Abstract of the nodes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the middle group. "Travel to the country" Mathematics ". GCD for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children

Lydia Semicheva

Abstract of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the middle group

"Help the squirrel"


Promote the formation of children's mathematical abilities.

Educational tasks:

1. Continue to consolidate the skill of direct and quantitative counting within 5.

2. Improve the ability of children to compare objects in size.

3. Fix the name of the geometric shapes; highlight their properties.

4. Activate the words of antonyms in speech.

5. To form the ability to navigate according to an elementary plan, to correctly determine the mutual arrangement of objects in space.

Developmental tasks:

1. To develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

2. Develop auditory attention.

3. Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, empathy.

4. Develop the ability to clearly answer the question with a complete answer.

Educational tasks

1. Foster interest and desire to practice.

2. To cultivate initiative, endurance.

3. To cultivate the ability not to interrupt comrades, to answer one at a time.


Surprise moment, reminder, collective counting, encouragement, physical minutes, individual approach, game character, explanation of the task, use of riddles, questions from the educator, instructions, explanations, reflection.

Demo material:

Plan-card; envelope; ball; model of oak; squirrel toy; images of a mother goose and five goslings, with numbers from 1-5 written on each; three tracks of different widths; three strips of different widths; a set of numbers from 1 to 5.


A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval) for each pair of children; mushrooms of different sizes.

Individual work:

Liza, Seva - exercise in quantitative counting.


VP Novikov "Mathematics in kindergarten".

ZA Mikhailova "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers."

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today a postman came to our kindergarten, he brought a letter. Let's read it.

"Hello guys! A squirrel is writing to you. I beg you, come to my forest, I need your help. I hurt my paw and now I can't pick mushrooms. But winter is coming soon, I don't have reserves for the winter yet. My house is in the woods, and to find it, you have to cross the river. When you go into the forest, you will see several paths. I need to go along the widest path. You will see a large oak tree. I live on this oak. I am sending you a plan according to which you will quickly find your way to me. I look forward to meeting you. Goodbye. Squirrel"

2. Move.

Guys, can we help the squirrel?

(children's answers)

Let's take a look at the plan that the squirrel sent.

(children analyze the plan together with the teacher)

Build a Bridge Game

Guys, here is the river about which the whitewash wrote to us. How can we cross it to the other side?

(children's answers)

Of course, a bridge needs to be built! What are we going to build it from?

(children's answers)

Today we will not have a simple building material! These will be geometric shapes. Take each of you as your friend's helpers. Let's stand in pairs. Choose one set of geometric shapes as desired. Now, each pair will lay out their bridge over the river.

(Children in pairs build a bridge from the geometric shapes they like.)

Sasha, Seryozha from what geometric shapes are you building a bridge? What color are your triangles? What geometric shapes did Rita and Lera choose? What color are they?

(children's answers)

Well, the bridges are ready and now we will cross the river! So we crossed to the other side of the river.

Game "Let's count the goslings"

Guys, you can definitely meet someone during your trip. Whom will we meet with you? Listen to the riddle. Listen carefully:

Mother drives into the water soon

Naughty babies:

What? Are you afraid? You are not cowards!

Ha-ha-ha! After all, you ...

Proudly floats along the river - mother, like a steamer.

And after her, the guys are mothers ...

On the board, the teacher lays out pictures with the image of a goose and goslings. Each caterpillar has a number from 1 to 5.

Let's play with the goslings? Let's count how many goslings a mother goose has. One two three four five. Only 5 goslings.

(Children count and check the answers with the teacher.)

Look, each gosling has its own number, you need to help the goslings line up in order behind the mother goose. Which gosling will we put first? Right. And the second? Right. Then a gosling with a number ?. Right, behind him is the fourth gosling with a number? Okay, and the last goose with a number? Well done! Once again we repeat together, we call from left to right: first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Played great with the goslings!

(- With number 1

With number 2

With number 3

With number 4

With the number 5

Children count together with the teacher)

Let's take a look at the map where we need to go next. That's right - along the path.

(children's answers)

Physical education

Our legs walk along a flat path:

Top top top!

By pebbles, by pebbles:

Jump Jump Jump!

We walked, walked and reached the tracks!

Game "Tracks"

Here are the paths that lead to the forest. Guys, look, there is more than one track.

Lisa, count how many roads are there?

Guys, remember which path we need to take to the forest? That's right, wide.

(children's answers)

But how do we know which track is the widest?

(children's answers)

Here are 3 strips. Let's try with their help to find the widest road.

Using the superposition method, children find the right path.

We found the widest path, so we will go along it.

Game "On the contrary"

Guys, I see there is something under the tree. Let's see. Ball! This squirrel must have lost it when she was playing. Do you want to play with him?

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to the child, saying: "Wide". The child catches the ball and returns it with the words: "Narrow". Parameters of size, weight, time concepts, etc. are used.

Long short,

Big small,

Low - high, etc.

(children's answers)

Guys, where is the squirrel's house? To find out where she lives, listen carefully to the prompt: “I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. "

Children find the squirrel's house, knock on the window.

Toy - Squirrel: Hello guys, it's good that you responded to my request. I dislocated my leg, now it hurts a lot (crying).

Guys, let's take pity on the squirrel, calm her down.

Children are stroking a squirrel. Calm down.

Game "Arrange mushrooms in baskets"

Squirrel: Thank you, kids, you reassured me. I want to ask you to help me collect mushrooms in these baskets for the winter: put the large mushrooms in the large basket, the medium ones in the middle one, and the small mushrooms in the small basket.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Belochka: Thank you guys very much for helping me prepare mushrooms for the winter. Now in winter I will eat mushrooms and remember you! I also want to treat you to nuts.

3. Reflection

What good fellows you are! Help the sick squirrel! Did you enjoy playing today? Guys, let's remember what games we played today? Which game did you like the most? What did you like the most, Vika? Was it difficult for you to count the goslings, Tolya? Arseniy, what difficulties did you have in the game "On the contrary"? Will you play new games next time?

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Image library:

Target: exercise in quantitative counting within 5, comparison of objects in width, orientation on the plane of the sheet.



  • Continue to exercise in quantitative counting within 5;
  • to consolidate ideas about the meaning of the words "under", "above", "left", "right";
  • exercise children in orientation on the plane of the sheet.
  • Learn to compare three objects in width, lay them out in a decreasing and increasing sequence, denote the comparison results with the words: wide, narrower, narrowest, wider, widest.


  • develop ingenuity,
  • Attention,
  • memory,
  • expressiveness of movements.

Educational: foster a desire to help the hero as well as each other in completing the task.

Material: flannelegraph, pictures for flannelegraph kittens and saucers 5 each, box, game "Animate pictures", pictures of animals and cages 12 each

We're going to the park today
To our fun zoo.
Let's meet hares and bears
Monkey neighbors.

There the giraffe stands and waits
Who will come to visit them
We go to the zoo together.
You need to feed the animals.

We will not offend them in any way
Let's all play together.

Educator:- Guys, where do you think we are going today? (To the zoo) Right. Follow me all. The teacher together with the children goes through the "gate to the zoo"

1 stop "Kittens"

Educator:- Guys, look what it is? This is not just a box, it has a note in it for you. The girl Katya is writing to you. Today my cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don't want to eat from the saucer. Help feed these little kittens.
See how many kittens? Count how many? (Four)

Educator:- Try Masha, count the kittens. Well done.
Educator:- Now go Nikita and count it. I did everything right.
Educator:- Nastya, let's try it too. Clever girl.
Educator:- Each kitten has a saucer of milk How many saucers can you count Misha? Now you are Sasha.
Educator:- Are kittens and saucers of milk equal? How else can you say? (the same, the same)
Educator:- How did you guess? Look, another kitten has come running. Count how many kittens are there?
Educator:- And how many saucers with milk? What is more than 5 kittens or 4 saucers of milk? And what is less than 4 saucers of milk or 5 kittens? Well done!
Educator:- Look, there is another saucer of milk. How many saucers are there? And the kittens? Are kittens and saucers equal? How else can you say? Well done! Have all the kittens been fed? Let's go further.

Stop 2

Educator:- An evil sorceress has bewitched all the animals that live in the zoo. And you can disenchant them if you guess them by the silhouette and correctly show how these animals move. (Game "Bring Pictures to Life")

Stop 3 "Bear"

Why are you sad bear?
Are you not laughing, are you being naughty?

Our bear fell ill, caught a cold. His throat ached because his throat ached, because he went out for a walk without a scarf.

Educator:- Look, I have 2 scarves. How do they differ from each other? (width)

Show the width of the scarf, slide your finger. What was shown? What is the widest scarf? What's the narrowest? How to check? It is necessary to attach to one scarf to attach another (show). That's so much wider.

Look, I have another scarf, where should I put it? See the order in which the scarves are placed? Find a narrow scarf, show a wide scarf.

Scarves range from widest to narrowest. Let's call the scarves. Try Sasha, now you are Dima. Well done boys. What scarf will we give the bear so that it does not get sick? (the widest)

- Let's go further. A very difficult task awaits us here, but you will definitely cope with it. One day all the animals ran out of their cages and now they cannot remember which cage they live in. Help them come back. The first beast is

- Look at what it is - everything burns like gold, walks in an expensive fur coat, the tail is fluffy and large (fox)
- He has 4 legs, claw-scratch legs, a pair of sensitive ears, he is a thunderstorm for all mice (cat).
- An angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest, there are a lot of needles, but not a single thread (hedgehog).
- I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest, in a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts (squirrel).

- Well done! So the rest of the animals came running. Help them find their cells. And only a smart monkey knew in which cage he lived and remembered all its neighbors. She suggested that the cat lives to the right of the monkey (a child whose pictures of a cat puts it in the appropriate cage).

A hedgehog lives under a monkey, a swan lives over a monkey, etc.

Educator:- So we resettled all the animals. Well done! They helped everyone. Did you like the zoo? The animals liked you too. And now the zoo is closing, we have to go back to the group.

Abstract of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group Topic: "Travel to the mathematical core



Abstract of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group

Topic: "A journey to the mathematical kingdom."

Software content:

1.To consolidate ideas about the location of numbers in a number row;

The ability to compare 2 adjacent numbers, using the signs more, less, equal;

To consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (in color, shape and size).

2. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

3. To foster communication skills, the ability to work in micro groups, interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work:

fixing the names of geometric shapes, counting within 10 in the forward and backward directions.

Material and equipment: magnetic board, numbers, signs, letter, balloon, lock with geometric shapes

Handouts: a set of numbers for 2 teams, cards with tasks for comparing numbers, cards with signs, =

Vocabulary work: number series.

GCD move:

Children are included in the group, greet the guests.

Org. Moment:

Around wide, I see
All my friends stood up.
We will now go to the right, one, two, three.
Now let's go left, one, two, three.
Let's gather in the center of the circle, one, two, three.
And we'll all return to the place, one, two, three.
Let's smile, wink

And we will begin to communicate!

A ball flies into the group, an envelope is tied to a thread. The envelope contains a picture "Queen of Mathematics" and a letter.

Educator: guys look what is this?

Children's answers.

Educator: Can we open it and see what's inside?

(Children look at the picture).

Educator: who do you think this letter is from?

Children's answers.

Educator: how to find out what is written in it?

Children's answers.

Educator : who will read this letter to us? Can you read?

Children's answers.

Educator: Can I read it then?

Children's answers

The teacher reads the letter: “Hello, dear guys! I am the Queen of Mathematics, I heard that you know numbers, signs, shapes and are very fond of mathematics. I had a misfortune, an evil wizard enchanted my kingdom, all the numbers got messed up in the number series, and the geometric shapes forgot their names. I very much ask you guys to disenchant my kingdom, but for this you must complete the tasks of an evil wizard. "

Educator: Do you guys agree to help the inhabitants of the mathematical kingdom? Are you confident in your abilities? Then let's go in search of a job!

The second balloon with a letter flies into the group.

Educator: oh another unusual balloon with a letter. Reads the letter.

And here is the first task of the evil wizard.

"In order to enter the mathematical kingdom, we need to solve mathematical riddles."

Educator: but the one whom I call by name will be responsible.

How many legs does a cat have?

How many horns does a bull have?

How many hooves does a horse have when the horse lies in the grass?

How many backs do three pigs have?

How many fingers are on one hand?

Children's answers.

Well done! They solved everything quickly!

But we need to look for the next task.

Educator: turn around you and find yourself in the kingdom!

Children see a kingdom in front of them with geometric shapes and writing. (The teacher reads the letter)

“The evil wizard has closed the gates of the kingdom.

To enter it, we need to unravel one secret - to guess which of the figures is superfluous. "

Educator: guys, what geometric shapes do you see on the lock? Are there the same shapes here? Compare them, and tell me how they are similar, what is in common?

(comparison by shape, color, size)

How are the shapes different? Which figure do you think is superfluous? (circle - has no corners).

Well done, we can enter the mathematical kingdom.

Educator: He takes the next ball with a letter, reads it.

“The case is strange,

A rare case

Figures in a quarrel

Here are the ones on! Stand with your neighbor

Not one wants

We need to reconcile the numbers.

And restore their system.

But in order to complete this task, you must split into 2 teams. " How can I do that?

Children's answers

Educator: How can the numbers be reconciled? What needs to be done to make them stand in the right order?

Children's answer: Line up a number series

Educator: do you guys agree? Let's all repeat the number series together.

Children, using teams on magnetic boards, lay out a number series.

(One team counts the numbers in order.

The second is in the opposite direction from 10 to 0.)

Educator: guys, let's check what number you put between the numbers 7 and 9.

Children's answer.

Educator: does everyone agree?

And what number did you put between 4 and 6.

Children's answer.

Educator : Now go visit each other and check if the task was completed correctly.

Educator: Well done, you did an excellent job with this task.

Educator: are you guys tired? Let's get some rest

One, two, three, four, five
One, two, three, four, five -
We can all count.
Once! Climb stretch.
Two! Bend, straighten.
Three! Three claps in your hands,
Head three nods.
Four arms wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - get up quietly in place

We will discard seven or eight laziness.

(We approach the last ball and open the envelope with the task).

“In order for the wizard's evil spell to disappear forever, you need to complete one more task.

Mathematical signs are asking for help. Have they forgotten why they are needed? Help, what do these signs show? What are their names? Help the signs find their places. "

Educator: you have cards on the tables for each team, you need to compare the numbers and put the necessary signs in the cells.

Children in teams go to the tables and complete the task.

Educator : great guys, you completed all the tasks, put things in order in the mathematical kingdom. the wizard's evil spell is forever destroyed. Did you enjoy traveling? What did you like the most? What was the most difficult task for you?

The queen of mathematics is very grateful to you for your help and left a treasure chest in gratitude, let's see what kind of treasure it is!

They open the chest and each will hit the "Great Mathematician" badge

Well, now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Close your eyes and start counting from 0 to 5. (children count in chorus)

Educator: Here We are in kindergarten.

We visited the kingdom

We learned a lot.

We returned back,

The kindergarten is very glad to us!

Abstract of GCD on FEMP in the middle group "Magic House"

Program tasks:
Freeze the names of geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square);
To consolidate the ability to correlate the number of objects with the number;
Improve counting skills within 5;
Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination;
To foster independence, the ability to understand the educational task;
To cultivate the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relationships.
Demo material: bibabo doll - mouse, cards with numbers and object pictures, geometric shapes , toys (five cubes, four nesting dolls, three bears, Masha and the bear, one hedgehog), four hoops, tambourine.
Handout: geometric figures (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), cards with numbers.
Integration of educational areas: communication, reading fiction, health, physical education.
GCD move:
Educator: Children, look who came to visit us today?
Mouse: Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I am the Mouse-norushka from the fairy tale "Teremok". Listen to what story happened to me today.
I ran to the tower, stopped and asked: “The tower is the tower! Who lives in the mansion? " And the magic voice at the house answers: "The house will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks." Will you help me complete the tasks given by the magical Teremok?
And the tasks are:
Task number 1.

"Name the geometric shapes"

What is it? (Square)

Who can name this figure? (Rectangle)
- Look carefully and tell me, what is the difference between a rectangle and a square? (children's answers)
- How can you check? (Lay them on top of each other)
- What do we see now? What can we say? (Two sides of a rectangle are longer than a square, and the other two are the same)
- What is the difference between a square and a triangle? (A triangle has three corners and three sides, and a square has four corners and four sides)
- What is the difference between a circle and a square? (A circle has no corners or sides)
Task number 2.

Show it right

(The teacher calls the geometric shapes, and the children raise the geometric figure that the teacher calls).
Task 3.

"Find a place for a figure"

(There are four hoops on the floor, each with a geometric figure in the center.
The teacher distributes one geometric figure to the children)

Educator: While I knock on the tambourine, you walk in different directions. As soon as the tambourine is silent, you need to find a hoop with your geometric figure and stand around it. (The game is repeated several times, while the children change their figures)
Task number 4.

"Hit the tambourine as many times as the number shows"

(The teacher raises the card with the number, the child must hit the tambourine as many times as the number shows).

Physical education.

The cubs lived in more often,
They twisted their head:
Like this, like that (circular motion of the head)
They twisted their head.
The cubs were looking for honey,
They shook the tree together:
Like this, like that
(raise your arms up and bend to the sides)
They shook the tree together.
And then they went (bearish walking)
And they drank water from the river:
Like this, like that (forward bending of the torso)
And they drank water from the river.
And then they danced ("Springs")
The paws were raised higher:
Like this, like that (jumping, clapping hands above)
The paws were raised higher.
Task number 5.

"Count correctly"

(The teacher puts object pictures on the easel. Children must correctly correlate the number of objects with the number).
Task number 6.

"Find a house for every number"

(The teacher distributes a card with a number to each child.
There are toys on five tables: five cubes, four nesting dolls, three bears, two heroes from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" and one hedgehog. The teacher gives the children cards with a number and shows five houses where toys live.
At the signal, the children find a house for their number and stand near it. The teacher, together with the children, checks whether everyone has found their house correctly.

You can exchange cards and play a few more times).
Educator: Guys, you have coped with all the tasks correctly, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Little Mouse. Let's say goodbye to the Mouse, she needs to hurry to her fairy tale. And if Little Mouse needs our help again, we will definitely help her. Really guys?
Mouse: Thanks guys. You helped me a lot. Goodbye.
Educator: Who came to visit us today? What story happened to her? How could we help her? What tasks did we perform? Did you enjoy helping the Little Mouse? (Answers of children).


  • develop the ability to count within ten;
  • develop the skills of ordinal and quantitative counting;
  • forward and backward counting skills;
  • to consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes;
  • to form the ability to group them according to various criteria;
  • teach to solve math problems;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • develop memory;
  • foster the desire to complete the task;
  • get a positive assessment of your work.

Methodological techniques:

visual, verbal, playful, surprising, practical.

Materials and equipment:

cards with numbers, geometric shapes, dummies of vegetables and fruits; cards for individual work.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Children, today I invite you to a trip around the country "Mathematics".

Do you want to go there?

But first, guess riddle:

My favorite warm air

You work wonders with me!

And, as in a beautiful, wondrous fairy tale,

I lift up to heaven.

My lovely gondola

Very cozy and light

And young travelers

There will be enough room in it, as always.

Friendship will help us on the road

And we need courage too ...

You guessed it. Who am I?


Educator: To take a seat in the gondola, you need to find a chair with the same number as shown on your ticket. And to take off, you need to cast a magic spell (cribble, crabble, booms) ...

Here we are in the air. How beautiful around! What extraordinary clouds! What color are they? Size? Forms? (Children describe imaginary clouds.)

Beneath us, the extraordinary understood the colors. Let's get down! There is a swamp on the way to the meadow. It can only be overcome by bumps. Moreover, it is necessary to advance in the order indicated by the numbers (1,2,3,4,5, etc.)

Educator: So we got to the clearing. See how beautiful she is, how many flowers she has on her. But this glade is not simple, but "mathematical problems", and the flowers on it are extraordinary, let's see.

Children solve problems.

On the way, friendship helped us. In memory of our flight, I give you balloons.

general developmental kindergarten

No. 9 "Vasilek", the town of Mud

Gryazinsky municipal district

Lipetsk region