Rosehip oil for health and beauty. Application and medicinal properties of rosehip oil

Oil from fruits and flowers of wild rose is actively used in cosmetology. The product has a balanced composition, rich in vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. Rosehip oil is sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, the price for 100 ml ranges from 200 rubles.

Beneficial features

The yellow-red bitter liquid with a characteristic aroma is not suitable for oily and problem skin, but it is very useful for dry, normal and combined types. Rosehip oil has the following properties:

  • Saturates the skin with vitamins C, A, E, which are responsible for youth, healthy color and good density, provide protection from external influences.
  • It is a source of manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals that improve intracellular metabolism.
  • It has a good moisturizing effect and relieves the feeling of tightness thanks to fatty acids: linolenic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, myristic. These same components protect the face from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Tocopherols and carotenoids (derivatives of vitamins A and E) have regenerative properties, restore damaged areas of the face. They will help with microcracks, scars, scars.
  • The tool smoothes fine wrinkles well, relieves flabbiness, bruises, bags under the eyes, tightens the oval of the face.
  • Rosehip oil extract removes scaly areas, lightens age spots, helps fight burns and the consequences of vitamin deficiency.

Applying rosehip oil to the face

People with acne, furunculosis, foci of inflammation, open wounds should not use the remedy. Skin prone to dryness gets the most benefit. If you have a combination type, do not apply wild rose oil to the T-zone. For eyelash growth, the product should be used 2-3 times a week, masks should be done once a week. Before beauty procedures, the skin must be cleaned with foam, mousse or gel. Ways to use rosehip oil:

Use case


In pure form

  1. Apply a small amount of oil to a cotton pad and wipe it over your face. Do it daily, preferably at night. Use to cleanse and moisturize.
  2. Lubricate your fingertips with rosehip oil and massage into the skin along the massage lines with a patting motion.
  3. Apply the product to a special brush and spread over the lashes. For maximum growth, mix the base with a 1: 1 ratio of fish oil / castor oil.

As part of industrial cosmetics

In any cream or lotion you are used to, add oil at the rate of 3-4 drops per 1 tsp. cosmetic product. Used as a nutrient.

As a base for an aromatic oil blend

To prepare the mixture, take 1 tbsp. l. wild rose and wheat germ oils (you can choose any other). Essential oils of rose, orange, lavender, patchouli, chamomile, bergamot, geranium go well with this base. The product is used as a nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating mask.

As a basis for applique

Soak a gauze pad or cloth in warm oil and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Application is necessary for the healing of microcracks. It can be done 2-3 times a day.


Rosehip for face is applied to steamed and cleansed skin. Before the procedure, take a shower or a bath to open the pores, treat your face with a scrub. The method of applying masks is standard for all recipes. You need to apply the product along the massage lines:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • from the chin to the temples;
  • from the upper lip to the auricles;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples.

Do not touch the area around the eyes (unless the mask is for this area). The composition must be washed off with warm water after 15–20 minutes. During the session, lie down calmly, relax, you can perform a light skin massage. After the procedure, lubricate the dermis with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. In winter, you can make masks 2 times a week, in summer - once every 1–1.5 weeks.

From wrinkles

Rosehip oil for skin in combination with other ingredients fights the first signs of aging: smoothes small wrinkles, removes crow's feet, and stimulates collagen production. Mask preparation method:

  1. Place 4 g of any baby cream in a non-metallic container.
  2. Add 10 drops of rosehip oil extract and 20 drops of olive oil to it.
  3. Enter into the base 10 drops of vitamin B2 in liquid form and ½ tbsp. l. aloe juice.
  4. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Against edema

Cosmetic rosehip oil for the face has a slight lymphatic drainage effect - it promotes the outflow of fluid. The mask for this recipe also suppresses inflammation. Cooking method:

  1. Make an infusion of nettle: 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain.
  2. In 1 st. l. wheat bran, add 1 tbsp. l. infusion of nettle.
  3. Heat 2 incomplete teaspoons of rosehip oil extract in a water bath to a temperature of 36-37 degrees. Pour the liquid into the bran and nettle infusion mixture.

For dry skin

This mask cleanses, nourishes and saturates the dehydrated dermis with vitamins, minerals and moisture. Cooking method:

  1. In a blender or coffee grinder, grind 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  2. Beat egg whites (2 pcs.) Until fluffy, 1 tbsp. l. heat honey in a water bath. Combine the ingredients with the oatmeal.
  3. Add warm walnut and rosehip oils to the mass (1 tsp each).

For centuries

Massage with an oil-vitamin mixture tightens well the skin around the eyes, eliminates crow's feet, bags and blue. Do the procedure every day at night. Method of preparation and use:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of wild rose oil with liquid vitamins A and E (3 drops each).
  2. Using the pads of your ring fingers, gently work the mixture into the skin under your eyes.
  3. Do not rinse off the product, you can get your face wet with a napkin.

Various essential oils are very popular in cosmetology. Everyone knows about burdock, sea buckthorn oils. But rosehip oil is not very popular, not many people know about its healing properties. Today we will reveal all the secrets and secrets of using rosehip oil.

When we mention rose hips, most often we remember aromatic tea rich in vitamin C. Unlike tea, oil is made not from the fruit itself, but from its seeds.

Benefits of Rosehip Oil and Effects on Skin

Do you want a face like movie actresses, singers? Use rosehip oil for cosmetic purposes to care for the epidermis. The secret lies in its composition:

  • vitamins C, E and A;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus;
  • trace elements: manganese, copper;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Let's see what effect rosehip oil has on our body:

  • the main beneficial property is the anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Lactating moms use rosehip oil to heal cracked nipples.
  • a regenerating property is always required. You can't do without injuries, bruises;
  • rosehip oil helps to eliminate the problem with the gastrointestinal tract, cure anal fissures, and get rid of pressure sores. Also, the oil helps prevent plaque that forms during atherosclerosis;
  • this tool is also used in dentistry: they treat gum disease, stomatitis and other diseases;
  • helps to get rid of wrinkles, give youth to aging skin;
  • the oil is suitable for sensitive skin of the lips, especially use this product in winter;
  • great for facial skin: relieves irritation, smoothes wrinkles, restores;
  • mix oil with shampoo, you will get an excellent remedy for accelerating hair growth.

Any oil has not only positive aspects, but also a small number of contraindications:

  • not recommended for people with oily epidermis;
  • the oil contains a lot of ascorbic acid, thus increasing the acidity. It is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers to ingest this drug;
  • should not be used by those who cannot tolerate one of the components of the oil. Avoid allergies;
  • girls under 25 are not recommended to use rosehip oil in face masks.

Applying rosehip oil to face and lips

Rosehip oil effectively relieves irritation and flaking of the facial skin, smoothes wrinkles, saturates with vitamins, and protects from UV rays.

Daily application of a couple of drops of rosehip oil (can be mixed with a regular cream) on the skin will help remove wrinkles around the eyes. For a noticeable result, carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening.

2-3 drops of vitamins A and E in a mixture of oil and cream will help to enhance the effect of rejuvenation.

Do not use too often, 2-3 weeks is enough, then take a break for 1-2 weeks. Repeat courses to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

A rosehip oil mask will help moisturize "mature" skin. This mixture is very simple to prepare:

  • take fresh yolk + one teaspoon of oil;
  • mix all the ingredients;
  • apply on clean skin, leave for 10 minutes;
  • rinse with lukewarm running water;
  • blot with a soft towel, then nourishing cream.

Perform this procedure 2-3 times a week. The effect is noticeable almost immediately. The skin will become pleasant to the touch, moisturized + fine wrinkles will begin to smooth out.

In winter, the skin of the lips is chapped. It is very easy to avoid this result. Half an hour before going outside, grease the sponges with 2-3 drops of rosehip oil.

This oil is used to massage the face. Rub into the skin in a circular motion. The healing properties of the components, massage movements provide blood flow, saturation of the skin with oxygen, useful microelements. The complex of procedures improves the complexion, smoothes wrinkles, and lifts the mood.

Note! Do not use rosehip oil on very young skin. This can adversely affect the appearance of the face, add age.

DIY vitamin cream with rosehip oil


  • any baby cream (without fragrances), aloe juice (10g), olive oil (2 teaspoons), rosehip oil (1 teaspoon), vitamin B2 (10 drops);
  • mix everything into a homogeneous mass;
  • apply 2 times a day, keep for no more than 10 minutes;
  • after the procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

It has long been known that problems lie in the middle of the body and appear on the skin. Therefore, ingestion of one teaspoon of rosehip oil per day will strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin.

Attention! Masks using rosehip oil are contraindicated for owners of acne, very problem skin.

Application for body skin and nails

Almost all ladies know the problem of stretch marks. Someone struggles with them after childbirth, quick weight loss. The reason for this skin defect: overloading of the skin, excessive dryness, peeling.

To cope with these problems will help the application of rosehip oil to the affected skin, in pure form or with the addition of other essential oils.

After pregnancy, most women develop age spots. Dampen a cotton swab with rosehip oil, wipe them with this product 2-3 times a day. Within three weeks, there will be no trace of the specks.

Hot baths can help fight cellulite. Add one teaspoon of rosehip oil, lemon, orange to a glass of milk. Stir the prepared mixture thoroughly, pour into water.

This bath should be taken for 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, lubricate the skin with cream. Result: visible smoothing of the bumps of cellulite, restoration of skin elasticity.

If you have brittle, dull nails, apply rosehip oil to them every day. After a while, the marigolds will grow faster and become less brittle.

Rosehip oil for scalp and hair

Rosehip oil is rich in fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E. These components are responsible for healthy nutrition of scalp cells and hair growth.

Therefore, oil is often used as a basis for the preparation of nourishing masks. Efficiency has been tested by more than one generation.

Before use, it is worth remembering that such a mask is not suitable for dry scalp. After all, the action of rosehip oil is to moisturize the scalp, eliminate dandruff.

Simple mask recipe. You will need:

  • rosehip oil (1 teaspoon);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • juice of 1 small onion onion;
  • holosas (you can buy the drug at the pharmacy).

Stir all ingredients, apply to hair roots, leave for 1.5 hours.

Important! Rub all masks using rosehip oil into the scalp, do not apply to the hair to avoid excessive oiliness.

Split ends, brittle hair? This mask is for you:

  • ingredients: beer (0.5 liters), rosehip oil (2 tablespoons), 1 egg yolk;
  • mix all the ingredients;
  • apply to the scalp, keep for 30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • use hair conditioner after the procedure.

Beautiful hair is the pride of any lady. Make these masks, your hair will always be full of life, shine.

Do you know about the benefits of the application for the body? Find out now!

Read on for information on the signs and symptoms of solar dermatitis.

Rosehip oil at home

You can buy rosehip oil at the pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. Here's an easy and quick way:

  • ingredients: dry rose hips, vegetable oil;
  • the fruits should be chopped;
  • add vegetable oil to them in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • put the mixture in a water bath, heat to 60 ° C;
  • store the cooled mass in the refrigerator for about a week;
  • strain the oil through cheesecloth.

That's it, the miracle cure is ready to use.

Note! Store homemade rosehip oil in a glass container, no more than 1 month.

On the Internet, rosehip oil has earned positive reviews. Indeed, no one doubts the usefulness and harmlessness of this tool. Be convinced of the effectiveness of rosehip oil, try it on yourself.

Remember that rosehip oil is popular not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. This essential oil helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dental problems. Neurologists advise rose hips as an antidepressant.

The oil moisturizes dry areas of the skin, preventing further flaking. You can still list the advantages of rosehip oil for a long time. We hope that today you have learned for yourself a lot of interesting, useful recipes, ways to use this essential oil.

Take care of the health of the skin of the face, hair, and the whole organism. This is not only a beautiful appearance, but also a guarantee of a long, happy life.

From the following video, you can find out another recipe for a rejuvenating rosehip oil cream:

Many cosmetics that are well suited to our skin, alas, cannot be used around the eyes. And here begins the search for additional tubes for bruises, edema, "crow's feet" ... However, home cosmetology can offer a way out of the situation: there are substances that can be simultaneously used to improve the general condition of the skin and under the eyes. For example, rosehip oil is used for the face. Wild rose is able to get rid of wrinkles, moisturizes well, evens out complexion, heals wounds, protects from sunburn and gently solves the problem of delicate areas near the eyelids. However, the product is not suitable for everyone. About contraindications and rules for use - in our material.

Rosehip is an integral part of the "grandmother's first aid kit". It is a unique plant with healing fruits and beautiful flowers.

There is a legend according to which the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite, having learned about the death of her chosen one, in emotions ran through the dense thickets. The branches clawed at the goddess. The drops of her blood, which remained on the bushes, turned into luxurious buds of a wild rose - rose hips.

The plant has versatile medicinal properties. It is capable of healing wounds and cracks, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system, soothes and relieves stress, is a diuretic and removes bile from the body.

Infusions, decoctions, teas - this is the usual form of drinking wild rose for us. But today they have learned to process the plant in another way. Oil is obtained from the dried seeds. The product can be bought over the counter and can also be used for medical or beauty purposes. The average cost is about 200 rubles. for 100 ml, depending on the manufacturer.

Vitamin C - anti-aging factor

The beneficial properties of rosehip vegetable oil and its unique composition have made the product especially popular in home cosmetology. What is so important about this substance?

A feature is the high content of ascorbic acid in the chemical composition of rose hips. This plant has ten times more vitamin C than currants. And 50 times more than lemon!

For our body, this is immunity, and for the skin - youth. After all, ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that blocks the negative effects of harmful substances and factors, slowing down the aging process and protecting the epidermis from diseases. Interestingly, it is rosehip that is used in the production of a number of ascorbin-containing medicinal products.

How it improves the skin and in what cases it can harm

But the product is not rich in "ascorbic acid" alone. The beneficial properties of rosehip oil for the face are also determined by unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements. The following are the main components of rosehip oil that affect the condition of the human skin.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, rosehip oil contains a whole portfolio of them. These are useful substances, the lack of which immediately affects the condition of the skin. For example, a deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids causes acne. In addition, linoleic acid evens out the water balance and retains moisture in the layers of the epidermis. This solves the problem of intensive moisturizing of the skin. Also, the substance "reflects" ultraviolet radiation. Oleic acid, which is also found in wild rose oil, stimulates collagen production and provides a lifting effect. And myristic acid helps to penetrate into cells and gain a foothold there for other important components.
  • "Vitamins of beauty". Here are the B vitamins, which tighten and moisturize the skin, make it silky, and prevent the appearance of acne. Rosehip oil also contains vitamin E, which oxygenates the skin and smoothes furrows even around the eyes. Vitamin K, which is used for the healing of plastic postoperative sutures, is also found in the wild rose product. This component, among other things, has a whitening effect and removes pigmentation. Vitamin A prevents aging. Nicotinic acid improves skin "breathing", retains moisture, relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of flakes.
  • Macro and microelements. Wild rose oil contains potassium, which regulates the water balance of the epidermis. Ferum improves blood circulation processes, tones up. Calcium normalizes the production of sebum, increases the elasticity of the skin. Magnesium relieves puffiness, improves texture. Phosphorus gives a healthy color and tightens. Zinc prevents acne breakouts.

The main tasks that rosehip oil solves when it comes into contact with our skin is hydration and rejuvenation. Also indications for use include puffiness, circles under the eyes, dark spots, scars and irritations.

This product is ideal for dry to normal skin. However, with a fatty type and boils, the "juice" of a wild rose is categorically contraindicated, since it can aggravate existing problems in the work of the sebaceous glands. And with the combined type, it is not recommended to apply the substance to the skin in the T-zone.

Simple ways to use

According to reviews, rosehip oil is good for the face from the wrinkles that have already appeared, reducing their depth, and slows down the processes of the appearance of new grooves. Moreover, the results are visible after a few weeks of regular procedures. And you can use a wild rose all the time, taking traditional preventive breaks.

Girls who are struggling with the problem of dry epidermis can even apply rosehip oil to their face instead of cream or moisturize their lips. This will require a cotton pad and a cosmetic product itself. Also, wild rose is not prohibited from adding to store tubes. The permissible ratio is about four drops per teaspoon of finished cosmetics.

This product is also well suited for face and body massage. In its pure form, rosehip oil is also used in the treatment of skin diseases and to get rid of pigmentation, scars after acne. In this case, compresses are made. To do this, a gauze cut with slits for the eyes is impregnated with a substance and applied to the face for half an hour. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day to obtain an operative result.

Seven popular recipes

Homemade rosehip oil face masks are also popular. Below are the simplest and most common recipes.

Super hydration with yolks

  1. Beat two egg yolks in a bowl using a fork or blender.
  2. Combine with a teaspoon of wild rose oil.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.

Anti-aging "cocktail" with oatmeal and milk

  1. Bring milk to a boil. Quantity - half a glass.
  2. Grind the oatmeal using a coffee grinder. The required amount of flour is two tablespoons.
  3. Pour hot milk over oatmeal.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture and combine with a teaspoon of wild rose "juice".
  5. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply your daily cream.

Rejuvenating option with oils and riboflavin

  1. Combine two tablespoons of regular baby cream and a teaspoon of aloe juice.
  2. Add vitamin B2 purchased from the pharmacy. The amount of liquid riboflavin is 10 drops.
  3. Combine with olive oil. Quantity - 20 drops.
  4. Combine with rosehip oil. Quantity - 10 drops.
  5. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply your daily cream.

Vitamin nutrition against crow's feet

  1. Combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil and liquid pharmacy vitamins A and E. The amount of vitamins is three drops each.
  2. Use your fingertips to drive the resulting mixture under the eyes.
  3. Do not rinse, you can blot with a napkin.
  4. Apply at night and upon awakening.

Anti-wrinkle with esters

  1. Combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil with a tablespoon of wheat germ oil.
  2. Enrich with essential oils and patchouli. Quantity - two drops.
  3. Recommended to apply at night without rinsing.

With bran and nettle to relieve puffiness

  1. Prepare nettle infusion by pouring a tablespoon of plant leaves with a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, then strain with a gauze cut.
  2. Combine the infusion with a tablespoon of wheat bran.
  3. Add wild rose oil. The amount is a teaspoon.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

With honey for firmness and silk

  1. In a bowl, using a fork or blender, beat a teaspoon of liquid honey and one egg yolk.
  2. Enrich with a teaspoon of rosehip oil.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply your daily cream.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use rosehip oil, which is extracted from the seeds by the cold method. This is important, since some of the beneficial properties of the plant are lost during heat treatment. Store the bottle in the refrigerator with the cap tightly closed.

During the ripening season of rose hips, at the end of summer, you can additionally wash yourself with a decoction of the fruits and leaves of this plant. Also, lovers of natural care products are advised to harvest ice cubes from wild rose infusion.

If the product suits your skin type, then the use of rosehip oil for the face is limited only by your desire. But if you want to further strengthen the body from the inside, then you need to know that the substance can cause harm. You can not drink wild rose oil for pancreatitis, gallstone disease, ulcers and any problems with blood clotting.


While there are many medicines available to combat skin problems, women often prefer natural options. Rosehip oil is sought after by those who fight wrinkles and flaking. Thanks to the beneficial substances it contains, the product is widely used in cosmetology. There are options for using rosehip extract both in concentrated form and as part of various masks.

Read in this article

Basic properties of rosehip oil

The herbal remedy is a slightly bitter liquid with a characteristic yellow-red color. The oil is extracted from the seeds and flowers of the wild rose plant, which is known to everyone as rose hips. Due to its composition, the product has a number of positive properties that can regenerate the skin.

Rosehip oil is very effective as it can reach the deepest layers of the dermis. Thus, it helps the cells to function actively. In addition, rosehip extract is able to retain moisture in the skin, which prevents dryness and flaking. It also significantly increases the body's production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. And the rich vitamin complex slows down the aging process.

Rosehip is also beneficial for intracellular metabolism. Under the influence of wild rose oil, the skin regenerates much faster, the growth of new young cells and tissues is activated. And due to the fatty acids present in the herbal remedy, the epidermis is provided with effective protection from external factors, including ultraviolet rays.

Benefits for the face

Rosehip extract has already proven its worth. But it isn't for everyone. Before you start using the product, it is better to go to an appointment with a beautician. A specialist will definitely advise to give up rosehip oil to those who have rather oily skin. The remedy can only worsen the situation.

But for those who suffer from dry skin and peeling, rosehip oil will be a real salvation. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restoring it smoothness and softness. Also, the herbal remedy effectively fights expression wrinkles around the eyes. With regular use, wild rose oil will help smooth the skin, eliminate bags and bruises.

For people with pigmentation, the plant extract is also indispensable. It helps to lighten blemishes and even out complexion.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

To avoid a possible allergic reaction, experts recommend first applying rosehip oil to the skin on your hand. If there are no manifestations such as itching, redness, you can use it on the face.

Also, the oil will help reduce traces of various injuries: scars, abrasions, burns, wounds. Therefore, this herbal remedy is often used by people with post-acne. The regenerating properties of wild rose oil help the skin to regenerate.

The result of using rosehip oil for the face

Application in cosmetology of seeds, masks

Usually, to eliminate problems with the skin of the face, rose hips are not used in their pure form. The seeds themselves are not used; oil is extracted from them, which is the main active ingredient. It is included in various face products, one of which is masks.

There are many uses for rosehip oil. Often it is included in various masks aimed at solving specific problems with the skin of the face. Depending on what effect you want to get, you can use one of the proposed options:

  • Mix 5 milliliters of aloe juice and rosehip oil, a couple of drops. The resulting mask is distributed over the entire skin of the face. It must be used once at bedtime for seven days. Such a mask will help reduce wrinkles on the face, moisturize the skin, and eliminate dryness and flaking. In addition, it can be used to treat inflammation.
  • To create the next mask, you need to beat one yolk and add three milliliters of rosehip oil to it. Apply to cleansed skin, leave for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with warm water, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. This mask actively nourishes the dermis, allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, evens out the tone of the face.
  • 50 milliliters of milk must be brought to a boil and pour a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 5 ml of wild rose extract. The mask is distributed over the skin of the face, it is necessary that the product remains warm. Leave on for 15 - 20 minutes. It is washed off in two stages: first with warm water, then with cold water. The mask is used to get rid of wrinkles, restores a healthy complexion to the face and velvety to the skin.
  • A mask for lightening the dermis and removing age spots is prepared from pumpkin, rosehip oil and honey. The vegetable must be peeled and grated on a small grater. To make a mask, you only need a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin pulp. Add warmed honey and wild rose oil to it, mix everything well. Spread the mask evenly on the face, leave for 15 minutes. Then wash it off. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every day for a week.

To learn how to prepare a face mask with rosehip oil, see this video:

How is cosmetic rosehip oil used?

It is not difficult to buy a herbal remedy, because it can be found on the shelves of any pharmacy. For cosmetic purposes, rosehip oil can be used in a variety of ways. As mentioned above, it can be the main ingredient in anti-aging and moisturizing masks.

Also, the oil can be used in a concentrated form without diluting with additional components. Most often, in this version, it is used to get rid of facial wrinkles. The oil is also suitable for cleansing the face. You just need to moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe the skin thoroughly.

Since the oil has a pronounced moisturizing and softening effect, it is advisable to use it to eliminate flaking, sticking in the corners of the mouth. Also, it can be applied not only on the face. Rosehip oil does a great job of softening the skin on elbows, knees and heels.

The beneficial herbal remedy works well with other esters. It can be safely mixed with lavender, bergamot, rose, ylang-ylang, chamomile and others to create aromatic healing masks.

Rosehip also helps maintain healthy eyelashes. Under the influence of the vitamin complex in its composition, they become thicker and stronger. To do this, apply the undiluted herbal remedy to the eyelashes with a special brush every day. If desired, it can be mixed with sea buckthorn and burdock oils.

How to do it yourself

For lovers of everything natural, you can try to make the remedy at home. There are three ways to create rosehip oil:

  • The first option involves the use of dried plant fruits. They must be crushed and divided into three equal parts. The first of them should be poured with olive oil warmed up to a temperature of 40ºC. All powder should be underneath. After that, the mixture must be put in a dark place for 7 days.

After this time, it is necessary to get it out, reheat it to the required temperature and pour in the second part of the crushed seeds. Put it back in a dark place. Repeat the procedure for the remainder. Store the finished rosehip oil in the refrigerator.

  • This option is somewhat easier to prepare. Now you need to take not dry, but fresh fruits of the wild rose and chop them. Pour the resulting mass into a jar so that it occupies three quarters of the volume. The remaining space is filled with hot olive oil heated to 50 degrees. The remedy should be infused for a couple of weeks. Then the mass will need to be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.
  • The latter option involves the use of both rose hips and flowers. The first step is the same as always - grind the ingredients to a state of gruel. Pour the mixture with olive or corn oil. Moreover, the proportion is slightly different here. One part of the powder must be diluted with three volumes of oil. Let the mixture brew for two weeks, and after this period, get the product and put on fire, bring to a boil.
  • Strain and pour into a bottle or dark glass jar.
  • Expert opinion

    Tatiana Somoilova

    Cosmetology expert

    If the oil seems too greasy in consistency, it can be easily corrected. You need to take a daily moisturizer or lotion and add the product to it in the required quantities. Thus, its beneficial properties will increase.

    To reduce the severity of deep wrinkles, apply lotions with rosehip oil. A small piece of soft cloth or gauze is soaked in the product and applied to the problem area for thirty minutes. After the "compress" is removed from the face, and the remaining drops of oil are rubbed into the skin. It is necessary to carry out a similar procedure every day for at least a month in order to obtain the desired effect.

    Among the herbal remedies aimed at eliminating wrinkles and dry skin, one of the most effective is rosehip oil. It contains a rich multivitamin complex, as well as minerals and trace elements. All of them together have a beneficial effect on the skin, returning it to a healthy and radiant appearance.

    Useful video

    To learn how to prepare a face cream based on rosehip oil, see this video:

Rosehip oil has a number of beneficial properties, including it has a positive effect on the skin, allowing it to maintain its elasticity and tone. The product contains a large number of useful substances, one of which is ascorbic acid. It is thanks to her that the oil has a rejuvenating effect.

The beneficial properties of rosehip oil are due to its rich composition. It contains a number of micro and macro elements, saturated fatty acids, vitamins B, C, E and K. Thanks to this composition, the oil has the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes the skin, prevents moisture loss;
  • eliminates acne;
  • protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • helps to protect the skin from harmful radicals;
  • allows you to maintain elasticity;
  • eliminates flaking;
  • relieves pigmentation;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • eliminates edema;
  • improves complexion.

Rosehip oil, unlike many other products, can also be used around the eyes, as it does not irritate even thin skin.

Indications for use

Rosehip oil is used for different skin types, depending on the task at hand. The product is truly versatile. Thanks to the zinc included in the composition, the oil does not clog the pores, but, on the contrary, eliminates the formation of comedones. The product can be used for normal skin as well as for oily and dry skin. The only thing to remember is not to use the oil alone too often. This rule applies to oily and combination skin. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Rosehip oil is an excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

How to use oil to remove wrinkles

To eliminate wrinkles, the product can be used either alone or in combination with other beneficial ingredients. This tool can be used to enrich creams by adding to 1 tsp. composition of 4 drops of oil. It is more convenient to apply the product in its pure form with a cotton pad. This can be done regularly before bed for 30 days. Then it is better to take a break for several weeks and continue using.

Effective Rosehip Oil Recipes:

  1. Mask that increases skin elasticity. You will need 2 chicken yolks. Beat them with a mixer and add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Mix both components and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water and moisturize the face with a cream suitable for the skin type. Repeat the procedure once a week for several months.
  2. Anti-wrinkle nourishing mask. You will need oatmeal. It is recommended to grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain flour. Then boil half a glass of milk. Pour 2 tbsp. l. flour. Let stand until the mixture is slightly warm. Then apply to face. After 20 minutes, wash off with cool water. This mask should be done at least once a week. The course is 1-2 months.
  3. Anti-wrinkle blend around the eyes. Additionally, you will need capsules of vitamins E and A, as well as rosehip oil. All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to carefully pierce the capsules with a needle before use. After mixing, apply the composition to the skin around the eyes. Leave on for 30 minutes. You don't need to wash it off. It is recommended to blot the rest of the product with a paper napkin. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2 months.
  4. Anti-aging composition. It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l. rosehip oil and wheat germ. Add 2 drops of patchouli and geranium ethers. Mix everything and apply on the face. Leave on for 20 minutes. Then either rinse with water or blot with a damp cloth. Repeat once a week for a month.
  5. Rejuvenating mask. You must mix 1 tsp. honey and one yolk. Then add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Apply to face with massage movements. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then moisturize the skin with a cream. This recipe is not suitable for people who are allergic to bee products. Repeat the procedure once every 10 days. The course is 2 months.

It is advisable to store rosehip oil in the refrigerator. It is recommended to purchase a cold pressed product. It retains the maximum useful properties of the plant.

Rosehip Oil Recipe Ingredients - Gallery

Chicken yolk improves skin condition Medium fat milk is better Oatmeal improves complexion
Vitamin E capsules have an antioxidant effect Vitamin A capsules rejuvenate the skin Wheat germ oil helps eliminate wrinkles Patchouli oil nourishes the skin
Geranium oil allows you to maintain elasticity It is better to take honey in liquid, as it is easier to mix