Congratulations on the Day of the Educator in verse and prose from parents and children. Cool short sms to work colleagues on the Day of the teacher. Pictures and postcards. Funny and comic congratulations on the day of the teacher in verse Congratulations on the day of the teacher of children

Dear colleagues of the team,
Happy holiday today to all of us, dear,
May our children be obedient
Fireworks go off in our honor.

I wish all colleagues happiness
Kind, reliable bosses.
So that the team is protected
And covered with the veil of the Lord!

An unusual day today -
Garden workers day.
We congratulate all colleagues.
Your labor is the main one.

We wish you health
Peace, joy, love
And the most beautiful flowers
To bloom for a whole year.

And also an active life,
Creativity and kindness,
So that it works perfectly
So that all dreams come true!

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on our professional holiday. I would like to wish everyone health, strength and patience. Never lose self-control and self-control, always remain the same wise, reasonable and kind. I wish you to get from work only pleasure, positive and the charge of eternal youth from our beloved, little pupils.

Colleagues, happy holiday to all of you,
Spiritualization to all,
May children's laughter inspire
But the main thing is patience!

Comfort in the house and warmth,
In the family you understand,
To have a happy life
No disappointment.

Even if the work is not easy -
You need to be successful:
Trust us from the boy
The most tender age.
Colleagues, I wish you
So that they are less tired!
So that the work inspires
There was not enough money!
Well, and a friendly team
The day would be celebrated beautifully!

Dear colleagues, educators, nannies,
You communicate with babies all day long.
You live in the world of childhood, distributing goodness,
Together with a childish smile, it will return to you.

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you
So that the pupils always understand you,
For the upbringing process to bring positive,
And it sounded, without stopping, in the souls of a gentle motive!

All my colleagues, girls,
I hasten to congratulate:
From babies, from diapers
We need to rest, friends!

Because you wish
I want joy and happiness
And how a butterfly flutters
After all, our life is so beautiful!

And of course, devuli,
I wish everyone love
So that they whispered in your ear:
" I love you so much"!

dear Colleagues
Today is a holiday with us,
And instead of boring elegies,
The hour has come for fun.

How can we not have fun?
We can't live without humor.
To mess with a bunch of kids
Natural inclination is needed.

I wish you for a smile
Always had a reason.
Let troubles, sorrows, mistakes,
They never touch you.

We work in a kindergarten,
And sometimes it is not easy.
Yes, not ideal in salary,
It’s far away from him.

The demand is great everywhere and everywhere,
We are responsible for almost everything.
For children, for dirty dishes,
Supervision is needed every hour.

But we chose our path
Our holiday is today.
And we can't turn off him,
We come here willingly in the morning.

Children will meet us joyfully,
They will raise the mood.
We are responsible for them,
We need to educate them.

I congratulate you colleagues,
Start the day with a smile
Every day I wish you
And do not know fatigue at all.

We are second mothers for children,
We direct them in the right way.
Our work is responsible and important!
We will sit with each one for a little bit,

Let's tell a story, calm down,
Let's go to bed gently.
We get tired quickly, we will not hide it.
And I want to wish us

Love your good deed,
Have patience and love
So that the soul wants to sing
And so that as many words as possible

Love, care and support
Have you heard and said
So that the heart is sensitive, tender,
So that our parents appreciate us!

May there be a heap of gifts on this day
And a bag of thanks
Will light flower gunpowder in my soul,
So that everything in the world was OK!

We have a common holiday today.
Colleagues, I congratulate you!
We are an example for children and nannies,
We are in sight of their clear eyes.

So be in a good mood
Will meet us every day
And even the walls help
Be on top with a smile.

On September 27, all preschool workers will accept the most sincere, kind, sometimes funny congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017. Parents and children will devote lovely poems and sincere prose to their beloved nannies and educators. The head of the preschool educational institution and members of the city administration will certainly congratulate the colleagues. Toddlers and future first-graders attending kindergarten will hand over funny pictures and self-signed postcards to teachers.

Sincere congratulations to all preschool workers on Teacher's Day 2017

On September 27, Russia celebrates the main holiday of representatives of the most humane profession - educators. It is the preschool workers who raise the future great scientists, astronauts, researchers, illustrious military men, talented doctors, teachers and even presidents and ministers. In most cities and villages, only women are still entering this profession. Of course, we all remember the kind-hearted director of the kindergarten from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune" and "The Mustache Nanny" from the comedy of the same name, however, such examples are found so far only in the movies. Unfortunately, men do not consider working at a preschool educational institution as a possible career. Nevertheless, in some cities, kindergartens are still run by representatives of the stronger sex. On Teacher's Day 2017, sincerely congratulate the employees of the kindergarten and wish them endurance, children's love and salary growth.

Examples of sincere congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 - Wishes to all preschool workers

Today in Russia tens of thousands of preschool workers are employed as “second mothers”. With their patience, affection, sincere care for children, they help kids grow up to be kind, kind-hearted people. On Educator's Day 2017, celebrated on September 27, congratulate each of them on this wonderful holiday. It doesn't matter if the teacher works in a private or municipal preschool educational institution - in any case, he does his job with great love and diligence.

Thank you for the smiles, thank you for the warmth,
It's very difficult to bring up a child.
May each educator, for his work and love,
This holiday will receive a large bouquet of flowers.

And baby hands will hug you for
That they wiped away their tears when it was hard for them!
We cordially congratulate you on the holiday, all of us,
We wish you health, success and love!

An educator is not a job
This is a daily concern
About the most important citizens of the country,
So that they are obedient and smart!

On your holiday, congratulations
And take a bow to the ground,
May all your personal aspirations
Will come true. They are important to us!

Sometimes you can't cope with one,
You - with a crowd of kids - it's easy!
And for this we are a mountain for you,
And we highly appreciate your work!

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. It is in your hands and in your power to educate all generations, you open doors for children to the country of happy childhood and dreams, you give the children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

In preschool institutions, educators and music workers, nannies and nurses, cooks and administration workers work. On the day of their professional holiday, which begins in 2017 on September 27, the children of the kindergarten and their parents will prepare funny congratulations for teachers. Young children who are just starting out in life trust their favorite kindergarten workers. They learn from them reading and writing, arithmetic, labor, a kind attitude towards nature and people.

Examples of cool congratulations on Teacher's Day

Many adults, living with good memories of kindergarten, grow up, and they themselves come with their children to that kindergarten, which many years ago became their second home for a while. Every September 27, on Teacher's Day, together with their daughters and sons, they prepare funny congratulations to their native teachers and music workers, nurses and cooks, nannies and the head. Choose some of them and wish the preschool worker a good mood and smiles.

The teacher is like a second mother,
He is in a hurry to sleep stubbornly,
Keeping an eye on the order -
But the kid does not comply with it.

If it's sad, the teacher will regret it,
He, like a mother, knows how to console.
We congratulate you today,
And we wish you happiness and love!

Someone says something
Someone is on the ears.
Someone broke a toy
In a quiet hour he tore a pillow ...

You need to smile
Do not get lost on the kids!
Raise them with love!
We wish not to know troubles!

I want to wish you a holiday!
Become the best educator of all!
Well, you have patience -
Children should always smile!

Kind congratulations from parents and children on the Day of the teacher

On Teacher's Day, September 27, hundreds of thousands of preschool educators will receive congratulations from their pupils and their parents. Children will surely say the kindest, most heartfelt words to "second mothers", read them a poem, sing songs, dance and present homemade postcards. The profession of an educator is worthy of respect. Despite the small salary and the highest responsibility for each child, the employees of the preschool educational institution communicate with the children on a daily basis in order to develop the best human qualities in each of them.

Examples of congratulations on the Day of the teacher from children and parents

Teacher's Day as a separate holiday for all employees of preschool institutions appeared quite recently, in 2004. Until that time, the employees of the preschool educational institution celebrated it as Teacher's Day, in October. Now, kindergarten teachers are accepting the kindest and most cordial congratulations from parents and children on September 27. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It was on this day, in 1863, that the first kindergarten for children was opened in tsarist Russia. Now tens of thousands of kindergarteners hospitably open their doors every day for their little pupils.

Congratulations, educators,

With this bright, warm day.

And we wish you to live happily

Not worrying about anything.

Congratulations, our nannies,

You are the caring one.

May the work be a joy to you,

And success always awaits in everything!

You are all dear to our children,

Almost irreplaceable.

And we, parents, are happy

You have become close to them.

Happy Day of the teacher and preschool workers!
Obedient pupils, satisfied parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last about six months.

The salary is growing, the mood is with her,
All your undertakings will be successful.
Illuminate your children with love,
In return, you will receive admiration from them.

Educators are a vocation.
These are those who know how to love.
Only the best wishes for you,
We will not tire of thanking you.

You health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money
So that you are always in a good mood
I wanted to go to work!

Funny congratulations on Teacher's Day to colleagues

In ancient times, in particular in Rome and Greece, the upbringing of small children was trusted only by well-trained soldiers. People of that time sincerely believed that only a legionnaire can cope with the indomitable disposition of a child, withstand all his whims, and give a decent upbringing and education. Several centuries later, this opinion was refuted by fragile, feminine educators. Hundreds of thousands of mom and dad babies trust them every year. Colleagues-teachers know better than others about the difficulties of the profession of an employee of a preschool institution. On September 27, they congratulate each other on their professional holiday with cool poems and postcards.

Examples of cool congratulations and wishes to colleagues on Teacher's Day

Unlike the legionnaires raising the children of Rome and Greece several centuries ago, without weapons and armor, our teachers manage with restless, cheerful kids who come running to kindergarten in the morning. Modern "Mary Poppins" for a while, while parents are at work or busy with household chores, manage to teach children to read and write, tell them amazing tales, calm them down in case of a dispute or quarrel. On their professional day, September 27, colleagues working in a preschool institution coolly congratulate all the nannies, educators, music workers and nurses working with them in the same preschool.

I wish you friends
Good health.
To go to work
You are always loving.
Holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let them surround you.
Quarantines in groups let
It doesn't happen at all.
And, of course, more
"Modest" your salary.
So that we have it,
Like the deputies.

An unusual day today -
Garden workers day.
We congratulate all colleagues.
Your labor is the main one.

We wish you health
Peace, joy, love
And the most beautiful flowers
To bloom for a whole year.

And also an active life,
Creativity and kindness,
So that it works perfectly
So that all dreams come true!

We work with you in kindergarten,
And our work is useful literally for everyone.
The kid grows up in our sight
Its new success depends on us.

We will help the little one to "overcome" the pot
And we will add knowledge, teach good.
I wish all of us, I have more time,
Arriving at work in the morning.

And everyone at home so that there is only peace,
Warmth, kindness, understanding in everything.
We will arrange a feast on Teacher's Day,
Let’s sit with our hearts, well, and then we’ll sing!

Happy Teachers Day in pictures

Most of the teachers go to work in kindergartens by vocation. They take pride in raising the next generation. Many employees of preschool institutions remember each of their pupils, his character and habits, hobbies and affections. Despite the enormous responsibility assumed, the teachers of the preschool educational institution are happy to do their favorite thing. September 27, 2017, on Wednesday, the kindergarten children will congratulate them, giving them funny pictures and drawings.

Examples of funny congratulatory pictures for the Day of the teacher

Great attention is paid to preschool education in Russia. Very often, the quality of the knowledge given to the child in kindergarten determines his further studies at school and even the chosen profession. Pupils of kindergartens who love their educators grow up to be kind-hearted, sympathetic people. On their professional day, the employees of the preschool educational institution will accept funny congratulations in pictures from kids and future first graders.

Congratulations to the kindergarten staff on Teacher's Day

Since in preschool institutions it is not only the educators themselves who are engaged in the education and upbringing of children, on September 27, on the holiday of all kindergarten workers, children and their parents will congratulate nannies, music teachers, nurses, cooks, nurses. In addition, congratulations and warm wishes on this day will be received by students of pedagogical colleges studying there, so that in a few years they will come to the preschool educational institution and start working with the kids. Young professionals really want to work in their specialty. Today the average age in the teaching staff does not exceed forty years. Interest in the chosen profession also increased due to the increase in the average salary of a kindergarten employee.

Examples of congratulations to kindergarten workers on Teacher's Day in verse

On Teacher's Day, children attending kindergartens will be happy to congratulate all the employees of their favorite preschool institution. They will devote the most fervent songs and kind poems to nurses and teachers, music director and cooks, nannies and nurses.

There is no harder work in the world -
Raise other people's children.
And you are busy all day:
Learn, play, undress, dress.

The kids are noisy, frolicking.
And he does not always obey,
But the balostvo will not work here -
You will find an approach to each.

You are an educator anywhere!
The guys love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you,
We say "thank you" for everything!

We wish you peace of mind on the holiday,
Always enjoy everything
Always only joy and positive
In work - patience and creativity.
So that your quiet hour is really quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
And so that discipline, and so obedience ...
So that happiness knocks on you without delay,
So that life is ringing, like children's songs,
And your every year was interesting!

The teacher is not a job,
Not a measured life.
This is a service without calculation,
Her vocation is to love.

Calm the crybaby with affection,
Pacify the bully
Put the brawlers in a corner,
And praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, shoe, build,
Take a walk and feed
And your big soul
Divide without a remainder.

All preschool workers, including nannies, nurses, nurses and other kindergarten staff, will receive congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 in the morning of September 27. Parents and children will wish teachers patience and happiness, big salaries and a calm family life. In the evening, colleagues will gather at the festive table to discuss how the day went to carefully examine the cool pictures presented to them for the celebration by the kids.

Kind and caring educators, nannies and nurses working at the preschool educational institution require special attention on Teacher's Day. After all, thanks to them, kids learn to be wise, make the right decisions and strive to gain knowledge. You can send congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 both in poetry and in prose. And among the original pictures with wishes offered below, you can easily pick up unusual and funny texts that will surely delight your friends and colleagues. Parents and children can use beautiful postcards to decorate the kindergarten building as they prepare for Teacher's Day. But mothers and fathers can send short rhymes and prose to their favorite children's teachers in messages or by e-mail.

Original congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers of 2017 - in verse and prose

Beautiful congratulations in honor of the Teacher's Day can be sent not only to those employees who still work at the preschool educational institution, but also to all teachers who have put their whole souls into this work. Therefore, on such a bright holiday, you can send congratulatory words in SMS messages, e-mails to your educators, nannies and preschool educational institutions, with whom the sender is familiar.

Original poems with congratulations for the holiday of the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers in 2017

Each educator and nanny, nurse of a preschool educational institution will be pleased to receive beautiful congratulatory poems from the parents, whose children they previously raised. Such attention will certainly evoke only kind and bright emotions in the recipient and will help him to spend this holiday in a good mood.

Happy Day of the teacher and preschool workers!
Obedient pupils, satisfied parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last about six months.

The salary is growing, the mood is with her,
All your undertakings will be successful.
Illuminate your children with love,
In return, you will receive admiration from them.

Educator's Day is the kindest holiday in the world:
It contains the light and kindness of people, relatives.
After all, workers work for joy
Our kids are very mischievous.

I bow low to you and thank you so much
And for patience, and for the most difficult work.
After all, an educator is a teacher from the first days,
Giving knowledge, kindness, souls comfort!

May fate give gifts every day,
May good luck and success accompany you.
Live happily, richly, very brightly,
And let the happy children's laughter sound!

Preschool workers,
All the teachers, all the nannies, the cooks,
Today is your holiday, and we congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity and goodness.

We wish you a good mood
Work daily with babies.
Coming up with activities with rapture,
To fill children's souls with beauty.

We wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success and recognition in work,
Love and joy - well, just limitless,
Well-being, harmony in the family.

Congratulations on this holiday
All who, sparing no effort,
Helps our children
Explore the wonderful world.

We wish you health,
And patience and kindness,
Happiness and good luck to the sea,
And sincere warmth!

Examples of original congratulatory prose for all employees of the preschool educational institution for the Day of the Teacher in 2017

You can send both beautiful poems and congratulatory prose in private messages. You can pick it up among the examples below. They are suitable for both friendly and formal greetings of all preschool workers.

Being a teacher is a real calling. And even if your job is not easy at all, you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for the warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive women could choose this extraordinary, but such a responsible profession. After all, raising a child requires a lot of work, philanthropy and perseverance of character. We wish you a strong nervous system, excellent mood and well-being. Let our kids give you their radiant smiles, charge you with irrepressible energy and childhood.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. It is in your hands and in your power to educate all generations, you open doors for children to the country of happy childhood and dreams, you give the children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

I congratulate the teacher and all preschool workers on the Day and sincerely wish the children to give their smiles and joy, so that your heart is always full of happiness and beauty, so that there will never be reasons for sadness in your life, so that every day brings good luck and gives a wonderful mood ...
Funny congratulations in verse on the Day of the Teacher - examples of texts and children's speeches

Any educator and nanny, nurse and cook will be pleased to receive good wishes from their pupils on their professional holiday. Children can learn beautiful poems for this, or prepare a mini-concert with them dedicated to all employees of the preschool educational institution.

Examples of cool congratulatory verses for the Day of the teacher from children

You can choose beautiful and simple verses for learning by children in kindergarten from the options below. The original texts are quite easy to learn and memorize. They are suitable for performing as a middle or senior, as well as a younger group of kindergarten.

We love the caregiver
And we adore the nanny.
And on a wonderful holiday
Congratulations to them!

We wish you a lot of joy
Indispensable success.
Give us sweets more often
Taking care of it daily!

We congratulate today
Their educators,
All kindergarten workers
Congratulations on their holiday.

We will all be obedient
Let's eat together
Games are fun to play
Quietly listen to fairy tales.

We promise you won't cry
And don't be capricious
We want to wish you on a holiday
We wish you a happy life.

We're pencil kids
But we hasten to congratulate you.
Thank you, our educators,
That you are so wonderful.

May this day sparkle with warmth
So that he surrounds you with good.
We promise to obey you,
And we wish you many bright days.

Beloved educators
Congratulations, we are a crowd.
Cope with us all
Labor, we know, is not easy.

We want to say thank you
And confess my love to everyone.
Always with a smile in kindergarten
I just want to go.

We wish you health,
Smile, laugh.
Your tenderness and care,
Give as before.

Video examples of the performance of children at the holiday of the Day of the Teacher with verses

You can get interesting ideas for creating a holiday for Teacher's Day from the video examples below. All of them include beautiful performances, cool performances from children. Such performances will help to compose an original script for the holiday and choose good congratulatory texts.

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Educator 2017 from parents and children - examples of poems

The touching speeches of the kids in front of their caregivers and nannies can be easily supplemented with original words from their parents. These can be speeches by the parent committee with a thank you word and congratulations, or small deviations from the main program.

Poems with beautiful congratulations from children and parents for the holiday of the Day of the Teacher of 2017

The poems suggested below are perfect both for reading to educators from parents or children, and for sending in private messages. Funny texts of mom and dad can be sent to familiar teachers who work with their children on Teacher's Day.

Educators are a vocation.
These are those who know how to love.
Only the best wishes for you,
We will not tire of thanking you.

You health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money
So that you are always in a good mood
I wanted to go to work!

When parents are in business
They have one hope for you!
Always in caring hands
Beloved baby, as before!

Thank you for over and over again
You have patience and diligence.
Thank you for all the love
And a huge contribution to education.

There is no harder work in the world -
Raise other people's children.
And you are busy all day:
Learn, play, undress, dress.

The kids are noisy, frolicking.
And he does not always obey,
But pampering will not work here -
You will find an approach to each.

You are an educator anywhere!
The guys love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you,
We say "thank you" for everything!

The teacher is not a job,
Not a measured life.
This is a service without calculation,
Her vocation is to love.

Calm the crybaby with affection,
Pacify the bully
Put the brawlers in a corner,
And praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, shoe, build,
Take a walk and feed
And your big soul
Divide without a remainder.

Funny and cool congratulations on Teacher's Day to friends and colleagues - texts of poetry and prose

It is the friends and colleagues of educators, other employees of the preschool educational institution who know how hard it is for them at work, After all, it is quite difficult to find a common language with the kids and only people for whom raising children and their support have become a lifelong vocation can cope with such a task.

Examples of funny poems for congratulating familiar preschool educational institutions on Teacher's Day

For friends and acquaintances working at the preschool educational institution, you can send not only beautiful, but also funny poems on Teacher's Day. Such attention will be pleasant to every recipient. Original lyrics in verse will surely cheer them up and help in creating a pleasant festive atmosphere.

Sweet tired smile
Kind and wise eyes.
The postcard is ineptly made,
But the soul is hidden in it, not the words.

The educator is like a magician
What leads the kids along
Life's unread textbook
Opens with a light hand.

Educator, nanny, sister,
Children's laughter sounds like music to you.
Cannabis, pigtails cubes ...
And again, someone is not sleeping there.

We want to wish you warmth, patience,
So that work is a joy to you,
So that luck does not leave you,
Children so that they come to you with a smile.

So that every day is like an inspiration,
To make a bag of thanks.
Your wisdom, education, teaching -
This is the first life lesson.

Who knows how to get along with children?
Who will find an approach to everyone?
Kindness who is just a treasure?
Who is not afraid of worries?
Who will feed the finicky
The bully will laugh,
He will wipe away the tears of everyone diligently
And he will make a craft?

The kindergarten teacher is glorious,
The educator is the salt of the earth!
Congratulations on your main day!
We wish you to bloom
Troubles did not know and sorrows.
So that the salary increases
So that the children adore you,
So that things go uphill!

Preschool workers -
Work by vocation.
I so want to understand
I really want recognition.

Do not indulge in attention
Do not indulge in salary.
But the children are busy with them -
Mom and Dad are calm.

We wish you what you want:
Adequate salary,
Intelligent parents
Nice boss.

So that energy for the family
And the strength remained.
Live envy for everyone!

Let me congratulate people for us now
One of the professions that are so important to us.
For all "second mothers" for preschool children!
Yes, that's exactly what everyone says about you.
You are our relatives, so be healthy,
And all that has been invested, let it become the basis
In the characters, the fates of those very children.
They are the litmus of the entire profession.
Even if you don't have to blush for them,
Guys to do better, let you succeed.
Each of them remains in your heart.

Cool prose with congratulations on the Day of the teacher for colleagues working at the preschool educational institution

Beloved colleagues should also send beautiful congratulations in prose to wish good luck, success and just human happiness. You can also use the text options below to fill out holiday cards, create beautiful wall newspapers and greeting posters.

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. I wish you great respect and recognition for your hard and important work. May the mischievous people next to you be happy, may your work give this world educated and cheerful children.

Congratulations on the professional holiday to people whose sincerity, warmth and kindness help the most important thing - the formation of the child's personality. We wish you spring in your soul, vigor, joyful events, health and creative inspiration.

On the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I send the warmest and brightest congratulations. With all my heart I wish you universal recognition and respect for your work, great success and wonderful ideas on the road of activity, happy holidays and important victories on the path of life.

I congratulate educators and all preschool workers on their professional holiday! I wish you a lot of positive emotions, easy work and great success in your favorite field. Health, tolerance, love, care and attention!

Unusual congratulations on the Day of the teacher in pictures - examples of holiday cards

In order not to waste time on the selection of congratulations in poetry or prose, you can send beautiful pictures with wishes to familiar educators and preschool educational institutions. It can be both just interesting images and virtual postcards for the Day of the teacher.

Examples of cool pictures and postcards with congratulations in honor of the Teacher's Day

You can choose original pictures with congratulations in verse or short prose among the options below. They are great for mailing, mms messages. Also, original pictures can be used to decorate the assembly hall of the kindergarten before the holiday of the Teacher's Day.

Warm congratulations on the Day of the teacher for kindergarten students - texts of poems and examples of execution

Lovely performances from children at the holiday will be the best congratulations from educators and nannies. The touching poems told by the kindergarten students will surely please the guests and will help to give teachers a great mood and pleasant memories.

Examples of good poems with warm congratulations for the Day of the teacher from children

Among the proposed poems, you can find very interesting and beautiful works that children from any group of kindergarten can easily learn to perform in front of educators. It is recommended to include them in the festive program before dancing, musical numbers or as a separate number. Short works with simple texts are great for kids learning and will allow them to originally wish their beloved educators all the best.

Thank you for your kindness and patience,
We congratulate you with drawings and singing,
Smiles, poems.
We wish you happiness, mood and inspiration!

We love the garden very much,
We're sad on weekends
Don't get up early
And we want to play!

Favorite educators
We honestly promise
Obey diligently
We wish you the sun!

For caring for doctors,
To nannies for their emotional contribution,
For sweets to the cooks,
Thank you, kindergarten!

Examples of the performance of holiday verses at the holiday of the Day of the teacher in kindergarten

You can pick up not only wishes in verse for the holiday of the Day of the Teacher, but also sincere thanks. Teachers will be pleased to hear beautiful wishes from their pupils. And the simple rhymes themselves will help children easily express gratitude and respect. You can choose good works for the performance of children both from the options proposed above and from the following video example:

Among the proposed poems and prose, you can pick up both beautiful and funny congratulations to the Day of the Teacher. They can be sent to colleagues or just acquaintances of the preschool educational institution. Beautiful pictures and postcards with wishes are perfect for sending to educators in personal letters or MMS messages. Funny poems from children and parents should also be included in the festive program of the holiday in kindergarten. Original congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 will help create a real holiday atmosphere and beautifully congratulate your beloved teachers, nannies, cooks and nurses.

Congratulations on the day of the educator to colleagues

Colleague! Today is our joint holiday!
I want to ask you an interesting question:
Why did you choose this profession?
By the will of the soul, did you become a tutor?

A colleague will answer without even thinking:
What could be sweeter than a wonderful childhood?
I want the children to be happy
And so that they cherish their childhood!

Two and seven stood together in a row,
And the September rays of the sun are burning
Congratulations, colleagues, I have a wonderful day,
We go to work with a smile every day!

May the Day of the Educator bring you joy,
So that all children of our love feel the sweetness!
With you we are on the same team, like one family,
Let there be grace to beat over the edges!

Happy Teachers Day, colleagues and friends!
I wish children smart, meek, bright.
I wish you gifts and flowers,
And prizes - from the manager, in envelopes!
Today is our holiday, we have the right
Bathe in thanks, flowers!
I wish you happiness, joy, health,
Love, luck and smiles on our lips!

Dear colleague, on the day of the educator
I wish you great love
In order for you to believe in the best,
So that your children are obedient!

Work easily, without problems and without panic,
Hope for the best, value honesty,
Be gentle, confident, kind, attentive
And congratulations, accept this!

Happy teacher's day, colleagues,
Let it be to your liking.
To endless running in life.
Children were raised in goodness.
They come and they go
They grow by the day and by the hour.
Your smiles, year after year,
They give us gifts not only on holidays.

Dear colleagues, educators,
Congratulations on your professional day!
We, I know, are all dreamers in our souls,
And we live for the happiness of the kids!
On the day I really want to wish it
And at least sometimes do not forget about yourself!
Leave toys and sandboxes for a day,
Do not forget to pamper yourself!

Girls, our day has come!
Flowers, postcards - very cute;
And let it go a little migraine
And the kitchen has already laid the table -
It's time to start the feast,
To take a break from the race;
Just let the children go to bed ...
Happy Teacher's Day, colleagues!

Everyone is surprised around:
Time, they say, has no power over you!
Younger than everyone in the circle of friends,
Though the passport says otherwise.
Always full of energy
What's the secret? I can answer!
We cannot grow old in any way,
Children just won't let us!
You need an eye-yes-eye behind them,
And every educator knows
What amid occupation and mischief
The spirit is forged, and with it character.
Happy Teacher's Day, friends!
For a long time we are more than colleagues!
Our kindergarten is one family,
May her bonds be strong!

See also:
Congratulations to girlfriends on March 8
Anna Akhmatova poems
poems happy birthday
Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
Comic verses about builders
Love sms
Congratulations to the dentist
-Funny toasts
-Best Toast
Happy birthday to the doctor

Educator of the year congratulations
This is a difficult task.
Calm those who cry
Punish and reward
Teach the guys to be friends.

Wise, kind educator,
First words teacher,
Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you health, happiness and patience.

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be brought up,
As hope for the country.
There is a preschool farm,
Kindergarten is childish happiness.
There are children passing by
All the lessons of being.
How to behave and eat
So as not to disturb health.
How to have a sporty look,
To overcome all diseases.
Learn to draw
And of course dance.
Embroider when hunting,
In general, they need care.
For children, a second mother -
The teacher of the garden.
She knows a lot
The needlewoman herself.
The children's world is her occupation,
A real addiction.
Patient with the guys
Entertains them with a game.
Day after day there is a study
A bit of an adventure.
Children are happy, blooming
They go to kindergarten in a crowd.
Today is a holiday in kindergarten
The educator is in sight.
Receives congratulations,
Dreams about his worldly ...
May dreams come true
Educators of the country!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
Educator - what a word!
Light, kindness, warmth are hidden in it.
Who will delight children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?
Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! You are not kinder in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

How many eyes and hands do you need
To keep track of around
For their tomboys -
Gold candies.
And the other rides on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Cope quickly, skillfully.
The teacher will have time for everything:
He will punish, regret
Kisses and feeds
The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
Helm you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

Congratulations script for educators
There are noughts and crosses on the sidewalk
Route "Goodbye" flowers.
They leave - almost schoolchildren,
They leave - you remain ...

You will bring up other children,
To teach letters, mathematics.
Children learned the main thing from you -
Respect other people, make friends.

You took care of them like a mom,
We were always greeted with a smile ...
And now we say goodbye to you,
Dear Anna Alekseevna!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
The teacher is like a second mother
For any kid in the world
To become for the wards of the most-most
The teacher should still.

And you succeed in all of this
After all, you are an educator from God.
May luck smile at you
May dreams always come true!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
How many eyes and hands do you need
To keep track of around
For their tomboys -
Gold candies.

There - he laughs, here - he will cry,
And the other rides on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Cope quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will have time for everything:
He will punish, regret
Kisses and feeds
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
Helm you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
Kindergarten music worker

You have a magical job:
Sounds, notes obeyed you.
You can command
Sound melodies in my soul.
Thank you for your songs,
That they danced with us
That the music of all our days
It sounded more fun with you!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
Maybe it just became familiar to us
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually have
In the evening, tired eyes ...
We know what it is
Children are a restless swarm!
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not that with such a crowd.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a battle ...
And the questions? Thousands of questions...
And anyone demands an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone ...
Grateful and hard work
Constantly replace my mother ...
Mom is not anxious at work ...
Cheerful childish voices ...
After all, they always follow the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over ... Not all songs are sung.
Children are not disturbed by sleep ...
So take a bow from the whole planet
For the children, accept our bows !!!

Funny poems about educators
Kindergarten sportsman

We have enlightened long ago
That a sound mind in a sound body.
Musculature grows in children,
Sports and physical education are honored here.

We began to notice more and more often
We began to lag behind the children.
We'll have to keep up with the children
We should go in for sports and do it ourselves.

Poems to the teacher of gpd
Educator, educator,
Dear educator!
Like a soldier on the children's front
You are always our hero!

We wish today
So that in life and fate,
Everything was always right
And the sun in the sky brightly sanctified you!

A speech of thanks to educators in verse
Who are all fairy tales and riddles
And does he know poetry by heart?
In dolls, balls, horses
Who plays until old age?
Who has all the questions
Have an immediate response?
Who takes everything out of the house,
Regardless of the budget?

Who knows how out of the box
Make a TV
Fix electrical plugs,
To hammer the cloves into the wall?
Who is on the New Year's tree
The kids are amused
And whoever you want
Is he portraying himself?

I make riddles
I can even until the morning,
But, probably, the answer
It's time for me to name.
And so that the time is full
You friends did not spend,
Can you tell me amicably:
These are ... - educators.

Congratulations on the day of the teacher are cool
Nursery nursery school

With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch
And will clean up the dishes?

We helped, of course,
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And do not apply sand.

Our group is not more beautiful.
Clean and light around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's say thank you to her now
For care and comfort
And for the fact that it's time
She dedicated her work to us!