Diabetes cream. Review of the best creams for diabetic foot. useful properties of diabetic cream

Diabetes cream- an important step in skin care with high sugar levels in the body.

Diabetes Is a chronic disease that brings many inconveniences and complications. Constant control of sugar levels, feeling unwell and many complications that arise both in many organ systems and on the skin are the problems that this disease entails.

For diabetic skin care to be effective, it is not enough to use your usual creams, you need a special care complex that will eliminate problems in a delicate way.

What happens to the skin?

The skin of a chronic disease such as diabetes undergoes many changes, including the following are distinguished:

  1. Roughness of the skin;
  2. Decreased skin elasticity;
  3. Severe flaking;
  4. On the legs there are corns and non-healing cracks;
  5. The cover becomes yellowish;
  6. Disturbing itching;
  7. Frequent and non-transient fungal infections;
  8. Thickening of the nail plates.

What creams are needed for diabetes?

This disease mostly affects the limbs and face, so people with diabetes buy the following creams:

  • Diabetic foot cream;
  • Hand care for diabetics;
  • Body cream for diabetes.

Which cream is right for you

Choose a cream for diabetes mellitus based on the skin problems that bother you.

Problems and appropriate choice of remedy

  • Dehydration of the skin formed due to the abundant loss of fluid from the body. The skin of diabetics is dry and flaky. At the same time, the work of sweat secretion is greatly disrupted. Due to the possibility of wounds appearing and further complicating the healing process, hygiene must be carefully monitored. You can fight germs without disturbing fluid balance by using creams with a neutral pH balance... The dry type of cover requires the use of strong moisturizers for diabetes It is especially important to moisturize the most affected areas, such as the legs and arms. The limbs are most exposed to dryness.
  • Diabetic ulcers- a very frequent process for diabetics, as a rule, ulcerative lesions occur as a result of the lack of proper wound treatment. Cream, bactericidal and does not contain alcohol solutions, will perfectly cope with this task.
  • Inflammation of small wounds, infiltrates at injection sites and other lesions is a "feature" of diabetes. Infection joins such wounds very quickly, because human immunity does not work properly. By the way, the sensitivity of diabetics works in a distorted manner, therefore, even the most insignificant injury, in your opinion, can easily lead to complex inflammatory processes. Use alcohol-free antiseptics to disinfect wounds. The best remedy is antibacterial creams for diabetes.
  • Fungal lesions of feet and nails Is a disease that is familiar to almost everyone who suffers from diabetes. It easily affects the legs of healthy people, not to mention immunocompromised people. As a result of the weakening of the body in diabetes, fungal pathogens obtain an ideal breeding environment.

For diabetics, the prevention of fungal infections is important, which will prevent the penetration of this pathogen. Thorough foot hygiene is essential and of course the use of antibacterial and antifungal creams for diabetes.

Fungus treatment should be general and local. As for local treatment, they help great here. fungus creams for diabetics.

  • Bacterial infections easily penetrate the skin of diabetics anywhere. Follicles, inflammations, infections of nails, hair - this can be avoided with good hygiene and use anti-inflammatory creams for diabetes.
  • Diabetic foot syndrome doctors distinguish it as a special complication in diabetes. Legs are one of the most affected by diabetes, so foot care should be special:

SDS is a complex of purulent destructive lesions of the skin, which, in its worst complication, even leads to amputation of a limb. In this condition, the sensitivity of the peripheral nerves of the lower extremities is greatly impaired. Wounds, gangrene, purulent inflammations that heal problematically are all a consequence of the action of this disease.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of your skin, observe hygiene and use creams for diabetes, which not only improve the condition, but also prevent the appearance of many complications.

The action of the cream in diabetes

Cosmetics for skin care for diabetics should have a full range of properties:

  • Sufficient hydration of the diabetic skin;
  • Anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Prevention of accumulation and development of bacteria;
  • Antifungal properties;
  • Vitaminization;
  • Toning;
  • Hypoallergenic properties;
  • Improving blood circulation in capillaries and metabolism in cells.

We disassemble the composition

Studying the composition of the selected cream, look for the following components:

  • Mint- analgesic and antiseptic component;
  • Currant rich in vitamins and relieves inflammation;
  • Sea buckthorn oil perfectly heals wounds;
  • Urea- the main moisturizer in creams for diabetes;
  • Hyaluronic acid regulating water exchange;
  • Liquid collagen;
  • Allantoin;
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic natural ingredients(extracts of tea tree, sage);
  • Antifungal components.

Use the cream correctly

The effectiveness of skin care for diabetes depends on the correct use of the cream:

  1. Use a cream that is suitable for your problem or the best way to eliminate deficiencies, it is very important for diabetes to use the right remedies;
  2. Maintain good hygiene and always cleanse your skin before applying the cream;
  3. Regular use of the cream for diabetes will increase the effect of any remedy and will allow you to achieve the result you expect;
  4. Apply a special foot cream and a separate hand and body treatment;
  5. Do not rub the cream heavily, the movements should be similar to a light massage;
  6. Concentrated creams for diabetes should be applied with a special sponge or a simple cotton swab to avoid damage to the skin;
  7. When using, always read the instructions, perhaps the manufacturer indicates special nuances that should be observed.
  • It is best that any cream that is used by people with diabetes mellitus has a special indication - "for diabetics." These funds have a special effect that adapts to the characteristics of the skin in this disease.
  • You can use any cosmetic and medicinal creams for diabetes, the main thing is that you are sure that the product has the effect that the diabetic skin requires.
  • Choose your own cream for each part of the body, which is designed for specific functions and has the required consistency.
  • When choosing a cream, read the composition on the label, select the most effective remedy for the active ingredients.
  • Buy diabetes cream from pharmacies or specialty beauty stores. Sometimes a large selection of products is presented by special shops for diabetics, if there is one in your city, then it is best to start your selection by visiting this store.

Good creams for diabetes

Dia Ultraderm cream for diabetics

This product is intended for the care of the sensitive skin of people with diabetes mellitus. The ingredients prevent the changes associated with diabetes, as well as prevent desensitization and promote the regeneration of minor lesions.

The composition includes:

  • Superoxide dismutase;
  • Wheat germ;
  • Glycerol.

Due to its effective and gentle properties, it is suitable for very sensitive and prone to irritation diabetic skin.

Price: 210 rub.

Ureata cream for diabetics

Urea contributes to excellent fluid replenishment in dehydrated skin. In addition, this component deodorizes and relieves irritation.

Ureate contains in its composition a very necessary element - urea. The product is ideal for dry and dehydrated skin cells of the feet, hands, body. Excellent German quality helps to take good care of your skin.

Price: 340 rub.

Designed for diabetic skin prone to excessive sweating and diaper rash. Typically, these uncomfortable problems occur in the folds under the breasts, inside the thighs, and where clothing rubs. DiaDerm talc allows you to eliminate the above problems. The ingredients provide antibacterial and drying properties, and also perfectly refresh.

Price: 180 rub.

The legs need careful protection in diabetes. Using this product will eliminate problems such as excessive dryness, exfoliation of dead cells, and inflammation. The product will help protect your feet from problems such as cracks and calluses.

Great for the daily foot care of people with diabetes. Possesses preventive and curative properties.

Price: 180 rub.

The base consists of 10% urea. Foot cream for diabetes can improve the condition of the skin by normalizing its water-salt balance.

Each component addresses a specific diabetes problem.

Urea replenishes the lack of moisture in the skin of the legs, lipids form a protective softening layer. Antioxidant formula provides care and nutrition.

Price: 390 rub.


Skin care creams for diabetics have an intense moisturizing effect, soften rough skin and heal epithelial fissures. Choose specialized cosmetics for people with diabetes mellitus, or use creams that are most similar in properties and action.

One of the unpleasant consequences of diabetes is dehydration. As a result, the skin becomes dry and thin, like rice paper. The lower layer of the epidermis generates new cells without any enthusiasm. Plus, the cells are not getting enough moisture. As a result, the top layer of the epidermis, which you see in the mirror, renews itself very slowly, which makes the skin dull.

In advanced cases, dry skin begins to crack, an infection gets into the cracks - and it is very difficult to completely heal such ulcers. What to do? Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize.

The top layer of the skin - the epidermis - must be maintained with moisturizers. It is best if a dermatologist will select one or another cosmetic line for you, taking into account the characteristics of your particular skin.

The general rules for the selection of creams are as follows: the cream must be perfectly absorbed. If it forms a film on the skin, oxygen exchange is disturbed under it, diaper rash and irritation appear. As a rule, such troubles are caused by glycerin, which is part of creams.

In addition, creams containing salicylic acid and alcohol are contraindicated for diabetics. These substances dry out the skin even more. Plus, it is better to give up numerous fragrances, flavors and preservatives. Any of these chemical additives can cause an allergic reaction - and the same irritation as a result.

In remedies for itching (and itchy skin with diabetes is almost inevitable), steroids are often found. Such ointments and creams relieve itching, but steroids can adversely affect the state of blood vessels and the heart. And in diabetics, the cardiovascular system is under attack without it.

In addition to moisturizing the epidermis, which is carried out by creams and masks, it is desirable to "start" the activity of a deeper layer of the skin - the dermis. Creams get there with difficulty. And this layer is in dire need of hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are generated worse and worse due to diabetes.

The most common method of "delivering" these substances is by injection. But for diabetics, beauty injections are undesirable. Due to the weakness of blood vessels, "sugar" skin is easily covered with bruises, even with inaccurate touch. And from injections, extensive hematomas are guaranteed.

The ideal option for delivering building substances deep into the skin is hardware. For example, using electroporation. This is an absolutely painless and non-traumatic procedure.

A preparation containing hyaluronic acid or collagen is applied to the face. With the help of the apparatus with which the beautician gently strokes the patient's face, ion channels are opened in the skin, and up to 80-90% of the nutrients from the preparation are absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. If you just spread the cream on your face, the deep layers of the skin reach at least 10% of nutrients.

The knot will be tied ...

One of the most common skin manifestations of diabetes is xanthomatosis. It sounds scary, but in fact - a little nuisance in the form of white and yellow nodules around the eyes. Xanthomas can look like small fatty cells or, in advanced cases, form white-yellow spots around the eyes.

It is the only skin disorder in diabetics that is recommended to be treated surgically. Xanthomas are removed using a radio wave, which penetrates the skin and removes the cholesterol deposited under the skin.

You've probably noticed that with age, age spots begin to appear on the face more and more actively. They grow due to the fact that the body produces less and less estrogen - the main female hormone. The cells of the epidermis, not restrained by estrogen, begin to intensively produce melanin, which paints the white cheeks with dark spots.

A variety of hormone creams can prevent the growth of age spots. But hormones are contraindicated for diabetics. For them, the ideal solution is placental peeling. The basis of the peeling is phytoplacenta, which is a biologically active plant analogue of estrogen.

Placental peeling can be done only with the assistance of a specialist cosmetologist, so as not to damage the skin with the acid that is part of the product.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that can lead to the development of many serious complications, the most dangerous of which is the diabetic foot. For this reason, it is very important for diabetic patients to provide their feet with proper care, which will prevent the appearance of calluses, corns, cracks and trophic ulcers.

Caring for the skin of the feet with diabetes mellitus involves the mandatory use of special creams and ointments that will provide it with the necessary nutrition, hydration, softening and protection.

But in order to get the desired result, it is important to know which one to choose the best foot cream for diabetes, what components should be included in its composition and how to properly apply it to the skin of the feet.

Important properties of the cream for diabetes

Diseases of the legs in diabetes mellitus arise as a result of serious damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A high concentration of glucose in the blood destroys the walls of blood vessels, which has a particularly detrimental effect on the capillaries and small vessels of the legs.

This leads to impaired blood microcirculation and causes a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues of the feet. This complication eventually leads to cell death and, which is especially important, to the destruction of nerve fibers.

The defeat of the nerve endings deprives the feet of the sensitivity of the feet, which makes them susceptible to various injuries and injuries. For example, a diabetic patient may wear tight or uncomfortable shoes for a long time without noticing that they are seriously chafing him.

Any skin damage in diabetes mellitus heals for a very long time, and the deterioration of local immunity can provoke severe purulent inflammation. That is why diabetics often suffer from trophic ulcers on the legs, which can even lead to amputation of limbs.

The use of a special cream or ointment for diabetes mellitus will help prevent such dangerous consequences and save the patient's feet. But the ideal foot cream for diabetics should have the following properties:

  1. Relieve inflammation;
  2. Effectively moisturize the skin;
  3. Protect feet from fungus;
  4. Kill pathogenic bacteria;
  5. Saturate tissues with all necessary vitamins;
  6. Strengthen metabolic processes in the skin;
  7. Improve blood supply to the feet;
  8. Tone the skin of the legs.

Composition of foot cream

Sugar level

A quality cream for diabetics should promote healing of leg ulcers and prevent new ones from appearing. This will stop the development of the diabetic foot and even reverse this pathological process, improving blood circulation and restoring sensitivity in the legs.

When buying a foot cream, it is best to give preference to products marked "for diabetics". This inscription is a guarantee that the cream contains all the components necessary for the care of the feet of patients with diabetes.

But in the absence of specialized cosmetics, you can use conventional foot creams, but provided that they are developed on the basis of the following beneficial substances:

  • Peppermint leaf extract. This plant has a strong antimicrobial effect. In addition, mint is excellent for relieving pain;
  • Blackcurrant berry extract. This substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, and promotes rapid healing of ulcers and other damage to the skin. And a huge amount of nutrients contained in black currant help protect the legs from necrotic processes;
  • Sea buckthorn oil. This oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for the rapid healing of wounds and calluses;
  • Urea. This component provides the cream with a high moisturizing ability. Urea foot cream for diabetics is the best remedy for dealing with diabetic foot.
  • Liquid collagen. This substance is an analogue of the protein that human skin consists of. Collagen is essential for effective skin rebuilding.
  • Allantoin. It has pronounced antiseptic properties and helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria.
  • Essential oils of tea tree and sage. This is another great antiseptic that also helps to quickly heal any wounds and cuts;

Antifungal agents. They can be very different, but their presence in cream and ointment for feet with diabetes is simply necessary.

The difference between cream and ointment

Despite the fact that creams for diabetic feet have a whole range of useful properties, they are caring agents and are used as a preventive measure. They cannot cope with serious problems, such as non-healing trophic ulcers and infected gangrenous wounds.

Such skin lesions can be cured only with special ointments intended for diabetic patients. These drugs are drugs and can contain potent ingredients such as antibiotics and anabolic hormones.

It is necessary to use such an ointment for the legs in case of any injuries on the legs, for example, corns or cuts, which in the future can provoke the appearance of ulcers and tissue necrosis. Only the affected area should be smeared with ointment, since it is easily absorbed into the blood through the skin and an excessive amount of it can cause an overdose.

Insulin ointment deserves a separate discussion, when applied to the skin of the legs, the hormone contained in it quickly enters the bloodstream through the epidermis and helps to lower blood sugar levels.

Diabetes Foot Care Rules

The most important condition for caring for the skin of the feet in diabetes mellitus is the regularity of the procedures. Unlike other people, patients with this condition cannot afford to go to bed without providing their feet with the necessary nutrition, hydration and protection.

Therefore, for a diabetic, using a special cream from a diabetic foot should become the same every nightly procedure as washing or brushing teeth. It is important to understand that neglecting her, a diabetic patient can lose not only limbs, but also life.

But even regular use of diabetes cream may not bring the desired result if it is used incorrectly. All people with diabetes need to know what can and cannot be done when applying cream to the skin of the feet.

How to properly use foot cream for diabetes:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to wash your feet in the bathroom or in the shower, or make a foot bath, and only after that we apply the cream;
  2. When applying the product, you should do a light foot massage, which should be performed with very smooth and gentle movements. No need to rub or press hard on the skin.
  3. When purchasing an ointment or cream, you need to choose a remedy designed specifically to deal with the problems that the patient has. So if the patient has the first signs of the appearance of ulcers, then you should opt for an ointment or cream that improves skin regeneration and enhances blood circulation.
  4. To relieve inflammation and accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers, it is necessary to use a potent ointment, which should be applied only to the affected skin;
  5. Creams and ointments containing active ingredients such as zinc should only be applied to the skin with a soft sponge or cotton pad. This will help prevent small lesions on the skin, which can develop into infected ulcers over time.

Popular foot creams for diabetes

Ureata. Ureate cream contains urea, which makes it an excellent remedy for dry and dehydrated skin. In addition, urea helps fight odor and also helps reduce irritation and heal minor lesions.

This cream will become a good caring base for feet with type 2 diabetes, as it effectively copes with all skin problems in this disease. The balanced composition, rich in beneficial ingredients, combined with high German quality, will provide the skin with intense hydration and nutrition, and help to achieve excellent results.

The average price for Ureata cream is 340 rubles.

This cream is designed specifically for the care of sensitive and prone to damage skin of people suffering from diabetes. It contains many useful components that not only improve the condition of the skin, but also enhance blood microcirculation and increase sensitivity in the legs.

Such properties of the cream prevent the appearance of various lesions on the skin and promote the early healing of existing injuries, cuts and ulcers.

Dia Ultraderm cream is a powerful product that provides very gentle care and effective protection to the skin of the feet. It can even be used to care for the sensitive skin of the feet, as it does not cause allergies and quickly removes any irritation.

This cream contains the following active ingredients:

  • Superoxide dismutase;
  • Glycerol;
  • Wheat germ.

On average, the price for this cream in Russian cities is 210 rubles.

Virta Urea Foot Cream is very suitable for type 2 diabetics. It provides the skin with intense hydration and improves cell renewal, which allows the patient to get rid of dryness, flaking and any inflammatory processes.

It provides the feet with reliable protection against cracks, calluses and calluses, and the mild action makes it ideal for the daily care of dry and sensitive skin. It can be used in the morning and evening.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, not only means to increase or decrease sugar indicators can be used, but also, for example, special creams. In order to achieve the maximum benefit from the use of such formulations, for example, Diaderm cream, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist. It is in this case that there will be no doubts about the benefits and other characteristics of the name.

For what purposes is Diaderm used by diabetics?

It is no secret that with diabetes mellitus, skin problems and diseases associated with this are not uncommon. That is why various cream and other formulations are used for the whole body, as well as for the legs or arms in particular. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the main purpose of the series products should be considered effective assistance in solving all those problems that arise with complications of the disease.

Speaking about the appointment of Diaderm cream for diabetics, I would like to draw attention to the significant dryness of the skin (we are talking about xeroderma). In addition, the advantage of the composition can be considered assistance in the following cases:

  1. excessive thickening of the stratum corneum, the formation of corns and even hyperkeratosis - corns;
  2. the formation of damage to the epidermis, including before the formation of painful bleeding cracks;
  3. increased likelihood of infection of damaged skin and nails, the formation of bacterial or fungal infections.

In addition to all this, diabetes mellitus is characterized by slow healing of wounds, abrasions and other injuries, as well as low rates of skin regeneration in general. The presented Diaderm cream will also help to cope with such problems. It is strongly recommended to pay special attention to the peculiarities of its composition.

The composition of the product

I would like to note that this creamy product is presented in several variations - it can be regenerating, softening and other types of compositions.

However, in general, talking about the presented creams for diabetics, they identify such a component as urea. The fact is that it is present in the natural moisturizing complex of the body of every person.

In type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, the ratio of urea in the cellular composition is significantly reduced. Deficiency of the presented element entails drying out of the skin, which, as a result, is associated with many serious problems. In addition to urea, all types of cream composition contain vitamin complexes, extracts or oils of jojoba, olive or avocado.

The emollient composition additionally contains antibacterial compounds derived from farnesol, sage and camphor. Thus, each of the presented drugs for diabetics is characterized by a unique and complete composition, but this will not be enough to effectively eliminate problems in type 1 or 2 diabetes. After all, it is very important to use the cream in accordance with all the rules and to know the features of the composition - both for the entire surface of the body and for the legs (in the treatment of diabetic feet).

How to use Diaderm for the whole body?

The possibility of applying the cream to the entire body surface deserves special attention. In this case, the composition is intended to provide care for the skin in areas of microdamage. Speaking about this, they pay attention to:

  • fingertips in the place from which blood was taken for analysis;
  • injection sites;
  • areas with cracks, abrasions and scratches.

The cream is characterized by an obvious astringent and hemostatic effect of the action. In addition, it is highly recommended to pay attention to the anti-inflammatory effect. It is also noteworthy that the composition has an effect on stopping capillary bleeding and restoring the protective barrier of the skin.

Due to this, the composition can literally "seal" the wound and create natural protection for it against possible contamination.

It must be used daily, for example, in the morning and evening. It is recommended to pre-clean and dry those problem areas in relation to which the composition will be applied.

Using the cream for diabetic feet

The use of an emollient cream for diabetic feet is no less justified or effective. Speaking about this, attention is paid to the possibility of providing care for extremely dry and coarse skin of the feet, the development of hyperkeratosis. In this case, the lipid-containing complex allows you to deliver deficient lipids to dry skin, and also creates obstacles to moisture loss. The use of the cream is also relevant due to the moisture-retaining complex. It helps to actively retain moisture and protect the skin from drying out, helps to reduce hyperkeratosis and prevents its formation.

I would like to draw special attention to the features of a protective cream intended for the treatment of diabetic feet. The composition is indispensable in providing care for dry cracked skin of the feet. This refers to exposure to high risk due to bacterial contamination. The presented composition for the legs with diabetes should also be applied every day. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to apply it directly to cleansed and dry skin in order to ensure more optimal and faster absorption.

What are the contraindications for the remedy

It is strongly recommended to pay no less significant attention to the presence of contraindications. The main one should be considered the individual degree of intolerance to the main components of the cream. That is why it is highly recommended to consult with a specialist in connection with the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

In addition, if diabetes develops in parallel with any serious skin diseases, it is also best to refrain from using Diaderm. Despite the fact that the foot cream for diabetes is recommended for people with the presented disease, its use on an ongoing basis must be periodically agreed with a dermatologist and diabetologist.

Thus, the presented cream composition may well be used by type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

This will provide more effective and faster treatment of diabetic foot and other skin lesions of the whole body. In order for such a treatment to be as correct as possible, it is strongly recommended to consult with a specialist and apply exactly the cream that he named the most useful.



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  1. Question 1 of 7

    What does the name “diabetes mellitus” mean in literal translation?

  2. Question 2 of 7

    What hormone is insufficient in type 1 diabetes?

  3. Question 3 of 7

    Which symptom is NON-TYPICAL for diabetes?

  4. Question 4 of 7

    What is the main cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus?