Congratulations to your son on the day of the angel. Voice wishes for name days. Birthday greetings

Congratulate the person on the Day of the Angel, or, as it is called otherwise, on the name day, because this is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom the Christian is named!

Name day. How to determine the day of the name day

How to congratulate on Angel Day?

The most important part of congratulating on Angel Day is prayer. On the day of the Angel, it is better to pray for the birthday man in the church - at the Liturgy or prayer service to the heavenly patron (the saint in whose honor the name is given).

Any spiritually useful gifts will also be appropriate: a theological book, the lives of saints, an icon, a souvenir from a holy place or a shrine.

The meal on the day of the Angel must comply with the charter of the day: breaking the fast would be wrong (although the relaxation of the fast is quite acceptable). Of course, pious conversations befitting the day should be conducted at the table, and alcohol abuse should be refrained from.

Happy Angel Day verses

May the Angel keep your life
The trouble may not know you
Let grief run from you
Let friends not forget
May joy, happiness and success,
Good luck, tenderness, kind laughter,
Like a radiant star
Always accompanies you!

The heavenly angel protects us in the world.
Everyone has their own guardian angel.
He is responsible for you in this life,
He protects both life and peace.

Maybe he doesn't always succeed
To ward off human troubles by hand.
Know that today your holiday will begin
Means, today should be lucky.

The most delicate and beautiful
Today the holiday has come:
I want a white-winged angel
I gave you happiness.

I want you to always laugh
The world is empty without your smiles.
So that you never get upset
Forgot what sadness is!

Thanks! I'm telling you now, my angel!
You have not abandoned me and you have never forgotten.
In difficult moments, at times,
Your voice warmed my soul.
When a blizzard was knocking on the window,
And the cold tore my heart
Didn't forget me as a friend ...
He brought him back to life by prayer.
You taught me patience
Struggle for life and love.
All my doubts disappeared
That I won't see you again.
In a dream, walking with you in the meadows,
Suddenly I received my answer ...
I woke up completely different
Has comprehended the secret of wisdom.

On Angel Day I wish
Spiritual beauty
Patience, understanding,
A dream come true

Love of family and friends,
And with his angel
Make friends with all your pure heart,
And believe in a miracle with him!

Each of us
There is a guardian angel,
It is meant to protect
From failures and troubles,
Happy Angel Day!
May he be stronger than granite
With you forever
There is a path of victories!

Happy Angel Day SMS
May your guardian angel
Protects from trouble
Your heart in prayer
And fills with a dream

On a bright holiday, joint
I wish you
To be with a lovely soul,
Live with endless love

Like an angel has wings
That are invisible to people
May they rise above the world
Illuminated with faith in a miracle!

Be happy on Angel Day
I am doubly cheerful,
After all, you are not alone
On the vast Earth.
Heavenly intercessor
Always behind the back
Walking silently
By your destiny.
Let it be for a moment
Will not leave You -
Love today
Friends wish.

Toast-congratulationhappy angel day
Bright Angel every hour
Looks intently at you,
He foresees everything in advance,
Protects from mistakes.
For a whole year he was busy -
He did not allow trouble to come near you
Thank you for him
Raise your glass.

Happy Angel Day to Father

Our beloved Father!

Angel Day is with you,

We wish to be with prayer

Every hour in your life,

And every minute

To feed the sheep of Christ,

And praise God

Always on your lips!

We wish you to live long

And carry the light of Christ,

With the sword of prayer to God

Crush enemy regiments

Reach holiness with humility,

Reach the heights in love

Go forward without backing away

All the way to gray hair.

We wish you worthy

Students and children.

They are in spiritual wars

They will resist to death.

According to your example -

May their paths be easy

Come to Christ's measure:

We are all students!

May your guardian be an Angel

Always in a hurry soon

He glorified the Lord

With all my holiness,

He rejoices with you

On such a happy day

What not to say in words

And it's not too lazy to repeat.

These holy words, -

The Lord taught us so, -

So that we are like children

From shrouds to graves!

Each of us has a guardian angel, and although none of us have ever seen him in our lives, we are still sure that they are always somewhere near us. Or maybe it is, and every day, every minute, our guardian angels are on the alert to help and protect us. And even in the calendar year there is a holiday that, oddly enough, is dedicated to these creatures. So why not thank them at least once a year for their hard work and congratulate you on the day of the angel, but not to themselves, but to those who are very dear to you. Make angel day one of the holidays you will celebrate every year. And teach your loved ones to celebrate it too, because this is one of the few celebrations that is filled with some kind of pleasant meaning.

This is one of the holidays that cannot be celebrated with a noisy feast or festivities. This is something intimate, like your mystical relationship with the guardian angel. Therefore, congratulations on the day of the angel should bear an almost mystical sign in order to preserve the pleasant charm of this event. And a wish for a happy angel's day must necessarily contain words of love, since for the sake of these warm relations we live with you. Start your pleasant angel day with a beautiful greeting on the day of the guardian angel.

Congratulations to Abbot Nikon (Vorobyov)

I congratulate you on the day of the Angel and wish you: health to the body, humility to the soul, patience, abstinence to the tongue. I wish you always have the memory of God. And if there is none of this, then lament in your heart before God, always say like a publican: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner," or: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

Honor yourself worse than everyone else, and you will be honored by God, have pity ... and all people - then the Lord will pity you, for it is said: "With what measure you measure, it will be measured to you." Do not judge anyone - you will not be judged by God. Choose what is easier for you to do, then cultivate in your heart until you receive the fruit.

Spiritual fruit from any right deed there is: love, joy, peace, patience, faith, meekness etc.

May the Lord fill you with these fruits for the prayers of your Angel. Lord bless you.

Peace to you, … !

I congratulate you on the day of the Angel and wish your deeds to be settled with his prayers and you would find peace both here and in the future life. Rest is found in humility and meekness, as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself pointed out: Learn from Me, as I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls... And you, if you want to find peace and tranquility for your soul, then act in deeds, and in words, and in your soul, meekly and humbly, or sincerely regret and bring repentance to the Lord if you do the opposite.

God bless you and comfort you and save you. Amen.

Expensive … ! Hello!

Happy Angel Day! Through his holy prayers, may the Lord protect you from all external and internal evil, may he give you spiritual wisdom and zeal for salvation. May St. ... to go through the earthly way in fulfillment of the commandments of Christ and will take you into his eternal abode.

We received your letter on 24 / III. And you wrote it on the 23rd. We are very glad that the dream was “out of hand”, and you managed to deliver a decent sermon. The further you go, the easier it will be for you to speak. The main thing is to have enough material so that you can use what is caused by the course of speech when pronouncing. Thank God!

Yes, a gift is already ready for you from me. Do you remember? We hope that you will come to the Annunciation for the days that I wrote about in my last letter.

On Easter I will bother myself to let you go to sing, because the bass continues to hurt and there is no hope that it will get better.

Our all congratulate you and wish you all the best. We wait.

…, Dear, I congratulate you on the day of the Angel. May St. Alexy to be a man of God, and not a creature of this world. One must always be very careful not to accept any suggestions of the air prince into the soul. Great people fell into his net. Remember the vision of St. Anthony the Great on Spreading Nets. They are avoided only by humility, that is, complete lack of confidence in oneself and complete surrender of oneself to God ...

Congratulations to Bishop Benjamin (Milov) (in letters from exile)

Tikhon Tikhonovich belatedly congratulations on the last day of the Angel. May the Lord strengthen him to serve God under the new abbot.

First of all, I hasten to greet dear T [atyana] B [orisovna] with the day of the Angel and express the same wish that I give myself: to always be ready to appear before God's face. Life is short, the thread of life is thin, is about to break ... It is necessary to cleanse all the past, underconfessed, unmourned by confession, and then always be sick contritely, without despondency and longing only, - to be sick about your current weaknesses: quick sensitivity and painful when meeting everything unexpected in life ; about the remnants of the earthly, which you do not like, but what your nature lets you know about. And God will not disregard your contrition, He will put quiet joy and gentle consolation into the contrition itself.

… Let me greet you with Angel Day, although hello is too late. I wish you the highest treasure - deepening your ability to pray. With this acquisition, all that is sacred enters the soul. This is the channel through which the juice of grace moves from the Vine, Christ the Savior, into the branch of the soul. And the grace of God is the power of all that is good in us, and help, and the transformation of our good desires into deeds. I bow low to my dear Father Tikhon Tikhonovich and thank him for the prayers and good memory.

Dear Tatyana Borisovna, I hasten to express cordially my thoughts and feelings in connection with the upcoming day of her Angel. To a bright greeting on this day, memorable and spiritually dear, thoughts about the worries of the dear birthday girl involuntarily wrap themselves in the minds. Your lot around the house - to bear obediently the cross of sorrow for children with hope in God... Humanly, we would like children to immediately become angels. But character their and their shortcomings in their correction are subordinate to the fate of the Providence of God. It is possible for God to immediately correct them by providential influences. T [atyana] B [Orisovna], as a Canaanite woman, is to cry and cry to God. The Lord always sees you and hears your prayers... One need only humbly and unshakably continue to pray, bear the podvig of compassionate love and courageously stand with faith in intercession before God for children.

Dear and always warmly remembered father!

Let me greet you on the day of your Angel with the lips of these lines on the day of your namesake. May the Lord, through the prayers of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, prolong your earthly life more and more for the benefit of His Church and for the salvation of the souls of your flocked children.

Let your service to the Church be your personal ladder to Heaven and eternal bliss in God. The once flock of Saint Tikhon himself, according to his Life, presented themselves to him in a dream as helping him ascend to Heaven along a steep staircase. They set the saint higher and higher - to the very clouds. Likewise, the Lord Providence, in the person of your spiritual children, has given you future prayer-books, who will pray for you for your warm love for them and concern for their consolation.

May God grant you health and strength for many years!

With sincere reverence and love for you, brotherly in the Lord, I remain unworthy ...

Each of us has a name given at birth. Its magic is great. The name is a part of our personality, it determines fate, character. But along with the name, everyone has their own Angel-be kept, the heavenly patron, the intercessor, the saint, whose name is entered in the Holy Calendar. But, as a rule, there are many saints of the same name in the Holy Calendar. Therefore, the day of the Angel is considered the day closest to the birthday and following it.
In difficult times, we can turn to our Guardian Angel with a prayer: "Angel, my holy guardian, save me from all evil ... enlighten me to distinguish good from evil ... direct me to the road leading to salvation."

No one is nameless between living people
At all; at the moment of birth, everyone, both low and noble
He receives his name from his parents as a sweet gift ...

The name is the first thing that is given to us in life, and remains with us until the last day. Like everything else in the world, names have their own history. They are born, live their own special life, die, and sometimes rise again. The ancients believed that only with the acquisition of a name, a person begins his path as a person.
It has long been believed that changing a person's name changes its very essence.
In Russia, the name day, or the day of the angel, began to be celebrated in the 17th century.
In the old days, name days were considered more special than birthday. The tradition of celebrating name days has passed through the centuries, and remains an important day. On the eve of the holiday, the birthday boy's family brewed beer, baked birthday rolls, pies and loaves. On the day of the name day, they sang the song, so familiar to all of us from childhood, "Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want!"
Many people are interested to know about the origin of their consecrated name, about a specific person who entered the Holy Calendar, about its history. After all, it is not just a word for a call: a name is both character, and fate, and a helper and intercessor of heaven. Did the mother give the child a name earlier, which is not in the Holy Calendar? No way! As a child on earth alone, without a Guardian Angel? But now the kids are literally called who are in what, often following fashion. But all the same, at baptism, regardless of the civil name, a name is chosen from the Saints, which is close in pronunciation and sound.
From the point of view of Christianity, a person is also given a name for personal communication with God. The Church, when a person is baptized, thereby connects the personal name with the name of God. The Church, giving the baby the name of the Holy, thereby tries to direct him on the true path: after all, a person with that name has already realized himself, becoming a Saint.
Our congratulations will help you to congratulate any birthday person on the day of the angel>!

Heaven gave this holiday
So that we remember those who protect
Our thoughts are from evil and from good,
Our heart is from trouble and from anxiety.

Let in life side by side, always
There will be your Angel, companion, friend.
And with his wing he will drive away from you
All adversity, darkness is a disease! ©

Happy Angel Day to you, with a bright day.
Today we glorify him, and may in everything
Will save you, save you from the cold,
May there be a sea of ​​happiness and flowers
Warm smiles, fine days of the year,
And more good news! ©

Today is a name day
After all, an Angel is needed for a man:
So that the fortress of spirit is not lost,
So that happiness happens in life!
Be healthy, brave, stylish,
Ambitious, very strong! ©

Our dear, dear,
Happy birthday to you.
Angel let it flutter easily
He will keep loving in life
We wish you a share
Without sorrow, loss and evil,
May there be no pain in life
And only happiness forever! ©

Congratulations on the day of the angel!
Let the angel, without looking away,
Look after you
Let it keep you all my life
Covering yourself from troubles.
May your dream take care of the star
Shining in the stillness of the night
And the sun rises in the morning
Dispersing the darkness of the night.
Let the wind dissolve the clouds
What will be above you
And in the rain a rainbow will rise
By connecting with the soul.
May God be merciful
Give life like this:
Where are you from a thousand roads
You will find your line!

Birthday greetings!
Happy Angel Day, we congratulate you!
We wish you successful deeds and joy,
Friends to be faithful with you
Pleased that you were your destiny!
You always fought with difficulties yourself,
You don't expect another to try for you,
You are ready to help others -
We are proud of our comrade!
And on the day of your brightest name day
We wish you to be an Angel!

Guardian angel in the night
Will light three candles over you
The first is for love
Eternal happiness new.
The second is for kindness,
Truth and frankness.
The third candle will save
You from adversity and resentment.

The heavenly angel protects us in the world.
Everyone has their own guardian angel.
He is responsible for you in this life,
He protects both life and peace.

Maybe he doesn't always succeed
To ward off human troubles by hand.
Know that today your holiday will begin
Means, today should be lucky.

Name day is a personal day.
Only for you today is the sunshine.
Your name is a real image,
There is no such image in the world.

A festive day in every home is an event.
A new morning brings dawn
The joy of knowledge, the discovery of the world,
A fragrant bouquet of bright flowers.

Let the congratulations flow warm
Grace will be brought into your soul.
Looking from the sky with a watchful eye,
Your angel will always help.

On Angel Day, I want to wish that your angel will always be with you to protect and help you in all your affairs - household and workers, so that all your undertakings will be brought to life, so that you will always be accompanied by luck, prosperity and success.

I wish you wisdom from God
A stream of blessings from Him.
May the road be bright and clear
An empty day lived - not a single one!

Birthday greetings are timed to coincide with a big day for a Christian - the day of the holy guardian. On this day, it is so easy that it seems that the angel himself lent his wings so that he could soar over the world. Verbal wishes from relatives and friends will add boundless ease.

In verse

The name day and the day of the angel are essentially the same holiday. This is a celebration when a person celebrates his birth and pays tribute to his name. Therefore, on the birthday of the protagonist, in whose honor the holiday is celebrated, they are called the birthday man. And you should try hard to make this day fun and unforgettable, since it is only once a year. And for the holiday to be gorgeous and magical, it is necessary to prepare pleasant surprises and congratulations to the birthday person.

One of the types of wishes that will suit and really like the main character of the day is congratulations by name. You honor not only the peculiarity of a particular day, but also the name of the birthday person himself, emphasizing his uniqueness and originality. What kind of congratulations could it be? If you want to prepare words by the name of the addressee, then it will sound beautiful in rhymed form.

First, learn the essence of the birthday person's name. On the Internet or on bookshelves, you can find a lot of information about what a particular name means, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the owner of the name. Gather everything you need to have something to prepare for your birthday. Next, add the words of wishes and compose what you received. For example, the name of the future birthday man is Maxim. We looked for information and found out that he is a quiet, calm and family man. Differs in its prudence and tact. Plus: we think over what he should wish, knowing his real needs - and we get the following result:

  • You are a quiet person, your words are silent,
  • Sometimes you speak, but your lips are mute.
  • Your family is honest, you protect them like mountains
  • Which keep the calmness of the country.
  • You think strictly, but the truth is yours,
  • Your work seems to come to life.
  • May the success of labor haunt you
  • You will be healthy. And be as proud as you can.
  • Practice and compose the rhymed speech that you yourself will like. Then rehearse it to express it beautifully in front of other people.

    The main thing is to remember that each name carries a special meaning that leaves its mark on a person. After reading about the name of the future birthday man, pick up only those qualities that are clearly demonstrated by his owner. Highlight what is visible to everyone, but let this be the pride of the birthday person, and not his disadvantage. Name day greetings can also be prepared based on the name, if you do not know what to say. Read about the shortcomings of a particular name and wish the addressee something that will brighten up his weaknesses. Add on your own the kind words that all people want to hear on their birthday - and you get a beautiful name wish for the birthday boy.

    The name day, or the day of the Angel, is a significant holiday that carries a deep sacred meaning. In the tradition of the Orthodox Church, a person is given a name in honor of a saint - his heavenly patron and intercessor. For a long time, this holiday was practically supplanted by birthdays, and its true meaning was almost lost. Today the day of the Angel was remembered again. And even people who are far from any religious beliefs will not argue that a name is not a random set of sounds. Even in ancient times, people believed that a name is capable of determining character and influencing the fate of a person. Without a doubt, such an important day cannot be complete without sincere and warm congratulations!

    Birthday greetings always carry a special personality and reflect your attention to the birthday person. They can be serious and sincere or funny and humorous, but in any case they will not be left without attention, because for each person his own name is one of the most important words to which it is impossible to remain indifferent. "What's in my name for you? .." - said the poet. Tell your birthday friend about the unspeakably valuable that sounds to you in his name!

    And let your birthday greetings come from the very depths of your heart and warm the hero of the occasion with happiness and festive mood!

    We sincerely congratulate you on your name day and Angel Day! Sometimes the name is like a guiding star, preventing us from getting lost and losing each other in the world of people. Wear your name with dignity, like a crown, but do not forget that a person is famous not for his name, but for his deeds. Let your heart radiate kindness, and it will return a hundredfold! And if one day you feel sad, let the closest and dearest people be near, ready to help. Good luck and faith in miracles!

    Happy birthday and your little Angel! There are so many beautiful things in the world that I would like to wish you! May you not be deprived of health, wealth, or luck! Let each new day begin with a smile and end with a peaceful sleep without worries! And most importantly - let your name be firmly inscribed in the hearts of true friends and loving relatives!

    We wish you joy and light, love and warmth on your name day! Go through life with a young heart, never be discouraged, open up new horizons! Let those you love be near!

    Please accept our warm congratulations on your Angel's Day! On this special holiday - the day of your name - I want to tell you: no matter how many people on earth bear this name, you will be the first and only one for us! We wish to meet only true values ​​on the way! Love, health, understanding to you!

    Today is your name day! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, we wish you fervently to believe in a miracle, smile more often and remember those who gave you a name and life! May the voice calling your name always be filled with sincere love!

    Happy Angel Day! Let your keeper cover you with a wing from all misfortunes, but not teach you to go with the flow limply. We wish you to always be able to discern your right path, true friends and true love! And if sadness suddenly knocks on your doors, let your angel teach you how to fly, and your days will be filled with delight, joy and faith in the best!

    Today is your name day! We did not bake the loaf. But we want to light up this day for you with our warm friendly feelings! We wish that the festive mood will remain with you for a long time, and your joy will be pure and bright, like in childhood - “this is such a height, this is such a width”! Walk through life boldly, do not lose your sense of humor and keep in your soul the readiness to conquer new heights!

    Happy birthday! This holiday is special, so we want to congratulate you in a special way. We wish you to always remember that in every person there is something amazing and precious, sometimes hidden deep in the soul, like a pearl in a mother-of-pearl shell at the bottom of the sea. You should not hide your best qualities, so no one will be able to appreciate their beauty and experience happiness from touching them. Open your soul to those who deserve it! Give your loved ones the pearls of your love of life, kindness and talent, and do not regret it, because it will not be wasted! Don't be afraid to open up to the world! Fate always responds with generosity to generosity, luck smiles at the brave, and love kisses them! Happy Angel Day!

    On this day of your name day, I would like to wish you that in your life there are always relatives and friends whom you want to protect! Let them feel like they are behind a stone wall next to you! We wish you to be courageous and purposeful, like Alexander the Great, talented like Alexander Pushkin, and inventive like Alexander Bell, but at the same time remain yourself - that one and only person whom we love! May your name always bring you happiness and good luck!

    Today is your holiday, Angel Day! We sincerely bring you our birthday greetings! Your name suggests that many glorious victories await you in life! We wish you to overcome all obstacles with dignity and always achieve your goals! May luck accompany you as a true winner! Good health and warm love!

    Dear friend, we congratulate you on the day of your name! Let the particle of light, contained in it, become a real sun and illuminate your whole life! We wish you light in your soul and in relationships with those you love! Illuminate the world with your happy smile, and he will answer you in kind! With the brightest feelings, your friends.

    Happy Angel Day very sincere and warm. After all, Angel Day is definitely special. This is our Saint's day. Orthodox Christians assume that an Angel is given to each person at Baptism. That's why you need to get it early.

    And now I offer the most beautiful and sincere congratulations on Angel Day.

    May the Angel keep your life
    The trouble may not know you
    Let grief run from you
    Let friends not forget
    May joy, happiness and success,
    Good luck, tenderness, kind laughter,
    Like a radiant star
    Always accompanies you!

    Live and remember: you have a Guardian-Angel behind you
    Hand invisibly guides
    And he is always watching you.
    May Angel Day remind
    This connection is unearthly.
    Let it be the most careful
    And your Angel will be strong!

    The heavenly angel protects us in the world.
    Everyone has their own guardian angel.
    He is responsible for you in this life,
    He protects both life and peace.

    Maybe he doesn't always succeed
    To ward off human troubles by hand.
    Know that today your holiday will begin
    Means, today should be lucky.

    Mark in your calendar
    A magical holiday, an important day,
    Guardian angel may always
    The support will be for you.
    And with him in agreement, in love
    You must live
    I congratulate from the bottom of my heart
    Let only happiness lie ahead!

    The most delicate and beautiful
    Today the holiday has come:
    I want a white-winged angel
    I gave you happiness.

    I want you to always laugh
    The world is empty without your smiles.
    So that you never get upset
    Forgot what sadness is!

    Thanks! I'm telling you now, my angel!
    You have not abandoned me and you have never forgotten.
    In difficult moments, at times,
    Your voice warmed my soul.
    When a blizzard was knocking on the window,
    And the cold tore my heart
    Didn't forget me as a friend ...
    He brought him back to life by prayer.
    You taught me patience
    Struggle for life and love.
    All my doubts disappeared
    That I won't see you again.
    In a dream, walking with you in the meadows,
    Suddenly I received my answer ...
    I woke up completely different
    Has comprehended the secret of wisdom.

    On Angel Day I wish
    Spiritual beauty
    Patience, understanding,
    A dream come true

    Love of family and friends,
    And with his angel
    Make friends with all your pure heart,
    And believe in a miracle with him!

    Each of us
    There is a guardian angel,
    It is meant to protect
    From failures and troubles,
    Happy Angel Day!
    May he be stronger than granite
    With you forever
    There is a path of victories!

    Happy Angel Day SMS
    May your guardian angel
    Protects from trouble
    Your heart in prayer
    And fills with a dream

    On a bright holiday, joint
    I wish you
    To be with a lovely soul,
    Live with endless love

    Like an angel has wings
    That are invisible to people
    May they rise above the world
    Illuminated with faith in a miracle!

    Be happy on Angel Day
    I am doubly cheerful,
    After all, you are not alone
    On the vast Earth.
    Heavenly intercessor
    Always behind the back
    Walking silently
    By your destiny.
    Let it be for a moment
    Will not leave You -
    Love today
    Friends wish.

    Happy Angel Day Toast
    Bright Angel every hour
    Looks intently at you,
    He foresees everything in advance,
    Protects from mistakes.
    For a whole year he was busy -
    He did not allow trouble to come near you
    Thank you for him
    Raise your glass.

    Happy Angel Day to Father

    Our beloved Father!

    Angel Day is with you,

    We wish to be with prayer

    Every hour in your life,

    And every minute

    To feed the sheep of Christ,

    And praise God

    Always on your lips!

    We wish you to live long

    And carry the light of Christ,

    With the sword of prayer to God

    Crush enemy regiments

    Reach holiness with humility,

    Reach the heights in love

    Go forward without backing away

    All the way to gray hair.

    We wish you worthy

    Students and children.

    They are in spiritual wars

    They will resist to death.

    According to your example -

    May their paths be easy

    Come to Christ's measure:

    We are all students!

    May your guardian be an Angel

    Always in a hurry soon

    He glorified the Lord

    With all my holiness,

    He rejoices with you

    On such a happy day

    What not to say in words

    And it's not too lazy to repeat.

    These holy words, -

    The Lord taught us so, -

    So that we are like children

    From shrouds to graves!