Great gift for a 2 year old. Useful surprises for the biennium. Scooter or tricycle

Two years - perhaps the first birthday, when the child is gradually beginning to understand that this holiday is especially for him. This fact imposes a special responsibility on all those who are going to please the baby with a gift - you can’t make a mistake! At the same time, the baby is still small enough so that you can get a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly she wanted to receive, so you will have to start mainly from the general preferences of children of this age.

Features of choice

At a very young age, a birthday present for a little birthday boy is chosen with strict reference to how old he is. The second birthday in life is no longer the most difficult task for adults, but still one of the most difficult. At this time, the choice of possible gifts is greatly expanded, compared to one year, but many things still cannot be given.

There are obviously plenty to choose from, however, if you don’t have your own children yet, it can be not so easy to figure out what is possible and what is not, especially considering the interests of the baby.

For a good choice, you need to understand the needs of a birthday boy of this age.

He already walks quite well and even runs, and therefore any toys and accessories for active pastime should definitely be considered.

It is around this same stage of life that the creative quest begins, so various matching sets may also be relevant.

But the baby is still very small, and this should be taken into account when choosing a gift: there should not be too complex toys, it is also unacceptable for the present to have small details that you can choke on.

If you start from the color scheme, then the bright should still attract the attention of the child, but less colorful options are already acceptable.

Best gifts from parents and grandparents

Probably, at the age of two, gifts begin to be divided into those that are appropriate from the closest relatives, and those that suit the rest of the guests. In any case, parents and grandparents are unlikely to ignore such an important family event, so ideas of what could be given as a gift are needed.

Usually, kids receive the most valuable gifts from close relatives - we will consider them:

  • Children's furniture. A little older children may not like such gifts, but at the age of two they are both practical in their application and beautifully complement the interior. Of the common options - a children's table with a high chair, an inflatable chair, or even a bigger bed - so that the grown child fits. Thanks to a thoughtful design, this solution can cause real delight.
  • Personal transport. The first car is still far away, but a scooter or a tricycle is already quite appropriate. But stop: who said it's too early for a car? If you have the appropriate financial resources, you can now give a child a car, of course, a toy, but a big one, already with a motor and remote control, which allows you to take small walks on it under the supervision of elders.
  • Sports goods for kids. The level of physical activity is already sufficient to start thinking about where to put it. The ideal solution is if the child has a small sports ground right at home. In the conditions of an apartment, this can be a small trampoline, an inflatable slide, a Swedish wall or a dry pool - not the one in which they swim in the water, but the one filled with small balls.
  • Clothes and bed linen. Here we are talking about warm clothes for winter, as well as various outfits - dresses for a girl or a beautiful formal suit for a boy, which will successfully fit both for photo shoots and for visiting. A bathrobe or a towel with ears will also be a useful and beautiful gift. Let's say the option with bed linen made of natural fabrics.

Naturally, the options do not end there, however, it is precisely such things that the closest relatives most often give.

If you want to give something themed, choose from creative, memorable and sports gifts.

Useful Ideas for Developing Creativity and Intelligence

At two years old, a child is an already formed personality who is actively looking for himself. In this regard, it is from the age of two that it makes sense to give something that is focused on the development of creative impulses.

It's probably too early for an electric guitar, but a set of wax pencils or finger paints will already be appreciated, in a sense, coloring books also fit in here.

It is too early for plasticine - because of the eternal desire to taste everything, it is dangerous for the baby, unless we are talking about a special, environmentally friendly variety.

If you want to develop the musical abilities of the birthday boy, you can pay attention to special children's toy instruments - most often they look like a piano, but there are also various pipes, guitars and even harmonicas.

As for intellectual development, sets, for example, of animals, or vegetables and fruits, will play a very important role here. Such gifts, in addition to purely gaming, have a very practical application: they help to learn the names of shapes and colors, and they develop memory along the way.

The children's play first-aid kit, which also removes the fear of doctors, and tool kits for boys have similar functions.

Cubes, designers and mosaics develop an understanding of the whole and its details, contribute to the development of motor skills. A beautiful big picture book should also interest a two-year-old child.

Toys and souvenirs

At two years old, the child still wants to just play, without thinking about whether it is useful for his development or not. For this reason, most toys, unless they contain small parts, remain perhaps the most popular gift option.

The choice of a particular toy largely depends on the gender of the child: by the second birthday, children already understand the difference between boys and girls and usually already follow the generally accepted interests for both.

A girl will definitely appreciate a beautiful doll, especially one that can bend arms and legs, as well as a stroller for her, and everything else that imitates a household - from toy dishes to similar furniture.

The boy's interests are much closer to technology - he will like cars, trucks and cranes. From what children of both sexes will like: wheelchairs with handles, as well as toys that can talk.

There is an important point here: if your gift speaks or makes any other loud sounds, it is better to consult with your parents in advance whether it is worth making such a present. The fact is that many adults are annoyed by the constant noise, and then they simply pull out the batteries from the toy, as a result of which all the "genius" of the donor's intention is lost.

As for memorable gifts, this is usually the lot of godparents. Most often, for this purpose, they give a cross, but in fact, any gift “for growth”, up to jewelry, will fit as a memorable present.

The best games and sports equipment for the fidget

At two years old, the simplest board games are already available to the understanding of the child. First of all, we are talking about puzzles and lotto - preferably special ones, designed for such small children. Perhaps the kid does not yet fully understand the whole meaning of the fun, and does not plan to strictly adhere to the rules of the game, but he is already interested, and, experimenting with the details, he will slowly begin to learn and develop logic.

As for sports, it's time for it! Here are some of the more popular ideas:

  • Tricycle. This is an absolute hit in the world of gifts for young children, because as soon as the baby learns to ride it on his own, his delight simply will not have a limit. The use of this sports equipment is also acceptable in an apartment: it does not yet take up much space. But the benefits are the sea: it develops various muscle groups, and the vestibular apparatus.
  • Dry pool with balls. All parents have probably seen this popular children's entertainment - it is often installed in large supermarkets and shopping centers. Its meaning is that there the child can perform any active acrobatic stunts without the risk of hitting or getting injured. This allows you to throw out the seething energy without negative consequences.
  • Balls. Another very relevant gift, which for girls will soon lose its relevance in many respects, but for boys it will be a pleasant surprise up to 30 years and older! Simple at first glance, the toy develops large motor skills very much, and also teaches you how to interact with other children - it is still better to play the ball with at least two.
  • Trampoline. It is no secret that children are very fond of jumping and beds and sofas often suffer from this, and there is always a risk that the child will fall and hit from there. Another thing is to put a trampoline right at home! Firstly, the result will be simply amazing, because the trampoline is springy, allowing the child to jump much higher, which leaves no kid indifferent. Secondly, such entertainment is usually protected along the perimeter by a high soft net, which prevents the jumper from falling outside the soft surface.

This list could be continued indefinitely, however, when choosing, keep in mind that the coordination of the movements of the birthday man is not yet very good, so he is not ready for too difficult physical exercises. In addition, the main emphasis should be on injury safety.

original variants

All of the above gifts will surely resonate in the soul of a little birthday boy, but they are too banal, and there is always a risk that the child already has exactly the same or very similar thing. Many guests, in an effort to stand out and be unique, would like to give a two-year-old child something original. This is not so easy to do, but it is possible.

Actually, the most common among atypical presents is a gift not so much for a birthday person, but for the whole family. We are talking about a professional photo shoot, as an option - even thematic. The kid is unlikely to understand what is happening yet, but it may be interesting for him to at least just visit among the bright scenery and try on unusual clothes. But in a couple of years, he will be happy to look at photographs of himself as a little boy in a special suit, and such a gift will delight him even twenty years later.

Recently, the fashion to give fine wine to small children is rapidly gaining popularity, but this trend is not yet well known.

The idea is to give a little birthday boy an expensive alcoholic drink with a wish to drink it on the day of majority. In his two years, the baby is still unlikely to fully appreciate any gift, but imagine his surprise when his parents give him such a reminder from the past for his eighteenth birthday! Moreover, good wine only gets better with age.

Another interesting option is a tree seedling. A two-year-old child himself can already take a symbolic part in his planting on a personal plot, and the photo of this moment risks becoming one of the best in life. In addition, this is a tribute to the ancient traditions of our people, and if the birthday boy is also a boy, then he can safely put one of the three checkboxes for himself - he planted a tree, it remains only to build a house and raise a son!

Liana Raymanova November 8, 2018, 09:14

The birthday of a child is a joyful event for all family members, as well as relatives and friends. Everyone wants to give the best gift to a child for 2 years.

The range of children's gifts is huge, but when choosing, you should first of all take into account the individual characteristics of a 2-year-old child. What one child will love, another may not like at all.

Before buying, you can ask his parents what you can give a child for 2 years for his birthday. Then the gift will be necessary and useful. First you need to decide from which category you are going to make a present.


It is customary to give toys to a child. Two-year-old children actively explore the world, they are attracted by everything new and bright. When choosing a toy, pay special attention for her safety. It should not contain small parts and emit a pungent chemical odor. It’s good if the toy has the inscription: “2+”. Gifts that both the boy and the girl will be happy with include:

  • wheelchair;
  • dry pool;
  • tricycle;
  • trampoline;
  • balls.

A rubber baby doll will be great, and choose a big truck. Any child will always be happy to receive another new doll or another car. You can't go wrong here.

Swing as a gift to a child for 2 years

Both the boy and the girl will be pleased to receive a hanging swing as a gift. They can be fixed directly in the apartment, if necessary, the swing can be easily removed. Children's swings are safe, as they are equipped with special restraints. The child will be very pleased.

Educational toys

It's a good idea to give a 2 year old for his birthday something that will help him develop. It can be:

  • modeling kits;
  • drawing kits, including finger paints;
  • musical instruments;
  • coloring pages.

There are a lot of developing centers, tables, rugs on sale. You can also take a look at them.

You can give a 2-year-old child something that will develop his mental abilities, teach him to find logical solutions. Toys in this category include:

  • large mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • large designers;
  • lotto with pictures of vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.

Large mosaic as a gift to a child for 2 years

If parents devote a lot of time to the early development of the child, suitable gift will become educational talking posters

Talking toys

A good gift for a child of 2 years old will be a talking toy or a book with an audio recording. Such presents especially liked by children. They easily memorize rhymes and songs that their toy pronounces, thereby developing auditory memory.


Children grow up very quickly, so clothes will be an appropriate birthday present. Try to find him something original so that the baby likes the present.

Glowing boots

Shoes with luminous soles deserve special attention. These shoes will make the child visible in the dark, thereby securing him on the roadway. They are bright and the kids will love them.

Luminous shoes as a gift for a child for 2 years


Funny home clothes. Came to Russia from Japan and immediately gained popularity among the population of all ages. It is comfortable and suitable for wearing in the cold season. Kigurumi is made in the form of an animal costume. Children like it very much. You can choose both a boy's version and a costume for a girl.

Sweater with squeakers

Both boys and girls will like this sweater. On the chest or pockets there is a special device that makes sounds when pressed. It will not deteriorate during washing, just remove the squeaking element, and after washing, insert it back.


a good gift for the child will be children's furniture. Ask your parents if it will be superfluous. Ordinary furniture for the baby is too large, otherwise it will be comfortable for him.

Table and chair

If the child does not have his own place where he can draw, do modeling or assemble a designer, a children's table with a high chair will be an excellent gift.

The table usually has drawers in which all children's albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, coloring books are put.

Now all this will have its place, and mom will get rid of everyday cleaning and searching for the things the child needs


A great solution to give a chest of drawers to a family with a child. Children's things usually take up a lot of space, there is nowhere to store them, otherwise everything will be in its place.

mini sofa

You can give the child a mini-sofa. He will have his own bed. The sofa unfolds, will last a long time. And when assembled, it does not take up much space.

Furniture in the girl's room as a gift for 2 years

What else can you give?

If it is difficult to choose a gift, or, for example, the donor is not familiar with the child, and it is inconvenient to ask parents, give bright balloons to a child for 2 years, and give parents an envelope with a sum of money or gift Certificate to a children's store.

Original birthday gift for 2 years with your own hands

You can always give a two-year-old child something made with their own hands. There are many tutorials on the Internet for making crafts suitable for a baby. It can be educational toys, various puzzles, coloring books.

DIY puzzles for a 2-year-old child's birthday

In making gifts with your own hands for the birthday all family members can participate. For example, let mom prepare multi-colored modeling dough, dad design doll furniture or plywood puzzles, and older children prepare educational cards for their brother for 2 years for his birthday.

Educational cards

Making them is very easy:

  1. From thick paper, rectangular cards of the same length should be prepared.
  2. Divide them equally.
  3. On one part of the cards, draw on any one subject (balloons, sweets, crackers, etc.).
  4. On the second part, draw exactly the same objects, but 2 or 3 each.

The child will be able to learn to distinguish between the concepts of "a lot - a little", to master the beginning of the account.


You can make a poster for a birthday for 2 years for a child, make a beautiful inscription, post photos of the birthday person from the moment of birth. Get excellent commemorative gift!

Shoe lacing trainer

An excellent option for a do-it-yourself presentation will be a device in order to teach your baby to tie shoelaces. It is very easy to make it:

  1. You will need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard (you can take plywood), an awl, paints, laces.
  2. On the sheet draw a pair of shoes (you need a front view).
  3. Make holes with an awl, like a real shoe.
  4. Lace up one shoe, and thread the lace through the second one and show the child how to lace up the shoes.

Now he will be able to independently learn to thread the laces through the holes and tie a bow. A sample in the form of a second shoe is always in front of his eyes.

DIY gift for a child's birthday for 2 years

What to give twins for 2 years?

Many questions arise when you need to give birthday gifts to twin children for 2 years. People do not know how to choose a gift, they need one present or two, the same or different.

Psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that everything that is the same in the life of twins deprives them of their individuality, and one thing for two causes discord between them. It is better to listen to their recommendations and buy two different gifts. If a boy and a girl celebrate a birthday in a family, there are no problems. You can choose a gift by gender, for example, give a girl a dress, and a boy - trousers. Or buy a car for a boy, and a doll for a girl.

If there are two birthdays of the same sex in the family, gifts should be given that will be different from each other. Of course, this does not mean that you need to give one child a wheelchair and give another chocolate bar.

Birthday dolls for 2 years old twins

In this case, buy two wheelchairs, but different in color or shape. The same should be done with educational toys. If one child gets a loto with fruits, give the second one with vegetables. Twins, as a rule, live together, they will exchange gifts.

When choosing a gift for a child, make sure that it is safe for his health. Ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, see if the gift matches the age of the child.

Children 2 years of age do not yet understand the value of the gift. Them attracts everything bright, sounding even if it costs a penny . It is much more important for a child to have the closest people next to him. The emotional balance of the baby itself also depends on their emotional state. For the birthday boy, the holiday will be fun and enjoyable if there are people who sincerely love him nearby.

Store consultants take advantage of the confusion and inexperience of customers, offering an expensive or unpopular version of a children's gift. Such an acquisition may not please the baby or his parents and the money will be wasted. To prevent this, before buying, consult with the baby's parents: they will tell you what is best to give their child for 2 years.

If there are no special requests or wishes, then check out the popular products for children of this age. A list of educational and unusual gifts that will suit a two-year-old child will help you.

Useful gifts for 2 years old

A child at 2 years old actively explores the world and develops. Improves coordination of movements and the work of the senses, improves fine motor skills. This determines the preferences and behavior of the baby: he tastes everything, reacts to sounds, twists objects in his hands and does not sit still. Consider these features when thinking about what to give a 2-year-old child for his birthday.

When choosing a gift for a two-year-old toddler, remember the “usefulness” of a surprise. In online stores and local children's markets you can always find a developmental gift.

Plasticine or dough for modeling

The baby's hands continue to develop and explore the environment. To make the process fun, present a small modeling kit. It can be children's plasticine, special mass or salt dough. The latter option can be ordered or purchased by choosing colors. The advantage of the gift is that it develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child, it is safe when it gets into the mouth (although it is better not to allow this), it does not stick to the hands and does not get dirty.

Equally suitable for boys and girls. Not suitable for babies with problems in the development of the upper limbs and allergies to the components of plasticine.


In the age of high technology, do not underestimate the designer. The range of children's inventions is wide (cubes, insert figures, blocks, mosaics). The designer develops thinking, hand motor skills and imagination.

Choose a constructor with blocks of different colors and shapes. Give preference to the designer, consisting of large parts that the child cannot swallow.

Boys will especially like it, who can assemble a house, garage or plane from the designer.

Not suitable for children suffering from diseases of the upper extremities. For children with mental retardation, get a simple designer.


A useful pastime for a child of two years is the development of lacing. This is a special invention for children, teaching how to thread through holes to fasten elements. Plot lacing is in demand among kids: suitable parts are laced to the picture with the missing details.

Gifts for the entertainment of children 2 years old

Little fidgets at the age of two want to play, learning in the process of creativity. If you want to teach a child something with the help of a toy, cheer up and take some time, pay attention to these gifts.

Painting set

Children of 2 years old love to draw on surrounding objects - on walls, tables, doors, books. If you want to keep interior items out of the hands of a young artist, then give him a drawing set. With it, the child will give scope to desires and fantasies without spoiling the decor at home.

The process of drawing develops hand motor skills, imagination and visual perception.

Purchase a ready-made kit or assemble it yourself. For example, buy a sketchbook and finger paints, a coloring book and wax crayons, a special board, an easel and children's felt-tip pens, crayons.

If you don’t want to wash your child’s tools, clothes and hands afterwards, buy an Aquamat. This is a special set for drawing, consisting of a rubber mat for creativity and developing markers in different colors.

Drawing sets are suitable for two-year-old boys and girls. Not suitable for those who are allergic to painting materials or have problems with the musculoskeletal function of the upper limbs.

baby ball

The ball can be used for different purposes: rolling, tossing, passing to another. Playing with the ball promotes the mobility of the child, which is important for the full development of muscles and bones. Regular ball play increases the speed of reaction in a child of two years.

The ball is a budgetary and pleasant gift for 2 years for a boy who will appreciate it. For the little athlete, buy a small rubber ball featuring your favorite cartoon characters.

The ball is not suitable for a child who has a pathology of the upper and lower extremities.

Role play set

Children at 2 years old love to watch the actions of adults: how they handle different objects. Therefore, in games, they try to imitate adults, copying habits. Given this fact, give children toys that resemble "adult" things: dishes, furniture, a children's hairdresser, a kitchen or a store. The child will be happy to learn how to handle objects like an adult. Just explain to the child what the object is used for.

Original gifts for children 2 years old

You always want your gift for a two-year-old birthday to become special and memorable. Therefore, if you want to surprise the hero of the occasion and his parents, then these options for an original gift for 2 years should interest you.

Baby bed linen

Babies grow fast and often ruin things, so you have to buy new ones. Bed linen, which the child sometimes stains or tears, is no exception. Beautiful baby bedding will not be superfluous in the house. You can look for a set for the winter (terry or with a warm blanket). You will make a good choice if you give the baby bed linen for his birthday.

Pleasant bedding is the basis for a comfortable sleep, so it will suit all children without exception.


The arena bed will please the child and his parents. The advantage of the invention is that it can be used as an arena for games and as a bed for rest. Modern models are easy to fold and do not take up much space in the house, equipped with a music center, changing table, wheels for moving.

Playpen-bed is a useful gift for a 2-year-old baby. There are models in different colors for boys and girls. Suitable for all children aged 2 years weighing up to 14 kg and height up to 89 cm.

Children's book

A good children's book is a priceless gift. Editions for the little ones are produced in different formats: toy books, coloring books, books with game elements (cards, stickers, built-in sounds), 3D books.

Among the books for children of two years of age, you can find options for boys (about superheroes, transport), for girls (about dolls, cartoon characters) and universal (counting, alphabet, fairy tales).

When purchasing a book for your baby, give preference to “strong constructions” and bright design. The child will not be able to deform cardboard or cloth pages, and colorful images will attract attention.

Choose children's books according to the level of mental development.

finger puppets

A similar option is walker dolls, glove dolls. This toy is in great demand among children. A distinctive feature is its compactness, which allows you to take finger puppets with you anywhere and save storage space.

Such dolls are used to embody plot-role-playing ideas and for ordinary role-playing games between different people. You can arrange a home theater with or for a child.

Finger puppets will be a non-standard surprise for the birthday of a two-year-old baby.

When choosing a gift for a birthday, they are usually guided by the preferences of the birthday person. But what to do when you need to find a gift for a two-year-old baby, especially when shop windows are full of toys, children's things and accessories? You just need to take into account the needs of the child at this age and his interests.

Interests of a child at 2 years old

Before looking for an answer to the question of what to give a child for 2 years, it is necessary to take into account the features of his development at this age:

  1. He begins to show independence, so it is necessary to give him more opportunities for self-expression.
  2. The child expands his vocabulary, his memorization skills improve.
  3. The imagination begins to develop rapidly.
  4. Masters role-playing games and imitates adults.

At this age, the child absorbs everything like a sponge, and actively develops (physically and psychologically). Therefore, the best gift for 2 years is educational games.

Educational gift

Give the little birthday boy toys that will help develop his imagination and fine motor skills. If you cannot spend a lot of money on a gift, then just from educational games you can choose an inexpensive option, while it will bring incomparable benefits to the child:

When you choose what to give a child for 2 years, you can opt for special games for boys and girls.

Birthday girl

After two years, children begin to imitate adults and express this in their games. It is at this age that you need to start introducing them to role-playing games: cooks, doctors, dolls, and the like.

Naturally, girls want to do everything like a mother, so they take an example from her. So give her some girly role play sets for her birthday:

Sets for role-playing games are such a gift for a 2-year-old girl that will arouse genuine interest. But do not expect that the child will immediately begin to use it “correctly”: it is needed precisely in order to instill interest in such a game.

Boy's name day

For a boy's birthday, role-play sets can be bought the same as for girls: many play with dishes or dolls with interest. But there are more "male" games:

Gifts for the physical development of crumbs

Do not forget that children are very fond of jumping, jumping and running, so you can present for your birthday:

  1. Mini trampoline for home. It is comfortable and safe for indoor use, and kids love to jump on it.
  2. You can equip a home sports complex - swings, horizontal bars, stairs, slides, ropes and rings. In stores they are sold individually or as specially designed corners in the kit.
  3. The dry pool with balls does not leave indifferent children at any age.
  4. A play tent in the form of a pirate ship, a car or with a tunnel is a good gift for a 2-year-old boy, because you can come up with a lot of interesting and active games with it. For a girl, it is better to choose models-houses.

If you decide to buy sports equipment, then consider the available space: it takes up a lot of space. If the apartment is small, then give preference to folding models that can be hidden or pushed back.

For little talents

At the age of two, it is possible to develop creative inclinations and abilities in a child. Therefore, when deciding what to give a child for 2 years, take a look at the sets for creativity:

  1. Paints that can be painted with hands evoke a lot of positive emotions in children. In addition, they are very bright, wash off clothes without any problems. Together with such paints, you need to immediately buy large sheets of paper - whatman paper.
  2. Plasticine or modeling paste will help develop creativity and imagination. For the smallest, they produce a special plasticine, which is made on the basis of plant components, does not stain hands at all and is easily washed off with water.
  3. Magnetic boards with legs, on which you can draw with special felt-tip pens or crayons.
  4. Bathroom markers make bathing even more fun: you can draw on tiles, walls, and even yourself with them. They are easily washed off and do not cause allergies.

Gift from parents

Parents are ready to spend fabulous sums on their child, so you can buy large gifts for a birthday:

  1. Children's furniture is always useful in everyday life. It can be developing tables, soft toy sofas or folding chairs.
  2. A children's car or motorcycle is the best gift for a 2-year-old son. You can buy steerable models that look like miniatures of real cars, or wheelchairs that you have to push off with your feet to ride.
  3. A bicycle with a long handle or a snow scooter for walking in the fresh air (the choice depends on the time of year) - after all, the baby is not so interested in a stroller.

Gift from grandma

Grandmothers usually care about the comfort and health of their grandchildren, so they can give:

Gift from godparents

If you are godparents to a child, then you are primarily responsible for his spiritual development. Therefore, gifts should be appropriate:

    1. Books help spiritual development, so for a two-year-old child you can purchase various options: poems or fairy tales, standard or with three-dimensional pictures, with sounds or toys - the choice is huge. It is better to buy books made of thick cardboard with rounded corners, then the child will be able to leaf through it himself, without tearing or injuring himself.
      2. A wonderful gift for a goddaughter for 2 years is a religious paraphernalia. You can buy a cross or an icon.

General selection criteria

When you have chosen what to give a child for 2 years, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The quality of the purchased goods should not cause any doubt. Ask for certificates for children's products or check it by eye: carefully examine, touch, smell. There should be no sharp chemical odors, left traces of paint on the hands and foreign objects inside.
  2. Do not buy toys and things that combine a lot of bright and poisonous colors.

Children love everything new and unknown, so in any case your gift will please and interest the child if you spend a little of your attention and time on his choice.

So, what to give a child for 2 years to please the baby, his parents and yourself?

It would be nice to understand for this, but what kind of creature is this - a person at 2 years old? What did you learn in your second year of life? What does he know how to do that even the same age cannot do? And what about the floor? How important is it to consider a boy or a girl when choosing a gift for a child for 2 years?

Gift for 2 years girl and boy

A year has passed, and after it - another, and now your so recently born baby has become a very independent little man with established preferences and character, and is preparing to celebrate his second birthday!

And again, parents and other relatives are thinking about an important question - what to give?

Educational games

In the first years of life, the baby's intellect develops at an amazing speed - what your child could not do yesterday, today he can “suddenly” do easily and simply. Therefore, psychologists advise acquiring educational toys a little “over the top” so that the child has something to strive for. Fortunately, different games that develop many skills are apparently invisible.

So, various games are very useful for kids, training little fingers to be dexterous and skillful. The most famous to all -. Among these games there are also small wooden beads or figures for stringing on a string, Sensory game with small wooden objects that are pleasant to the touch, like Walda’s, or an unusual “Hut on chicken legs”, like Fairy Tales of the Tree, as well as our long-term bestseller - - the one that walks, sways and sighs on the go))


Any one is also a great educational toy. And 2 years is the most suitable age to start getting acquainted with this huge and fascinating world - the world of designers. Moreover, it does not matter whether you are looking for a gift for two-year-old boys or for girls of the same age - the designer will also be interesting for little princesses, the main thing is to choose the right one. It can be a classic construction set made of details, for example, or maybe you will like a simple and bright or wooden construction set.

Dolls and soft toys

When choosing a gift for a two-year-old girl, it will be very useful to look into the doll section. After all, already at this age, kids begin to slowly master, with the help of their parents or older brothers and sisters, various role-playing games and, of course, the main game of girls - daughter-mothers. Therefore, you can safely choose a small, and at the same time a variety of doll accessories -,. By the way, cute and pleasant to the touch toys are perfect for preparing a puppet dinner.

There are, however, girls who prefer to play not with dolls, but c - we also have a lot of them. For example, the highest quality with music from Spiegelburg.


Yes, even at such a tender age, some girls love. If your birthday girl is one of them, it might be worth buying her first simple and safe piece of jewelry - a Bino wooden bracelet or necklace.

home theater

Remembering the role-playing games with puppet characters, one cannot but say about the home puppet theater, because its characters are also dolls and soft toys, only. The favorite pastime of many kids is to play with such dolls that an adult puts on his hand, or watch a real performance that the same adult organizes))

By the way, an excellent compact version of home theater is based on the plots of famous fairy tales and


Probably not a single child would refuse to have their own small cozy house. And therefore, a light portable version of such a house - a fabric one - will be joyfully received in any nursery.


At the age of 2, children already consciously and with pleasure master the tools for creativity - pencils, paints, plasticine and much more. Giving something for creativity is a great idea, because all these are “consumables” that run out the faster the more the child likes to draw and sculpt, which means they will definitely come in handy. And if ordinary pencils don’t seem very “gift” to you, you can choose something more interesting - especially for kids based on food coloring, or soap pencils that you can draw directly on the walls of the bathroom, or high-quality ones. As a “solid” gift from the creativity section, one can advise that is convenient for drawing, for example, the “My First Studio” set or an Easel.

Musical toys

Being engaged in the creative development of a child, one should not be limited only to the fine arts. Music is an integral element of versatile development. And you can start your acquaintance with music with toys. Whether you choose a xylophone or a set of sounding balls, or a rattle - it will probably depend on the temperament and preferences of the birthday person, but such a toy will definitely be useful.


It can be either folk tales or nursery rhymes, or classics of the Soviet era - Marshak or Chukovsky, or maybe something completely different. The main thing is that there are pictures suitable for a two-year-old child - large and understandable, and also that the book and pictures are liked by an adult who will read to the baby))