Project in the middle group “My family and family traditions. Project "My family" (middle group)

Project activities in the middle group "My family is my fortress"

Happy is he who is happy at home. / L.N. Tolstoy /
Family is a place where we feel happy. The family is the most important thing in our life, because it is in it that we grow, learn certain values. Society and whole countries begin with the family. A. N. Ostrogorsky wrote: “Family life for a child is the same as social life for us. His soul feeds on the impressions received in the family. Here the child learns to love one thing, hate another, here he gets used to work or idleness, gets the first ... aesthetic tastes, all his interests, affections and authorities are initially concentrated here. " And today, when parents spend a lot of time at work, it is difficult to invest the value of family relationships in a child.
Objective of the project: familiarizing children with family values.
Project objectives: to acquaint children with the history of the holiday of the family, love and fidelity; to instill in children a desire to help their loved ones, to do something pleasant for them and to spend more time with their relatives; create conditions for the participation and involvement of parents in educational activities.
Project type: in terms of duration - short-term, in terms of the composition of the project participants - group, in the direction of activity of the project participants - creative.
Expected results: the work turned out to be both informative and creative. The project activities are planned taking into account the integration of areas, helping children to learn and comprehend new things. The children realized that they need to take care and value their relatives and friends and their work on specific examples. Children have become friendlier. Parents became interested in the results and products of the project.
Stage I - preliminary: definition of the problem; setting goals and objectives; collection and preparation of material; drawing up a long-term work plan.
Stage II - main: work according to plan with children, parents, teachers.
"At the roots of history" (The story of a difficult life and great love of Peter and Fevronia). (Appendix # 1)
Listening to the family anthem.
Interaction with parents: drawing up a family tree.
"Who is the head of the family?" (reading of the fairy tale "The Wise Father" and a conversation on the reading). (Appendix # 2)
Interaction with parents: drawings "My family"
"Mommy, my beloved" (memorizing the poem "Mom is sleeping, she is tired ..." by E. Blaginina, conversation during the day about our help in household chores for mom) (Appendix No. 3)
Making photo frames.
"A present for the most dear ones" (making sweets, showing concern for your family and friends)

These are the candy surprises that every child could take home.
Entertainment "Day of family, love and fidelity."
Interaction with parents: master class "Guardian angel of the family hearth". (Appendix # 4)
These are the crafts that each child took with him (photo frame, angel and chamomile emblem):

Stage III - final: entertainment for the day of family, love and fidelity; joint work with parents "guardian angel of the family hearth".

Appendix # 1:

The story of a difficult life and great love of Peter and Fevronia
Prince Peter, who was the son of the Murom prince Yuri, was struck by a terrible leprosy. All attempts to cure the unfortunate man from the disease ended in failure, no one could return Peter to health. Almost resigned to his fate, the man saw an unusual dream in which it was revealed to him that there was a girl in the world who could heal the affected body. In the prophetic dream, the name of the savior was revealed to Peter - Fevronia.
Fevronia was a peasant from a Ryazan village, the daughter of an ordinary beekeeper. Since childhood, the girl studied herbs and had the gift of healing, even wild animals obeyed her and did not dare to show aggression. The amazingly kind and beautiful young lady immediately liked the young prince, and he gave his word that he would marry the beauty immediately after his recovery. Fevronia put the man on his feet, but he did not keep his promise and did not lead the village girl down the aisle. Most likely, this was the reason that leprosy fell on the prince's head with greater force.
The messengers went for the healer for the second time, and Fevronia did not refuse to treat the deceiver and again gave him health. After that, Peter married the savior and until the end of his days did not regret what he had done. According to legend, the spouses lived in love, harmony and respect, never deceived each other and always spoke flatteringly about their halves.
After the death of his older brother, Peter was destined to take the city power into his own hands. The boyars reacted with approval to the respected ruler, but a simple peasant woman haunted them - no one wanted to see a representative of the lower class in power. The boyar's wives constantly slandered Fevronia, persuading their husbands to destroy the clever and beautiful woman they disliked. One day the prince was given an ultimatum - either to drive his beloved wife out of the house, or to leave the post of ruler. Peter did not hesitate for a long time, but chose to abdicate from power and decided to leave Murom altogether.
In exile, the young wise princess supported her grieving husband in every possible way. When the house was in difficulty with food and money, she always found a wonderful way out. Peter still idolized his betrothed and never once reproached his beloved that for her sake he had to leave his high post and live in hardships.
However, the deprivations of the princely couple did not last long, soon the Murom boyars realized that without a competent ruler it would be difficult to maintain order in the city. Thinking it over, they sent messengers for the prince and asked him to return with his wife to his hometown and again take the post of mayor. Peter consulted with Fevronia and the couple, not opposing, returned home.
In love and harmony, the devoted spouses Peter and Fevronia lived to old age, and when they lived to gray hair, they accepted monasticism under the names Euphrosinia and David. As monks, loving spouses, tenderly loving each other, prayed to God for death in one day. Dreaming of being together in heaven, they prepared for themselves one coffin for two, where the two bodies were to be separated only by a thin partition.
Tradition says that the elderly monks really departed to another world on one day - this happened on June 25, 1228 according to the stroma style, which corresponds to July 8 according to the current calendar. Living, as befits monks, in different cells, they died in one hour.
The monks were afraid of the wrath of the Lord and did not put the dead in one coffin - never such burials were there in Christianity. The bodies of the deceased were in different temples, but somehow miraculously they ended up nearby. After such a miracle happened for the second time, the monks decided to bury the loving spouses together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Only 300 years after his death, Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia were canonized. The Orthodox Church declared them the patrons of the family, and the relics of the saints found peace in the Holy Trinity Convent in the city of Murom. July 8 is considered the Day of Peter and Fevronia in the Orthodox calendar.
In the nineties, the inhabitants of Murom, where they have always venerated the holy spouses, decided to combine the City Day with an Orthodox holiday. So by chance a new Russian holiday was born, glorifying love and devotion.
In 2008, the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was officially approved and soon approved by the Interreligious Council of Russia. Chamomile, a flower that is especially popular with all lovers, has become the symbol of the holiday of pure and selfless love. Later, the Family Day got its own medal, on one side of which a chamomile is depicted, and on the other - the faces of Peter and Fevronia. The medal is traditionally awarded to married couples in which love and understanding reign.
Now the Orthodox holiday is celebrated in forty countries of the world, but the main celebrations are held in the city of Murom, Vladimir region.

Appendix # 2:

Wise father. (Russian fairy tale)
Whether it was so, I do not know, but as I heard it, I tell it. There lived one peasant. He had a son. When the guy grew up and began to help with the housework, his father said:
- I look at you and see that you are well accepted for all matters. Time goes by, the young grows, the old grows old. Soon you will grow up and get married and you yourself will become a household.
So remember my words:
Live so that each village has its own home.
And may you have new boots every day.
And live so that people bow to you.
Then you will be a good master.
The son was surprised at such speeches and asks:
- Something I do not understand you: how can I build a house in every village? And how can you cope with buying new boots every day? And how can I live so that people bow to me? - The father smiled and said:
- Do not grieve, son. My advice is easy to follow. If you want to be at home in every village, make a loyal, reliable friend in every village, and you will have your own home there. And so that you have new boots every day, you need to wash and clean your boots well in the evening, never forget that, so they will be like new the next day. Well, so that people bow to you first, get up before everyone else, go to work first, then everyone who leaves you later will greet you, bow down to you.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in my mandate.
And when the time came and the son himself got up to manage the household, he heeded his father's advice and lived well.

Appendix # 3:

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ... (E. Blaginina)
Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
But I didn't play either!
I don’t start a top,
And I sat down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet, the room is empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The ray sneaks golden.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Yes, I don't really want what I want!
But my mother is asleep, and I am silent.
The beam rushed along the wall
And then he slid over to me.
- Nothing, - he whispered as if, -
Let's sit in silence! ..

“Take care of the family: the family is a support
people and state.
Family covenants are always strong.
Guard this treasure.
In family happiness is protection from
life tests.
Strong and friendly family
everyday adversity.
If you protect your family
And you will protect the children
then create a strong support
for peaceful and calm work. "
(From the will of the great Chuvash Illuminator I. Ya. Yakovlev)

1.Traditional forms and methods of work.
-parent meetings;
- round tables;
- evenings of questions and answers;
- days of open doors;
- registration of family photo newspapers;
- "Welcome" mailbox
Non-traditional forms and methods of work.
-use of art therapy techniques (thematic drawing, collage);
- homework for parents on a specific topic (compilation of the album "This is Me", composition "One day of my child in kindergarten");
- organization of the parent club "Know-it-all";
- organization of the Day of Self-Government (parent in the role of educator);
Leisure block.
- entertainment evenings;
-creative contests and exhibitions;
-family sports and intellectual competitions;
- matinees;
- visiting the theater with families;
-family field trips;
Block "Presentation"
- slideshow "My family is my joy"
- slideshow "Five Happy Years"

2. Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for all-round development.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of a preschool institution in solving educational and educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not seek to unite efforts with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not properly establish feedback, do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In the system of preschool education, family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills inherent in home education are the first steps to the heights of a high level of children's culture. And here an important role is assigned to the preschool institution, it is necessary to search for new relationships between the family and the preschool educational institution, namely, cooperation, interaction, and trust. In addition, it is at the preschool age that a closer connection between the child and the family and the teacher is noted than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of a child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, at present in our country, for many reasons, family ties are weakening, traditional family education is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and educators pay attention to the deteriorating health of children, an increase in socially unprotected families, socio-psychological anxiety and fatigue from the problems experienced by adults (including in connection with the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife / mother becomes a source of financing for family members), difficulties in building family life against the backdrop of crises. Global problems were also highlighted: environmental; mental; local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to the rapid obsolescence of knowledge and others.

This process can and should be stopped by preschool educators who are in close contact with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most urgent today.

The mission of MBDOU number 6, according to the MBDOU development program, is to combine the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family to create conditions that reveal success in modern society and the future, the child's readiness for further education.

Objective of the project:
Objective of the project- cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in preserving the physical and mental health of preschoolers, promoting the revival of the traditions of family education.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:
-diagnostics of parenting qualities and styles of upbringing in the family; identification of the family's readiness for active interaction with the preschool educational institution;
-increasing the pedagogical culture of parents through their education;
-changing the parents' consumer outlook on the upbringing and educational process at the preschool educational institution ("they brought you a child, you paid, so do it")
-Establishment of trust and partnership with the family of each child;
Project participants. Senior preschool children, parents and educators.
Estimated results of the project
- increasing the level of social and psychological culture of the participants in the educational space;
- revival of the traditions of family education;
-application by parents of pedagogical knowledge about raising children in a family;
- development of partnerships in the family;

3. Project structure

Analytical block.
- questioning;
Information (educational) block.
-selection of visual information;
-conducting exhibitions, presentations,
- decoration of stands, photo display cases, folders-moving;
- compilation of memos for parents;
-release of newspapers;

4.Ways to implement the project

1. Rainbow traditions:
- morning of joyful meetings (Monday)
- the result of the day lived (daily)
- birthday
- leisure time (once a month)
2. Holidays and entertainment:
"Knowledge Day"
"Family day"
"New Year", etc.
Joint leisure of children
Sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family"!
family day event.
3. Subject - role-playing, creative games.
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the family, to consolidate the ability to distribute roles, build storylines, deepen interest and a positive attitude towards her.
4. Joint activities of the educator with children:
talking about family, looking at albums;
compilation and review of the album "This is Me";
memorizing poetry, reading stories, etc.
5. Exhibition of children's drawings "My family", "My dear Mom"
6. Exhibition of family works on the topic "Family Traditions", "Family Hobbies"
The final stage
Control and evaluation unit.
guest books;
score sheets;
express diagnostics;
introspection of teachers on the topic “Working with parents”;
interviews with children
accounting for the activity of parents, etc.

5. Events held in the framework of the long-term project "My family is my joy"!
1. A questionnaire to identify the level of parental pedagogical capabilities
Dear Parents!
We ask you to fill out an anonymous questionnaire.
1. Where do you get pedagogical knowledge:
a) use your own life experience, advice from friends;
b) read pedagogical literature;
c) use the advice of educators;
d) listen to radio broadcasts and watch television broadcasts;
2. What methods of education do you consider the most effective:
a) conviction;
b) coercion;
c) requirement;
d) encouragement;
e) punishment;
f) training and personal example;
3. What types of incentives do you use more often:
a) verbal;
b) gifts;
c) entertainment;
4. What types of punishment, in your opinion, are the most effective in education;
a) intimidation;
b) manifestation of disapproval (verbally, facial expressions or gestures)
c) physical punishment;
d) deprivation of entertainment or promised gifts;
e) verbal threat;
5. Are your family members unanimous in their requirements for the child:
a) always unanimous;
b) sometimes disagree;
c) there is never unanimity;

2. Questionnaire: "What kind of parent are you?"
Instructions: mark the phrases that you often use in communication with children (the number of points is indicated in brackets).
1. How many times should I tell you? (2)
2. Please advise me ... (1)
3. I don’t know what I would do without you? (1)
4. And who are you so ugly ?! (2)
5. What wonderful friends you have! (1)
6. Well, who do you look like? (2)
7.I am your age! .. (2)
8. You are my support and assistant (tsa)! (1)
9. What kind of friends do you have? (2)
10. What are you only thinking about? (2)
11. What (oh) you are clever! (1)
12. What do you think, sonny (daughter)? (1)
13. Everybody has children like children, and you ... (2)
14. How smart you are! (1_
Evaluation of results:
5 - 7 points: You live in perfect harmony with the child. He truly loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.
8 - 10 points: You have difficulties in your relationship with the child, a lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development to him.
11 points or higher: You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.
3. Folder - move
"The art of being a parent"
1. Your baby is not to blame for anything. Not that it created additional difficulties for you. Not that he did not give the expected happiness. Not that it did not live up to your expectations. And you have no right to demand that he solve these problems for you.
2. Your child is not your property, but an independent person. And you do not have the right to decide his fate to the end, and even more so to break his life at your own discretion. You can only help him choose the path of life by examining his abilities and interests and creating the conditions for their realization.
3. Your child will not always be obedient and sweet. His stubbornness and whims are as inevitable as the very fact of his presence.
4. You yourself are guilty of many of the baby's whims and pranks, because you did not understand him in time, not wanting to accept him as he is.
5. You must always believe in the best of the baby. Be sure that sooner or later this best will certainly come out
4. Folder - move
"When punishing, think: why?"
1. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.
2. If there is a doubt, to punish or not to punish - do not punish. No punishment for the purpose of "prevention".
3. One at a time. Do not deprive your child of the praise and reward they deserve.
4. Statute of limitations. Better not to punish than to punish late.
5. Punished - Forgiven.
6. Punishment without humiliation.
7. A child should not be afraid of punishment.
5. Non-traditional form of work (homework)
Album "This is Me"
1.This is Me (Photos and / or drawing);
2. My name is ... (Name, name application, meaning of the name);
3. My parents (Name, photos and or / pictures);
4. My relatives (analogy)
5. To come up with the coat of arms of the family (drawing and story)
6. I live ...;
7. My portrait in the sun or what am I? (a child's palm - a small photograph in the core, a good feature (characteristic) is indicated on each finger);
8. I love ...;
9. I am beautiful (photos and story);
10. I am strong and dexterous (photos and story);
11. I am quick-witted (drawing and story);
12. I am smart (drawing and story);
13. I want ... (drawing and story);
14. I learned (drawing and story);
15. I go to kindergarten ... (drawing and story);
16. I am fond of ... (drawing and story);
- acceptance, assimilation by a preschooler of an unconditional positive attitude towards himself on the part of significant people.
- own perception and assessment of deeply essential, very personal sides of oneself.

Assignment for parents.

In a suitable situation (when the child is ready to communicate with you), you need to tell him why he was named that, and how it was. It is important to convey to the child the positive emotional atmosphere of this event, its significance, the positive experiences of all family members.

Make an applique with the child's name with the child.

The psychological meaning of this task:

1. Research shows that in modern social conditions, many children feel insufficient integration into their own family. Parents work a lot and have little contact with their children. The moment a child is born and the choice of a name for him is perhaps the time when parents most keenly feel his significance and value. Remembering this contributes to the rapprochement of the family, an increase in the sense of its value and significance for the child, the feeling of being included in the family, and, more importantly, the formation of his own self-acceptance, the development of self-esteem.
2. When a child talks about this in a group, feeling self-worth, joy that he was named that way, he himself will strengthen in love and self-confidence, and others will become infected with these feelings and more accept, appreciate, respect this child. That is why the main thing in a parent's story is to convey to the child the emotions of positive experiences, significance, and love.

6. Organization of work of the parent club "Know-it-all"
The main activities of the club:
- provision of pedagogical assistance to parents;
- promoting positive family education;
- increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents;
- popularization of the activities of the preschool educational institution;

Round table of the parent club.

Theme:"Hardening a child is the secret of success"
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
- Attracting the family's attention to the issues of children's health improvement at home;

1.Results of the survey;
2.Our "Sturdy kids";
3. Exchange of experience of families on issues of health improvement of children at home;
4. Game "Quick question - quick answer".
5. Plants for healing!

Questionnaire "About the health of your baby"

Game "Quick question - quick answer"

Parents sit in a semicircle; passing on some beautiful object, they answer the questions, having listened to 2-3 answers, the presenter reads the correct answer.
Leading. How to properly distribute the daily regimen for a 5-6 year old child?
Answer: In a 5-6 year old child, daytime sleep is 2-2.5 hours; active wakefulness time 6-7 hours, night sleep -10 hours, food is received 4 times a day;
Leading: Is the regime of the day observed on weekends?
Answer: In our institution, the daily routine is built in accordance with age, it is necessary that parents understand the importance of this very condition for the child's health. Unfortunately, in many families, especially in the young, the regime is neglected, and this is only to the detriment of the child. According to many observations, children attending a preschool institution most often fall ill after weekends and holidays, and this happens because at home the child is not provided with the regime to which he is accustomed, to which he tuned in in kindergarten: in the evening they go to bed later, the daytime is canceled sleep, walk is replaced by games at home, they are allowed to watch TV as much as they like.
The child's preschool regime at home should be a continuation of the kindergarten regime, without this it is difficult to expect success from hardening.
Leading. How to wash your hands properly?
Answer: Wash your hands warm (not cold, not hot). Thoroughly soap your hands - on both sides and between the fingers, as well as the wrists, not less than 15-20 seconds, this is how long the first verse of the song “Let them run awkwardly ...” will take for the child, and finally rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel.
Leading. What diseases can start from unwashed hands?
Answer: If you are not used to washing your hands, especially after visiting the toilet and bathroom, the street, you run the risk of acquiring a lot of diseases: colds, flu, lambliasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, SARS, scabies, cholera, etc.
5. Technological scheme of the experiment

Project implementation.

6.Results of the survey
Questionnaire: "What kind of parent are you?"
Duration - October 2012
58% - 5 - 7 points: You live with your child in perfect harmony. He truly loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.
24% -8 - 10 points: You have difficulties in your relationship with your child, a lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development onto himself.
18% -11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.
According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that more than half of families have harmonious relationships with children, but there are also families that need psychological and pedagogical support, which they can receive with participation in this project, and can receive valuable advice from more experienced parents.

Works by parents and children.

One day of Anton Denisovich

About myself and about the guys

The sun disappeared behind the houses
We leave the kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
As we sang songs in chorus,
How they played leapfrog
What did we drink
What we ate
What we read in kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And in detail about everything.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.
G. Ladonshchikov

And you children, how does the morning begin? You probably wake up with the first rays of the sun, open your eyes and go to see what your mother is doing in a good mood?

When I was born, my parents named me Anton. It was a hot summer of 2007. I did not remember my birth. And now I am already 5 years old, my name is still Anton Aleksandrovi. I want to tell you about my life in kindergarten No. 6 in Zheleznodorozhny. And also about my successes, failures, dreams and friends. Will it be possible to convey to you my mood on the example of one day spent in kindergarten? Let's start with the chronology of my usual day ...

My awakening starts at 7:30. First, I brush my teeth so that no microorganisms interfere with my breakfast, consisting of tea and curd-glazed curd. Further, under the morning show of cartoons, I begin to put on my own clothes prepared in the evening. And not only clothes are waiting for me, but also a toy that accompanies me throughout the day. As a rule, this is a transforming robot, a typewriter, or a book.

My dad takes me to kindergarten, so at 8.00 o'clock in the morning we already leave the house to meet in kindergarten with my friends, teacher and nanny.

On the way to the kindergarten, we talk about the world around us, about what is happening around us. Favorite topics of conversation: passing car brands and all kinds of "why" addressed to traffic signs. Approaching, we meet next to the territory of the kindergarten the same hurrying children with their mothers, fathers, grandmothers or grandfathers. All children have their own thoughts, plans for the day and a pleasant expectation of new meetings, walks, games and other pastime. What awaits us in our senior group in the morning after all the children have been received?

The morning activities include exercises, which are carried out by our tutor Tatyana Gennadievna Postnikova. Therefore, putting things in our own locker after changing clothes in the dressing room, I and the other pupils of the group are happy to start the school day with exercises. And it is good for us, because in our kindergarten a comprehensive assessment of the physical development of children is carried out, all anthropometric data of children are taken into account. And at the end of the school year, we always grow up. This is always a big mystery for parents who are not gaining in height ...

All children dream of growing up brave, strong, agile and skillful. Of course, everyone wants to become some kind of "spider-man" or superman. I, too, imagine becoming a great footballer, not some frail defender or bad goalkeeper. And for this you need to train physically and perform the first brave deeds.

But first, about breakfast in kindergarten, you can't become strong without it. Together with other pupils - Yulia, Nastya, Dasha, Vera, Miron, Styopa, Kirill, Ilya, Alyosha, Dima and others, we eat porridge with great appetite, drink tea or cocoa, kindly served to us by our junior teacher Valentina Egorovna Nazarova. And we never forget to say thank you to her for taking care of us.

After the morning meal, educational activities begin. Classes, as befits such adult children from the older group, are different. We are engaged in speech development, mathematics, visual arts, modeling, as well as physical education and music. We also have many different contests, in which all children from our group, together with their parents, are happy to take part in them. For example, recently there was a competition for "The Best Autumn Craft", and the next competition was dedicated to the "Family Coat of Arms".

Tatyana Gennadievna pays great attention to the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills: food culture, tidiness in clothes, hygiene. There is always a calm atmosphere in our garden, friendly relations. Thanks to these conditions, I and my peers have a positive attitude that contributes to openness to any undertakings, employment with meaningful activities. Classes are interesting and exciting.

Particular attention in our group is paid to the game. We, at will, unite or independently carry out our plans, and thus study the world. Game activity contributes not only to physical, but also mental development, education of moral qualities, creative abilities. There are 8 girls and 13 boys in our group, so you can always choose partners for a particular activity. Games that appeal to everyone are role-playing games: hospital, school, cafe or shop. As well as board and didactic games.

The organization and development of children's play requires our teachers to know the intricacies of the psychology of play, the ability to direct children's amateur play without disturbing it. Thanks to the work of our educator Tatyana Gennadievna, not only memory, attention, vocabulary are improving, but every day we become more mature, understanding and educated. Together we experience the world. And these are not just words, after the free games we go for a walk.

Like any other kindergarten group, we have our own territory with a veranda for walking. And there are also classes devoted to environmental education, observation of the surrounding world, natural phenomena. Ball games, team games, with sand sets - we all succeed.

Having walked a lot, we return from a walk and change clothes. A delicious and hot lunch is already waiting for us. After eating, there is a quiet hour. Each child, including me, has his own highchair, on which we carefully hang our things. We were taught this from the age of 3, from the moment we first visited kindergarten. When we are each in our own bed, Tatyana Gennadievna asks us, whom can we praise in the evening? Of course, everyone dreams of being called a good fellow, so we all cover ourselves with a blanket and instantly fall asleep. To wake up in a couple of hours and play again, enjoy everything that happens. Waking up gradually, we wash, dress, comb our hair. Invigorating gymnastics begins. Getting ready for an afternoon snack, after which there are still so many classes, all kinds of games, as well as reading fairy tales.

Being in a learning environment allows you to reveal all your talents. For example, I really like to draw. Ships with pirates, football players on the field, musketeers with swords and their opponents, robots and other constructed soldiers. All this colorful action soon appears on paper. Which is a great nightly gift for my mom and sometimes my little sister to take me home. As a rule, after completing all our educational activities in the group, we carry out the second walk - the evening one. Where we part until morning with our garden, teacher Tatyana Gennadievna and our first friends - classmates.

I would like to finish my story with the words of Emma Bombek - "A child needs your love most of all just when he least deserves it." In our garden, absolutely all children deserve love and recognition. Both parents and teachers. Therefore, it is so easy for us to wake up in the morning and skip to the kindergarten, where an ordinary day in the life of 5-year-old Anton will begin. And so unusual, unique in terms of physical development, personal growth, meaningful emotions, planned programs and moral hopes, despite the weather and other natural phenomena ...

Aleksandrov Anton, 5 years old.
Senior group, d / s number 6, g. Zheleznodorozhny M.O.

Conversation with children "My mother" senior group

Target: help children understand what parents mean to us, explain how important it is to be grateful and caring to old people; awaken feelings of respect and gratitude to them; teach to respect elders.
Planned results: can learn a short poem; expresses positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem "Mother's day" reading a poem:

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to mom
Although it has not bloomed.
And me with a flower is so tender
Mom hugged
That my snowdrop has opened
From her warmth.

1. Memorizing a poem:
There are many mothers in this world
Children love them with all their hearts.
Only mom is one
She is dearer to me than everyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy!

2. Questions about mom.
-Where does your mother work?
-How do you help mom at home?
-How do you affectionately call your mother?

3. Outdoor game "My mother's name"
Children stand in a circle, the leader (teacher) throws the ball to the child and asks what your mother is called, the child throws the ball to the teacher and says her name, the leader asks the next question - how do you affectionately call your mother, the child throws the ball with an answer.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the teacher's work experience, through the achievements of pupils, in competitions of various levels.

Demonstration of experience in the teaching community.

City methodological association for educators of junior and middle groups on the topic: “Theatrical activities. Leisure activities with preschool children.

Date October 2011
Educator - Postnikova Tatyana Gennadievna.

"There is no future without the past"

Explanatory note

Each person is interested to know where he comes from, who his ancestors were, where is his real "small homeland". Where do I come from? The question looks simple, but in fact it has a very deep meaning. Interest in your past, your roots, the knowledge of where you come from is in the blood of every normal person. There are many examples when people are looking for traces of those from whom they came. This knowledge helps them to realize and appreciate themselves, their past. A person's life begins with a family, here he is formed as a person. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist.

Relevance of the project

The content of moral upbringing of preschoolers includes the solution of many problems, including the upbringing of love for the Motherland, family, respect for their parents. The content of the preschool education program "Rainbow" includes a cycle of classes "My family". However, it should be noted that the amount of knowledge on this topic is limited. There is no material in the program content concerning the child's past family. In this connection, few of the children know the history of creating a family, their ancestry. Family holidays and traditions are becoming a thing of the past. With the aim of studying the family, establishing contact with its members, in order to coordinate the educational impact on the child, the idea came up to create a project "My Family", which helps children to understand the importance of the family, to bring up in children love and respect for its members, to instill a sense of attachment to family and home ...

The project presents the joint work of the educator, children, parents to form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other, and take care of each other. In the course of the project, children receive more in-depth knowledge about the professions of their parents, about the pedigree of their family, family traditions.

A survey among children showed that children do not know enough about their family, where and by whom their parents work, what the names of their grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are. To change this situation, the idea came up to create a project "My family", i.e. to study the family, to clarify the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to coordinate the educational impact on the child.

As adults, educators and parents, we must help children understand the importance of the family, instill in children love and respect for family members, and instill a sense of attachment to family and home.

Objective of the project:

Expand children's ideas about their family, pedigree, family traditions.

Project objectives:

1. To improve the quality of the kindergarten work in interaction with parents.

2. To form in children an idea about the family, about the moral attitude to family traditions, expand knowledge about the immediate environment, teach to understand family ties.

3. To develop the creative abilities of parents and children in the process of joint activities.

4. To instill in children love and respect for family members, to show the value of the family for each person and to take care of their relatives.

Age of participants: children 4-5 years old.

Project type: short-term (3 weeks).

The composition of the project team: educator, pupils of the group 4-5 years old, parents.

Forms of project organization:

1. Interviewing children.

3. Consultation "What is a family tree?"

5. Creation of the album "The Secret of the Name".

7. Subject - role-playing game "Family", "Hospital", "Shop".

8. Parents' meeting "My family - what could be more expensive"

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory

  • Questioning children on the problem
  • Determination of the goal and objectives
  • Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project

Stage II - main (practical)

  • The introduction of effective methods and techniques into the educational process to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the family, its origin
  • Development of a consultation "What is a family tree?"
  • Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family"
  • Creation of a folder-moving "Mystery of the name"
  • Exhibition of children's drawings "My family"
  • Joint production of children with their parents of role-playing games "Family", "Hospital", "Shop"
  • Development and accumulation of teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem

III stage-final

  • Processing of project implementation results
  • Parent-teacher meeting
  • Presentation of the project "My Family"

Location: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 8".

Working hours: during and outside classes.

Expected results of the project:

Children: fostering a sense of pride in their family and love for its members, expanding the knowledge of children about their family: about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents.

Parents: raising the pedagogical culture of parents, establishing trust and partnership with them.

Schedule for the implementation of the project.


The timing

Stage 1.



Survey of children: "What do I know about the family?"

(Appendix No. 1)

Stage 2.


GCD from the cycle "Me and My Family"

Cognitive "My family"

Drawing "My family"

Development of speech "Literary Kaleidoscope".

Modeling "Mom"

Development of speech.

Telling children of the Belarusian folk tale "Pykh".

Cognitive "Domestic work"

Drawing "My family (continued)"

Modeling "Furniture for my family (table and chair)"

Development of speech.

"Grouping items"

(clothes, shoes, hats).

Designing "Mom's Pigtails"

Reading fiction:

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Swan geese"

"Blue Cup" M. Matveev

"Warm bread" K. Paustovsky

"The Tale of the Clever Mouse" S. Marshak

"Flower-seven-flower" V. Kataev

"Mom's Job" E. Permyak

"What Crafts Smell About" D. Rodari

"Mom's Daughter" V. Belov

"The bone" K. Ushinsky

"Old grandfather and granddaughter" L. Tolstoy

"How Vovka rescued grandmothers" A. Barto

"Grandmother's hands are shaking" V. Sukhomlinsky

“The Stolen Name” by T.A. Shorygin.

Didactic games:

"Who to be?"

"Fold the picture"

"Determine the age"

"Complete the sentence"

"Who is older?"

"Who is younger?"

"Fix Dunno"


"One, two, three, four, five ... who I want to say about."

"What is your name affectionately called at home?"

Role-playing games:

"Family", "Hospital", "Shop".


"A day off in my family"

"How I Help at Home"

"Who do your parents work" (using the album)

"How we rest"

"What is my family tree?"

"How I Help My Parents"

Reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the family, riddles. Appendix No. 2

Theatricalization based on fairy tales

"Grandfather and Turnip"

"Masha and the Bear"

"Ryaba Chicken and the Golden Egg"

Finger gymnastics ( Appendix 3)

Articulation gymnastics

"Delicious Jam", "Pancakes"

Consultation "What is a family tree?"

Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family"

Sliding folder "The Secret of My Name"

Album design "The Secret of the Name".

Exhibition of children's drawings "My family"

Stage 3.


Summing up the results of the project

Parents' meeting "My family - what could be more expensive"

Dissemination of work experience on the topic among preschool teachers

Methodical product - "Presentation of the project" My family "

The final product - parent meeting "My family - what could be more expensive"

Used Books

1. Zvereva O.Kh., Krotova T.V., "Communication of a teacher with parents in a preschool educational institution": -M .: T.TS. Sphere, 2005.

2. Svirskaya L., "Working with the family: optional instructions": -M .: Linka-Press, 2007.

3. Kozlova A.V., Deshulina R.P. "Working with family": -M .: T.U. Sphere, 2004.

4. Kolentieva O., Kalemullina S., "Holidays in kindergarten": -M .: Education, 2001.

5. Shorygina "Conversations on the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old"

6. Shorygina "Conversations about etiquette with children 5-8 years old"

Objective of the project: Formation of the concept of "family" and raising family values ​​in the formation of the child's personality.

Project objectives:

  1. Form an idea of ​​the family
  2. Form the gender of the pupil, taking into account age-related changes.
  3. To form an idea of ​​the family relationship between the family “close” to the child (father, mother, sister, brother).
  4. Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activities

Expected Result:

  1. Own the "concept" of the family
  2. Have an understanding of family relationships.
  3. Know information about your family, parenting profession.
  4. To be able to compose a family pedigree together with parents.
  5. Determine your gender.


  1. Lack of knowledge among preschoolers about their family.
  2. Loss of the function of the family to transfer significant family and life values ​​to children.
  3. Disunity between family and kindergarten

Project participants: children, group teachers, parents, specialists

Project implementation: November 2016

Project type: creative, group, short-term.

Relevance of the problem:

A family - it is the first social institution with which a child meets in life, of which he is a part. The family occupies a central place in the upbringing of a child, plays a huge role in the formation of the worldview, moral norms of behavior, feelings, social and moral image and position of the baby. In a family, upbringing should be based on love, experience, traditions, personal example from childhood of relatives and friends. And no matter what side of the child's development we consider, it will always turn out that in itself it is impossible to overestimate. The family at all times has had a huge impact on the child.

Implementation of the project: "Me and my family"

Preparatory stage (entry into the topic)

Survey of children on the topic "What do I know about the family?"

Determination of the topic, goals, objectives, project content, forecasting


Search work on the selection of illustrated material on the topic "Family".

Selection of literary works, proverbs, poems, sayings about

Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the possibilities, means,

necessary for the implementation of the project, determination of the scope of activities

all project participants.

Main stage: (productive, joint activities with children).

Cognitive activity:

Didactic games "Who is what?" (looking at yourself in the mirror), "Arrange in order" (figures of a person, taking into account age characteristics), "Assemble a portrait from the details", "Make a family of figures", "joy or grief?" (to parents, from the actions of children)

- View the My Family presentation. Examining photographs of family members, the album "The Professions of Our Parents". Examination of a reproduction of the painting "My Family"

Solution to a problem situation: “What will I do if my mom gets sick, or my dad leaves for a business trip ...?

Educational lesson "Family photography".

Artistic and productive activity

Creating portraits of your parents (paint on the eyes, hair of the desired color)

Building a building "Let's build a beautiful house" - to teach children to build buildings of their own design.

Speech development:

Reading fiction: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Geese swans", D. Gabbe "My family", N. Artyukhova "Difficult evening", explanation of proverbs. Children's stories about their family. The teacher's story from personal experience on the topic "My family". Reading poems about the family. "

Play activity: plot - role-playing, building games.

Family cooperation:

Competition exhibition: "Genealogical tree of my family", creation of a group album: "The professions of our parents." Participation in the preparation of the musical holiday: "Autumn, autumn - we invite you to visit."

Interaction with specialists:

Musical holiday: "Mother's Day"

Form: "Acquaintance with the child's family."

The final stage:

Presentation by children of the "Genealogical tree of their family"

Report on the implementation of the short-term project "My family"

We started our work with a survey of children on the topic "What do I know about my family?" and found out that many children confuse their siblings and cousins; they simply call acquaintances, attributing them to members of their family. When asked where do the parents work?


Make money.

Not seeing yourself taking into account age-related changes (infant, child, teenager, adult, elderly person). The results of the survey helped to determine the goals, objectives and content of the project, to predict the result. Then we conducted a questionnaire survey among the parents and drew up a social passport for each child; discussed the project with the parents and determined the content of the activity and the possibilities of the parents.

All further work was aimed at enriching the knowledge of children about themselves and about the family. In order to form an idea of ​​gender identity, in the morning, before lunch, they conducted an interesting game "Who do we have what?"

Children looked at themselves in the mirror and described their appearance, this helped to see the similarities and differences between themselves. Playing the game "Expand in order", the children were able to understand and see clearly the growth and development of a person, taking into account age-related changes. For some it was a revelation, a surprise that they used to be babies, and in the future they will become grandparents. I really liked assembling the portrait from the details, the children easily coped with the task, it helped them draw a portrait of their parents using a ready-made template. Since our children cannot draw a human face, we gave them ready-made stencils of an adult face with different hairstyles. The children were left to finish drawing the color of the eyes, the length and color of the hair, which would be like their parents.

We even suggested picking up the buttons according to the color of the eyes and sticking them on, it got the children very interested, delighted the parents and helped to get to know their loved ones better.

When the children gained more knowledge about their appearance and their parents, we moved on to studying the closest environment of the pupils. After a series of conversations, stories of children and teachers from personal experience, the children began to form a correct picture of their immediate environment, their family. Strangers dropped out. They were helped by the game "Make a family of figures", in it it became clearly visible at once from how many people who have a family, who have a large family, who have a smaller one. We streamlined the knowledge gained through watching the presentation "Family" and the cognitive lesson "Family photography".

Even earlier, working on the theme of the week "Professions", we began to create an album

"All works are good" about the professions of the parents of our group. Continuing to create this album, we tried to foster children respect for the work of family members.

Discussing the problem situation with the children “What will I do if mom gets sick or dad goes on a business trip ...?”, Playing the game “Joy or grief?”. We tried to bring to the point that you need to take care and help your close family members, to love them. The explanation of the proverb to children "When the family is together - the heart is in place" and the conversation "How do we help our loved ones?" Helped us in this.

Giving children new knowledge about their family, about their immediate environment, we could not help but touch on the topic of child safety. Through the game "Friend, stranger, acquaintance" we tried to give initial data to children on how to behave with strangers on the street if you are unattended by adults. Further work remains to be done on this topic.

Having gained new knowledge about themselves, about their closest environment, about family relationships, children began to reflect in their role-playing games, directing, construction, the plot of the games was noticeably enriched and expanded.

All this time we worked closely with parents. The library, collected with the help of parents, is of great help in shaping children's ideas about the family, about the relationships of close people. We have developed thematic consultations and reminders for parents. Together with the parents, we organized a competition with the parents - an exhibition of photographs “Me and My Family”, prepared and held a musical festival “Autumn, Autumn - Welcome to Visit”. To form an interest in pedigree among children and parents, children created a “genealogical tree” of the family. Unfortunately, not all parents brought photos. But we got out of the situation, the children painted the portraits of their parents themselves. And we teachers prepared the final presentation on the project.

This concludes the implementation of our project. We managed to realize the set goals and objectives, to solve the problem of disunity between the family and the kindergarten, to establish the function of transferring significant family and life family values ​​by the family to children.

Objective of the project:

Expand children's ideas about their family, pedigree, family traditions.


  1. Improve the quality of the work of the kindergarten on interaction with parents.
  2. To form in children an idea of ​​the family, a moral attitude towards family traditions, to show the value of the family for each person, to expand knowledge about the immediate environment, to teach to understand family ties.
  3. Develop the creativity of children and parents in the process of joint activities.
  4. To foster in children love and respect for family members, a desire to take care of loved ones.

Age of participants: children 4-6 years old.

Project type: long-term

Duration: 2016 - 2017

The composition of the project group: educators, pupils of the group 4-6 years old, parents.

Forms of project implementation:

  1. Questioning children.
  2. Consultation
  3. Album creation "The Mystery of the Name" .
  4. Exhibition of children's drawings "My family" .
  5. Exhibition of handicrafts "Out of Boredom, Jack of All Trades"
  6. Family tree compilation
  7. Plot - role-playing game "A family" , "Hospital" , "Shop" .
  8. Parent-teacher meeting "My family - what could be more precious"

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I - preparatory

  • Questioning children on the problem
  • Determination of the goal and objectives
  • Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project

Stage II - main (practical)

  • The introduction of effective methods and techniques into the educational process to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the family, its origin.
  • Development of a consultation "What is a family tree?" .
  • Exhibition "Genealogical family tree" .
  • Album creation "The Mystery of the Name" .
  • Exhibition of children's drawings "My family" .
  • Joint production of children and parents of attributes for plot - role-playing games "A family" , "Hospital" , "Shop" .
  • Development and accumulation of methodological materials and recommendations on the problem.

III stage-final

  • Processing the results of the project.
  • Discussion of the results of the project implementation at the parent meeting.
  • Project presentation "My family" .

Venue: MADOU No. 3, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Expected results of the project:

Children: fostering a sense of pride in their family and love for its members, expanding the knowledge of children about their family: about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents.

Parents: raising the pedagogical culture of parents, establishing trust and partnership with them.

Relevance of the project

The content of moral upbringing of preschoolers includes the solution of many problems, including the upbringing of love for the Motherland, family, respect for their parents. The content of preschool education programs includes a cycle of classes "My family" ... At the same time, it should be noted that the volume of children's knowledge on this topic is limited. The program content does not contain material related to the child's past family. In this connection, few of the children know the history of creating a family, their ancestry. Family holidays and traditions are becoming a thing of the past.

With the aim of studying the family and instilling a sense of attachment to the family and home, establishing contact with its members and fostering love and respect for them, in order to coordinate the educational influences on the child, the idea of ​​implementing the project appeared "My family" .

"There is no future without the past"

Foundation of the project

Family is home, family is a world where love and devotion reign, these are the same habits and traditions for all. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, outside the walls of which only peace and love can reign. Every person, regardless of age, needs a strong, reliable family. A person's life begins with a family, here he is formed as a person.

For a child, acquaintance with the surrounding reality begins with an acquaintance with everything that his family lives with. It is important for children to know the name of their parents, how their work and the occupations of other family members are needed, to name the next of kin and to take an active part in the preparation of family holidays.

Each person is interested to know where he comes from, who his ancestors were, where is his real "small homeland". Where do I come from? The question looks simple, but in fact it has a very deep meaning. Interest in your past, your roots, the knowledge of where you come from is in the blood of every normal person. There are many examples when people are looking for traces of those from whom they came. This knowledge helps them to realize and appreciate themselves, their past. A person's life begins with a family, here he is formed as a person. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist.

The family code says: "Parents are the first educators" ... This is indeed the case. The educational influence of the family is great and, unfortunately, not always positive. The personality of the child in the future largely depends on what is the psychological climate in the family, what relationships have developed, traditions, customs. Where parents in families pay great attention to the formation of traditions and customs of the family, children more confidently enter the world of adults and socialize.

Currently, there is more and more competition between preschool educational institutions, parents are increasingly asking the question: which kindergarten should they send their child to? The requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation have increased, in particular the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, parents, and the school - for preschool educational institutions. As a result, kindergartens are forced to look for ways to inform parents about what kind of assistance they can provide in raising and educating a child. We have to learn to motivate the parents of our pupils, to study their requirements and requests. In addition, even if parents strive to properly raise their child, they very often simply do not know how to do it. The modern family needs a variety of knowledge: psychological, pedagogical, medical.

The project presents the joint work of the educator, children, parents to form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other, and take care of each other. In the course of the project, children receive more in-depth knowledge about the professions of their parents, about the pedigree of their family, family traditions.

A survey among children showed that children do not know enough about their family, where and by whom their parents work, what the names of their grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are. To change this situation, the idea appeared to create a project "My family" to study the family, to clarify the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to coordinate the educational impact on the child.

As adults, educators and parents, we must help children understand the importance of the family, instill in children love and respect for family members, and instill a sense of attachment to family and home.

At the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year, observing children in the course of joint and direct educational activities, we noticed that children have very little knowledge about their family, about the closest people. From the conversations with the children and the conducted questionnaires, we realized that parents, due to their employment, devote insufficient time to communicate with their children. We decided to try to change this situation and expand the knowledge of children about the immediate environment, teach them to understand family ties, instill in children love and respect for family members, show the values ​​of the family for each person. At the parent meeting, they announced the topic of the project, introduced the plan for its implementation.

Particular attention began to be paid to role-playing games, such as "A family" , "Hospital" , "Shop" , "Salon" use various plots for these games, replenish and update game material. Parents were very helpful in responding to a request to make some toys with their own hands.

In order to strengthen parent-child relations, movable folders were designed with consultations for parents on the following topics: "Influence of parental attitudes" , "How to have a day off with children" , "Father as a teacher" , "The role of the family in the physical education of the child" , "Family and family values" , "Tips for parents" .

Thanks to this project, parent-child relationships will be strengthened, the child's horizons will expand and the vocabulary of the child will be enriched. The peculiarity of this project, in our opinion, is that together with our family we will not only learn and master new things, but we will also actively work and relax in one team.

The results achieved will allow us to conclude that as a result of the activities that were and will be held during the project: conversations, exhibitions, thematic classes, joint productive and cognitive activities of children and parents, we will get a positive result. Children will have an increased knowledge of issues related to their families, parents will become more actively involved in activities carried out in the kindergarten.

Mavlyutova Aisylu Yurisovna educator

Pavlova Irina Ivanovna educator

MADOU. kindergarten No. 3, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan