Men's skirts. Men's skirt: yes or no

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Tunics of ancient Romans and trousers of eastern women, universal Indian sarongs and African djellaba, which are worn by men and women at the same time - these and other types of clothing show that in the world history of fashion there is no clear connection between skirts and trousers with a specific gender. It all depends on the specific place and time of action. According to the standards of our, European culture of recent centuries, the appearance of a man in a skirt in public is outright shocking or a sign of unconventional orientation. Meanwhile, there are more and more such men. Why?

“This trend is not entirely new,” says Olga Vainshtein, a culturologist. - Remember the collection with men's skirts of the French designer Jean-Paul Gaultier "Une garde-robe pour deux" ("Wardrobe for two") - it was in 1985. In 2003-2004, the Metropolitan Museum of Art hosted the famous exhibition “Bravehearts. Men in skirts "(" Daredevils: men in skirts "). But, of course, in the last two years, the number of men's collections with details of women's clothing has increased significantly, moreover, this fashion has begun to actively pass into life. "

Celebrities are increasingly appearing in dresses and skirts on the red carpet or social events. Among them - 18-year-old Jaden Smith, the son of Will Smith, actors Jared Leto, Van Diesel, rapper Kanye West. And of course, the most famous fan of kilts, skirts, sundresses and other women's wardrobe items is the American fashion designer, the creator of his own brand Marc Jacobs, Marc Jacobs.

What social changes does this trend indicate?

Ekaterina Orel, psychologist:

Partly about the desire of modern men to better understand women. After all, disputes about the social role, rights and opportunities of women in society do not stop, on the contrary. On the one hand, trainings “wear skirts and serve your man” have intensified, and on the other hand, a powerful wave of discussions of domestic and sexual violence, women's interest in traditionally male professions ... And it seems to me that the fashion for men's skirts is a kind of continuation of this conversation ... In English, there is a good expression - standing in my shoes (literally "to stand in my shoes"), meaning acceptance of the opinion, situation, ideas of another person. Fashion designers literally force men to try on the role of a woman with all its features, advantages and limitations.

Olga Vainshtein, culturologist:

I perceive this trend primarily as part of a general trend to destroy conventions and cultural stereotypes in fashion. In this series - campaigns of protest against Photoshop, the appearance on the catwalk of obese women, people with disabilities, elderly models. And in a narrower sense, this trend is described by the concept of "gender-bending", which means expansion, softening of the rigid boundaries of gender. Today, the mutual convergence of roles, the feminization of men and the emancipation of women are taking place at various levels. Women are becoming more influential and successful. In the English-speaking world, there is the concept of "empowerment of women", which means strengthening the positions and opportunities of women, increasing their self-confidence. And men, on the contrary, are increasingly demonstrating softness and femininity - remember the type of metrosexual that appeared in the early 2000s, and at the same time new principles of male self-care and self-care came into fashion.

Is a skirt a sign of masculinity?

On the one hand, the process of feminization of men is becoming a serious problem today. The loss by men of their identity is the subject of a separate book by the classic of social psychology Philip Zimbardo 1. " C Do modern youths fail academically, socially, and sexually, and women under the age of 30 overtake men in both education and earnings? - emphasizes Philip Zimbardo. - Harmony between a man and a woman is more and more violated. In order to restore gender balance, it is necessary that men also have the right to raise issues of equality. "

In this regard, the development of skirts and dresses by men is a good sign, an attempt to restore balance. Indeed, women donned trousers at the beginning of the last century, so why should men still divide clothes into men and women?

Designer Marc Jacobs

But the fashion trend also has a different perspective. “Like any phenomenon in the postmodern world, men's skirts carry a double message: in many ways they emphasize the masculinity of their wearer,” says psychologist Ekaterina Orel. “After all, the first association with a man’s skirt is the kilt, the clothing of the highlanders who have an aura of courage and aggressiveness in Western culture. Therefore, putting on a skirt, a man, on the one hand, tries on a female image, and on the other, declares his strength and superiority, emphasizing his connection with the image of a warlike mountaineer. "

“Men in skirts look quite courageous,” confirms Olga Weinstein. - Let us recall at least the ancient Roman warriors in short tunics. Or, for example, a black leather skirt, rough men's boots, stubble on the face and muscular men's arms - this combination creates a rather brutal image. "

One way or another, the loosening of cultural stereotypes and gender boundaries, their relativity is evident. The process of globalization also contributes to this. “Bloomers, traditionally oriental clothing, are becoming fashionable all over the world, sarongs are worn not only by people from Southeast Asia, but also by Europeans, for example, David Beckham loves them,” recalls Olga Weinstein. - That is, of course, we can talk about the rapprochement of the East with the West and the expansion of cultural borrowing. The emergence of transgender models, men and women, who change their sex surgically, also testifies to the loosening of stereotypes. "

1 F. Zimbardo, N. Colombe “A Man in Separation: Games, Porn and the Loss of Identity” (the book is published in August 2016 by the publishing house “Alpina Publisher”). invited visitors to the "women's fashion" section to answer this question. And here's what came of it:

Exciting! I like men in skirts. - 71%
Horror! Put on your pants! - 0%
I do not care. People should be allowed to wear whatever they want. - 27%

The portal also provided an opportunity for men - "skirts" to leave their impressions and thoughts about wearing skirts. These stories are:

Story 1: Why I Wear a Skirt

Any that are called masculine or unisex.

Only my fears.

The skirts are very comfortable. They are great for driving on hot days. Plus there are many colors and shapes to choose from.

How I started wearing skirts:

My wife took the risk of letting me wear a short denim skirt for a day. It was the beginning, but the further it went, the more pleasure I got from wearing skirts. Now I wear skirts all the time. 14 skirts and 3 pairs of blue jeans. Most of the time I wear knee-length denim skirts with 4 or 5 pockets (pleats?). I also wear corduroy skirts. I became the owner of a tshirt skirt (?).

Tips and Tricks:

* Just watch how it sits on you, whether it fits properly.

Story 2: Guys in skirts

What type of men's skirts I would like to see:

Anyone, because they are not visible at all !!!

What problems did I run into while wearing skirts:
Windy days.

Why I like to wear skirts:

They don't have crotch seams to chafe and skirts are much cooler than pants !!!

How I started wearing skirts:
I had rashes on the inner thighs that could not be healed without air. The doctor recommended that I try walking in a skirt to help the air come into contact with the rash !!! It worked and I found that I love the feel and look of the skirts !!! I tried to wear skirts and dresses when I was a little 9 year old boy and I liked them, but I was told that boys do not wear them!
Now I am 41 years old and I will never give up on my skirts - these are the best feelings !!!

Tips and Tricks

* For the full experience of wearing a skirt, shaving your legs is a must !!!

Story 3: My skirt story

What type of men's skirts I would like to see:

I would like to see a greater variety of colors and styles that can be worn with casual shirts, or polo shirts.

What problems did I run into while wearing skirts:

Skirts that are too narrow or made of stretchy (lycra) material reveal an unsightly "uneven" surface in the front. Looking for skirts adapted to the male anatomy.

Why I like to wear skirts:
This is very different from what everyone is used to, and because they are comfortable and stylish, I think these are the main reasons for using skirts.

How I started wearing skirts:

It all started about 5 years ago when I was shopping with my girlfriend (at the time). I recommended that she buy a skinny denim miniskirt, the idea provoked her resentment. She said that if I liked them so much, then I myself could become a buyer of the skirt. And ... that's exactly what I did.

Tips and Tricks

* Try to match styles and colors as well as possible. Just because skirts alone doesn't mean you can ignore everything else. Remember that you will be eye-catching so every little detail will be noticed.
* Be natural, and if it's a short skirt, keep your legs together at all times.

Story 4: Kilts and Skirts

What type of men's skirts I would like to see:

Knee length or mini skirts with comfortable deep pockets.

What problems did I run into while wearing skirts:

Right outside the door at first! Problems with a wife who hates the idea.
Airport Security Searches! (I have a pacemaker)

Why I like to wear skirts:
They are comfortable and do not press in the groin. They are also different from boring pants, pants, pants, and sometimes shorts.
I prefer to wear sports shorts at home, and spend a lot of time in them in the summer outside (unfortunately not at work).

How I started wearing skirts:

I donned a rented kilt over 5 years ago and received encouraging compliments when I walked around in it (a 50-year-old Scotsman who has never worn a kilt before - awesome!). Since then I have purchased my own and wear it on special occasions. However, it is quite heavy for everyday wear.
My son wore a 14-inch faux leather miniskirt and a sequined pink and black skirt that was even shorter when he participated in the costume dances. It got me thinking.
I did some research on the internet and I found many sites for men in skirts, so I thought - why not try this?
I bought a couple of skirts through e-bay - a 17 "cargo skirt in khaki, as well as a 14" denim mini, and decided to try them out.
The first time this happened was at a gas station - I was wearing a skirt when I arrived there. It wouldn't look good if I got scared and drove away, so I got out of the car, refueled, and paid at the checkout. There were several people there, including a couple of policemen. They were drinking coffee, and they should have noticed me, but no one paid any attention. Indeed, it almost disappointed me.
Now I wear various skirts to supermarkets, malls, DIY stores, and travel by bus, train and airplane.
All this without any unpleasant comments at all. Just a few belated sidelong glances in the back.
I also wore a denim miniskirt to the 10 Mile Breast Cancer Charity Marathon and received many smiles and support. One assistant girl said, "Wow! The man in the skirt! Cool!" Which boosted my confidence a lot.

Tips and Tricks

* Buy via e-bay - but make sure you quote the exact measurements. Women's sizes are known for being unpredictable.
* Exude confidence! - even if your heart is about to jump out! You are not doing anything wrong!
* Start with small shops - for example along the motorways, or shops you usually don't visit often.
* Sign up on websites for men in skirts - there are many like you.

Story 5: My Story of Wearing Skirts

What type of men's skirts I would like to see:

My preferred skirts range from kilts, through kilt-like robes, to regular knee-length or ankle-length skirts. The colors I prefer are solid colors like blue, red-brown and black.

What problems did I run into while wearing skirts:
Acceptance in society, especially in a country that proclaims itself as liberal, free-thinking, etc. while in reality people are conservative and Calvinistic. I was ridiculed by various people.

Why I like to wear skirts:
The reason for wearing a skirt at first was curiosity, after trying it, I noticed that the comfort is just great, during a long sitting, the pants have to be lowered regularly to give freedom to "family jewels", this is not required with a skirt. I've done a lot of car travel over the past year, with about 800 miles a day, and there is a huge difference in comfort when you do it in a skirt instead of pants. Therefore, comfort is the reason.
Also, since my wife contracted cancer, and apparently a skirt may reduce the chance of getting it too, by all means.

How I started wearing skirts:
The first time my wife suggested this was for a bedroom game. There was no real continuation of this, but discussion of the topic did arise from time to time. Not knowing if I would like it, I tried it when my wife was not at home, and at first I felt the same thrill. After putting on the skirt a number of times, I started experimenting with the combination, one of the combinations being a red and brown skirt with a brown plaid jacket and tie, red and brown stockings, and brown loafers. Once I dressed like that for work (in the office and at home), and noted the comfort. In the meantime, we discussed the possibilities several times, and my wife indicated that she would like to look for a kilt. Before that, I “tried the water” (scouting the situation) many times using a large bath towel, and she didn’t even raise an eyebrow. One day my wife found that I went further than a towel. It's a long story, but after all the talk, she gave her consent. At that very moment, she was full of enthusiasm ... A few months later, she changed her attitude, said that I must be a pervert, homosexual, and stuff like that, and filed for divorce (meanwhile, she herself wears my socks and shirts; double standards?). Now, a few years later, we are still in a state of divorce as she tries to get hold of all my possessions.
NB: When my wife announced that she wanted to divorce, she was being treated by an oncologist and a psychiatrist, therefore the question arises whether she fully understood what was happening, and in addition to this, she was manipulated by a friend who always put sticks in our relationship. wheels. At that time, my wife spent more time on the well-being of this friend than on family affairs.

Now that we live apart, I can wear a skirt whenever I want. Going outside, I was surprised that the knee-length skirt and tights combination was actually warmer than the pants I was in just 30 minutes ago.

I advise anyone who works in an office or who has to travel long distances frequently, like truck drivers in German breweries, to try wearing a skirt.

Tips and Tricks

* Make sure your spouse is supportive.
* Make sure your partner is ready to support you now and in the future.
* Combine this with common men's attire that meets today's standards.
* Do not try to look ostentatious, or look like a transvestite who wants to play the role of a different gender (like women wearing pants, blazers, flat shoes, and maybe ties ...).
* Do not go into confrontation.
* Since I attract attention even by wearing a suit and tie, or even casual clothes, since I am quite tall, I tend to limit wearing a skirt outside the house, and late evening walks when walking the dog.
* Be yourself.

Story 6: Men in Skirts

What type of men's skirts I would like to see:

All types marked as unisex. Most agree that women's size charts are extremely incongruous. In my wardrobe there are about 200 skirts made of various types of fabric, with buttons, pockets, zippers, pleated, long, etc.

What problems did I run into while wearing skirts:

Actually, not much. There were problems with teenage girls wearing ripped jeans. The kind that I would never wear in public.

Why I like to wear skirts:

Comfort. So many different colors, patterns, varieties.

How I started wearing skirts:
In response to a challenge from my daughter. It was a hot summer day. What a shame, I was a man who couldn't put on a miniskirt on a hot, sweltering summer afternoon. But I did it. Shaved my legs, as my daughter advised. Then I switched to an epilator. Started with a denim miniskirt. Added a denim jacket and a denim shirt. Increased diversity from now on.

Tips and Tricks

* The label is located at the back, regardless of the position of the zipper or buttons.
* Use a dimensional grid. Every seller seems to have their own idea of ​​what size 15 might be. I have a size 12 skirt that is larger than a size 18 skirt. Keep this in mind.
* Do not wear a short pleated skirt on a windy day.
* Don't let the hem of your long skirt get caught by your car door.
* Look in the mirror. The back edge of the skirt may not cover what you intended to cover.
* Slide your fingers along the edge when standing up. Is your skirt loose?

My comments:

I have two remarks about all of the above.
The first- Of course, each of these "skaters" - enthusiasts, can be suspected of something "this", and hang the appropriate label - one with transvestite inclinations, the other - a fetishist, the third just went crazy in his old age. Anyway, would a "normal" person want to go against the "mainstream" ?! Just think - billions of men walk all their lives in trousers, and are satisfied, and with this, you see, it was impatient to put on skirts! What weirdos! But there is another, completely banal consideration - without eccentrics, society begins to stagnate. Social change always comes from the "freaks" who are not quite normal from the point of view of the "average" person.
The second- It seems to me very strongly that all these famous couturiers, "fashion houses", and other institutions that create new "trends", are toying with outright garbage. It would seem that what is easier - conduct such a survey, take into account the wishes, add on their basis the necessary elements of "masculinity" to the already existing female models, and promote the revolutionary product under the slogans of functionality, "coolness", and convenience ... But no! Instead, we observe the process of "creative (sorry) bowel movement", looking at the results of which we want to spit in our hearts and forget, like a nightmare, the very phrase "men's skirt".
So? The rescue of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves! We live with that ...

Reading the article will take: 4 minutes

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a man's skirt is a Scottish kilt. After the fantastic-historical action films about "Highlander" and "Brave Heart" among the Russian-speaking Internet community, an interest arose in the men's skirt - how do the Scots manage to maintain brutality, wrapping their hips in woolen checkered fabric? In Russia, a largely northern country, the skirt is considered an item of exclusively female wardrobe, but in many countries with subtropical and tropical climates, this "gender discrimination" is absent. And, interestingly, many centuries ago the skirt belonged to the unisex class clothes ...

To protect the legs from the cold, and the genitals from scratches, the easiest way is to wrap the lower part of the body with a wide strip of cloth or, as the ancient people did, with a fragment of the skin of a killed animal. Without exception, all cultures and peoples who inhabited the Earth several millennia ago wore either skirts or (mainly residents of southern countries) loincloths on their hips. The first woven straw skirts, equally popular among both men and women of that era, were discovered by archaeologists in a cave on the territory of Armenia - the find was dated 3900 BC.

Around 500 BC, the rulers of Persia (modern Iran), waging constant wars with neighboring states, ordered the optimization of the long men's skirt so that the equestrian soldiers could ride comfortably in the saddle. Previously, riders were forced to wear very wide skirts that allowed their legs to be freely positioned on the sides of the horse, but in battle this created a problem - the skirt interfered with quick landing in the saddle and descent from it, it constantly clung to the harness. The solution to the problems was to draw the skirt between the legs with thin belts, now it looked like harem pants.

Over time, the manner of wearing a skirt by the Persian cavalry was adopted by the Sarmatians and Scythians, and after by the tribes of European peoples (Celts, Gauls, Franks, etc.). By the way, European warriors created their own version of skirt-pants - the legs were made of leather, had openings for the legs and were ... divided into right and left legs. To put them on, you had to wrap each leg around the leg, lace it up along the length and fasten each to the thigh with a leather belt, and then connect the legs to each other between the legs with a belt lacing. You can roughly imagine what such pants looked like when looking at the modern outfit of American cowboys (leather trousers over jeans).

The Romans, waging active wars in Europe, considered the intricate clothes for the lower torso, worn by the barbarians, to be a complete deformity, characteristic only of primitive tribes. The Roman tunic was essentially a bag with holes for the head and arms, belted at the waist. The Roman emperors solved the problem of the inconvenience of the legionary horsemen with a simple move - the army tunic was shorter than that of citizens of other classes.

What peoples of our planet do not consider a skirt an exclusively female wardrobe item and at the same time do not lose their brutality? Of course, you name the Scots (again, because of Duncan Macleod of the Macleod clan). But this is only Scotland, just one European country and far from the largest both in terms of territory and population on Earth. If you look at the countries of Asia and Oceania, the local men are quite respected and actively wear skirts. Here they are, men's skirts: sarongs in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Sri Lanka; isar in Saudi Arabia and Oman; futan in Yemen; mundi (as well as lungi and dhoti) in India and Bangladesh; maqawis sarong in Somalia; kikoy in East Africa; sumpot in Cambodia; longs in Myanmar; Malong in the Philippines; kaomach in Thailand; sulu in Fiji; Kikepa in Hawaii; paw-paws in Papua New Guinea; lava lava in Samoa; couple in Tahiti; tupenu in Tonga.

Until the middle of the last century, the Greeks also wore a skirt called foustanella - now it is worn only on special holidays. The reason for the popularity of the skirt among men of the listed countries is related to their climatic characteristics - in a hot and humid atmosphere, wearing trousers inevitably leads to skin problems in the groin area.

In the “civilized” part of our planet, emancipated women of the last century gladly took over trousers - in the past, an exclusively “masculine” wardrobe item. However, the skirt is still recognized by them as "women's" clothing, and any attempts to encroach on it by a strong half of humanity are perceived as a manifestation of ... unconventional sexual inclinations.

In defense of the female position, it is worth noting one masculine feature - in some cases it is difficult for men to wear a skirt due to a characteristic physiological reaction, which is a symptom of sexual desire. It is this feature that requires the Scots to equip their kilt, itself made of dense fabric and replete with folds, a hinged element located in the groin area.

Girls do not worry about clothes (dress, skirt) for boys ... (especially in summer outdoors, in the country)
I'll tell you how I solved the problem with raising my son. Well, at the same time I solved the problem with this home clothes for boys. When my son was 11 years old, he was, like all his peers, rather playful, disobedient and wayward. Once I was discussing with a friend (our children are almost the same age) what to do with him in the summer at the dacha, disobedient and next to a railway, highway, a village pond. My husband and I have to work, but my grandmother will not keep track of the children. She and so, and cook, eat and wash. Yes, and at least some kind of vegetable garden, but it also needs to be looked after, my daughter helps, but girls cannot carry heavy things, and there is no watering can, but you still carry around. Here is a friend and says: - I will come to visit you on Saturday, with my sons. You will see how I solved it all, and maybe you will do that too. Don't cook anything too much, I'll take whatever you want to the table.
And so on Saturday they come. My friend comes to our site with her husband and TWO GIRLS (and she has sons). She says - CHILDREN MEETS - This is Natalya Petrovna, you have to listen to her and named the children. - This is my elder SASHA, and the younger SEREZHA. I was very surprised, the boys were in white SHORT DRESSES, and they were 13 and 11 years old. We went into the house. There my friend told them - undress (so as not to get dirty) and go outside to play with Marina and Kostya. Two GIRLS - Sasha and Seryozha took off their dresses, and …………………. turned into NAKED BOYS. Constantine looked at them with open mouth in surprise. Each of them was wearing only socks and sports shoes, there were NO SHIRTS UNDER THE DRESS. The older boy had no hair there. Well. You saw my tomboys, the friend said. Since I stripped them (on the advice of one of my acquaintances), they have become more obedient than ever. We are ready to do whatever I say, without any objections and reminders, just to be given at least a top, not to mention a dress. Just not to be completely naked at a party. I said that they say that she is so obedient and mine will not go for it. A friend suggested. Now there is a reason for Constantine to undress forever. I must tell Kostya that since the guests Sasha and Seryozha are naked, then he (as the owner) should also be undressed. I called Kostya and ordered him to undress, of course he balked, but I insisted. He should not be shy about boys, and Marina is his older sister. Kostya reluctantly took off his T-shirt, panties, and all the children went outside to walk on the site.
We discussed how and what to do next. How to make Kostya agree to walk completely naked or at least in a tank top if he doesn't want to wear a dress. A friend suggested, what they say, let me take all his clothes away, and Konstantin, seeing us off, will have to either go naked to the parking lot where our car is, or ask his sister for her dress. Well, it will immediately be seen how he will behave and what he will agree to. Well, for the future, suggest that he either walk so naked always, everywhere and in front of everyone, or go to the city (dressed only in his sister's dress and without panties) and buy such dresses in the store as he likes. Simple to go to the station, to the store or to the city, and more elegant but strict for going on a visit. On that and decided. I collected EVERYTHING, even the oldest things of Constantine in a bag and gave them to my friend, and her husband took it to the parking lot in their car. The children played enough and came to have a snack. We offered them all to go to the pond, and at the same time have a barbecue there. Swimming ... spending time in nature. Kostya rushed to look for panties and a T-shirt, but I said that now he will be ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE (EXCEPT SCHOOL) only in the clothes that I will give him, if he deserves it. As he did not moan, but I stood my ground, my husband supported me. And I suggested to Kostya that she take her sister's old dress (it has become too small for her) and go in it if she doesn't want to be naked. Marina invited him to put on his old top or dress, they are already too small for her. Kostya decided to go like Sasha and Seryozha, so that he would go the same way. We all went through the woods to the pond. Sasha and Seryozha ran as if nothing had happened, the guys did not hesitate to Marina, they got used to it. After a while, Kostya forgot himself, and also ran with them playing tag. So the day passed. We began to say goodbye, and I invited Kostya to see off new friends. He thought ... thought and asked his sister for a dress, otherwise they say the mosquitoes will jam, well, Sasha and Seryozha were already dressed in their dresses. On a weekend morning, the whole family decided to go to the city (one stop by train). Without looking for his old clothes, Kostya asked Marina for her dress. We went to the city and there, in a children's clothing store, we went straight to the girls' department. Marina began to sort out what was there and chose a short (mini) beige tunic and a white translucent dress for Kostya. When we tried on these purchases, the saleswomen were surprised at first. Not only was the boy trying on the dresses, but he was also big. But after some time, on the contrary, they began to help, they found a strict black dress, beautiful, not flared, without any undercuts and decorations. We bought a tunic and a white dress chosen by Marina, and this is a smart black dress that Kostya liked. Since it was hot, Kostya immediately put on a white dress in the fitting room, it was very good for him, although it was rather short (mini). Before us appeared a beautiful long-legged girl in a very short, tight-fitting translucent dress. We asked the sellers not to change clothes, but go straight to the cashier in this white new dress he liked. We were allowed Since then, my son walks around the site and at home only in a short tunic. And so that he was allowed to visit in a dress, and not in a tunic, he listens even to his sister, does not argue and does everything that is told to him quickly and well. Well, studies have also become, if not excellent, then good. And the behavior at school is excellent. Neither he nor Marina invite anyone to the house (Kostya is in a dress). Only those friends of theirs (with the permission of their parents) who have followed our example can visit each other. In Kostin's and Marinin's classes, I shared this achievement with the mothers of the cheating guys and even showed clips and SELFIE. Some parents understood me and applied this experience of mine.
Best regards, NATALIE. (please write a comment. It will be useful for my son and others).