Outdoor games with Santa Claus for adults. Competitions for a company of adults for the New Year (funny, musical, intellectual)

New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for most of the inhabitants of our country, and it is not surprising that all people carefully prepare for New Year's Eve: they choose outfits, think over the menu, buy gifts for loved ones, and, of course, plan a preliminary scenario for the holiday. Many will celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 until the morning of January 1, which means that, in order not to get bored, you need to come up with cool and funny New Year's games and entertainment for adults in advance. And the best entertainment for a festive night are New Year 2019 contests for a fun company, which can be held at home, at a corporate party or at a festive morning performance at school. You can come up with contests for the New Year of the Pig yourself, or you can use the ideas of various contests for a kindergarten, school, for a corporate party or a feast described below. Especially for visitors to our site, we have selected the coolest and funniest table (sitting), corporate and children's contests for the New Year.

  • Competitions for the New Year 2019: New Year's games and entertainment
  • The coolest New Year 2019 contests for a fun company
  • Funny corporate contests for the New Year
  • New Year's contests - funny table sit-downs
  • Competitions for adults for the New Year of the Pig
  • Kindergarten contests for the New Year 2019
  • School contests for the New Year 2019

Competitions for the New Year 2019 - the best New Year games and entertainment for a friendly company

Interesting and funny contests for the New Year 2019, New Year's games and entertainment during the celebration are no less important than a richly set New Year's table. Themed games and contests, in which everyone present at the holiday will take part, will surely be remembered by guests more than treats and gifts, because such entertainment allows you to plunge into the memories of a carefree childhood, feel the spirit of competition and have fun.

The patron saint of the upcoming 2019, the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), favors any New Year's entertainment and games, because this animal loves a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, supplementing the "script" of the New Year's party with games and contests, you can not only guarantee to amuse all the guests, but also enlist the favor of the mystical patron of the New Year.

The best ideas for games and entertainment for the New Year

There are a lot of ideas for New Year's games and entertainment for a large or small company, because contests for the New Year 2019 can be invented, focusing on any famous games. Dance, intellectual, comic contests, quests, competitions for agility, logic or knowledge of New Year's rules and rules - this is only a small part of the games for the New Year 2019. And below are the three best, in our opinion, entertainment for the New Year, which are suitable for any companies.

  1. Game-competition "Happy New Year Associations". The essence of this game is that everyone present at the New Year's party must name a word (object, phenomenon, etc.) that is in some way connected with the New Year. Examples of such associations are a Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, Santa Claus, gifts, etc. You cannot repeat their associations after other participants in the competition. A participant who cannot come up with an association is eliminated from the game. And the winner will be the one who names the most words associated with the New Year's holiday.
  2. Talent competition (New Year's forfeits). Fanta with tasks for participants must be prepared in advance. You can come up with any tasks, the main thing is that they are related to the New Year's theme. For example, excellent tasks for the game will be to sing a children's New Year's song in the style of a romance, play the role of the Snow Queen, make a beautiful snowflake from what is at hand, etc. The winner of the game will be the participant who does the best with his task.
  3. Dancing around the Christmas tree. This simple and fun game is suitable for both children and adults. After the feast, all the guests get up from the table, the presenter turns on New Year's songs and names a fairy-tale character for each song. The task of all participants is to portray the hero named by the leader in the dance. The winners of this competition will be the most artistic participants; you can determine the winners both at the end of the game and after each song.

The coolest New Year 2019 contests for an adult fun company

When choosing games and entertainment for a New Year's party, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the age and interests of all guests present. For a company with young children, a fun company of friends and a family feast, completely different games and contests are needed, because children, for example, are more interested in fun outdoor games, adults are more interested in funny table contests, and older people just prefer to talk calmly. Also, when coming up with the coolest contests for the New Year 2019 for a fun company of friends, you need to focus on the preferences and character traits of everyone present so that no one is bored.

Below we will tell you how to run three cool contests that will surely please all guests. Moreover, it should be noted that it is best to appoint as a judge or judges of competitions those guests who usually do not participate much in the general conversation and rarely take part in the fun. Such people will certainly like the role of the jury, and they will be able to have fun with everyone.

Ideas for cool New Year's contests for adults

Contest "Don't tell the truth."

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to draw up a list of questions about the New Year 2019 in advance, to which everyone present should know the answers. Such questions may be: "What animal will the New Year 2019 be according to the Chinese horoscope?", "What tree do they dress up for the New Year?"

The host of the competition asks these questions to the participants, and the main condition is that the truth cannot be answered. And in order to make the competition more fun and not give the guests a long time to think about the answer, it is necessary to set the time for which each participant must give an answer - 3 or 5 seconds. The participant who answered the truth or did not give an answer within the allotted time should complete some funny or cool task from the presenter.

Competition "Snowman with a surprise"

To conduct the competition, you will need a plastic bucket, scotch tape and various New Year's sweets - sweets, tangerines, oranges, etc. The presenter glues some sweetness to the bottom of the bucket so that the participants cannot see, and then calls one of them, tells him to close his eyes and puts a bucket on his head. The participant's task is to guess which sweetness is glued to the bucket without opening his eyes. If he guesses wrong, the next participant is called. The one who correctly names the sweetness takes it for himself.

Contest "Box with wishes"

This fun contest is very easy to set up but guarantees a lot of fun for everyone present. Its essence is that each of the guests should write their funny task-wish on a piece of paper and put it in a box. Then all the leaves with desires are mixed, and each of the guests must take one leaf out of the box and complete the task written on it.

Funny corporate New Year contests that will complement any scenario

The scenario of any corporate party for the New Year necessarily includes, in addition to congratulations and presenting gifts from the authorities, games and entertainment for everyone present. Funny corporate New Year contests allow everyone present at the party to have fun, have fun and build friendships with colleagues. And as a rule, in companies where mainly young people work, funny and funny contests are held at corporate events.

New Year's corporate contests - ideas and videos

Funny corporate contests for the New Year celebrations are usually held by the host of the evening. He organizes all those present, tells the rules of participation and chooses the winner. And here we have described several examples of funny contests that will complement the scenario of any New Year's corporate party.

Funny competition "Addition to a festive look"

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare in advance a large box with various funny wardrobe items - huge leggings, children's tights, bright stockings, caps, multi-colored bow ties, etc. hands a box with things.

The moderator turns on the music, and the participants in a circle pass the box to each other. As soon as the music is turned off, the one who has the box in his hands must pull out the first thing that comes across and put it on himself. Then the music is turned on again, and the participants then pass the box in a circle. The competition ends when the box is empty.

Video with a funny idea of ​​a competition for a New Year's corporate party

Funny table sit-down contests for the New Year for any company

Since most of our fellow citizens will celebrate the New 2019 Year of the Pig at a festive table surrounded by family and guests, it is natural that on the eve of December 31, thousands of people are looking for table entertainment and games on the Internet. Finding on the Internet or inventing the funniest sitting table contests for the New Year will not be difficult, because such games for adults have been popular at all times, and today there are countless entertainments that you can play while sitting at the festive table.

Original ideas for New Year's table contests

Table competition "Caricature for a friend"

To conduct such a competition, each guest needs to be given a piece of paper and a piece of paper. Then all participants must draw a cartoon or a funny caricature of one of those present at the holiday on a piece of paper and indicate the authorship of the drawing. When all the guests draw cartoons, they pass their drawings in a circle so that other participants can guess who exactly is depicted in the caricature and write their version on the back of the piece of paper.

When all the participants examined all the drawings and tried to guess who the authors portrayed, each guest reveals the secret on whom the cartoon was drawn. And the winner of the competition will be the participant who drew the most recognizable cartoon.

New Year's toast competition

This competition is very simple, but fun and very appropriate for a New Year's Eve party nonetheless. Its essence lies in the fact that each guest should come up with a toast-wish, which will begin with the same letter as his name (For example, a woman named Jeanne may wish “a happy, rich and carefree life”). The winner of the competition will be the guest who can come up with the funniest or most beautiful toast.

The most fun contests for adults for the New Year of the Pig

Groups of friends and relatives celebrating the New Year without children, on the night of December 31 to January 1, have fun in full, arranging fun and daring games and entertainment. Competitions for the New Year of the Pig for adults can be feast, and in the form of games and competitions, and intellectual - in a word, such as fantasy tells.

Bold and exciting contests for an adult company will not only be great entertainment on New Year's Eve, but will also help those present to get closer and remember the merry holiday for a long time.

Competition for adults "Fabulous photo session"

This competition is very simple, but fun and unusual at the same time. For his behavior, you will need a camera (as an option - a smartphone with a good camera) and the presenter's imagination. The essence of the competition is that the presenter gives each participant an assignment to portray a fairy-tale character with the help of a pose, facial expressions and improvised means, and then films it on camera. For the New Year 2019 of the Pig, participants in such a competition can portray both funny New Year's characters (a drunken Santa Claus, an angry Snow Maiden, a gray bunny whose Christmas tree was taken away from, etc.), and the symbol of the coming year - a Yellow Pig or an earthen Boar.

After each contestant has been photographed in a funny way, all guests look at the photos and choose the winner. And of course, these photos must be kept and sent to all guests as a keepsake of the merry holiday.

A fun and provocative New Year competition - video

The video below captures a bold and fun New Year competition for adults. Such a competition can be held in the company of close friends.

Interesting contests for children for the New Year 2019 in kindergarten

The script for matinees in honor of the New Year in preschool educational institutions necessarily includes fun games and contests for children. Moreover, the presenters of the matinees try to hold contests for the New Year 201 in kindergarten so that none of the little participants is left without a gift from Santa Claus. And as a rule, the most loved by children are outdoor games and creative contests, in which kids can show their imagination and compete with friends.

Prudent people begin to think about how to spend the New Year long before its onset, although this is often limited to the festive menu and the choice of outfit. But to make the holiday much more fun, it is worthwhile to think in advance about various funny funny contests for the New Year, which will accompany you all the festive night. At the same time, it is not so important whether the holiday will be held in the family circle or in the company of friends, because any company will be glad to have fun.

  • Sedentary
  • Movable


Uncover the secret

A large company, divided into two groups, can take part in this game. All participants need to distribute pieces of paper and pencils. One group writes questions on their pieces of paper, and the second - answers. Both should be standard for this kind of contests, for example:

  • Are you cheating on your spouse?
  • Do you drink champagne in the morning?
  • Do you steal from someone else's refrigerator?
  • Do you walk around the apartment naked?
  • Are you talking to your cat / dog?
  • Do you love your mother-in-law / mother-in-law?
  • Do you eat boogers from your nose?
  • Do you want to kill your boss?
  • Are you forging your boss's signature?

Answers might sound like this:

  • With pleasure.
  • Only if nobody sees.
  • Regularly.
  • Every day.
  • Only in the company of a wife / husband.
  • If you really want to.
  • Never tried it.
  • Daily morning and before dinner.
  • Only if podshofe.

Then all the questions are put in one pile, and the answers - in another. The first player names the one to whom he will now turn with a question and, having taken out a sheet with a random question, begins with the words "Uncover the secret ..." and then reads out the text of the question. The participant who is called to answer draws a random answer from the corresponding pile and announces it to the audience. Then he himself turns into an inquirer, choosing the next participant to answer, and so on.

There are no winners in this game, but everyone will laugh heartily at the ridiculous combination of some questions and answers.

Not without me

The essence of this game is that in response to any question from the presenter, the players must simply give their first and last name. What do you think to do this? But this is one of the funniest New Year's contests for adults. In the course of the game, all the hooligans, villains and pranksters will be revealed. The whole point is in questions, for example:

  • Who Stole the Governor's Car? - the first player rises and answers: I, Peter Sidorov.
  • Who drank the prime minister's vodka?
  • Who was picking their nose today?
  • Who ate all the herring under a fur coat?
  • Who stole food from the cat's plate?
  • Who came here without panties?
  • Who went to bed yesterday not with their wife / husband?
  • Who is full of garlic and sticks to everyone with kisses? Etc.

Jar to jar

For this event, you will need beverage cans or yogurt cups. The same jars are handed out to everyone, and then, in turn, the participants put their jar on the predecessor's jar until someone else's jar falls down, then the person who put it performs a fant and leaves the game, and the game restarts from the beginning and continues until there will be one winner, who will receive the prize.

I will make a toast from the bottom of my heart

In this competition, participants take turns, introduce themselves, and then must say a phrase, the beginning of which is "My friends, I wish everyone ..." and then three words starting with the same letter as his name. It will be especially difficult for Catherine, Yuri and people with such inconvenient first letters, for which it is not so easy to come up with wishes, in this sitting drinking competition.

I cry crocodile tears

All participants in this competition receive a pen, a piece of paper and a card with a question, the answer to which they must write on this sheet. The sheets are then rolled up and folded into a bag or box. After that, each participant in turn takes out one piece of paper at random and begins the phrase with the words "I cry crocodile tears, because ..." and ends with the words written on the piece of paper. The phrases are very funny. Here are the questions you can ask the participants of the competition:

  • Why do cowards fall off?
  • Why the sky is blue?
  • Почему негры чёрные?
  • Why does a cat have four legs?
  • Why is lemon sour?
  • Why can't you eat a chair?
  • Why don't divers drown?

Want more fun contests? Then follow the link to our other article!

New Year's greetings from the president

The best tasks for the New Year's contest with fantasy are those that involve all the guests and are related to toasts. In this competition, any guest can become the president of the country for a minute.

According to the fantasies that fell out, everyone gets 5 words, which he must smoothly write into his New Year's speech. The presenter needs to prepare unusual words to make funny congratulations with them, for example, bananas, Chinese, duck, crane, worm or broth, mole, Turks, radishes, airship.

The funniest and most informal presidential speech will win a prize.

Read lips

This competition consists of rounds, in each of which two players take part, wearing headphones with playing music on their ears. The music should be loud enough so that the players cannot hear each other's words. Then one player asks the second question, and he must read it on his lips and give his answer. After a while, they change roles. The winner is the couple who understands the most questions.


For the competition, you need to prepare cards with the names of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The presenter invites each participant to pull out any card without showing it to the others, and then he must, without words, but only with facial expressions and gestures, explain to the public what sign he got.

Honest confession

This entertainment, like many games and contests for the New Year for a fun company, requires a little preliminary preparation. In this case, on scraps of paper, you need to write funny or ambiguous words (booger, deer, capricious, ram, kikimora, etc.) and put them in a bag or box. During the game, someone pulls a piece of paper out of the bag and, seriously staring at the neighbor, loudly says, for example, "I am a ram." If no one laughed at the same time, then the action goes to the neighbor and further. If someone breaks down and laughs, then the turn goes to him.

Smell the smell

The presenter prepares for this game several objects with different strength and characteristic smells (various fruits, spices, a bottle from a drink, a cigarette, a banknote, etc.).

The first participant is called, to whom the leader blindfolds and then brings the prepared items in turn. The player has only a few seconds to determine what is in front of him by smell alone, without touching the object with his hands.

The one with the most sensitive nose, which allowed to identify the most objects, is the winner.


Photo studio

All those present will gladly take part in this competition. Each must draw out a card with the role that he has to play. He has only a few seconds to figure out in what position to appear in front of the others, and what emotions to show. Then the presenter is armed with a camera and starts a photo session. He takes turns introducing the participant and the role he has inherited, and then takes a couple of pictures of the "actor". It is desirable that the pictures can be immediately displayed on the big screen, so that all participants have a good laugh. And later, these pictures can be sent to all guests of the holiday by e-mail.

Here are the roles you can think of:

  • the black man playing the drums;
  • the depraved Snow Maiden;
  • tired deer;
  • tipsy Baba Yaga;
  • obese Chinese;
  • smiling cobra, etc.

Such funniest New Year contests will not only not let you get bored, but will also leave a wonderful memory of a great event.

Dangerous dancing

This game can be played by 5-8 people. An inflated balloon is tied shortly to each participant's leg. When the competition begins, the task of all players is to burst the balls of other participants, protecting them from the same fate. The one whose ball survived becomes the winner of this merry New Year's game.

Box of wishes

The presenter distributes leaflets and pens to all guests, in which they must write what action they would like to see during this competition from one of the players. Then all the pieces of paper with wishes are collected in a box, from which the presenter invites everyone in turn to pull out one at a time and do what is written there.

Guests' wishes can be very diverse and sometimes hilarious, for example, some of the men may want to paint their lips with bright lipstick.

Catch the egg

For this entertainment, you need to prepare whole egg shells in advance, for which you need to make a small hole in the egg with a pin and slowly drain its contents. Then couples are recruited who wish to participate in the competition. The moderator explains to them that one participant should try to carefully throw the egg, and the other should catch it and not break it.

At the same time, players who were given empty eggs in their hands should not in any way hint about this to their partners. Therefore, the participants who have to catch the eggs look very focused and worried about how to catch the egg so that it does not break in their hands. When the throw is made, the most interesting thing will be to observe the reaction of the players.

Deer in harness

All guests are divided into two teams. The leader gives the first participant from each team a long rope. On the command "started!" he must tie a rope around his belt, and then shout “harness!”, after which the second member of the team must run up to him and do the same, and so on, until all the “deer” are in a single harness. A well-deserved prize for this very funny New Year competition will go to the team that harnesses the fastest.

We warm ourselves with the whole body

The facilitator should prepare in advance cards on which a certain part of the body is drawn or written: index finger, ear, chest, heel, stomach, eye, back, elbow, and so on. The first participant draws a card, and after him the second participant does the same. They need to touch the indicated parts of the body. It's funny if one gets a nose out, and the other gets a "fifth point", but they still need to "warm up" by rubbing these parts of the body. Next comes the turn of the second pair, then the third, and so on. The most hilarious couple will receive a well-deserved prize.

You will find even more New Year contests for adults in another article on our website.

A drop in the sea

Here you will need to type two teams (more can be done if there are a lot of guests), each should be given a teaspoon. A couple of meters from each team you need to put a stool on which there is a full bottle of some drink and a second stool with an empty glass. On command, one participant from each team, armed with a teaspoon, run to their bottles, from which they fill a spoonful with liquid, from which they move more carefully to the glass, where they pour the contents of the spoon, return to their team and pass the spoon and the baton to the next participant ... So they will have to run until the glass is full, and the very last participant must drink this glass. Naturally, the team that will cope faster than the others will win.

Diver on land

Participants in this competition will have to sweat, because the business here will not be limited to notes or balls, but binoculars and fins will be required. Participants in the competition must take turns putting on their fins and holding binoculars to their eyes to overcome the given route. It is not at all as easy as it seems, the awkward movement of the participants will cause everyone to laugh. The main thing for everyone else is to be on the alert, not allowing the "divers" to demolish the Christmas tree, overturn the table or trample any of the guests.


In this game, white balloons act as snowballs; they should be prepared and inflated as much as possible before the game. All guests must be divided into two teams and a captain must be chosen in each. The captains are given a large garbage bag with holes for the legs. They should get into the bag, leaving its neck open.

At the command of the leader, the rest of the team enter the game, who must collect the "snowballs" scattered on the floor and send their captain into the bag. At the same time, perky music plays. At some point, the presenter commands "stop", the music stops and the game stops. It's time to take stock in the sense of counting snowballs. The team that has the most of them wins.


Celebrating the New Year should not be limited only to a generous feast and numerous gifts, they should be complemented by interesting contests for the New Year. You can please your loved ones with the following entertainment.

All celebrants must be divided into pairs, for each of whom a set of robes has been prepared in advance. One of the couple needs to be blindfolded. Then he blindly has to take clothes out of the bag and put them on his partner. The winner is the couple that not only manages the fastest, but also does it most skillfully. To make the competition even more fun, it is advisable to choose unexpected and unusual clothes for each couple.


In this competition, men will have to try on the profession of a couturier. First, you need to draw on a large sheet of paper an elegant women's dress with many decorative elements: neckline, flounces, cuffs, ruffles, etc. on the drawn dress.

The participant who made a mistake will be eliminated, and the one who will last the longest becomes the winner of the competition and is awarded the title of “famous couturier”.

If these mobile contests are not enough for you, be sure to read “Contests for the New Year for the whole family” - there you will find even more interesting fun.


All guests of the holiday can take part in this game. The props for it must be prepared in advance - beards, masks, funny hats, family panties, etc. These things should be enough for all participants in the competition, in addition, you will need an orange. Players must stand in a circle with a props box in the middle.

The presenter turns on the music, after which the participants begin to pass the orange to each other. Then the music suddenly stops, and the one who has the citrus in his hands has to take an object out of the box at random and try it on himself.

The winner is the player who is left without a fashionable outfit. Although all the other ridiculous-looking participants will definitely cause laughter.

Who said?

All guests of the New Year's party can also participate in this game. This will require balloons filled with helium, which should be enough for everyone. In turn, each player turns away from the others, and one of them inhales noble gas from the ball and pronounces congratulations to the driver. He needs to guess who congratulated him with a greatly changed voice. Everyone who guesses right the first time will be announced the winners of the competition.

I would walk to the table

Some funny New Year's contests require simple attributes, such as dice, like the following. The presenter must come up with tasks in advance for all possible numbers dropped out, for example:

1 - ditty;
2 - dance of little swans;
3 - tap dance;
4 - apple;
5 - a symbol of the New Year;
6 - "birch" or "bridge".

Participants take turns throwing the dice and performing the task that fell to them, and only after that they have the right to sit down at the festive table.

Did you like our fun New Year contests? Which of them would you choose for your holiday? Or maybe you have your favorite entertainment? Let us know in the comments.

Imagine a situation: a group of adults gathered in one room to celebrate an event. And everything seems to be going as it should - the food is delicious, the drinks are pouring in, the music calls to dance, but then there is a moment of satiety - the stomachs are full, everyone is a little tired of dancing, and the conversations are not so active anymore. Sound familiar? This happens at every party where people with different interests and hobbies meet.

How to fix the situation or, even better, prevent boredom at the festival? The answer is simple - add more variety!

Adults are the same kids who want fun. The company may include both old friends and complete strangers. These can be women, girls, boys and men. Everyone may have completely different views on recreation and entertainment, but even the most motley company can be rallied with contests and riddles, especially for the New Year 2019!

The funniest and funniest contests for adults

Draw an elephant (donkey, horse, cheburashka)

We need:

  • 2 sheets of paper, stuck to a wall, board, easels, or whatever you can use to draw on.
  • 2 markers.
  • Blindfolds according to the number of participants.

How to carry out:

Divide all participants into 2 equal teams (the more people, the better), each of which lines up in front of its own sheet of paper. Select the creature to draw. Each participant gets a specific body part and is blindfolded. Next, in turn, members of each team blindly draw the body parts they received. The winner can be determined by speed or by the similarity of the pattern to a given animal.

Trample the balls of the enemy!

We need:

  • Balloons of two different colors according to the number of participants.
  • The same number of long threads of medium thickness.

How to carry out:

Participants are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. Each team is given balls of their own color on a thread that must be tied to the leg. The thread can be of any length, but the ball must be on the floor. Teams are mixed and the task of each is to trample as many balls of an enemy color as possible, while not allowing his own to burst. The participant who did not save his ball leaves the general heap and waits for the end of the battle. The team that will deal with the opponents faster wins.


We need:

  • Sheets of paper by the number of participants.
  • Handles in the same quantity.

How to carry out:

There can be as many participants as you like, everyone sits in a circle, everyone is given a pen and a piece of paper. The presenter asks the question "Who?", Each writes his own character. After that, you need to fold the sheet so that the written is not visible, and pass it to the player on the right (each passes his own sheet in this way and receives another from the neighbor on the left). The presenter asks a new question, for example, "Where did you go?", And again each one writes, folds the written part and passes it on to the next. Further questions may follow: "Why did he go there?", "Whom did he meet?" etc. The competition continues until the host runs out of questions.

The end is followed by a collective reading of the resulting stories and voting for the best! There are no winners in the competition, but fun and laughter are guaranteed!


The competition is perfect for any conditions, because there is no need for props at all. All it takes is the participants and their imaginations.

How to carry out:

All sit in a circle. Either the hero of the occasion (if any) starts, or the one to whom the lot fell (determined by the counting rhyme). The first person says two completely unrelated words, for example "supper" and "car". The second should make such a sentence so that both words fit into the same situation: "I was late for the family dinner because the car would not start." The same participant must come up with another word that has nothing to do with what was said: for example, "loaf". The next one should add this word to the current situation, for example, like this: "So that my wife does not get upset, I decided to buy her a loaf on the way." And so on until there is enough imagination or until someone comes up with a logical conclusion to the whole story.

Bottle 2.0

We need:

  • Empty bottle.
  • Prepared papers with actions written on them for participants. The bigger, the better.

How to carry out:

This game is very similar to a standard bottle: the participants sit in a circle, place a bottle in the center and spin it around. The key difference is that you first need to throw curled pieces of paper into an empty bottle with certain actions, for example: "kiss on the cheek", "invite to a slow dance", "lick your ear" and the like. As a result, the game looks like this: the participant twists the bottle, the person she pointed to takes out one piece of paper and reads out the action. The first participant must complete it. This is more interesting than a regular game, because you never know what you will need to do instead of a standard kiss.

Original riddles for adults

You can cheer people up not only with contests! In any sufficiently warmed-up company, riddles will go very well, which will make you brainwash and give you a chance to boast of your knowledge and logic in front of the rest of the audience. We have selected 5 riddles for adults that are not as easy as they seem at first glance!

Apples in a million

The man decided to trade in the apple business and began to buy fruits at 5 rubles apiece, and sell at 3. Within six months he managed to become a millionaire!

  • Question: How did he do it?
  • Answer: Before that, he was a billionaire.


You got on the plane. There is a horse behind you and a car in front.

  • Question: Where are you located?
  • Answer: On a carousel.


A husband, wife, 2 daughters, a son, a cat and a dog on a leash are walking in the park.

  • Question: How, standing together under one umbrella, they will not get wet?
  • Answer: If it doesn't start raining.

Savvy wife

The husband asks his wife: "Darling, clean my jacket, please."
The wife replies: "I have already cleaned it."
The husband asks: "Then clean your trousers, be kind."
The wife answered: "I did it too."
The husband again: "And the shoes?"

  • Question: What did the wife answer?
  • Answer: "Do the boots also have pockets?"


  • Question: What is the difference between a woman and a man washing dishes?
  • Answer: Women wash the dishes after eating, and men before.

Contests and riddles for the New Year 2019

Not a single New Year is complete without thematic riddles and fun contests, and 2019 is no exception!

Best gift

Question: What New Year's gift would suit any woman the best? Hint: The width is 7 cm, and the length is 15 cm. And the more the quantity, the better.

  • Answer: A banknote of $ 100.

Finish the rhyme

If crackers clap,
The little animals looked at you,
If the tree is a kind gnome,
Brought to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house ...

  • Answer: Urgency

Breaking news

We need:

Cards, each of which contains 5 unrelated words.

How to carry out:

The whole company is divided into several groups (by the number of cards). For fairness, each group should have the same number of people. Each team is given one pre-prepared card, in a minute they need to come up with a New Year's event, which can be described with a sentence from these words. For example, the card contains the words “dog”, “car”, “skates”, “traffic light”, “Lenin”, and the sentence can be composed like this: “A drunk man on New Year's Eve on Lenin Street tried to overtake a car on skates, but crashed at a traffic light in a dog that ran across the road.

The team with the most original news wins.

What are the boys made of?

The competition is suitable for a large group of friends who celebrate the holiday at home.

How to carry out:

Each girl chooses a guy and dresses him up with everything that comes to hand: the owner's closet, a cosmetic bag, Christmas tree toys and so on will help. It is also necessary to present your creation to the guests in the most original way: by verse, song, pair dance or advertising. The prize goes to the most resourceful and extraordinary girl.

New Year's Eve lasts, it seems, endlessly - the fun begins early in the evening, and sometimes ends when it’s already dawn. It is not easy even for an athlete to stay vigorous over such a long period. So that the guests do not get bored at the table, contests for the New Year for a fun company will be required, and you need to select completely different ones - both table-top, and mobile, and musical, and witty. Then New Year's Eve will definitely be remembered!

Table contests

Remembering the alphabet

The first participant of the competition gets up and makes a toast, the words of which begin with the first three letters of the alphabet. Then the word goes to his neighbor, who should use the next three letters in his congratulations, and so on. The funniest thing will be with those participants who will get uncomfortable letters - "y", "e" and others.

New year toast

On separate cards, you can write the abbreviations familiar to everyone (TASS, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Housing and Communal Services, Air Force, Traffic Police) and distribute to party participants. Each participant of the competition must come up with a toast, starting with the abbreviation that fell out to him, and then drink his own glass. At the end of the competition, everyone drinks to the best toast spoken.

With the same initial data, you can come up with various decoding of abbreviations, and whoever gets it the most original won.

What's in the box?

Choosing contests for adults for the New Year, you can safely include this one. First, you need to prepare several unusual items that will become artifacts of the competition, and hide them in another room. When the time comes for the games, the host, being in this room without witnesses, hides one of the objects in a tightly closed box and goes out to the guests with it. Those must guess what is in the box, asking any questions (about the shape, color, purpose, but not going over the letters). The one who is the first to guess what is in the box receives this item as a gift, and the presenter leaves for the next item.

Tangerine tree

All guests receive a whole tangerine, and at the command of the host, they begin to peel them together in order to lay out a beautiful Christmas tree from the slices. The winner is the one whose Christmas tree appears faster.

Santa Claus and ...

A funny New Year's competition for adults can also touch fairy-tale characters. Everyone knows that the Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but then he must have a wife. Contestants need to stretch their imagination to come up with a name and a short description for it. The one with the most entertaining story wins the prize.

Melt the Snow Queen's Heart

Having conceived of holding this competition, you need to freeze the ice in tins in advance. Before the very beginning of the competition, all its participants are given saucers of ice, and when the command “start!” Sounds, everyone must melt this piece with their warmth in any way. You can rub it in your hands, breathe on it, invent other options. The one whose piece of ice melts earlier than others will be declared the winner. The prize can be a rose, a crystal object, or any object from a famous fairy tale.

What's in your pants?

Rare funny New Year's contests for adults do without something spicy. The presenter should prepare a regular bag of newspaper clippings or, better, glue a panty envelope for himself. So, the guest who pulled out a quote from the bag begins with the words "And in my pants today ..." and ends with his quote. The presenter needs to puzzle over the search for funny and ambiguous quotes.

What's in my mouth?

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a container with products that will be used for the experiment, but will not be on the festive table. You will need 7-8 rather unusual products. During the competition, the player is blindfolded and one of these products is put into his mouth, and he must guess what is in his mouth on the first attempt. The next player needs to use a different product. The most accurate taster will be the winner.

Alphabet spruce

New Year contests often revolve around the New Year tree. In this case, the participants must look for and take turns to pronounce words that include the word spruce, for example, bed, blizzard, April, Monday. In this case, you cannot repeat yourself. The one who, in turn, did not find a new word, loses and is eliminated. The last player to say a word is automatically the winner.


Print out such a template in advance (or come up with your own):

In our ___________ country, in the _____________ city, there were _____________________ men and at least ______________ girls. They lived ____________ and ____________, and communicated with one ________________ and ___________ company. And today, on this __________ day, they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate this ____________ and __________ New Year's holiday. So let only __________ toasts sound today, _____________ glasses are filled with _____________ drinks, the table is bursting with ________________ food, ____________ smiles will be on the faces of those present.
I wish you that the New Year was ______________, you were surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams come true, your job was ______________ and that your very _______________ other halves give you only ___________ joy, _____________ love and ____________ care ....

The guests amicably come up with various adjectives, which are then inserted into the above text instead of gaps, as a result of which it becomes very funny.


The players write on pieces of paper to the presenter what objects remind them of childhood (it is advisable to list 5-6 objects) without signing them. The folded notes are folded into a bag or box, after which the presenter begins to take out one piece of paper at a time and read the words written on it. Everyone should guess who wrote it. Such New Year table contests should be held for a company where everyone knows each other well.

And if you have a corporate party, then you can dilute your holiday with contests from another article on our website.

Funny riddles

Do not hope that all adults have good logic and multifaceted thinking - this still needs to be tested! And this is best done by making ridiculous riddles. Whoever guesses most of them wins.

An example of riddles and answers to them:

Question: Why are complex riddles dangerous for people?
Answer. Because people puzzle over them.

Question: Under which tree does the wolf sit when it rains?
Answer. Under wet.

Question: How many months in a year have 28 days?
Answer: All months.

Question: What can be cooked but not eaten?
Answer: Cement mortar, homework.

Question: Which plant knows everything?
Answer: Fuck

Question: What kind of dish can you not eat anything from?
Answer. From empty.

Question: One eye, one horn. Who is this if not a rhino?
Answer: A cow peeps out from around the corner.

Question: Why are the goat's eyes so sad?
Answer: Because her husband is a goat.

Question: Which duck / chicken walks on two legs?
Answer: All ducks / chickens.

Question: What cannot be done in space?
Answer: Hang yourself.

Question: What question cannot be answered with the word "yes"?
Answer: Are you sleeping?

Question: Who can stand in the pouring rain without getting their hair wet?
Answer: Bald

New year drink

Warmed up in the New Year, the company loves very funny alcohol contests. The number of participants in this fun is also not limited. She will need a large glass, a set of drinks and an eye patch. The participants in the game need to be divided into pairs, one must be blindfolded, and the second must mix different drinks from the table in a glass and give the first one to drink. He should try to guess what went into such a wonderful recipe. The winner is the one who guesses the most of the ingredients of his drink.

New year sandwich

This is a similar competition, but instead of drinks, all kinds of food are used. It is advisable to conduct them one after another, only by changing the roles in pairs, so that the taster of the drink can repay his partner with his cooking. During the tasting, the "blind" must additionally hold his nose with his hand so as not to smell the smell.

Song in the hat

Music contests for the New Year are no less popular, where everyone wants to show off their vocal talents. You should prepare small pieces of paper in advance with different words written on them. It is best if these words are related to the winter theme: tree, snow, salad, champagne, deer, frost. Then put these pieces of paper in a bag and invite all the guests to pull out a piece of paper one by one. Further, the participant of the competition must come up with a small song, where this word is used several times, and perform it.

Mobile contests


Competitors here are blindfolded and handed paper and scissors, and they must blindly cut out a snowflake. The author of the most beautiful and neat snowflake wins a prize.

Beauty will save the world

This competition is most appropriate to hold in relaxed companies, where there are no shy and prim people. The presenter needs to take care of the requisites in advance for all participants in the competition (preferably everyone present): clown noses and wigs, shiny crowns, striped stockings and other funny things. It is necessary that they are enough for each participant in at least one subject, or better - two. Each item has a card of a certain color attached.

The presenter reminds everyone of the phrase about beauty that will save the world. He says that although very smart people have gathered at the table, they can become even more beautiful if they try on new clothes. Further, the presenter offers the players to choose one of the colors, and when the guest names the color, he gives him the corresponding props. In the end, everyone dresses up in what they got, and believe me, they will look very funny.

You can find even more New Year contests in our article “New Year contests for adults and children”.

Make Santa Claus

This competition involves a man and a woman. The latter should, with the help of cosmetics and available things, make Santa Claus out of the first. When this New Year's competition for adults is over, those present will rate all Frosts and choose the best one with applause or voting.


This fun fun should be attended by at least 6 people, as you need teams of three participants. It doesn't matter if it's men or women. Two team members are blindfolded, and the third is placed in the center of the room. One "blind" is given 10 ribbons, which, at the command of the leader, must tie on a team member standing in the center of the room, and the second "blind" must feel these bows by touch and untie them. The second (and other) commands do the same. The team that completes all consecutive tasks earlier than others will win.

Princess on the Pea

Funny contests for adults for the New Year can be allusions to famous fairy tales. Guests of all ages and all genders can participate in this fun. The player is blindfolded, and then the presenter puts any object on a chair or stool (TV remote control, apple, banana, boiled egg) and invites the player to sit on this chair. The player must guess what he sat on without touching the chair and the object itself with his hands.

New year crocodile

People of different ages are addicted to this famous game. The participants of the feast must be divided into two teams, and then each of them must delegate one person. The presenter pronounces the chosen word to them, and they must pass it on to their team without words. The team that is the first to guess the transmitted word wins. You can modify the rules - the pantomime is played by one, the others guess, and the winner will be the one who guesses the first. So that there is no doubt that the word was invented on the go, it must be written on a piece of paper in advance.

Dumb Santa Claus and translator Snow Maiden

The number of participants in this competition is not limited. It allows not only to laugh heartily, but also to reveal the creative potential of the celebrants. You need to choose a couple - a dumb Santa Claus and a skillful translation of the Snow Maiden. The grandfather should try to congratulate all the guests on the holiday with gestures, and the Snow Maiden should translate his pantomime into words as accurately as possible.

Fanta from the bottle

What kind of New Year's contests for a liberated company without the beloved "bottle"? There are many variations of it, but we suggest this: all participants in the feast need to be given 2-3 pieces of paper on which they should write down their wishes, for example, “kneel down in front of the neighbor on the left”, “portray a zombie”, “show a striptease”. Then the pieces of paper need to be rolled up and put into the bottle.

Everyone sits down in a circle and starts the well-known game "in the bottle": whoever the neck of the bottle points to must draw a phantom from it, which must be read and performed aloud.

In such a competition, one can find out the degree of depravity of the audience, as well as the degree of courage. So, one girl decided to "completely ruin her hair", and it was she who got this fant ...

Who is longer?

The participants of the feast are divided into two teams, after which each of them begins to lay out a chain from the things worn by its participants. The team with the longest chain wins. So that the case does not end with a complete striptease, it is advisable to introduce a time limit.

Men's competition "Who is cooler"

The host lays eggs on the plate - one for each participant in the fun. He informs the players that all eggs are boiled, except for one raw (in fact, they are all boiled). Further, all the contestants, in order, take an egg from a plate at random and break it on their foreheads. As the plate becomes empty, the tension grows (who will get the raw egg), and everyone sympathizes with the last player, until he gets off with a slight fright.

Did you like our New Year contests? Maybe you also have your favorite games and contests? Let us know in the comments.

What a holiday, and even more so the New Year without games, entertainment and competitions. Adults, just like children, want to have a fun and interesting New Year's holidays. These games can be used when drafting holiday scenarios activities for adults dedicated to meeting the New Year.

Fun games, contests and entertainment at the New Year's party

Merry relay

You can play in pairs and teams. Two participants are given two pencils, one matchbox and one glass each (naturally, not empty). You need to take pencils in your hand, put a matchbox on them, put a glass on the box and overcome a certain distance. Whoever hasn't spilled the vodka will drink it.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. According to the number of participants, hats are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team that lost the cap earlier from the participant loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Nesting dolls

All those present are divided into two teams, stand in a line one after another, each holding a scarf. On command, the second player from the back ties a scarf to the first (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and shouts out victoriously: "Everyone is ready!" The whole team turns to face the opponents.

You can play on the speed, quality, appearance of "nesting dolls" - the main thing is to have time to take pictures of funny "nesting dolls".

Uh or eh?

Two teams are formed: "M" and "F". One team makes two words and a wish for each of them. For example, "Uh" - kiss two, "Eh" - kiss everyone. Then, one player from the second team is called. But none of them should know words and desires. They ask him: "Wow or eh?" Whichever word he chooses, such a desire will be fulfilled. You can make comic desires. For example: crawl between the legs of the opposing team and have a drink.

Happy well

The host takes a bucket, pours some vodka into it and puts a glass in the bucket. The player must hit the glass with a coin. If his coin hits the vodka, the next participant throws his own coin. If the player hits the glass with a coin, he takes all the coins from the bucket and drinks vodka.

Relay race for a friendly company

There are two teams involved. The more people there are, the better. In each team, players line up in a column: man - woman; a chair is placed in front of each column for the first member of the team to sit on. He holds a match in his mouth (naturally, without sulfur). At the command of the leader, the second player runs up to him, takes the match without using his hands and sits down in the place of the first. The first runs to the tail of the column. The relay continues until the first team players are on the chair again.

With cake

The guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a cake in a cardboard box tied with a rope. Each team has a special participant with a bottle of vodka (beer will do) - he gives water to his team. Everyone's hands are tied behind their backs, including those of the "drinkers".

The first team to eat their cake and drink vodka wins. Without vodka, the cake does not count!

"The sea is worried" in a new way

Remember the old game "The sea is worried", which you all probably played as a child. Let's recall the rules. The leader is selected. If there are too many applicants for this role, then you can count. Here is a simple counting rhyme: "The apple rolled around the garden and fell right into the water:" boom. "

The presenter reads the words, and the players think over their figure at this time. At the word "freeze" the players freeze in any position. The facilitator can “turn on” anyone at will or who will move. The one whose presentation the presenter likes the most becomes the presenter. If the presenter doesn't like something 3 times in a row, they change it.

The presenter's words: "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three - an erotic figure, freeze on the spot!"

New year drink

Number of participants: all comers.

Required items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

The course of the game. Players must pair up. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The task of the second player is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared "potion" wins.

New year sandwich

Number of participants: everyone

Required items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

The course of the game. This is a variation of the previous game, only pairs can switch places. The "sighted" player prepares a sandwich from everything that is on the table. The "blind man" must taste it. But at the same time, cover your nose with your hand. The winner is the one who correctly names the most components.

Dumb Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

Number of participants: everyone.

The course of the game. Quite a fun game that will help to reveal the creativity of those gathered at the festive table, as well as to laugh heartily! A couple is selected, consisting of Santa Claus and Snegurochka. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to wish all those present a Happy New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden must utter all the congratulations aloud as accurately as possible.

Group rhythm

Number of participants: presenter, at least 4 people.

Required items: elements of uniforms in the form of red noses with an elastic band, wadded beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress. Participants sit in a circle, after which the presenter puts his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. The rest of the participants act in a similar way. The presenter begins to tap a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader's left leg. The leader's right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader's right leg. And so in a circle. It is not so easy to learn how to beat off the correct rhythm by all participants, so for a long time someone will get lost. If there are enough people, then a rule can be introduced - the one who made a mistake is eliminated.


Number of participants: everyone.

Required items: red noses with elastic bands, wadded beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress... It is announced to those present that the elections of the best Santa Claus and the best Snow Maiden are planned. After that, men dress up as Santa Claus, and women - as Snow Maidens. In this case, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should be. At the end, those present decide who coped with their task more successfully than others.


Number of participants: all comers, in pairs (woman and man).

Required items: thick mittens, robes with buttons.

Competition progress. The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and have to fasten the buttons on the dressing gown that women wear. The one who fastens the most buttons in the least amount of time is declared the winner.

New Year wishes

Number of participants: 5 participants.

Competition progress... Five participants are given the task to name one New Year's wish in turn. Anyone who thinks about a wish for more than 5 seconds is eliminated. Accordingly, the last remaining wins.


Number of participants: everyone.

Required items: pacifiers.

Competition progress. In this competition, it is proposed to take an example from the inhabitants of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year's, which in this country is wishes for happiness in the coming year. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is questionable, but in the form of a fun competition it is quite suitable, and you only need to spit with pacifiers. The winner is the one who spits it out the farthest.

Dressing up

Number of participants: everyone.

Required items: a variety of outfits.

Competition progress. The bottom line is to dress up faster than others in a pre-prepared outfit. Whoever is faster won. It is advisable to come up with as diverse and funny outfits as possible.

Song of the year

Number of participants: all comers.

Required items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, a saucepan, etc.

Competition progress... The bag contains pieces of paper with words written on them such as tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, and so on. Participants pull scraps from the bag and have to sing a New Year's or Winter's song that contains the word.

The scribblers

Number of participants: all comers.

Required items: empty champagne bottles.

Competition progress... Newspapers are spread on the floor. The challenge for the participants is to shove as many newspapers as possible into the champagne bottle. The one who shoves the most wins.

Jumping into the unknown

Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

Competition progress. Germany boasts a curious tradition of jumping into New Years, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. The next one won.

The same is proposed to be carried out in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from a place. Accordingly, the winner is the one who jumped the farthest into the New Year.

Competition with glasses

Number of participants: everyone.

Required items: a glass filled with contents such as water or wine.

Competition progress. The participant must run around the table, holding the glass by the stem with his teeth and not spilling the contents. The longer the leg, the better. Accordingly, the winner is the one who went around the table the fastest and did not spill the contents.