The project “Country of Beautiful Speech. Faculty of project activities and fundraising

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Firefly ", Sovetsky" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

LOGOPEDIC PROJECT Topic: "Little literacy" Speech therapy games in the development of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old

LITTLE LITERATES Practice-oriented project of the speech therapist teacher Irina Anatolyevna Karavanova

Relevance of the project The lack of full-fledged perception of phonemes leads to the following disorders: the phonetic side of speech suffers, the syllabic structure of the word, the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech, the formation of sound analysis and synthesis is impossible, which will further lead to dyslexia and dysgraphia.

Project type According to the composition of the participants: individual-subgroup (for children), group (for teachers and parents). By implementation period: long-term (1 year) By target setting, practice-oriented

Project participants: children of the Kalinka preparatory group attending a speech therapy center Group educators Parents Children age: 6-7 years with FFNR, ONR level III A problem that is significant for children, which the project aims to solve: underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in children 6-7 years

The purpose of the project Formation of phonemic hearing in children 6 - 7 years old through didactic games

Tasks For children: For teachers: For parents: To develop auditory perception To form the skills of perception and reproduction of simple and complex rhythms To teach to differentiate the sounds of speech by hardness - softness, voiced - deafness. Develop the skills of sound and sound-letter analysis and word synthesis. Teach slogan sharing. Introduce letters. Teaching special methods and techniques in conducting games and exercises for the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, the development of rhythmic feeling, speech breathing. Involve parents in corrective work with children with speech impairments. To acquaint parents with the use of speech games for the development of phonemic hearing at home.

The novelty of the project Inclusion of games and exercises for the development of rhythmic feeling. Children with phonemic disorders find it quite difficult to perform tasks for the assessment and perception of rhythms, due to impaired auditory perception. Even when playing rhythms with one pause, they make mistakes. It is difficult for them to count the number of claps, hits, and then play them. Games for the development of rhythmic feeling create the necessary basis for the development of phonemic perception, teach not only to hear, but also to listen, compare and evaluate sounds by the force of the blow.

Estimated results For children For teachers For parents Perceive complex rhythms according to the teacher's verbal instructions. Perform sound-letter analysis and word synthesis. Divide words into syllables. Differentiate sounds by voicing - deafness, hardness - softness. Determine the position of the sound in the word. Know the letters of the Russian alphabet. Enrich with knowledge and skills to carry out work on the development of sound and sound-letter analysis and word synthesis. To enrich and replenish knowledge of the practical material necessary for the development of phonemic hearing in children

Project product For speech therapist For children For teachers For parents Prospective planning of didactic games and exercises for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old Didactic games for the development of rhythmic feeling, phonemic hearing Collective album "My favorite letter", individual notebook "Competent notebook" didactic games for the development of phonemic hearing, master class, consultations. Demonstration of didactic games techniques at the parents' meeting, photo collage “We are playing”, folders-moving, master class, booklets of games.

Form of work with children Didactic games and exercises Work in "Literate notebooks" Compilation of a collective album "My favorite letter"

games Games with children Development of phonemic analysis Evaluation and perception of rhythms Development of auditory perception Development of sound synthesis Determination of the position of sound Syllabic analysis and synthesis Differentiation of sound in a word Isolation of sound in a word Acquaintance with letters

Form of work for parents and teachers Speech therapist Speech therapy workshop Speech development school Parents meetings Travel folders Master class Questionnaire Consultation Workshop workshop

Stages of project implementation Diagnostic (speech therapy examination) Main (project implementation) Final

Stage 1 Diagnostic Timing of behavior Type of activity Responsible September (from 1 to 15) Speech therapy examination, collection of anamnestic data about the child, individual conversations with parents, observation of children Speech therapist teacher

Stage 2 Main (during the academic year, responsible teacher-speech therapist) work with children TIME OF CARRYING OUT ACTIVITY RESPONSIBLE September-May Didactic games and exercises Teacher-speech therapist, teachers September-May Filling out the "Competent notebooks", design of the collective album "My favorite letter "Teacher-speech therapist May Final event" On a visit to the ABC "Teacher-speech therapist, teachers

Working with teachers Dates Type of activity Responsible September-October Making a card index of didactic games for the formation and development of children's phonemic hearing Teacher-speech therapist October Consultation "Features of the development of phonemic hearing in children" Teacher-speech therapist November children of the preparatory group "Teacher-speech therapist December Speech therapy workshop" Sound analysis of a word "Teacher-speech therapist February Workshop workshop" Lessons of phonetics "Teacher-speech therapist March Master class" Development of the skill of sound-letter analysis in preschool children "Teacher-speech therapist April Teacher report- speech therapist at the pedagogical council for correctional work with children Teacher-speech therapist

Working with parents Dates of the activity Type of activity Responsible September Questionnaire Speech therapist teacher October Open days, speech at the parent meeting "Child's speech readiness for school", memo for parents "Calendar of speech development of a preschooler" Speech therapist November Consultation in the folder-moving "Phonemic hearing is the basis of correct speech "Speech therapist December School of Speech Development" Phonetics Lessons ", a memo for parents Working with your child, remember ..." Speech therapist teacher January Speech at a parent meeting "The influence of phonemic hearing on school learning" Speech therapist folder-movable "We develop phonemic hearing in preschoolers" Teacher-speech therapist March Consultation in the folder-slide "Acquaintance of children with letters" Teacher-speech therapist April Speech therapy workshop "How to help a child if he forgets, confuses, writes letters incorrectly?" Speech therapist teacher May Speech at the final parent meeting with a report on the corrective work carried out: “Our successes”, photo collage “We are playing”, a memo for parents “Check at your leisure ...” Speech therapist teacher

Stage 3 Final Month For children For teachers For parents April-May Final lesson "On a visit to the ABC", sections of knowledge according to the method of V. I. Yashina Questionnaire Final parent meeting with video "Our successes" questioning

Results of the work The analysis of the study of the level of speech preparation of children for school in the section of studying the level of practical awareness of the elements of the language showed the following results of sound pronunciation Sound-letter analysis Syllabic analysis and synthesis Violation at the beginning of the year 100% Positive results were noted at the end of the year 85% Violation at the beginning of the year 100 % Positive results at the end of the year 78% Violation at the beginning of the year 100% Positive results at the end of the year 95%

Literature Altukhova N.G.Sound mosaic - SPB: Childhood-Press, 2000 Bondarenko V.I. Didactic games in kindergarten, M: Education, 1991 Bugrimenko E.I., Tsukerman G.A. Knowledge, 1994 Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers-M: School-Press, 1999 Vygodskaya I. G. Berkovskaya N.V., Zvukograd, Bukvograd, Zlatoustia M: Linka-Press, 1999 Mednikova L.S. L.E., Varentsova N.S. and others. Edited by N. V. Durova –M: A.P.O., 1994 Shvaiko G. S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech: A book for kindergarten teachers: From work experience. Edited by V. Gerbova. V-2nd edition rev. - M: Education, 1998 Yashina V. I. Studying the level of children's speech readiness for school / Special course: Diagnostics of children's readiness for school. M .: Association "Professional Education" 1994

Appendix Questionnaires for parents Table of examination of the phonemic side of speech Prospective plan of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old Card file of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old for educators Master class for teachers and parents with a presentation "Development the skill of the sound-letter analysis of words in older preschool children "Consultations" Acquaintance of children with letters "," The influence of phonemic hearing on school learning "Presentation of games" Games for the development of a sense of rhythm in children of the preparatory group "Speech development school" Phonetics lessons "Collective album" My favorite letter "" Competent notebook "(individual notebooks for children)

Working with children Distinguishing sounds by voicing-deafness Game "Fishing rod"

Games for the formation of sound analysis Tale "Turnip" (determination of the ordinal sequence) Sound analysis

My Favorite Letter Pebble and Lace Letters

Children's product of the project Individual notebooks for children Collective album "My favorite letter"

Work with teachers Master class "Methodology for developing the skill of sound-letter analysis in older preschool children"

Working with parents

Speech therapy workshop with parents How to correctly perform articulatory gymnastics

Thank you for the attention!

The need to introduce children to reading is indisputable. The book improves the mind of the child, helps to master speech, to learn about the world around him. To increase interest in books, love of reading, I have developed a project "Traveling to a fairy tale", which develops a steady interest in a fairy tale as a work of art. Figurative, vivid expressions, comparisons, "fabulous" linguistic means that contribute to the development of expressiveness of speech, as well as the creativity of the children themselves, increase the degree of the preschooler's involvement in book culture.



Short term creative project
"Hello, fairy tale".(year 2014).
(senior speech therapy group)

The need to introduce children to reading is indisputable. The book improves the mind of the child, helps to master speech, to learn about the world around him. To increase interest in books, love of reading, I have developed a project "Traveling to a fairy tale", which develops a steady interest in a fairy tale as a work of art. Figurative, vivid expressions, comparisons, "fabulous" linguistic means that contribute to the development of expressiveness of speech, as well as the creativity of the children themselves, increase the degree of the preschooler's involvement in book culture.

- development of a sustainable interest in a fairy tale as a work of art;
- disclosing the value of joint creativity of children and their parents.

1. Correctional and educational: to teach to develop a plot, to use “fabulous” language means; to form creative storytelling, the ability to reveal a topic, to subordinate your fairy tale to a certain (main) thought.
2. Correctional and developmental: to develop traditions of family reading.
3. Correctional educational: create an atmosphere of emotional comfort, mutual understanding and support; instill the ability to come to the rescue in difficult times.

Project participants:children of the senior speech therapy group, parents, speech therapist teacher, educators.

Direction of development of activities:complex (cognitive-speech, visual, theatrical, musical).

Project type: informational and creative, group.

Duration: 2 weeks (27.10-7.11)

Result: presentation of the project in the form of entertainment "Travel to a fairy tale".

Stages of work:

  1. Definition of the topic (project problems). Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.
  2. Drawing up a plan-scheme of the project.
  3. Discussion of the project at a parent meeting with parents.
  4. Discussion of the project with educators.
  5. Collection of information, literature, additional material.
  6. Summing up, analysis of the expected result.
  7. Project presentation.

Ways of project implementation

  1. Replenishment of the content of the book corner with fairy tales of different genres.
  2. Organization of an exhibition of handicrafts, drawings.
  1. Conversation "... yes there is a hint in it."
  2. Verbal drawing by children after reading the text of the characters of the characters, setting, "interior" of the tale.
  3. Retelling of the read fairy tales, their dramatization.
  4. Self-compilation of fairy tales.
  5. Telling stories of your own composition.
  6. Illustrating read fairy tales, fairy tales of his own composition. Accompanying the examination of finished works with verbal stories and explanations.
  7. Consideration of illustrations of different artists for fairy tales.
  8. Riddles about fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales.
  9. Organization of a speech therapy exhibition.
  10. Entertainment "Journey to a fairy tale".
  1. Conversation with parents "Getting to know the project".
  2. Homework for parents and children (making crafts, drawing illustrations for fairy tales).
  3. Reading fairy tales with children.
  4. Coming up with fairy tales with children.
  5. Help in replenishing the book corner with fairy tales.

The implementation of the project began with a simulation of the situation, which made it possible to identify the problem: a letter of request from Baba Yaga came to the kindergarten. After reading, the children expressed their suggestions on how to help Baba Yaga. A solution to the problem was developed: you need to find fairy tales where one of the characters is Baba Yaga. Information about the project was posted in the parent's corner. As a result of joint activities, children got the opportunity to broaden their horizons about fairy tales and their heroes, learned to compose fairy tales themselves, empathize with heroes, and find ways out of difficult situations. The group library was replenished with new books of fairy tales.

Letter from Baba Yaga (from which it all began ...)

Boys and girls, ah-ha-ha!
How bad my life is.
I have no urge to live alone.
I want to be friends with you.

I'm tired of flying
In this old mortar
I would whitewash the hut,
As spring comes.

I know fairy tales for a hundred years
I compose them myself.
I will part with the broom
I will hand over the stupa to scrap metal.

I want to be good
And deserve the carriage.
Help! Help!
Compose a fairy tale, a fairy tale!

So that I was not evil in her, but kind!

work with children and parents on the implementation of the project
"Hello, fairy tale"




Conversation with parents "Getting to know the project"

Polyanina E.I. - teacher-speech therapist


Decoration of the parent's corner, placement of recommendations for parents on working with children on the project.

Rybalko A.V. - educator,



Book corner decoration.

Rybalko A.V. - educator


Conversation "... yes there is a hint in it."

teacher speech therapist



Reading different fairy tales; fairy tales, where one of the characters is Baba Yaga.


Gotskaya Yu.A.



Learning sayings, sayings, proverbs about fairy tales, fairytale heroes.


Gotskaya Yu.A.

A. Rybalko


Consideration of illustrations of different artists for fairy tales. Drawing illustrations for fairy tales.

teacher speech therapist

Polyanina E.I.


Fabulous KVN

Teacher speech therapist

Polyanina E.I.


quiz "Journey to a fairy tale".

Teacher speech therapist

Polyanina E.I.



Performing independent and jointly with educators, a teacher-logopedist, parents of creative work.

Parents, educator, speech therapist.


Lesson on the development of coherent speech "The Tale of the Good Baba Yaga".


Entertainment "Journey to a fairy tale", speech therapy exhibition.

Speech therapist, educator.

Used Books.
1. Magazine "Preschool education", No. 2, 1991, No. 4, 2007.
2. The magazine "Child in kindergarten" No. 4, 2007.
3. Innovations in speech therapy practice. Compiled by O.E. Gromova. - M.,: LINKA-PRESS, 2008.
4. Learn, talk, play. Correctional and developmental activities in the preschool educational institution. Compiled by G.N. Sergienko. - Voronezh, 2006.

  • "Swan geese"
  • "Vasilisa the Beautiful"
  • "Princess Frog"
  • "Baba Yaga"
  • "Animal milk"
  • "Ivan Tsarevich and White Polyanin"
  • "Marya Morevna"
  • "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"
  • "Knee-deep in gold, elbow-deep in silver"
  • "Stepdaughter and stepmother's daughter"
  • "The Tale of Two Sisters"
  • "Baba Yaga and Daryushka"

Speech therapy project "Merry Breeze"

The use of breathing exercises in the system of classes for the prevention of phonetic speech disorders in children of the middle group, engaged in a speech therapy center

Many children studying at the speech center speak poorly, their speech defects are persistent with a huge number of cases of interdental, dentition and lateral sigmatism. As you know, the pronunciation of sounds is closely related to breathing. Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, creates conditions for maintaining the loudness of the voice, clearly observing pauses, maintaining the smoothness of speech and intonational expressiveness.

The purpose of breathing exercises: to increase the volume of breathing, to normalize its rhythm, to develop a smooth, long, economical exhalation.

In addition, breathing exercises not only affect the formation of correct speech breathing, but also help to teach the child to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

The sounds of speech are formed at a certain position of the articulatory apparatus, with the corresponding movements of the tongue, lips, soft palate.

Speech exhalation is a necessary condition for the pronunciation of sounds. Depending on where the air stream is directed - into the oral or nasal cavity, the sounds will (with the same installation of the articulatory apparatus) sound differently: "m, m", "n, n" - when air passes through the nasal cavity; "B, bb", "d, d" - when the air jet exits through the mouth. When pronouncing fricative sounds "s", "w", "g", etc., a sufficiently long exhalation through the mouth is required. To vibrate the tip of the tongue when pronouncing the sounds "p", "pb", a strong air stream is needed.

If the child speaks poorly, then work on the development of speech should be started first of all with the development of breathing . If a child puffs out his cheeks during speech, then his speech is indistinct for this very reason. And before you start staging, for example, whistling sounds, you need to teach the child how to properly develop an air stream. Various games and exercises help develop breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics exercises are carried out in the process of speech therapy classes or as part of it.

Educational area -"Speech development".

Project type - game.

By the number of participants - subgroup.

By continuation time - long-term, 1 year

By the nature of contacts - in contact with family.

Project participants
1. Children of the middle group "Fairy Tale", engaged in speech therapy center.
2. Educators of the group.
3. Specialist: teacher-speech therapist.
4. Parents.

Place of implementation - MDOBU kindergarten combined type "Teremok"

Target: the formation in children of the ability to control the respiratory organs, to develop lower diaphragmatic breathing.


  1. Development of differentiated speech and oral exhalation in children.
  2. The development of a strong, smooth, directed exhalation without the participation of speech.
  3. Development of a strong, smooth exhalation:
  • on the material of vowels,
  • on the material of consonants
  • on the material of syllables, words
  • on the material of sentences and phrases.
  1. Formation and consolidation of lower diaphragmatic breathing

Expected Result: children will learn to breathe correctly when speaking, as a result, speech will become more clear, intelligible.

A long-term plan and a card index for the formation of speech breathing will be developed.

The final product of the project will be:

  • Formed stable motivation of children for speech self-realization.
  • Improving parental literacy in the upbringing and education of children with speech disorders, providing them with support and assistance in the correctional process
  • Increasing the professional competence of preschool educational institutions in providing support to children with speech impairments.

Stages of project implementation

P / p No. activity The timing
Stage 1 Organizational
1. Study of the literature on the development of speech breathing September
2. Drawing up a long-term plan for working on breathing. October
3. Planning to work with parents on the formation of correct breathing October
Stage 2Practical
Work with children:
1. Development of a long, smooth exhalation,

Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation

2. Developing a deep breath November
3. Formation of physiological respiration, development of its strength December
4. Development of voice power and speech breathing January
5. Consolidation of diaphragmatic breathing on the material of vowels and consonants February March
6. Consolidation of diaphragmatic breathing on the material of syllables, words and sentences April May
Working with parents:
1. Consultation training "Development of speech breathing in preschoolers" November
2. Design of the folder-travel "Exercises for the development of speech breathing in children" December
3. Individual counseling for parents During a year
4. Making a memo for parents

"Exercises for the development of speech breathing"

Working with group teachers
1. Consultation "Speech breathing - the energy basis of speech" November
2. Making a memo for educators of the group "Making games and manuals for the development of breathing in children" December
3. Attending classes on the development of the sound side of speech among educators February
Stage 3 Final
1. Participation of children who studied at the speech center in spring matinees march, may
2. Development of a card index of exercises for the formation of speech breathing April

Project implementation plan:

September "Blow the beetle, the butterfly off the flower"

"Blow on the butterfly"

October "Blow on the leaves"


November "Blow on the turntable"

"Blow on the clouds"

"Blow on the Leaves"

"Fly away cloud"

December "Let's Blow on a Fluff"

"Let's roll the logs"

"New Year's garland"

January "Blow on the snowflake"

"Let's warm up the pens"

February "Blow on the turntable"

"Freeze a finger"


March "Blow some tea"
April "Pump"


"Blow on the pictures and name what is drawn"

May "Kick the ball into the goal"


The development of an air stream is one of the necessary and significant conditions for the production of sounds. The work on the education of the air stream must begin at the preparatory stage of the formation of correct sound pronunciation, along with the development of phonemic hearing and articulatory motor skills. Correct speech breathing is the basis for normal sound pronunciation, speech in general. Work aimed at developing breathing, generating an air stream has a positive effect. With pedagogical influence, the mastery of correct breathing goes faster, the lengthening and strengthening of the extraverbal exhalation occurs earlier, the exhalation lengthens in the process of phonation of sounds, which makes it possible to deliver the necessary sounds faster.

In perspective: search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in interaction with all participants in the educational process.

The use of project activities is quite possible and even necessary in the correctional and speech therapy process for a more durable, full-fledged mastering of new skills and abilities by children. But this activity should be corrective, that is, solving various cognitive and practical tasks during the design process together with adults and peers, children with speech underdevelopment should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities.


  1. Leonova M.A., Krapivina L.M. Didactic materials on speech therapy: "Obedient breeze" M., "School - press", 1999.
  2. Lukyanov L.A., Ermolaev O.Yu., Sergienko V.P. We train breathing. M., Knowledge 1987.
  3. Simkina L.P., Titarovsky L.V. The ABC of Health M., Amrita - Rus, 2006
  4. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Design activities for preschoolers. M., 2010
  5. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in a preschool educational institution. Sphere. Moscow 2005

Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing
(Middle group)

Blow out the butterfly.
Blow the butterfly off the flower .

"Blow on the butterfly».
The child is sitting at the table. The teacher invites the child to blow on her so that she flew away as far as possible (you can blow once).

Blow off the beetle.
Blow the beetle off the flower.

"Let's blow on the leaves."
Blow off the leaves (dried, cut out of paper) from the table, from the palm of your hand.

Prepare the spinner toy before starting the game. Show your child the turntable. On the street, demonstrate how it starts spinning in the wind. Then offer to blow it yourself.

"Hot tea".
An adult invites the child to blow hot tea (soup) in a cup (plate) so that it cools down faster. (The cup is cut out of colored cardboard, steam is depicted with tissue paper). The child is blowing steam. If it blows correctly, then the "steam" deviates from the cup.

"Let's blow on the clouds."
Blow on paper clouds hanging from a string.

"Swim, boat!"
An adult invites the child to blow on a light paper or plastic boat in a container of water.

The adult acquaints the child with the way of acting with the toy and encourages him to blow soap bubbles through the ring.

"Let's blow on a snowflake."
Blow off a snowflake on a string from the mitten.

The teacher invites children to inflate balloons for the upcoming holiday. Children should draw air through their nose and exhale slowly through their mouth into the opening of the balloon. Anyone who completes the task correctly will be able to play with an inflated balloon.

"New Year's garland".
The garland is laid out on the table. The teacher invites the children to blow on it once so as to "move" from the spot. Children take turns doing the exercise, with the garland moving from one edge of the table to the other.

The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table, reminds the children of winter. “Imagine it's winter now. Snow falls outside. Let's blow on him! " An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, children repeat.

“Blow on the picture and find out. what is drawn. "
The teacher suggests blowing on the rains and name the picture, the season.

"Kick the ball into the goal."
Build a gate from a constructor or other material, take a ping-pong ball or any other light ball. And play football with your child. The child should blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the gate. You can take two balls and play the game: "Who is faster."

"Let's roll the logs."
The teacher invites the children to squat near the table (mouth at table level, put a round pencil ("log") in front of you and blow on it so that it rolls. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. For complication, a faceted pencil is used instead of a round pencil.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing

Freeze your finger. Blow on the finger with a cold stream of air.

Let's warm up the pens. The adult invites the child to warm his own, mother's hands. It is necessary to pay attention to the position of the lips (mouth wide open). Complication: "we warm up the pens" with the simultaneous prolonged pronunciation of the vowel sounds "A, U"

Air kiss. Blow off an imaginary kiss from the palm of your hand to someone around you.

Sing with me! The adult invites the children to sing songs with him. The first song: "A-A-A!" Take in air - exhale it slowly. The song should be long. During the game, the teacher monitors clear pronunciation and exaggerates the articulation of sounds. First, the sounds A, U are sung, gradually the number of "songs" increases.

The girls are singing. First, an adult shows children pictures of singing girls with clearly traced articulation of vowel sounds and asks to guess which girl is singing and which sound. Then he distributes one picture at a time and offers to sing the same sound.

Pump. The adult invites the children to play the pumps. The game is played on the floor and is accompanied by movements that simulate pumping a wheel with a pump. “How many of you like to ride a bike? Everybody loves. But sometimes the wheels are punctured and deflated. Let's take the pumps and pump up the wheels - like this! "S-S-S" - the pumps are working! " The adult shows the pump movements and explains to inhale more air than usual. While the pump is running, gradually gradually exhale air, uttering the sound C. It is impossible to take in air while pronouncing the sound. The pump can continue to run after a pause when the baby takes another breath.

Snake.“Let's turn into a serpent! Snakes climbed out of their holes and bask in the sun. The snakes hiss: "Sh-Sh-Sh!" Remind the children to breathe in more air and hiss for a long time; it is impossible to get air while pronouncing the sound.

The steamer hums. Imitation of sound in a low voice: Oooo-Ooo ...

Dandelion. He takes a deep breath through his nose, then a long exhale through his mouth, as if he wants to blow fluff off the dandelion.

In the woods. Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, while exhaling, say "ay". Change intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five to six times.

While practicing correct speech breathing, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
  2. the lips are slightly open during exhalation ("tube");
  3. exhalation should be long and smooth; the items offered to the child for inflation should be at the level of the child's mouth;
  4. do not raise your shoulders;
  5. do not puff out your cheeks when you exhale;
  6. repeat the exercise for the development of breathing no more than 3-5 times;
  7. the posture of the child must be correct (keep your back straight, do not slouch, do not lower your shoulders)
  8. carry out exercises to form correct speech breathing in a playful way;
  9. pre-ventilate the room before carrying out breathing exercises.

Larisa Staroseltseva
Project "Speech therapy paths"


Project the method in kindergarten has become one of the most important components in the organization of direct educational activities. Its most important advantage is independent "Getting" knowledge of children. “Tell me - and I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try - and I will understand” - this is the Eastern wisdom. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "Assigns" knowledge and experience.

Modern speech therapy is in constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the learning and development process of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders.

V speech therapy practice design the method is relevant and effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby preparing him for successful schooling. The knowledge and skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activity are assimilated faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become an exciting experience for the child.

I was faced with the problem of organizing a system of work using project methods for solving problems of prevention and correction of speech disorders with preschoolers.

One of the ways to solve this problem was to develop project Speech therapy paths. Project aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschoolers.

Speech therapy paths- these are various directions in corrective work with a child with speech disorders, « paths» leading the child to a fully developed speeches: the formation of articulatory motor skills, the development of correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, the acquisition of correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, a coherent statement. And every such the path the child must"pass the" consciously, understanding and accepting, appropriating the knowledge and experience of this activity as much as possible, and, as it is assumed, one of the most effective methods in solving this problem is the method projects in speech therapy practice... This method speech therapy projects is presented as a way of organizing the correctional process based on the interaction of the teacher speech therapist, child, parents and caregivers.

Hypothesis the project

made the assumption that the use of the method projects in speech therapy working with preschool children will allow pupils faster, easier and stronger "assign" the knowledge and skills that the child acquires in the process of practical activity will increase the child's motivation and parents' interest in the speech development of their children.


increasing the potential for full speech development of preschoolers.


1. Awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process

speech correction.

2. To develop the speech and creativity of children.

3. To activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.

4. Increase the amount of corrective action,

5. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, attach

children to the process of active learning.

6. Encourage children to work together.

7. Combine the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to

correction of speech disorders, widely use parental


8. To stimulate joint productive activities of children and


Type of the project

Long-term in terms of duration.

By the composition of the participants project - subgroup.


children enrolled in speech therapy station,

their parents, teacher speech therapist.

By the focus of the participants the project- practice-oriented.

Stages and implementation strategy the project

I. Preparatory stage

(information and analytical).


1. Disclosure of the meaning and content of the upcoming work, the development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation the project taking into account modern requirements and speech capabilities of children.

2. Study the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study.

3. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the current level of speech development in older preschool children (speech therapy examination of children) .

4. System definition speech therapy projects, the conditions for their implementation.

II. The main stage of implementation the project



Implementation project in various forms, methods and techniques of joint adult-child activity.

III. Final stage of implementation the project



1. Analysis design activities and performance evaluation

application speech therapy projects in the correctional process.

2. Presentation the project« Speech therapy paths» for teachers speech therapists Kursk region and teachers of MBDOU.

Expected Result:

1. Using the method projects in correctional work, it will contribute to the successful development of the communicative and creative abilities of children.

2. Will rise psychological- pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of speech development of children.

3. There will be an increase in parents' interest not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

Practical significance the project

Practical significance the project is that the proposed system of application project method in correctional speech therapy process can be used for speech development of children and without speech disorders, as the prevention of speech development disorders in preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

List of used literature:

1. Babina E. S. Partnership of a preschool educational institution and

families in speech therapy work - Logopedist magazine - No. 5, 2005.

2. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Design activities of preschoolers. M.,

3. Evdokimova E. S. Technology design in a preschool educational institution... Sphere. M. 2005

4. Kiseleva L.S. project method in preschool activities

institutions. Artie. M., 2005

5. Mironova S. A. Speech development of preschoolers on speech therapy

classes. -M. 2007.

6. Fadeeva Yu. A., Zhilina I. I. Educational projects in a group for

children with OHP. M., 2012

Speech therapy project "One word, two word ..."

In recent years, the problems of continuity in work between preschool and school educational institutions have been especially acutely discussed. A special problem of such discussions is the essence of the concept of readiness for systematic learning, namely: what prerequisites that determine the harmonious development of a child in a preschool institution should be formed? Research in recent years has proven: the sooner you start building readiness for learning (naturally, by methods appropriate to the age characteristics of the child), the more effective it is.

One of the tasks of the 2014 Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents. (legal representatives) in the development and education of children.

According to the FSES of preschool education, the conditions necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, presuppose:

  • interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the education of the child;
  • their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family, based on identifying the needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be ensured by unified approaches to the upbringing of children on the part of parents and teachers, therefore, the issue of the pedagogical competence of parents is key today.

One of the most important indicators of a child's harmonious development is the level of his speech development. The number of children with speech impairments in preschool institutions is growing every year. Unfortunately:

  • not all children can receive qualified assistance from a specialist in a timely manner;
  • not all parents adequately assess the capabilities of their child and often do not see, or do not want to see, problems in the development of their child;
  • and many parents simply do not know how to help their child in his harmonious development.

Analyzing the situation, the need to create a project is ripe "One word, two word .." aimed at interacting with parents of pupils of middle groups in order to implement the full-fledged speech development of the child.

The relevance and relevance of the project is determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education system and the existing contradictions between:

  • an increase in the number of children with speech disorders and the inability to provide correctional and speech therapy assistance to all those in need in a preschool educational institution of general developmental type;
  • the need for parents to participate in the correctional speech therapy process and the lack of effective technologies for interaction between the educational institution and the family in this area.

Project participants: speech therapist, children of middle preschool age, their parents,

Objective of the project: "Increasing the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development of children" .


  1. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents of preschoolers in the prevention and correction of speech disorders.
  2. Teaching parents available methods of speech therapy influence on the course of speech development of their child.
  3. Creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation between parents and a speech therapist teacher in matters of the harmonious development of the child.

Expected results:

  1. The interest and active participation of parents in the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children of middle preschool age.
  2. Parents' training in accessible forms and methods of sound correction (articulation and breathing exercises, finger exercises, simple sound analysis skills) and the ability to apply the knowledge gained to work to correct the pronunciation of their children.
  3. Positive dynamics of speech development in children of middle preschool age at the end of the year.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanism for achieving the set goal

The project activities are carried out in three stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory (information and analytical).

  • Questioning of parents of pupils of middle groups in order to identify problematic issues of speech development of children;
  • Express diagnostics of the level of speech development of children of middle groups;
  • Analysis of the level of pedagogical competence of parents about speech problems of children and ways to eliminate them;
  • Selection of methodological literature on practical speech therapy in work with preschoolers;
  • Presentation: informing parents about the main directions of project activities "One word, two word" .

Stage 2 - main (practical).

selection and testing of a system of methodological measures for parents on the issues of speech development of preschoolers.

  • conducting a workshop, master classes, consultations, exhibitions of methodological literature for parents.
  • individual consultations (of necessity);
  • creation of an informational and methodological stand "Speech therapist's corner" (monthly, theoretical material);

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, imply the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents, and the parents' awareness of the role of the family in the education and upbringing of a child.

Stage 3 - final (analytical).

  • Questioning of parents in order to determine the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development of children;
  • Repeated express-diagnostics of the level of speech development of children of middle groups
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the work done: on the part of the parents and on the part of the speech therapist;
  • Creative report on the project "One word, two word ..." at the pedagogical council of DOE and MO of speech therapists.


  • Makhanova M.D., Kozlova T.M. "The main general educational program of kindergarten - primary school" M. 2011.
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
  • Khvatsev M.S. Speech therapy. "Working with preschoolers" M. 1996.
  • Filicheva T.B. "Basics of speech therapy" M. Education 1989.
  • Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva G.B. "Speech therapy" ... Yekaterinburg, 1998.
  • Mironova S.A. "The speech of preschoolers is more pronounced in speech therapy classes" ... M. 2007.
  • Fomicheva M.F. "Raising the correct pronunciation in children" ... M. Voronezh, 1997.