At what early period the perturbations begin. At what period of pregnancy does active fetal movement begin?

Stirring fetus during pregnancy is the most long-awaited and most desired, touching and joyful moment for the entire period. Any expectant mother expects this with anxiety and trepidation. Moreover, whatever the pregnancy may be, the first movements of the fetus always cause joy and reassurance.

As a rule, the baby makes itself felt for the first time after it has passed, and the expectant mother has long been accustomed to her position in anticipation of meeting her unborn child. The solemnity of the moment and the discovery of the secret lies precisely in the fact that, apart from the mother, no one else is honored - to feel a new life within oneself.

The timing of the first movements of the fetus

The movement of the fetus begins already at the eighth - ninth week of pregnancy. Basically, all movement is in the baby's swimming. But, the child is still so small and weak, and besides, he rarely touches the walls of the uterus, that the mother still cannot feel these movements and movements at this time.

You cannot give in to the opinion that some of the food products can stir up the child, and the mother will begin to feel it earlier than usual. No, this is a delusion. The activity of the baby inside the womb does not depend at all on the food it consumes.

A pregnant woman can hear distinct movements of her baby already at the twentieth week. The baby learns to stretch the arms and legs, touching the walls of the uterus, and thereby, making itself felt to everyone who is outside. But this term is not very accurate and applicable to everyone.

For example, the sensitivity to movement of the child may depend on the size of the mother. If a woman is petite enough, she will feel the movement faster than plump. This sensitivity also depends on the quantitative number of pregnancies. If the pregnancy is the first - yes, before the twentieth week of movement, you can not wait.

But with the second and all subsequent pregnancies, the mother can feel her child as early as the eighteenth week, or even earlier. With repeated pregnancy, the earlier fetal movement is due to the fact that the woman herself knows and remembers this constantly, and the fact that the uterine muscles are already ready for this. More details about baby movements during the second pregnancy.

Sometimes it happens that a woman does not feel the baby even at the twenty-fourth week. But when the doctor says that everything is in order and the baby is healthy, there is no reason to worry about the lack of movement. Very soon they will all appear with regularity and distinctness.

If, nevertheless, the excitement overwhelms the woman, you can try to drink a glass of warm milk and lie on your back. This position of the mother's body is not quite comfortable for the baby in the womb, and he will most likely start tremors, letting the mother know about his inconvenience.

As a rule, by the twenty-fourth week, fetal movements can already be heard and felt by all close people, as the baby's pushes become stronger. After all, the baby is growing, by leaps and bounds, and is gaining strength. But, acquaintance with other people can occur only if the child is accustomed not only to the mother's voice, but also to other voices and touching hands.

With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the child's energy and strength increases. At the twentieth week, the baby makes about two hundred movements per day. But already at the twenty-eighth and thirty-second weeks, the frequency of movements can reach six hundred in one day.

Stirring a baby at 8 months

But, just before childbirth, the baby, as a rule, calms down, the frequency of his movements (but not strength) decreases, the child prepares to go out into the world.

According to numerous scientific studies, the intrauterine activity of the child reaches its highest level between twenty in the evening and eight in the morning, that is, at night. And then. During the day, the child sleeps, lulled by the mother's movements.

What is a baby doing in a mother's womb?

The first movements of the baby are always expected, but unexpected. After all, a mother, especially one who is carrying a child for the first time, does not yet know how it will be. Many are very afraid to miss this moment. And in order to avoid this, they are trying to find out everything that concerns this issue. And nevertheless, every single pregnant woman always has all the sensations differ in the descriptions, and cause very different associations.

Some describe them as the flutter of the wings of a butterfly or the splash of water from a diving fish, someone compares them to tickling or stroking, and someone just talks about the most ordinary jolts. Sometimes, fetal movements are even comparable to intestinal motility.

In fact, the baby has one task during this period - increased growth. The growth process of a child is very difficult, since it is the preparation of his body for an independent life outside the mother's womb. In order to quickly adapt after childbirth in a new environment for him, he needs to learn a lot already in the womb.

Often you can see how the baby sucks a finger. But these are not all skills. From about the ninth week, the baby learns to swallow amniotic fluid - this is a motor process, and its mechanism is extremely complex.

Then the child learns to smack his lips, move his limbs, separately with his arms and legs. By the seventeenth week, the baby knows how to squint. And by the eighteenth, squeeze and unclench the fingers, touch the umbilical cord with the handles, touch the face, and even close it during sudden movements, loud and unpleasant sounds for the crumbs.

The language of movements - how to understand the baby?

Fetal movements are not a simple mechanism of life inside the mother's womb. This is the most real way of communication between a child and a mother. Communication takes place using the language of perturbations, which has a certain mystery, since only the baby himself and his own mother can understand it.

Understanding the baby's joy or, on the contrary, his bad mood, the mother can distinguish by the nature of the movements and their intensity. By these two signs, you can distinguish whether the child is playing or he is outraged. And from the sixteenth week, the child inside the womb, perceiving different sounds, tries to respond to them. The first reaction, of course, is always a wiggle in my mother's voice.

The greatest activity of the child is always noted during the complete calmness of the mother. That is, during her sitting, lying, sleeping. But during the physical movement of the mother's body, the child falls asleep.

Even in the prenatal state, a character begins to form in the child. For example, all children react differently to different loud sounds. For some, this is a signal to subside, for others, on the contrary, to complete riot. Almost all children are outraged when their mother takes an uncomfortable position for them or works too much.

Some believe that a child's high activity is a sign of hypoxia or oxygen starvation. There is an opposite answer to this statement. The reason for concern and consultation of a doctor can be precisely the passivity in the movements of the baby and the lethargy of these movements. For an accurate assessment of fetal movements, the doctor uses a special test that shows deviations from the norm, if any.

On a note

Discomfort in sensations when moving may occur when stones are diagnosed in the mother in the gallbladder.

If there is a scar on the uterus after a previous cesarean section, fetal movement during the second pregnancy can cause pain in the uterus. It is worth paying attention to the obstetrician.

Feelings are not baby movements. As a rule, a mother with a high level of sensitivity simply feels the pulsation of blood in the umbilical cord and blood vessels. With a fickle manifestation of this type, there is no cause for concern.

And for a snack, a video about how the baby moves before childbirth:

And when did you feel / saw the first movements during pregnancy?

The most touching and exciting moment that many expectant mothers remember about pregnancy is the sensation of the baby moving. It is this that is one of the main signs of the existence of a small growing organism. That is why all parents-to-be are in awe of this phenomenon.

When does fetal movement begin?

The very first fetal movements in pregnant women begin much earlier than the expectant mother can feel them. This is due to the fact that the fetus, as it “moves” towards its birth, goes through several stages of its development, during which it grows and its organs and systems develop. Here is a brief description of these stages in relation to the movement of the little man inside the mother's womb:

  • 8th week of pregnancy - the beginning of active fetal movements. During this period, he already has muscles and nerve tissue that can stimulate its contractions. True, these movements are chaotic, not coordinated and the baby is not aware of it. They are not felt by the mother either, since the fetus itself is still very small, therefore it is in the uterus "in free swimming", without touching its walls;
  • 10th week of pregnancy - the embryo baby is already gradually mastering the basics of movement and can, stumbling into the uterine wall during swimming in the amniotic fluid, change its trajectory of movement. Mom still does not yet feel his maneuvers, because he is still small;
  • 16th week of pregnancy - the future little man can already react with movements to sound stimuli (music, noise, voices, but first of all - to the voice of his mother and his intonation);
  • 17th week of pregnancy - your baby may already be squinting;
  • 18th week of pregnancy - he can already move his arms (squeeze and unclench his fingers, touch his face and even close it in response to sounds he does not like). At this stage, the expectant mother can already feel the "echoes" of the movement of her little child;
  • 20-22 weeks of pregnancy - during this period, the fetus has already formed the main "engines": the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, his movements are already coordinated and regular. It is 20 weeks that is considered a relative reference point for the first mother's physical sensations that a baby is growing inside her;
  • 24th week of pregnancy - from this time on, the baby is already developing a certain way of communicating with his mother through his physical activity. With his active movements, he can inform her about his state of health or emotional state (joy, anxiety, pleasure), and also react to her mood.

How to determine?

As mentioned above, the very first movements of the fetus during pregnancy are discoordinated, and the fetus itself is very small, so they are not perceptible. In addition, the sensitivity to the movements of the baby inside the uterus also depends on what kind of pregnancy his mother has. So, many women who have this first pregnancy may not even recognize the sensations of movement of their first-borns at once, and usually fix this momentous moment at a period of 20 weeks. Those who carry not their first child are already familiar with these sensations, plus their uterus is more sensitive, so they can feel its movements a couple of weeks earlier, from the 17-18th week of pregnancy. Also, an important role in when the mother first feels the movements of her child is played by her physique - each extra kilogram can slightly push this pleasant moment off.

Future mothers describe descriptions of the first movements of the baby in different ways. Someone feels a slight tickling inside, someone - the fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish, and someone compares these sensations with rolling objects or feelings, as with increased intestinal peristalsis. They are painless, weak, and may not be felt every day. But from that moment on, the expectant mother is already sensitively listening to such manifestations of her baby's existence.

What are they talking about?

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when the baby's embryo already has its own ideas about the feeling of comfort and begins to master the methods of managing it. One of them is the movement reaction. So, he can begin to move more actively in response to a lack of nutrients he needs or unpleasant moments.

So, for example, a child inside a mother can signal her that she needs to change her position if she is lying on her back, thereby squeezing large blood vessels that "supply" him with oxygen and nutrients. Also, with the help of active movements, thus massaging the walls of the uterus, the fetus can independently "solve" the problem of oxygen and food starvation. Active wiggling can also signal to your mom that she needs to moderate her vigor or emotional state.

How to "read" baby's movements during pregnancy?

By the nature of the movement, every woman can understand the mood of her child. But from the 16th week of development, as we have already said, the baby is able to respond to the mother's voice and the sounds of music. This is how the first language of communication between mother and child is created. So fetal movement during pregnancy is not just a sign of life, it is even the first "conversation". For example, in response to light patting in one place or another of the abdomen, the child may respond by protruding an arm or leg.

Therefore, listening to how the baby behaves inside you is not just pleasant, but necessary. Now fetal movements are an indicator of its condition, and if they are absent, try to stimulate them. This can be done with special breathing exercises or a little physical activity, eating, especially something sweet. However, if the child is completely calm for more than 12 hours, this is a reason to visit a doctor. Although its excessive activity for several hours or days should also be alarming, since it is also one of the ways to inform you that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

From the 24th week, there is even a certain guideline for the activity of the future baby - 10-15 movements for an hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep, when he may not show himself for about 3 hours. The baby is most active in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week, after which he calms down a little: firstly, his sizes (both his own and uterus) no longer allow him to show his activity, and secondly, he is already preparing to appear into the light. And here already the mother can clearly determine what exactly the baby kicked her - with a pen or a leg.

One of the ways to determine how well the pregnancy is going is by fetal movement according to D. Pearson's "Count to 10" test. It is used in the third trimester, from the 28th week. To do this, you need to count the number of movements every day in a certain period of time - from 9 am to 9 pm and write it down on a special card. Only you need to record the time of not the 1st, but the 10th movement. And, if by the end of the day you have less than 10 such records, this may indicate that the baby is receiving less oxygen and an urgent need to correct this situation.

Therefore, remember: the motor activity of the fetus fully characterizes its condition, and maybe even character! So listen and show love for your child from the first days of his conception!

Reading time: 5 minutes

The first fetal movement during pregnancy; one of the most anticipated moments of a young mom. The blossoming of new life in the womb begins to be felt in the second trimester. It is very important to fix the first intrauterine impulse. He will tell the mother and the gynecologist about the exact date of the baby's birth. If a girl has this first pregnancy, expect a baby 20 weeks after the first sensations of movement.

The fetus begins to move at 8-9 weeks. But these movements are not felt in any way by the expectant mother, due to the fact that the embryo is too small. Only an ultrasound will allow you to see how the unborn baby accidentally touches the walls of the uterus. Active fetal movement during pregnancy begins at 16-24 weeks.

Thinner mothers-to-be feel light jolts much earlier than fat women. In addition, early movement in many is caused by a high threshold of sensitivity. So don't worry if your little one is late. This means that he simply did not gain the required body weight. With the increase in size, every movement of the baby feels better.

How to recognize movement

There is no general description of fetal movements. Both doctors and moms define these feelings differently. Someone describes it poetically, comparing movement to the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. Someone says that the sensations are similar to stroking or tickling from the inside. To others, the tremors resemble gurgling. Every woman is different. But it happens that this "gurgling" brings unbearable pain sensations due to the strong activity of the fetus.

Why do some women move the fetus with more force, while others with less? Many people explain this by the fact that already during pregnancy, the character of the unborn baby is formed. Mom already senses a moving toddler at such early stages of his life. But for the most part, very active movement informs the woman about some intrauterine problems, so it is very important for the pregnant woman to control these sensations.

Too sharp and prolonged shocks "say" that the baby does not like something. If, when changing the position, the child's behavior does not change, and the fetal movements bring pain for several hours, consult a doctor.

To calm the spirited behavior of the fetus, it is necessary to change the position. With such attacks, the baby reacts to the uncomfortable position of the mother, especially this applies to the lying position. For example, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to lie on their backs for such a period! It is worth turning over, and the little one calms down.
If the movements are too infrequent and sluggish, it is recommended to eat something sweet. Carbohydrates with blood flow will quickly reach the child and recharge him with new strength.

The number of movements at different stages of pregnancy

From about 25 weeks, the fetus, according to the norms, should move at least 10 times per hour. Your baby, just like you, takes some kind of poses and changes positions. Hence the gurgling feeling. If you start to feel rhythmic tremors, do not worry, the baby has hiccups. This process will not do any harm to the child, you will soon get used to it. During this period, hiccups can be repeated several times a day.

Be sure to lead. In the future, you will be able to refer to him to understand why your child is moving. Write down every little thing from week 21. Recognition of your voice, the voices of other family members, reaction to loud sounds, to a pleasant melody - your little one already feels all these sounds with you.
Sometimes movements can disappear altogether. This means that the fetus has fallen asleep. Such phenomena usually do not last more than three hours. Also, there are often cases when your unborn child makes itself felt at night. The nascent life itself decides at what time to stay awake and at what time to rest.

The baby can perform up to 500 different body movements per day. This is mainly observed from 28 to 32 weeks. You will not feel all the movements. Many factors affect their perceptibility: the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the fetus and placenta, as well as the child's mobility and the sensitivity of the pregnant woman herself.

From the 32nd week, the activity begins to decrease, but from that moment on, by the movement of the fetus, its position in the uterus is already determined. It's just that the size of the baby at this time greatly increases, and the uterus is insignificant. If the baby is in breech presentation, you will feel the main tremors in the lower abdomen. If the tremors are above the navel, the head presentation is present.

At the end of the last trimester, fetal movements become infrequent, but do not completely disappear. If mom does not feel any movement for 12 hours, see a doctor.

Symptoms and methods for determining fetal hypoxia

Too much lethargy or violent movements of the baby in most cases indicates oxygen starvation. The causes of hypoxia are different: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, fetal malformations and much more. To identify the disease, an ultrasound scan or cardiotocography is performed.

A cardiotocography procedure is an examination of the heartbeat. For an hour, the device measures the heart rate of your baby. A changing rhythm from 120 to 160 beats per minute is considered the norm. With severe hypoxia, the mark drops to 90 beats. If this disease is detected for a period of more than 30 weeks, the woman undergoes a cesarean section.

To identify such violations on their own, a pregnant woman needs to use the "Count to 10" technique. From about 28 weeks, in the interval from 9 to 21 hours, a woman should count the movements. The tenth in the account is recorded in a special card. If within 12 hours the number of tremors exceeds 15, or vice versa, the fetus is inactive, contact a specialist.

Stirring fetus during the second pregnancy

The first baby begins to move at 20 weeks. But what if you are expecting a second or third baby? This period, according to women, begins a little earlier. It is difficult to say exactly when the first movement will occur. Every organism is different. Someone is gaining mass very quickly, someone - slowly. The time limit for the start of wiggling is still 16-24 weeks. But when your baby shows himself - it is up to him to decide.

Obstetricians say that the mother feels the first movement during repeated pregnancy 2-3 weeks earlier. But this only means that the feelings of the pregnant woman are exacerbated, and the past experience helps to more accurately determine the movement.

It happens that a nulliparous girl is misled by her own intestines. This is normal. In the first months of the birth of a new life, the entire body is rebuilt. 15-20 weeks is a time of rapid changes in intestinal functionality, which is very easy to confuse with the activity of the baby. A woman giving birth is able to distinguish peristalsis from the jolts of a child.

Remember, your main task during any pregnancy is to maintain a good mood, enjoy every movement, monitor your health and monitor your diet. Pregnancy is fleeting, not many have the opportunity to repeat this experience. Arrange family evenings, the future child will be happy to listen to a fairy tale from dad or a lullaby from mom. Don't miss the most touching moments.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

The most anxious and exciting moment during pregnancy is, perhaps, the wiggling of the baby in the mother's stomach. It directly indicates the development and growth of the child. In addition, at the beginning of the movement of the fetus, you can determine the approximate date of delivery. What are the first movements during pregnancy? Consider in this article.

Why does the baby move

According to observations in the course of ultrasound, it was revealed that babies do not just "swim" in the amniotic fluid, but make a variety of movements. In particular, they can:

  • Drink amniotic fluid while moving the lower jaw;
  • Turn your head around;
  • Grasp the legs with handles;
  • Knocking with your feet;
  • To touch and grab the umbilical cord with your hands.

Stirring a baby during pregnancy is a good sign that speaks of the development and growth of the fetus.

At what week of pregnancy can you feel movement?

The first fetal movements during pregnancy take place already at 7-8 weeks, however, due to its small size, it does not come into contact with the walls of the uterus. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman does not feel the movements of her unborn child.

The first movement of the baby is usually felt between 18 and 22 weeks. At 18-20 weeks, a tiny man stretches out his arms and legs, touching the wall of the uterus. Many women describe their baby's movements as "swimming fish" or "fluttering butterflies" in their belly. By 21-22 weeks, the baby's movements become more distinct and sometimes quite strong. The fetus has not yet taken a certain position in the uterus, so the tremors will be felt in different places of the abdomen. By week 24, the tremors can be felt by others. By the beginning of the 3rd trimester, the fetus turns over and rotates. By 30-32 weeks, he takes a certain position in the uterine cavity, most often head down. Its activity decreases some time before childbirth - the baby is preparing to be born, taking a position that is most convenient in order to leave the mother's womb. And this is quite normal.

But a woman can feel the first movements during the second pregnancy from the 16th week. This is mainly due to the fact that she is already familiar with such sensations. In addition, the muscles of the uterus are already prepared for the baby's thrusts. It was revealed that mothers of dense build recognize the movement of the child later than thin ones.

In addition, the period during which a woman will feel the first movement of the baby also depends on the thickness of the walls of the uterus and their sensitivity. Therefore, the norms regarding fetal movement are characterized by a fairly wide range. Remember that each child develops at a different pace. Do not expect that he will do everything as scheduled. If, according to the ultrasound and weight gain, the doctor claims that the development of the fetus is proceeding normally, then you should not worry if you do not feel its tremors yet.

Is it possible to calculate the term of birth by the first movement during pregnancy?

With the help of the mother's feelings regarding the baby's movements, it is possible to determine the approximate date of birth by the first movement. To do this, add 20 weeks to the number of the first movement during pregnancy, which is half the gestation period. However, this calculation method can only be used if you are pregnant for the first time. If this is not your first experience, then 22 weeks should be added to the original date. The number on the calendar that you will see as a result of these simple calculations will be the estimated day of birth.

Of course, it is not worth completely believing the results of determining the date of birth by the first movement, since all the mother's feelings regarding the movements of the fetus are quite subjective. Many women confuse the first movement with the usual intestinal peristalsis, or they mistake gas formation and other gastrointestinal processes for the baby's movements.

Only a doctor can unambiguously determine the due date, taking into account the dates of the last menstruation, conception, the first movement of the baby, the size of the uterus, the results of blood tests for hCG and ultrasound. Only taking into account all these data can the date of birth be established.

The first movements during pregnancy are not only the most memorable, but also very important. They make it clear that the child is okay. Feelings and timing may be different for expectant mothers. It is believed that those who give birth a second time feel them earlier. The first movements usually begin in the second half of the term.

The first stirring is always a joy. Each woman's term and sensations can be individual. So they usually say that the first movements during pregnancy occur at a period of 18-22 weeks. Stirring occurs with various activities of the embryo. He can turn, take a comfortable position, touch the umbilical cord or the walls of the uterus with his hands.

When are the first fetal movements felt?

For those who give birth not for the first time, perturbations may appear as early as 16 weeks. This happens due to the fact that the body of such women is more sensitive - the walls of the uterus react to the baby's movements more. Also, those who gave birth have more sensitive muscles and they roughly know what the sensations should be from the experience of the first pregnancy. It should be remembered that the timing of the first movements is completely different for everyone. They also depend on body size. As a rule, slender women feel the child's movements much earlier than full ones. Also, movements are less noticeable if a pregnant woman leads a fairly active lifestyle.

Knowing when and how the baby is moving is important for the mother-to-be. It is they who will help monitor your well-being and deviations from the norms. Slight movements, starting at 7 weeks, become more noticeable at 18-23. Very often you can feel them in the evening or before going to bed. At this time, the baby is not yet particularly large compared to the uterus. He has enough room to try to take different positions. Therefore, tremors can be felt in different areas of the abdomen.

By the 30th week, movements can be felt if you put your hand on your stomach or listen to these movements. The child reacts to everything: to the position of the mother, sounds, conversations, other people's touches. Usually, thrusts in the abdomen can be felt in response to touching the abdomen with the hand, lying on your back, sitting with your legs thrown back. The movements become more frequent when the pregnant woman lies on her back. This comes from a slight lack of oxygen in the embryo. In this position, the blood vessels that carry oxygen to the baby feel pressure from the uterus. Oxygen is supplied less, the fetus begins to move more strongly.

In the second trimester, the baby begins to hiccup. From this, the mother has sensations similar to a slight vibration. By the 32nd week, the embryo begins to occupy a permanent position. Feelings from movements can be in different parts of the abdomen. They depend on the position of the head and legs. If the head is located in the lower region (head movement), then movements are clearly felt in the upper abdomen. With the pelvic, legs down, on the contrary - in the lower abdomen. Stirring becomes more and more persistent towards the end of the term. Sometimes even a little pain can be felt with them. Most often, tremors are felt in the area under the ribs on the right. They can also be felt in those places where the baby's legs are located. In case of painful sensations, in some cases, it is advised to lean forward a little. This will allow more oxygen to flow to the fetus, and it will take a comfortable position.

Read also:

First fetal movements: sensations

The first fetal movements during pregnancy occur early enough. Most women do not feel them due to the fact that they are very weak. Feelings are different in different trimesters of pregnancy. The rate of development of the fetus affects the nature of the movements. In the first trimester, the movements of the embryo are weak and chaotic. Already at 8 weeks, thanks to ultrasound, you can see how the arms and legs of the fetus move. At this time, they are almost formed. Of course, the movements at this time are not as strong as at the end of the term. This is due to the fact that the embryo is still small and does not come into contact with the walls of the uterus.

By the way, perturbations can manifest themselves in completely different ways. Feelings in pregnant women are similar to a kind of vibrating wave in the lower abdomen, bursting bubbles inside the abdomen. Some mothers poetically compare them to splashing fish or fluttering butterflies. Primiparas sometimes confuse these sensations with intestinal problems and gas. It is worth remembering that movement does not hurt. If there is pain, then this may mean the tone of the uterus. In such cases, it is recommended to report the pain to the doctor - he will prescribe the necessary treatment.

There are certain periods of perturbation. In the early stages, up to 24 hours can pass between them. This is not because the fetus does not move or wiggle. Rather, the woman simply does not notice these movements - at these stages he has a small size. After 26 weeks, the frequency of perturbations is completely different. Normally, in 2-3 hours a woman should feel about 10. Gynecologists recommend keeping a calendar of movements. With its help, it is much easier to record the course of pregnancy. By the way, if it seems to you that something is wrong and the baby has become quiet, you can eat something - after eating, the activity of the fetus increases. Also, another way to analyze movements is the "Count to 10" test. For him, you need to purchase a special card with which all movements are recorded. The test is applied from 28 weeks. During it, every 10 movements that you will feel from 9 am to 9 pm are entered into the card.

Do not worry about the fact that you do not feel distinct movements in the early stages. Regular movements will appear only by the 30th week.

It is better to write down the date when you feel the first movements. Most likely, the doctor will ask you about it. By this date, the approximate date of delivery is determined. To it he will add 20 (if the first pregnancy) or 22 weeks (if the second pregnancy). The resulting date will be the approximate delivery date.

There are pauses in the movements. These are usually periods of rest. During which the fetus can "rest".

By the way, by the nature of the movements, you can even understand the approximate temperament of the baby.

Do not think that the resting hours of the mother and the fetus are the same. For an embryo, there are no times of day like ours. He can sleep and be active at any time: morning or night.

By the movements of the baby, you can understand what he does not like. Usually he is less active if mom is worried, does not change posture for a long time if she is cold.

Many women misunderstand movements. It must be remembered that the calculation is carried out as follows: just count the number of shocks in 1 minute. Their sum will be a stir. It turns out that they are calculated in a complex over a period of time.

It is important to remember that if there is no movement for 6 hours, you must consult a doctor. In the clinic, you are required to do a cardiotocographic study: sensors are attached to the abdomen in the area of ​​the fetal heart, and the mother presses a special button while moving. As a result, thanks to the hardware examination, the doctor is left with a schedule, according to which the state of the fetus becomes clear.

The first movements during pregnancy mean the normal development of the fetus. In different women, depending on body size, childbirth experience, lifestyle, they can begin at 18-23 weeks. It should be remembered that the beginning of perturbations is an individual thing. The sensations during tremors can also be different: from a wave to a feeling of gas formation in the intestines. Recording movements is important for analyzing the course of pregnancy.