Therapeutic bath procedures. The healing effect of bath procedures

Another week of work passes, and we go to accept bath procedures. To be honest, a bath and bath procedures for us are part of our life, a ritual, without which it is difficult to imagine our existence in this vain world.

An experienced bather, going to the bath, takes with him all the necessary attributes of bathing art. He is well aware of the beneficial effects of hot steam, and so that his health does not suffer, everything will be done correctly. But what about an inexperienced or inexperienced person? The answer is simple - understand and adhere to the following recommendations.

I remember when I first went to the bathhouse, there were no recommendations at all. He climbed to the very top shelf and, looking at the avid bathers, tried to portray something similar. The result did not wait long. Somehow I came out of the steam room with dark circles in my eyes. Of course, there was no time for a bath here. It's good that it ends well and there are no negative consequences. But this case was a memorable lesson for me for life. Then I realized the importance of following the rules for visiting the steam room. Here's what you need to know:

what is important to know

  • Never go to the bath after a rich and dense meal.
  • Two hours before the steam room, it is easy to have a snack (vegetables or fruits are desirable).
  • After hard physical labor, you need to rest for an hour or two (does not apply to mental overwork).
  • and viral diseases with fever is contraindicated. You won't knock out a wedge with a wedge!
  • Do not rush into the steam room headlong, but gradually get used to the hot steam. Beginners do not have to climb to the top shelves. It is enough to sit down for a couple of minutes. Thus, you will gradually get used to the high temperature, and it will no longer seem so evil.
  • Do not visit the bath if you are very physically overworked, when even rest does not help relieve severe fatigue.
  • Do not allow severe overheating of the body, as well as its hypothermia. Cooling procedures (cold shower, swimming pool, snow rubdown) should be used only in between visits to the steam room.
  • Never wet your hair before a steam room. This can affect the overheating of the head. And, as you know, the head is, after all, our main organ, no matter what they say.
  • It is useful for people inexperienced in the bath business to take a warm shower before the steam room. It takes 2-3 minutes to prepare yourself for hot steam.
  • Extraneous and unpleasant odors are unacceptable in the steam room. You must breathe healthy air from wood, brooms and special fragrances.
  • Monitor your well-being and do not let it worsen. If you feel dizzy, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, and dark spots appear in the gases, know that you are overheated. Immediately leave the steam room in a cool and ventilated room.
  • Staying too long in a steam room with a very high steam temperature is unacceptable and can harm rather than benefit your health.
  • Every one and a half to two hours of using the steam room, remove it and ventilate it thoroughly.
  • You need to know how to provide first aid in the bath.
  • Never drink alcohol.

Something for information about procedures in the bath

  • The best position in the steam room is lying on a shelf. In this case, the skin warms up evenly in all areas. The head should be slightly raised.
  • Do not abruptly change the position of the body. If it is not possible to lie down, then you can raise your legs higher.
  • For hygienic purposes, before the steam room, it is recommended to wash a little without soap and wash off the main dirt. Soap washes away the fatty layer from the skin, which protects it from overdrying. Don't forget to dry yourself.
  • When you first visit the steam room, take it with you, sit quietly, breathe in its aroma. This will give you time to get used to the high temperature. Warm up well, relax in the dressing room, and then you can already go to steam.
  • Water on the skin prevents sweating. Always remove it with your hands or a special scraper.
  • The temperature in the steam room is not uniform - the higher, the more important it is.
  • Always take a bath cap and mittens into the steam room.
  • Morning hours are the best time for a bath.
  • Dry steam is more easily tolerated by the body than wet steam.
  • All bath procedures are carried out slowly and without fuss. Remember that you came to rest and gain strength, not to work.
  • The average bathing time is about two hours.
  • Beginners may not sweat as much as experienced people. Regular visits to the bath contribute to the normalization of sweating.
  • or self-massage should be done immediately after leaving the steam room.
  • It is good to take a terry towel with you to the steam room, spread it on a shelf and lie on it.

And most importantly, what you definitely need to know about bath procedures is this. After all, the steam in the bath is of exceptional importance for the benefit of our health.

Since ancient times, the Slavs were treated for ailments and ailments in the bath. In addition to its direct purpose, the bath serves as a medical and beauty parlor. Regular trips to the bath relieve the body of slagging and help cells improve the regeneration process. Today you will know what procedures in the bath will help to become both beautiful and healthy.

Greetings dear reader!

A visit to the steam room has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, activating rejuvenation processes and improving the appearance of a person.

The bath and steam room have certain rules for visiting for maximum pleasure and benefit, and bath procedures are far from suitable for everyone.

  1. The head in the steam room should be covered with a special hat or scarf to protect the hair from drying out and subsequent brittleness.
  2. All metal jewelry must be removed to avoid burns.
  3. From shoes, light slates or flip-flops are ideal.

In order not to expose the skin to a sharp temperature drop, it is better to douse yourself with warm water before going into the steam room. Also, in the first run, it is better to steam on the lower step of the shelf, gradually adapting the body to the high temperatures in the steam room.

Feeling good is the best indicator of how long a steam bath takes, especially on the first run.

As soon as the sensations become uncomfortable, it's time to leave the steam room.

Immediately upon exiting it, it is necessary to pour water over it to wash off the sweat that removes secretions and cleanses the skin.

steam room

Each next visit to the steam room is longer, the temperatures are higher. Now you can steam on the high steps of the regiment.

The steam room is a place for relaxation, you should not waste pleasure on chatter, physical activity or beauty treatments.

All this should be left for later, but here it is necessary to let the body relax and calm down. This is an excellent procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

Tonic supplements

With the help of oils and herbal decoctions, you can enhance the healing and tonic effect of steam.


Crimson, coniferous, eucalyptus and some other decoctions are perfect.

Before use, they must be filtered and diluted with plenty of water, and then boldly pour them over hot stones.


With oils, things are a little different.

They do not water the stones, but soak a small board and place them near the stones or drip a few drops directly onto the shelves.

  • For cheerfulness and mood, lavender, jasmine, grapefruit and fir are used.
  • For relaxation, calming and stress relief, tangerine, lemon or ylang-ylang oils are ideal.
  • Chamomile, cedar, peppermint, eucalyptus or juniper oil is needed to heal wounds and disinfect them.


With the help of diluted kvass or beer, a bread aroma is given to the steam, which cleanses and heals the entire body.


The best bath procedure is to take a steam bath with a whisk. It heals, and tones, and rejuvenates.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian banya without a fragrant and steamed broom. First, they stroke the skin, then begin to lightly pat, gradually increasing the intensity and strength of the blows.

For those who fight against cellulite and fat deposits, and just want to improve the body - a broom is the best assistant.

Nettles and several types of trees are used for brooms.

  • A birch broom will help relieve muscle pain, clean the skin and lungs, and heal wounds.
  • You can treat oily skin, regulate pressure and nerves with the help of an oak broom.
  • Linden relieves headaches, helps in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and stimulates the kidneys.
  • Juniper and fir branches promote blood circulation and sweating, relieve respiratory diseases, and help with neuralgia.
  • Nettle helps to cope with joint pain, inflammation and helps reduce pressure.

Cosmetic procedures in the bath

For cosmetic procedures, folk remedies will be the most ideal.

Masks and scrubs are best prepared from honey, salt, clay, kefir or sour cream, oils and berries.

Each procedure must be alternated with a steam procedure, but you must enter the steam room every time with absolutely clean skin.

You need to start with cleansing with a scrub after the first visit to the steam room.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, everything is washed off under running water.

After subsequent steaming, masks should be made, first nourishing, then tonic and healing.

When the trips to the steam room are completed, it's the turn of the hair.

A pre-prepared mask is applied to the scalp, then to the roots and length. After ten minutes, rinse thoroughly with a suitable shampoo.

In order to truly relax your body and soul, heal and rejuvenate the body, you need to go to the bathhouse weekly.

This should become a good and kind tradition for many years to come.

Bath is good for everyone!

Also, my dear parents, such baths are very useful for ours, since they are the same as everyone else, and the delights of the bath are good for the body.

The Russian people at all times were famous for their heroic health, while contemporaries noted that Russians use a bathhouse for all ailments for treatment. This is a great doctor and beauty salon in one place. Regular visits to the Russian bath improves the functioning of all body systems...

The Russian people at all times were famous for their heroic health, while contemporaries noted that Russians use a bathhouse for all ailments for treatment. Why is a bath so useful? This is a great doctor and beauty salon in one place. A regular visit to the Russian bath removes toxins from the body, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, improves the functioning of all body systems. And, therefore, rejuvenates the body and improves the appearance.

What procedures to do in the Russian bath for beauty and health?

In order for a trip to the steam room to bring maximum benefit, you should follow simple rules and know what procedures can be done in the bath. It is necessary to bathe by covering your head with a hat or scarf, removing all jewelry so that they do not cause a burn on the skin and putting light slippers on your feet. Before entering the steam room, you should douse yourself with warm water, and then go into the heated steam room. The first run is best done on the lower steps of the shelf, so that the body gets used to the temperature. The time spent in the steam room should be determined by how you feel. As soon as it becomes uncomfortable, you should go out to rest. After each visit to the steam room, you should douse yourself with water to wash off the harmful substances released with sweat. Each subsequent entry into the steam room should increase the time spent and the temperature regime, rising to the upper steps of the shelf. In the steam room, you should not talk, do exercises and cosmetic procedures in the bath, it is better to lie there calmly, renouncing problems and enjoy the process.

How to enhance the beneficial properties of bath procedures?

To enhance the effect of steam, you can use decoctions of herbs and oils. The grass for the bath should be brewed first, then filtered so that the particles do not smoke on hot stones. The solution must be diluted with plenty of water. In the steam room, you can use decoctions of eucalyptus, currants, raspberries, pine needles and other herbs.

  • Cheer up and invigorate oils of lavender, grapefruit, jasmine and fir.
  • Calm and relieve tension and relax tangerine, lemon or ylang-ylang.
  • Mint, cedar, chamomile, eucalyptus, juniper oils will disinfect and help heal wounds.

You can also pour diluted kvass or beer on the stones so that the steam room is filled with a bread aroma. These are wellness procedures in the bath for the whole body.

Broom, as a healing and rejuvenating procedure in the bath

A broom is an indispensable attribute of the Russian bath. It helps to multiply the effect of steam and temperature. With a pre-steamed broom, the skin is first stroked, and then patted, gradually increasing the strength and intensity of the impact. This is an excellent remedy for fighting cellulite and body fat. Venik enhances the procedures in the bath for weight loss and recovery. Traditionally, these types of brooms are used:

  • Birch relieves muscle pain, cleanses the skin, heals wounds, cleanses the lungs.
  • Oak is ideal for oily skin, regulates pressure, soothes nerves.
  • Linden relieves headaches, stimulates kidney function, helps with lung diseases.
  • Fir and juniper stimulate blood circulation and sweating, help with neurological problems and respiratory diseases.
  • Eucalyptus is effective in diseases of the lungs, as well as wounds on the skin.
  • Nettle saves from aches in the joints, relieves inflammation, reduces pressure.

Cosmetic procedures for the face and body in the bath

To turn a trip to the steam room into cosmetic beauty treatments, you need to take with you, in addition to detergents, masks and belongings for skin and hair. You can use ready-made products from the store, but it is better to make homemade masks from available products. For procedures in a Russian bath, products such as salt, honey, clay, kefir, sour cream, oils, berries and other components may be suitable. Procedures for the face and body in the bath should be alternated with a visit to the steam room. No composition should be on the skin in the steam room!

After the first visits to the steam room, you can apply a scrub to clean skin. It is easy to prepare from a mixture of salt and vegetable oil or sour cream. It should be applied all over the body, gently rubbing into the steamed skin. Lastly apply to face and neck. The exposure time should not exceed 15 minutes. At this time, you need to rest. After washing off, you can again go to the steam room to warm up and steam. After washing off the sweat under running water, you can apply any nourishing mask. For example, mix honey and sour cream in equal amounts and apply to the skin. Such a mask will saturate the skin with vitamins and soften it, being a rejuvenating procedure in the bath. If the skin is oily, then sour cream is replaced by kefir, which has excellent drying, cleansing and softening properties.

You can prepare clay-based masks, choosing it according to your skin type. White clay is intended for oily skin, yellow and gray clay is for flaky and dry skin, green or yellow clay is suitable for fading skin that has lost its tone, but blue and red varieties of clay will save problematic skin with inflammation. The exposure time of the mask is about 15 minutes. In the bath, the skin absorbs nutrients like a sponge, which is why cosmetic procedures in the skin bath are so effective. After washing off the remnants of the mask, you can again go to the steam room.

Hair in the bath should also be given special attention. But hair masks should be done after the last visit to the steam room, because it is not recommended to sit in the steam room with a wet head. As a hair mask, you can use the already mentioned kefir, which is a universal remedy for the care of any hair. You can add oils or honey and yolk to the mask. It must be applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots and wrap your head with a towel. After 10 minutes of this procedure in the bath, rinse with shampoo.

What cosmetic procedures to do in the bath should be determined in advance and prepare the necessary compositions. If a person seeks to lose weight, then all useful procedures in the bath should be carried out on an empty stomach. If it is necessary to gain weight, then a couple of hours before the steam room, eat lightly.

A bath is a place where a person relaxes with his soul and body, and also performs rejuvenating and cleansing procedures in a bath. Visiting the steam room once a week will give health and beauty for many years.

You have come to the bath. Don't rush to the steam room. First, rinse under the shower - preferably warm. If you are a fan of swimming in the pool, it is better to do this before the steam room - after the steam room, prolonged hypothermia is fraught with colds. Short-term contrast procedures are much more useful. In no case do not wet your head before entering the steam room, so as not to cause it to overheat - you can get a heat stroke.

After a light shower, dry yourself with a towel, because moisture prevents sweating. Now you can go to the steam room. Just do not forget to put a cap or hat on your head, preferably a wide-brimmed one - this precaution will not allow the head to overheat.

If you like to steam in a wet steam room, you should not use brooms on the first run. By the way, on the first run, you can take a broom to the steam room, but don’t worry about it - just breathe in the aroma of the leaves.

You should not immediately climb onto the top shelf - the temperature is too high there, and you need to get used to the bath heat gradually. It's best to lie down. In this position, the bath heat evenly affects the entire body. In addition, only sufficiently relaxed muscles can be steamed well. In addition, an undesirable load on the heart is removed - in the prone position it is approximately two times lower than in the sitting position. You have already lain down for 5-7 minutes below. By the way, it is better that the legs are even slightly higher than the body. If there is no opportunity to lie down, then, sitting on a shelf, do not hang your legs from it. This is especially true for beginners, as well as the elderly, sick (if the steam room is not contraindicated for them), weakened people. Such people before the steam room also need to take a hot foot bath. Feet warm up for 10-15 minutes. This will prepare the body well for the thermal procedure.

If you do not want to lie down, you can go up and up, but then reduce the time spent in the steam room to 1-2 minutes. Standing in the steam room is not recommended. Only very healthy, hardy, well-trained people can afford it.

The duration of the bath procedure can be increased with each visit by 1-2 minutes. In the second run, you can already bathe with a broom. Usually the whole bath procedure takes about 2-3 hours. You can spend no more than 35 minutes in the steam room, regardless of the number of visits. Before each entry into the steam room, you need to rest for 10-20 minutes.

Before steaming, never wash with soap. If you wash it off badly, it will sting your eyes, and an unpleasant smell will appear in the steam room. The combination of soap and water vapor is harmful to health.

During rest, to maintain sweating, you need to drink a glass of hot tea - preferably in small sips.

Between visits to the steam room, contrast procedures are also taken. For those who want to lose weight, it is undesirable to supercool - any cold procedure stops sweating, and hence weight loss.

To improve sweating, you need to wipe the sweat or discard it with a scraper. Massage brush in the steam room also increases the release of sweat.

If there is no goal to lose weight, you can proceed to contrast procedures. Warmed up, as it should - and in the pool. If the water in the pool is very cold, stay in it should be short.

It is very useful to have a massage (or self-massage) in the bath. Do it immediately after leaving the steam room. In no case should you cool before the massage. Do not drink cold drinks. You can drink hot tea or milk, but not more than a glass. Each self-massage technique is repeated 3-4 times, the total time of self-massage is 10-15 minutes, massage is up to 25 minutes. Self-massage can be interrupted by visiting the steam room for 3-5 minutes. After the massage, take a warm shower, then wash (now with soap);

Let's repeat the sequence and rules of the bath procedure again.

1. Take a shower - preferably warm. Rule: never wet your head.

2. We wipe ourselves dry (mandatory procedure for good perspiration).

3. The first entry into the steam room - soar for 5-7 minutes. Let's not forget the headdress. It is easier to tolerate heat if you periodically moisten the hat with cool water.

5. In the second (and subsequent) entry, you can bathe with a broom (we strongly advise you to grab woolen mittens - it does not burn your hands, and the broom is comfortable to hold).

6. With each new entry into the steam room, we add 1-2 minutes.

7. Contrast procedures: a cold shower, a swimming pool (a cold bath, swimming in the snow) are taken immediately after the steam room. The cold procedure should be short.

8. For better perspiration during rest, it is useful to drink a glass of diaphoretic tea.

9. I wash myself with soap only after the last entry into the steam room.

10. We perform massage in the bath immediately after leaving the steam room, without cooling.

11. Before going outside, we rest indoors for a while. Now let's talk about the number of visits to the steam room and their duration.

For beginners, one run in 5-7 minutes is enough. People with average health after a short workout freely withstand 2-3 visits to the steam room, respectively, for 5, 7, 8-9 minutes. Healthy, trained people can increase the number of visits to five. But even they should not neglect the rule: the total time spent in the steam room should not exceed 35 minutes.

Another rule: you should go to the bath no more than once or twice a week. The body can become accustomed to heat stress and its benefits will decrease. It is useful to know that for a quick recovery (if you have to get back to work in a few hours), you need 2-3 visits to the steam room for 5-7 minutes each, and in the interval between them dousing with cold water (pool, snow). If, after visiting the bath, you do not need to work for 10-12 hours, you can make three to five visits to the steam room, and in between douse yourself with warm (up to forty degrees) water. Can be used in a steam broom.

Real soaring with a broom is a true art. It is very important to know the measure here.

Firstly, you do not need to whip with a broom that you have strength. Movements should be soft, flexible, the broom should barely touch the body, mainly skillfully pumping heat into them.

Secondly, the broom should be slightly damp all the time. If the bath heat has dried it out, the broom is lightly moistened in warm water.

Thirdly, the range of motion depends on the temperature in the steam room. If it is high, the broom is more cautious. At the head, the broom should always slow down or slow down - you can burn your face, ears are very sensitive to the bath heat. If the temperature is not high, then the broom can act more freely, sweeping.

Stroking, fastening; whipping with a broom is a kind of massage that stimulates the skin, activates blood circulation, and increases sweating. The aroma of a broom, if it is properly prepared, remains on the body for several hours after the bath.

It is better to bathe together, massaging each other in turn. The best body position for someone being hovered is lying on a shelf. Firstly, the temperature affects all parts of the body equally, and secondly, lying down is better able to relax. But if it is not possible to lie down, you need to sit down, pulling your legs up on the shelves.

First, light stroking is performed from the feet to the head.

Brooms are placed on the feet, then lightly and slowly lead them along the calf muscles, thighs, buttocks, along the arms - starting from the hands up to the neck, while the arms are extended along the body.

In the opposite direction, we act with two brooms. One broom slides on one side, and the second on the other, then along the sides of the pelvis, thighs and calf muscles to the feet. Next, the brooms are lifted up (at the same time, they seem to capture hotter air), lowered to the lower back and pressed with their hand to the body for 2-3 seconds. These movements are repeated several times, and the brooms are pressed either in the area of ​​the shoulder blades or on the knee joints.

The whole complex is repeated 3-4 times.

Please note: brooms must necessarily touch the body, and not move through the air, only pumping up heat. If the air temperature in the steam room is too high and the skin cannot withstand the heat, the brooms should be moved very slowly, without lifting them up.

If during soaring with a broom the skin burns badly, there is a simple trick: you need to stroke the body with a broom, after dipping it in cold water. The same can be done by hand. This technique allows not only to relieve discomfort, but also to warm up the muscles and joints more deeply.

Quilting is performed first on the back - it is done with light strokes in all directions. Then the reception is carried out on the lower back, pelvis, thighs, calves and feet. All this takes no more than one minute. They finish with stroking, but the movements are not as slow as when performing the first reception. Stroking is also done within a minute. If it is very hot, the heat is removed from the body, as in the first case, with a hand or a wet broom.

Then turn face up.

The partner repeats all the techniques in the same sequence, after which you need to lie down on your stomach again.

The first two techniques are repeated again: stroking and fastening. This time they last no more than two minutes, after which they proceed to the next reception.

Whipping is the main technique. It is performed in combination with a compress.

Start from the back. The broom is lifted up, capturing hot steam, and two or three whips are made on the latissimus dorsi.

Then the brooms are lifted up and lowered for two or three seconds, pressing them to the body - this is how a compress is made. The same is repeated on the lower back, buttocks, thighs (on the outer surface), with the exception of the popliteal fossa, since the skin here is very sensitive. If it is necessary to deeply warm the popliteal joint (for example, to increase its elasticity or restore impaired functions), a steamed broom is applied to it, and the lower leg is bent with careful springy movements.

The already mentioned compress is the fourth trick. The compress is especially useful in injured areas (after heavy physical exertion), with sciatica, muscle inflammation, gout, etc.

After a compress on the feet, the brooms are placed on the lower back and parted to the sides: one broom moves towards the head, and the other towards the feet. This technique is called stretching and is recommended for various pains in the sacro-lumbar region.

After such a reception, a person feels very cheerful. Stretching is carried out four to six times and ends with a general stroking of the whole body.

If in the second (or third) entry into the steam room you do not want to part with the broom, repeat the entire procedure, only spend the first two steps faster, and at the end perform the rubbing technique: with one hand (most often left) take the broom by the handle, and with your palm the other, pressing lightly on the leafy part, rub the back, lower back, pelvic region, etc. The torso can be rubbed in all directions, and the limbs along.

Rubbing is performed with strokes or circular movements.

The total time of the second broom massage should be reduced compared to the first massage. At the end of the procedure, it is not recommended to immediately get up abruptly, after thirty to sixty seconds you need to sit down, and then slowly stand up.

If you came to the steam room alone, you can take a steam bath yourself. Lie on your back and start steaming with your legs slightly bent at the knees. First, stroke in the direction from the feet up to the pelvis. Brooms slide evenly, then along the front of the legs, then along the back. There should be three or four such movements. If the air temperature in the steam room is high, the brooms should be moved slowly and not removed from the body so as not to build up the heat. At normal air temperature in the steam room, its effect can be increased by quickly moving the brooms from one area to another, periodically lifting them up.

Breast. First, stroking movements are carried out in the direction from the hips up the abdomen and chest to the lateral parts of the body - five to seven movements, then across the body (four to five movements).

Arms. Raise the arm up and make four to six stroking movements from the hand to the shoulder joint. Repeat on the other hand.

Back and neck. The back and pelvic area can be steamed lying down, then on one side, then on the other side, after which you can sit down and steam the upper back and neck.

Fastening is carried out in the same order as stroking, special attention should be paid to those parts of the body (muscles, joints) that most often get tired or ache.

Finish the procedure with rubbing, which is performed with the leafy part of the broom.

Before you go to the bath, you must decide exactly which of the brooms you want to take with you.

Bath lovers will agree with me that spending time in this place brings a lot of pleasure for the body and soul, after which you feel like “born again” and even lost weight. And for good reason - after all, a bath is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the human body.

Briefly, the topic of the bath has already been touched upon in. Now you, readers, have the opportunity to get acquainted in more detail with all the properties of this wonderful procedure, collected in this article.


1. Hot bath steam cleanses the skin of old cells, stimulates the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands.

Slags and toxins come out of the body together with sweat. My grandmother also said: "Go to the bathhouse more often and you will always be young and beautiful, with rosy cheeks." But this is true - when washing in a bath, the skin is steamed, so the dead cells of the epidermis (cuticle) are removed gently, and the surface of the skin is cleansed, the skin seems to be “younger”. The functioning of cleansed skin is significantly improved - its respiratory and excretory functions are easier to carry out, thermoregulation becomes more effective, and the protective function is facilitated.

2. The bath has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

Firstly, the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, experiencing intense thermal exposure, warm up well. Secondly, phytoncides entering the air of the steam room from a steamed broom cleanse both the air itself and the bronchi with the lungs, into which they penetrate with inhaled air, from infection (both microbial and viral).

3. The bath has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The movement of blood through the veins and arteries is greatly facilitated, stagnant processes in the small and large circles of blood circulation are eliminated, metabolic processes in cells are improved, tissues absorb oxygen more actively.

4. Together with sweat, excess lactic acid leaves the muscles, which are the cause of the familiar feeling of fatigue.

5. Bath procedures reduce the acidity of gastric juice and improve digestion.

6. As a result of exposure to hot steam on the body, metabolic processes in the body are intensively activated.

7. By enhancing the oxidation process, excess cholesterol, which usually accumulates in the walls of blood vessels and tissues, “burns out”, and this reduces the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, obesity, etc. P.

Remember that feeling when you leave the steam room and immediately douse yourself with cold water or jump into the pool with a run? True bliss, isn't it!? But this is not only a pleasant sensation with violent emotions, but also a very useful effect, since contrasting water procedures relieve vascular spasms, restore normal blood circulation, and help with capillary circulation disorders. This means that every visit to the bath can be considered as a hardening event that contributes to the effective prevention of influenza and colds.

Specially conducted studies show that the bath provides powerful support to the kidneys, since when visiting it, up to one and a half and even more liters of liquid are released with sweat, thus, bath procedures have a beneficial effect on water-salt metabolism and, consequently, on the state of the whole organism, from this exchange is directly dependent.

Sauna heat promotes muscle relaxation, relieves fatigue, tones up, restores vital activity, excitatory processes of the central nervous system increase, and regenerative functions in peripheral nerves are stimulated. Plus, contrast baths, massage and whipping with a broom are a good way to relieve nervous tension and, of course, contribute to sound healthy sleep.

Here are the tips of experienced vapers, which I myself use:

1. You need to get used to the bath heat gradually. Before visiting the steam room, you should rinse slightly in the shower, but do not wet your head so as not to cause it to overheat in the steam room.

2. Before entering the steam room after a shower, you must put on a wool cap, dry yourself with a towel, otherwise the moisture will trap perspiration.

3. When you feel in the steam room that profuse sweating has begun, it is best to lie on the shelf: in this case, the body will evenly receive heat.

4. After 8-10 minutes after you have sweated enough, you need to leave the steam room, rinse with warm water and rest for 5-7 minutes.

5. Such lovers of rinsing with cold water after the steam room, like me, should remember that tempering procedures should not be postponed until the end. It is best to alternate these procedures with visits to the steam room.

6. The best drink in the bath and after it is well-brewed fresh tea, preferably green, or herbal vitamin drink. Tea or other drinks should be drunk in the dressing room during the rest, from a samovar or a thermos. For example, during the rest period between visits to the steam room, I like to drink warm tea, which on this occasion I specially brew in a thermos of mint, rose hips, linden, raspberry leaves, currants and add honey. Great tonic!

7. And in no case, do not go to the bath after eating food and alcoholic beverages. If you really want to, allow yourself this after the bath.

What you need to know about cosmetic procedures in the bath

I agree that the bath is an excellent place for cosmetic procedures. At the same time, I often see a picture of how ladies, smeared from head to toe with various creams and ointments, enter the steam room and look forward to the effect of skin renewal and body rejuvenation. Naturally, the expected effect does not occur.

Moreover, according to experts, there is nothing more useless than applying creams, masks and other products before entering the steam room and while in it. The technique in which cosmetics are applied to the skin and go to the steam room is wrong, although it is recommended in many publications.

The process of absorption in conditions of increased sweating almost does not occur. On the contrary, the skin emits toxins, moisture, salts and everything superfluous and unnecessary along with sweat. How can you be sure that your mask will have the expected impact? Cosmetic impact is minimal. It can even be harmful, since many products, especially creams, decompose under the influence of high temperature and can harm the skin.

The suction process is most active after you have left the steam room. It is at the moment when sweating stops that the skin absorbs, like a sponge, everything that is on its surface. It is important not to allow those substances that are excreted with sweat to be reabsorbed. Therefore, be sure to take a shower after leaving the steam room. Then comes the period of rest of the body, which is optimal for nourishing the skin and applying any external means. Moreover, absorption occurs very quickly and immediately gives a positive effect.

This is exactly the time when the effect of the application of all anti-cellulite creams and gels is maximum. For 15-20 minutes of rest between visits to the steam room, creams and ointments will bring more benefits than when walking all day in anti-cellulite shorts. Before the next visit, you can wash off the remnants of the product, since everything that is possible has already been absorbed. This rule applies to all creams, masks, medicinal ointments, as well as aromatherapy - aromatic products are absorbed not only by the lungs, but by the whole body.

I have a favorite scrub recipe, after applying which the skin becomes soft and velvety. I use it after steaming with a broom, warming up the skin. For the scrub, I take 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, 2 tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (first cold pressed). Such peeling is suitable not only for the body, but also for dry skin of the face. The effect is amazing!

It is very useful to rinse clean hair with a decoction of a broom. This will give them strength, brilliance and splendor. Try it - you will not regret it (tested on yourself).

With all the benefits of the bath, it should be remembered that bath procedures are indicated only for those who have no contraindications to them (primarily in the form of acute or chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems).

If you love the bath and go there regularly and want to be healthy, young and beautiful - do it right, for the benefit of your soul and body.
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Which broom to choose?

Lime - if a cold begins.

Nettle - good for back pain.

Juniper - disinfects the air in the steam room and helps with influenza and bronchitis, as well as sciatica (stimulates blood circulation in the muscles and internal organs).

Oak - for skin problems.

What tree to choose when building your own bath?

I think that it is no secret to anyone why wood is used in the construction of the Russian bath - wooden walls have the ability to perfectly absorb steam and maintain constant humidity and temperature in the steam room. In addition, the tree is a "breathable" material, so you do not have to install any additional ventilation in the bath or ventilate the premises.

What is the best tree?

The best option for the frame of the bath will be pine bars and logs. The advantage of pine is the high content of aromatic substances, they are released at high temperatures and have bactericidal properties.

From the inside, it is better to use a deciduous tree. Aspen or linden are ideal, because these rocks are less dense than pine and do not heat up so much in the steam room. You can sit freely on the shelves without sheets. And one more thing - hardwoods do not emit resin when heated, which means there is no danger of sticking to a wall or shelf.

As for the floor in the bath, it does not have to be wooden. Today, there are a lot of modern materials that are not inferior, and in some cases even superior in quality and durability to wood. For example, ceramic tiles are easy to clean and will look much nicer than wood, which after a few weeks will no longer please the eye with its novelty.