Special buses from the cities of the Chelyabinsk region will be launched on Bazhovka

Greetings, friends. Every year thousands of artisans from all over the country and hundreds of song and dance groups come to the All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art in the Chelyabinsk Region. Dozens of exhibitions, concert programs and master classes are held here, where everyone can try themselves in the role of novice masters of arts and crafts.

The festival has changed its "registration" several times, in 2016 it will be held for the first time at the ski resort "Solnechnaya Dolina" in the Miass city district. Dates of the 24th forum of masters "Bazhov Festival 2016" - from 17 to 19 June. It is interesting that a week before that, in the same place, in the "Solnechnaya Dolina", another All-Russian festival, Ilmensky, will be held, which attracts fans of the author's song.

More information about the program of the Bazhov Festival-2016 can be found here - bazhovka74.rf.

But what was interesting at Bazhovka last year.

The Bazhov Festival brought together about five thousand masters and dozens of groups from all over the country

About 30 thousand spectators attended the 23rd All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art, which took place in the "Sungul" sanatorium on the lake of the same name near the town of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk Region.

About 5 thousand craftsmen and collectives from different regions of the country took part in Bazhovka. For three days, six concert venues worked, guests could attend any of 80 master classes and walk around the ethno-courtyards of the Ural settlement. More than 700 craftsmen were presented at the sites "Master Sloboda" and "Silk Hill". More than 300 creative and amateur groups performed at the festival.

In 2015, Bazhovka hosted for the first time the regional competition “Craftsmen traditions of the Urals”. Within four hours, five teams made a common composition "Paints of the Ural Summer". The audience could see the whole process with their own eyes. As a result, the Grand Prix and the Cup were won by representatives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and the first place was shared by the teams of the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions.

Guests could see 22 competition programs. The competition "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" attracted great attention, the winner of which this year was Margarita Shubina from Asha.
As usual, the shopping arcade gave a special flavor to the festival, where guests could not only see, but also purchase exclusive hand-made goods made of wood, birch bark, stone and metal. And what original felt boots and felt boots were presented here! Here are just prices "bite". But those wishing to purchase exclusive handmade goods were still there, because next time many guests will have such an opportunity only in a year.

Especially popular, especially among children, were master classes in pottery, blacksmithing, weaving, painting on wood, and weaving from a vine. How much patience and time it takes to do something worthwhile!

17 March 2015 01:47 PM
source: Sobinform

Regional state institution of culture


454091, Chelyabinsk, st. First Five-Year Plan, 17

Phone: 255-48-01; 255-48-02

Today we started accepting applications for participation in the largest XXIII All-Russian festival of folk art! This year the festival of traditional culture will be held from June 19 to June 21 at the territory of the sanatorium "Sungul". For guests and participants, the organizers are preparing an updated program with the introduction of theatrical miniatures based on the tales of Pavel Bazhov and performances by famous artists.

In the summer of 2015, guests of the festival will plunge into the active creative mode of operation of four stage and eight interactive platforms, get acquainted with the updated competition program and be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Ural tales of the famous writer. A special mood at the holiday will be created not only thanks to thousands of folk craftsmen, singers, dancers, lovers of the verbal genre, but also to the masters of theatrical production.

“This year we decided not to limit theatrical collectives to performances on a separate site, but to give them the opportunity to create integral, thematic space at the festival,- tells Marina Sklyarova, Artistic Director of the Festival and Deputy Director of the Chelyabinsk Folk Art Center. – Throughout the territory of the holiday at different times it will be possible to see theatrical miniatures based on the tales of Bazhov, as well as individual characters in appropriate costumes and animators. Participants of each such performance will actively interact and take pictures with the audience. We hope this practice will be remembered and will be interesting for both adults and the smallest guests, it will give an opportunity to someone to remember, and to someone to rediscover the contents of the “Malachite Box” of the writer's remarkable tales ”.

The updated competition program will include three new vocal competitions, and the holiday of the Great Victory will be dedicated to multi-genre competition"Echo of the Great Victory". The folklore programs of the site will be held at a new level "Ural settlement"- the life and rituals of the peoples of the Urals can be observed in format of regular excursion programs with receipt of explanatory brochures. Special guests musicians of the famous Moscow duet "Bayan Mix".

Young beauties can already try on the image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain for the competition of the same name, novice designers can make patterns for participation in the traditional Sryad costume competition, masters can aim at the main prize in their business - the Danila Master Cup. The festival will not do without traditional sites: "Craftsman Sloboda" with master classes from artisans and "Silk Hill" with an exhibition and sale of hand-made works. An evening program with screenings of Russian films and cartoons is still provided.

Festival founder- Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region. The event will be held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Institution of Culture "State Russian House of Folk Art". Festival organizer is the Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Chelyabinsk State Center of Folk Art".

Apply to participate in the Bazhov Festival 2015, as well as learn more about the conditions for its holding and competition programs on the sites: www.ocnt.ru and www.bazhovka74.rf

Information is also available in the official VKontakte groups:

For sports fans: Russian Athletics Championship (0+)

The Russian junior athletics championship on June 22-24 will bring together about 800 athletes from 60 regions of the country in Chelyabinsk. The competition will be the qualifying stage for the U20 World Athletes Championship, which will be held in Finland.

In 22 disciplines, athletes will compete for 42 sets of awards. About 60 members of the regional team will compete for the honor of the Chelyabinsk region.

Where: LK im. E. Elesina, Lenin Ave., 84;
when: June 22 from 10:00 to 20:50;
cost: free.

For equestrian sports fans: tournament "Pearl of the Urals" (0+)

The All-Russian dressage competition "Pearl of the Urals" will be held near Chelyabinsk on June 22-24. This is the first status equestrian tournament in our region. Among the participants are riders from Kazan, Kirov, Ufa, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Bashkortostan, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk and Asbest, as well as athletes from Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region.

Where: KSK "Rifey", Kremenkul village, st. Traktovaya, 10;
when: competitions on June 22-24 from 10:00, grand opening - June 22 at 17:00;
cost: free.

For fans of the songs of the "Kino" group: a party for Tsoi's birthday (18+)

The birthday of the famous talented musician Viktor Tsoi will be celebrated in Chelyabinsk. The program includes favorite compositions performed by cover groups "Mukhomory", "Obsession", "Tanchiki", "IS-4", "10 Kilograms of the Moon" and "July".

Where: the clubOZZ, st. Enthusiasts, 11;
when: 19:00;
cost: 100 rubles.

For lovers of folk art: Bazhov Festival (0+)

The traditional XXVI Bazhov Festival of Folk Art this year will be 22 - On June 24, near the village of Demarino, Plastovsky District. Guests are welcomed by the "Master Sloboda" and the ethnic town "Ural Settlement", a bath festival and a fair of traditional food products "Razdolye".

At the festival, you will be able to watch a real battle of potters, make a children's toy with your own hands, see traditional rituals, and join the collective work on the woven fabric, which will eventually become a real "Road to the Sun"

At the same time, more than 20 concert programs will take place on four stages. Among the honorary invited guests - the State Russian Orchestra "Malakhit", the dance ensemble "Ural", the group "Ariel" with an anniversary program.

Where: Chelyabinsk region, Plastovsky district, with. Demarino;
when: June 22-24;
cost: free.

For moviegoers: Ocean's 8 (16+)

Five years, eight months, 12 days ... and beyond. That is how long Debbie Ocean has been devising the greatest heist of her life. She knows for sure that he will need a team of the best in the business, starting with her longtime accomplice Lou Miller. Together they put together a team of unique specialists. Their goal is an irresistible $ 150 million in diamonds - in the diamonds around the neck of the world famous actress Daphne Kluger, who will be riveted by everyone at the main event of the year - the ball at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The plan itself is incomparable, but the implementation must be flawless if they want to go in and out with jewels in hand. Right in front of everyone.

Where: in the cinemas of Chelyabinsk;
when: on schedule;
cost: 160-450 rubles.

For fans of Jan Vermeer's work: "Girl with a Pearl Earring" (16+)

Jan Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of the most famous paintings in art history. During a recent world tour, huge queues lined up to her, in Japan alone, more than a million people came to see the "Girl". The picture is still surrounded by a swarm of mysteries, which the authors of this new film tried to solve.

At the end of the tour, "Girl with a Pearl Earring" returned home to the Mauritshuis Royal Gallery in The Hague, where a large-scale reconstruction had just finished. Based on the changes in the structure of the gallery itself, the film begins an exciting investigation, designed to shed light on the secrets of not only the famous masterpiece of Vermeer, but also other paintings stored within these walls.

Where: cinema "Kinomax Ural", st. Vorovskogo, 6;
when: 15:00;
cost: 300 rubles.

For romantics: watching movie classics in the open air (18+)

A new open-air film season has opened in Gagarin Park. The summer theater will host screenings of the beloved Soviet film classics of the 70s, 80s and 90s of the last century. June 23 in the film program - a lyrical comedy of 1981 "Be my husband."

Where: summer theater PKiO im. Yuri Gagarin;
when: 22:00;
cost: free.

For fans of spectacular games: folk holiday "Sabantuy" (0+)

Sabantuy is an ancient Tatar and Bashkir folk holiday. The program includes spectacular games and competitions, performances by amateur folk groups of the Chelyabinsk region. Among the invited guests are artists of the Sterlitamak Philharmonic Society.

Sports lovers will be able to test themselves in national sports. The strongest will compete in kettlebell lifting, folk bench press, arm wrestling, in addition, it will be possible to test their strength in national belt wrestling.

Where: Victory Garden,
when: 12:00;
cost: free.

For extreme lovers: the holiday "Wings of Summer" (18+)

The "Wings of Summer" holiday will be held at the Kalachevo airfield. This is a great entertainment event for the whole family. The program includes demonstration performances of parachutists, aerobatics on airplanes, aircraft model shows, many competitions and valuable prizes.

All guests of the holiday will be able to control radio-controlled models; fly on an airplane, jump with a parachute on your own or in tandem with an instructor.

Where: Kalachevo airfield, st. March 8, 108;
when: 11:00;
cost: admission to the holiday is free.

For lovers of beautiful photographs: Exhibition "Dance and Body" (16+)

In the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Russia, a collective exhibition of Chelyabinsk photographers "Dance and Body" was opened, dedicated to the anniversary season of Olga Pona's Contemporary Dance Theater. This is the final part of the curatorial project "PhotoTelo". During the year, six masters of art photography from Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Perm were presented in the project.

Exhibition "Dance and Body" includes more than seventy art photographs by twelve authors. Among them are Pavel Rezanov, Evgenia Dunaeva, Alexandra Pozhar, Dmitry Kuritsyn, Viktor Chervyakov, Oleg Zyryanov, Andrei Ponomarev, Sergei Stanin, Sergei Zhatkov, Marina Shumakova, Andrei Dubrovin, Sergei Moskvin.

The authors of photographs, inspired by the work of Olga Pona and her dancers, managed to convey everything that the viewer loves so much in the performances of the Theater of Contemporary Dance: the elements of movement, choreography of light, expression of gesture, sculptural and landscape bodies, which in themselves are a stage of a micro-performance.

Where: Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia, st. Zwillinga, 34;
when: until July 29;
cost: 100 rubles.

Regulations on holding XXVIAll-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art

Regulations on holding XXVIAll-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art

The regulation on holding the XXVI All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art was developed in accordance with the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, the Charter of the OGBUK "ChGTsNT", taking into account the provisions of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)" for 2018.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Xxv The 1st All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) will be held on the territory of the Plastovsky municipal district, Chelyabinsk region, Demarino village, on June 22-24, 2018.

1.2. The founder of the Festival is the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

1.3. The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Institution of Culture "State Russian House of Folk Art".

1.4. The organizer of the festival is the Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Chelyabinsk State Folk Art Center" (hereinafter - OGBUK "CHGTsNT").

1.5. Official information about the festival is posted on the websites www.bazhovka74.rf and .

2. Goals and objectives of the Festival

2.1. The purpose of the Festival is to preserve the intangible cultural heritage of Russia and the traditional folk culture of the South Urals.

2.2. The objectives of the Festival are:

Popularization among the general population of folk art and arts and crafts;

Establishment and strengthening of interregional and international cultural ties;

Identification and promotion of new forms and types of work in the field of traditional culture and cultural and leisure activities;

Development of domestic event tourism in the Chelyabinsk region.

3. Organizing Committee and Executive Directorate of the Festival

3.1. The Organizing Committee of the Festival is formed by the order of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. Chairman of the organizing committee of the Festival - Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk region. The organizing committee approves the preparation plan and the program of the Festival, carries out coordinating functions between the departments and services involved in the preparation and conduct of the Festival.

3.2. The Executive Directorate of the Festival is created on the basis of OGBUK "CHGTsNT" with the involvement of competent specialists from other organizations and cultural institutions. The Executive Director of the Festival is appointed by the order of the director of the OGBUK "CHGTsNT" in agreement with the Organizing Committee of the Festival. The Executive Directorate forms the program of the Festival, organizes work with sponsors, resolves issues related to organizational, informational and artistic and creative support of the Festival, accepts applications for participation in the Festival.

4. The order of the Festival

4.1. The festival is held in a forest - “in the open air”.

4.2. The festival is not of a competitive nature, however, some venues provide for local genre or thematic creative contests.

4.3. The program of the Festival is formed by the Executive Directorate of the Festival and approved by the Organizing Committee of the Festival. The program of the Festival provides for a set of events (concerts, interactive animation programs, exhibitions, master classes, creative laboratories, etc.), held at several festival venues for 3 days, June 22-24, 2018.

4.4. The final program of the Festival is determined by the Executive Directorate of the Festival and posted on the websites www.bazhovka74.rf and www.site.

4.5. The order of performance of participants within the framework of the Festival programs is determined by the Executive Directorate of the Festival and posted on the website www.bazhovka74.rf until June 8, 2018.

5. Participation in the Festival

5.1. To participate in the Festival are invited:

Amateur collectives of folk art of different genres;

Creative teams of national cultural centers;

Clubs for historical reenactments, martial arts, folk games, etc .;

Craftsmen working in traditional techniques of arts and crafts;

Artists and craftsmen working in various modern Hand-made techniques.

5.2. The participants of the Festival can be an individual or a legal entity, both an individual participant and a creative team.

5.3. For the participants of the Festival, there are no restrictions on creative experience, age, place of residence, citizenship, departmental affiliation of the institutions on the basis of which the activities are carried out.

5.4. To participate in the festival, the applicant must, by May 31 (inclusive) 2018, fill out an Application on the website www.bazhovka74.rf The Executive Directorate of the Festival has the right to refuse the applicant due to late submission of the Application, inconsistency of his work with the goals and objectives of the Festival.

5.5. After receiving confirmation of the acceptance of the Application, the applicant, by June 1 (inclusive) 2018, must make an organizational contribution to the account of OGBUK "CHGTsNT" in the manner and amount specified in the "Terms of payment of organizational fees for participation in the creativity "(Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation).

5.6. Upon registration, the participant of the Festival receives an accreditation card of the participant of the festival (hereinafter - the Card of the participant), without the Card of the participant and registration participation in the Festival is impossible.

5.7. A participant card is presented for participation in each festival program.

5.8. The card of the participant of the Festival indicates the program, the preliminary place and time of the performance (of another form of participation), however, the time and place of the performance (of another form of participation) must be specified upon arrival at the Festival during registration.

5.9. Organizational fees are directed to the preparation, organization and holding of the Festival.

5.10. The costs associated with travel to the venue of the Festival and back, meals, accommodation of participants, payment for parking of vehicles are borne by the sending party, or the participants of the Festival themselves ("Information on the conditions of accommodation, meals and parking of vehicles for guests and participants of the XXVI All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art" - Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations).

6. Rewarding of the participants of the Festival.

6.1. Participants of the XXVI All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art are awarded diplomas of the Bazhov Festival and souvenirs.

7. Appendices to the Festival Regulations

This Regulation has twelve Appendices. Applications will be posted on the website of the OGBUK ChGTsNT, on the official website of the Festival www.bazhovka74.rf.

Appendix No. 1 - Terms of payment of organizational fees for participation in the XXVI All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art.

Appendix No. 2 - Accommodation, food and parking conditions for guests and participants of the XXVI All-Russian Bazhov Festival of Folk Art.

Appendix No. 3 - Regulations on the site "Masterovaya Sloboda".

Appendix No. 4 - Regulations on the Silk Hill site.

Appendix No. 5 - Regulations on the Ural Settlement Site.

Special flights will be launched to the Bazhov Festival, which will take place in the village of Demarino. Buses from Chelyabinsk, Miass, Troitsk, Yuzhnouralsk and Plast will go directly to the event site on June 23.

- Four flights on the route Chelyabinsk - Bazhovsky festival - Chelyabinsk will depart from the bus station "Yuzhnye Vorota" (TC "Sinegorye") at 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 and will return back at 21:00, 22: 00, 22:30, 23:00, - reported at the Center for Folk Art. - The cost of the round trip is 500 rubles.

A tour from Troitsk will also be organized: departure from the bus station at 8:00, from the Bazhov festival - at 22:00. The cost is 400 rubles. The tourist route from Miass will start at the Automobile Manufacturers' Palace of Culture at 9:00. The bus will make its first stop in Chebarkul near the Dream Culture Palace at 9:40 am. The second stop is at the Bazhov Festival. The express train will go back in the same way at 22:00. Tour cost - 500 rubles.

“You can buy tickets at the box office of the Folk Art Center (Pervaya Pyatiletki, 17, office 305) or through the Bazhovka74.rf website in the“ Book a tour ”tab,” the press service of the Folk Art Center reported.

The free Bazhovsky Express will depart from Yuzhnouralsk from the Yuzhny bus station from 8:00 every two hours until 14:00. The buses will go back at 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 and 22:00. From Plast, special flights will run from the bus station every hour, from 8:00 to 20:00. Return flights will depart to Plast every hour from 10:00 to 22:00. There is no need to pre-register for the bus - there will be enough seats for everyone, the organizers assure.

This year, about five thousand participants and more than 20 thousand guests are expected at Bazhovka. The format will remain the same. Guests will find the “Masterovaya Sloboda” and the ethnic city “Ural Settlement”, the Bath Festival and the fair of traditional food products “Razdolye”. Along with this, the organizers prepared surprises for the guests of the holiday. This year, within the framework of the "Craftsman Sloboda", a new program "Zhivinka in action" will open. Here you can watch a real battle of potters, make a children's toy with your own hands, and see traditional rituals. One of them will be a beautiful old ritual "Blacksmith's wedding". The guests of the festival will also be able to join the collective work on the woven fabric, which will become, as a result of joint creativity, a real "Road to the Sun".

More than 20 concert programs will unfold on four stages. Among the honorary invited guests - the State Russian Orchestra "Malakhit", the dance ensemble "Ural", the group "Ariel" with an anniversary program. But that's not all. Folk masters and performers from abroad fell in love with Bazhovka for a long time and for a long time. This year guests from Austria are coming - a delegation of 45 people. These are two creative folklore and dance groups, as well as bone and wood carving masters. In addition, the Austrians are preparing a big and tasty surprise for everyone - a real culinary show, where bread will be baked according to special folk recipes and everyone will be treated to it.