Unequal Marriage: Couples with Large Age Gaps. Unequal marriage: couples with a big age gap 40 years difference with husband live stream

Age difference - 22 years

By the time of the wedding in 2010, the couple had been together for 8 years. The actors met at the 2002 Golden Globe Awards. On Valentine's Day in 2009, Ford finally proposed to Flockhart. Ford and Flockhart raise their adopted son Liam.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming

Age difference - 23 years

Bruce Willis, 62, married 35-year-old model Emma Heming in March 2009. The couple already have two daughters: born in 2012 and 2014. "Die Hard" lives up to its image.


Donald Trump and Melania Trump

The age difference is 24 years

The current president of the United States has never been deprived of female attention, and the marriage to model Melanier Knauss was already the third in a row. By that time, the businessman was already 58 years old, and his bride was 34 years old.

Duchess of Alba and Alfonso Diez

The age difference is 24 years

The most titled woman in the world Maria del Rosario Caetana Alfons Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y Silva married an ordinary civil servant, Alfonso Diez Carabantes, who was 24 years her junior.

The ceremony was attended by only a few dozen friends and relatives. Despite doubts and rumors, Caetana made a will, according to which she distributed her fortune among the children, while Alfonso renounced inheritance claims.

The Duchess passed away in 2014.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Age difference - 25 years

Despite Douglas' claim that oral sex triggered his cancer, their marriage to actress Catherine Zeta-Jones remains unbreakable.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Tronneux

Age difference - 25 years

The French politician and winner of the first round of the presidential race met his future wife when he was only 15, and she taught at the school where he studied. Her daughter studied in the same class as her future husband.

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin

Age difference - 26 years

Baldwin married his 29-year-old yoga instructor in 2012, and the couple have three children.

Celine Dion and Rene Angelil

Age difference - 26 years

In 2016, Celine Dion suffered the hardest loss of her life - her husband Rene passed away from cancer.

“The time before his death was the most difficult in my life, - said Celine. - Every day the person of my whole life was dying more and more. The person I love and loved is the only one I kissed. Yes, I have never kissed anyone in my life except my husband. I love him. I'm still in love with him. "

Celine met Rene Angelil in 1980, when she was only 12 years old, and he was 38. The couple began dating after 8 years, and in 1991 announced their engagement. They got married on December 17, 1994.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

The age difference is 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when a graduate of GITIS was accepted into the troupe of the theater studio of Oleg Tabakov. After ten years of the romance, the teacher and student played a wedding, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at 41.

Sarah Poulson and Holland Taylor

Age difference - 32 years

When asked about her sexuality, Sarah usually answers that "the situation is changeable." Before that, she had met women much older than herself, for example, with the actress Cherry Jones - the age difference between them was 18 years. As for Holland Taylor, the actress admits that she has preferred women before.

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and the 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, living in a de facto marriage, and in 2015, the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander after his father.

Woody Allen and Sun-i Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. They had a son, Ronan, and the couple also raised two adopted children. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director's romance with the actress's adopted daughter, 22-year-old Sun-i Previn.

“When I started dating her, I thought it would be just an affair. I did not take this relationship seriously, but life decided differently. It so happened that we began to go out together, live together and enjoy it. She loved that I showed her many things that I already knew from my own experience, and I loved being a mentor, ”Allen shared in an interview with NPR.

Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell

The age difference is 37 years

Xevier from "X-Men" showed his superpowers when he was able to conquer 36-year-old jazz singer Sunny Ozell.

Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

Bari Alibasov was officially married 5 times, and in 2013 the showman married the actress Victoria Maksimova for the sixth time, who, moreover, was his former assistant. In 2016, the couple had a son, Ivan.

Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

Ivan and Natalia got married in 2015. The groom preferred a uniform to a three-piece suit. The celebration took place at the House of the Actor. As it usually happens, they met at the institute, where the actor Krasko taught, and Natalya was his young student.

They say, don't listen - the wedding of the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionaries Sergei Mironov and the engagement of actor Will Smith became the high-profile social news of the week. They discussed both the suitors and their chosen ones - each more than 20 years younger than the betrothed. And the age difference did not raise any questions for anyone.

But in the opposite case, when the wife is older than her husband, emotions are much brighter - and conversations range from "why is this necessary" to "will not live long." But, according to statistics, in Europe and America in every third couple, the wife is older than her husband, in Russia - in every sixth.

In fact, before answering "yes" to Alexander, Nonna Grishaeva for a long time perceived him only as a friend. Younger. For 12 years. She was not going to get married at all. She already had one unsuccessful marriage under her belt. But gradually the young man melted her heart.

"All friends and all relatives somehow immediately accepted everything and somehow at once: well, finally you got lucky," says Nonna Grishaeva.

Do you somehow feel the difference in age?

"No," Nonna Grishaeva answers.

But her husband feels this difference. With admiration. “She is probably not capable of such nonsense that a person is capable of in his youth. Because when a person has some experience behind him, some understanding of life situations, it is easier to find a common language with him,” said Alexander Nesterov.

They have been married for 7 years. The son of Ilyusha is growing up. Joint projects are also growing. Now they are rehearsing for the second performance, where Alexander is the director, Nonna is the actress. Grishaeva describes her relationship with a phrase from the play: at every meeting with her husband, even at home, I want to come not in slippers, but in high heels, as if on a date.

"This has become my standard answer: why do you look so young? Well, of course, I say, my husband is young," says Nonna Grishaeva.

A woman without complexes. Lolita does not hide her age - she is 50, and her husband is 37. Tennis player and squash coach Dmitry Ivanov. For Lolita, this is the fifth marriage.

“I had relationships with people who are older than me. Older, and it seemed to me that it was the same stable. And then it was disgustingly boring with them,” says Lolita Milyavskaya.

Such marriages, according to psychologists, are beneficial for both parties. Women feel younger and more desirable, men are helped by the wisdom and experience of older friends.

"You know, I gave him, I'm not afraid of this word, a good kick for development. Now there is a business that they are engaged in with a friend, and he went. And my husband tells me all the time that you know, this is your merit," - says Lolita Milyavskaya.

"Unequal marriage". This picture was painted by the artist Pukirev in the middle of the 19th century. The girl is getting married. The groom is much older. The marriage is clearly of convenience. Times have changed a lot. Now women are choosing men much younger than themselves as companions. And in such a relationship, the calculation most often does not matter.

In the West, they are called cougar women, or female predators. Middle-aged ladies with good earnings and career growth. They keep their health and appearance in perfect condition. Their peers are often simply not interesting to them. And they choose men who are younger than themselves. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are 15 years apart, Tina Turner and Erwin Bach are 17 years old, Mariah Carey and Nick Kensi are 11. Hollywood divas have broken stereotypes. And now ordinary women enter into relationships that they would never have dared to do before.

After 6 years together, Sergei is still crazy about his wife. Kisses, compliments and loving glances. They met on the Internet, Alena was married at that time, the eldest daughter was already 20. But when she met 32-year-old Sergei in real life, she left everything: her husband, her apartment, began to wander around with the novice writer in the corners. Although I had never imagined a relationship with a man younger than myself before.

“I myself had such stereotypes, which I somehow got rid of when Seryozha appeared 8 years younger,” says Alena Art.

But how durable such marriages are, psychologists and sociologists disagree.

"Now a 50-year-old woman looks at 25-30. Moreover, with the advent of substitution therapy, a woman has the opportunity to balance her hormones in such a way as to extend her lady's age for another 15-20 years," says psychologist Alexander Tesler.

"At a short distance, such a relationship is useful, interesting for a man and a woman. At a short distance - three to five years. Then the physiological and social counter is turned on very hard," says sociologist Larisa Pautova.

"It was our biggest problem. Every day I said that in 10 I will be forgiven 42, and you are 32, you are in full swing and I just feel female competition," recalls Marina Adam.

The young man took Marina's age much more calmly. “I thought that it was about my age, a maximum of a year or two older. I was surprised, but it didn’t hurt,” says Vitaly Adam.

Now they are husband and wife, and in a couple of months they will have a child. Over time, Marina found many more advantages in such a non-standard marriage.

"For me, the biggest plus is that I am a very energetic person, the energy is so strong, so if a man was my age or older than me, somewhere at some point, after 5-10 years, he would not hold out for me", - said Marina Adam.

Maria Butyrskaya in her marriage, with a difference from her husband at 10 years old, already had two children. She admits: hockey player Vadim Khomitsky amazed her with his adult attitude to life.

"He amazed me that he is a relatively young man, but a wise, interesting man, and how he did everything so that I could turn my attention to him," says Maria Butyrskaya.

According to scientists, the ideal age difference between spouses is when the husband is no more than five years older, and the woman is two or three years older. But, according to the same scientists, marriage, which today is called unequal, will be typical in a few years.

Factrum has compiled a selection of couples in which the age difference between the spouses cannot but shock them, but it does not seem to bother them at all.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute for the Humanities, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference of the spouses discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure the gossips that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old founder of Playboy magazine announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later change their mind and still go down the aisle.

3. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

The age difference is 45 years

About the 79-year-old actor's romance with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, it was known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary.

The actor's novel made a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where until recently Dzhigarkhanyan was the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse do not seem to care much about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4.Andrey Konchalovsky and Julia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and culinary specialist Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than her husband's eldest son, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphries

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist of The Rolling Stones, parted ways with his wife Joe after 23 years of marriage for the sake of Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after the affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphries, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after the divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera - the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Sun-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children - Dylan and Moses.

The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director's romance ... with the adopted daughter of the actress Sun-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Sun-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls.

By the way, Sun-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, a dedicated bachelor, Al Pacino, surprised fans with a statement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucille Sole. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor "never says never."

9.Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

The age difference is 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when a young graduate of GITIS was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov's studio theater (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of the romance, the teacher and the student played a wedding, and after that they became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and the 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named after Alexander by his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of her second youth after her divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and despite the couturier's age, young Lina lost her head from him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov's assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group made an offer live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

13. Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

The age difference is 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon had already developed a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and Katya Gordon, who is 15 years younger than Alexander. ... Nozanin became the fourth official wife of Gordon and the mother of his third child.

Subconsciously, we understand that only people of about the same age can marry. When we see a couple where the difference with the husband is 40 years or even more, it causes bewilderment for us and does not seem natural to us. In fact, there are such families where men are 20, 30, or even 40 years older than their wives, and there are a lot of them.

It is necessary to begin to understand why people with such a huge age difference connect their destinies with female psychology.

Women can be divided into three categories of family behavior. "Wife" is one of the most common types. Such women create a family only with their peers, and are quite happy in marriage. In a family, two partners behave on equal terms, and this suits the woman, she is comfortable.

There is a type of "mother". Such women are leaders in the family. They are used to making decisions for their husbands, to directing everything that happens in the family. Such a woman is by nature inclined to take care of and control. In such families, the husband is usually younger than the wife.

There is a "daughter" type. Such women need guardianship and care, they need a husband to make decisions for them. Usually such girls choose mature men for their husbands.

Usually already mature, successful men choose themselves as husbands of a woman-daughter. Such girls are in dire need of guardianship and paternal care.

In such an unequal marriage, where there are years of difference with her husband, a woman feels very comfortable. A woman-daughter simply physically needs to feel like a protected child, weak and small. The role of the father in this case is performed by the husband. Such women are only attracted to mature men, even older men.

Factors in choosing a mature partner

Financial soundness

As a rule, in such unequal marriages, a man is already financially well-off by his age. He had a career, maybe he has his own successful business, a sufficient level of material security.

With such a man it is very comfortable to lead a family life, since there are no material difficulties. A mature, accomplished man can give his chosen one, who is tens of years younger than him, confidence in the future, and for many girls this turns out to be a decisive factor.

Ready for marriage

A mature man attracts a young girl with his seriousness and readiness for marriage. Such a person is no longer windy, he has learned to value family comfort. Such a person is already wise and experienced. A man who is much older than his wife is often willing to compromise.

Beautiful relationship

An experienced man who is financially secure can look after very nicely. All women, without exception, like this. He knows how to make something pleasant, what to present, what flowers to choose.

Social status

Some women deliberately choose a much older man as a partner, primarily focusing on his high social status. For example, a young actress may marry a venerable director of age. A nurse can marry a famous elderly surgeon. Such attitudes promise help in career advancement or in creativity.

Feeling secure

In such unequal marriages, the man is 100% the leader. The woman gets everything she wanted - custody, money, security. This is very popular with pronounced female daughters, who by their nature are afraid of being adults and taking responsibility for their actions.

The main disadvantages of unequal marriage

Of course, there are many positive aspects to unequal marriage. But such a union has much more disadvantages. And this is, first of all, a huge age difference. When the summer is in full swing for the wife, the harsh winter will already begin for her elderly husband.

Usually relatives and friends dissuade from such an unequal marriage, but you cannot order your heart. What are the disadvantages of such a union?

Difference of interests

The main problem is huge gap of interests due to the huge age gap. Even if the husband is 15 years older, there will already be divergences in interests. And forty years of difference is an abyss.

Two people will love different music, read different books, prefer different art. They will form a social circle for each of their own according to age.

At the beginning of the development of a relationship, this is not so noticeable, since the couple is absorbed in each other. But after a couple of years, when the haze of passion dissipates a little, such problems will come to the fore. Couples can get bored with each other. In addition, it becomes much more difficult for husband and wife to communicate.


At 20, a girl can still quite normally perceive her spouse, who is under 60. But this is only if the man has been busy with himself all his life - he led a healthy lifestyle, went in for sports. Such men, even in old age, remain healthy and strong.

But by 30-35, a woman begins to clearly see problems in sexual relations, remaining at the peak of her capabilities. A man who is 40 years older begins to fade at his age literally before our eyes, and even lose interest in women. Years go by, and the situation is only getting worse - the old husband is practically not needed by his still young wife. Only wisdom will help a couple to maintain their marriage.


An unequal marriage is almost always the strongest jealousy on the part of the husband. Unequal positions often lead to the development of mistrust and various neuroses. An elderly husband is jealous of his young wife for other young men, while evaluating his sexual performance.

The opinion of friends and family

The family of a young girl, of course, will in every possible way discourage her from entering into an alliance with an already elderly man. The emphasis is usually only on the growing age gap. Friends of a man will suspect a young woman of self-interest.

Prospects for unequal marriage

And what are the prospects for such unions, because nature has not allotted so much time for them?


The peak of the groom's sexual opportunities has long been in the past, so the bride does not have to wait for frenzied passion. Over time, a crisis will begin in the bedroom. Young men will awaken a special interest in the wife, which the elderly spouse will not like

Therefore, an elderly husband will either have to secretly allow his wife to have a young lover, or quickly, immediately after the wedding, give her more children so that she is not drawn to stupidity.


Of course, a healthy, active, full of energy spouse is much better than a decrepit old man. Of course, leading a healthy lifestyle can preserve health until a ripe old age, but in reality this is not always the case.

In any case, the husband will have age-related ailments, which will be much easier for a young wife to endure if the spouse obeys the doctors and does not focus on them.


The age of a spouse's friends also matters a lot. Even if an older person is young at heart, his friends are likely to be older. An elderly spouse will not mind if her young girlfriends come to visit his wife. But he is unlikely to like the visits of his friends with young husbands. Most likely, a young wife will have to put an end to communication with young men.


If the man's parents are alive, they will most likely treat the young daughter-in-law with patronizing notes. And if a young woman is suspected of self-interest, they will treat her with prejudice and begin to intrigue.

The most correct thing for a young woman is to find the key to communicating with her husband's relatives and try to improve relations in every possible way.

Another thing is the bride's parents, who can easily turn out to be younger than the chosen one of their daughter. It is necessary to make sure that parents in their relationship with their son-in-law maintain respect for him, even if they are against the choice of their daughter.


Surely, an older man already has children who may even be much older than his wife. And it is unlikely that his children will like a young stepmother, so it is hardly worth counting on their loyal attitude.

But having your own child, even in an unequal marriage, is also a good option. An older man is more likely to be a caring, wonderful father who already has a wealth of experience with children. A mature man will pass on experience and wisdom to his young child, with whom he will have a huge age difference.


If a man is elderly, and besides, he is still poor, then a young girl will not marry him - there is simply no point. The exception is very talented and with a Moscow residence permit. In most cases, if a man is not too young, but very wealthy, then he can find himself a young wife.

The inheritance is likely to be divided between the children and the wife, which will make everyone very unhappy. Money is, one might say, the main reason why young and beautiful women tie themselves up in a nervous marriage.


A girl who is preparing to give herself to an elderly person who is tens of years older than her needs to be prepared for the fact that she will give her youth and best years to the old man. Most likely, at the age of 40-45, she will already become a widow and is unlikely to marry again.

A man will have to pretend that he does not notice how a young wife rushes to nightclubs, discos and youth parties. As a result, many women make an attempt to get themselves a young lover.

Why is such a union attractive to a man?

First of all, an already elderly person sharply increases self-esteem that he was able to attract the attention of a young and beautiful woman. This is how many men prove their worth in life, for example, in sex. If there is a young and beautiful wife next to him, it means that he is successful and recognized.

If a young woman is nearby, then an elderly man begins to feel decades younger. Usually in such marriages, husbands begin to carefully monitor their health, take care of themselves in order to match their wife.

As a rule, such men have a divorce or the death of their wife behind their backs. They already have a wealth of experience in family life. Perhaps in the past, the wife has been a source of problems and frustrations, which gave her negative experiences. Therefore, a man may be too pessimistic about his peers and look for a young wife. Considering that mature women have already formed, he is looking for a young partner who will be like plasticine.

It is much easier for an experienced person to build relationships with a young girl than with an already mature woman who also has rich life experience. The character of a young woman has not yet been formed, the diva looks at an elderly man like a god - with undisguised delight. In such a pair, any man will feel much stronger and more confident. He will patronize, teach, patronize, manage, and all this will be accepted with gratitude.

Although some men are mistaken, marrying young girls, hoping that they will be good hostesses. It is unlikely that a young girl will bustle day and night to build a cozy family nest.

What's the catch in this relationship?

At first glance, it seems that an unequal marriage is, first of all, romance, and all problems can be solved, and compromises can be found. However, there is a lot of tar in the honey of unequal marriage.

Redrawing will not work

If you prefer to change a man for yourself, then in a relationship with an already mature, established person, this number will not work for you. It is almost impossible to change something in an elderly person - he already has clear ideas about life, he has developed tastes and preferences, he clearly understands what is right and what is not.

And he understands exactly how he should live better. Therefore, the young wife has nothing left to do but adapt to her husband. You can also try to become water, which wears away the stone. True, it will take a lot of time.

The prefix "ex"

Already a mature man is, as a rule, already someone's ex-husband and father. Therefore, the young wife needs to immediately come to terms with the fact that she will not live alone in his heart. If you agree to share him with his ex-wives, then you can safely marry. But if you decide to step on your husband's throat so that he leaves his affections, then you most likely will not succeed.

Interests diverged

It is very difficult to spend family leisure time with an elderly person. The girl will strive to the disco, and her elderly husband will watch TV while lying on the couch. Of course, at the beginning of a relationship, a man will show with all his might that he is still young, but over time he will give up his attempts, and a cozy sofa will be nicer than discos and nightclubs.

Positive qualities of mature men

  • The main advantage of being in a relationship with a man 40 years older is his life experience. He knows how to do everything: plan the day, set the right priorities, knows how to build relationships. Many people have associations at the sight of such a couple about perverse love. But actually it is not. A man teaches and directs the energy of youth in the right direction.
  • Next to an older man, a young girl feels more mature. The girl will start to think quite differently.
  • If the difference with your husband is as much as 40 years, then you can immediately be sure that such a person will not be scattered with words. Every man, approaching old age, begins to appreciate actions and does not throw words in vain. In addition, men are not as verbose with age as they were when they were young. They already love to watch the girl, and they think well of everything that is said to her. If an older man says that he loves, then this is really so.
  • Every girl will want to grow and develop, to conquer some new heights, if there is a person nearby who has already achieved success in life. For growth, the husband will praise, and this will give strength. One must be able to be grateful for a critical assessment.
  • A man who is already mature is financially successful, otherwise why marry him. These include trips abroad, and expensive gifts, and dinners in expensive restaurants. A woman feels protected next to such a man.
  • If you break up, then you are likely to remain strong friends. You can part with such a man beautifully and without scandal. The end of such a love affair can be happy. A divorce from a mature man will pass without insults and accusations.

In conclusion, it must be said that a relationship with an older man can be dangerous. After all, it's not for nothing that people have developed a clear stereotype that adult men simply use young girls out of lust. Therefore, before the wedding, you need to check your chosen one. Try to be wiser in such a relationship, and you will have a wonderful marriage, albeit not lasting.