From nana constipation what mixture to choose. Special mixtures for constipation in newborns

Newborn babies who are bottle-fed often suffer from digestive disorders. The stomach of some children is not ready to digest breast milk, and even the formula for newborns, even more so, needs to be selected with special diligence. The first acquaintance with artificial food often ends with constipation, therefore, when choosing food, it is better to take into account the regularity of the baby's bowel movements. The causes of constipation in artificial babies most often boil down to the following:

  • Mom prepares food incorrectly, does not withstand the proportion of liquid and dry component;
  • The child suffers from dehydration, he needs to be supplemented with water (tea, water);
  • The mixture is not suitable for the digestive system of the crumbs.

Before deciding what to choose for the baby, mom needs to consult a pediatrician. The doctor may order additional tests to rule out an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, after which he will advise an adapted formula for newborns.

In the first place are fermented milk mixtures - they have a better effect on the baby's intestines. They include lactulose, gum and lactic bacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive process of the crumbs. This food can be fed to the baby three times a day, that is, the baby will receive almost half of all food in the form of a fermented milk product. Such mixtures have different tastes, they are homogenized, do not cause discomfort. You need to start feeding with sour milk gradually, noticing which products give allergies and which do not. Nutrition experts advise giving thirty milliliters of food the first time, double the dose on the second day, and ninety milliliters on the third day. Thus, in a few steps it is possible to achieve a complete replacement of one feeding.

After the first full-fledged feeding with a fermented milk mixture, it is necessary to observe the baby - whether he has constipation, whether his tummy hurts, whether the skin is clean.

If the newborn is well tolerated and his stool is normalized, then the mixture should be administered in the same way for the next feeding.

In order for the effect of the introduction of additional nutrition to increase, and the child to get rid of constipation, sour milk feeding can be combined with massage. The massage does not require special skills - every mother can do it before feeding the baby. With light, but forceful movements, you need to do twenty circular strokes in a clockwise direction. This will help activate intestinal motility and normalize stool.

Requirements for mixtures for constipation

Manufacturers of baby food withstand fairly high requirements for the products they produce. So, the composition of products for eliminating constipation includes:

  • prebiotics are fibers that better soften stool and populate the intestines with the necessary microflora. Some companies are conducting special developments, bringing oligosaccharides closer to the natural components of human milk;
  • probiotics are living bacteria that displace pathological microflora from the child's stomach. Due to this, the risk of intestinal infections is reduced, peristalsis is normalized, and regular defecation is established;
  • low protein content - due to this, food is not retained for long in the digestive tract. It is quickly digested in the stomach and quickly enters the small and large intestines.

The introduction of fermented milk mixtures requires literacy so as not to harm the baby and not provoke even greater problems with stool. Pediatricians give the following recommendations.

If the baby is crying inconsolably and twisting his legs, pulling them to his chest, he is trying to tell you that he is worried about gaziki in his tummy.

"Gaziki" or "colic" is a common problem in infants due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How can I help my baby?

  • With bloating in children, the exercise "Bicycle" helps a lot. P1. Put the baby on the back and alternately bend and unbend one or the other leg, pulling them to the chest - as if the baby is riding a bicycle. According to the experience of many mothers, the "bike" helps with colic in the tummy.
  • 5-10 minute massage also helps to get gas stimulating the baby's gastroenteric system. Sometimes it helps just to take the baby in your arms and, holding it tightly to your chest, carry it around the room.
  • Breast-feeding. Breastfed babies swallow less air than artificial babies. However, when breastfeeding, mom should pay attention to her diet, as certain foods (such as milk, broccoli, or cabbage) cause bloating.
  • An equally common nutritional problem is constipation in children.

Just because your little one has infrequent bowel movements doesn’t mean he’s constipated, because the normal frequency of bowel movements in infants can vary enormously. Constipation is more of a stool quality issue. Constipation is indicated by a very hard stool in the form of dense peas and the fact that the baby is in pain when trying to go to the toilet.

The thing is that when a hard stool passes in the anus, small cracks can form, which can cause slight bleeding. In the presence of such cracks, children, in order not to experience pain, sometimes try to hold back the stool, thereby further contributing to constipation.

In many cases, constipation in infants can occur with dietary changes, such as switching from breast milk to infant formula or introducing complementary foods.

Constipation can also be caused by dehydration when the baby is not getting enough fluids, improper preparation of infant formula, or mild discomfort. Very rarely, constipation in babies is caused by more serious medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or food allergies, or congenital bowel problems.

There are many simple tricks you can use to improve your baby's well-being and prevent recurrent constipation:

Encourage your child to move more. Move his legs when the baby is lying on his back, thus imitating "riding a bike", or make him crawl more.

Within minutes gently massage your tummy in a clockwise circular motion.

If the baby is under six months old and is breastfed, then changing the diet of a nursing mother often helps to cope with the problem of constipation. Drink less cow's milk and eat more vegetables and fruits.

For the prevention of constipation in children who are bottle-fed, it is recommended to use modern mixtures containing the complex of natural dietary fiber-prebiotics PREBIO®. The addition of these components to the mixture helps to improve the composition of the intestinal microflora and reduces the frequency and severity of constipation in newborns. Also, the prevention of constipation in infants is facilitated by the replacement of one feeding (usually in the evening) with an adapted fermented milk mixture with bifidobacteria.

If the child is already receiving complementary foods, then it is possible (depending on age) to give the baby more cereals, fresh fruits (subject to their tolerance) and vegetables (white cabbage or Brussels sprouts, spinach).

There are also specialized complementary foods for children with a tendency to constipation, for example, dairy-free porridge for children "Wheat-oatmeal with prunes". It contains a complex of prebiotics that normalize the composition of the baby's intestinal flora, as well as live bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria BL®, which strengthen the protective properties of the child's body, and together with the prebiotics PREBIO®, improve digestion and reduce the frequency of constipation. The inclusion of prunes in the porridge allows you to gently activate the intestines, thereby helping to cope with constipation. Prune puree can also be included in the daily menu of a child with a tendency to constipation. Try to limit your intake of foods such as carrots, rice, and bananas, which slow down the passage of food through the intestines.

With artificial feeding prepare the mixture correctly, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions. Take with a measuring spoon exactly as much dry mixture as indicated in the instructions, remove the slide from the spoon with a knife.

If the baby is prone to constipation, he should get enough fluids. Give him chilled boiled water between feedings, especially in hot weather. If you are breastfeeding, drink more water, unsweetened fruit drinks, but not cow's milk. Taking into account the age and subject to good tolerance, give the baby fruit juices (apple, peach or plum).

If you suspect that the baby is constipated, do not try to remedy the situation yourself by giving the baby laxatives or herbal teas. Medicines should only be given under medical supervision.

Prolonged constipation in an infant, accompanied by severe pain, also requires immediate medical attention. Constipation in an infant is not a harmless phenomenon and in some cases can lead to intoxication of the body.<

Be patient. The baby's digestive system is just being formed, and he needs a little time to get used to food.

If something in the baby's behavior bothers you, be sure to tell the doctor about it.

Baby food is prepared using a special technology, it contains more protein components and less oligosaccharides, that is, dietary fiber.

This leads to prolonged digestion of the incoming artificial mixture in the digestive organs. The feces become denser, the speed of its movement through the intestines slows down.

All the prerequisites are created for the development of difficulties in defecation and constipation. The likelihood of a decrease in peristalsis in infants eating artificial food increases when a number of factors provoking the problem are exposed to the body, these are:

  • Failure to comply with the manufacturer's proposed technology for preparing a liquid mixture from a dry powder;
  • Insufficient water supply;
  • Infant formula unsuitable for the body of the crumbs in terms of the content of the components.

Persistent constipation most often occurs if artificial feeding is transferred during the neonatal period.

Children at the age of 5–7 months in most cases already receive vegetable complementary foods, soups, cereals, and a varied diet contributes to good bowel function.

Types of mixtures for constipation

In the event of persistent constipation in babies, pediatricians can prescribe two types of mixtures, these are:

  • Medicinal;
  • Preventive.

Medicines are prescribed if, within two to three weeks after the onset of difficulties in emptying the intestines, it is not possible to normalize its work in other ways. That is, the exclusion of factors provoking consolidation, improvement of the drinking regime and folk remedies do not lead to a positive result.

The type of medical food, the duration and frequency of its use should be determined by the doctor.

Fermented milk mixtures are usually classified as prophylactic. They successfully help both prevent constipation and normalize bowel function in constipated artificial children.

Features of fermented milk mixtures

Fermented milk mixtures are divided into adapted and non-adapted. In the nutrition of children under one year old, it is necessary to use only an adapted version.

The process of making KM mixtures is based on the fermentation of milk with the help of lactic acid bacteria. In the future, food is carefully dried, thus maintaining the viability of microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the child's body.

Fermented milk products for children have a lower protein content, their qualitative composition is somewhat changed, food is additionally enriched with bifidobacteria, microelements, vitamin complexes.

The use of KM mixtures for constipation in newborns and children under one year old leads to several changes in the digestive system:

  • To slow down the evacuation of food from the stomach, which increases the secretory function of the digestive system and accelerates the digestion of the food lump in the intestine.
  • To the normalization of the biocenosis of the large intestine. KM mixtures can be used to prevent and treat dysbiosis.
  • To increase bile secretion.
  • To the normalization of the pancreas.

Thus, feeding a child with constipation with food with a fermented milk composition eliminates the problem by stabilizing the work of the main digestive organs and by settling beneficial bacteria in the lumen of the large intestine.

Fermented milk mixtures have a positive effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract system; under their influence, the blood composition improves, immunity increases, and the severity of allergic reactions decreases.

Most often, fermented milk food is used as an additional one, that is, its reception is alternated with feeding the child with the usual food chosen for him by his parents. Although it is not forbidden to use some types of fermented milk mixtures all the time.

Rules for the introduction of fermented milk nutritional mixtures in the diet

KM food for babies with constipation begins to be given, following several rules. Compliance with them will allow the body of the crumbs to quickly adapt to the new product. Recommended:

  • On the first day of the transition, give the baby about 10-20 ml of a diluted mixture with a fermented milk composition. It is best to do this before morning or afternoon feeding.
  • Over the next 3-4 days, the volume of one portion is gradually brought to normal.
  • If the selected mixture is used as a remedy for persistent constipation, then you can completely switch to it for one to two months.
  • To prevent the development of constipation in babies, replacing 2-3 regular feedings per day with fermented milk food will help.

It is necessary to completely transfer the child to the use of medicinal mixtures in agreement with the doctor. A child should not constantly eat one fermented milk products.

The intestine quickly restores its work, if you do not neglect the rules for preparing food for babies:

  1. To dilute dry powder, it is advisable to use special baby water or pre-filtered water.
  2. The manufacturer's instructions for breeding must be fully followed.
  3. Be sure to use clean dishes, bottles and nipples.
  4. Do not prepare food in advance or leave leftovers for subsequent feeding.

When giving a KM mixture to a baby, you need to remember that the baby also needs additional water intake. Light gymnastics with massage is useful for his intestines.

Microclysters, glycerin suppositories and other methods to facilitate bowel movements are used when constipation negatively affects the general well-being of the child.

How to choose KM mixture

The choice of fermented milk formula is small, not all manufacturers of baby food produce such products. It is necessary to carefully read the information - it is indicated on the boxes if it is fermented milk.

When choosing food for a baby, first of all, his age should be taken into account. Until a year, the baby should receive only adapted milk formulas, this rule also applies to fermented milk.

The most famous brands of fermented milk products for babies:

  • Bellakt;
  • Baby;

Agusha. It is a liquid mixture with fermented milk components, but its duration is only 10 days at a certain temperature.

Nutrilon KM and NAS KM are so far the only products designed to completely replace conventional mixtures. They contain less protein and reduced osmolarity, which, accordingly, reduces the load on the kidney tissue.

NAS is produced in two versions - for children of the first half of life and for babies older than 6 months. Nutrilon has the least sour taste of all fermented milk nutritional brands, so babies drink it more willingly. Nutrilon KM is not subdivided by age, that is, it can be given to both newborns and children at the age of 7-12 months.

The rest of the brands of products with fermented milk components are recommended to be given with regular meals in a 1: 1 ratio.

Fermented milk mixture, like any other, may not be perceived by the digestive system of the baby. Increased colic, frequent regurgitation, and allergic reactions in the form of a rash indicate that food should be replaced.

Disadvantages of KM mixtures

Fermented milk mixtures are one of the easiest and safest ways to normalize intestinal motility in infants with constipation. But this diet also has its drawbacks:

  • The process of assimilation of fermented milk mixtures increases the load on metabolic reactions.
  • The mixtures do not belong to hypoallergenic, therefore, when they are introduced into the diet, the development of allergies is not excluded.
  • Not all babies like the sour taste of KM mixtures, so it is quite difficult to accustom them to new food.
  • With frequent regurgitation, fermented milk should be given in small portions, as it increases the acidity in the stomach.

Other types of mixtures to facilitate bowel movements

In addition to fermented milk mixtures, baby food manufacturers produce several more options for adapted products that help to normalize intestinal motility. A positive effect when using them is achieved by including additional ingredients in the composition, these are:

  • Probiotics.
  • Prebiotics.
  • Locust bean gum.

With prebiotics

Prebiotics are specific food components that can improve the development of beneficial microcultures in the gut. This quality is endowed with dietary fiber or otherwise oligosaccharides.

Some of them are of natural origin, they include human milk oligosaccharides and FOS - fructooligosaccharides. FOS is obtained from plants such as Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, and garlic.

GOS - galactooligosaccharides have an artificial origin, they have a bifidogenic effect and, along with FOS, are included in some infant formula. Nutritional enrichment with a combination of FOS and GOS, as well as inulin and lactulose, allows you to achieve:

  • Improving the qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora by increasing the content of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
  • Prevention of acute intestinal infections.
  • Eliminate constipation.

On the packaging with baby food, the percentage of prebiotics should be indicated, the higher it is, the better the laxative effect is. Prebiotics are found in mixtures:

  • Grandma's basket.
  • Nutrilak Premium.
  • Similak Premium.
  • Humana.
  • Frisolac Gold.
  • Nice goat.
  • Bellakt Optium.
  • Baby Premium.
  • Prebio is unwanted.

With a tendency to difficult bowel movement with the listed brands of mixtures, children can be fed constantly, choosing food according to age.

Probiotic Blends

Probiotics are lacto and bifidobacteria, the composition of infant formula includes microorganisms that have only a positive effect on the child's body as a whole. The use of food with the addition of probiotics to it contributes to:

  • An increase in the content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestines of the baby.
  • Suppression of pathogenic microflora.
  • Improving the entire digestive process.
  • Increase the body's defenses.

Lactobacilli improve the breakdown of protein components of food, which reduces their allergenicity, facilitates the assimilation of fats. Probiotics also contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the absorption of iron and calcium.

They do not have a special laxative effect, therefore, the effect of normalizing the bowel function is shown gradually.

Probiotics are found in fermented milk mixtures, as well as in some fresh ones, these are:

  • NAS premium.
  • Hipp combiotic.
  • Similak Premium.
  • Celia.

A number of well-known manufacturers of baby food have developed and produce products in which the optimal ratio of probiotics and natural or artificial prebiotics is selected. These are mixtures such as:

  • Nutrilak Immunobifi.
  • Bellakt Immunis.
  • Mamako.
  • Nenny.
  • Agusha gold.
  • Cabrita Gold.

With the above mixtures, you can safely feed your child without any problems in digestion. Their composition has a positive effect on digestion, increases the functioning of the immune system, and helps prepare the digestive tract for the assimilation and proper processing of complementary foods.

The use of food with probiotics and prebiotics for feeding artificial children from birth helps to prevent the development of increased gas production and, accordingly, colic.

With gum

Locust bean gum is a naturally occurring polysaccharide used as an emulsifier and thickener in food. Galactomannan (a gum polysaccharide) is not digested by enzymes in the upper digestive tract and is only broken down in the large intestine. This promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms.

In infant formula, natural or modified gum should be in the range of 0.34-0.5 grams per 100 ml. If the content of the thickener is higher, it can increase flatulence and colic.

Natural gum contains Frisov's nutrition, so that it begins to show its effectiveness, the dry powder must be diluted in water with a temperature of 70 degrees. Modified gum is capable of dissolving well at a temperature of 40 degrees and it is contained in mixtures such as:

  • Humana AR.
  • Nutrilon AR.
  • Grandma's basket antireflux BIO.
  • Bellakt.
  • Nutrilak AR.

It is advisable to use antireflux mixtures for constipation if a decrease in bowel function is observed against the background of frequent regurgitation. They belong to medical nutrition, so their dosage and duration of use should be determined by the pediatrician.

Mixtures used to treat constipation disorders

Constipation is not always a consequence of the formation of the digestive system in the first year of a child's life. Lactase deficiency can sometimes be the cause of difficulties in emptying the intestines, in this case, the baby is prescribed a special diet that is completely free of lactose or contains it in the smallest amount.


Lactose-free mixtures include:

  • Nan is lactose-free.
  • Nutrilak lactose-free Plus.
  • Nutrilon Premium lactose-free.
  • Celia is lactose free.
  • Granny's basket is lactose free.
  • Bellact is lactose free.

Low in lactose

Reduced Lactose Blends:

  • Similact is low-lactose.
  • Humman LP.
  • Low-lactose unestogenic.
  • Bellakt NL.

Reducing the likelihood of allergies

Constipation in infants often occurs as a result of food allergies. To cope with the normalization of intestinal function, such children are prescribed special mixtures that reduce the likelihood of developing allergies, these are:

  • Alfare.
  • Frisopep.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Allergy.
  • Nutrilak Peptidi MCT.
  • Alimentum.
  • Nutramigen.
  • Nutrilon Soy.
  • Frisosoy.
  • Similak Isomil.
  • Detolact Soy.
  • Humana SL.

Lactose-free and hypoallergenic mixtures for infants are prescribed only by a doctor. It is not worth giving them to a child on their own without special evidence, as this will negatively affect the work of the digestive tract.

Choosing the right formula for constipation for newborns and babies is not easy. Many nutritional options are produced, some of them contain additives that improve the process of food digestion, others do not include milk protein, which allows you to feed children with allergies to it.

A baby suffering from persistent constipation should eat the mixture that will help normalize its digestion, and at the same time will contain the entire set of trace elements necessary for its physical and mental development.

Which mixture will be the best for your child, no one can say for sure. If there is no tendency to constipation, then the baby can be fed with the usual adapted diet, and the fermented milk mixture can be given once or twice a day to prevent the appearance of problems with bowel movement.

In newborn babies, the digestive system is extremely fragile and imperfect. In the first year of a baby's life, his gastrointestinal tract will actively improve and react sharply to any changes in the diet. Therefore, it is so important to carefully select baby food for the baby.

Incorrectly selected mixture, as well as the vulnerability of the digestive system becomes the basis for the formation of constipation, colic and pain in a small child. The question arises before mom: how to choose a formula for a newborn with constipation and colic?

- this is an untimely emptying of the intestines, while the feces acquire hardness, the child cannot normally empty the tummy, cries, and behaves restlessly.

With constipation, the child cannot normally empty the tummy, cries, behaves restlessly

The reason for this abnormal phenomenon at a tiny age is a mixture with a high content of artificial additives and fatty acids.

Such nutrition delays the process of digesting food, and the intestines do not have time to be emptied in time.

According to experts, the formation of constipation and other abnormal phenomena is provoked by such factors:

  1. The abrupt introduction of a new diet of a different type.
  2. Little fluid intake by the child.
  3. Different types of mixtures and their frequent change.
  4. Incorrectly selected mixture.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.
  6. Fluid deficiency.
  7. The mixture does not correspond to the age of the baby.
  8. Weak intestines and low physical activity of the child.

Symptoms of constipation in a baby:

  1. There is no defecation for two to four days.
  2. The child cries, pushes, blushes and twists his legs.
  3. The tummy area is swollen and tight, which is also typical.
  4. Rash.

All these phenomena indicate that the child suffers from constipation, which can be eliminated with available measures. but if this phenomenon is observed often, then it is better to consult a pediatrician, who will recommend the best solutions for this problem and prescribe effective ones, including suggesting which infant formula is better to use that does not cause constipation.

Features of medicinal mixtures

Appearance is a rather serious pathology that does not have the best effect on the well-being and health of the child. Adapted baby food against constipation carries out a therapeutic and prophylactic appointment, that is, its use as food is permissible only for certain indications.

In no case is it possible to independently introduce them into the baby's diet without the approval of the pediatrician. Otherwise, the gastrointestinal tract may refuse to function without outside help.

Medicinal mixtures are prescribed for the following symptoms:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Hard stone and rare feces.
  3. Indigestion.
  4. Colic.
  5. Profuse regurgitation with signs of gagging.

Special nutrition for constipation for babies not only eliminates pathological symptoms, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, sets digestion to normal operation.

Therefore, such mixtures do not harm the body of a newborn, but on the contrary, their benefits are invaluable. The main thing here is to choose the right product correctly. So, what formula to choose for a newborn with constipation and colic and what to focus on when buying it?

How to choose the right treatment mixture

The market for special baby formulas for constipation is represented by a huge assortment, so which of these mixtures is specifically suitable for your baby is determined by their main parameters: the individual characteristics of the composition, as well as the therapeutic direction.

There are two types of mixtures:

  1. Medicinal.
  2. Preventive.

That's why their use is best discussed with your pediatrician. If the child is breastfed, then in the event of constipation, it is enough to establish proper nutrition for the mother. If the baby is artificial, then in this case it will be much more difficult to find the right mixture.

Perhaps the doctor will recommend medications, for example, suppositories for constipation, acceptable for use at such a young age, as well. If they do not give the desired result, then it is worth considering the likelihood of switching to specialized nutrition, which will be selected taking into account the characteristics of the newborn's body.

If a breastfed baby develops constipation, the mother's nutrition should be established

It also happens that the pediatrician has prescribed some measures, but the crumbs have not gone away from constipation, what should I do in this case? Do not rush to buy another mixture, thinking that it did not fit. Once again, carefully study the annotation on the packaging and analyze whether you prepared it correctly?

Often the reason hides in incorrect proportions of mixture and water, as a result, there is a deficiency of water balance in the baby's body, which complicates the work of the body's excretory system.

The second common mistake is rudimentary overfeeding a newborn... In order to correctly calculate the required amount of the mixture, all the characteristics of the child should be taken into account: age, weight, general state of his health and individual characteristics.

If everything is calculated correctly, and the constipation does not disappear, it is worth trying to give the crumbs an additional 100-150 water / day, which can be replaced with children's tea made from medicinal herbs, dill water.

Alternatively, when nothing helps to overcome the problem of constipation, the pediatrician may recommend a special mixture that contains lactulose or locust bean gum, or starch. There is an AP icon on the box of such a power supply.

If the problem cannot be resolved, it is necessary to consider the option of using adapted mixtures with a therapeutic effect. All of them were developed taking into account the stimulation of the intestines and the normalization of its microflora.

Nutrition should be suitable for the baby according to his age

Such baby food must meet certain parameters:

  1. Suitable for the baby according to his age, in order to replenish his body with the necessary nutrients and useful substances to the maximum. An excess amount of fat and protein does not have the best effect on the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The product must contain prebiotics(dietary fiber), the type of which is selected in a separate order, taking into account their tolerance by the child. The best mixture for constipation is considered to be one that contains both GOS (galactooligosaccharides) and FOS (fructooligosaccharides) in proportions of 9 to 1.
  3. An important point is the presence of probiotics, which normalize the intestinal microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), suppress the activity of harmful organisms, and reduce the risk of developing infections.
  4. Probiotics can be present in both regular and fermented milk mixtures.
    Fermented milk mixture for newborns with constipation - a good alternative solution. The composition of this food includes lactic, acidophilic and other microorganisms useful for a small organism. Thanks to them, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the absorption of phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium improves, which just contribute to the liquefaction of feces.
  5. Pediatricians note that hard stools are found in those babies who are fed mixtures containing Palm oil... It is better to choose baby food in which it is absent or with ß-palmitate.
  6. Therefore, it is so important, in detail examine the composition the mixture intended for use by the child. Every nuance in its composition will play an important role in the well-being of the child.

How to choose the right mixture for a newborn

With colic, the mixture is selected based on the reasons for their formation. If they are provoked by lactose deficiency or immunity to cow's milk protein, then it is advisable to use medicinal mixtures that are prescribed for constipation.

Nestogen Blend

It is difficult to say which is the best infant formula for constipation. Here it is important to focus on the composition of the product and on the characteristics of the baby's body.

If in doubt about your choice, consult a pediatrician, you cannot give such food to a child on your own, you can only aggravate the situation.

Below is a list of non-constipated baby foods:

  1. Unjustified... Recommended for babies from their first birthday to six months. It contains vitamins, amino acids, iodine, iron and zinc. This mixture is as close to breast milk as possible.
  2. Milupa... It is introduced into the nutrition of babies from the age of five months. Contains calcium and vitamins C and D.
  3. Nutrilon... This food can be given from the first day of life, it is especially recommended for those babies who have an immunity to milk protein or diarrhea. The food contains iron and iodine. Nutrilon for constipation is ideal for baby food.
  4. Bellakt... The mixture is introduced into the diet from the moment the baby is born, it strengthens and enhances the immune system.
  5. Similac... There are many positive reviews about Similak Premium for colic and constipation. It is an adapted product that does not contain palm oil. Promotes good bowel function, improves mental development and vision, strengthens the immune system.
  6. Frisov... Recommended for babies with digestive and stool problems. Hypoallergenic, useful, easy to digest. It contains vitamins A, B and K, as well as nucleotides and a number of trace elements.


If your toddler is having problems with stool, don't panic. Proper care, timely medical attention and well-chosen nutrition will help him get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as bloating and delayed bowel movements in your baby.

The content of the article:

In this article, we will talk about the choice of a mixture for constipation for newborns and infants, and also answer urgent questions about artificial feeding: which mixture to choose so that there is no constipation, which mixture is better for constipation, what types of artificial nutrition exist with a laxative effect.

According to statistics, breastfed babies are much less likely to suffer from constipation than artificial babies. But the mixture is not always the cause of stool retention. Details about the causes and treatment of constipation in a newborn, constipation in a month-old baby and constipation in children under one year old are described in detail on our website.

The main causes of constipation in "artificial"

There are reasons for constipation that are unique to bottle-fed babies. Let's take a look at some of the most common ones:

1. Incorrect observance of proportions when preparing a mixture. Often the cause of constipation in formula-fed babies is improperly diluted infant formula. The set of the mixture includes a measuring spoon corresponding to 30 grams. If, during the preparation process, the specified rate is exceeded, then a too concentrated mixture is obtained at the exit.

2. Lack of water. Many parents of artificial people do not know that their child should receive "supplementation" in the form of boiled water or tea, especially in the hot season.

It's important to know! If the baby does not have congenital pathologies and dysfunctions of the body, do not rush, if constipation occurs, change the mixture until you check and do the following:

The mixture is prepared according to the instructions;

When preparing a mixture, try adding more water than stated in the instructions for it. For example, for one scoop 30 g. add not 30 ml, but 40 ml. Or vice versa, take an under-sized measuring spoon of the mixture;

The child receives the required amount of fluid per day from 100 ml. up to 150 ml.;