant - a whopper,
Ate nine videos
nineteen walkers,
ninety carnations,
Ten boats!


Robin - Bobbin - Barabek
Ate a lamb for lunch
Ate a bull, salmon, beans,
Borscht, broth, pancakes, mushrooms
Apple, watermelon, bananas,
zucchini and eggplant,
Ate strawberries and cranberries
barberry and blueberry,
I ate a loaf, a biscuit, a loaf,
Bun, sandwich, bagel!

… Poor Robin says:
- My appetite is small.
I'm not satisfied with lunch...
Maybe I'm very sick?


Drum, button accordion and trumpets,
Balalaika, tambourine, tubas.
We play, we beat, we strum
We drum and trumpet!

Speech therapy verses and tongue twisters for consonants: Р, ̕P̕


Here is preparing to fly
Rotary wing helicopter.
No acceleration, no takeoff:
Unscrew the screw - and into the sky.


The tram is roaring
The tram is calling
Runs fast along the rails.
Domchit in any direction.
Who wants to ride?


We can't get through
Through the city by subway:
No cars or pedestrians
Crossroads, crossings -
The path is laid underground
The fastest and most direct.


The ship is vintage
With sails
With a mast long
At the helm - steering,
The wind blows astern.
The wind blows the sail
The ship sailed across the seas.


Slowed down
By the sidewalk
blue trolleybus,
Round lights.
Pedestrians entered.
Only the doors opened
And in passengers
Everyone has turned.

A rocket flies across the sky.
A carriage is driving along the road.

A cow is grazing in the meadow
The king has a golden crown.

A crow sits on a birch.
Gates are open in the yard.

Misha was given a lesson
With the words: road, threshold,
Crow, magpie, sheep,
Sparrow, carp, drums.

Mom and son made it
Write a story in a week.
Mom said to her son:
- Picture this:

Here is the lake. It has carp in it.
It's raining over the lake.
Daisies grow on the road
And fragrant "porridge".

A cow is walking along the road
Fragrant "porridge" chews.
A ram is walking along the road,
The ram carries a drum.

A sparrow is feasting on the road,
Peas and peel steals.
There is a kennel near the fence,
The mongrel growls at the thief.

Magpie sits on the gate,
Waiting for her children, calling them
(Magpie cooked porridge,
Haven't fed the kids yet.

And the pink piglets
(Guys are totally pissed off)
Water trough overturned
And they threw fish into the lake!

The crow flies over them
And croaks - scolds them!
Misha taught diligently
But not very carefully

And this is the picture
It turned out in the story of the son:
"On the lake, like a ship,
A trough with a ram floats.

With joy this ram
The horns are beating the drum!
Carp are walking along the road
(The most important one rides in a taxi!).

A cow from a kennel
Mooing like a sparrow: - Great!
Feast, dear, to health
And drink cow's milk!

A mongrel flies over the threshold
And he barks very hard.
Pigs are sitting on the gate
And they sing a song about magpies:

- Forty forty stole peas,
Forty crows robbed forty.
The sparrow calls the crow
To talk to the phone."

Argued, quarreled
Andrey with Gregory:
- I - says Andrew, -
I'll talk to you quickly!

- And I - says Gregory -
I'll beat you faster!
And Kirill was standing next to him,
I looked at them and said:
- Reconciled, Andrey, with Gregory!
Grigory, don't quarrel with Andrey!
Andrei Gregory cannot be spoken to,
Do not argue with Grigory Andrey.
I alone can persuade you
Reconcile, I will be able to make friends!

Tongue Twisters

Wait a minute, building
Simple building.
Stay on a simple building
Stand in an empty building
Stay on empty
Stay simple
On an empty, simple building!

Tangerines at Irinka,
Irinka has tangerines.

Lanterns on the door.
Lights on the door.

black grouse on a tree,
Black grouse on the tree.

Speech therapy verses for consonants: K, G, R, V, M, N

Kitty-kitty, kitty-kiss-kiss,
Did you catch rats today?
The rats went out for a walk.
Kitty, you need to catch them!

We cook porridge every day.
We are not too lazy to eat porridge.
Porridge gives us all the strength,
With porridge we will be beautiful.

Geese-geese, ha-ha-ha!
They drive them all from the yard.
The geese are out on the lawn.
"Ha-ha-ha!" they shout at him.

Gosh was walking in the city.
Gena Gosh was looking for it there.
Where does his friend Gena live,
Lena said a year ago.

“R-r-r,” the tiger cub growled, “
I met different animals.
But the tiger cubs growl
Better than all the animal guys!”

rainbow colors sky
Suddenly decorated boldly.
Joyfully again on the path
Romka and Antoshka are jumping.

Eight polite bears
We ate all the porridge together.
Scaring all the neighbors
They roared gratefully.

Vasya, Vova and Vitalik
They took a roller with blue paint.
Paint the gate with a roller
Vasya's dad entrusted them.

Eight waffles and cheesecakes
Vova will eat with Vasya.
Vasya quickly ate all the waffles.
Vova will hardly be happy.

Masha washed her hands with soap,
At the same time washed the plum.
Masha treated Mila
Mila smiled sweetly.

Mom, can I go for a walk?
Masha can wait for me.
We wanted together with Masha
Chalk drawing with Natasha.

We all need to sleep at night
To see all the dreams.
At night Nina-Antonina
The Nile Fairy visits.

“Nu-nu-nu,” said Nina,
Calling names is not nice.
We all need to listen to mom
And do not offend Nastya.

Speech therapy verses for consonants: Z-S, D-T, V-F, B-P, Zh-Sh

Zosya went down for the pacifier,
But Zosya did not find the nipples.
Zosia does not go to sleep,
And Zosya is looking for a pacifier, walking around.

Sasha and Zoya in the garden behind the plum tree
They walked, holding hands nicely.
Zoya Sasha said aloud:
“I didn’t know a better garden!”

A fireworks explosion is a powerful sound.
Hearing disappears immediately.
Close your ears.
Quieter sound - your hearing is clearer.

Woodpecker hammering for kids
Hollow house for nine days.
Woodpecker children will be there
Pound holes in the morning.

“I wiped the holes to the holes with a rag at home, -
With annoyance, Dima said Tyoma, -
Here, Dima, look at the holes!
I didn't finish half of it!"

A woodpecker is sitting and chiseling an oak tree.
In this case, the woodpecker is cool!
The woodpecker teaches children to hammer.
Woodpecker babies don't buzz.

Waffles with coffee in the yard -
Frosin breakfast in the spring.
I would like to ask Frosya
Treat everyone with waffles.

I will take the flag in my hands,
I'll wave all the flags.
What a flag in your hand!
Everyone can see the flag in the distance.

I'll take dates on the road.
Wrap it in foil a little.
Two dates for all of us.
I always eat dates.

The bull walks quickly across the field,
The bull puffs, the bull approaches us.
They quickly ran with Petya.
The bull seems to be running with us.

Borya and Petya went to fight.
Borya wanted to fire once.
But Petya took the gun from Borya:
He knew how to fight, Boris - not yet.

A little more than half of the beans
Dima gave us brotherly sleep.
We should eat more beans
We should listen to dad more.

The highway hisses in the heat.
“Hot, noisy,” he says, “
Terribly fast all cars
Tires burn in the heat."

One step, another step.
Jump and step again.
I walk fast and wide.
Walking with desire is so easy.

The beetle buzzed terribly noisily.
It created a buzzing noise.
I approached the beetle myself.
"Hush, beetle!" - told him.

Speech therapy verses for vowels: Y, O, A, I, U, E

The fish swam to the fish:
“I was in Crimea yesterday.
Crabs and dolphins in the sea
Resting in the open."

Dima has two cars,
There is also a rubber ball.
If Dima had a trampoline,
He would be quite happy.

The lynx growled at the little lynx:
“Yesterday you teased your little sister,
But you should be friends.
Sisters, brothers, everyone needs!

Very bored in the yard -
Olya and Tolya are nowhere to be found.
Olya was taken to the sea.
Tolya left with his grandmother.

There was a steam locomotive.
He brought firewood to the village.
Very often a steam locomotive
Carries something to that village.

"I really want to go to the sea, -
Sonya says to her friend,
I love the Black Sea
Sunbathe and swim to your heart's content."

Asters Asya loves very much
And will grow them.
And then all the asters Asya
The girls will give in the classroom.

Grandma bought watermelons
At first there were so many.
But Alya quickly ate them all,
Didn't even notice.

Bunny collected a mosaic,
And the raccoon read Dunno.
The hedgehog drew in the album,
The fox brother raven counted.

Blue frost covered everything -
Frost has inherited them.
Zimushka-winter has come,
She brought frost with her.

Blue plums hung
They were invited to eat.
I collect plums in a bowl,
Ira, I treat Vika.

Lily and just Lily -
Only one and the same name.
Also Rita-Margarita,
Vitalina is Vita.

I have many lessons.
I'll call my sister for help.
Learn lessons together
It doesn't take much time.

At the cuckoo cuckoo
He says “coo-coo” half-awake.
Cuckoo loves the morning
Caterpillars he would eat the dish.

Ulyana has a top.
There is a doll, and not one.
Donald Duck, duckling, eat -
We can't count all the toys.

Barely a soul in the body
The turtle crawled.
Her step is always measured,
She lives slowly.

Elena loves to be lazy
Lena is not good at being lazy.
Lazy Lena is ashamed to be,
She needs to forget about laziness.

Daily at the raccoon
There is only one concern:
Find your own food
Rinse food in the pond.

Speech therapy verses for consonants: T, D, S, B, P

Three-rub, three-rub,
Wipe everything with a clean rag.
We clean everything, sweep.
And then we'll go for a walk.

Aunt Tanya, look
I ate three cutlets.
And now I'll have a cake -
Prepare a big meal!

Three kittens played like this
That the toys are lost.
Looking here and looking there...
“It will get from mom to us!”

In a pipe, doo-doo, doo-doo,
I can blow a song.
I take it twice a day
And I play: "Doo-doo-doo."

Give the apple two slices:
A slice for me and a slice for Tolka.
I will always share with a friend.
Never been greedy!

Dasha, Dina and Darina
They are friends with Danya, they are friends with Dima.
They go to kindergarten together
Everyone spends time together.

Magpie flew into the garden.
The gardener is not happy about this.
Forty can steal plums,
And the plums are amazingly sweet.

Forty-seven soms caught
Our neighbor fisherman Ivan.
The whole village told him:
“We haven’t seen so many fish!”

Sasha Sonechka asked:
“How many dryers were there in total?”
Sasha quickly counted
"Seven" - confidently said.

Grandma baked pancakes
I called my grandson Borya.
Borya ate pancakes with mushrooms,
And pancakes with lingonberries - for mom.

"Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Behemoth, go to sleep" -
Mama hippo sang
Queen of all swamps.

The lamb has a drum.
Drumming in the morning.
The bull has a balalaika,
Come on, bull, let's play.

steamboat on the river,
Floated so smoothly, lightly.
Our steamer entered the port -
He carries passengers.

Polu ride a pony
Dad brought me to the park in the morning.
Pony cute in a blanket
All the kids are waiting in the park.

The spider wove a cobweb.
Spider web like a picture.
He will catch flies in it.
There will be a spider to eat them.

Clean tongues for the sounds of Sh, Zh, Ch, Sh

Our Tanya is good.
And he sings well.
Sing a song to a child.
Kids love songs.

The hedgehog has quills.
But they do not sew, alas, hedgehogs.
Threads are not needed for a hedgehog.
Same, same, same,
This is a song about a hedgehog.

A candle is burning on the table.
Oh, how hot the candle is.
I'll blow on the candle.
I'll blow the flame off the candle.

In the rain, I get wet without a raincoat.
I'm looking for an umbrella.
I will walk in a raincoat.
And still in boots.


Sing with us slowly.
Let's sing a song to the baby.
The reeds sang with us.
It worked out well.

From an early age, you should teach your baby to correctly express his emotions, to correctly build sentences. At first glance, it seems that the process will not cause labor, and there will be no difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. However, every child is different and may not start talking right away.

When to teach a child to speak

There are age periods by which you can determine how well the development of speech in a baby is going. There are no strictly defined rules. The learning process should begin from birth: the baby should sing songs, tell stories, talk to him while walking. The mother's heart will tell you how to act.

In the period from 6 months to a year, the brain centers responsible for speech are actively formed, so communication with the baby should be given increased attention.

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the speech areas are almost completely formed. It is at this time that children begin to freely express their thoughts, speak, and learning should be as active as possible. Do not worry if there is no sharp jump by this age. The best option is to consult with a specialist, and in the absence of signs of illness or physiological abnormalities, continue to develop the speech apparatus.

Norms of speech of children of different ages

Each period of growing up is characterized by certain sounds, words and sentences with which the baby expresses his emotions.

What does a 12 month old baby say?

The first sounds from the baby can be heard as early as 2 months (in addition to screaming and crying). The kid says “-gu” with pleasure, stretches out the vowel “-a”. It is important to answer the crumbs, to make it clear that communication is important. After a few months, more complex combinations can be heard. It is useful to include music, audio books, etc. for him. A one-year-old baby knows about 5-10 words, consisting of a couple of syllables.

Speech norms for children 1-1.5 years old

The speech of a child in a year and older becomes more extensive. His vocabulary is growing every day. He understands well what his parents ask him to do, for example, go wash his hands, go to bed, etc.

By 18 months, a child can memorize up to 20 new words.

The baby likes to learn everything new, he himself rejoices if he remembers and reproduces more. Well in this period, books with three-dimensional pictures help to develop, which must be considered together and asked questions about them.

How children 2-3 years old should speak

At 2 years old, the vocabulary of children includes about 70 words, and a year later, the baby knows more than 200 new expressions and about 1000 words. In addition, the child already knows how to decline words according to cases, inserts pronouns into sentences. Sound pronunciation is not clear, but by the age of 5 this problem is solved by itself.

What should a child say at 3-4 years old

Starting from the age of three, kids can learn little songs and poems, guess easy riddles. The speech of the crumbs can be easily understood, even despite errors in the use of gender, number and case.

Vocabulary reaches nearly 2,000 words by age 4.

The kid begins to fantasize, invent his own expressions. There are more adverbs, pronouns, adjectives and numerals. The main problems at this age are the rearrangement of syllables, the absence of sounds [r], [l] or [c].

What do children say at 4-5 years old

The speech of children in the period from 4 to 5 years consists of 3,000 words, not including "remade" in their own way. The sentences are already saturated with different prepositions, adjectives. Toddlers are excellent at tasks such as describing an object, retelling a short tale, reciting a poem with intonation, and alternating soft and loud pronunciation. Most children can count to 10.

Speech of a 6-7 year old child

The speech of children 6 years and older is distinguished by literacy, a small number of grammatical errors. They easily communicate with peers and adults, can easily describe any life situation and objects. Having more than 4,000 words in reserve, the child is able to compose an interesting story, come up with a name for it. Of the main problems in this period, the distortion of unfamiliar words, the incorrect placement of stress are distinguished.

How to teach to speak and develop a child's speech

The development of speech in one-year-old children, older toddlers and preschoolers takes place in different ways. It is important not only to focus on the established norms, but also to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

How to teach a child to speak at 1 year old

Often parents are faced with a situation where a child in a year does not say what is considered the norm for this age. What to do in this case?

  • Try to communicate in such a way that he responds. For example, going for a walk, you can ask him what color shoes he likes best. Naturally, the baby will not be able to respond appropriately, but a few connected sounds are also the result.
  • Communicate with your baby more often: on a walk, at home, in a store, at a party.
  • Voice out loud all your and his actions. It can be cleaning around the house, discussing animals, toys.
  • Pay attention to reading a large number of books, viewing pictures. You can choose not only fairy tales, but also encyclopedias for children. Perhaps the baby will show interest in animals, insects, climatic phenomena, etc.
  • Communicate using correct speech, without cutting or mangling words. Talk to your baby like an adult.

Don't worry if you can't get a positive result. It often happens that the baby is not yet ready at 1 year for full communication.

Speech development of children 2-3 years old

If a child communicates with difficulty or does not speak at all at 2 years old, it is necessary to stimulate his speech.

What can be done:

  • Play alphabet. Toddlers of this age love to repeat letters after adults. It is necessary to pronounce sounds clearly and loudly, this gives certain skills in learning the alphabet.
  • More often ask questions that are difficult to answer unambiguously: “no” or “yes”.
  • Repeat those words that are difficult for the baby to cope with, or those where he “swallows” the endings.
  • For any problematic sound, you should select poems or songs. At the same time, you need to pronounce each line with the child so that he can see how an adult does it.
  • Correct the baby every time he tries to replace a complex sound with a simpler one. Most often this happens with the letters "l", "g", "p" and "s".
  • Let them listen to children's songs, watch educational cartoons, introduce new people: peers and adults. In communication, the baby will develop faster.

There is no need to worry about the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "r" at this age. The help of a specialist will be required if the problem is not resolved by the age of 6.

Teaching the speech of a child 4-5 years old

The development of speech for children aged 4 to 5 years should take place through games, exercises and training.

Don't forget to share picture books. It is necessary that the baby tries to talk as much as possible about the objects that he sees. Learning poems and songs by heart helps a lot.

How to develop speech for children 6-7 years old

The main thing in the process of developing the speech of a child of 6 years old is to form phonemic hearing, to teach them to distinguish words from large sentences, and specific sounds from words. In addition, it is important that children divide at least small words into syllables. This is important not only for speech, but also for the further ability to carefully read and comprehend what is read.

To avoid speech delays, you must do the following:

  • Regularly give children the best literary works. Moreover, the child should not just listen to him (if he cannot read), but try to retell or prepare a scene where he would play the role of the main character.
  • Make riddles, give a variety of tasks related to texts or words. For example, it can be the correct arrangement of syllables, words in a sentence. You should carefully monitor the mistakes, correct them in time, regularly repeat what the child has a weak spot in.
  • Play word games. The simplest and most popular are associated with the rearrangement of letters in the opposite direction, the selection of synonyms. Many children like the game "third wheel".
  • Speak proverbs and sayings with the baby. This is considered one of the most effective methods for the development of the speech apparatus, the elimination of defects.

It is best if all problems are resolved before going to grade 1 so that the baby does not experience difficulties in reading and writing.

Many parents do everything to ensure that the child's speech apparatus develops correctly: they re-read mountains of literature, sign up for consultations, turn to children's centers. The best thing is to try several ways, and choose the most suitable for the baby.

Methodology "Lettergram"

The developing technique "Lettergram" is a real helper for parents. The program, developed by S. Shishkova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, is based on the principles of neuropsychology, speech therapy, and defectology. Designed not only for preschool children who are weakly concentrated on the material and restless, but also for teenagers.

The purpose of using the technique is to activate memory and attention, as well as to correct all types of speech.

These tasks are carried out through exciting activities included in the program. Mental work alternates with breathing exercises, physical exercises. Shishkova believes that proper breathing helps to strengthen the work of the brain centers. In total, the program includes 20 classes that require regular implementation.

Shishkov about the "Lettergram" method:

Cartoons for the development of a child's speech

Watching cartoons is one of the favorite activities of any child. However, even this hobby can be turned into a useful one. There are many cartoons for the development of speech, which will be of great benefit with the right selection.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the baby absorbs all the information he sees and hears, so you can replenish his vocabulary through cartoons with colorful characters.

It is worth paying attention to the age restrictions. Some educational animated series ("Smeshariki. Pin-code", "Fixies") will be of interest to elementary school students, but "Mickey Mouse Club" or "Aunt Owl's Lessons" are ideal options for preschoolers.

Games that develop speech in children

For the development of speech, you can play with children. If a child likes to make faces and grimace, he will like to play "funny grimaces." One of the parents should sit opposite the baby and tell what is required of him. This may be a request to puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, move your jaw in different directions, etc. The main thing is to use as many combinations as possible to use the maximum facial muscles.

In the game "watch" you need the child to work with his tongue, imagining that this is an hour hand. They should move, changing the speed each time, in different directions.

Another version of the game is to invite the baby to portray a giraffe and a mouse. In the first case, the baby should kneel, raise his hands clenched in his palms, stretch as high as possible while inhaling. Accordingly, on exhalation, the baby depicts a mouse, crouching, lowering his head, clasping his knees with his hands. Be sure to follow the repetitions.

Famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to worry if the child does not speak until the age of 2. It is worth sounding the alarm if the baby has reached the age of three, and does not know how to correctly express his thoughts or refuses to speak at all.

  • You need to talk with the baby without using diminutive suffixes.
  • If the baby is silent for a long time, then the kindergarten will help correct the situation. Some children thrive in this environment.
  • Children need to regularly include music, ranging from funny songs from cartoons and fairy tales, ending with classics. All this has a positive effect on the perception of speech, sounds, and the world.
  • Use any free minute for conversations. You can discuss everything: the color of a car passing on the street, the height of a running dog, vegetation, etc., the main thing is to use a large number of adjectives.
  • Constantly ask questions, even if the baby refuses to answer them.

Positive dynamics with regular exercises will certainly be noticeable if the baby is healthy and does not have any physiological abnormalities.

Ushakova's methodology for the development of children's speech

Learning coherent speech is a long and complex process. The technique of the famous doctor of pedagogical sciences O. Ushakova can help parents. The purpose of the program is to improve the pronunciation of sounds, improve diction.

The technique is built on small poems, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and games.

The program involves the use of syntactic, lexical, and phonetic structures in order to accelerate the development of meaningful and coherent speech. It is great for young children attending kindergarten, for schoolchildren. Many speech therapists choose the technique as the basis for correcting speech defects.

The development of speech of preschoolers based on the methodology of Ushakova:

Patter for the development of children's speech

Tongue twisters are assistants not only in the knowledge of the native language, but also in the improvement of the speech apparatus. Moreover, many children prefer tongue twisters, rather than poems or songs, which is associated with the fascination of their pronunciation and fun. Saying a difficult phrase quickly helps to eliminate most problems.

If you correctly build the process of familiarizing yourself with tongue twisters, then it will be difficult for the baby to break away from studying them. He will like not only the fun activities themselves, but also the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to friends. You can start with such easy examples as “puppies had their cheeks cleaned with brushes” or “there lived a giraffe, chewed fat.”

Do not worry if the child does not speak at an early age, because everyone's speech skills appear at different times. There is no single learning rule, parents will have to choose from a variety of options, experiment, and observe the reaction of the crumbs. Patience and the ability to listen to the baby will lead to a positive result.

Every person learns the correct pronunciation from early childhood.
Children often have trouble articulating all the letters correctly. Most often, problems arise with the correct pronunciation of the sounds "w", "r" and "l".
This is due to the imperfection of the children's speech apparatus, which lacks training.

The first thing parents can do in order for the baby to quickly learn how to pronounce words correctly is to stop “lisping” with him. Adults, touching when communicating with a child, often distort words. The child perceives this and later begins to reproduce these "wrong" expressions. Watch your speech, try to pronounce the words loudly, clearly and distinctly. Turn your face when talking to your baby so he can see your articulation.

Lessons with a speech therapist.

With a severe problem with pronunciation, a speech therapist will come to the rescue. These specialists know all about speech defects and will help to eliminate them. It often happens that only a consultation with a speech therapist is needed. At the meeting, the specialist will assess the level of the child's defective speech, advise on special exercises to perform at home, or schedule the next meeting with the baby if the defect is very large and there is no way to solve the problem on your own.

The reason for incorrect pronunciation may be the individual characteristics of the physiological structure of the children's speech apparatus, for example, the baby may have an insufficient tongue length or a too short frenulum. In the case of physiological reasons, the baby will have to undergo a series of medical procedures or undergo surgery.
Articulation gymnastics is an invaluable aid in teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds.
For more information about articulation gymnastics, see


Classes must be carried out in an easy game form that does not burden the baby. Perform exercises for the correct setting of the tongue, improve its mobility with your child.

It is best to do the exercises in front of a mirror so that the baby can see how his tongue moves and can compare with his mother's tongue.

First demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise, and then ask the child to repeat it.

1. Place the tongue at the edge of the upper dentition and ask the baby to repeat.
The kid must complete the exercise, holding the tongue for fifteen to twenty seconds.
Take a break and repeat the task two or three more times. This exercise will help to make the hyoid ligament more flexible, which will help in the pronunciation of problematic letters.

The letter "P" is very difficult for many children. There are also special exercises to correct pronunciation.
One of them is the task "Woodpecker" when the child must forcefully hit the upper teeth with the tip of the tongue and at the same time pronounce the letter "D". The kid trains the tip of the tongue and the correct articulation.

Words with "T" and "D" can help in pronouncing the sound "R". All these letters require that the tip of the tongue rests on the upper palate at the very edge of the upper dentition. The letters "D" and "T" rarely cause problems in their pronunciation. Speech therapists use this to teach the correct articulation of the "P" sound. Try to repeat with your child more words in which "R" follows "T" or "D", for example, a tractor or firewood.
The exercise "Motor": TPP-TPP-TPP or "Machine" DRR-DRR-DRR

It is also necessary to be patient, because shouting and swearing can only discourage the baby from learning something at all. The calm, balanced tone of the parent and clear diction will help to correctly perceive the letters by ear. The kid will make himself a sound picture of the word and will try to imitate the correct pronunciation.

You can use toys that depict the alphabet in teaching, or hang a beautiful bright alphabet table in the children's room. Favorite cartoon characters that "hide" behind the letters on the wall will arouse the child's interest and help in learning.
You can make a learning game yourself. To do this, cut out cards from cardboard and stick or draw letters on them. Invite the child to draw some object whose name begins with this letter. Then just take out the cards and say the letter out loud, reinforcing the pronunciation with examples of the names of objects, for example, "L", like "LAMP" or "I", like "NEEDLE". Try to use simple and monosyllabic words.

Teaching a child to pronounce letters correctly is not so difficult, just be patient. The main thing is to conduct classes regularly to train speech skills and improve pronunciation.

All parents look forward to when their baby says his first word, and then the whole sentence. Of course, everyone starts to worry when a child at 1 year old does not speak a word, but the neighbor’s baby is already talking with might and main on the street, albeit not entirely clearly, with his parents. What do experts think about this? Should all children start talking at the same age? What words does a 1 year old baby say? We will consider all this in the future content, and also get acquainted with the reasons why the baby refuses to speak, we will learn how to quickly teach the child to talk.

Norms of speech development

Is it normal when a child does not speak at 1 year 2 months, and with friends the baby already knows a lot of words a year? First of all, you need to understand that not all babies develop the same way. Someone starts walking faster, others - talking, all children are individual. But still, there are standards for the development of speech, and if there are serious deviations, then you should start sounding the alarm and turn to narrow specialists (neurologist, psychotherapist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist). How many words does a 1 year old baby say? Now we will find out, but we will consider the norms of speech from the first months of life, deviations can also be noticed from them.

  1. At the age of 1-2 months, the child must learn to express his emotions with a cry - a different intonation, by which it is clear whether the baby is happy or not.
  2. To babbling from a cry, the speech center must be reorganized up to three months. At about 2.5-3 months, the baby begins to "gurgle" and "gurgle".
  3. From five months to six months, the syllables "ma", "ba", "pa", "bu" and so on should appear in speech, they can be repeated, and many people think that the baby is already consciously calling his parents, grandmother. It's not, it's just repetitive syllables that need to be taught (say "ma-ma", "ba-ba", "pa-pa" more often). At this age, intonations appear.
  4. From seven to ten months, active babbling begins, repeats a lot of sounds after parents, speaks in repeated letters and syllables "ma-ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa-pa, ma-ka , ba-ka ah-ah-ah" and so on.
  5. At 11 months, there should be a minimum vocabulary: dad, woman, mom, give, av, na.
  6. How many words does a 1 year old baby say? There are various data from different specialists, and the range is from 2 to 20. Here are simple words and sounds: mom, woman, aunt, dad, give, na, meow, woof, come on and so on.

Don't confuse babble with words

Some parents boast that a child up to a year old is already such a talker, he simply does not stop. But more often parents confuse babbling with words. Babble is just a set of sounds, their child is just learning to pronounce, chattering from boredom.

Others begin to worry that the child is 1 year 1 month old, does not say a word, only babbles. And here you can be wrong. Words, whether they look like babble (ka-ka, boo-ka, up-up, and so on), have a certain meaning, and one "word" can mean a lot. For example, "ka-ka" - it can be something unpleasant, garbage, or a swing (can't say kach-kach, but calls), or even an imitation of a crow - "kar-kar" (there is still no sound "r "). So, one "word", similar to babbling, can have a whole bunch of meanings, which means that this is not one, but several words.

Is it worth worrying if the baby does not speak at the age of one?

Hearing from parents that a child does not speak at 1 year 1 month, or he has few words in reserve, the pediatrician begins to pay increased attention to this aspect, which worries moms and dads. But it is worth noting that not a single experienced pediatrician, speech therapist, speech pathologist, will talk about developmental delays, considering only speech delay. It is worth paying attention to other indicators.

So, if the baby is keenly interested in everything around him, his fine motor skills develop well (in particular, tweezers grip), there are no problems with vision, hearing, there were no complications during childbirth and pregnancy, then you should not worry much about the lack of speech. In any case, you need to be examined by a neurologist, and the pediatrician, based on the identified indicators, will already assess the development of the baby in a comprehensive manner.

All parents should remember that the baby will not start talking on his own, you need to work hard with him. Today, due to the spread of gadgets that children use instead of learning to talk, the problem of speech development is more relevant than ever. Moms and dads should understand that it is better to prevent this problem, to prevent it, than to deal with the consequences later, because a strong delay in speech development affects full development.

If a child of 1 year does not want to speak, then you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Reaction to one's own name, other people, change of scenery. If the baby does not follow the objects, does not turn his head towards the noise (or his name), then you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.
  2. Imitation of sounds, movements.
  3. The presence of babble, similar to words, communication with surrounding movements, sounds.

If a child has problems with hearing, vision, childhood autism, then conversation training should be done with the help of specialists. At home, of course, you also need to study, specialized books will help with this. If the child does not belong to these categories, then there may be other reasons for the lack of speech, and we propose to consider them.


If a child of 1 year old does not say anything, but he does not have any deviations and all the rest of development proceeds with a bang, then you need to ask your grandparents at what age you yourself said the first words. If one of the parents was silent in childhood and began to talk only at the age of 2-3, then it is likely that his child will begin communication later than the prescribed norms.

If the matter is in genetics, then this does not mean that you can calmly wait for the first words, you need to continue to study. Watch together the popular "Learning to speak" video lessons for children from 1 to 3 years old. This is an affordable technique, it can be viewed for free on the Web. Read books, ask the child to name the characters of the fairy tale from the pictures (cat, dog, uncle, and so on), let the child learn elementary words for now.


It is generally accepted that girls start talking a little earlier than boys, and this is true. Therefore, if the neighbor's one-year-old Alenka already knows a few words, and your child of 1 year 1 month does not speak as clearly, then you should not worry. There is a difference in the development of speech, but in the future, the boys begin to put together sentences faster, since they develop the ability to be aware of actions and movements earlier (let's go for a walk, give me a drink). For girls, everything is different in this regard, they understand objects more, and “let's go for a walk” can sound like “swing”, “slide”, and “let me drink” - “juice” and so on.

Cognitive abilities

Curious and active children start talking earlier than the quiet ones, who prefer not to crawl in the house in all inaccessible places, but to play calmly in the crib with their favorite bear. And the recommendations for teaching speech in this case will also be different.

If the baby is active, then be everywhere next to him, show and name objects, movements. When the baby is not so active, then buy books with voice accompaniment, show the characters and objects in the pictures yourself, name them, and then ask the baby to name them. For example, to the question "Who left the grandmother," the child should say "Gingerbread Man" (if it's indistinct, but we're talking about Kolobok, then that's also good).

Child's interaction with adults

Not all parents can, due to their employment, fully engage with the baby, and tablets, phones and other gadgets come to their aid in this. Like, hold on, son, press the buttons or the screen, it's interesting. And then they are surprised that a child at 1 year old does not say "mom", "dad" and other elementary words. You need to deal with children on your own, because a computer will not replace communication with a person. Even educational games where the gadget asks to show a dog and a cow are not a conversation. The child will simply silently press on the images that were requested, but will not name them. After such upbringing, it is very difficult to teach a child to speak, it is simply not interesting to him.

Remove gadgets, start taking care of your child yourself, because nothing can replace live communication, mother, father. Read books, watch cartoons, video tutorials that teach kids to speak, repeat the words after the characters together. Excellent help to start saying new objects, things. Go to the zoo, show live animals, this will cause a number of emotions, and the child will try to name the elephant, tiger and other inhabitants of the park.


Motivation is the real engine. If it doesn't exist, then nothing will work. Think for yourself, would you say, if everything was brought to you at the direction of the hand? And so are the children. If a child at the age of 1 year 1 month does not say "give", but points to the juice with his finger, then you do not need to immediately run and carry it. It is important to motivate the baby, he is much smarter than you think, just lazy. For example, if a child points to juice, start asking "What?", "What is this?", "Why juice?". Grandma came, and the baby smiles, points at her with his finger? He is waiting for you to name who it is. And you ask: "Who came to us"? "Who brought the presents"? Remind that this is a "woman", and again ask who it is.

The same should be the case with the supply of toys, books, going for a walk, and so on. Do not do everything at the wave of the child's finger, pretend that you do not understand what he wants. A toddler needs motivation to name things and actions with words.

Classes not for age

How to teach a child to speak at 1 year? It is necessary to show pictures, naming objects in them, naming things, actions, but not overloading the baby's brain with symbols. Many parents are sure that if you start teaching your child to count, show letters and numbers earlier, then a genius will grow out of him. This is true, but just the other way around. The brain of a baby in a year and a half is not ready to learn how to count. He will remember the letters, numbers, show them in the picture on demand, but all this is silent. In a year, a baby should learn to speak, and not count and memorize the alphabet, and everyone needs to know this.

Classes should consist of communication, live conversation, reading, repetition of syllables and sounds: ma-ma, ba-ba, kitty, meow, and so on. Do not try to make a child prodigy out of a child, but do not stop at learning only elementary words. It is necessary to learn to explain actions in words: let's go, give, on, take, walk, eat, and so on.

Empty is the enemy of speech

If a child at 1 year 1 month does not speak, but constantly sucks on a dummy, then you should not be surprised at the lack of speech. With a pacifier, the baby withdraws into himself, it is more difficult for him to explain anything, he remembers little, as he is busy with other things. Further, if you use a pacifier after a year and a half, it will cause a spoiled bite, which, in turn, affects not only appearance, but also speech, it will be less intelligible.

If possible, stop using a pacifier after a year. If there is a need, then give it to the baby only for a while while he falls asleep, and then take it out of his mouth, so the child will quickly wean from the habit of sucking.

Twins or triplets

If you are lucky enough to become the parents of several children at once, then do not be surprised at the later development of speech. Officially, there are no norms for the development of speech for twins, but any speech therapist, neurologist, pediatrician and speech pathologist will say that babies will start talking later than babies of a singleton pregnancy. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the twins do not need to communicate with anyone but each other for a very long time, and they already understand their "hooting". Twins, triplets, communicate with each other in their own dialect, and this is enough for them, there is no motivation to learn words. What to do?

It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to communicating with children, and it is advisable to talk with them alone more often. For example, let dad sit in a room with one, read books, teach him to speak. And at this time, the mother carried another child into the bath to bathe. And you also need to practice in the bathroom, there are a lot of interesting things here: "a duck swims", "coop-coop", "wash", "water" and so on. Then we change places for the children - at least a little time, but they will spend without each other, and there will be a motivation to communicate with other people.


Any change is stressful for the child. This may be a move, the appearance of a new family member, or, conversely, leaving (parents divorce, a friend asked to live for a week, and so on), and all this affects the development of speech. The kid needs to adapt to the new environment, only then it is worth continuing the education.

Eliminate quarrels in front of the baby, do not scold animals in front of the child. An unfair punishment inflicts a strong offense on children: he dropped something - they put him in a corner, scolded him, or his parents are simply in a bad mood, they grumble, do not pay attention, and so on.

The atmosphere in the family should be healthy and calm, only in this way the baby will develop on time and fully.

We talked about what a child should say at 1 year old. We also figured out the reasons why speech development can be delayed. Now consider tips that will help you quickly teach your baby to speak.

It is easier for a child to remember not short words, but diminutive ones. For example, a cat is difficult to repeat, but "kitty" or "kitty" is easier. The same applies to the word "water", children perceive "water" more easily.

Developing rugs help in the development of speech, where you need to press on the image, and sound will appear. But the kids get used to it and only begin to listen. Tip: Remove the batteries after a while. The child clicks on the cow (for example), but there is no sound! Then he himself will say "moo", and maybe ask: "Where is moo?"

As soon as the child was two years old, you noticed a big "breakthrough" in his vocabulary. It turns out that he already knows a huge number of words and can build whole sentences consisting of four or five words. He can even use pronouns, knows singular and plural. Understanding and comprehension of what has been said is also improving, and now he can already execute your three consecutive commands. Already now he is able to say his name.

With the right attitude and serious motivation, your child can accumulate up to 300-400 words in his vocabulary by his third birthday. It is already much easier for him to express his emotions and desires. Yes, sometimes he stumbles, but only because his thinking becomes more complex, as he learns more and more complex things and therefore sometimes looks for words to express his thoughts more accurately.

All this is part of his growing language skills, a feature of the process of mastering the art of speech.

At four, your child, with a vocabulary of approximately 1,500 words, can speak almost like an adult and is ready to carry on a conversation. He is able to answer many questions and he also asks more and more “why?”. You will probably even hear words that you do not want to hear from him at all. When you read a fairy tale to him, he can retell some part of it. And in a good mood, the kid is even able to compose a fairy tale himself. This period is the best suited to download it with reading books - some children just at this age begin to read themselves.

Parents can really do a lot to support and accelerate their child's speech development. Here are some general tips.

You have to start in the womb

The development of speech begins in the womb - during the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus reacts especially strongly to sound stimuli. Since listening is the first step in learning to speak, experts believe that parents can stimulate speech development simply by talking to the unborn child and allowing them to listen to various sounds, especially classical music.

Talk to your baby constantly

Your child will not learn to swim until they are in the pool. In the same way, he will not be able to learn to speak if you do not talk to him. So start talking to your baby while he's still in the womb and keep talking to him every day he's born.

Show him how your lips move when you speak. Change the speed, key, intonation, pitch and volume of speech. By doing so, you will be able to catch and focus his attention. In addition, he will soon get acquainted with the intonational variety of speech.

Associate words with images

Look at your child's face when you talk to him. Watch his reactions. Let him see your face when you talk to him. Show him pictures of the items you name. So he will learn early to associate words with images and to name objects and people.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Children actually learn by repeating words and actions. When you teach your child a new word, repeat it over and over for a few days until he learns to pronounce it correctly. Let him repeat the syllable or word as many times as he wants.

Ask your child questions

Ask your child questions, even if he can't answer them yet. Perhaps he will try to express his emotions with gestures. And after the child speaks, keep asking questions. They will not only help the baby learn to speak and express his thoughts, but will also stimulate his brain, forcing him to think.

Read fairy tales to your child

Read him stories every day. This will introduce him to new words and concepts, and most importantly, will develop his imagination. When he already knows the letters, recognize the words and pictures, let him try to read on his own. Encourage him to read something himself, but do not force him to do it.

Music will develop the speech apparatus

Sing to your baby and let him sing along with you. Harmonious sounds are not only pleasant to the ear, but also develop the speech apparatus of the child when they are repeated. Songs and melodies will teach the baby to change the pitch, tone and rhythm.

Use improvised means when teaching

Make your lessons fun. You don't have to buy flashcards or books to teach your child to speak or recognize colors.
When you are cooking, for example, ask him to name the colors of fruits and vegetables that he sees on the table.

Let him count how many tomato slices you have. At the grocery store, ask him to tell you how many boxes of cereal he sees on the shelf. As you travel, puzzle him by counting the trees you pass by. You can also invite him to choose a color and after a while tell you how many cars of this color he saw on the road.

Don't encourage baby talk

If you want your child to speak correctly, you should not talk to him like a child. Using a combination of adult speech and baby talk on your part is only appropriate for the first six months. Then stop babbling completely!