Where does bad breath come from and how to get rid of it forever?

It is possible to get rid of bad breath, but, of course, it is necessary to accurately determine the period of occurrence of the problem and its possible causes.

A bad smell often becomes the source of many complexes in a person who suffers from it. This problem creates a lot of trouble in relations with other people, even after its elimination, the patient continues to suffer from various complexes.

How to check for bad breath?

There are several options for checking for bad breath, but to ensure that the result of such checks is objective, should be done about an hour after eating.

The easiest way is to breathe into your palm and immediately smell the place. If it stinks a little, it means that you still have an unpleasant breath smell, but this method is effective only when the smell is very noticeable. An unpleasant, but less faint smell cannot be detected in this way.

You can use another method - run a spoon over the entire tongue. As a rule, plaque (bacteria) remains on it, which provoke “fragrantness”. Approximately this smell is felt by your interlocutors when you talk to them at a fairly close distance.

You can use other methods to check, for example, but not always an unpleasant smell from dental floss means that your breath smells the same way.


Why is there a strong smell from the mouth? The reason is only in the teeth, but if they are healthy? Let's try to understand the main causes of the problem:

  1. The most common and commonplace reason is eating foods with a sharp and persistent unpleasant odor (for example, garlic). After eating such food, some particles begin to be excreted through the mouth through breathing.
  2. Negative processes in the oral cavity: diseases of the teeth, throat. Each disease is an increase in the number of bacteria that lead to stench.
  3. Bad Habits – Smokers, for example, are more likely to have these problems than non-smokers.
  4. Diseases not associated with the oral cavity: tonsillitis, sinusitis, diseases of the lungs, digestive system.

How to eliminate bad breath at home?

People who have had these problems get rid of a putrid, rotten or sour smell by rinsing with the following tinctures:

  • regular rinsing with strong mint infusion. Regular consumption of mint tea can give the same effect;
  • to instantly get rid of the smell, you can chew parsley leaves, but this method does not eliminate the cause, it only effectively fights the consequences.
  • popular is also a decoction of the leaves of wormwood, chamomile and strawberries, mixed in equal quantities and filled with boiling water.

Important! Regular and comprehensive oral hygiene is the best way to prevent. Especially helpful is brushing your teeth before bed, which will reduce the critical mass of bacteria that accumulate there overnight.

It is also worth contacting a dentist, he will tell you from a professional point of view what is the reason for this phenomenon and how to effectively deal with it specifically in your case.

The smell of acetone from the mouth - what to do?

It should be noted right away that at different ages the smell of acetone from the mouth should not be perceived in the same way.

In children

So, children, due to a very fast metabolism, very often suffer from this disease. Since useful substances are often removed from their body, a certain imbalance is created that can provoke a similar smell.

However, this state of affairs is not a reason for panic, because often the condition returns to normal very quickly, and the smell disappears. It is worth worrying if the child suffers from this for a very long time or too often.

In adults

If such a problem is seen in an adult, then this is a much greater cause for concern. The fact is that this problem is already difficult to attribute to a too fast metabolism, and it means systemic disturbances in the activity of the body.

Based on this, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Sometimes patients with diabetes mellitus and some other diseases suffer from such symptoms.

How to get rid of bad breath in the morning?

Bad smell in the morning is a common but not very serious problem. The fact is that during the night most people accumulate a critical mass of bacteria in their mouths due to a decrease in the amount of saliva in the oral cavity during sleep.

This problem is eliminated as easily as it appears, it is necessary to regularly brush your teeth in preventive measures, not only in the morning, but also before bedtime.

If the smell does not disappear after such procedures, then it is not a matter of biorhythms, and then it is necessary to use the above methods of caring for the oral cavity, rinse it with tinctures and decoctions. In parallel, you will need to consult a doctor.

Treating bad breath due to stomach

Stomach problems are also often the cause of bad breath. This case is more complicated, because the “fragrantness” of the oral cavity is only a consequence of another disease.

If, when visiting a dentist, he did not reveal any problems with teeth, gums, etc., then you will have to contact a specialist in the digestive system to conduct a serious examination. After all, various diseases of the stomach and pancreas (for example, gastritis, ulcers, etc.) can be detected.

For this reason, it is the stomach that will first have to be treated, after all, stomach diseases are much more serious than mere breath. And after the treatment of the detected disease, the breath will not smell unpleasant, but will resume to normal.

The smell from the mouth of a child: sour, putrid, ammonia

As already mentioned, sometimes bad breath in a child is not a cause for concern. A more serious cause for concern for parents will be the long period of this phenomenon.

In this case, it is worth conducting a comprehensive study of the child's health status. First of all, you need to take him to the dentist, if he does not find the cause of the phenomenon, then it is worth showing the child to an otolaryngologist and a gastroenterologist.

Do not attempt self-treatment. Remember that the child's body is much more sensitive to all kinds of drugs and preparations, and it is in this case that the observation and treatment of the child by specialists is of great importance.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the problem of bad breath.

What to do if mucus with an unpleasant odor accumulates in the nasopharynx?

Bad breath is often the result of mucus accumulating in the nasopharynx, which does not cause bad breath by itself, but when accumulated in excess and drains to the oral cavity, it stimulates the growth of bacteria.

Excessive salivation occurs in such cases:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergy;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • pathology of the digestive organs;
  • neurological diseases;
  • polyps and other anomalies of the nasopharynx.

Medicines and preparations

Medicines are based on the need to rinse the mouth.

  1. A tincture of calamus and/or St. John's wort is often recommended and is fairly easy to prepare. A cup of boiled water requires 20-25 drops of medicine, you can rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day.
  1. The method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide is also popular. An equal amount of three percent peroxide and boiled water must be mixed and rinsed with this mixture in the mouth for several days. By the way, if you have periodontal disease, then this solution will help you cure this disease.

Video: Elena Malysheva talks about how to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of bad breath, you must adhere to the following prevention methods:

  • regularly visit the dentist (2 times a year);
  • brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly (especially before going to bed);
  • be examined by other specialists (gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, etc.);