Why is the nail on the right middle finger cracking? What to do if the nails on the big toes are cracking and can such a phenomenon be prevented? What to do for treatment

It is very unpleasant if on a crucial and important day, when you want to look 100%, you understand that you will not be able to do a manicure, because one or even several nails cracked, broke or began to exfoliate.

Nail extension can correct the situation. However, this measure is temporary, since after the removal of the material, the health of the nails is further deteriorated.

A broken nail can be restored in a salon. But it is best to make sure that the nails do not have problems, then there will be no need to contact a manicure specialist.

Why do nails crack?

  • The nail is a hard stratum corneum, consisting of several layers of keratin, which are tightly attached to each other. Under the influence of various factors, gaps are formed between the layers. When foreign bodies enter them, the holes increase in size and the nails crack. The crack can be both along and across the nail plate.
  • Under what circumstances can finger or toenail injuries occur? Let's look at the most common reasons.
  • Mechanical damage to the nail. So, on the hands, cracked nails appear when working with aggressive household chemicals without gloves or when the manicure is performed incorrectly. Mechanical injuries can occur due to bruises, high stress on the nails during various activities in everyday life.
  • Weakening of immunity. Lack of vitamins, junk food, prolonged illness are the reasons for the weakening of the body's protective functions. These factors affect the appearance, for example, the condition of nails and hair worsens, they become more brittle.
  • Cracks in the nail plates occur with a fungus. This is especially true for toenails.
  • Appeal to non-professionals for nail extension. If the extension is made by a specialist who does not have sufficient knowledge, then the nail plate may crack under strong pressure.
  • Frequent staining of nails. Regular use of poor quality nail polish will weaken your nails. Over time, the nails will begin to flake and break.
  • Cracks in toenails are often caused by wearing tight shoes made of unnatural material.

As for the reasons for which cracks may appear, everything is more or less clear. Now it's worth figuring out how to solve the problems that have arisen.

If a crack appears on the nail plate, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, since the problem may lie in a fungal infection. The main thing is to establish the reason in time. If, for some reason, it is not possible to visit a doctor, then temporary measures must be taken here so that the crack does not grow. This can be done in several ways.

See a qualified nail professional. Within 5 minutes, he will be able to restore the nail with special compounds. The crack along the nail is repaired with silk. The longitudinal crack is the most difficult, as it grows as the nail grows. If the process of enlarging the crack did not stop during silk processing, then the master can offer strengthening with a special gel. Will glue the crack and accelerate the regeneration process of the nail biogel. A special protective layer is applied over the nail.

When a longitudinal crack appears, it is necessary to urgently take action, since when it grows, the painful sensations increase. Therefore, a crack along the nail requires immediate contact with a manicure specialist.

When a crack appears at a time when there is no opportunity to visit the master, then urgent temporary measures must be taken. With a longitudinal and transverse crack, they act in the same way. A colorless varnish is applied to the affected area. A small piece of paper napkin is applied on top, after the first layer has dried, cover the nail with two more layers of varnish. The cracked legs are restored in a similar way.

The injured toenail is glued according to the method described above and additionally fixed. This is done with the help of a bactericidal plaster, trying to place the adhesive base not in the place of damage. Baths with sea salt also contribute to the regeneration of cracked nails. The procedures are carried out daily for 15 minutes.

Folk recipes

  • If the nails are prone to cracking, then it is recommended to take gelatin for a month. It is worth paying attention to nutrition, a balanced composition will benefit the whole body and, in particular, nails. Eat more fermented milk products, cabbage, liver, almonds, dates, carrots, eggs, bell peppers, etc.
  • Olive oil contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements, so rubbing in and bathing with a few drops of lemon juice will have a beneficial effect on nails.
  • To care for your hands and cuticle area, you need to purchase special creams with proteins.
  • It is necessary to work with household detergents only with protective gloves.
  • Use salt baths as an effective remedy for treatment and prevention. Dissolve 3 tbsp in warm water. tablespoons of sea salt and dip your hands in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. Then grease your hands with a fat cream or oil.
  • According to folk healers, a decoction of oak bark helps well with cracks. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark are poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then close the lid and leave for 30 minutes. A cotton swab is abundantly moistened in the resulting solution, fingers are wrapped and fixed, then cotton gloves are put on and left overnight.

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Cracked fingernails can appear at any age. Why is this happening and how to deal with it at home?

It is necessary to determine the cause of the problem and try to prevent further destruction of the nail plate. Simple cosmetic "repair" of the crack can be done with glue or biogel.


Crack types:

  • Transverse. Dermatologists call this condition onychorexis. The reason is poor-quality manicure or exposure to chlorine-containing products on the hands are also possible.
  • Longitudinal. This state is called. Develops against the background of vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalance.
  • Internal. Marks inside the nail indicate mechanical damage or injury, read about. The photo below shows such a case.

The causes of cracked fingernails can be external or internal.

External factors

In winter, frost and dry air become the cause of cracks. To protect your hands from the negative effects of the environment, gloves should be worn before walking in cold weather.

Manicure consumables also often lead to splitting of the plates. For example, when using aggressive alkaline or acidic cuticle cleaners and acetone liquids to remove nail polish, nails turn yellow. After 1-2 days after that, thin cracks may appear on their surface.

After inaccurate build-up, cracks appear in 95% of cases. Acrylic or gel applied in violation of the extension technology begins to press on the nail plate, leading to its destruction. This procedure should only be done by a professional. Weak nail plates are recommended to be pre-strengthened with biogel.

Cracks often occur due to mechanical or chemical stress. In case of physical injury, the fingernail first darkens, and then may split along the plate.

Disorders in the body

A distinctive feature of such cracks is that they appear simultaneously on all nails and are accompanied by dry cuticles and skin on the fingers.

Internal factors:

  • Decreased immunity. The weakening of the protective functions of the body leads to malfunctions in all organ systems. This primarily affects the skin and nail plates.
  • Dehydration. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. With a lack of moisture, not only the skin suffers, but also the nails.
  • Hormonal Disorders. During pregnancy, breastfeeding and adolescence, the body undergoes drastic hormonal changes. If a person has any concomitant endocrine diseases, then in almost 90% of cases, hormonal imbalance affects the condition of the nails, skin and mucous membranes.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins E and A will instantly affect the appearance. Bioactive substances stimulate the regeneration of cells in all tissues of the body. Acute micronutrient deficiency leads to delamination of the plates. A distinctive feature of such cracks is that they appear across the nails and look like small notches.

Fungal diseases

A hand nail crack takes 2 weeks to 4 months to heal, depending on the cause of the problem. If the damage is deep and affects the blood vessels, then the tip of the finger should be wrapped with adhesive tape. This will prevent infection from getting in from the outside.

Cracks on the nails of the hands cause aesthetic discomfort and signal malfunctions in the body. This is a problem that both adults and children face.

It is important to establish the reason why cracks appeared on the nails in order to choose the most effective treatment methods. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct diagnostic procedures, identifying pathological changes in the body.


There are various reasons why the splitting of the nail has occurred. Often external factors are irritants, which include:

  • regular contact with household chemicals;
  • temperature regime;
  • prolonged contact of hands with water;
  • substandard cosmetics;
  • dirt under the nails;
  • mechanical damage.

By eliminating irritants, you can effectively and quickly solve the problem.

Other factors

The causes of cracked fingernails can cause internal irritants:

  • elevated blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • intake of an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins into the body;
  • liver disease;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress, depression, neurosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the nail cracks along the plate on the hands, the patient is diagnosed with onychorexis. This is a pathological disease that is associated with degenerative processes in the human body. The disease is characterized by cracking of the nail surface only along.

The plate can split into thin, small pieces in one area or completely break along its entire length. This feature can be seen in the photo by looking for information on the Internet. If you do not start treating the disease in a timely manner, severe pain and discomfort appears.

Single cracks on the finger can be corrected with a manicure. If the cleavage occupies a large surface of the nail surface, you should urgently visit a doctor.


If the cause is precisely established, the treatment of a crack in the hand nail is allowed to be carried out at home on their own.


If the problem of cracking is associated with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to drink the vitamin complex with a course. It is important to review your diet. To replenish the body with calcium, it is worth using: fermented milk products, nuts, oatmeal. If there is a lack of vitamin A, the table should contain: carrots, apples, squash, peaches.

Iron deficiency is replenished with liver, legumes, cereals, herbs, corn. If there is a longitudinal line on the thumb, it is important to consume Omega-3 fats. There are many of them in fatty sea fish and seafood.

If the splitting is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B is needed. It is found in nuts, eggs, dried fruits, and cereals.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, pepper, cabbage. Do not forget about vitamin E, which is abundant in cereals, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, vegetable oils, and meat.

Folk remedies

A crack in the thumbnail can be effectively treated with traditional medicine.

Those who do not know how to treat the plate should try the following recipes:

  1. Pour 200 g of water into a container and add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sea ​​salt and soda. Mix the components thoroughly. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.
  2. If the cause of the cracking is a fungus, 2 glasses of water are poured into the container and 1 tbsp is diluted in it. l. salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep in hand for at least 30 minutes. You can use lavender, tea tree, or lemon essential oils.
  3. For minor cracks, mix 5 drops of iodine with a little salt. Apply this composition to the nail and fix the gruel with a plaster.
  4. To prevent the crack from enlarging, it is sealed with wax. It envelops the plate, prevents the crack from spreading further, protects the diseased nail from the aggressive effects of the external environment. To do this, you need to mix cosmetic wax with a little salt. This composition is applied in a warm form to the nail plate and the cracking site is sealed. There is no need to shoot the composition. The longer it stays on the surface, the faster the healing and regrowth of the new plate will occur.

The nail must be carefully trimmed as it grows.


If fungus is the cause of the cracking, medications can be used.

  • Nomidol + - due to the presence of beaver musk in its composition, the nail plate softens. This facilitates the penetration of oils made on the basis of medicinal plants: fireweed, which eliminates any cracks of any size; celandine with antiseptic properties; lemon balm, which kills pathogenic microorganisms and fungus; valerian, which relieves irritation; horseradish, string and kombucha, which disinfect the surface of the nail plate.
  • Lacqueril varnish is the latest development, which is a varnish coating. The main component of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride, which helps to protect and restore the affected plate. Apply the product every 10 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment ranges from 6 months to a year.
  • Exoderil - This remedy is produced in the form of drops and ointment. The main active ingredient is the antifungal agent naftifine. The drug relieves inflammation, has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Effectively treats onychomycosis. Apply the drug to the affected areas twice a day.

The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 6 months.

Prevention of cracks

  • when using household chemicals or when cleaning, protect your hands with gloves;
  • after contact with water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands;
  • use products for nail surfaces;
  • keep your hands warm in winter and windy weather;
  • introduce foods containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals into the diet.


Proper and regular hand care is an important component. But if problems arise, do not ignore them. Finding out the cause of the cracks and starting timely treatment, you can avoid serious complications in the future.

A person's nails can be regarded as an indicator that shows the state of the body. If cracks appear on the nails of the feet or hands, then this may indicate the development of serious pathological processes. Having found such a problem in themselves, people should consult a doctor who, after examination, will name the cause of the damage and prescribe constructive treatment.

The main reasons for the appearance of cracks in the nails

When thinking about why nails crack, people should consider all possible causes of damage:

  • Mechanical impact. Due to the layered structure, the nails on the legs and hands cannot withstand stress. As a result, they crack and break off.
  • Diseases of infectious etiology. A cracked toenail can be due to eczema, fungus, or psoriasis.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Due to the lack of nutrients, many people have cracked and crumbled nails.
  • Poor manicure and pedicure. Violation by the master of the technology for processing the nail plates can lead to their crumbling, delamination and cracking.
  • Household chemicals. Prolonged hand contact with detergents, especially those containing bleach, leads to cracks in the nails.
  • Violation of the root part. A cracked nail is often the result of matrix abnormalities.
  • Blood diseases, mental disorders.

Young children can have cracked nails too. This is most likely due to a lack of vitamins and calcium. At this age, the nail plates grow very quickly, which is why they are injured. Parents need to carefully monitor their condition and cut their hair at the right time. You should also review the baby's diet and introduce healthy products into it, such as buckwheat, cottage cheese, fruits, etc.

What to do with a cracked nail

If a person has all the nail plates damaged, he will not be able to cope with the problem on his own. He needs to immediately go to a medical institution and get advice. In the event that a nail with a crack spontaneously grows, very soon it will creep to the sides. A person will experience severe pain syndrome due to contact with the halves of the nail plate.

If a small crack has formed on the nail, then the first thing a person can do is to apply biogel to the entire surface of the plate. This tool performs not only protective functions, but also has a beneficial effect on damaged tissues, contributing to their early recovery. You can also cover the entire cracked nail with acrylic, which will seal the damage and prevent further delamination.

In the case when the nail on the finger of the hand cracked in the middle and after that began to crumble, a person cannot do without qualified help. He should contact a manicurist, who will carefully file the damage and seal it with shellac.

First aid when a crack appears

Very often, nail plates are injured at home when people do housework. If they are faced with this problem, they need to try to glue it with ordinary varnish, and then sign up with their manicure master:

  • the entire surface of the nail plate is carefully sanded with a nail file;
  • after the nail has become smooth, it is varnished;
  • you need to wait until the first layer of varnish is completely dry, after which a piece of silk fabric is glued to the surface, on top of which a layer of glue is applied;
  • after the glue dries, you need to remove all excess silk fabric, and apply another layer of glue to the surface; as soon as the fabric is securely fixed on the damaged nail plate, its glued surface should be sanded and covered with ordinary varnish.

This method uses a silk cloth, but if it is not available, a paper napkin can be used. Such a "cosmetic repair" will be effective within 24 hours, after which you need to contact a manicure master. If the nail plate has been damaged on the toe, the specialist will perform a professional pedicure. It includes cleaning the feet from coarse epithelium, and the treatment of all nails.

Cracks as a result of infectious diseases

If the cause of the cracking of the nail plates is a fungal infection or skin disease, then only a mycologist or dermatologist can help solve the problem. The doctor will conduct a set of diagnostic measures, prescribe a number of laboratory tests. Such an examination is necessary because no specialist at the initial examination will be able to accurately determine a crumbling or cracked nail is the result of mechanical damage or some kind of hidden pathology.

If the tests showed that the patient has a fungal infection, then the course of therapy will be aimed at eliminating the pathogen. Treatment involves the use of medications and agents that have a local effect on the fungus. To protect the nail plates from further destruction, patients are advised to cover them with a special antifungal varnish. If the cause of the injury was nail dystrophy, then experts prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex for this category of patients. In parallel, people can use traditional medicine recipes that include compresses, baths and other healing potions.

Treatment with folk methods

If the nail plate is damaged, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • Glycerin mask. To prepare this product, you need to use a small amount of flour, honey, water (2 tablespoons) and glycerin (a few drops). After mixing all the components, a thick gruel should be obtained, which must be applied to the damaged site and left for 20 minutes.
  • Ointment based on celandine. To prepare this product, you need to put a handful of dried plant in a saucepan, and then add 1 glass of vegetable oil to it. All components must be mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. After that, the container must be removed from the stove and cooled slightly. Add beeswax (20 g) to the substance and stir everything until completely dissolved. You need to use this ointment regularly until complete healing.
  • Mummy, beeswax, etc.

Cracks on the nails of the hands appear as a result of the influence of external factors or internal diseases. The condition of the hands speaks not only of the quality of care, but also of the health of a person in general. Treatment of nail diseases requires a responsible approach.

Varieties of cracks

In a healthy person, marigolds have a pinkish tint and an even surface. White specks, cracks, and flaking are indicative of serious irregularities. There are several reasons for cracks on the nails. Distinctive features indicate the nature of their origin.

Cracks are:

  • transverse;
  • on the inside of the nail;
  • multiple;
  • single;

Longitudinal cracks are of a pathological origin. Its appearance is caused by internal malfunctions of the body. Transverse stripes provoke onychorexis. It is the result of injury or improper manicure. Marks on the inside of the plate are most often caused by mechanical damage.

Isolated symptoms should not trigger panic. To solve the problem, it is enough to repair the nail plate. The alarm should be beaten in case of multiple cracks. They also appear on the skin.

School-aged children are prone to nail problems. This is due to widespread.

The main causes of pathology

To understand why the appearance of marigolds changes, pay attention to your lifestyle. Poor nutrition, lack of fluid and addictions leave an imprint on a person's external data. The reasons for splitting the nail are divided into non-pathological and pathological.

The first include:

  • low level of care;
  • exposure to household chemicals;
  • substandard varnishes.

Grooves appear due to lack of proper care. Another reason is a violation of the rules for conducting a manicure. Not every nail file is suitable for this procedure. Opt for quality glass pieces. Do not file a steamed nail plate. This makes it thinner and leads to delamination.

Aggressive room cleaning chemicals can severely dry the skin and cuticles. Therefore, when using them, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves. Some varnishes have the same effect. They contain formaldehyde, which has a destructive effect not only on the marigold, but on the entire body as a whole. It is recommended to avoid using them.

Non-pathological causes of the disease are easy to eliminate. It is enough to get rid of the annoying factor. For pathological reasons, treatment is carried out from the inside.

These include the following:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • deviations in the work of the digestive tract;
  • eczema;
  • hormonal changes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis.

A crack in the thumbnail appears due to the physiological structure. The thumb performs a grasping function, so it is more susceptible to damage than others.

Doctors say that grooves on the thumb also occur with a lack of iron. The situation is complicated by the fact that the nail plate grows back much more slowly.

Medical treatments

Hand nail cracks are treated with both folk methods and medications. With vitamin deficiency, the intake of vitamin complexes is indicated.

But initially, an analysis is given that will show what the body needs. Grooves along the plate appear when there is a lack of vitamins E, A, C and B, as well as iron and calcium. In this case, it is required to introduce foods containing these substances into the diet.

With mycosis, antifungal drugs are prescribed. The symptoms of the disease are specific. They are easy to compare with photos on the Internet. Near the grooves are present, itching is possible and.

Among the drugs, the most effective are:

  • Nystatin;
  • Mycozoral;
  • Zalain;
  • Clotrimazole.

In case of hormonal disorders, appropriate therapy is performed. If the ailment occurs during pregnancy or with menopause, the situation will normalize over time without intervention.

In case of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system, a strict diet and drugs that stimulate peristalsis are prescribed.

Among them, the most in demand are:

  • Motilak,
  • Cerucal,
  • Motilium,
  • Itomed.

With diabetes mellitus, medications are taken to regulate glucose levels. It is also required to limit the consumption of foods containing sugar. Sometimes insulin shots are required.

If the nail plate is damaged, it is not necessary to cut it at the root. There are many ways to restore it.

Home Ways

Before finding out how to treat a disease, it is required to diagnose a specialist. Perhaps it is due to improper care or a reaction to chemicals.

If there are no serious pathologies in the body, the following methods will help:

  • Nourishing oils also have a firming effect.
  • A mask made of honey, flour and glycerin has a regenerating effect. You need to keep it for at least 20 minutes.
  • Transparent varnish acts as an excellent frame. Its use promotes vigorous growth and prevents delamination.
  • For cracked nails, you can use over-the-counter products. These include D - Panthenol, Solcoseryl and Radevit.

At the initial stage of the disease, the grooves on the nails are small and invisible. It is important to start treatment at this stage to prevent the spread of the disease.

Damage prevention

The pathological symptom is prevented with preventive measures. They are as follows:

  • regular sterilization of instruments before manicure;
  • drinking enough water;
  • protection of hands from temperature extremes and aggressive household products;
  • control over the vitamin reserve in the body;
  • using a moisturizer after each contact with water;
  • individual hygiene items;
  • avoiding mechanical damage to the nail;
  • regular visits to a therapist;
  • visiting only proven manicure masters.


The maximum period for getting rid of cracked marigolds on a finger is six months. During this period, it is required to provide full care. After the necessary therapy, the discomfort will completely disappear.