Do guys like shy girls. Men prefer modest ones. I like modest guys

The question of whether girls like modest guys is difficult to answer unequivocally, since all people have their own preferences. But some girls prefer shy young men to the bad guys.

Not always brutal, cheeky guys can become the object of increased. Some girls like shy guys but don't know how to deal with them. If you are one of them, then in our article you will find practical guides on how to please a modest guy.

Do you like modest guys?

We suggest you use our tips in order to subdue a humble man. First, try to understand the reason for his behavior - he is really shy, or he has a soul mate and therefore he behaves modestly with the fairer sex.

Your appearance should always be pleasant, stylish and not provocative. Provocative outfits can scare him or ruin the experience.

Appear in full view of him from time to time.

Invite him to the theater or cinema - tell him that you have two tickets on hand, and there is no one to go with. In the movies, the setting can play into your hands: you can try to take his hand, put your head on your shoulder, and if you are ready to take the risk, try kissing him.

Alternatively, ask the man you like for help: reinstall the system on the computer, make an outlet or nail a shelf. The main thing is to be sure that he will cope with your request. As a token of gratitude, invite them to have a drink with you or a glass of wine.

If you decide to win the heart of a humble man, do not overdo it with perseverance. A few attempts will be enough to determine if this person is suitable. If a man really likes you, he will react to your actions.

Shy girls - what are they? Gray, silent, invisible in the crowd. They lose a lot against the background of gorgeous beauties with bright makeup, who get a thrill from life.

Are these mice destined to remain a lonely spinster with five cats? Or can you see a charming lady in such a shy woman? And what kind of man is attracted to a modest woman?

Is there a chance for a shy girl to find her love

Why a shy woman sometimes has to wait "in the wings"

In their youth, men need to assert themselves - to be a leader, to achieve more, to win the best. Passions boil, adrenaline rolls over, life is in full swing. And only by the age of thirty, when the guy had played enough, there was a midlife crisis.

He suddenly realizes many things:

    And where did I run, trying to achieve all this, and what did I actually achieve?

    Did what I previously thought was perfect made me happy?

    Am I not wasting my nerves and energy on things that are no longer interesting to me?

So it is with love. By marrying the best beauty, she turned out to be like "Meringue": empty inside, moreover, uninteresting and bad hostess. Therefore, they are already looking for something that would be pleasant for themselves, and not for show. And if he finds that modest woman who has already overcome that nasty complex in herself, but remains a good person, then this union will be harmonious.

By the way, it most often happens that it is the gray simpletons that are most of all to the taste of the same shy men. But their complex makes it difficult to get to know the shy woman. Do you remember the movie "Where is the nofelet"? There, the main character tries to marry his cousin, introduces bright girls, and he is in love with his fellow traveler, a stranger, an unremarkable woman. Here, look:

What a man begins to notice in a shy woman

If a woman has already ceased to hold the defense against men and is tired of fighting loneliness, then there will definitely be that knight who will notice her and relieve her of complexes. He will certainly find all her attractive qualities and will celebrate them with delight:

    How sweetly she blushes and lowers her eyelashes when he asks her uncomfortable questions.

    How she is embarrassed and covers her lips with her palm, restraining herself from laughing loudly when he jokes.

    What grace in her movements and gestures when she talks about something or does something.

He begins to like her precisely for these little things in her behavior. A little later, when a serious relationship begins, the man realizes that he needed this one for peace of mind. After all, she does not demand much from him, does not like to argue and is used to finding happiness in simple things.

With a man in love with her, the shy woman begins to shed her "gray plumage". Another plus is that even after getting rid of complexes, such a woman will not betray her lover, and he, in turn, will not want to change anything in his comfortable life.

Stay who you are

It does not matter that modest girls are not lucky right away. Men really like cute and simple women, they just have to come to this understanding, mature before that. But after all, quick beauties break their hearts about the callousness of narcissistic males.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the super ability to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: she looked at a man - and immediately you know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would be able to get any man and have an ideal relationship and you would hardly be reading this article right now in search of a solution to your problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you will not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a PhD in Psychology, and her methodology has helped many girls to have perfect relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 places specifically for visitors to our site.

Even ten to fifteen years ago, humility was considered an unconditional virtue. "Modesty adorns a girl," - so they said then, but there were always girls, and men too, who retorted: "When there are no more jewelry." In the modern world, there is a strong belief that modesty, on the contrary, can only hinder the achievement of their goals. So is modesty a plus for a girl?

Reasons why guys like shy girls

There is an opinion that a modest and shy girl will make an ideal wife. First of all, a shy woman does not like to attract everyone's attention, thus she will not provoke outbursts of jealousy in her young man. In addition, it is believed that modest representatives of the fair sex prefer leisurely evenings at home with reading a book and baking a cake to going to the club and noisy gatherings until the morning. This cannot but please a serious young man oriented towards home comfort.

Shy women are indifferent to shopping - this rather controversial thesis is put forward by men who consider modest girls very attractive. In addition to saving money, which the windy beauty will certainly put down on dress-shoes-stockings, the shy woman will also devote all her free time to something more useful - study, work, arrangement of life, finally.

The decisive argument in the choice of a life partner, which is made between more and less modest girls, is the fact that often modest women remain virgins for a long time. Thus, it is highly likely that you will be the first and only man with your chosen one, which, of course, cannot but flatter male pride.

Reasons why guys don't like shy girls

Many self-sufficient men are not interested in girls who are overly modest, shy and insecure. Such girls are not able to show initiative in any issue, and even in those cases when it comes from a man, they only blush, turn pale and turn away. This is especially pronounced in intimate relationships, at least when they are just beginning.

Often, a young man wants not only to be sure himself that his girlfriend is the best, but also to receive confirmation of this from others. It may be pleasant for a young man to see that his girlfriend is being paid attention to, that his eyes are fixed on her; and some envy on the part of his own friends actually raises his self-esteem. Of course, a flashy and self-confident girl attracts the attention of others to a much greater extent than a modest demure.

In fact, there is no single correct answer to the question of which girl is more attractive - modest or uninhibited. Each person has their own preferences based on one or another life experience. It is important to remember that all people have a "half" - the same person who is ideal in all respects. It is just important not to miss the moment when you meet this particular person.

To answer the question do guys like modest silent girls, you need to decide on the concept. Modest - what are they? Silent - how's that? If this includes a sense of proportion in everything - in emotions, behavior, cosmetics, clothes, words and expression of feelings, then I can definitely say - yes, but not to everyone.

If here we mean downtroddenness, painful shyness, lack of communication, a monastic lifestyle, then alas, no, a guy in adolescence (and not only) age is unlikely to decide on a relationship with such a girl. You can read here in more detail.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the so-called. outgoing, outgoing girls are more attractive to guys than shy and quiet girls. Yes, this is so, if we talk about the majority, but even they do not like too much that there are too many potential rivals hovering around them. And certainly none of them likes it if such girls dress or put on tasteless shoes, maintain an absolute vacuum in their heads, and behave emphatically impudent and vulgar, while also smoking like steam locomotives.

What I want to say is that guys are not welcome to extremes in either case. Therefore, there should be a certain golden mean here. If a girl is modest, from an ordinary family, her social circle is limited, and requests do not go off scale beyond reasonable limits, but she is modern enough, aware of everything that is interesting to her peers, and it is interesting to communicate with her, then she has every chance to please the guy.

Do guys like modest girls? We look at ourselves

Try to evaluate how friendly, sweet, polite and even graceful you are, because many of today's young men dream of just such, and "bite" on what is more accessible. This is due to not too strong self-confidence. Indeed, in order to communicate with a cultured and intelligent, well-bred person, you still need to reach his level yourself.

Therefore, you should not try to copy the behavior of girls who are "popular" among guys. Over time and experience, young men still change their tastes and preferences, and every time you should not adjust to them. In addition, as the hero of one film "Men", which was very popular in Soviet times, said: "You do not know one thing about us, men: why we meet with some, but marry completely others" (this is not literal, but suggestive ).

Of course, guys are attracted by everything that is bright, catchy, beautiful, sparkling, they admire it, write it down on the list of their victories, and then, with a clear conscience, change such a girlfriend for a brighter one from their point of view.

Discreet, modest girls begin to interest young men when they are convinced that more often than not, a catchy girl is a rhinestone, a fake, which is easy to confuse with a diamond that they are looking for. Therefore, in the question of whether guys like modest and silent girls, you should not focus on the word “modest” and “silent”, let it be so, you should not break yourself for the sake of passing fashion.

If guys like shy girls, why?

Many young men find a lot of advantages in modest and pretty girls: lack of self-esteem, exactingness towards people, lack of obsession with fashionable clothes and competitions "who will seduce or promote a guy faster." They appreciate in modest girls and the fact that you will not meet them in tipsy companies or with a cigarette in your hand, you cannot call them “Miss Glamor” or “Sex Girls”. Only the most worthy, confident and strong in character will fall in love, but everyone respects.

However, you should not go to the extreme: turn yourself into a gray mouse or be a mother's daughter all the time. A modest girl who, in addition to all her virtues, has a sense of her own dignity, and a desire to have fun, and the desire to respect, love not only others, but also herself, will make them move mountains. It is necessary to overcome shyness, as well as develop the ability to maintain a conversation, and protect yourself from the attacks of "firebirds".

Everyone needs to feel like a person, individuality, read interesting books, watch equally interesting films, engage in self-education, increase the level of intelligence, regardless of whether he is a modest person or not. You just don't need to dwell on this. Life is much broader.

By the way, most often those girls who believe that they are overweight are modest. You can read about how young men treat them in the article by clicking on the link.

I have a friend - a good example of whether guys like modest girls - she was just that in her youth, but this did not prevent her from being strong when needed, sociable when needed, this did not prevent her from becoming a wonderful mother and wife, to realize oneself in the chosen profession. Her husband is proud of what she achieved (he knows what it cost her), and just loves it when she blushes (still!)

Today's article will be devoted to the behavior of the girl. Or rather, it will be something like an answer to the question whether guys like modest girls?

Going to various forums and popular sites, they advise you to be more relaxed with someone you liked in order to attract his attention, like him, etc.

All of them are full of headlines “bolder”, “dress more frankly”, “take matters into your own hands” ...

How can you advise that? To be paid attention to - this behavior really suits, but to be called in - not.

Talking about this with a very sensible guy, I heard a detailed explanation from him. He claims that guys really like to watch liberated girls in clubs, on stage, but next to them they dream of seeing a modest and docile beauty.

He says that if a girl is relaxed and immodest, then she is like that with all the guys, not only with you, and this is already dangerous. It's funny to spend time with such a special person, but not propose to her and start a family. Listening to lectures by psychologists on this topic, I learned that all men want to liberate a modest girl. They dream of taking possession of her, so that in public she would be modest, silent, and alone with her beloved, liberated and seductive.

What kind of girls are taken as wives

In addition, guys want to see a girl next to them who would be respected by other guys. A modest and obedient girl will give respect to her boyfriend, and an immodest one will make him blush for her.

Next to a modest girl, a guy feels like the owner of the relationship, a hero, a protector. And with a cheeky one, on the contrary, he is always tense, because he does not know what she will throw out this time. For a guy, the most interesting thing is to seduce a shy beauty, while he is capable of romantic deeds and heroism. Thus, he not only gets his princess, but also feels wonderful next to her.

He wants to see and feel her by his side all the time, take care of her and protect her. The plus of such a girl is that she is mysterious, it is interesting to be with her, she is not ashamed to show her friends and family, she is seductive and relaxed in private. The conclusion, I think, is obvious to everyone. Modesty is a girl's virtue.

It is this quality that can attract a worthy person who wants not only to show you to everyone, but also to connect his life with you, to trust you.

Thank you all for your attention. I wish you all to behave well and with dignity, to be modest with others and seductive alone with your loved one.

All the best to you, kind, bright. Love, appreciate, respect each other and never call names, even in jest.