The child walks only on tiptoe. Why does a child walk on her socks? Alarming signs of neurological disorder

The first steps are one of the most important and significant events in the life of the baby and his parents. To master this important skill, children start from 8 months to 1.5 years. Training speed and walking features are purely individual for each child.

Most often, the parents' concern causes the baby for a long time to walk on her socks, without relying at the complete foot.

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of such a feature of the gait, and also take into account the age of the child. At an early age, such walking is a variant of normal physical development, but if there are other symptoms, it can talk about serious health problems.

Reflex walking and muscle tone

Why do many children make their first tiptoe steps? The child from the first days of life has various reflexes, including reflex walking.

The first three months of life, this reflex is strongly developed, and the child unconsciously makes the movement of his legs that mimic walking. After, this reflex fade and appears again only when the time comes to perform the first steps. If we talk about the physical development of the baby in the first months of life, it is worth noting the increased tone of some muscles of the hands and legs, which should be completely disappeared by 3 months.

Causes of walking on socks in children aged 1 to 5 years

  • Muscle dystonia or muscle hypertonus. This phenomenon can be considered normal up to 3 months. Hyperthonus muscles is characterized by significant resistance when flexing the hands and feet of the child. The baby will not get to put on a complete foot, as he will cross the legs and try to get up on the socks.
  • Birth injuryAt which the lower limbs or spine suffered. This diagnosis is made in the maternity hospital.
  • Violation of the activity of the nervous system or "pyramid failure"
  • which occurs against the background of deviations of the development of the fetus during pregnancy. With this diagnosis, walking on the socks will be a secondary symptom.
  • The use of walker for learning the child first steps. They can contribute to the wear on the socks, as they dulp the natural reflex walk. The situation in this case is corrected fairly quickly, by teaching a child to independent walking.
  • Attracting attention and knowledge of a new way of walking.
  • Copying behavior in a specific situation (ballerina dance).
  • The desire to become an adult and higher. Usually manifests aged 1.5 to 3 years.

It is necessary to understand the reason for pulling the sock in time so that such a walking is habit. Indeed, it is considered to be when the child comes when walking on a complete foot. Wrong walking can negatively affect the health of the child in the future and lead to the emergence of the following problems:

  1. Problems with posture. At older, it may affect the spine, contribute to the appearance of pain in the back, impaired coordination of movement when running.
  2. Changing the shape of the legs (legs acquire a curved shape).
  3. Change and deformation of the stop.
  4. Diseases of the joints.

In addition to the physiological features that are connected with tiptoe - there are other reasons that require timely consultation with specialists. It should be noted that the stretching of the sock when walking in itself is not a symptom of any disease (except for the pathology of the feet), but can accompany a number of other symptoms, precursors of various neurological deviations.

What else is worth paying attention if the child who has reached the age of 2 years, still walks on tiptoe:

  • The frequency with which the child walks on the socks. If, after a year, the tone in the calf muscle persists, and the child stubbornly walks on tiptoe, it is necessary to contact the children's pediatrician for consultation.
  • Under what circumstances, the baby rises on the socks, that at the same time it affects it.
  • Are there any neurological deviations in the behavior of the child. Challenge, inhibition, violation of mental development. Increased nervous excitability.
  • Whether any fruit pathology was found during pregnancy.
  • Are deviations in the operation of the musculoskeletal system are present.

So the child under 3 years can periodically walk on the socks, which, in the absence of other symptoms, is not pathology. At the age of 3-5 years, walking on the socks, even a small time, already signals any disease associated with neurology or musculoskeletal system.

In some cases, when driving on the socks is an age or behavioral phenomenon, to help the child go to go correctly, you can, perform certain procedures and complying with the Pediatrician recommendations:

  1. Physiotherapy. Exercises can be made at home with the baby, having previously received recommendations from their childhood doctor. And to like the child, boring gymnastic exercises can be translated into the game.
  2. Massage is useful in all respects. With certain movements (stroking, massaging, feet and fingers, flexions in different sides of the foot) you can remove the voltage, get rid of the tone of the muscles, and just improve the blood circulation. Massage is made throughout the surface of the legs smooth and soft movements. To get the effect, you will need several massage sessions. Having consulted a specialist in children's massage, you can fulfill his homes.
  3. Properly selected shoes. It must be comfortable, firmly fix the child's leg, have a hard backdrop.

There is also special orthopedic shoes, which, if necessary, pick up a children's orthopedic doctor

To put the correct diagnosis and only the attending physician can choose true treatment. In the case of serious neurological disorders or other diseases, it will appoint the necessary medication and physiotherapy.

Walking the child on socks at different ages

If the 3-year-old child walks on the socks, then you should not worry. Such a process of knowledge of the world, soil irregularities and its own opportunities is natural to the baby of this age. In the absence of other symptoms of neurological disorders, it is not necessary to beat the alarm. The kid's passion to walk on the socks will be held by itself.

Another thing, if in combination with the fact that the child walks on tiptoe, signs of neurological diseases appear: sleep disorder, increased or reduced activity, improper coordination of movements, etc. Only a qualified neurologist can be diagnosed. It is also worth addressing it, if a child walks on her socks without explanation at 5 years and later.

Why does a child walk on her socks?

Parents should refer to changes in the gait and the behavior of the baby with attention. Why the child walks on the socks, you can find out, watching him. The most common causes are the desire to look above the growth or attempt to look into a certain highly located object, reach it. The desire to look older inherent to almost all children, so it is not worth worrying. Sometimes it is a way to attract the attention of an adult. It happens that the child seeing women on the TV on heels or ballerinas on TV, begins to try moving as they, and rises on socks.

If the child goes on the socks: what to do? It is worth checking if there are no objective reasons for the surrounding child, as a result of which it is more convenient to walk on tiptoe. For example, the reason can be a cold or dirty floor, as well as small particles (sugar, crumbs of stale bread), which cause pain if the kid comes on.

If the son or daughter studied to walk with the use of walkers, then they often stretched to the floor with her socks, and recalling this experience, again stand up on the toes.

In any of these cases, the child walks on the socks periodically. When walking with a child on tiptoe is constant, the cause of muscle hypertonus can be. According to the pediatrician homeopath from the center named after D. Popov - Irina Kolpakova, walking, in which the baby concerns the floor with the socks is a sign of excessive nervous excitability. Usually it is manifested in kids who:

- born ahead of time;
- had generic injuries;
- have too emotional character;
- have increased sensitivity.

It is more difficult about the muscular dystonia. In connection with the alternation of increased and reduced muscle tension, an uneven tone occurs in the leg muscles. In this case, the child walks on the socks constantly.

The prerequisites for the development of muscle dystonia becomes pyramidal failure, disorder of the motor function. Basically, this is observed in those kids who survived the generic injury or pelvic preview. Doctors recommend starting to treat muscle dystonia as soon as possible, otherwise its development is fraught with the destruction of the posture and the occurrence of the neck curvature, as well as the inhibited formation of motor skills.

To determine with the accuracy of the child's muscular dystonia and the degree of its development can only a neurologist. According to parents who faced the fact that the child walks on the socks, they turned to the doctor immediately. Treatment of discovered muscular insufficiency was limited to a massage course and swimming lessons.

How to act parents if the baby goes on the socks?

The main question is if the child goes on the socks: what to do? First of all, parents should explore the advice of specialists in the field of neurological diseases. If the gait on the baby's socks is combined with the symptoms of the disorders mentioned above, it is desirable to show the baby to one or several doctors - child neurologists.

In the early stages of the development of neurological diseases, the doctor prescribe therapeutic massage and additional procedures. The baby benefits a swimming rate in the pool or the sea in combination with an air or solar bathroom (with the consent of the doctor).

If despite the treatment, the child goes on the socks and further, in complex cases of muscle failure, children prescribe treatment with medicines and procedures.

Led the child for massage and swimming is not enough - the misconception with the baby at home can be reduced to zero all the efforts of doctors. What to do? Regular physical activity will help in the form of charging or dancing. The main elements of such physical education are:

- warm-up of the foot;
- jumping;
- movement on the inclined plane;
- Exercises helping to create proper coordination of movements.

Attention to the baby and relevant comments about the gait on the socks will help to cope with this problem faster.

Most babies, when for the first time become on the legs and make the first steps, often go on socks.

This is usually a normal temporary phenomenon that passes independently.

But also, Walking on tiptoe can be a sign of some neurological diseases.

Why is the baby becomes socks when walking and is it worth worrying parents?

When it is worth alert

Putting the baby's first days on the legs of the first days, it is clear that it stands on the socks. This is normal, because in the first months of the child's life, the tone of his muscles is usually disturbed.

But you should not neglect the inspection of crumbs by a neuropathologist doctor. Indeed, in the early deadlines, the specialist can identify muscle dystonia in the baby.

True, in such cases there are other disorders, in addition to standing on the socks.

If the baby is from time to time it becomes socks, then it is not scary.

But, in case the child after half a year does not at all at all, it is necessary to show his doctor, better neurologist.

It happens that the child normally put the leg, and then began to walk on tiptoe. For example, after making a disease. It should also alert the parents.

If there were complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the child's legs are too tense, it often walks on her socks, then in such cases it is worth consulted with a doctor in order to detect possible diseases in time.

What reasons are most doctors

The child walks on the socks: the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different.
What causes this position of the child's foot? The following main reasons can be distinguished:

Each mom wants her child to look good and neat, but it does not always just be able to determine the desired clothing size and shoes. Table for sewing shoes for centimeters We have been published for you.

If serious diseases are not identified, the doctor may assign:

  • Medicinal electrophoresis;
  • "Paraffin boots" - paraffin dressings;
  • Medical gymnastics;
  • Special massage;
  • Orthopedic shoes.

After the course of the procedures, you can continue to make a light massage yourself. Enough so that the specialist show how to perform uncomplicated movements. It may be stroking, shocking, flexing and extending the stop, a massage of fingers, "eight" and others.

Well helps walking barefoot. You can walk on scattered croups, peas, small pebbles.

Perform with the baby gymnastics in the game form.

What to do if the doctor insists at the reception of drugs

What if the doctor insists at the reception of medicines?

Opinion expert

Smirnova Louise Dmitrievna - Medical Worker

Assistant Pediatrician Private Clinic

It is necessary to decide on the basis of the situation. If a serious illness is detected, it is not necessary to do without medication treatment. If other deviations, except for walking on the socks, is not found, and the doctor still prescribed medicines, then solve parents.

Trust your doctor - boldly give a child medicine, doubt - consult with another specialist.

Perhaps enough will be limited to massage and physiotherapy.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky E.O. In the question of the problem of walking the child on socks, differs from the opinion of many modern neurologists of our country.

He does not consider it a problem that requires too close attention.

On the question that the child is 11 months old walks on the socks, the doctor responds so (quote):

Causes (answers Komarovsky) for which the child walks on the socks and, when without interference, do not do: generic injury, oxygen starvation of the fetus, early stage of cerebral palsy.

But in such cases, the Doctor focuses on the fact that there will be other visible violations in the child.

To get acquainted with the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this issue, you can see his transfer from the heading "School of Doctor Komarovsky" on the video.

Video answer of Dr. Komarovsky

How to teach a child to walk on the full foot

To teach the child to put the stop right, it is worth performing such simple tips:

  1. Choose to choose the baby's shoes. Buying better orthopedic shoes that locks the leg well. Select the desired size.
  2. The child should walk more barefoot. Well walking on the grass, pebbles, special orthopedic rug.
  3. Each day to start with morning gymnastics. Well include exercises for the development of stop.
  4. Follow the gait, in time to adjust.


To correct the position of the foot, exercises will be useful:

  1. Holding a baby's baby, tilt it a bit forward, and let him take a step, leaning on a foot cavity.
  2. It will take phytobol (big ball). Hold the baby by putting it on the ball. Slightly rolling the ball. Keep your baby to stopped with legs and correctly set the stop.
  3. Drive the baby, holding armpits, forward back to the inclined board.

Well combine exercises and massage.


For the prevention of gait disorders, well load the child with exercise, respectively, age.

Active walks in the fresh air, moving games, swimming, exercise - will help the child to create posture and muscular skeleton correctly.

It is important to pay the attention of the child's shoes in advance. The correct selection of shoes will help avoid health problems into the future.

Possible consequences

If it is not possible to correct violations in the foot settings on time, then this may lead to the development of more serious pathologies: the curvature of the spine, Krivoshoy, the deformation of the foot, movement coordination and so on.

Therefore, even if the child has no serious diseases detected, it is worth paying attention to his problem.

It is not difficult to help a child to help a child with massage and gymnastics, and it will save it from possible problems in the future.

What measures do not go to the parents to weach out their child from tiptoe beating! Some strictly-setting forbade the baby to climb the socks, others begin to actively drive the crumb into doctors, take tests and seek the opposite disease. And all this is because in such a way of moving the adults will definitely see some "abnormality".

With complaints about the fact that the child walks on the socks, parents and to the well-known Dr. Evgenia Komarovsky, who explains with pleasure, which can mean such a gait and how to respond to her parents.

The reasons

Most often walking on tiptoe is not a sign of any pathology, Evgeny Komarovsky approves. For children under the age of 2 years, episodic attempts to walk on socks are an absolute norm, which should not in any way worry mom and dad.

Anatomically, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that in children, even those who have not yet started walking in general, the calf muscle is rather developed. And when the baby gets up on the legs and tries to make the first independent steps, it is a tone in this calf region that can easily put a child on the tiptoe. There is nothing terrible in this, because, as the remaining muscles develop, caviar will be less muscular, and the stop at walking will take the right position.

Quite often, parents themselves are to blame for the fact that the baby walks on the socks. This can be a consequence of the fact that from early age, sometimes up to 6 months, they begin to use such devices like walkers. About the dangers of these devices from the point of view of the load on the immature spine Dr. Komarovsky told repeatedly.

There is in their use and one more minus - the baby in the walkers relies on the socks. It does not always take out to the floor, and then it is quite difficult for him to get used to what can be relying on the foot somehow differently. In such a situation, according to Evgenia Komarovsky, the child then need to be moved, to instill a new useful habit of going correctly.

However, not all 100% of children who go on socks, the reasons for gait such innocuous. There are situations where walking on tiptoe is a sign of some of the serious neurological disorders associated with impaired muscle tone and pathologies of the central nervous system:

  • muscular dystonia;
  • pyramidal failure.

But when one of these diseases in the child is available, walking on the socks will be clearly far from the only symptom. In addition, most likely, parents learn about the disease much earlier than the kid will start walking. And therefore, if at 2-3 years, the child feels good, he does not hurt anything, he does not bother him, and the only thing that parents complain are walking on socks, there is no reason to excitement, Evgeny Komarovsky says.

In treatment, such a child does not need, you can not torment him and do not drive on numerous medical office.

There are kids for walking on the socks and the causes of other properties - psychological. Karapuz sees that he is praised for having gone that he is already big. Naturally, he wants to be even more and above, and therefore he is from time to time and rises to socks. Often, such a gait is peculiar to children in curious, very mobile, hurried, impressionable, which are always in a hurry somewhere and run.

How to fix a gait?

If the pathologies of the child does not have, as well as neurological diagnoses, the question may be in front of the parents how to fix the gait of the baby. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that up to 3 years to do this purposefully there is no need. But some measures taken by their parents will help the child to master the correct skills of setting the stop:

  • you can buy a baby shoes that will well lock the leg. She must have closed socks and solid heel. Evgeny Komarovsky advises to choose such models that have a small heel - this will additionally help in the prevention of flatfoot. Well, if the shoes will be covered tightly on velcro or laces, fixing the leg in one position. Special orthopedic shoes in the coasting on the socks are not required;
  • more time you need to devote active walks in the fresh air, associated with walking, running, jumps. Excellent if the baby learns to ride a bike, because at the same time he will have to rely on the entire foot;
  • at home and in the courtyard (if the family lives in a private house) the child should more often walk barefoot;
  • with a pronounced habit of walking on tiptoe, you can engage in therapeutic physical educationFor this, it is enough to contact your precinct pediatrician, which will give direction to the Cabinet of the LFC;
  • a child with a habit of walking on the socks is necessary to make a daily common massage.For massaging, legs and stops should be consulted with a massage therapist so that it will show the point for a point massage, which allows you to effectively relax the ionic muscles and stimulate others.

Almost all children pass through the period of walking on the socks, when they start learning to run, jump and walk. This is considered quite natural up to three years. If you notice that your baby walks on the socks after this age, then this is a serious violation of the health of the crumbs.

Why does the baby walk on the socks?

For all the movements that a person does, the nervous system is responsible, each part of it is responsible for some other specific motor function. The nervous system is very similar to the pyramid and everything is interconnected in it. If a person started moving and quickly completed it, all this ensures the pyramidal structure.

There are a number of reasons for which the child can walk on the socks:

  • the baby is trying to get something;
  • afraid to step on something;
  • attracts attention to himself;
  • imites someone;
  • wants to appear above and older;
  • copies someone;
  • he studied to walk in the walkers and now recalls it.

But there are other reasons about which it will be discussed below.

Moving on tiptoe, the child is often running. It boils over a surplus energy, and therefore it tritely there is no time to step on a complete foot. In this case, it is necessary to be very often and for a long time on the street, so that it raided, as well as drive it into a swimming pool on swimming. Such a baby must constantly be in motion, walk and crawl.

A more serious problem that makes moving the baby on tiptoe, it is a children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy). In this case, he simply physically cannot step on a complete foot and you will not do anything with it.

There is another reason for walking crumbs on tiptoe - it is an injury during childbirth. The problem is corrected, but it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, he will appoint a healing gymnastics and will write a special bandage.

Muscular dystonia can often cause such a strange walking. It has many newborn babies, moreover, more than half of the babies are born with a deviation in muscular development, while the baby does not get up completely onto the leg, but become socks.

Another reason for such a gait is pyramidal insufficiency, that is, activities in the children's nervous system are violated. It is a deviation in the intrauterine development of the infant and in the process of childbirth.

The kids under three months remain a reflex walk, but later he will disappear, after three months the child begins to push his fingers or rises on tiptoes. This problem is most often found, and we will talk about it in detail.

How to treat pyramidal failure?

The doctor appoints a therapeutic massage that is doing a professional. With such a massage, the muscles are strengthened and the tone is removed. This procedure pass every six months.

A massaging is prescribed to receive complex vitamins and medicines, prescribe a swimming, gymnastics, walking on pebbles and sand.

Parents need to make the following exercises every day:

  • in the hand, take the leg of the crumbs and the thumb on the sole of the crumbs, how to draw the figure 8;
  • kneading with two fingers on a children's leg of the calf muscle;
  • it is necessary to buy a ball for Fitbol, \u200b\u200bput the baby on it and roll the ball right and back, and let the baby stand in full stop on it and moves the legs.

If you want to know or your child walks on the socks, you need to hold the baby's baby over the table and, omit so that the legs touched the surface of the table and slightly tilted forward. If the child began to sort out the legs, lowering the foot on the table, then his nervous system is well developed, but if it crosses on tiptoe, it is necessary to see a doctor.

If your baby, in addition to walking on the socks, shows other restless symptoms, such as the head, wounds the arc body, sleeps restlessly at night and alarming day, then, most likely, in a child neurological deviations.

If your baby is healthy and grows in age, then you do not need to do from this tragedy, but if the child continues to go further on the socks in 4 and 5 years, then you must contact the doctor.

How should parents act if they have a baby standing on the socks?

First you need to take the baby to the hospital to the children's neurologist, only he will establish the cause of the problem and will find her decision.

If the doctor diagnosed a violation of the muscle tone, then it will write a swimming and massage to a child who goes on tiptoe, and also need to be done regularly charging. You still need to carefully tell the baby with his gait, stimulate him that he himself learned to walk right.

If the kid in the process of training walking becomes tiptoe, then you need to abandon the walkers.

How does Kroch go to walk?

For a start, the kid costs, even fascinating and grabbing behind the support. The main thing at that moment is to support him and do not give the baby to fall, so that it is not frightened and did not hit.

Starting from 9 months, the child is already starting to move, keeping behind the walls or some kind of remedies. Parents need to help the child, you need to hold the toy at a distance, so that he stepped a couple of times.

If the child, making a step, falls, then it must be carefully picked up and do not shine, so as not to scare it. Choose comfortable shoes, it should be stable, easy, not to crowble and not slide.

If a one-year-old child walks on tiptoe, there is nothing terrible in it, it's probably nothing to master walking, but if he is constantly walking, then you need to contact the pediatrician and a neurologist, since the crumbs develop hypertonus muscles.

Why does a child get up on tiptoe?

A lot of kids get up on tiptoe - it is a sign of muscular dystonia. It is dangerous in that in the future, crumbs can be wrong posture, closer, incorrect gait, krivoshei, as well as a delay in the formation of motor skills: head holding, coup, sitting, walking and crawling.

It often happens that the child rises on the socks, and when walking it rests not on the full foot, and sometimes the child runs on tiptoe even in orthopedic shoes. Tightening with this should not be consulted.

Mistakes that should not be allowed

Injury parents. Most parents when they see how their child becomes on the heels, think that he will come on and therefore they do not extend treatment.