New Year's Eve in 1 junior group. Summary of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the first junior group on the topic "Bear and bunny visiting children

Summary of FEMP lessons in the first junior group

Topic: "Find your house."

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to create a homogeneous group of objects by adding an object to an object; to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the concepts of "one" and "many"; develop memory, thinking; cultivate activity.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizing time. Children enter the group. They see: rings from a pyramid are scattered on the floor.

Educator: “Ay-ay-ay! Who scattered the toys? "

The children found the horse.

Educator: "Horse, did you scatter the toys around the group?"

Horse: "Yes."

Educator: "Children, how can you do that?"

Children: “You can't. No".

Educator: “Horse, how wrong you did. Do not scatter toys. Understood?".

Horse: "Yes."

Educator: “Once you understand that this is bad, then collect the toys, and the guys will help you. Only the pyramid must be assembled correctly: first the big rings, then the smaller, smaller and smaller ones. "

2. An outdoor game "Assemble the pyramid". The children started collecting rings throughout the group. The teacher holds a rod on which the rings are strung. In the course of collecting the pyramid, the teacher specifies the color and size of the ring. Children answer individually or in chorus. If one child is wrong, the other corrects him. There is a repetition and consolidation of vocabulary words. When the pyramid is assembled, the teacher praises each child. Once again, the colors and sizes of the pyramid rings are repeated. The horse thanks the children for their help. The teacher invites her to play with the children.

3. Finger gymnastics. Children sit on high chairs. Finger gymnastics is performed

I play with toys:(Hands in front of you, squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I'm throwing the ball to you(We stretch our arms forward - "throw the ball".)

I collect the pyramid,(Straight hands, palms down, alternately put on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere.(We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - "we roll the car".)

4. Didactic game "Find your house". The teacher invites children to play a new game "Find your house". The teacher lays out four hoops on the floor, one colored circle in the center of each.

The teacher explains the task: “We have a pyramid. There are many multi-colored rings on it. What color are the rings? "

Children repeat the names of the flowers one more time.

Educator: Well done, children! You know colors well. And now we need to place these colored rings in the houses. Each color has its own house: yellow house (the teacher points to a yellow circle on the floor), blue house, red and green house. What color is that ring, Emilia ?.

Emilia: Blue.

Educator: In which house will you put it?

Emilia: Into the blue.

Educator: Right! Well done!.

Thus, all the rings find their houses. As the game progresses, there is an active repetition of the names and sizes of the rings. The teacher praises each child. If the toddler is wrong, another child helps him.

5. Summarizing. The horse observing the course of the game volunteers to help collect the pyramid at the end of the game "Find your house". Children make sure that the horse picks up the rings correctly. If she finds it difficult or makes mistakes, the kids help her. After the pyramid is assembled and put into place, the horse thanks the kids for teaching it to play correctly.

Horse: Now I know all the colors: yellow, blue, red, green. All sizes: large, smaller, small. Thank you guys. And now I have to go home, my mother is waiting for me. Goodbye.

Children say goodbye to the horse.

Educator: Children, did you enjoy playing with the horse?

Children share their impressions of the game. The lesson is over.

Abstract of GCD in mathematics in 1 junior group.

Objectives: Introduce the circle shape
Preliminary Work: Teaching Children to Pay Attention to Form

objects when performing elementary actions with toys and

objects in everyday life. Considering one and many


Educational tasks:

To generalize the knowledge of children about the number of objects (one, many, none)

Develop the ability to distinguish and name the main colors: red, blue.

Developmental tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention.

Develop observation, mental activity.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate kindness and responsiveness, hard work.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration: soft toy Bunny. Big and small cubes.

Big and small box.

Handouts: Large and small cubes according to the number of children. Plates by

one piece per child. Blue circles in rosettes for each


Course of the lesson


Guys, a guest will come to us today, I’ll ask you a riddle now, and you

guess who he is?

Lives in a mink - gnaws a carrot

From the fox and from the wolf, he runs deftly (who is this?)

Answers of children (bunny)

That's right, this is a bunny, but here he is already knocking. (Knock on the door - educator

brings a bunny)

2. The main part.

1. Game - task "Place the cubes in the boxes"


Guys, our Bunny is sad. Bunny, why are you so sad?

Guys, he says that he has two boxes of cubes scattered. And the truth

see how many cubes are on our carpet. Let's consider them: -

Artem, what are the largest cubes (large and small). What colour


Children call colors (blue, red,)

The bunny asks to arrange the cubes in boxes: large cubes in a large

box, and small ones in a small box, let's help the Bunny.

Look at your cubes. Show big cube (show)

Show small (show)

So we helped Bunny: they put the big cubes in a large box, and

small ones in a small box. The bunny is pleased, he smiles.

Physical education;

The bunny came out for a walk. (walking in place)

One, two, three, four, five (clap our hands)

We will play with the bunny. (with our hands we depict the ears of a hare above the head)

One, two, three, four, five (clap our hands)

The bunny loves to jump. (jumping in place)

One, two, three, four, five (clap our hands)

He wants to knock with his paws. (knock on the knees with our palms)

One, two, three, four, five (clap our hands)

Let's nod our heads. (nod our head)

One, two, three, four, five (clap our hands)

It's time for all of us to rest. (squatting down)

Children, let's invite Bunny to play with us at the tables.

2. Game task "one and many" (at the tables)

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has his own plate of white

colors and a box with handouts (blue circles.)

Educator: Children, you have a white plate on your table. What shape is it?

(Round). And in front of you is a box, what's in it? (circles) What are they

colors? (Blue) how many circles? (Many). And on plates (none.)

Now take a mug one at a time and place it on your plate.

How many circles did you have on a plate (one at a time). And how much is left in

box (a lot). Now make it so that there are a lot on the plate

circles, but not a single one in the box? What should be done? Children perform


How many circles are in the box? (No one)

And on your plate? (many). Guys, look, and Bunny has a plate

how many circles? (No one). Come on, each of you will put to it on

plate one mug at a time.

Julia, how many circles will you put (One)

Nastya, how much are you? (One)

One, one, one, look. How many circles have the Bunny collected from you (a lot)

There was not one, but now there are many. Let's present this plate to the Bunny.

"Thank you children!" "- Bunny says to you and leaves.

That's what great fellows we are !!!

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 6 pages)

Irina Pomoraeva, Vera Pozina

Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten

Lesson plans

3rd edition, revised and enlarged

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova

Pomoraeva Irina Alexandrovnamethodologist of the Educational and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Moscow, teacher of methods of mathematical development at Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia.

Pozina Vera Arnoldovnamethodologist, teacher of methods of mathematical development of the Pedagogical College No. 4, excellent student of public education.


This manual is addressed to educators working on the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, for the organization of mathematics classes in the second junior group.

The manual deals with the organization of work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old, taking into account the laws of the formation and development of their cognitive activity and age-related capabilities.

The book provides an approximate planning of mathematics classes for a year. The proposed system of lessons includes a set of game tasks and exercises, visual-practical methods and techniques of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts; helps children to master the methods and techniques of cognition, to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in independent activity. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct understanding of the world, which, in turn, allows to provide a general developmental orientation of training, communication with mental, speech development and a variety of activities.

The plot of the lessons and specially selected tasks contribute to the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking), motivate the child's activity and direct his mental activity to find ways to solve the assigned tasks. The methodology of conducting classes does not imply direct teaching, but implies the creation of situations of community, cooperation, which increases the child's activity in comprehending and independently completing mathematical tasks. The knowledge gained by children in the classroom must be consolidated in everyday life. To this end, in working with children both in a preschool institution and at home, you can use a workbook for the "Program for education and training in kindergarten" "Mathematics for kids" (M .: Mosaika-Sintez).

The manual includes additional material, compiled in accordance with the recommendations of modern psychologists and teachers, allowing to expand the content of work with children of the fourth year of life and increase their interest in tasks with mathematical content.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year

Taking into account the adaptation period of children, classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group are held from the second half of September once a week (32–34 classes per year).

I quarter


Lesson 1

Session 2

big small.

Lesson 1

one, many, few.

Session 2

many, one, none.

Session 3

one, many, not one.

Session 4

Improve the ability to compose a group of individual objects and highlight one object from the group, designate aggregates with words one, many, not one.

big small.

Lesson 1

Learn to compare two objects in length and denote the result of the comparison with words

Improve the ability to compose a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from the group; denote aggregates with words one, many, not one.

Session 2

Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much?" Using words one, many.

Continue to teach how to compare two objects in length by means of overlay and application, to indicate the results of comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.

Session 3

Continue to learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to designate aggregates with words one, many.

Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square.

Session 4

To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to designate aggregates with words one, many.

Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

II quarter

Lesson 1

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, denote the comparison results with words long - short, longer - shorter, equal in length.

Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Session 2

Continue to improve the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length by means of superposition and application; denote comparison results with words long - short, longer - shorter.

Session 3

To learn to compare two equal groups of objects in a superposition method, to understand the meaning of words a lot, equally.

Exercise in orientation on your own body, distinguish between right and left hands.

Session 4

Continue to teach to compare two equal groups of objects in a way of superposition, to activate expressions in speech

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length using overlay techniques and attachments and words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 1

Learn to compare two objects of contrasting width, using overlay techniques and applications, indicate the comparison results with words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.

Continue to teach how to compare two equal groups of objects in a superposition method, to denote the comparison results with words a lot, equally, as much as.

Session 2

Continue to teach how to compare two objects in width by means of overlay and application, define the comparison results in words wide - narrow, wider - narrower.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by overlapping; the ability to express the results of comparison with words a lot, equally, as much as.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.

Session 3

To acquaint with a triangle: to teach to distinguish and name a figure.

Improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects by overlaying, denote the results of comparison with words a lot, equally, as much as.

Strengthen the skills of comparing two objects in width, learn to use words wide - narrow, wider - narrower, equal in width.

Session 4

To learn how to compare two equal groups of objects in a way of application, to denote the comparison results with words a lot, equally, as much as.

Continue to acquaint with the triangle, learn to name and compare it with a square.

Lesson 1

Continue to teach how to compare two equal groups of objects in a way of application, to denote the results of comparison with words a lot, equally, as much as.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).

Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself and designate them with words above - below.

Session 2

To acquaint with the methods of comparing two objects in height, to teach to understand words

Exercise in determining spatial directions from yourself.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects in the way of application and use of words a lot, equally, as much as.

Session 3

Continue to teach how to compare two objects in height by means of overlay and application, indicate the results of comparison with words high - low, higher - lower.

Continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, to indicate the results of comparison with words equally, as much as.

Session 4

Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects in a superposition method, denote the comparison results with words more - less, as much - how much.

Improve the ability to compare two objects of contrasting height in familiar ways, denote the comparison results with words high - low, higher - lower.

III quarter

Lesson 1

To continue to teach how to compare two unequal groups of objects by means of overlay and application, to indicate the results of comparison with words more - less, as much - as much, equally.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

Session 2

Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally,

To consolidate the methods of comparing two objects in length and height, to indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

Session 3

Exercise in comparison of two groups of objects by means of superposition and application and use words as much - how much, more - less.

day Night.

Session 4

To consolidate the methods of comparing two objects in length and width, to indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

To develop the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one).

Exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle.

Lesson 1

Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample (without counting and naming a number).

Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle.

Session 2

To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample (without counting and naming a number).

Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, indicate the result of comparison with words big small.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions from yourself and designate them with the words: in front - behind, left - right.

Session 3

Learn to distinguish one and many movements and designate their number in words one, many.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions relative to yourself and designate them with words in front - behind, above - below, left - right.

Improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and highlight one object from the group.

Session 4

Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them with words many and one.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning evening.

Lesson 1

Strengthen the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects by means of superposition and application, use expressions as much - how much, more - less.

Exercise in comparing two objects in size, indicate the results of comparison with words big small.

Learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects using prepositions on, under, in etc.

Session 2

Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, ball, cube.

Lessons 3-4

Free planning of work, taking into account the assimilation of the program material and the characteristics of a particular age group.

Lesson plans


Lesson 1

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube) regardless of the color and size of the figures.

Demonstration material. Large and small red balls, large and small green cubes; 2 boxes of red and green colors; toys: bear, truck.

Handout. Little red balls, little green cubes.

Methodical instructions

Part I. The teacher brings a truck into the group, in the back of which there are a bear, balls and cubes, and asks: “Who came to us? (Children are looking at the bear.) What did the bear bring in the truck? "

The teacher invites the children to find the ball (gives the concept ball): “What have you found? What color is the ball? "

The teacher asks to show what can be done with the ball. (Ride.)

Children perform similar tasks with a cube. (Actions with the cube are indicated by the word to put.)

Part II. Game exercise "Hide the cube (ball)".

The teacher invites one of the children to take a ball in one hand, and a cube in the other and hide one of the figures behind their back. The rest of the children must guess what the child hid and what was left in his hand.

Part III. The teacher asks the children to help the bear put balls and cubes in boxes: balls should be put in a red box, and cubes in a green one.

In the process of completing the assignment, the teacher asks the children: “What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? How else are balls and cubes different? " (Big and small.)

The bear thanks the children for their help and says goodbye to them.

Session 2

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish objects contrasting in size, using words big small.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Large and small dolls, 2 beds of different sizes; 3-4 large cubes.

Handout. Small cubes (3-4 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

Part I. Two dolls come to visit the children. The guys, together with the teacher, examine them, find out that one doll is big, and the other is small, and give them names.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the beds: “Are the beds the same size? Show me a large crib. And now a little one. Where is the bed for the big doll, and where is the small one? Put the dolls to bed. Let's sing to them the lullaby 'Tired Toys Sleep'.

Part II. Game exercise "Build turrets".

The teacher places large and small cubes on the table, invites the children to compare them in size, and then build turrets. The teacher on the carpet builds a tower from large cubes, and children build turrets from small cubes. At the end of the work, everyone looks at the buildings together, shows a large (small) tower.

Lesson 1

Software content

Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects using words one, many, few.

Didactic visual material

Demo material... Doll.

Handout. Matryoshka dolls (two more than children).

Methodical instructions

Educator... Matryoshka dolls have come to visit the doll Katya, and we will all lead a round dance around her. See how many nesting dolls came to visit? (Many.) Take one matryoshka dolls and put them in a round dance around Katya's doll.

Children arrange nesting dolls.

Educator... How many dolls? How many nesting dolls are there in a round dance? Are all the nesting dolls in a round dance? How many nesting dolls don't have a round dance? (Few.)

In conclusion, the children dance around the doll and matryoshkas to the music.

Session 2

Software content

To acquaint with the compilation of a group of objects from separate objects and the selection of one object from it; learn to understand words many, one, none.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Parsley, basket.

Handout. Balls of the same color and size (one for each child).

Methodical instructions

Part I. Parsley brings a basket of balls to the children.

Educator... What did Petrushka bring? What color are the balls? How many balls did Petrushka bring?

Parsley pours the balls onto the floor. At his request, the children take one ball at a time.

Educator(turns to the children in turn). How many balls did you take? How many balls are in the basket? (The concept is introduced no one.) What needs to be done so that Parsley has a lot of balls in the basket?

Children put balls in the basket.

Educator... How many balls did you put in? How many balls are in the basket? How many balls do you have in your hand?

Part II. An outdoor game "My cheerful, ringing ball".

The teacher reads a poem by S.Ya. Marshak:

My cheerful, ringing ball
Where did you gallop
Yellow, red, blue,
Can't keep up with you.

I clapped my hand to you,
You jumped and stomped loudly,
You are fifteen times in a row
Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled
And he never returned,
Rolled into the garden
I rolled to the gate.

Here I rolled under the gate,
I ran to the turn
I got hit by a wheel there,
Burst, slammed, that's all.

Children jump to the beat of the poem. At the end of the poem, they scatter.

The game is repeated several times.

Session 3

Software content

Continue to develop the ability to compose a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from it, to teach how to answer the question "how much?" and define aggregates with words one, many, not one.

Introduce the circle; teach to examine its form by the tactile-motor way.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin of water.

Handout... Circles of the same size and color, ducks.

Methodical instructions

Game situation "Gifts from Masha's doll".

Part I. From the basket of Masha's doll, the teacher takes out a circle and tells the children: "This is a circle (draws his hand around it)." Then he clarifies the name of the subject: "What is this?" He invites several children to circle the circle with his hand.

Part II. The teacher invites the children to take Masha from the basket one circle at a time and asks: “What is the shape of the figure? What color are they?" Children, at the request of the teacher, draw a circle around the outline of the circle and find out that the circle can be rolled.

The teacher shows the train to the children: “Can I go on this train? (No.) Why? (No wheels.) " The teacher asks the children to prepare the train for the trip. The guys attach wheels (circles) to the train and, to the music, "go" to the park to feed the ducks.

Part III. The teacher takes a napkin off the tray and asks: “Who is this? (Ducks.) How many ducks? " (Many.)

The children take one toy at a time, and the teacher asks: “How many ducks did each of you take? How many ducks are left on the tray? "

The teacher invites the children to play with the ducks. To the music, the "ducks" run, peck at the grains.

The teacher puts a basin of water on the table and asks the children to make sure that there are many ducks in the basin. Children put their ducks in a basin. The teacher finds out: “How many ducks did each of you let in? (One.) How many ducks are in the basin? (Many.) How many ducks do you have left in your hands? (None.)"

Doll Masha says goodbye to the guys. Children "go" home.

Session 4

Software content

Improve the ability to compose a group of objects from individual objects and highlight one object from a group, designate aggregates with words one, many, not one.

Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle, examine it with a tactile-motor path and compare the circles in size: big small.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Machine, pouch, large and small circles of the same color.

Handout... Vegetables (according to the number of children), clay (plasticine), modeling boards, napkins.

Methodical instructions

Part I. Game situation “Harvesting vegetables”.

On the floor there is an imitation of a vegetable garden. The teacher invites the children to see what is growing in the garden. The guys are listing vegetables. The teacher summarizes their answers ("these are vegetables"), then finds out: "How many vegetables have grown in the garden?"

The teacher offers to collect vegetables in the car (brings the car). Children take one vegetable at a time, and the teacher clarifies: “What vegetable did you take? How many vegetables did you take? "

Children take turns putting vegetables in the car and comment: "I put one carrot (beets, potatoes ...)" The teacher accompanies the actions of the children with the words: "There are more vegetables in the car." When the children fill the car, the teacher asks: "How many vegetables are in the car?"

Part II. The game "Wonderful bag".

In the car with vegetables, the children find a wonderful bag. They take a circle out of it, tell the name of the figure and what color it is.

The teacher attaches the circle to the flannelegraph and invites one of the children to circle the figure with his hand.

Similar actions are performed with another circle.

Then the children figure out how the figures are similar and how they differ.

Part III. Game exercise "Let's bake pancakes".

Children sculpt large and small pancakes from clay (plasticine). Then the teacher offers to put large pancakes on a large circle, small ones on a small one.

Compiled by: educator A.N. Tomenko Municipal entity city of Noyabrsk MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "HOPE" municipality city of Noyabrsk (MADOW "HOPE" )

Software content. To continue to form in children the simplest methods of establishing the identity and color difference of objects of different shapes. Strengthen children's knowledge about the shape of objects (cube-ball)... Develop the ability to choose objects based on their shape and color.

Material: dolls in red and blue clothes, cubes and balls of red and blue colors.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, you hear, someone is knocking. Probably guests have come to us. (The teacher brings dolls in red and blue clothes into the group)

This is a doll called Katya, she is dressed in red clothes: her hat is red, her dresses are red, her socks are red. Sveta's doll has a blue hat, blue socks, blue dress. What color is Katya's dress? (Answers of children.)

That's right, well done. And what color does Sveta's doll have socks? (Answers of children.)

The dolls brought their favorite toys with them: cubes and balls. They are also of different colors. Here are the cubes and balls in red. What color are the cubes? (Answers of children.)

Right. And these balls and cubes are blue. What color is the balloon? (Answers of children.)

Yes. But the doll Katya loves to build a turret of red cubes and play with red balls. The Doll of Light loves to build a turret out of blue cubes and play with blue balls. Look, guys, we have toys in our basket. We need to help the dolls choose the toys they like.

Nastya and Roma, find red cubes for the doll Katya, the same color as the cap. That's right, well done. Katya and Zhenya, find the doll Sveta blue cubes, like her socks. Very good.

Guys, let's build and present turrets to the dolls: Katya doll - a red tower, Sveta doll - a blue tower.

First, we will build a red turret for Katya doll. (Children take red cubes.) And now we take the blue cubes and build a turret for the doll Sveta.

Let the turrets remain on the table, and we, with the dolls and balls, go to the carpet. (Will put the dolls on the carpet)

Look, the balls are round, you can roll them, but you cannot build a turret from them, like from cubes. Let's roll the red balls to Katya's doll. (Children choose red balls and roll them in the direction of Katya's doll).

Let's roll the blue balls to the doll Sveta.

Well done boys! Have the dolls sit on the rug and watch the little ones play.

The game is being played "Carousel"

Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels spun
And then, then, then
All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
So the game is over.

Dyachkova Tatiana Viktorovna
FEMP lesson in the 1st junior group on the topic "Playing with a strip"

Software content:

Educational tasks: Form spatial representations, longer, shorter. To consolidate the count to two, the ability to correlate the numbers 1 and 2 with the number, to expand the idea of ​​geometric shapes.

Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills of the hands

Educational tasks: foster interest in occupation, friendly interaction.

Methodical techniques:

Visual method Vocabulary method Practical methods

Sasha doll

Sheets depicting houses. Questions


Hood. word finger gymnast. "Sun"

Phys. A minute "Along the track".

Material: Sasha doll, handout - a sheet of paper with painted houses (4 basic colors) two stripes papers of different lengths and the same width (blue and red) by the number of children.

Dictionary: houses, paths, longer, shorter.

Course of the lesson

I Introductory part:

Children on the carpet in a circle. We greet each other. Vos- eh: "Hello guys"

Children: "Hello, Tatyana Viktorovna"

Vos-l: Guys, who looked into our window (Sun)

Finger gymnastics

"Sunshine, Sunshine"

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.

Sunshine, sunshine (clap palms)

Golden bottom

Burn, burn clearly (bend and unbend palms.)

In order not to go out.

A stream ran in the garden, (show the wave)

A hundred rooks flew in (waving hands)

And the drifts are melting, melting, (put their hands down)

And the flowers are growing. (hands up)

II Main part

Surprise moment: Knock on the door!

Vos-l: oh, who's knocking on our door? Let's see. (Yes) Look, the doll Sasha has come to us.

Kids, kids tell me

Baby, baby show

How to find a track

To grandfather's lodge?

Vos-l: Sasha can't find her way home, let's help her?

Children: yeees!

Educator: Guys, sit down at the tables. See what's on your tables?

Children: stripes.

Vos-l: what color are they? (blue and red)... Guys, huh we have the same stripes? (No)... Using the overlay method, we check how the stripes... Guys, how different stripes?

Children: red is longer than blue stripes. (right)

And also on your tables there are leaflets that are depicted on the tries?


Vos-l: what color are they?

Children: blue, red, yellow and green. (That's right, well done)

The game"Build a track"

Educator: doll Sasha, very, very much asks you to help her find a path to the house. See the distance between the houses the same? (No)

Let's see which one strip fits... Using the overlay method, we will check which path is suitable for the houses in length. We build tracks.

Well done boys!

Vos-l: Sasha doll thanks you and we want to show you an interesting game there.

"Along the track".

Like children’s legs walk along the path.

Walk more cheerfully, raise your legs.

We are with palms we play,

We lift them to the shoulders.

Don't be lazy, bend over

And touch the knee.

Legs will jump

Let's clap our hands.

III Final part:

Summing up classes through conversation.

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