Why guys go crazy. Why do men lose their minds? What do friends think that disheveled hair, a bare face and worn sneakers can cause complete disgust in men? No need to jump to conclusions

Incredible Facts

The bed is an integral part of the life of every couple.

However, sometimes physical intimacy does not bring joy, becoming a boring and mundane routine.

Experts believe that the key to a happy intimate life is, first of all, diversity, and a few other things that not everyone knows about.

How to bewitch a man so that he loves and wants you?

Surely, many women are wondering how to make a man just lose his head with passion every time he crosses the threshold of the bedroom.

There are some simple and crazy things that turn any man on and make him go crazy.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

1. Enthusiasm of a woman

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when a partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it turns few people on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, respectively, and enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Accompanying sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. As a rule, this means that you do not enjoy the company of a partner, or even worse, you just fell asleep.

So, being sonorous during intimacy with a loved one is a completely normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which the partner is guided by whether he is doing everything right.

3. Prelude

The prelude is incredibly important. Without the prelude, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, the very expectation is the key to any intimacy. Do not think that foreplay is a purely feminine desire. Believe me, men also enjoy this stage of physical intimacy.

4. Light on

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, do not turn off the light, make your man pleasant: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Feedback from the partner

Nobody wants to do the job alone.

Therefore, it is quite logical that your partner expects the same full return from you as from his side. Do not assume that only a man should give himself in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

Why do men lose their heads?

6. Compliments

Do you think men don't like compliments? Then you are wrong.

Any man will be pleased to hear about how macho he is, and what a wonderful lover he is. Praise him, appreciate his skills and abilities in love affairs.

A little talk in bed never hurts.

7. Communication

Communication is crucial in understanding each other's partners, and therefore, provides better sex.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to shout out memorized phrases from plays or stop in the middle of the process to make a few comments.

Just remember that your foreplay may be watered down with some words and phrases.

Communication can include talking, but it can also be wordless. After all, you can understand each other without further ado. Sometimes our eyes, lips and hands speak louder than any words.

8. Variety

Variety is especially important when it comes to love pleasures.

Without it, intimate life becomes a boring, sluggish routine. To make your man lose his head over you every time, make sure that at least some variety is present in your love games.

9. Initiative

Most women believe that the first step should always come from a man.

The initiative is the prerogative of a purely strong sex. This is how we were taught from childhood, and this is what we are taught by numerous articles that teach us how to build the right relationship.

But sometimes there are moments when a man wants the initiative to come from his partner. It actually turns on and excites his fantasies.

The fire of desire in the eyes of a woman, hard flirting - all this drives a man crazy. And even if you are not a leader by nature, but just a fragile sweet woman, try at least sometimes to deviate from your own rules and take the initiative in the bedroom.

After all, if you do not do this, it may seem to your partner that you are a cold and impregnable snow queen.

10. Beautiful underwear

Continuing the theme that a man loves with his eyes, we should mention sexy lingerie, which most men pay attention to.

Therefore, try to at least occasionally wear underwear that he will certainly like.

Even if it suddenly seemed to you that your man paid absolutely no attention to what was under your dress, know that he probably liked this sexy lingerie, and he appreciated your efforts to be beautiful for him.

11. Spontaneity

Now many can argue, they say, it's nice to make love in a beautiful place, with candles prepared and silk sheets.

But what if you give in to passion and desire spontaneously and unexpectedly, moving away from the usual schedule, rules and place?

Agree, it sounds tempting.

Do not be afraid to make changes in the usual order of things and everyday routine. After all, routine and everyday life kill all romance. Believe me, your man will like some spontaneity and make him lose his head, as in the first days after meeting you.

12. Fantasies and trust

Fantasies are an integral part of intimate life.

Offer your partner something new, share your fantasies, ask what your man wants, what he fantasizes about. It is possible that you have common fantasies that you both want to realize.

Think of a scenario together that would be nice to play out in bed. So you will not only open up from a different, more interesting side for your partner, but also let him know that you are open to new experiments, and also trust him completely and in everything.

After all, our thoughts and fantasies are the most intimate thing that we have.

13. Sense of humor

If you think that there is no place for a sense of humor in the bedroom, you are very much mistaken.

Humor should be present always and everywhere, and the bed is no exception in this matter.

If something suddenly went wrong, such a moment can always be turned into a joke. However, be careful. Jokes should also be appropriate and correct. Remember that jokes and ridicule are two different things.

14. Hear your name

Psychologists say that nothing turns on like your name pronounced by a loved one.

It is always pleasant to hear your name from the lips of a partner, including in bed. Use this information, do not be afraid to say the name of your man in the process of making love.

15. Sleep after love

Many women are offended when a man, having received everything he wanted, immediately turns to the wall and peacefully begins to snore.

However, if you get to know the male physiology better, it is possible that the claims of the female to their partners will immediately diminish.

Making love depletes the male body. He needs a full recuperation. And sleep in this case is the best solution. Therefore, let your man rest and gain strength before a new fight.

A man in love longs for reciprocity. Sometimes this desire for reciprocal feelings is so strong that it turns into a real obsession. The problem is that the average man does not like to show love and affection. He seeks to control the situation, keeping feelings somewhere deep inside. That's why women don't have the patience to wait for grand gestures and dizzying courtship. Take the reins of government into your own hands. If there is mutual attraction between you and your chosen one, you will easily drive him crazy with the help of these measures.

Accept your body

To make a man go crazy for you, accept your appearance with all the “flaws”. No matter how hard you try, perfection is impossible, so reprogram your mind. Nobody is stopping you from improving, going to the gym, or sticking to the principles of a healthy diet. But you should not panic because of a small tummy or the presence of cellulite on the thighs. Know how to present yourself in a favorable light, not paying attention to the little things. Do not hide them, but be proud of every part of your own body.


The girl playing the victim is no longer of interest to modern knights. They will not fall at the feet of the unsmiling Princess. No one wants to act as a savior and constantly solve someone's problems (even if these problems are present in his beloved). Adopt another principle: exude confidence. This will give you a devilish charm and charm. Don't be afraid to take the first step and initiate a date.

Don't limit yourself

In order to captivate a man, it is not at all necessary to play the “right girl” out of yourself. Be honest with yourself and do what your heart tells you to do. Representatives of the stronger sex value honesty and openness in women much more than certain patterns and standards. Take a look at Rihanna, who has a bad girl reputation. Despite this, millions of men would like to go on a date with her.

Aces up your sleeve

Men are fickle creatures. They lose interest and seek new thrills. That's why you need to master the tricks that will help keep the interest of your chosen one. Surprise with a change of images, play cat and mouse and intrigue. There will always be fire in his eyes.


Who said a woman can't initiate a first date or sex? If you know exactly what you want, then go ahead. Don't be afraid of rejection. The sooner you find out that you are not interested in a man, the more time you will have to look for a worthy partner. Do not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex are shy at the sight of beautiful women. They are terrified of rejection, so they do not risk taking the first step. So your chosen one secretly loves you, but does not dare to confess. Make it easy for him.


After you become a couple, forget about games for the sake of games. Don't try to intentionally make him jealous by flirting with the bartender. Most of all, men value fidelity in their partners. Well, if you ignore the signs of attention shown by strangers, your guy will go crazy with pride.

If you want to interest the guy you like and know how to drive a man crazy - psychology offers certain methods and techniques that work with any member of the stronger sex. Read the article and you will learn how to interest a man so that he thinks only of you.

With a guy at the beginning of communication and immediately after meeting you need to behave a little differently. At the initial stage, it is important what image of you will develop in his head, and how mysterious you will be. Source: Flickr (Jordan_Chan)

Why do men go crazy

What does it mean to "drive a man crazy"? It is about provoking strong, sharp feelings in the candidate, making him dependent on your favor. There are many techniques, but they all work on the main and most powerful human feeling - fear. In order for all the guy’s thoughts to be about you, in order to evoke Mauritanian passion in him, you must first of all get the fear of losing you from him.

How it works? Let's look at an example of one interesting business experiment.

This is interesting! The proposed techniques work with everyone. Train for everyone - this is how a skill is formed. And then, having met the man of your dreams, you will not blunder and will immediately act correctly

The people were divided into two groups. One was given mugs, the other was not. Then they asked the participants in the experiment to estimate how much they were willing to sell these mugs for. Those people who already had them charged twice as much as those who did not originally have the mug. Conclusion: an object that a person considers his own becomes twice as valuable to him if he has to lose it.

This principle also works in relationships with a man! How to drive a guy crazy

  1. Give him something - your attention, compliments, favor.
  2. Then pick up.

Everything! He turns into a madman, ready by all means to return what he was deprived of.

How it works? Let's take an example.

Let's say you constantly communicate with a certain young man. You give him your attention: at the first call, run on a date, immediately answer SMS, quickly agreed to have sex. As a result, he relaxed: you are always available, there is no need to conquer you. What to do? Make it "next"! Reply to messages after 40 minutes, sometimes do not pick up the phone. Calling for a date? "Sorry, I'm busy, so much to do." After a week or two, your knight will lower his visor and will try in every possible way to return your attention.

Turn your communication into a swing: then let him close, then move away. Such female behavior does not allow a man to relax.

Important! This technique may not work if the man was not interested in you initially. Do not try to drive a man crazy in this case, switch to another. Otherwise, thinking over the strategy of seduction, you will fall in love yourself and will not be able to control your behavior.

How to drive men crazy We intrigue!

The technique described above works well on men with whom you already have some kind of relationship. With a guy at the beginning of communication and immediately after meeting you need to behave a little differently. At the initial stage, it is important what image of you will develop in his head, and how mysterious you will be.

How should he see you?

  • Happy, inspired and energetic - don't whine, don't complain, be light and positive.
  • Inaccessible to others, but accessible to him. Being "available" does not mean easily agreeing to sex. You just need to show that among all men you distinguish him.
  • Attractive to other men - he must see (or think) that there is a crowd of admirers around you who want to win your favor.
  • Living an interesting life, filled with vivid impressions and interests - do not get hung up on communicating only with him.

If you become like that, you don't even have to think about what men go crazy for. They themselves will flock like flies to honey, and try to win such a wonderful woman.

Important! Even if the above is not about you, create the appearance. But do not overact - men perfectly feel insincerity.

Assess your situation and use the advice in accordance with it, and then you will succeed!

Women are capable of making any sacrifice in order to attract the attention of men. But why do some of the fair sex manage to find fans, while other girls remain single? What kind of women do men go crazy for? Read about all this and more below.

beautiful appearance

Men love with their eyes, and this is no secret to anyone. If you want to find yourself a worthy gentleman, then you need to look accordingly. What kind of girls do men go crazy for? From beautiful. Look in the mirror and critically evaluate your appearance. If you see facial blemishes, hair roots in need of coloring, or poorly styled hair, go to Girl Must Look Stunning to Attract a Rich and Smart Man. Pay attention to your clothes. What kind of girls do guys go crazy for? Definitely not from those ladies who flaunt all their charms. A woman must be a mystery. Choose the right outfits for you that will emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Leave revealing dresses at the store. Miniskirts and plunging necklines are out of fashion these days. Feminine knee-length dresses will look much more modern and prettier. Pay attention to accessories. An elegant bracelet can emphasize a thin wrist, and a thin chain can focus on the collarbones.

Sense of humor

Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns... What kind of women do men go crazy for? Zodiac signs don't matter! But a sense of humor plays an important role. A girl must be witty in order to win the favor of a man she likes. A lady who jokes well and appropriately can become the person that a guy wants to see next to him all the time. Representatives of the stronger sex love those women who know how to laugh not only at their own, but also at other people's jokes. For any man, it is important that the interlocutor can appreciate his humor. Jokes can lighten the mood and set the right tone for a conversation. If a woman appreciates a man's humor, he is flattered. Any guy wants to be a hero for his chosen one, and he needs to see confirmation of irresistibility in his beloved eyes. But laughing and giggling at every saying of the object of sympathy is not worth it - be sincere.


A girl is a gentle creature to be admired. That's what all men think. Therefore, the lady should support this theory and behave accordingly. Men expect tenderness from a woman. Guys like to look strong and smart next to their chosen one. Men want to protect their lady of the heart and seek her favor. Rudeness, lack of coquettishness and put men to a standstill. They do not know how to behave with a woman who resembles a man in her behavior, she herself will drag a kilogram of commercials with five or ten potatoes and move a sofa or wardrobe without his participation. Guys perceive such ladies as friends, but not as an object for admiration. Femininity should be manifested in everything - from clothes (torn jeans and voluminous shirts away from the wardrobe!) and ending with the girl's behavior. In this case, the guy will be able to admire his chosen one and feel confident next to her.


The ladies who run after the guys are left alone. A woman should be cold and impregnable. But you shouldn't go too far and turn into the Snow Queen either. Everything is good in moderation. Such a person sets himself high and waits until there is a worthy candidate who can melt the ice of her heart. Which women do men go crazy for and which ones do they leave? The girl who does not let a man pass, calls him hourly and constantly demands attention, will soon be left alone. The lady, who behaves coldly, seems mysterious and interesting, attracts the representatives of the stronger sex. A man wants to find the key to his heart and understand what is hidden under the mask of feigned indifference. The guys are pleased to take the fortress by storm. If a girl diligently demonstrates her sympathy to a guy on a first date, you should not wait for a second meeting. What comes into your own hands, people do not appreciate. But the prize that has to be achieved is especially valuable. Yes, from time to time a girl should show her affection, but it should not be on a permanent basis. A lady should always keep a man in suspense. Then the gentleman will not lose vigilance, and even after long romantic courtship, he will not stop presenting gifts to the woman and will not get tired of surprising her.


A girl must be confident in her strengths, talents and abilities. Such ladies are interesting, you want to communicate with them. Pay attention to what kind of women men go crazy. Reviews of self-confident beauties allow us to conclude that the representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to self-sufficient individuals. Women who can support themselves, who have interesting jobs, hobbies and social circles, are attractive. It's always nice to talk to an interesting person. You can learn a lot from him and learn a lot. Healthy egoism must be present in any person. You need to adapt to your partner, but you should not lose yourself. Those who do not know their own worth dissolve in relationships. They sacrifice everything for the sake of another and end up losing. You can’t give up your principles, especially at the beginning of a relationship. If a girl knows her worth, she will look much more attractive in the eyes of a man than one who agrees to devote her life to stupid worship.

Self love

From what women do men go crazy and fall in love (womanizers do not count)? Selfish lovely creatures are always surrounded by countless admirers. Ladies acting like bitches are attractive and charming. But life with them turns into flour. Another thing is healthy love and self-respect. A person who loves himself is visible from afar. And if a girl is loved, then she will attract a lot of gentlemen. Do not spare money for your own pleasures. Spend time in the spa, go to the lakes more often, relax, enjoy life. A self-sufficient person who allows himself weaknesses will be happy. And happy people are always more attractive than those who decide to save on themselves. The contribution to your beauty, health and moral satisfaction cannot be overestimated. Remember the famous saying: if you don't love yourself, no one will love you. Therefore, you do not need to postpone pleasures for later or share them with someone else. Life is one, and you need to live it in such a way that in old age you do not regret anything.

Personal opinion

Any person should have and not be afraid to express it. What kind of women do men go crazy and fall in love with? The representatives of the stronger sex like ladies with whom you can talk and argue. Guys like to discuss world events and interesting ideas. Men do not like gossip, and they do not like to wash the bones of acquaintances. Therefore, a girl who wants to get the location of men must have a broad outlook in order to be able to support any conversation. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. In a dispute, truth is born. A man will not condemn a lady, even if her opinion is wrong. The very fact that a woman speaks openly about what she likes and what causes her antipathy is worthy of respect. Some ladies are embarrassed to give up those activities that they do not like. This is not the way to do it. After all, if you put yourself wrong at the beginning of a relationship, waiting for a good romance is stupid. A woman should enjoy relationships just as much as a man does. No need to be afraid to show character, men like it.


Men love to discuss world problems. Guys like to discuss books and movies. To be on the same wavelength with your soulmate, you need to develop yourself. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Psychologists say that men like smart girls. With a beautiful, glamorous, but stupid blonde (this by no means means that all blondes are devoid of intelligence, just an example) you can spend one night, but a smart and wealthy guy will not connect his life with her, will not create a family with a beautiful fool. After all, first of all, a man chooses a woman who is able to give birth and raise heirs. A smart mother can give a lot to children, but a stupid one, even if she is very beautiful, will not give anything. Develop your intelligence, read more, watch scientific programs and improve your skills. A lady should be a whole person with her own interests. But at the same time, her horizons should not be limited to work. Ideally, you need to be able to support any topic, and if the lady does not like the topic or she is unfamiliar with her, the girl should be able to translate the conversation into a more convenient channel for herself.

Ability to provide support

A woman should be a friend to a man. Guys love to help their chosen ones. They feel like heroes when they drive a nail into a wall or hang a shelf in the right place. Do not be afraid to seek help from a man. The guys are just waiting for the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to the lady. But they also expect the same zeal from a woman. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Psychologists say that guys like those ladies who are able to provide help and support to their beloved. A lady should not leave a man in a difficult life situation. If now the beloved is not going through the best period, you need to be there. Simple words of encouragement can have a magical effect. Men never forget those who were near at a difficult moment in life. True friends are tested by grief. And if a woman did not leave a guy in trouble, this is an indicator of true feelings. Words for men play a smaller role, they trust actions more.

Know how to listen

The girls talk a lot. They can discuss fashion, mutual friends or celebrities with guys. Such conversations do not really like the strong half of humanity. What kind of women do men go crazy for? Guys are impressed by those girls who know how to listen. Men like to express their opinion on the issue that concerns them, as well as share their work problems. A lady should show interest in everything that a man tells her. Trust and attention are the foundation of any healthy relationship. Even at the first meeting, guys pay attention to how interesting what they say to the listener. If a man sees a sincere interest on the part of a girl, he will try to continue the relationship. A lady who remains indifferent to men's problems will soon be left alone. Normal human relationships are built on reciprocity. If the lady does not pay attention to what the guy is interested in, he will quickly lose interest in his interlocutor.

Be unique

A girl can impress a man with her uniqueness. Therefore, you should not turn into one of the typical beauties. When creating your image, think about a highlight that will attract the opposite sex. What kind of women do men go crazy for? From those that can captivate the eye and captivate the soul. A lady must learn to be charming not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Try to develop your own techniques for attracting and retaining attention. It can be funny jokes or cute life stories. Be flirtatious and charming.

Take the initiative

Men should give signs of attention, but women should reciprocate. If the lady is cold all the time, the guy will think that he is completely uninteresting to her, and will find a more suitable candidate. What kind of women do men go crazy for? From those who correctly dose their coldness. Every girl needs to take the initiative from time to time. Make dates, choose interesting events and invite a man to parties.

As for men, not everything that we think should attract them to us actually attracts - a lot repels. Men are very different from women. And in order to make your life a little easier, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our tips that will help you win the heart of your man so that he wants to be closer and closer to you.

Show him your natural beauty

Makeup helps enhance the beauty of the face, but don't underestimate the effect a woman's natural beauty has on men. Pleasantly surprise your man by alternating makeup with the natural look of your face.

Let him get you

In this matter, it is only important not to go too far, but you should not be easy prey for him. Show him that you will only be with the person who treats you the way you deserve it, and that you are not interested in a relationship just with someone.

Be yourself

Do not try to build yourself into a woman who, in your opinion, should attract his attention to yourself. He may see this as a desperate attempt on your part to get his attention. Be yourself.

Don't always call first

There is nothing wrong with a woman taking the first step in a relationship, but if your relationship is supported solely by your efforts, then this is a bad sign. It may be hard for you to resist texting or calling him, but if he doesn't make any effort in that direction, it means he's not worth your time.

Be nice to his friends

If you manage to win over his friends, then you have already half won his heart.

Don't be jealous

Do your best to suppress your jealousy. If the problem is serious, then discuss your feelings in private. Groundless jealousy has the ability to corrode relationships.

Be the reason for a good mood for him

The more you laugh together, the more time he will want to spend with you.

Go on living your life

No man will be interested in a woman who does nothing but wait for her to get married. Keep making plans for life with your friends and family.

Stand up for your individuality

Never apologize for being the person you are. It's one thing to try to fix the situation in which you've done something, and quite another to allow people to humiliate you and forcefully change you.

Let him tease you a little

Again, it is important not to overdo it here. You can casually mention what attracts you to other men, but don't play too much, otherwise he will think that you have someone else. This method is not at all suitable for married couples, but if you are at the stage of the relationship where you are just trying to grab the attention of a man, then a little jealousy will help him realize what you mean to him.

Be mysterious

You don't have to reveal your whole life story on the first date. Let there be some understatement, and he will strive to get to know you better.

Take the initiative

Show him that you can be independent. In all this, some departure from tradition will also be appropriate. Schedule a date and invite him!

Take care of yourself

This moment is much more important than your appearance. Take care of your emotional state. Go for walks, take baths, relax in beauty salons. Then you can become that self-confident and balanced woman with whom every man would like to go on a date.

Remind yourself through social networks

The modern world has given us a gift in the form of social networks. Take advantage of them. Place your photo on your page so that he does not forget about you.

Discover the world of his interests

Step back a little and listen to him. Find out what he likes to do, what his favorite food is, how many brothers and sisters he has. Men appreciate women who know how to listen.

Put down your high heels and go on an adventure

Let him see you from different angles. Between your trips to nightclubs, restaurants, and cinemas, plan to get out into nature. Go hiking, go biking or play basketball together.

Dress smartly

Wear something that will make you feel beautiful both inside and out.

No need to put him first in your life

When you become husband and wife, he will have to take the most important place in your life, but while you are just dating, let him try to win him over.

Prepare something tasty for him

As the famous proverb says: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Make a joint purchase

Since you've been dating for a while, consider making your first purchase together. Get a couple of kayaks or buy a day pass to the amusement park. Keep it simple and meaningful at the same time to move your relationship forward a little.

Love yourself

The more you love yourself, the more chances you have to make him fall in love with you.


Illuminate him with your radiant smile - sometimes facial expressions and body movements mean much more than words.

Take care of your skin

Show him that you love your body and take care of it. Moisturize it, use sunscreen to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Express your gratitude

Be polite and be grateful. Men like it when women express their gratitude.

Our 24 tips will help you win the heart of a worthy man, and a worthy man will treat you right. If a man really loves, then he will do everything to prove his love to a woman.