Face cream or gel - which is better? What is better gel or ointment

Recently, not only medicinal ointments and creams, but also gels and emulgels are increasingly found in pharmacies. They will be discussed ...

Hello, Doctor! For the past four years, I have been greatly worried. First, the right knee joint hurt, and six months later the left one began to make itself felt. I drank different pills to help, no doubt, but after a while the pain in the joints returns. But after rubbing rubbing with cabbage juice into my joints, it became easier, enough time has passed and I still feel more or less normal. My joints do not hurt as much and twist as before.

Doctor, please tell us how the gel differs from the ointment? And what is it - emulgel?

- Vera Anatolyevna Kruglova, Armavir

And another letter ...

Hello, Doctor. Every spring and every autumn my knees start twisting, twisting them straight. And almost immediately the neck and begin to hurt. Doctors in the clinic prescribed different ointments, creams - sometimes they made it feel better, sometimes somehow not very ...

I was prompted to make an ointment from hop cones and butter - it helped me. For two weeks I rubbed this ointment into my joints and the pains became much weaker and my joints became more mobile. It became easier for me to live. They say the truth: "Movement is life ...".

And this ointment is prepared simply: you need to take 1 tablespoon of hop cones and grind with one tablespoon of fresh butter or unsalted lard (better than the so-called interior). Lubricate sore joints. I understand that this is all good - the pains decrease ...

But I would like these pains to disappear altogether and never return. I have heard that there are such ointments called gel. And what is this - gel? How is it different from an ointment?

- Mikhail Vasilyevich Churlyaev, Arkhangelsk region

Hello dear friends! In order to answer the questions that you have asked in letters, in telephone conversations, during our meetings, it would be necessary to turn to the history of both ointments and various rubbing ...

The history of the development of technology for the preparation of dosage forms

The preparation of medicines was similar to the preparation of food - the same techniques: grinding, soaking, boiling, drying. At the same time, a variety of magic formulas, spells and rituals were used, the implementation of which was supposed to accompany the manufacture and use of one or another medicine.

Liquid dosage forms were used in the form of solutions, mixtures, decoctions for internal and external use.

Ointments, pastes, and plasters were used as soft dosage forms. Ointments in ancient Egypt, and in ancient China, and in ancient Rome were made on a fat basis, most often on lanolin.

Lanolin was obtained from sheep wool by performing a series of sequential actions - boiling, washing the mixture with sea water, filtering the product, and bleaching it in the sun.

Oils were extracted by squeezing olives, almonds, nuts, sesame fruits. Essential oils were extracted from flowers at ambient or elevated temperatures by extraction with olive or walnut oil. This is how, for example, the well-known rose oil was obtained.

Ancient Egyptian medicinal products did not irritate the skin, were stable during storage, and in some cases had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The compositions and methods of preparation of medicines (including ointments), given in the writings of the doctors of Ancient Greece, are very diverse. Along with brief information, there are detailed descriptions of the manufacturing technology of these funds.

Some ancient Greek medicinal mixtures are difficult to attribute to any particular dosage form. It is characteristic that many widely used agents - various oils and fats, honey, wine, juices of various medicinal plants - were “drugs” and at the same time liquid and viscous (greasy) agents, flavoring agents of taste and smell.

The development of pharmaceutical science in ancient Rome is closely connected with ancient Greek pharmacy.

In the 1st century. AD the ancient Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanius, in his essay "On Medicines", described all the medicines of herbal, animal and mineral origin known by that time, grouped over 500 medicinal plants according to morphological characteristics. It was a breakthrough in pharmacy ...

And in the 1st century. AD in Rome, the encyclopedic works of Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Pliny the Elder appeared, containing information on medicine, incl. And about the preparation of medicines.

The largest physician of Ancient Rome, Galen (130-200), generalized the views of ancient medicine in the form of a single doctrine, which had a great influence on the development of natural science until the 15th - 16th centuries.

The reason that prompted Pliny to start compiling his work is the desire to be independent "from the deceptions of doctors" who often "sold the cheapest medicines for a lot of money." In addition, "some doctors ... ailments that could have been eliminated in a few days or even hours, were stretched for a long time in order to have a longer income from patients who considered their situation difficult."

As you can see, back in the 5th - 4th centuries. BC. were formulated that should not use knowledge and medicines to the detriment of humans.

In the Hippocratic Oath, this is exactly what is said and is pronounced when receiving a medical diploma, almost all doctors in the world), however, medical practice in ancient Rome sometimes contradicted these fundamental principles.

The period of the Middle Ages (especially the 16th century) is the heyday of iatrochemistry, i.e. "Medical chemistry". Its founder is considered to be the doctor Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, who is better known as Paracelsus. This remarkable physician and scientist put forward the idea of ​​joining chemistry with medicine, which he considered the greatest of sciences.

Paracelsus expressed the main task of chemistry in the words that have become immortal: “I consider chemistry necessary, without it there can be no knowledge of medicine. The chemist must be able to extract from each thing that which benefits people. Chemistry has only one purpose: to prepare medicines that restore lost health to people. "

The technology of manufacturing dosage forms did not appear yesterday, it has existed for centuries ... Not even centuries, but millennia ...

In ancient times, the bases for healing ointments were cow butter, lard, pork, goat, goose and bear, wax, vegetable oil, honey.

Finely crushed medicinal substances were added to the molten base, the ointment was stirred until cooled. In some ointments, the juice of medicinal plants was injected, and then the ointment was heated until the moisture boiled away.

Subsequently, doctors and pharmacists learned how to make creams, then gels. So, my friends, about soft dosage forms ...

How is ointment, gel, emulgel prepared?

These are the main types of soft dosage forms available now:

  • Ointments.
  • Gels.
  • Jelly.
  • Creams.
  • Liniment.
  • Pastes.
  • Band-aids.
  • Suppositories.

Ointments are most often used externally - to affect the skin and mucous membranes (eye, vaginal, urethral, ​​rectal).

Ointments are composed of a hydrophobic (oily water-repellent) or hydrophilic (water) base and active ingredients evenly distributed in the base.

Sometimes the composition of the ointment contains active substances that are easily absorbed through the skin into the blood or lymph (for example, ointments containing nitroglycerin as an active ingredient). Some ointments are used as remedies against the harmful effects of acids or alkalis on the skin.

Depending on the consistency, ointments themselves are distinguished, as well as gels, jellies, creams, liniment and pastes.

All ointments (gels, jellies, creams, liniments, pastes) are stored in their original packaging, which ensures the stability of the active substance during the specified shelf life, in a cool, dark place, if there are no additional instructions in the instructions for the preparation.

Ointment consists of a medicinal substance and a base. Fats of vegetable and animal origin, fat-like compounds, petroleum products, and synthetic substances are used as ointment bases. Ointments are varied in properties, color and smell, they are stored, most often, in a special tube. In general, these are soft, homogeneous in structure masses intended for application to the skin, wounds or mucous membranes.

Cream- another mild form for application to the skin.

Many readers ask me: how does a cream differ from an ointment?

The active substances in these forms may be the same, but the bases are always different. Unlike "fatty" ointment, the base of the cream is lighter, it contains emulsion and water. The drug is quickly absorbed and retained for a long time in the upper layers of the skin, practically not entering the bloodstream, therefore the cream has a strong local effect (including anti-inflammatory) and only a very weak systemic effect (on the entire body).

Ointments, on the other hand, form a film on the surface of the skin, which contributes to the creation of a greenhouse effect. The active substance penetrates deeply into the tissues, enters the bloodstream and has a powerful effect on the body as a whole. Thus, cream and ointment solve completely different therapeutic problems.

Paste is such a dense ointment that contains at least 20-25% of powdery substances, which determines its thick, pasty consistency. This form has a pronounced drying effect, therefore it is used as an astringent, cauterizing and antiseptic agent.

The paste is prescribed for external use in case of skin diseases or to protect it from damage by chemicals, ultraviolet radiation and other harmful factors.

That is, soft dosage forms are thick mixtures, which are most often used externally by rubbing.

Most often they are used to treat skin diseases, rupture of ligaments, muscles and some other diseases. Such medicines are stored, as a rule, in vials, tubes, jars, etc.

I am often asked in letters, in telephone conversations at personal meetings - what is it - gels? I answer you, dear friends ...

Gels are transparent ointments on a hydrophilic basis (derivatives of cellulose, gelatin, polymers of acrylic acid and other substances) with active substances distributed in it.

Gels are:

  • for external use;
  • eye;
  • for the nose;
  • dental;
  • for indoor use;
  • rectal;
  • vaginal.

Unlike ointments and creams, gels are much better absorbed, do not stain clothes and, perhaps most importantly, they release active healing substances more easily. Nowadays, more and more soft dosage forms are produced in the form of gels - and you, judging by your questions, drew attention to this, my friends ...

And now attention, my friends ...

Gel- a dosage form of a viscous consistency with a certain degree of elasticity and plasticity. Gels are obtained by dissolving solid particles in water of a polymer powder (which is an acid in chemical structure) and adding a very small amount (compared to the volume of water) of a neutralizing agent (alkali, soda, ammonium carbonates and bicarbonates, ammonia, triethanolamine). While stirring the mass (about 500 rpm), the mixture thickens with the formation of a viscous gel.

The main difference between a cream and a gel is its texture: the cream contains base and essential oils, the gel does not contain them and evaporates quickly.

By its properties, the gel is very similar to ointment, but it has a pH close to that of the skin (which is very important!), Does not clog the pores (which is also important!), It is quickly and evenly distributed without leaving a film, and hydrophilic (absorbent water) medicinal substances - say, or, an analogue of the natural regulator of calcium metabolism at the cellular, membrane level ... Or both ...

And such a gel eliminates pain in the muscles and joints during the deposition of salts, bruises, sprains, with arthrosis and osteochondrosis of the spine, with pain in the neck.

And yet, this gel:

  • harmonizes the work of the regional microcirculatory blood circulation, without the restoration of which it is impossible to cope with the disease (even when using any ultra-modern drugs and treatment methods).
  • restores nutrition of cartilage tissue, joint capsules, ligamentous apparatus.
  • promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue (of which the menisci of the knee joints consist, the cartilaginous layer of the acetabulum - in,).
  • Normalizes the production of intra-articular fluid (in the knee, elbow and other joints).
  • regulates calcium metabolism in bone tissue.
  • prevents the formation of osteophytes (or as they are called in everyday life - thorns) on the articular surfaces of long tubular bones.
  • promotes the rapid formation of callus in fractures, reducing the time of immobilization and restoration of limb function. prevents the formation of a "false joint".

In short, modern forms - gel and emulgel - penetrate the skin and under the skin better than ointment and cream.

These are, Vera Anatolyevna and Mikhail Vasilyevich, the information that I wanted to tell you.

You probably came across such a case in a pharmacy when you came to buy a product, and they ask you what to sell you a cream or ointment. You probably don't know if they are the same or not. And if they are different, then what is their difference. This is what I want to talk about in my article. To begin with, all external agents (creams and ointments) have in their composition a directly healing substance and some kind of basis. Ointment and cream primarily differ in the following - in cream and ointment, the percentage of the drug substance may be the same, and the difference lies only in the basis of the external drug.
Let's talk in more detail about both tools.

It mainly uses a very fatty base. It has little or no water content. It contains such substances - fats, petroleum jelly or lanolin. The effect of the ointment is to create a greenhouse effect by creating a film on the skin. Because of which, the drug can penetrate deeply into the tissues. And after passing through the skin, even reach the bloodstream. Doctors call the effect of the ointment systemic.

The base of the cream resembles an emulsion. It is practically not greasy and lighter. It does not create any kind of film on the skin. And the healing substance does not penetrate inside for a long time, and even more so into your bloodstream. So the cream works almost exclusively on the surface of your skin. Therefore, its effect is called local or local. It also contains a large amount of water. And therefore, creams are capable of providing a moisturizing and cooling effect. If you smeared with cream, then there is a possibility that it will appear on your clothes in the form of stains.

From the above, we can conclude that the cream is able to help your skin on the surface, and the ointment penetrates deeper. That is, the cream is used mainly against burns and for moisturizing. The ointment can be used to relieve muscle pain.

For many people who prefer cosmetics for face or body skin care, the question arises: "which is better than an ointment or gel?"

In stores today it is very easy to get confused, and often the consultant himself cannot tell what to give preference to.

We will conduct an investigation and find out what similarities and differences between gel and ointment.

The ointments are based on a mixture of oils and water.

Such creams are divided into two types:

  • Oil in water;
  • Water in oil.

In the first case, fat particles are broken down in 75% of water, and in the second, 65% of the fatty medium contains microscopic drops of water.

The composition of ointments contains emulsifiers that envelop the mixture and prevent the emulsion particles from mixing with each other.

Often, the composition of a cosmetic ointment is animal and vegetable fats.

For example, olive oil, jojoba, almond oil, spermaceti, lanolin.

This composition characterizes more expensive professional cosmetics. But there are also unscrupulous manufacturers who add synthetic mineral oils to the ointment - they tighten the skin of the face or body, do not allow it to breathe.

Such funds often cause an allergic reaction and various types of rashes.

  1. Gel is a cosmetic product consisting of 75-85% water, as well as the addition of pectin, gelatin, glycerin, starch, gum arabic and other microparticles with moisture retention capacity.

The gel does not contain vegetable and animal fats, as well as oils, it has a transparent consistency and is easily absorbed into the skin.

But this is not all the advantages of gels over ointments, because they do not leave a greasy film after use, are distinguished by good moisturizing properties and are characterized by a protective and nourishing effect.

Such advantages allow the use of cosmetic products in the form of gels for people with problem skin.

  1. Creams and ointments have a thicker and denser consistency, but they also nourish the skin and are characterized by beneficial properties. It is ideal to use cosmetic ointments for mature and aging skin, as well as dry.

Gels are best used to relieve puffiness around the eyes, wrinkles, acne prone skin.

It is preferable to use cosmetic gels during the day, and ointments at night.

Gels are secreted with anti-inflammatory, soothing and tonic properties, so the day is the optimal time of day for applying this type of product.

The active substances of the ointments are most effective during the night, when a person is not in contact with sunlight and other irritants.

So, finding out how does the ointment differ from the gel, you can safely go to buy a cosmetic product that can solve the problem of your skin.

If you want to get rid of acne, then feel free to give preference to gels, and if you suffer from dry skin, buy an ointment.

Pharmaceuticals are no exception when choosing ointments and gels.

People are also faced with questions: "which is better?", "What to give preference to?"

The main drugs that raise doubts about what to give preference to a gel or ointment are Chondroxide, Viferon and Traumeel.

For example, it differs from the ointment in that it is better retained on the mucous membranes, while forming a drying film.

Thus, it does not allow bacteria, infections and all kinds of viruses to enter the area where the product is applied. And the ointment, on the contrary, moisturizes the skin, and the choice here depends on the condition of the mucous membrane of the ears and nose.

Viferon is used for prophylactic purposes against colds.

Pharmaceutical agent Traumeel is intended to relieve pain in joints and muscles, it is used for arthritis, inflammation and injuries.

Traumeel gel it has the main advantage over ointment - it does not leave greasy spots and penetrates deeper into the skin.

However, the consistency of the ointment is not very greasy and is well absorbed, so there are no particular differences here.

Chondroxide gel does not require rubbing, it perfectly relieves joint pain, damage to the skin. It also does not stain clothes, does not leave greasy spots and marks, is well absorbed, and has analgesic properties.

Ointments from this company are more fatty, so their use will be prudent in massage and therapy.

Both the gel and the ointment have the same shelf life, approximately 3 years. Therefore, the choice of the patient should be based only on the purpose, purpose of use and the state of the body.

As for the price, the gel may slightly exceed the cost of the ointment, but not significantly. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a significant blow to your wallet.

Use common sense when choosing cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, because your skin condition, overall well-being and health depend on it. You should not be led by the price. Start from the properties and characteristics of ointments and gels.

Gel refers to the soft and viscous consistency of a water-based topical product. According to its medicinal properties, the gel is equated to an ointment, but unlike it, it does not contain fats and oils at all, and the medicinal component of the gel is completely dissolved in its composition.

The advantages of the gel over the ointment are that it is absorbed instantly, has a pH level close to the acidity of human skin, is instantly distributed, forming a kind of film on it, does not clog the pores of the skin, allowing it to breathe.

The gel has drying, moisturizing properties, it can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. When it gets on clothes, it is much easier to wash and rinse off, compared to ointment.

At the same time, the ointment has more pronounced emollient properties and also moisturizes the skin, but its effect occurs somewhat slower after application.

The ointment is more preferable for dry, flaky, irritated areas of the skin, the gel is more suitable for weeping wounds, it will dry the skin, and the film will protect against the penetration of bacteria and infections.

Due to the fact that the gel does not contain oils, it usually has a longer shelf life than an ointment.

Knowing the difference in the action of gels and ointments, it is easier to choose the right product. And immediately the question may arise, what is the difference between a cream and a gel?

Also, like a cream, a gel can have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect at the same time. The similarities and differences between gel and cream are best viewed from a cosmetic perspective. Both of these products are designed to care for skin that has its own personality and age.

Due to the fact that the composition of creams includes various oils (fats) and water, they are more effective for intensively nourishing the skin and saturating it with useful substances. The creams are suitable for the care of dry, mature and aging skin, the use of the cream is preferable at night.

At the same time, the cream can leave a greasy film on the skin and clog the pores, therefore it is undesirable for oily, young, problem skin. More suitable for her gels, which, even covering the skin with a film, do not impede its breathing, but, on the contrary, retain nutrients and moisture, they are ideal for applying under makeup, help relieve daytime skin puffiness and tighten it. Gels are preferred for the skin around the eyes.

A striking example of the combination of medicinal and cosmetic properties in a gel is. It is an effective remedy in the fields of healthy cosmetics and the treatment of damaged skin. The gel improves blood circulation and tissue hydration, increases elasticity, makes the skin smooth. ArgoVasna with silver stimulates cellular metabolism and activates the functional functioning of the cells of the immune system. This promotes the speedy process of skin healing and regeneration, without scars and scars, preserving youth and beauty.

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Today, in most pharmacies, you can find medicinal preparations in the form of both a gel and an ointment everywhere. Both are applied to the skin and have a certain effect on the body. But how do they differ? In what cases is it better to use a gel, and in what cases is it better to use an ointment? Let's try to figure it out.


Gel- does not contain fats and oils, soft and viscous in composition, dosage form on a hydrophilic (water) basis.

Ointment- homogeneous in its composition, oily, viscous, soft to the touch dosage form, designed for application to the skin, treatment of mucous membranes or wounds.


Both the gel and the ointment consist of a base and active medicinal substances. But if ointments are produced mainly on a fat basis (petrolatum, lanolin, vegetable oils, refined lard, solid oils (petroleum oils), naphthalan), then the gels do not contain fats at all, they are created on the basis of water. Ointment is a colloidal solution when the particles of the active substance are not completely dissolved in the base. The gel is 70-80% water and thickeners, so the active substance in it, unlike the ointment, usually completely dissolves in the base. Due to the fact that the gel is absolutely not greasy, if necessary, it is easily washed off from the skin, and also quickly and easily washed off with water if it accidentally gets on clothes.

The gel, in comparison with the ointment, has an acidity (pH level) close to the acidity of healthy skin, therefore it is considered a more physiological remedy. In addition, when applied, the gel does not clog pores, due to its elastic, plastic, elastic consistency, it is easily, almost instantly distributed over the skin. The ointment is gradually distributed and absorbed much more slowly. The gel has both drying and liquid-saturating (hydrophilic) properties of the skin. It usually quickly forms a thin film and adheres well to the skin and mucous membranes. The ointment most often has a moisturizing effect, but when a layer of this drug is applied to the skin and mucous membranes, it takes some time before it is finally absorbed. Otherwise, with a careless movement, a carefully applied layer of ointment can simply be “lubricated” from the skin, and the drug will have to be reapplied. Fatty ointment is good for flaky skin wounds, it will soften them perfectly, and the gel is more suitable for weeping wounds - it will dry them out and, thanks to the formed thin impermeable film, will protect against the penetration of bacteria and viruses.

The ointment is more viscous than the gel. Due to the fact that the ointment is made on a fat basis, it can deteriorate faster than a gel, because vegetable oils tend to go rancid in air.

Conclusions site

  1. Water is used as a base in the gel, and specific (vegetable, animal, mineral and other) fats are used in the ointment. Accordingly, the gel is hydrophilic and the ointment is hydrophobic.
  2. The gel spreads quickly, dries up almost instantly and adheres well to the skin, forming a thin film, but without clogging the pores. The ointment is absorbed much more slowly and may clog pores.
  3. The ointment, due to its fatty base, has a predominantly moisturizing, softening effect. It is applied mainly to scaly, irritated areas, it perfectly heals the surface of the skin. The gel simultaneously dries and supplies moisture to the body. Therefore, it is good for weeping wounds, as well as for joints and deep layers of the skin.
  4. Greasy ointment is more difficult to remove from clothing than a completely non-greasy, easy-to-wash gel.