DIY Easter bags - a simple master class. Master class "Easter bunnies-bags for eggs" Bunny for an Easter egg made of fabric

The Easter bunny is a relatively new holiday symbol for our country. However, very cute cute little animals have already won the love of many. Try and you make beautiful

Methods of creation and interesting ideas

An Easter bunny can be made like this:

  • Sewn.
  • Crocheted.
  • Baked.
  • Blind from any plastic mass (salt dough, polymer clay, etc.).
  • Folded of paper using the technique of simple or modular origami.
  • Made in the form of an applique.
  • Made using quilling technique.
  • Woven from beads.

In fact, there are many more options. The most accessible, understandable and popular are the first and the second.

Knitted products

Very cute crocheted Easter bunnies. Different ideas can be used. Choose from the following options:

  • Small openwork stylized souvenir.
  • Egg stand.
  • Simplified shape with a convenient basket for several eggs.
  • Large bunny with pockets for each egg.
  • A figurine of a cute animal, consisting of two halves (upper and lower), which allows you to hide an egg inside.
  • Souvenir detailed toy of any size.

As you can see, Easter ones are knitted in completely different ways. Choose the way you like and create cute creatures with your own hands.

What is required for sewing

Of course, knitwear is very beautiful, but it takes a lot of time to create it. If you are not very friendly with crocheting or you just need to make gifts quickly, sew souvenirs from the scraps available at home. Such an Easter bunny will turn out to be no less beautiful. Prepare the following to work:

  • Fabric in different shades.
  • Pattern paper.
  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins.
  • Thread with a needle.
  • A sewing machine.
  • Filler.
  • Decor (floss for embroidery, eyes, nose, antennae, bows, satin ribbons, beads, flowers).

In fact, you do not need any complex materials or time-consuming work steps. Using a simple pattern, it is easy to get many pieces in a short time.

We sew a souvenir

It can be made of fabric in the following versions:

  • Flat or voluminous.
  • Simplified or detailed.
  • In the shape of an egg with ears, or as a gift wrap to be worn over the egg.
  • In the form of a full-fledged soft toy.

Even a girl can cope with the simplest ideas, so the process of creating gifts can be turned into family creativity. A very light and beautiful DIY Easter bunny is made of fleece or felt. These materials do not require processing of edges, and the product is easy to sew even on the right side. Small details of the decor, for example, the muzzle, are enough to stick to the base.

Any fabric is used for sewing: both plain and variegated. The forms of souvenirs are also varied: from simplified, stylized in the form of a triangle, oval to realistic, fully detailed ones.

Easter bunny: pattern

To sew any product, even the simplest one, you will definitely need a paper template of parts. There are two ways to act:

  1. Print the finished outline image on a printer at a suitable scale.
  2. Draw the details yourself on a piece of paper.

The second method is suitable for those who know how to work with a pencil and like to develop new ideas. In the first case, you just need to choose a picture and have a printer at hand. You won't be able to get an exclusive item if you take a ready-made sample, but it will save a lot of time: printed it out, cut it out. You can create an unusual image due to the details of the decoration (tie a bow, sew a hat, clothes, etc.)

Examples of patterns

Using the templates below, you will get a very simple and at the same time beautiful Easter bunny. The pattern on all samples, except for the last one, consists of one element. It is enough to print it on a printer and you can use it. Two identical parts are cut out of the fabric. It is easy to fold the flap with the front sides inward, pin the paper blank with pins, circle it, not forgetting the seam allowances, and cut it out.

This Easter souvenir is made in the form of a bunny figurine or just its head. The form can be both realistic and simplified, as in the following template. You will need to sew the two pieces around the perimeter when folded right sides in and turn them out. In this case, it is better to leave the hole for turning out between the ears. So it will be more convenient to fill the souvenir with holofiber or padding polyester.

The next two templates are bunny figurines in profile. The first option is simplified. If you cut out parts from fleece, you can sew them, in general, on the front side, glue circles of a peephole, a nose, and also the pink centers of the ears.

The next blank has a realistic outline shape. If you sew on it from ordinary fabric from the wrong side, leaving a hole for turning out, you can leave an unstitched part near the ears, and also next to the legs. This will make it easier to fill the form with the packing material. Before turning out, do not forget to make cuts in the seam allowances in places of difficult shape fillets. This is necessary so that the fabric does not pull and unnecessary folds are not formed in shape.

Look original The shape of the base can be sewn as a separate workpiece or immediately together with the rest of the parts. Use the variation in the following illustration or modify it. You need two of these parts. The contour is sewn all the way up to the point indicated by the arrow. Through this hole, the hare is filled, with the ears and upper legs in the first place, after which the line is sewn on the front side in the places shown by the dotted line. Try to fill the body of the hare more densely so that it resembles the shape of an egg. The legs can be filled in at the same time as the body, or you can also sew a stitch, as is the case with the upper legs.

A variant of a pattern for sewing another three-dimensional figure of several elements is presented in the next section, since its example describes the sequence of work.

Master class "Easter Bunny"

This pattern is also used to make a souvenir in the form of an egg with a head, ears and paws. The sequence of execution will be as follows:

1. Cut out all parts from a suitable fabric. If you use dense felt, it is enough to make all the elements, except for the body, in a single copy, although if you also make it single, you will get a flat bunny, which can be used as an applique or to create a magnet. To get a volumetric shape, legs, ears, make of two identical parts.

2. Fold all paired elements with the right sides inward and sew along the perimeter, stepping back from the edge the distance that you provided for the seam allowance. Remember to leave an unstitch hole for turning out. It is better to make them at the junctions with the base, and on the body itself - at the bottom.

3. Make neat cuts in the allowances. Be careful not to damage the stitching.

4. Unscrew the parts and fill with prepared material.

5. Sew the holes and connect all parts using a needle and thread.

6. Cover the details of the face, ears and legs with a layer of PVA glue.

7. Draw with acrylic paints the face, the middle of the ears and the feet.

Your souvenir is ready. You can, of course, sew or again draw clothes for him. By the way, the muzzle and other decorative details do not have to be painted. Embroider, glue or stitch them. Get creative.

As you can see, the easter bunny is easy to do. All options from the easiest to the most complex look cute and beautiful.

On the holiday of Easter holidays, eggs (dyes or pysanka) are given by godparents to children, such eggs are exchanged on a holiday. Another of the attributes of the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is Easter Bunny... An Easter egg and a hare can be combined into one gift by making an original craft for Easter - a hare bag for a painted egg.

To make an Easter bunny bag, take two shreds of chintz with a light floral pattern (the craft will work better if the fabric is slightly starchy). The size of the shreds is 30 x 30 cm and 10 x 10 cm.Prepare two red threads of medium thickness for knitting, 30 cm long.If you want to make the bag larger, you can take the shreds 35 x 35 and 15 x 15 cm.

Step 1. Making a bag. Connect the opposite corners of the large square of fabric from the wrong side diagonally, then fold again to the resulting diagonal line. Place an egg in the center, wrap it with a cloth. Tie the egg in the resulting bag with a thread so that it does not come loose.

Step 2. Making paws. Roll the smaller flap (10 x 10 cm) into a twist - a tube. These are the future legs of the bunny. Place the paws between the ends of the fabric (they look like petals) over the knot on the egg. Raise the ends of the fabric - the petals of the bag.

Step 3. Make a cross on the chest of the hare. On the side where the back of the hare will be, throw one end of the red thread to the right, forward, under the paws, lift the left shoulder of the bunny over the chest to the future. Move the left end of the red thread to the left, forward, under the paws of the hare, lift your right shoulder across the chest to the future. There is a red Easter cross on the hare's chest.

Step 4. Making the neck. Wrap the ends of the red threads over the shoulders of the Easter bunny around the fabric - this will be the neck. And tie it tightly in a knot. Cut off the excess, protruding ends of the threads.

Step 5. Head and ears. Gently folding the fabric, shape the head and future ears by tucking the wrong side of the fabric inward. Connect the ends - the petals of the patch together. Tie the second red thread, you get a head and two ears sticking up. Cut off excess threads. Spread your ears to the sides.

Step 6. We finish the legs. Tie the ends of the legs with the remaining threads. Use scissors to trim the legs. Cut off any protruding threads.

So our handicraft is ready for Easter, so a hare, and not a simple one, but an Easter hare, has a red egg in its skirt. You can write a note with congratulations, wishes to the egg and put it in a hare's skirt-bag.

A faster and easier option is the penless Easter bunny.

Tatyana Maksimova specially for the blog ""

Children perceive the approach of any holiday with enthusiastic expectation. On holidays they always give gifts, congratulate each other, decorate houses, prepare delicious food. All this creates an atmosphere of happiness 🙂 Especially on the holiday of the bright Sunday of Christ!

One of the best ideas on how to involve children in business is to entrust them with making crafts and jewelry with their own hands. Older children who can already use needles and threads can do fabric crafts. Children of kindergarten and primary school age will make paper products with great pleasure (I know not by hearsay, but from practice - while I am writing, he and his grandmother make a bunny according to our schemes!) 🙂 By the way, only recently published.

And today we will deal with the most popular Easter craft - a bunny with pockets for eggs. We will make it out of paper and fabric. Ready? Then read on and get down to the fun needlework process!

The origami technique is very popular with children. It will not be difficult to make an Easter bunny in this way, especially when the step-by-step diagram is at hand and all the manufacturing steps are described in detail. Below I give a detailed diagram that you can print out for yourself and put in front of your eyes for convenience.

And now we will analyze this craft in detail in pictures with a description. I do it together with my son and take pictures so that it is easy for you to repeat the process 🙂

So, a bunny for an Easter egg is a step-by-step master class.

First, prepare the following:

  • two sheets of colored A4 paper;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue (pencil or PVA);
  • black felt-tip pen or marker.

To begin with, we make a square from the first sheet of A4 colored paper. To do this, we add one of the corners of the rectangle exactly, as a result of which we get an isosceles triangle, as shown in the photo below. We cut off the excess with scissors.

In the same way, we make the second square of colored paper. As a result, we get two squares of the same size.

Then we take one of the squares and add it diagonally along the existing bend, and we get the already familiar isosceles triangle

We will do the same with the second sharp corner. You should get a small square, angled up, divided into two halves by small isosceles triangles.

Then we take one of the triangles by the upper acute corner and bend it down to the corner, while dividing the triangle exactly in half.

We will do the same with the second corner and get just such a blank as in the photo below.

Now you need to turn the workpiece to the other side, so that the two folded corners on the bottom side are at the top.

Then we slightly bend the upper corner of the square, as shown in the photo below.

Here we have a hare's face already beginning to emerge. On the downward-bent triangle, bend the bottom corner, you should have another small triangle.

Important! Smooth each bend very carefully so that the bunny is tight and symmetrical, so it will be stable on the table surface.

Then turn the workpiece with a helicopter and gently bend the two side corners of the square towards the center, as shown in the photo.

The upper part of the hare is ready.

We proceed to the lower part - the coasters.

We take the second square of colored paper, bend it diagonally to opposite corners from the already existing fold,

thus, you should have the center of the square at the intersection point.

After that, each corner of the large one needs to be bent to the center, as a result you will get such a small square envelope.

Turn the resulting square at any angle up and bend the top corner to the center, as shown in the photo below.

We do the exact same procedure with the lower corner of the square.

Then you need to bend the stand blank in half. Then it will need to be twisted into a ring.

Glue the upper part of the hare into the inside of the stand, as shown in the photo below.

Then bend the bottom of the stand:

Assemble the stand by inserting one of the corners into the pocket of the other, and, if necessary, fastening it with glue.

It remains to paint the face and draw the paws and that's it. The Easter bunny for eggs is ready!

You can insert into the stand and decorate the Easter table with your own made at home with children 🙂

Workshops and ideas for children with templates and schemes for making a paper hare

In fact, you can make a paper bunny in different ways, and all of them are suitable for the Bright Easter holiday. And in order to give free rein to the children's fantasies, I have prepared for you some ideas with and without templates. Watch with your children, fantasize, cut from templates and make crafts for Easter.

You can print this template and give your child a cut:

We got it like this, as in the photo below.

The egg fits well 🙂

Hope the ideas worked for you.)

Ideas and patterns of a bunny from fabric with pockets for eggs

For craftswomen of cutting and sewing, there are several ideas and patterns on how to make a hare from fabric.

For starters, here's an idea - a bunny with a burlap egg basket. It turns out very nice.

We do it in two stages. Download and print yourself an A4 pattern for your convenience:

Then get your tools and supplies ready. You will need:

  • Cotton socks one pair
  • Sintepon for stuffing
  • Thread
  • Needles and pins
  • Scissors
  • Red felt for tongue
  • Food grade plastic for teeth
  • Pink knit nose patch
  • Satin bow
  • Burlap size 26x13
  • Fabric for a bag size 26x13

See the detailed video tutorial below:

You can make such a bunny out of felt, you can put it on your finger by children and have fun with the festive time playing role-playing games)

Detailed instructions in the video below:

And you can also make such a bunny from a pompom:

A very cute bunny will turn out, won't it?

For this craft we need:

  • threads
  • cardboard
  • felt gray and white
  • scissors
  • eyes
  • wire

How to make a pompom bunny, watch a step-by-step video:

There can be many options, here is the flight of your imagination. Happy Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ!

Natalia Melkova

Easter bunny- one of the symbols of the Bright holiday of Easter. Back in the early twentieth century, bright Easter cards depicting a fluffy rabbit with a basket of colorful eggs were popular in tsarist Russia. And the first mentions of the hare as a symbol of Easter date back to the end of the 17th century. It is believed that the Easter bunny comes from Germany, because it was there that the first written mentions of it were found. The bunny / rabbit was a constant companion of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (Ostara) - the patroness of Spring and fertility. The onset of spring, namely the vernal equinox, was her holiday, and the symbol of the holiday was a rabbit, symbolizing fertility. Rabbits are famous for their fertility, and it was with this quality that the devoted friend of the goddess symbolized the continuation and renewal of life.

In the same place in Germany, in Munich, there is the world's only Museum of Easter Bunnies, which got into the Guinness Book of Records. The museum has over 1000 various exhibits that have arrived there from all over the world.

There are many beautiful legends about the appearance of the Easter bunny. One of them says that during the Great Flood, when the ark was floating on the waves, it stumbled on the top of the mountain, and a gap was formed in the bottom. The ark should have sunk, if not for the bunny, which plugged the hole with its tail. And in memory of the brave hare, a beautiful tradition about a magic animal carrying bright, painted eggs was born and took root.

Today, the Easter bunny enjoys great love and is one of the main elements of Easter decor. Easter hares are baked - cookies or baked goods, made from chocolate, mastic, etc. Souvenir hares made of ceramics, plastic, glass, fabric, wood, wax or children's handicrafts are comfortably "arranged" on mantel shelves, window sills, festive tables and together with us they take part in the Easter celebrations. In many Catholic countries there is such a popular game as Easter Bunny Hunt, which has successfully taken root in our country too - adults hide eggs all over the house and garden, and kids rush about with delight, trying to find decorated bright eggs, as well as their chocolate imitation.

I bring to your attention two versions of the Easter bunny master class, which will decorate any interior and make the Easter holiday more colorful.


For work we need:

* Multicolored cotton fabric (a small patch of 10 x 18 cm is needed for one bunny);

* Reinforced threads or cotton - for sewing parts;

* Mouline thread - for embroidering noses;

* Plastic eyes for toys or beads;

* Nylon tape (1 cm wide and 50 cm long) - for a skirt and a bow;

* Bunny pattern.


Fold the fabric in half, right side inward and outline the outline of our pattern.

Cut out, taking into account the allowances.

We sweep the details, stepping back a little from the edge (so that, later, we can easily turn the product onto the front side, and sew on a typewriter.

We sweep and sew darts.

Cut off the excess fabric, leaving a small allowance on the darts. We turn it out.

We fill our bunny with holofiber or cotton wool tightly enough to pleasant elasticity. It is more convenient to do this with long tweezers or a pencil.

Sew the hole carefully with blind stitches.

We outline the nose and mouth and embroider them with floss threads.

We turn the allowances of the ears inward and pre-pin them with pins, carefully sew with blind stitches.

For the skirt, I used a 50 cm long nylon tape (37 cm for the skirt itself and 13 cm for the bow). We sew the tape together to form a single ring, and assemble it for assembly, nicely and evenly distributing the folds. We put on a skirt on the bunny and sew it with blind stitches.

We outline the eyes, glue or paint them with acrylic paint.

From the remaining tape we make a bow and sew.

The bunny is ready!

Here is such a nice bunny company will help you decorate the interior of the group for the holiday.


These felt Easter bunnies are not difficult to execute, as they do not consist of more details and actions.

For work we need:

* Multi-colored hard felt;

* Holofiber filler (synthetic fluff or cotton wool);

* Self-disappearing marker for fabric and felt or pencil;

* Floss threads - for stitching parts;

* Various accessories for decoration (rhinestones, flowers, ribbons - ribbons, bows, etc.);

* Wooden skewers;

* Pattern of bunnies.


Fold the felt in half, right side inward, and outline the outline of our pattern. It is more convenient to do this with a self-disappearing marker. At the same time, the outline of the pattern is indicated brightly and easily disappears with the help of water, leaving no marks on the felt / fabric.

Cut out.

We sew, leaving a small gap, through which we lightly fill the bunny with holofiber or cotton wool to give it a light and pleasant volume.

Cut out flowers from contrasting felt, decorate them with rhinestones, buttons and ribbons.

Sew the decoration carefully with blind stitches or glue it with fabric glue.

Felt Easter eggs can be made in the same way.

Using wooden skewers, Easter bunnies can become one of the decorative elements of the composition. Here are some examples:

Such compositions can be easily made using materials at hand.

For this we need:

Flower pots. (For Easter decor, I always use 150 ml mini pots, which, in combination with green grass and flowers, look very impressive and colorful in a festive interior).

Grass Seeds (A special mixture of cereals can be purchased at any flower shop or seed shop, such as seeds shown in the photo).

Place porous drainage at the bottom of the flower pots.

We put the earth on 2/3 of the pot and plant the seeds.

We cover it with earth and water it. We are waiting for shoots.

After a week, the grass looks like this.

For additional decoration of the composition, we sculpt decorative flowers from salted dough.

We decorate.

We fill the pot with decorative stones, put sisal on top.

Decorate with braid.

For decoration we use plastic dummies of Easter eggs and, of course, our creation - Easter bunnies on skewers. Additionally, the composition can be decorated with willow twigs or flowers.

I would be very glad if my master class turned out to be useful and interesting. Enjoy your creativity!

On Easter, they usually exchange small gifts - and chocolate eggs. These gifts can be presented in unusual original packaging. Small bags in the shape of cute rabbits will be appreciated by both children and adults. We invite you to sew an Easter egg bag following our master class

We sew Easter bunny bags for eggs with our own hands

To make Easter bags, we need:

  • paper, scissors and pencil;
  • felt of light yellow and light pink colors;
  • bright pink polka-dot felt;
  • thread and needle;
  • black beads;
  • yellow tape.

Operating procedure

  1. We will make a pattern for the bag - we will cut out the detail of the bag from paper, as well as the details of the muzzle, nose and ear.

  2. Fold the bright pink polka-dot felt in half and redraw the bag pattern on it. Cut out the bag along the outlined lines and straighten it.

  3. Cut out the face of a rabbit out of light yellow felt.

  4. Cut out the nose and two ears from light pink felt.

  5. We sew the details of the ears with pink threads to the detail of the bag.

  6. We sew bead eyes to the detail of the rabbit's face with black threads, and with pink threads we sew the nose and embroider the mouth.

  7. Sew the muzzle to the detail of the bag with light yellow threads.

  8. Fold the detail of the bag in half and sew the ears and sides with pink threads. We will not sew up the space between the ears - through it we will fill the bag with sweets.

  9. Put candy and Easter eggs in a bag, take a light yellow ribbon and tie the bunny ears.

  10. The Easter bag is ready. You can make a whole set of Easter felt bags of different colors so that everyone who comes to visit you on Easter gets such an unusual gift.