Why are consanguineous marriages dangerous and harmful? Blood marriage...

In addition to violation of religious, cultural and socio-ethical norms and rules that oblige people to maintain the purity of kinship, consanguineous unions carry a huge number of medical problems, leading to the complete degeneration of the genus associated with genetic changes.

History of degeneration

The desire to resist forbidden relationships has been observed among many peoples since antiquity: the Germans, Australians, and even the ancient Greeks resorted to various tricks that contribute to the eradication of sinful unions. There are cases in history when children were forcibly separated from their parents, guided by the best intentions.

In Roman and Catholic law, ties were considered incest, the line of kinship of which could be traced to the knee established by the church, it was forbidden to marry half-brothers and sisters, direct relatives.

Incest was also considered joining the union of spiritual relatives.

In ancient Germany, such acts were punishable by criminal law and included all marriages between relatives of the ascending and descending line. France of the 17th century turned a blind eye to this kind of alliances, punishing only attempts on the honor of minors. In Russia, family marriages were promised by exile to Siberia, imprisonment or confinement in a monastery, many states of modern America do not recognize the legality of marriages even of cousins, the laws of the country introduced fines and punishments through imprisonment. In Russia, even today it is forbidden to enter into and register marriages between close relatives.

Consequences of incest

It is believed that incest leads to serious diseases that are inherited. Deafness, blindness, various forms of deformity, genetic abnormalities and mental disorders are the result of marriage of relatives by blood. Children with disabilities since childhood are many times more likely to be born to close relatives who have entered into marriage.

Ancient Egypt, for example, did not prohibit such unions; the Inca tribes also resorted to family marriages.

Numerous studies have not confirmed a direct connection between the detected deviations of children and the relationship of their parents, however, recently the discovered and promulgated laws of Mendel's genetics have proved that any genetic changes and latent diseases are more likely to manifest and be inherited as a result of marriage of native people. It is believed that a harmful recessive gene can lead to the complete degeneration of the offspring of a particular line, making it not viable.

It is believed that incest, which is the result of marriages between relatives today, is a disease of the socially dangerous groups, the poor, however, as practice shows, such violations are not uncommon among representatives of the upper strata of society.

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Advice 2: Why marriages between close relatives are prohibited

Marriage between close relatives, called incest or incest, is forbidden in all states and condemned in all cultures as one of the most heinous acts.

The ancient Greek myth of Oedipus, the Karelian-Finnish legend of Kullervo - in all these plots, incest appears as a serious sin, inflicting, and sometimes not only on the sinner himself, but also on those around him. It is noteworthy that for both heroes incest was not conscious - Oedipus did not know that Jocasta was his mother, Kullervo did not know that he had fallen in love with his sister - but this does not save anyone from retribution.

Modern ban on consanguineous marriages

The prohibition of incest in the modern world is based on genetic data.

Defective genes that cause deafness, blindness, cystic fibrosis and other congenital pathologies are recessive in most cases. In other words, for such a gene to manifest itself, it must be inherited from both parents. Otherwise, a person is born a carrier of a genetic defect, but not sick.

In a family where there is a defective gene, all people are its carriers. If a man and a woman from such a family marry, the probability of having a child with a double defective gene increases dramatically. Of course, even in a normal marriage, it happens that two carriers of a defective gene meet, but the probability of such an event is negligible.

Thus, the ban on consanguineous marriages prevented genetic pathologies.

An ancient prohibition against incest

Of course, ancient people did not know anything about genes and chromosomes, however, a ban on marriage with relatives existed. This is reminiscent not only of the already mentioned terrible mythological stories, but also where the hero always goes for the bride "to the distant kingdom." Initially, it was about the territory where a foreign clan lives - it is impossible to choose a bride in one's own clan. This practice was called exogamy.

Paradoxically, exogamy did not protect against closely related ties. If two clans, in relative proximity to each other, regularly exchange brides for many years, then a representative of a foreign clan may be a cousin of a man, and with a girl from his own clan it may be very distant (in the modern world, even aristocrats may not know such relatives). ).

Ancient exogamy pursued quite different aims. It was designed to eliminate strife due to within the tribal community. On the other hand, exogamy contributed to the establishment of friendly relations between clans, overcoming the initial isolation of the ancient clan - after all, exogamy did not appear immediately.

Initially, the ancient one was a closed system, people preferred not to deal with other clans. It was the era of endogamy - intra-clan marriages. The memory of her is also preserved in folklore and epic. For example, the daughters of the biblical hero Lot enter into intimacy with their father - and no heavenly punishment comprehends them for this, on the contrary, their sons, conceived in such an unnatural way, give rise to two tribes.

Endogamy did not lead to degeneration, because a woman of her kind was not always a native or even a cousin. But in a later era, the custom of endogamy, remaining "at the pinnacle of power", turned into a marriage between and sisters. So did, for example, the Egyptian pharaohs - the genus of "living gods" should not have been related to anyone.


  • Negative consequences of closely related marriages on the example of the Darwin family

If at least a century ago in society the marriage bond was considered something sacred, then in the modern world moral principles are much simpler. The sexual revolution has taken its toll. That is why such a phrase as “open marriage” no longer surprises anyone.

Legal side of the issue

Marriage is regulated by legal acts. First of all, it concerns property and legal relations. Sexual relations are not included here, and depending on certain social and religious principles, the approach to them may differ in different cultures.

This is exactly what spouses living in an open marriage think: their union is officially registered, they jointly decide on domestic issues, raising children, increasing private property, but there are a huge number of nuances that are a personal matter for everyone. Including sexual relations on the side.

In fact, this type of relationship cannot be called new. It was quite common many centuries ago, especially among the wealthy segments of the population, since social principles obliged them to choose a life partner among people of their circle. Such spouses lived together, accompanied each other to public events, had children, but, in addition, each of them had his own personal life. The main thing is that each of them feel as comfortable as possible.

Psychological aspect

Some initially strive for an open relationship, others come to this in the process of family life. Such behavior is explained by the desire to preserve privacy, personal space, but at the same time have a family and children. In addition, according to supporters of open marriage, it is much easier to build a life with the same person, allowing yourself some liberties on the side than to get divorced every time and enter into a new relationship based on the canons of fidelity. This is just a way of existence, which everyone chooses for himself.

In modern society, wealthy people, businessmen, and the bourgeois often enter into open marriages. There are such couples among the stars of show business. The most striking example is the marriage of actress Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, Gwyneth Paltrow with Chris Martin.

There are families that, at a certain period, switch to relationships of the type of open marriage. Fatigue from each other affects, conflicts and scandals arise more and more often, therefore, at the family council, a decision is made to live separately for some time. Still, it's better than getting a divorce without having time to think it all over. According to a number of psychologists, such a respite will help you understand yourself and understand whether you really want to continue living together, or is it better to leave forever.

Recent genetic studies say that distant relatives can marry without serious risk to offspring. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the moral aspect, the religious attitude to this issue and some scientific facts of medicine.

Everyone remembers Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Nowadays, love relationships between distant relatives, especially between cousins ​​and sisters, sometimes lead to conflicts between their parents or condemnation of others. Relatives of both families turn into Montagues and Capulets. In this article, we will find out whether relatives can marry or not, and why.

Recent genetic studies state that cousins ​​have a 1.9% risk of having sick children. This is no reason to call such unions a tragedy. Arno Motulsky's textbook on genetics covers this topic in more detail. It is necessary once again to undergo the necessary consultation, and all cases. Therefore, you should not worry.

The moral side of the issue

Many, oddly enough, are concerned about the issue of morality. In Australia, a demonstration was held, which demanded the repeal of a law prohibiting marriage between cousins ​​and sisters. Let's take a look at two such situations.

Brother and sister live in the same house. One apartment - one family. And the second apartment is the second family. Cousins ​​and sisters communicate and frolic every day. And they treat each other like family. Naturally, even if they are not cousins, but fourth cousins, there can be no talk of any love.

But there is also a second option. Let's say two people live in different families. My cousin has arrived. And her brother offered her to go skating or made a free tour of the city. Sometimes there are situations when schoolchildren of the eighth grade came to their grandmother. And the three days spent together left an indelible impression. People love each other with all their hearts. But something is stopping them from being there.

For some, such relationships are unacceptable, but for some they are quite natural. People decided to officially seal the relationship with the bonds of Hymen, and spend the best years of their lives together. Well, let's talk about genetics at the end of the article. Everything seems to be shaping up great. But many relatives, even if they are second cousins, cannot overcome the barrier of morality. They are tormented by questions: “What will people say?”, “Parents will condemn us”, “The Church believes that this is a sin.” So let's look at the situation from the religious side.

Church attitude

The Qur'an allows marriages between uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, relations between cousins ​​and sisters. Previously, the Orthodox Church officially and without special rituals married cousins. But with the advent of communism, something changed, and it began to be considered a sin. So, the Orthodox Church in our time considers the joint life of cousins ​​\u200b\u200bto be a sin.

And the Catholic Church looks at these marriages through the finger. Any certificate is suitable for marriage. And in some countries it is customary to marry Catholics between cousins ​​and sisters. Watch Mexican TV series. In the books The Count of Monte Cristo, War and Peace, love between cousins ​​took place.

The Protestant Church places no restrictions on the relationship between cousins ​​and sisters. Sometimes marriages are allowed between an uncle and a niece, or between an aunt and a nephew. The main thing is that they love each other, and before the wedding there was no bed. However, in Protestant countries there is a criminal liability for sexual intercourse between the closest relatives. For example, in Germany, if a brother and sister, mother and son, father and daughter gave birth to a child, they face up to three years in prison.

If anyone wants to take a responsible approach to this issue and have a continuation of the family with their soulmate, they are worried about the likelihood of having sick children. Now, finally, there remains the desire to have normal children.

What do geneticists say?

In every married couple, if they do not have common ancestors, there is a chance of having a sick child from 3 to 6 percent, depending on the ecological situation of the environment. To this percentage must be added the risk of sick children as a result of the presence of common genes.

The inbreeding coefficient shows the percentage of common genes. It is calculated according to the following formula:

where m is the number of common relatives, n is the number of probands.

Once the coefficient of common relationship is found, we know what the probability of a collision of common genes is. And then the laws of Mendel work. 25% sick children, 50% carriers and 25% healthy children. This means that when calculating the probability of the appearance of sick offspring, the inbreeding coefficient must be divided by another 4. Roughly speaking, the number of sick children is four times less than the inbreeding coefficient. Arm yourself with elementary mathematics and exponentiation. Carriers will never show themselves, so they can be neglected.

Here we do not consider incest marriages (father - daughter, mother - son, brother and sister, having two common parents). With such marriages, inbreeding is 25%, and the probability of having a freak is about 20%. Why take the risk?

In traditional families, where the parents are not relatives, the risk of sick children, according to various sources, is 3-6%. For simplicity of calculations, we accept the possibility of the birth of a healthy baby 95% (in families where the parents are not relatives).

And finally, let's look at a few examples.

Uncle - niece (or aunt - nephew)

The uncle's common ancestors are mom and dad (for a niece, this is grandma and grandpa). The inbreeding coefficient is 2 × (1/2) 3+1 = 1/8 = 12.5%.

Stepbrother and sister, having only one common parent, have the same indicators.

The inbreeding coefficient is (1/2) 2+1 = 1/8 = 12.5%. This means that the probability of diseased offspring is the same for all such unions.

The number of sick children = 3.125% (4 times less than the inbreeding coefficient). Statistics say that the risk of disease is from 3 to 6 percent. In a word, taking into account all the necessary factors, 8 - 12% of sick children, or 88 - 92% of healthy offspring. You can have children, but you need to undergo a genetic examination. In the following examples, the number of common ancestors is 2. And after the inbreeding coefficient is found, it must be divided by 4.

Marriage between cousins

The inbreeding coefficient is 2 × (1/2) 4+1 = 1/16 = 6.25%.

The number of sick children = 1.56% (25% if 2 common genes did collide, which is unlikely). In Japan, where cousin marriage is accepted in some regions, the risk of disease is only 1.9 percent. If the parents are cousins, there will be 93% of absolutely normal children. Almost nothing threatens health, marry health.

Keep in mind that in a particular case, if the parents identical twins children cannot be born. The risk is the same as in incest marriages (20% of sick children). Well, fortunately, that hasn't happened yet. If your parents are not identical twins, Everything will be ok. A female geneticist in the news believes that the ban on marriages between cousins ​​and sisters is discrimination against ordinary people.

Cousin uncle and niece

Let's consider a situation where a niece decided to marry her great uncle. Number of probands = 5 (2 generations from an uncle to his grandmother and 3 generations to his niece). Calculate the coefficient of inbreeding. 2 × (1/2) 5+1 = 1/32 = 3.125%. Number of sick children = 0.78%. Well, go to genetics or not, you decide.

Second cousins ​​and sister

Common ancestors - great-grandparents. Hence, the number of probands = 6 (3 tribes from brother to common ancestor and 3 tribes to sister). Number of common relatives = 2. Calculate the inbreeding coefficient: 2 × (1/2) 6+1 = 1/64 = 0.0157. Number of sick children = 0.39%. That is, second cousins ​​\u200b\u200band sisters can have children without thinking about the consequences. No need to consult a geneticist.

P.S. So, the possibility of having a normal child is this:

  • Uncle and niece - from 88 to 92%;
  • Cousins ​​- 93%;
  • Second cousins ​​- 94.61%;
  • Traditional families - 95%.

In some textbooks on genetics, the probability of sick children in second cousin and sister marriages coincides with the background risks. We recommend that you read textbooks by Arno Motulsky and K. Stern about human genetics at your leisure.

It is well known that the royal families of all Europe were in very close relationship, and yet the monarchs preferred to marry and get married in "their circles." “Here are arrogant fools, with some contempt we think about the ancient rulers. Even the peasants understood that it was impossible to take a wife from their village, otherwise the offspring would go sick and weak.” And in every village there were wise grandmothers who knew the genealogy of each up to the sixth generation and calculated whether the young were related by blood. Is it really only arrogance and the desire to keep wealth with them that forced "stupid" aristocrats to avoid unequal marriages with representatives of the lower strata of society, and the ancient Egyptian pharaohs to marry their own sisters? Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Clean line

Do you know how elite horses are bred? They cross close relatives who have the desired quality, in this case agility, and look who was born. Those animals that do not possess the necessary trait are culled, and they do not leave offspring. The rest continue to mate with each other. When at last all foals are born frisky and steadily pass this trait to the next generations, a “clean line” appears. True, nature needs to pay for any exceptional dignity. All horses are nervous, quick-tempered, sensitive, and most importantly, their immunity suffers, and they get sick more often than leisurely hardworking horses.

The next task is to dilute the clean line with fresh blood, introduce some hardy, simple horse into it to give the descendants vitality. So the noble breed is ready for you - fast, sensitive, impressionable, fragile and smart. "Purebloods!" proudly say the owners.

People in this sense are not much different from animals. The purpose of family marriages between rulers and among aristocrats was a justified desire to get a “clean line” with one single main sign - an indomitable thirst for power and the ability to firmly hold and defend it. Aristocrats passed down from generation to generation not only the graceful shape of the foot with a high instep, thin bone and miniature hands, but also a hereditary talent for virtuoso possession of edged weapons and the art of riding. Those who fenced and pranced insufficiently successfully died in the very first battles and did not have time to leave offspring, because they had to participate in military campaigns from the age of fifteen.

Condition for survival

In royal families, among palace intrigues and conspiracies, in the struggle for the crown, not the strongest physically survived, but the most intelligent, cunning and treacherous, eager to rule more than anything in the world. The stupid and simple-hearted, even if they were strong in body, were quickly poisoned or destroyed with a blade, there was nothing stupid to sit on the throne. Quite often, sick and half-mad people remained at the top, but they were willing and able to rule. In the Habsburg dynasty, Philip II of Spain first married a cousin, then married a cousin-niece, Philip III was also married to a cousin, Philip IV to his niece. Emperors tortured palace cats, suffered from paranoia, severe migraines, and ruled for the glory of their state.

The degeneration of the royal family is manifested not so much by physical suffering and vivid mental pathology as by the lack of will to power. What an exemplary and kind family man the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II was, as well as the last French king Louis the Sixteenth, but both unfortunate rulers did not possess statesmanship and did not crave to rule, that's where the real trouble is for the monarch, and not some kind of hemophilia (disease blood, inherited by the son of Nicholas from the English royal line) with madness.

But the peasant is not born with a bast

Other tasks were faced by ordinary peasant people, and the problem of offspring was solved in a different way. Ten healers and nannies looked after the royal sick child. They dressed him, shod him, did not let him move a finger: "Just rule us, your majesty." In the countryside, the people had other values ​​in use: they needed a physically strong, hardy worker. It was not the smartest who survived, but the strongest and healthiest. There were no ten nannies, no one devoted himself to caring for a sickly and frail child, everyone worked hard from dawn to dusk in order to survive. And the more babies were born in the family, the more workers there were. Therefore, from related marriages that could bring a sick, disabled child or leave no offspring at all, there was absolutely no sense for ordinary people.

Almost family and very close

Tender feelings often flare up between cousins ​​​​and sisters. Kinship provides a similarity of interests and character and at the same time maintains a certain distance, allowing sexual attraction to arise. The famous Russian composer Igor Stravinsky has been friends with his cousin Katya Nosenko since the age of ten. The Orthodox Church theoretically forbade marriages up to the fourth degree of kinship, even between second cousins, but practically turned a blind eye to such unions, and the young, without going into details, were married by a rural priest in a small church near St. Petersburg. A year later, the first-born was born in the family, then three more healthy children, and the Stravinskys lived happily ever after in marriage.

When you need to think carefully

In ordinary marriages, the chance of having a child with a congenital pathology ranges from two to four percent, with related marriages from four to six percent. The difference is not so great as to be taken seriously and deny yourself the happiness of having children. The situation is completely different with hereditary diseases that are transmitted from parents to children and appear only when the gene with the defect is received from both mom and dad. The closer the relatives, the more they have the same genes, and among them with the same rare disease among the rest of the population. In this case, the probability of having a sick baby in a “cousin” marriage is one-eighth or even more.

A few years ago, a real tragedy unfolded before my eyes in a St. Petersburg clinic. A forty-year-old woman was visiting her fifteen-year-old daughter in the hospital, who had inherited from her father a rare hereditary disease of muscular dystrophy and gradual intellectual decline. Mom always carried family photographs in her purse: a handsome man in the uniform of a sea captain with a lovely girl in bows and lace on board a white ship. “These are my husband and daughter before the illness.”

The couple were originally from Dagestan, where family marriages are still very popular and where such a disease is quite common. Therefore, entering into a related marriage and thinking about children, do not be too lazy to compile a detailed family tree indicating all the diseases that your relatives suffered from, and go to a medical genetic consultation. Hear what the professionals have to say. If a hereditary disease is detected in the family, it is very important which one. Perhaps the risk of severe neurological suffering can keep a child from having a baby, the risk of schizophrenia and epilepsy makes you think, while a high probability of inheriting diabetes or migraine at the current level of medical development is unlikely to interfere with parental happiness.

No two families are alike happy

Impartial science asserts that in consanguineous marriages many intelligent and brilliant children are born, many mentally and physically ill children, and few average ones. This rule is confirmed by the history of European Jews, who lived in isolation and welcomed "cousin" unions in their midst. The eldest son of Albert Einstein from his first wife was capable and intelligent, the youngest suffered from severe depression and ended his days in a psychiatric clinic. The second time, Einstein married his uncle's daughter, and the couple did not dare to have common children.

The decision to refuse to have a child is not a sentence to a family union.

Family marriages have been around for a very long time. Previously, people were forced to enter into a blood marriage in order to preserve the clan, the nation. Basically, in ancient times, this happened after serious wars, when some peoples were on the verge of extinction. Later, monarchs began to conclude family alliances in order to maintain power and family wealth. A similar trend was observed in remote areas of the population, for example, on small islands or mountain ranges. But over time, marriages between relatives became less and less, although in Asian countries the percentage of blood unions is still high.

Sexual relations between relatives have always had many complaints, both from a moral and ethical point of view, and from a spiritual point of view. The prohibition on such relationships exists in many religions. All today's secular states have a law prohibiting first-line relatives (parents and children, brothers and sisters) from having sexual relations. But alliances between distant relatives are all concluded. The authorities of democratic countries have no right to prohibit this, since such an action would be an interference in the privacy of citizens. But why is family marriage really so dangerous?

The Secret of the Dangers of Blood Marriages

Explaining the true evil of blood ties is not that difficult. Surely it is no secret to anyone that unhealthy children are often born in such families. Babies are born with serious anomalies, defects and deviations. And it's all about family genetics.

The fact is that in the body of each of us there are thousands of different genes. Among them are the genes for diseases. But they are divided into two main groups: active and passive. If, for example, in your family, most of your maternal relatives suffered from hypertension, then the group of genes responsible for this disease is considered active and there is a high probability that this disease will also manifest itself in you. But there are also genes that are in "sleep mode", they can be passed on to people from generation to generation, but do not manifest themselves in any way. Thus, it turns out that blood relatives are always carriers of certain disease-causing genes, both active and passive.

For example, a person may be a carrier of the passive gene for Down Syndrome. Almost 100% chance that all his blood relatives also have the same damaged cells. But at the same time, there are no patients in the related line. In a non-blood marriage, the passive gene will lose its strength even more, and the likelihood that a child with Down syndrome will be born in the family is practically excluded. But when, on the contrary, relatives enter into marriage, the strength of the damaged gene doubles, and the birth of diseased offspring increases by many percent. The more certain diseases in the family line, the more unhealthy a child can be born to a related couple. That is why medicine in every possible way calls for avoiding related sexual relations, especially the birth of offspring from such unions.

Scientists say that healthier and more beautiful children are most often born from people of different nationalities. This is due to the fact that each nation has its own genetic set and it is completely different. When two races merge, the “blood is refreshed”, the body receives a completely new, unique set of genes and a child is born with improved mental and physical qualities.

Today, marriages between relatives are still made, although their number is decreasing every year. The largest share of such unions is in Asian countries. This trend is associated with the traditions of some peoples, mental foundations, low level of education and enlightenment among the population. In most cases, the initiators of blood marriages are parents, forcing their children to enter into a union, even against their own will. In the culture of the Eastern peoples, children are forbidden to contradict the will of their parents, and they are forced to submit.

Most often, adults are guided by selfish goals, forcing their child to marry a relative. This is how people solve their material and other problems without thinking at all about the fate of their children. But in such families, then sick children are often born, there is no love between spouses, or even it comes to divorce.

But fortunately, such cases are becoming less and less. Increasing medical and general literacy among the population, which is increasing every year in many developing countries, reduces the likelihood of such situations. Every adult should understand how dangerous blood marriage can be. After all, not only spouses who have entered into such an alliance can suffer, but also their children, who with a high degree of probability will inherit serious illnesses.

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Every couple who decides to get married dreams that their wedding will be a memorable and unique event not only for them, but for all those present at the event. To prepare such an event, the newlyweds will have to think through a lot of details from the color scheme of jewelry to the presenter and musicians.
The color scheme of the event is one of the most important components of a stylish and unique wedding. After all, it is she who will provide your celebration with uniqueness and at the same time reveal all the stylistic preferences of the newlyweds. Fashion extends not only to shoes, dresses, suits, accessories and interiors, but also to weddings. It is the fashionable wedding trends of 2018 that we will talk about in our article.

Wedding colors 2018

In 2018, the fashion for aristocratic sophistication and naturalness is still relevant. Bright, poisonous and artificial colors have not been able to win back the pedestal from naturalness and naturalness for many years now. Therefore, stylists advise using the delicate colors of young spring grasses and green leaves, clear river and sea waters for decoration. However, if you cannot live without bright colors, designers allow you to dilute calm colors with richer and deeper tones.

The black

Yes, yes, you heard right. This color accent is back in fashion. Classic monochrome, the designers assure, gives a special touch of sophistication, and bright flowers, which have been very popular lately, will help you not get bored in monotony. Black color is deservedly called the color of fine taste - it will add mystical mystery and elegance to your wedding. However, designers note that in order for the black color not to appear too flat, it should have a deep undertone of graphite or blueberry.

Dark blue

Dark blue or as designers call it “navy blue” is another undisputed fashion favorite of 2018 weddings, which has a high authority among stylists. The deep and pure shade of blue in which the uniforms of the navy officers are painted confers calmness, creates a feeling of reliability and can bring coolness even on the hottest summer day. This beautiful color is perfect for classic weddings with a touch of conservatism. The bridesmaids' outfits in dark blue colors will wonderfully set off the snow-white dress of the bride.

pearl gray

In 2018, this color is especially loved by wedding event designers. Even psychologists like this color for the sense of stability and security that it gives. However, it should be borne in mind that gray shades must be more saturated in order to set off the bride's white dress!
You can play with this color in various ways, for example, gray bridesmaid dresses and a groom's suit will only emphasize the elegance of the celebration. Want to add bright spots? Combine it with a juicy orange or soft dogwood tone. If your goal is a conservative and elegant celebration, add a few elements in catchy silver to the decor.

yellow primrose

This is the name of a certain shade of yellow - a fairly bright color. It gives spring freshness and fills hearts with joy, which should accompany the newlyweds on this beautiful day. This color is perfect for those newlyweds who want their wedding to be noisy, fun, with many exciting contests and games. A pure shade of yellow goes well with classic white, but if the bride is dressed in an ivory tone dress, it is advisable to refuse the yellow primrose in the design.

Splashes of champagne

This traditional wedding dress color is once again at the peak of popularity. In 2018, this color is considered one of the basic ones and should be light with a subtle pink, a shade of gold. If you opt for this exquisite and romantic color, stylists advise you to give up white as much as possible or keep it exceptionally clean, as insufficiently white objects will look inexpressive and dirty.

Since ancient times, flowers have served as decoration for the most significant life events. Girls stuck wild flowers in their hair and wove them into wreaths to decorate their heads. This love for fresh flowers remains to this day, only in modern society, bouquets are used instead of wreaths.

Choosing a wedding bouquet is a rather pleasant process, as it fills the girl's heart with happy emotions associated with the approach of the most beautiful day of her life. Plunging headlong into all the variety of shapes and shades, the future bride can easily get lost among the flower arrangements, and as a result, get not exactly what she wanted.

In order not to get into such a situation, florists recommend getting acquainted with the main types of wedding bouquets, finding out how they are arranged and what they are intended for. As you know, flowers have their own language of color, with which you can convey feelings and emotions. Therefore, the girl will feel her bouquet with her heart.

Variety of wedding bouquets

Models of wedding bouquets are created for a certain image and style. Therefore, they are quite different from each other. Let's try to figure out which images suit this or that wedding bouquet.

A cascading bouquet looks perfect against the backdrop of a long dress. A composition of this type resembles a flower waterfall, which bursts out of the hands of the bride in a stormy stream and gently flows down the ampelous inflorescences along the wedding skirt.

Biedermeier has the shape of a hemisphere. Today it is the most demanded bouquet among brides. This composition has a round shape, which is achieved due to the dense arrangement of buds. Different colors are closed in separate rings that are inserted into each other. From the side, such a bouquet resembles a glass on an elegant stem. There are also asymmetric glasses, from which a flower drink is accidentally spilled. This effect is achieved due to hanging plants.

An ideal balloon bouquet, which is attached to the bride's wrist with a silk ribbon or pearl thread. The hands of the bride throughout the celebration remain free. An impeccable geometric shape is achieved by dense placement of buds in a port bouquet. A fluffy ball looks very coquettish and is most often purchased for short wedding dresses.

A bridal bouquet in the form of a fan will give the image an aristocratic touch. Such a model is considered a very successful solution, since the bride on her wedding day really resembles a beautiful princess who coquettishly hides behind a floral decoration.

A bouquet designed in the form of a muff is a good combination of an old accessory and a fashionable floral solution. The girl's hands seem to be dipped into a luxurious flower arrangement. As a basis for such a bouquet, you can take a fur clutch, which, in addition to a decorative function, will play a practical role in the winter.

Floral arrangements in the form of an umbrella, basket or handbag. Such models are made on a special frame using a porta bouquet. The bride, who is going to become a mother in the near future, can order a wedding bouquet in the form of a small baby stroller. Such a flower arrangement is placed on any surface.

Bouquet Glamelia is a true work of art. It is harvested by hand from many individual petals of various plants. Such a model can have absolutely any shape. In the hands of the bride miraculously is a large expressive heart or a pair of swans in love.

Strict bouquet on long stems. This accessory is also called the "imperial baton", as it really resembles the solemn symbol of the royal person. The bride should hold such a bouquet vertically. Flowers and stems in the composition are practically not decorated with anything, due to this the bouquet looks very natural.

The flower bracelet with cascading elements is rather miniature in size. It is placed on the girl's wrist, while her hands remain completely free. This model is ordered for a short dress. A bracelet made of fresh flowers will be a perfect illustration of a girl's refined taste.

Most popular bouquets

Depending on the fashion trend, wedding bouquets have their own line of popularity. In a certain season, florists focus on trendy models that best correspond to a particular period of the year. For example, a bridal bouquet of peonies - from Dutch gardeners - bloom all year round, which means you can order them even in winter.

When creating new types, designers quite often use non-traditional materials. Soft toys, dry berries, polymer clay, ribbons and lace are just a few of the decorations that can turn a wedding bouquet into a work of art. Usually it is these bouquets that remain in memory for a long time, and compete with classic models. Thanks to the imagination of brides, charming new bouquets are born, which in turn can become trendsetters in floral fashion.

When buying a wedding bouquet, it is worth remembering that the main quality criterion is always the freshness of the flower. Plants will have to be tested by outdoor conditions, a banquet table and a hot room. Therefore, before you buy a bridal bouquet, you should pay special attention to the quality of the composition and the strength of the buds.

Why are consanguineous marriages dangerous and harmful?

Marriages between close relatives have long been considered undesirable and are prohibited by law and social custom in many countries. This is known, but even between a father and a daughter or a sibling, incest relationships are much more common than is commonly believed. Marriages between uncle and niece, cousin or second cousin and sister are quite common, although they are subject to social and religious restrictions in Europe, North America and other areas with Christian traditions, and in many traditionally Muslim Asian populations they are generally preferred. In our country, these traditions still make themselves felt in the republics of Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

What is the genetic danger of such marriages? If we remember that recessive diseases appear in families where both parents are carriers of the same harmful gene, this danger becomes more understandable. The fact is that most of the known recessive diseases are quite rare, and a coincidence in the carriage of the same genetic defect in both spouses is also a rare event. But if relatives marry, then the likelihood of such a coincidence increases dramatically.

This is explained quite simply. After all, blood relatives are relatives who have at least one, more often two, and sometimes more common ancestors. For example, cousins ​​have the same grandparents. And it was already mentioned above that every person is a carrier of at least one or two harmful recessive genes. Therefore, the pathological gene that the grandfather or grandmother had could well be passed on to both of their grandchildren, who, therefore, in this case will be carriers of the same harmful gene obtained from a common source.

Therefore, children from such married couples are much more likely to have various recessive diseases, and pregnancies often end in spontaneous abortions and stillbirths than in unrelated marriages. On the other hand, in burdened families, a clear relationship was noted between the frequency of recessive diseases and consanguineous marriages: the rarer the disease, the more often the parents of sick children turn out to be blood relatives. And one more dependence: the closer the degree of relationship between the spouses, the higher the risk of genetic complications for their offspring.