Varnish that does not scratch. The stupidest mistakes! This is why your long-lasting gel polish manicure deteriorates. The varnish does not scratch.

If gel polish doesn't last as long as you'd like, don't get discouraged. Perhaps the time has come for bitter regrets? Maybe you are making these 5 mistakes that mercilessly destroy a manicure in the very first days after applying gel polish?

All in your hands. If you try, the gorgeous look of nails will delight you 2 times longer, and you won't have to do a manicure so often!

Why gel polish does not hold

1. If the varnish appears crack, in no case try to remove the cover with an available means, pry it off.

Many women, seemingly so neat, are very fond of removing varnish by violent methods. What happens? Not only a spoiled manicure, but also scratched nail plate.

If the coating starts to deteriorate, use nails glue to restore his integrity. Always remove gel polish only with a special tool: acetone will not allow you to completely remove the gel polish, you will have to scratch the nails, removing the remaining pieces of the former beautiful manicure with a nail file.

2. It is unacceptable to use an ultraviolet lamp to dry the gel coating. This is the last century, all good masters have long passed a LED lamps.

New generation lamps do not damage nails and skin, and also reduce the drying time of the varnish. But that's not all! A manicure thoroughly dried under an LED lamp will be stronger and last much longer. It is worth asking the salon what kind of lamp will illuminate your nails.

3. To make gel polish last longer, nails should not be overdried! Cuticle oils and other oily hand products can help prolong the life of beautiful nail polish. The dry nail plate repels the varnish, it begins to quickly deteriorate on thinned nails.

You can use cocoa butter, coconut oil, sea buckthorn ... There are a lot of options!

4. Obviously, but still ... If you bite your nails or the skin around your nails, your manicure will quickly take on an inappropriate look. This terrible habit must finally be eradicated!

“Makeup can make you beautiful on the outside, but it won't help if you're ugly at heart. Unless if you eat it ... ”It won’t work! Eating gel polish from nails, you swallow toxic material.

Unfortunately, many women sin like this, therefore I consider it my duty to mention this terrible phenomenon.

Another culprit who provokes instant damage to the manicure. Expired varnish! Yes, he also has there is an expiration date... It is worth asking if the means with which the master will do the procedure are so fresh.

Scratches on the car are inevitable. Through your fault or not, sooner or later they will appear. And although such damage, as they say, does not affect speed, every car owner wants to get rid of them at any cost. Especially if the car is new or recently purchased.

Here are the main types of scratches and proven ways to deal with them.

1. How to remove minor scratches on the varnish

We are talking about small thin scratches, visible only at a certain angle and not at all visible on a wet car. These scratches only affect the top layer of the paintwork. And it's easiest to remove them.

Wax polish

You will need a wax polish that is applied after washing. A thin layer of wax will create a protective coating and fill in scratches. The method is good because it does not require special equipment and skills. But, as you might guess, such protection is enough for a short time. After a while, the coating will have to be reapplied.

Polishing machine + abrasive paste

Polishing with a special machine and fine abrasive paste is considered a more effective method of removing scratches. This will help you to deal with almost any scratches that have hit the varnish, but have not reached the paint.

Usually, the polishing is done by specialists. If you decide to act on your own, you will need:

  • fine abrasive paste;
  • sanding paper P2000;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • napkins.

Wash the car well and dry it immediately before the procedure. Place the car in a shade or garage so that the body does not heat up in the sun, and scratches and the result of the work are clearly visible.

Treat the damaged area with a sandpaper moistened with water and wipe dry.

Apply a little paste to the circle and polish the scratch, gradually increasing the speed. Try not to stay in one place for a long time so as not to overheat the varnish.

Continue polishing by alternating left-right and up-and-down strokes. Treat not only the scratch, but also the area around it. Rinse the polishing area often with water and clean the wheel from plaque.

Buff until the scratch is completely gone.

2. How to remove scratches on paint

If not only the varnish is damaged, ordinary polishing is indispensable. In this case, the damage can be painted over with a restoration pencil, matched to the color of the car.

In appearance and the number of shades, such pencils resemble nail polishes. But they are made from quick-hardening acrylic resins that perfectly fill in scratches.

Thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area before painting over the scratch. Then carefully paint over it with a brush on the pencil bottle.

Let the paint dry for 15-20 minutes. Full polymerization occurs in about a week, so the car is better at this time.

3. How to remove deep scratches and chips

Paint will help here too. But, unlike the previous method, you first have to treat the surface with primer, and after applying paint, varnish and polish.

As a rule, the funds necessary for the restoration of scratches and chips that have reached the metal are sold as a set. This is all the same acrylic paint, anti-corrosion and ordinary primers, as well as a degreaser and transparent varnish.

Wash and dry the car. If there is rust on a chip or scratch, remove it with a fine sandpaper. Degrease the surface of the metal and seal the edges of the damage with masking tape.

Treat the surface with anti-corrosion primer and let it dry.

Then apply a coat of regular primer to level the surface and prepare the base for.

Apply the first coat of paint. Then, after waiting for it to dry completely, apply a second one.

After the paint has dried, cover the surface with clear varnish.

4. How to remove scratches on plastic

The interior of the car also suffers from scratches. Sills, door cards and other plastic interior parts are abraded.

Plastic restorers

You can again make the trim neat with the help of plastic restorers.

These products are sold in the form of aerosols, sprays, and milk. They have good penetration properties and are designed to fill in scratches. In addition, the composition of the restorers includes a polish that returns the surface to its former freshness.

Instructions for use are on the packaging with the product. As a rule, restorative compounds are applied to dry and cleaned parts and left to dry for a few minutes. After that, using a clean microfiber cloth, the surface is well polished by hand.

Hair dryer or lighter

A simpler and more budgetary way of dealing with scratches on plastic is heating with a building hairdryer, in extreme cases, with a lighter. Under the influence of temperature, the damage literally heals. This life hack will help completely remove small scratches and make deep ones less noticeable.

To eliminate scratches in this way, you need to very carefully heat the damaged surface, not staying in one place for a long time. If there are a lot of scratches, take breaks so as not to melt the part and not burn the upholstery adjacent to the plastic.

5. How to remove scratches on glass

One of the most annoying types of scratches. Abrasions and cobwebs on the glass not only spoil the appearance, but also impair the view, creating glare and glare. You can eliminate them by polishing in a specialized service.

However, you can do it yourself.

In this way, small scratches and abrasions from the wiper blades are perfectly removed. Deep scratches that are clinging to your fingernail will not completely go away, but will be smoothed out and become smaller. For polishing, you need a special kit, which usually includes a nozzle, circles and a paste with cerium oxide.

Wash the glass and wipe dry. Mark the scratches with a marker from the inside to control the treatment area.

Place the bit on the drill and apply some paste to the circle. At medium speed and without too much pressure, polish the scratches in small patches.

Take frequent breaks to avoid overheating the glass. Moisten it with water and wipe dry again.

Continue polishing for 30 minutes to 1 hour until the result is acceptable.

6. How to remove scratches on headlights

Optics scratches are removed according to the same principle as on glass. You can try to remove the usual haze, but it is still better to use special polishing kits, which include everything you need for the procedure.

The sequence of actions, as a rule, is indicated in the instructions. Usually you need to do the following:

Wash the headlights and wipe dry. Cover the adjacent areas of the hood, bumper and fender with masking tape.

Sand the glass with a sandpaper dipped in water. Then apply coarse polish to the wheel and polish at medium speed.

Rinse off the abrasive and polish the surface with a fine-grained paste.

Clean the glass and wipe dry, then gently apply one coat of UV varnish.

Leave the car in the sun for a couple of hours for the varnish to cure. Full polymerization occurs within 24 hours - during this time the car must not be washed.

Varnish that won't scratch

If you want to cover your parquet with a substance that would reliably protect it from various factors: scratches, animal claws, exposure to fine particles of sand and moisture, then you will most likely opt for varnish.

Lacquer is an excellent option that can both emphasize the pattern of the wood, if the parquet is new and beautiful, and hide its defects, if any.

Parquet in perfect condition can be covered glossy varnishes any type - tinted or transparent. Parquet with scratches or chips is best treated with matte varnish, but it is advisable to restore it first.

Usually, varnishes are used when they want to preserve the woody texture and at the same time add decorative effect to the wood surface.

Varnishes for wood are water-based, nitrocellulose, oil, alkyd and others.

Before applying varnish to the surface, you need to prepare the wood for painting. For this, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of dust and dirt. Next, you should inspect the surface for flaws and defects, and eliminate them. After that, the wooden surface is treated with special antiseptics, impregnations and stains. All wooden structures and products should be covered with an additional layer of impregnation.

Impregnation increases the degree of protection of wood from sunlight, natural precipitation, biological microorganisms. Also, the impregnation will reduce the degree of ignition of the wood. A wide variety of impregnations can be observed on the modern market. The tool is selected based on the operational conditions that are planned. The color of the impregnation is also taken into account. The mixture can be either transparent or in various shades, such as olive, white or gray.

For indoor use in homes, water-based varnishes are the most relevant.

For external use, the use of alkyd, oil or acidic varnishes is appropriate.

They also use nitrocellulose and oil-polymer varnishes for wood. They are distinguished by a high degree of wear resistance and are also resistant to detergents.

The surface, painted with varnish with the use of impregnation, has not only high resistance to weathering, but also resistance to mechanical damage. This varnish is difficult to scratch and does not crack. The service life of lacquered wood is significantly increased.

In order to properly paint a wooden surface and protect it from external influences as much as possible, you should contact StroyHaus.

Company employees paint wooden surfaces with varnishes high quality Feyco. Feyco varnishes are scratch-resistant and give wood surfaces an attractive and original look, while emphasizing the grain of the wood.

Today we'll talk about removing annoying little scratches :)

We bet you have shallow scratches on the paintwork that are an eyesore?
And it seems there is no point in polishing the whole car because of them, and it seems to strike the eye strongly.
So ... there is a remedy.
I've heard a lot about the miraculous Autosol polishes for a long time, but I didn't have to use it myself before.

As a result, I bought Autosol Scratch Remover Article for ordering 01001300. A tube of 80 ml cost me 160 rubles. This polish is designed to remove small scratches from varnish, from the display of a phone, a player, etc., etc., for which there is enough imagination ... really an irreplaceable thing. The first thing I did was polish the screen of an old phone - aaaaahony!

Here is such a tube and a polishing towel (available in any auto shop)

Here are our annoying scratches

We wash the damaged areas, let them dry and apply a little polish.

And in a circular motion without much pressure, we begin to rub.
If you have a polishing machine, then well, save energy. If not, then by hand it is also quite well polished.
We rub in the tool so that the place of application does not darken and does not dry out a bit, and then we begin to polish in circular motions. After polishing, wipe the place clean from the remnants of the product.
Voila. Miracle =)

Shit :)

issue price 160r.

A friend bought an AUTOSOL polish for aluminum - to polish door handles and wheels on Alfa Romeo :)
So I decided to test it ...

I found such a luminous square at work:
On both sides it was matte ... like this

on the other hand rubbed ... spent 30 seconds of time rubbing with his hands with toilet paper (nothing else was at hand)


Do not forget that luminescence quickly oxidizes and becomes cloudy ... it must be varnished.

By the way, the original BMW auto chemistry contains Autosol tubes ... bmvshniki in the subject.