Unusual gifts for children 12 years old. A gift for a twelve year old teenager - sporty and stylish

Boys aged 10-12 are still a little children, but with obvious features of growing up. The desires of children at this age are contradictory and fickle. Therefore, parents have to puzzle over what they can give their child for the New Year. A toy? Suddenly he will be offended. A fancy gadget? And if you don't like it. Candies? Clothes? Sports equipment? My head is spinning - the choice of options for what to give children for the New Year is so great. And you need to choose exactly for your dear and beloved boy. We will figure out what to give a child for the New Year - a boy 10, 11, 12 years old.

Rules for choosing gifts for the New Year: pictures for children and adults

Have you ever wondered at what age we stop believing in a fairy tale? Probably never. And with the advent of each New Year, we expect miracles, regardless of age.

Why, then, do many parents rush to dissuade their growing children in the existence of Santa Claus or firmly believe that the boy is already old enough to believe in miracles.

If your son is 10 or even 12 years old, and he managed to find out the "great secret" of Santa Claus, extend the children's fairy tale in your home circle.

Believe me, many children are happy to write letters to their New Year's grandfather even at this age, although many of them are well aware that the "sponsors" of the wizard are their parents.

Let the boy list in such a letter the desired gifts for the New Year (it is even easier to draw pictures for children). Such a letter will be an excellent guideline for parents on what to give the boy for the New Year.

Even if the child's desire seems stupid, inappropriate, not for age, try to fulfill it. Remember that we are giving children a real fairy tale for the New Year and we are extending the growing boy's childhood.

Are you worried that your child's wishes are incompatible with the size of the household budget? Choose budget gifts for children for the New Year. This is not a standard sweet set, but useful little things.

The optimal New Year gift for a 10 year old boy from the world of toys

Can you give toys to boys at this age? Definitely, yes, if you approach the choice of a gift for the New Year for a 10-year-old boy deliberately.

Consider the constructor option. Just not a childish primitive one, consisting of plastic or wooden blocks, but a real workshop of a small designer.

It can be a large complex constructor from which you can build real cities, robots, and construction vehicles.

Or an option supplemented with a solar battery. A homemade model of a car, plane, helicopter or scooter, catamaran will literally come to life after connecting the power source.

It is not easy to assemble such a craft, but imagine how much excitement and pride there will be when the toy starts to move.

Such gifts for children for the New Year will please their parents, especially dads.

Creative New Year's gift for a boy 10 years old

If you have a creative boy growing up who enjoys modeling, painting, and other exciting activities, feel free to buy him sets or items related to a hobby.

You can pick up ready-made kits for modeling from clay or sculpting from plaster, painting on canvas. Boys are happy to make soap or candles, magnets or clay crafts with their own hands. Some even weave with elastic bands or make pictures from sequins.

A young artist can be presented with a set of high-quality paints and an album or a real painting for coloring for the New Year. Usually, the shades of colors in such a picture are marked with numbers. Some kits come with paints and brushes.

One of the most popular New Year gifts for a 10-year-old boy is a set for burning. The kits contain the device itself, several different attachments and examples of pictures.

Often a child's hobby develops into a real hobby or even a profession. Therefore, it is worth developing creativity in your children and giving them gifts that will contribute to this.

Interesting gifts for the New Year for an 11 year old boy

Boys at 11 are incredibly curious. They like to experiment, do different experiments. Channel this energy into a peaceful channel - present an 11-year-old boy for the New Year with a science mini-game for a young explorer. What could it be?

Experiment set "Optical illusions". This game will help you create and study optical illusions at home. Moreover, it is absolutely safe. To do this, the kit contains everything you need: light filters, blanks, instructions.

Not only 11-year-old boys, but also older children and their parents are delighted with the possibilities of the set "Chemical experiments in the kitchen".

Indeed, right on the kitchen table, you can create an apple battery or starch ink, citric acid volcano or tea miracles, conduct a real home examination or experiments with hibiscus, and even draw with invisible ink. The guidelines describe detailed instructions for conducting such experiments.

Another set for home experiments is "Experiments with crystals." Growing and creeping, from salt and alum, from tea and sugar. Experiments can be varied from 1 to 30.

The boy will learn to work with test tubes, spatulas, a thermometer and various reagents. Such experiments will definitely require endurance, attention and scrupulousness.

A modern gift for the New Year for a boy 12 years old

New Year's for children 12 years old is no longer a children's holiday with sweets and rhymes, tangerines and round dances. They are happy to dive under the tree for gifts, but expect to find substantial or fashionable gifts there.

In the first place of gifts for the New Year for a 12-year-old boy are various electronic gadgets. Large-scale gifts such as computers, tablets, phones are usually given by parents. But such things are quite expensive and not always affordable.

You can get by with cheaper accessories. Unusual speakers, flash drives-transformers, high-quality headsets, wireless mice, dual keyboards - the choice is huge.

Sports gifts for the New Year for a 12 year old boy are no less popular. If the boy goes in for sports, give him a new uniform, running shoes or a winter outfit.

The child will like mini or real videos. By the way, the miniature version is much cheaper and can be attached to any shoe.

Skates, skis, sledges or snowboards will perfectly fit into the New Year's theme. But the child should be interested in such sports entertainment.

An interesting gift is a set for home basketball, which includes a detachable hoop and a small ball. Such a ring is attached to a wall or door.

Prefer to give useful things - buy a children's sports bracelet. The boy will definitely like this fashionable thing.

You can choose cheap models that count steps, show the time. In a series of expensive bracelets, the possibilities are incredibly expanded. They know how to count the pulse, blood pressure, steps, calories worked, show the time, communicate with other electronic gadgets, remember information, have geolocation tracking, etc.

Gifts for boys related to hobbies

At the age of 10-12, boys begin to collect their first collections or they develop certain hobbies. Not all modern children, as is commonly believed, constantly spend time at the computer. And even if a boy prefers electronic "runners" to jogging in the air, he should take a closer look, listen to what is interesting to him.

Perhaps your New Year's gift to the boy will radically change not only his hobbies, but also the relationship between the children-parents.

A musical child can be presented with a real guitar. How can a boy remain indifferent to such a present? It would not hurt to add paid courses on playing to the guitar.

Finances allow - give your child a real drum kit. Or a miniature copy of it for practicing rhythm with your fingers.

Your boy is happy to invite friends to his house - give him board and floor games. This can be the popular Twister or the improved Grand Twister with a larger margin. The boy will like table football or hockey.

Exciting and educational board games. Consider the options for the games "Rules of the Road", "Erudite", "Magicians", etc.

Children of 11-12 years old master various business games perfectly. Therefore, you can safely start teaching the future millionaire financial management with games like "Monopolist", "Millionaires", etc.

Video: cool gifts for the New Year

If you want to really surprise your child with a cool gift, check out the cool New Year's presents in the video:

Although 12-year-old girls and boys often try to behave like adults, they still look forward to their birthday, sometimes, like in childhood, crossing out the days on the calendar, and still expect something special and original as a gift ... Therefore, when thinking about what to give a teenager for his 12th birthday, opt for the best things: if a bicycle, then the most convenient, if a keyboard, then some fancy one, if a mouse, then an unusual shape. And this is one of the main rules that must be followed when choosing a gift. What to give a 12-year-old teenager to make it useful, pleasant and creative? It is about such gift ideas that are presented in the following overview ranking.

Diary with a lock

Magic ball

Even the most determined people sometimes fail to make a decision.
And in adolescence, such situations happen quite often. At such moments, the decision-making ball can become a lifesaver. Scientists are still struggling with the riddle of how this seemingly ordinary ball is able to give the necessary answers to the questions asked, but the result does not change. The ball works! The birthday boy will surely be glad when he receives a magical and comic object as a gift that helps to make important decisions.

Runaway alarm clock

Having such a miracle device, the child is unlikely to sleep in school. It is impossible to continue to doze or just lie in bed with him. And all because after pressing the "turn off" button, the alarm clock breaks off and starts rolling around the room, ringing loudly. Therefore, the owner of the running away alarm clock will still have to get out of bed to turn it off. If you want your child to wake up on time and not lie in bed, then an original alarm clock as a gift is exactly what you need. With a running away alarm clock, every morning will be truly vigorous.

Mobile phone

It is very difficult today to imagine your life without a mobile phone that allows you to communicate with each other, play games, take pictures, surf the Internet, etc. (of course, these functions depend on the phone model). And for parents it is also a great opportunity to always know where their child is and what he is doing. So it's a useful gift and a way to stand out from your peers. Therefore, if you decide to give a mobile phone, then listen to the wishes of the birthday person. And then it will become the best gift for a teenager on his 12th birthday.

Does the child like to sing and delight others with his singing? Then he will simply be happy to receive a karaoke center as a gift.

This is the oldest addicting game. And despite the presence of all kinds of computer games, the classic backgammon game does not lose its popularity. It develops analytical, logical thinking, trains memory and has some kind of mystical power, because a person relaxes during the game and forgets about all the problems. Beautiful carved backgammon will be a great gift for an intellectual teenager.

Musical health balls

These amusing Chinese balls are not only a cute little thing that you can twirl in your hands when there is nothing to do or in those moments when you just need to distract yourself, think about something, but also a useful thing. By rotating musical balls in the palms, a person stimulates active points, thus maintaining a harmonious balance in the body. The sound made by the balls while playing with them calms and relaxes. Musical balls are a beneficial effect on health and an original gift for a 12-year-old teenager.

Lamp-projector "Starry sky"

This unusual projector will appeal to both 12-year-old boys and girls. Modern city dwellers can rarely admire the starry sky in all its glory. And with such an unusual product, you can see bright stars right in your room! And if the child does not like to sleep in pitch darkness, then the projector can easily cope with the role of a lamp. Imagine how pleasant it is to fall asleep in such a mysterious environment, counting the stars or contemplating an unusual light show. The Starry Sky projector lamp is a wonderful present for a child's 12th birthday.

Inflatable chair

Many teenagers are not averse to receiving an interesting and useful little thing as a gift that will decorate the interior of the room. A lightweight and comfortable inflatable chair can be taken with you wherever you go: to the dacha, the river, to the sea. It can also become a stylish addition to a child's room, and if you get bored or need to free up space, then it is very easy to blow it off and hide it in the closet. Such a gift will make the rest of its owner as comfortable as possible.

Professional photo session

Young beauties are very fond of being photographed. For a 12-year-old birthday girl, one of the best birthday gifts for sure will be a professional photo session. She happily brags about the beautiful professional photographs she has received in front of her friends, and she herself will look at them with pleasure, remembering those exciting sensations when she became a real model for a while. Many girls at this age dream about it. And it's so nice when dreams come true on your birthday. Give your child this opportunity by purchasing a certificate for a professional photo session.

Karting certificate

But a 12-year-old boy will certainly be delighted with the opportunity to drive karting. He will feel a powerful charge of adrenaline, speed and a sea of ​​positive while controlling this technique. Believe me, such an amazing present in the form of a gift certificate for kart driving will be filled for a long time to a person who adores extreme sports and the taste of victory.


This is a wonderful gift for a teenager. After all, they love to be photographed and take pictures, while getting a lot of different emotions.
Taking pictures, the child learns the world in all its colors. He takes pictures of parents, animals, friends, landscapes with pleasure. Perhaps your gift will influence your further choice of profession.
And someday, the whole world will see the first pictures of the child taken with the camera that you presented.

Blanket with sleeves

This useful and cozy gift will warm you on winter evenings and allow your child to soak up while lying on the couch while watching your favorite movie. A blanket with sleeves will come in handy on the road, and in the camp, and at the dacha. The softness of the gift will delight the birthday man and delight him with its originality and convenience.

Puzzle "Pyramid"

Anyone who likes to puzzle over difficult tasks will like a gift that develops logic, creative thinking and trains the mind. Give the birthday boy the opportunity to try your hand by choosing a 3D pyramid-shaped puzzle as a gift for him. He will remember this creative gift for a long time.

Sports kit

Children who prefer to spend time actively will definitely like the set for sports, which consists of a basketball rack with a hoop, a volleyball net, badminton rackets, several balls, a frisbee plate and a pump. Such a gift will make your child's active rest varied and rich.

1. Discs with music
If you know which performer is the child's idol, choose his concert. Just a popular music album is also suitable, to which you can dance for your birthday or listen to at your leisure.

2. Skateboard, rollers
At this age, children are mobile and love to compete. Both girls and boys ride the streets with pleasure, gathering in companies. Such a gift symbolizes activity and a healthy lifestyle, this is important for growing 12-year-old children.

3. Bakugan
This is a board game for kids based on the popular animated series that boys adore. They play it with pleasure during recess at school and at home in the yard. This game is not only entertaining, but also useful. She develops strategic thinking, teaches how to add large numbers, memorize English words.

4. Diary for girls
Grown ladies remember how they kept notebooks in childhood. They contained all kinds of fortune-telling, notes, drawings. Today these diaries are sold in bookstores. They are beautifully decorated and are very popular with girls.

5. Clothes and accessories
Unlike younger children, 12-year-olds will appreciate such a gift. Girls love beautiful dresses and bags, boys will be delighted with trendy trousers and T-shirts. Jeans are generally a universal gift, both girls and boys will appreciate it. Girls can be presented with cosmetics, only necessarily for children, it will not harm young skin.

When they think of what to give a 12-year-old boy for his birthday, they often get stumped and don't find a worthwhile idea. But the entertainment industry, electronics and toy manufacturers offer many interesting services and products that a teenager might be interested in. There is plenty to choose from - from the latest innovations on the digital technology market to unpretentious, but necessary and funny souvenirs.

The best gifts that the child will be delighted with:

  1. puppy or other pet;
  2. educational microscope;
  3. Spyglass;
  4. gaming mouse;
  5. smart TV for the nursery;
  6. computer for video games;
  7. robot vacuum cleaner;
  8. projector;
  9. columns;
  10. trip to Disneyland.

Impressions as a gift - 15 emotional gift ideas for a boy

Emotions are the best that can be given to a boy for his 12th birthday:

  1. Rest in the camp.
  2. Tour to other countries where the family has long wanted to visit.
  3. 12th anniversary themed quests, in which ingenuity and dexterity are manifested.
  4. Colorful fireworks.
  5. Hot air balloon travel.
  6. Laser tag is an opportunity to get into the world of games that boys are fond of.
  7. Flying in a wind tunnel where air at high speed lifts a person upward, causing a feeling of free fall.
  8. Photoshoot - boys also like to upload beautiful photos on Instagram.
  9. Hike to the Experimentarium- a museum where science becomes comprehensible.
  10. Karting is an opportunity to experience high speeds in reality.
  11. Excursion to the training base of your favorite football team.
  12. Flight simulator- an interesting gift for a boy for his 12th birthday if he dreams of becoming a pilot and dreams of the sky. There is always an instructor nearby who helps with the controls and tells how to use the onboard electronics.
  13. Painting master class in virtual reality glasses is suitable as a gift for a boy with creative inclinations who would like to try himself in new directions of art.
  14. Rope park with attractions will turn the birthday boy into Indiana Jones, who went after the Ark of the Covenant, to become the owner of which you can only overcome many obstacles.
  15. Horse riding session the child will be happy to receive it as a gift. Communication with animals relaxes, restores mental balance.

Cool original surprise - top 5 ideas

The child will remember his birthday if a surprise is prepared for him:

  1. Wrap a small gift in many layers of wrapping paper, increasing the volume of the box several times. To get to the gift, you have to try.
  2. Arrange a meeting with an idol - an athlete, artist, gamer, who will present the child with a gift prepared by the parents.
  3. Hire an animator, for example in a Superman costume, who will go up to the window on an aerial platform and congratulate you in an original way.
  4. Invite friends to your home, but so that the boy does not know about the upcoming party.
  5. Arrange a quest in the apartment - hang notes on the walls, doors, closets with hints about where the cache with the parents' present for the son is located.

Useful and interesting for a teenager

Useful things can also be interesting if they are connected, for example, with hobbies.

Money as a gift

If they don’t know what the child wants, then the best gift will be money. They are also given when the birthday person is saving up for some big thing, for example, a gyro scooter.

Top 5 best modern gadgets for a boy

These are the coolest, which no one will refuse. The best gadgets for 12 year olds in this category are:

  1. game console;
  2. virtual reality helmet;
  3. eBook;
  4. running away alarm clock;
  5. game steering wheel.

Top 10 most interesting toys for teenagers

Manufacturers develop hundreds of models of interesting toys for boys from 12 years old:

  1. Amazing Toys Boxing Tops Science & Play Set, which demonstrates the operation of the laws of physics.
  2. Neokub puzzle toy- a set of neodymium magnets. Any 2D or 3D shape can be folded from them.
  3. Board game Duke "Make a figure"- a panel made of carnations, which accurately reproduces the object attached to it.
  4. Metall Puzzles Set- for those who love riddles.
  5. The quadcopter is one of the most interesting devices, including for adults.
  6. Board game "Mafia" helps to develop memory, intelligence, intuition, strategic thinking.
  7. Dinosaur WowWee Fingerlings- for those who are interested in interactive toys (over time, you can collect the entire collection of prehistoric animals).
  8. RC Jumping Robot Drone.
  9. Constructor Robotime Triceratops with remote control- fun, captivating the whole family.
  10. Music Box- another 3D puzzle from Robotime, which develops perseverance and determination in the boy.

Everything you can ride - bicycles, roller skates, skates

Boys are interested in any means of transportation. In addition to bicycles, rollerblades, skates, you can also donate more modern transport:

  1. gyro scooter;
  2. electric scooter;
  3. electric bike;
  4. skate;
  5. unicycle.

Sports Presentations - A List of Good Ideas

The list of gifts for physical development can contain dozens of items. At this age, a boy can be presented with:

  1. sports corner in the apartment or in the yard;
  2. boxing gloves and punching bag;
  3. quality tennis racket - Larsen, Babolat and others;
  4. ping-pong set (net, rackets, table);
  5. a ball autographed by your favorite football player;
  6. dumbbells;
  7. cue if the child plays billiards;
  8. skis or other accessories for this sport;
  9. basketball rack and ball;
  10. wall bars.

Gifts for outdoor activities - a list of ideas

A gift for a child at the age of 12 is selected from products for outdoor activities:

  1. Metal detector- will find old coins and other interesting items (the simplest models are affordable).
  2. Multifunctional digital compass. The device remembers routes, shows the time, has a backlight and a timer. Many models are field responsive and splash resistant.
  3. Universal mobile battery Needed by hikers to always stay in touch with their parents.
  4. A headlamp is a must-have accessory neither when descending into a cave, nor while climbing a mountain peak.
  5. A 12th birthday GoPro camcorder shoots a video of the guy's achievements for a blog on social networks.
  6. Camera Accessories to enjoy the video recorder more fully.
  7. Tactical Hiking Backpack with many pockets for the things you need.
  8. Sleeping bag - with it you can go camping with an overnight stay, and parents will not worry about the health of their son.
  9. A hydrator is a container from which they drink water on the go or at rest, without taking it out of the backpack.
  10. Equipment for the selected sport- knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, helmet, mittens.

Young musician - high-quality musical instruments

If the child is playing music, then it's time to switch to the "adult" versions of the chosen instrument. Such a gift can be given to a boy who dreams of becoming a drummer or guitarist, pianist or saxophonist, like his favorite stars.

If there are enough funds, then the student of the music school will appreciate the instrument that his idol used to play. Such a rarity can be purchased at auctions, including charity ones.

Top 5 best video games for a boy (with a short description)

Teenagers spend most of their time playing video games, so an uncle can present a disc with a new version of racing or a shooter to a nephew of twelve years old. Among the best for this age category:

  1. Shadow of the Colossus Is a classic action game from Fumito Vedi, developed by Bluepoint Games. The hero of the game saves the girl, for which he has to destroy the giant creatures made of stone - the keepers of an ancient secret. He has a bow, a magic sword and an inquiring mind at his disposal. The platform used is PlayStation 4.
  2. StarBlood Arena is a good gift for boys who have a VR headset. The teenager will feel like an astronaut taking part in adrenaline fights. The player has 9 spaceships with different technical characteristics at his disposal. Platform - PlayStation VR.
  3. Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a virtual world consisting of two regions - Asmodea and Elios. On earth and in the sky, there is a fierce war between two great nations. Newbies and seasoned online gamers will love online battles, where they fight not only monsters, but other players as well. Platform - PC.
  4. Burnout Paradise Remastered is offered as a present for a teenager who is crazy about breakneck speeds. Paradise City is a racing town with hundreds of streets and dozens of race tracks. This is an improved version of the game, and the races are even more spectacular. Platform - PlayStation 4.
  5. NHL 19 is dedicated to hockey fans. The player is offered to go from a beginner to a professional. Thanks to the Real Player Motion Tech technology, it was possible to improve the dynamics, speed, control sensitivity in comparison with previous editions. Clashes with rivals have become even more spectacular and intense.

Top 5 best gifts for developing a boy's creativity

Many teenagers have hobbies at the age of 12, and this sets the direction of the search:

  1. A camera and a book for beginners, revealing the secrets of the photography profession. Such a gift will suit everyone, since photography has become an integral part of life with the advent of social media.
  2. Easel, paints, colored pencils- for those who have found themselves in the visual arts.
  3. Lego construction set - this toy amazes even adults with its capabilities.
  4. Named tool with engraving to conquer new heights in the chosen type of creativity.
  5. 3D pen with plastic set develops spatial thinking, teaches how to create three-dimensional drawings. The kit includes templates to help you understand the principles of drawing in the air.

Collectible gifts

Gifts for 12-year-old boys who are keen on collecting are also easy to find. It can be:

  1. old coin;
  2. rare brands;
  3. an idol's clothing item - a T-shirt, a cap, a boxing glove;
  4. an album for storing exhibits;
  5. cards with athletes and even their autographs and more.

If there is no hobby yet, you can give the boy several exhibits for his birthday, which will initiate a new hobby and arouse interest in collecting.

Clothes and style - a selection of ideas

Jeans of prestigious brands - Lee, Levi`s, Guess, Collin`s, Diesel, Mustang - do not go out of fashion. Models - slim, with folds, artificially aged, from unfinished denim. Overalls for boys are also coming into fashion.

Bomber jackets are bought for children. There are such models for every season, including summer (windbreakers). Dandies with their own style will love the quilted velvet sweatshirts worn with shirts. It looks fresh and sophisticated and is suitable even for a New Year's disco.

12 years is the age of first love. To impress a passion, you definitely need a strict suit. For winter evenings, sweaters with traditional Norwegian patterns, which are now in trend again, are indispensable. Boys who like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers need appropriate clothing - a camouflage suit.

If the leg has grown, a pair of Nike, Adidas, Reebok, New Balance sneakers will be a good gift for the child. Of the boots, teenagers appreciate Steel, Caterpillar, Timberland. You need to choose original shoes or something cheaper, but of high quality, not a fake. Otherwise, classmates may laugh at the boy.

Gifts from family and friends

The most expensive gifts are always from relatives. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following options:

  1. computer chair;
  2. notebook;
  3. smartphone;
  4. ant farm;
  5. a subscription to the pool;
  6. computer desk;
  7. a master class on your favorite pastime;
  8. quality watches;
  9. professional microphone - for a child practicing vocal.

What to give a 12 year old friend for his birthday - 15 cool ideas

A friend can be prepared for a significant day many different useful and interesting things that he will surely appreciate. It can be:

  1. Homemade photo album, in which the best moments of life are captured, short stories and memories of the event captured by the camera can be written under the photographs.
  2. A ticket to football: give one to a friend, buy the second for yourself, so that the two of you cheer for the team.
  3. A collection of books about the adventures of your favorite heroes.
  4. Cool piggy bank with a few coins inside as a birthday present for the birthday person who decided to collect money.
  5. Game "Monopoly", for which you can get together in a large friendly company.
  6. Table billiards- a great way for friends to spend their leisure time in an interesting way.
  7. Football ball lamp, minion or other favorite character.
  8. A set of darts develops accuracy and relieves stress after a day at school.
  9. Perfume set- the best gift for a guy who likes from a girl.
  10. Baseball cap with the logo of your favorite computer game, football team, etc.
  11. Portable speaker for smartphone, and you can even listen to music with friends on the beach.
  12. Stirrer mug with fan- an interesting and original gift instead of a faience cup.
  13. Computer game.
  14. Protech Hover Ball is a ball used to play football not only on the street, but also in the apartment.
  15. Kite.

Inexpensive 12th birthday gift for a boy - 10 cheap ideas

For a 12-year-old boy, you can give a lot of inexpensive souvenirs, which he will be happy with:

  1. soccer team logo keychain or your favorite car brand;
  2. Fisher Space Pen, which writes at -50 ° C, on wet, oily and glossy surfaces and even under water (designed for astronauts);
  3. postcards in the style of scrapbooking- cool DIY gifts for a boy from girls;
  4. mobile phone stand;
  5. original bookmark for books;
  6. mechanical postcard;
  7. stylish night light, for example, in the form of a camera;
  8. organizer for stationery in the form of speakers or a London telephone booth;
  9. a magic ball that answers questions;
  10. glowing frisbee plate can become a favorite outdoor toy.

What to give a 12-year-old boy for the New Year

As a New Year's gift, you can purchase:

  1. smartphone projector- for watching movies and anime;
  2. lightbox on the wall with an interesting plot instead of a boring sconce;
  3. headphones;
  4. touch lamp;
  5. umbrella with LED-backlight;
  6. book-safe;
  7. organizer for mobile devices and accessories to them;
  8. table soccer- from a mini-version to a full-fledged slot machine;
  9. bed linen set with a picture relevant to the interests of a 12-year-old adolescent;
  10. set of a young biologist with 80 slides, among which are the jaws of a bee, bone tissue from the human body, plant cells (such gifts for a boy for the New Year are made to interest him in biology at school);
  11. house slippers in the form of tanks or beast paws;
  12. a set of a young chemist;
  13. mechanical constructor(such toys fascinate even adults who choose them as a gift for the New Year for a 12-year-old boy);
  14. a flash drive disguised as a key or other item;
  15. telescope for studying the starry sky;
  16. the electric toothbrush children as a gift from caring grandparents;
  17. travel to Veliky Ustyug to Santa Claus not only for kids, such a trip can also be presented to a grown-up child for the New Year;
  18. suspension module, for example space theme.

It is not difficult to give a teenager a thing that he will appreciate, even if he has everything. The main thing is to be interested in the life of your child, friend, grandson.

2018-11-07 pvipadmin

What to give a child 11-12 years old, sometimes parents do not know either. There are necessary gadgets, favorite toys too, what kind gift to choose 12 children at? Excellent gift for 12 child there will be various certificates for courses and workshops to become an interesting person, fashion items and gadgets, sports equipment and board games. We have selected for you ready-made gift ideas for children from 11 to 12 years old.

Board games "Food chain", "Kneading", "Elk in the house", "Dixit", "Piggy", "Thinkers", "Mafia", "Activity", "Carcassonne", "Munchkin", "Barabashka", " Doble, Janga, Seth, Lexico, Cardline, Piggy, Fluxx, Imaginarium, Potions, Alias, Evolution.
... Piggy bank with some sum of money
... Opening a savings account in a bank
... Minisigway
... Skateboard
... Indoor horizontal bar, dumbbells
... Inflatable lounger, bean bag
... Selfie monopod
... Hilis (sneakers with wheels)
... Set of a young chemist, physicist, biologist
... Game console, console, Gameboy, PSP
... Lumigurumi set - weaving from elastic bands
... Computer, laptop, tablet
... Unusually shaped wireless mouse
... E-book reader
... mp3 player
... Gyroboard, gyro scooter
... Tablet for drawing on the computer
... Mobile phone, smartphone
... Home suit, pajamas
... Various "baubles" and cool bracelets
... Colored leather trouser belts
... Cute lunchbox for breakfast, thermal bottle, thermo glass
... Diary with secret keys
... Children's encyclopedias
... Sets of expensive unusual sweets, for example, Harry Potter dragee Bertie Botts Beans with different flavors: banana, black pepper, blueberries, boogers, cotton candy, cherries, cinnamon, mud, worm, earwax, grass, green apple, marshmallow, rotten egg , sausage, lemon, soap, tutti frutti, vomit and watermelon.
... Long term subscription to the pool, fitness center or games room
... Set of cool nail polishes and stickers
... Electronic tutorials, interactive tutorials
... Perfume
... Headphones
... Steering wheel and pedals for racing games
... Webcam to chat with friends on Skype
... Loudspeakers
... Cool mouse pad
... Electric constructor
... Star map on the wall with illuminated "Cosmos"
... Military style clothing
... Handgum or hand gum
... Lantern
... Sets for making jewelry for girls
... Microscope, magnifier
... Home shooting range
... Badminton
... Backpack
... Twister
... Hairpins, jewelry, accessories
... Bike
... Sunglasses
... Musical dance mat
... Table hockey or soccer
... RC car, helicopter
... Punching bag
... Rollers
... Nice notebook with pen
... Creative workshops
... Ledyanka, snow scooter
... Casket
... Stylish wallet
... Shoulder bags (for gadgets)
... Earrings, pendant, precious metal chain
... Jewelry, accessories
... Creator's Kit
... Easel
... T-shirts, raglans with cool 3D prints, inscriptions
... Big scooter
... Skis
... Skates
... Gluing model
... Pneumatic toy weapons, bows and crossbows
... Night vision binoculars
... Various "spy" accessories
... Watch
... ATV
... Hair straightener
... Hair crayons
... Projectors that create a relaxing atmosphere in the room, including through sound

The best gift ideas for boys and girls from 11 to 12 years old- a complete list of gifts for a child for 12 years. And remember, than to give an unnecessary thing, it is better to give money so that the child can buy himself something that will bring him joy.