The child does not want to eat spoon feeds. What to do if the child does not want to eat complementary foods, from a spoon on his own, in kindergarten, solid food

Lenchik Rastorgueva

What if the child does not eat from the spoon? The fact is that my daughter is already 1 year old. and 3 months. and still does not want to eat from a spoon when I try to feed her. From 6 months I started eating with a spoon well, and then when my teeth got in, I stopped eating. Because She is not gaining weight well in our country and began to feed her from the bottle. And until now he cannot part with them, and he never eats from a spoon. If you try to stick in a spoonful of porridge, everything spits out. I found the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, who writes that if you remove all the bottles, the child will get hungry and start eating from a spoon anyway. Today is the 5th day of my experiment without bottles. The child does not eat from the spoon. The first I ate everything in pieces, then bread, then a cookie, then I would drink milk, the second day I ate a little fruit puree from a spoon, the next day I would not eat anything from a spoon again. Today, the fifth day, she did not eat anything at all, she was hungry almost all day, she was already exhausted, she was mischievous, but she didn’t take a spoon in her mouth. Please help me, I'm already worn out myself and I'm sorry for the child already ...

Hello! Try changing the spoon. There are a lot of different children's options - with pictures, animals, etc. You can connect your favorite toy to the meal process - feed a teddy bear or a doll. Be sure to give the child your spoon in hand, let her try to eat herself (sometimes children who do not want to eat from their mother's spoon use their own with pleasure). DO NOT focus on the mess your child will make when eating on their own. And, although I am categorically against the TV for food, I recommend trying to feed the child with a cartoon. If it helps to overcome the barrier, there will be more benefits than harm. When the child gets used to the spoon, watching cartoons can be gradually removed.

Consultation with a pediatrician on the topic "The child does not eat from a spoon!" is given for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About the consultant


Practicing pediatrician.

Interests: proper and healthy nutrition, treatment and prevention of diseases in children from birth to 18 years old.
She considers the upbringing of healthy children to be the most important point, so she pays great attention to hardening and preventive methods.

My son is 1 year old. We still eat the formula - baby 2. He is allergic to cow's milk protein. He does not eat from a spoon. No matter how hard I try. I already hold in my arms, like a baby, so that I can put at least something in my mouth (porridge, buckwheat with vegetables, beef, etc.) at the sight of a spoon, he gets hysterical, he yells, roars, blushes, sweats. I have to change his shirt after such a dinner, it is damp through and through. She gave food in her hands, he throws them away. Doesn't understand that she should be put in her mouth. In general, while I generally do not feed complementary foods, neither from a spoon, nor otherwise. I’m waiting for him to forget a little about her. Tell me what to do. I tried to give the second spoon in my hands. Can give advice. Thanks.

Olga Nizova (Zhuravleva)

Buy a baby spoon, beautiful, maybe it will be interested.

Irina Bakaldina

You just have to sit down at the table, put a spoon and small cookies in it and step aside and watch the reaction

Ekaterina Matveeva (Sukhorukova)

Try to take a break, do not give or offer him a spoon at all, well, for example, two or three weeks, and then start over, just change your tactics, maybe in a playful way. You can try, while you have a "break" with a spoon, play the game "repeat after me", let your son repeat after you what you are doing (anything, even just stick your tongue out). Make this game regular, several times a day, but not long, max 5 minutes, and after two to three weeks, make sure to repeat after you eat with a spoon.

Yulia Semenova

Try to put him at a common table with everyone, children love to copy everything that adults do

Katerina Kurgan

You cannot force feed a child. He should develop an interest in adult food. To do this, you need to put the child at a common table so that he can see how the adults eat. In this case, of course, it is necessary that the food at the table was "correct". That is, no fast food food and other nasty things. Only what the child can try without fear.

Olga Reutova

You can try to feed the toys with a spoon and let the child do it, in the form of a game, maybe he will understand that there is nothing wrong with the spoon

Evgeniya Ganicheva (Trishina)

At a younger age, we had a problem with food, could not feed in any way. I had to feed from a syringe from Nurofen, then, when this quirk passed, they perfectly returned to the spoon.


Perhaps there was some negative point related to the spoon? Once afraid. And so. No need to insist, otherwise it will only get worse! You cannot fool the kids, do not be afraid - they will not die of hunger, it is better to let them starve than to shove them by force! This is sheer stress for the child, such feeding. In my opinion, the best option is to set the table for all family members and not give the child a spoon, but just put it next to him and put a plate of food. Sit down and eat by yourself. JUST IS! Using spoons. You only need time, patience and endurance, so as not to break down and not force him. Good luck.

Natalia Fadeeva

My daughters a year already sat at a common table. What they could, they ate themselves. I mean, I helped them, of course. IN NO EVENT DO NOT FORCE FEED YOUR SON! He shouldn't have a bad opinion about feeding times! Don't make him nervous. With the mixture, he is not hungry, grows, does ah? See how beautiful and tempting it is for a child to make food is a very good option.

Katerina Krasnoperova (Marusina)

Try to eat with him, or plant to eat at the same time, for example, with dad. We open our mouths very well when dad eats next to him from the same spoon (only a large one, of course).

Daria Mamonova (Lukina)

I do not quite understand, is it important for you that the child learns to eat with a spoon or introduce complementary foods? You can also introduce complementary foods through a bottle. Through it, it is quite possible to give dairy-free cereals, pureed soups, etc. At least, the child will get acquainted with new products.

If you need to teach a child to take an interest in food, then I agree with many, try giving dry cookies, drying. It is quite possible to do this in a year. Even if your child just starts playing with them, sooner or later he will pull food into his mouth. Do not torment the child with food, let him show interest in it himself. Put a slice of cheese when you eat it yourself, a slice of bread, an apple, a banana.

Even if he gets all dirty, there is nothing wrong with that.

And the child will learn to eat with a spoon later. Let him eat with his hands for now.

Olga Ilts (Petkau)

And what does the doctor say about this?

There are such drinking cereals, as I understand they are fed with a bottle. Certainly not the best option, but first, to taste the taste.

You can first try to feed with your finger, a crushed banana, for example. Or give a piece of bread, cucumber, etc. to your hands.

And sit at the table, see how adults eat, interest will appear

Natalia Nikolaevna

And we changed 12 spoons, in the end we eat the usual one.

Elena Vnukova (Kolachik)

Do you give the mixture from the bottle? Try to make a bigger hole in the nipple, and beat the food in a blender to get the consistency of a liquid puree. But try the previous tips too. Sit down at a common table, children repeat after adults, and even better for children

Olga Korepanova (Kutuzova)

It's just that the child does not like what you give him with a spoon, so he has such a reaction to it. Do not feed it, I understand that you are feeding with what is sold in jars. Children rarely like buckwheat with vegetables, beef, it is better to cook their own meat soups so that he likes it. And the soup can be grinded in a blender and given through the teat. My son did not eat anything from the jars, only if he grated himself (an apple, etc.)

Why does the child react this way to a spoon? Maybe he was hurt with a spoon. My daughter is 10 months old, I already give her a baby spoon, she tries to eat on her own. He picks up the porridge and puts it in his mouth, not always successfully, but still skills appear, and there has never been such a reaction to a spoon. It seems to me that the child has unpleasant memories connected with a spoon. I also feed my daughter with one spoon, and she herself tries to eat with the other. And do not be afraid that your clothes will be stained, roll up your sleeves, put on a bib with a pocket and go ahead. Let your child touch the food with his hands so that he has an interest in the process of eating. Until he learns, he will have to wash the chair and the floors, but how else can he learn?

My sons had no problems with a spoon, but the youngest, in principle, did not eat him, I fed him everyone from a bottle, even soup, and once with pasta and meat I whipped everything into liquid puree and through a nipple with an X-hole. He did not like a spoon for a while, he just indulged in it, and then quietly taught it. She began to give from a spoon only what she loves and learned, good luck to you, do not worry and you will learn

Yulia Ermakova

How many teeth are there already?

Ekaterina Zinchenko (Maximova)

But my daughter, she is 5 months old, already eats from a spoon and does not recognize the bottle, she even had to drink from a spoon. And she likes a spoon and eat from it

Natalia Shevchenko

I know that it is uneducated, unaesthetic, HARMFUL, but we only ate with a cartoon. ‘The wolf and the calf’. The whole cartoon commented on how the calf eats and grows. The child was distracted and ate everything from his plate.

Olga Reutova answered Ekaterina

I also gave water from a spoon at three months

Olga Aleksan

My child also refused to eat complementary foods from a spoon - as soon as he saw that I was taking a spoon, he immediately began to yell. I made a wider hole in the nipple with manicure scissors and so I fed it with any complementary food (mashed cereals, mashed soups, fruits, vegetables, mashed potatoes), I just made the consistency thinner.

Over time, I began to eat from a spoon, myself, the specialist did not try to grow up,

And he refused to hold a spoon on his own, until almost 3 years old, he had to feed from a spoon, no persuasion and tricks worked so that he could eat

Anastasia Golovina answered Olga

I’ve generally, lately, does not want to eat anything - neither purchased nor homemade is tired already. For two months 500 gr. Added, maybe from the teeth. During these two and a half months, we have 6 teeth and still climb. Maybe that's the point. It constantly hangs on the chest.

Anastasia Golovina replied to Catherine

At this age, we also ate and drank like that, and with 6.5 it all started. We are now 8 months old.

I put mine at the table. At first, she also fed herself, suffered. Crying, spinning, refusing food. Straight hysterics. Then she spat, put down the spoon, put the juice and went to breakfast herself. Once I didn’t eat, I didn’t eat the second, by the evening I began to poke around with a spoon and give it to me in order to feed. I ate everything with appetite. And on the trail. day he began to eat with a spoon. The child must be hungry for himself. And when they lisp with him, the child manipulates the parents. He knows that they will do it the way he wants. I tell my son: either eat or go. When he gets hungry, he begins to ask. And what he throws away and supposedly does not understand is the way of manipulation. I started by giving a net with a banana, then thin light crackers with raisins. now he gnaws an apple like that, eats grapes on a berry, and divides the tangerine into slices and puts one in his mouth. The main thing is to start. And do not retreat back. He will not die of hunger. As soon as he realizes that he cannot twirl you, he will immediately learn how to hold a spoon, and eat himself, or even pull food from the table.

Lena Rakhcheeva

In a year they already understand everything, it was necessary to teach earlier to communicate with a spoon. Mine, as soon as she began to sit on her own, did not pour a spoon in her hands and forward, a year already and did not pour soups.

Irina Arkannikova answered Olga

Oh, my daughter under 4 years old herself, if she ate, then the ceiling was in porridge. I freaked out and spoon-fed myself. I remember how delirium. Now she is 7, her son is 1.5. They sit at the table together and eat, moreover, he drops less on the floor than she does.

Katerina Kurgan

The spoon is a minor point. At first, you can do without it. The child will use the devices, drink from the mug only when he is psychologically ready for this. For some reason, most parents are trying to shove food into the child, relying on the compiled schemes for introducing complementary foods: “at 6 months you need mashed potatoes, and at 8 you need meat! and necessarily 3 times a day ", etc. The feeling of taste for certain products is formed gradually. To "love" a product, you need to try it several times. The primary task is for the child to show interest in adult food himself. Initially, this will not be his main food, which the child will gorge on. "Adult" food should only be a small addition - and then at the request of the child. Bananas, carrots, apples and other fruits and vegetables - it is unlikely that at least one child will refuse these goodies.

Nina Skudneva

I had the same problem, it was not possible to feed my daughter, I was 7-8 kg behind in weight. Until my mom got tired of looking at this mess. And she said in a purely everyday way - leave the child alone when he wants to eat then (our mother has 5 children), just leave food on the table. Of course, I "know a lot" did not listen to her, but accused her of giving a damn about my baby. And nevertheless, she insisted, the daughter did not eat for a day, and then she pulled one into her mouth, then drank another and the same a little bit of plain water and left (at 9 months I went already). But, until now, she is small and if she begins to recover, she immediately falls ill. And she, and her son, took the spoon in her hands, as soon as I took them on my knees, and sat down to eat together. At first they took a spoon, then they drop it, then they break the plate, then I get it, but gradually they got used to it and by the year they ate it themselves. Of course, all the same, everything around was done and they were like pigs and I am the same, but that these dirty little things and a table with a floor compared to their happy faces.

Natalia Dovydik (Zhukova)

There is clearly a problem here, precisely in the spoon. For a while, mom needs to forget about her! Let the child forget this problem! Then, of course, you need the baby to eat with everyone and see that everyone is eating with a SPOON. Later, try to introduce the SPOON in the child's games: let him help put it in a drawer (I think all children love to rummage in the kitchen), put it on the table for dinner. Look at the reaction. Then try to feed your favorite toy "because her tummy hurts very badly - she wants to eat" or your thumb hurts and you cannot eat yourself - let him feed you. Just don't try to feed him anymore! You already have it big enough! Over time, he will start to carry a spoon to his mouth by himself! Just be patient! AND DO NOT PUSH ON THE BABY! There are now enough tools to give any consistency of complementary foods from a bottle.

Of course, we ourselves did not eat a year. I made a wider hole in the bottles so that the porridge could be given thicker. Now we are almost 4, but if my daughter doesn’t want to eat, you cannot force her. And we act according to the principle "if she wants to eat, she will come by herself."

Nadezhda Osintseva

The less you babysit, the better. Let me get really hungry, she eats everything, my youngest son and I started with a fork, in a year he wielded it almost more dexterously than the eldest.

Marina Danchenko

Leave the child alone, do not rape. Eating from a bottle - so let's feed from a bottle. You can put boiled vegetables in the zone of his accessibility, he himself will show interest and try. With a spoon, the usual soup and adult fork rolls better with us, and it is tastier to eat from a plate of father's or mother's.

You know, my baby is 6 months old. And he really likes to eat from a spoon than from a bottle, to be honest, in no way did he interest him, moreover, an ordinary teaspoon.

If he doesn't want a spoon, don't. Have you tried giving porridge from a bottle? There are nipples for porridge. And so that you are not afraid of a spoon, take something to eat with you, let him watch how adults eat, he doesn’t want to sit with you, it’s not scary either. Over time, things will get better.

Olga Mitina (Rogovskaya)

We didn't have such a problem, but my daughter ate very poorly, and now (2 years old) she's also a little bit. Sometimes this system helps me: I take a toy that she currently likes and pretend that it is the toy that feeds, not me. Not very convenient, but it helps.

Natalia Shevchenko answered Galina

I don’t know, girls, but we have the principle “if she wants to eat, she will come by herself,” I just started working, at 3.5 years old. And before that, the child simply became irritable, nervous, capricious, but he didn’t eat himself, because he didn’t understand what exactly was bothering him. I understood this - I will feed it in different ways - and again my daughter is cheerful, she plays.

Anastasia Kukhta

My daughter freaked out and refused to eat when her teeth hurt her, especially if she accidentally hit the patient with a spoon. Maybe this is your case?

And also, be sure to pompously and loudly praise when he eats something necessary or when he himself wants to take a spoon and eat, like "oh, what a fine fellow you are already, you eat yourself, how big!" it is a strong incentive for them.

And it is necessary that the process of feeding is associated with joy, I advise at this time to laugh, lure, sing the most interesting songs, so that the baby listens, smiles and opens his mouth.

I do not advise cartoons, they then stare and sit, not taking a conscious part in the feeding. Precisely, he will not want to eat with a spoon with cartoons. Better to make a tradition - I ate well, here's a cartoon, cookies, and also, which he loves very much.

Anastasia Kukhta

And in a year, very few people eat with a spoon, do not worry, the main thing is that the garden is independent.

In general, this advice may seem to you very harsh, but it is effective according to Komarovsky: do not feed at all, give nothing for two days, and then he will eat from a spoon and from his hand. He must learn to chew. Otherwise, it will be the same in the kindergarten.

Or maybe he doesn't like the food, play with the tastes. Maybe you will find something from which he will be delighted?

In our garden, one year-old boy eats from a spoon perfectly, if the teacher feeds, opens his mouth, it is not given to others. If you give him a spoon, he just knocks on the table. Drinks from a bottle. This is how we feed. And another boy came in a year and 4. He drank from the mug himself. I tried to eat with a spoon, but it didn't work. They fed him too, but they also gave him a spoon in his hand. A spoonful of soup in his mouth, we are three. Everything is in soup. Pick up the spoon, freaks out. Now in a year and 7 he began to eat himself with a spoon. It's just that all children are different. Everything needs its time and patience.

Nina Kvitka (Selezneva)

Try pedagogical complementary foods, just for those curious people who don't want to.

Natalia Grigorenko (Borovikova)

Try to give from a spoon, only the most delicious, for example, apple puree. How many teeth do you have? maybe this is the whole point? just nothing to chew on?

Evgeniya Radionova

It’s not that terrible for my child 3 years old, we still replace milk with a mixture 4. My child does not want to drink milk. So, you have to give at least such a protein. And sometimes I’m too lazy to eat, I have to feed myself. And yet, the habit remained at 3 o'clock in the morning to drink the mixture. Since he was an artist, this habit remained.

Yulia Verkhoturova (Mazur)

Maybe try to feed someone else? Dad, grandmother or sister / brother. Mom is already exhausted, worried, and the child feels this. In the meantime, he will consider the grandmother, and if the grandmother still tells a fairy tale, maybe something will fall into her mouth, it is necessary to experiment and it's not in the teeth! My daughter's teeth got out in a year, and they began to introduce complementary foods at 7 months. She chewed as best she could and the meat was introduced at 10 months. The front teeth are not chewing, but biting.

Alena Erina (Musikhina)

Make your own homemade, not from jars. Plant it yourself, give a small spoon and plate and put a little on it. While he himself tries at this moment, feed yourself with us like this

Elena Merkulova (Korotchenko)

Here you take a steam bath, what else are you dressing up.

We almost bathe after eating, I give food to the plate. And myself, all by myself. All in food. And my daughter from 1.2 ate soups from a spoon herself.

Mashunka Kozhirova

Try to put him at a table, put a plate with fruit puree or porridge, and do not give a spoon. And do not offer to eat, but watch him. Offer to draw with your finger there, and then taste it. Children love to pull their fingers into their mouths. When the child realizes that it is not cocoa, he will more easily accept the spoon. After such an acquaintance with food, you can put him at the table when you eat, but not give food, let him watch you as you eat your food with a spoon and express pleasure with all your looks, and when you see that he shows interest, put him his food , give me a spoon to try it myself, and under the guise of another spoon feed. The main thing in this matter is cunning. When my son became withdrawn and refused food after a couple of spoons, I began to speak to him, told some exciting fairy tale, and pushed food to him under the noise, he opened his mouth by inertia. And when the plate was empty, she clapped to him. Bravo and praised what a fine fellow he was, that he ate everything. Sonny quickly realized that eating is not so hard as it seems.

Mashunka Kozhirova answered Elena

We had the same: in the food itself, the table in the food. And sometimes the kitchen and even my mother, and my niece generally liked to try to knock the plate out of her hands with her foot during feeding, you gape at the hem in the soup. Gradually we learned to eat neatly.

Mashunka Kozhirova answered Ekaterina

So your pasta with meat from the bottle liked it! That's what MOMA means! As soon as he does not twist, he will find a way to feed the baby!

Doesn't eat anything, but 500g. added! It means that everything is in order, all children have periods when they do not eat, especially often during the period of tooth growth. Sisyu sucks, so not hungry. When a child does not eat well and is losing weight, you need to sound the alarm. And it's too early for you to worry, wait until your teeth come out and your appetite improves.

Yulia Ermakova answered Elena

I agree, I washed all my own and washed the kitchen. Some funny people want to eat right away neatly.

Anastasia Golovina answered Mashunka

So 500 gr. it's in 2.5 months

Ekaterina Zinchenko (Maksimova) replied to Mashunka


Make a huge hole in the nipple from the bottle and fill it with the thin soup, ground in a blender, potatoes, carrots, cabbage and meat.

Irina Vovchenko replied to Anastasia

This is normal at this age, mine is also 200 grams. gaining everything and normal

Mashunka Kozhirova answered Anastasia

It happens that children, with the growth of their teeth, do not gain at all, and sometimes they lose weight, because, in addition to poor appetite, there is also temperature, diarrhea, etc., etc. passes. It's good that he is not starving on the GW. The main thing is that you eat well so that there is good milk. And do not be nervous, so that there is a lot of milk

ALENA Sabinina

Try adding dairy-free porridge to the mixture, it helped us a lot and helps us out with two children, we ourselves came to this with our son, since it took a long time to regurgitate, but it was necessary to feed, the weight was very small, but as they began to gain weight, the problem became to leave faster, of course, in the complex of everything. And my daughter started having problems, stopped eating enough, and at 4 months they began to inject porridge directly into the mixture (dairy-free rice, buckwheat). Although they began to sleep, many children do not gorge themselves (they shout and that's all) the pediatrician, neurologist and masseur advised us over time. With many with whom I had to communicate, especially those who have at least some problems, they are all advised to introduce complementary foods from cereals, then boiled vegetables, fruit decoctions (but not juices), etc.

Oh, you are my companion so to speak. My son was 5 months old. generally refused to eat whatever she offered! Only I fed with an insulin syringe. There was no other way out, the son ate 30 grams each and did not ask for food at all, and our doctor said everything is fine, they say the child eats as much as he needs! but I do not think that 30g per day is the norm for a 5 month old baby! For about two weeks I probably fed it with a syringe, then everything returned to normal.

Marina Popova replied to Evgenia

I totally agree with you! It's just that at that moment I considered myself a useless mother who, for good reason, cannot feed her little son! I even considered myself inadequate, but it was more important to feed than to think about myself! In general, they say that a child will get hungry and want to eat, but not all children are the same, someone really needs to be fed through force, otherwise anemia is at least, especially if the child is very small!

Alesya Vezhnovets (Skvortsova)

Good evening! I have a child, the first, in a year I just started gnawing a biscuit and ate everything twisted on a blender, cereals in water with butter are salty, not sweet! Everyone said he should eat meat. Why blender. But everything has its time! By the age of two, they ate all normal food, but it was hard! And I agree with the girls: try to twist the simplest soup on a blender and give it from a bottle with a big hole, you might like it!

Evgenia Ganicheva (Trishina) replied to Marina

Up to a year I, in general, had a panic, it seemed to me that I was useless in everything, there was a constant feeling that I was doing little massage, and endlessly tormented my daughter, constantly crumpled her, but about feeding, here really, every child is individual, we are now 2.7 years old, so she can refuse food, but at the same time she herself will not ask when she wants to, but simply starts to freak out and feed her nutty is much more difficult, does not even give a spoon to her mouth, no persuasion, nothing helps

Marina Popova replied to Evgenia

Mine is now 2 years 6 months old, and food swirls to this day are specific. But still, it is easier in the sense that he says he is hungry. I also feed mostly from a spoon, if he eats himself, he hangs over each spoon! He will take a spoonful of food in his mouth and chew for 5 minutes, straight patience bursts. And when we get into the garden, he comes home and asks for food. Yes, these kids, I didn’t give my little one for appetite! Lazy from birth, he sucked his chest and fell asleep in two minutes. How many stagnations of milk I have experienced at a high rate, and what pains I cannot say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. All the same, now children mostly eat poorly, and I think that we should try to feed in different ways, but only so that the child does not starve! Already, when he can open the refrigerator himself and eat what he wants and when he wants, then you can relax a little. In general, children under 1.5 years old are like something unknown for doctors, at least for our Prokopyevsk pediatricians!

Marina Popova replied to Evgenia

I even wrapped and fed mine in a towel. He was over a year old. The first spoon with hysterics somehow into my mouth, on the second spoon I opened my mouth myself, and on the third spoon we took off the towel and ate everything quietly peacefully! We ate like that 10 times. Maybe someone will say that I am a bad mother and mocked the child, but I knew for sure that the child was hungry and hungry, it’s just that there are such odd things with food.

Tatiana Norikova (Wozniak)

Thank you all for your advice, I am very glad that there are only reviews. Someone wrote that the child is afraid of a spoon, because he has some kind of associations, girls, no one beat the child with a spoon, it's just that he is. And his grandmother fed him, and dad, and they themselves did not make the mashed potatoes. By the way, while my question was being prepared, my son started grabbing everything from the table and dragging it into his mouth, studying, I hope your advice will help us. Thanks. And so I stopped tormenting the child, he eats his mixture and let him eat, I must probably be less nervous about this, because there is not a single healthy adult in the world who would eat the mixture from a bottle.

Tatiana Norikova (Wozniak)

But all the same, I will try different ways, I want him to know how to eat in the kindergarten.

Marina Popova answered Tatiana

You know, we had a syringe going from a nipple to a spoon, no matter how strange it sounds. For a child it is not understandable, in the genus it is not necessary to suck, but there is food in the mouth, and the hated spoon is not visible. And I also distracted my son as much as I could, when dad was at home, he arranged whatever performance, the son was distracted and opened his mouth and swallowed, and when I was alone, I was saved by cartoons. But I want to say, for my son, cartoons turned out to be a drug, and then we weaned from them. In general, children will not allow to live in peace, you will not get bored with them! I will also add that when I forcefully forced my son to eat or do something else, I always said that I love him very much and that it was necessary for his good, etc. Now the child sometimes gives me candy, and says it's good to love you!

Elena Detkina (Belyak)

I don't know if it will help you or not, but my little one ate only standing up when he was a year old. If I tried to sit him on a chair or sofa, he could get hysterical.

Lyudmila Misyura (Chernyshova)

And we are rescued by cartoons, and full-length ones. They say it is harmful, but if the cartoon is not included, feeding is problematic, in a manger to do without them, the first bad habit

My baby is almost 7 months old. Doesn't want to eat anything from a spoon, only from a bottle. You can eat everything from a bottle, both vegetables and liquid cereals, but this is not the case. What to do and how to give complementary foods?

2008-09-02 11:25:51

Good evening. We also had such a problem (though earlier it was 5 months). Give us a bottle, then the child himself will refuse. Offer a spoon every now and then, but don't force it. Give from a spoon what the child loves (fruits for example). Let's play with a spoon to get used to.

2008-09-05 05:02:26

We do not like to eat very liquid from a spoon, because it is inconvenient and everything is spilled. Maybe you can try harder

2008-09-07 01:48:20

Natucik, set an example, eat yourself with a spoon and a fork in front of a child, he will soon want to try

2008-09-12 02:03:49

Try other spoons. Maybe these are the ones he doesn't like. Show as an example. Give him one in his hand so that he also picks at the plate. Will not go anywhere and will also feed you ..... Retraining is always more difficult, but nothing is impossible. It just never occurred to me to give vegetables from the bottle ...

2008-09-18 09:02:38

Thank you very much for the advice. Special thanks, Slimperia, I tried to make the porridge thicker - I ate everything

2008-09-21 09:45:50

Girls, I ask you a question. The youngest daughter is 8 months old. I can’t teach her to spoon. Rather, she only eats cottage cheese from a spoon - she opens her mouth herself, or you can at least distract her to open her mouth. For the rest - cereals and vegetables + meat only from the bottle. We are artificial since 1 month. Can't figure out what's the matter? The tastes of everything that I give from a spoon are familiar to her - in the bottle, after all, the same thing. Today I have already tried to force-feed lunch: the result is deplorable, she clenches her lips and teeth, turns away, in short, I am in tears and the child is hysterical. I put everything in a bottle, slightly diluted with the mixture. so that it flows out of the nipple - ate it for a sweet soul, already sweated as she sucked What to do? or vice versa, leave everything as it is - let him eat from the bottle? She holds the bottle herself - I only control so that she does not choke ... The most interesting thing is that she can eat pasta with meat and boiled chicken herself with her hands - she chews soup and vegetables ... There were no such problems with the eldest, she ate from 6 months from a spoon ... I'm confused We eat like this: 9-00 porridge with a mixture, 13-00 vegetables and meat, 16-00 cottage cheese or drinking yogurt, 20-00 porridge with a mixture. We can eat 4 times because we already weigh 10.5 kg.

2008-09-25 11:42:44

maybe just put a plate, give a spoon, let it splash on the plate, maybe put it in your mouth ... Get her interested with this spoon. But there is no need to force it. You can completely (for a week) remove the spoon out of sight, and then buy a new beautiful one and try to feed it again. Actually, I would do that.

2008-10-01 09:11:16

Thank you for the advice, today I’ll go and buy rasivye spoons and a plate with pictures. I'll try at least that way. Let it get dirty on health, it's still summer - and so walks naked, it is easier to wash)))

2008-10-07 09:39:18

You can also buy a spoon with a long handle so that the two of you can grab it.

2008-10-08 07:18:42

Girls, tell me, please, and when should the baby start teaching himself to eat from a spoon? It's just that we are already 6.5 months old, and I'm spoon-feeding him myself ??

2008-10-13 04:45:44

And my problem is the same as that of the author of the topic does not want to eat porridge from a spoon, even though you crack vegetable and fruit purees just like that from a spoon eats, but porridge ... you have to give it in a bottle. Is this generally normal or is there anything you can do to help the child? Thanks.

2008-10-17 03:41:50

And my baby still in the hospital ate the mixture from a spoon, while there was no milk, they were not allowed to bottle feed

2008-10-24 11:38:25

sowa, class in which maternity hospital did you give birth? Why did they feed it? Sorry, offtopic)

2008-10-26 02:49:43

Girls, tell me, please, and when should the baby start teaching himself to eat from a spoon? It's just that we are already 6.5 months old, and while I spoon-feed him myself, I still feed the elder herself, although she herself is able to eat. Well, she likes it when her mother is busy with her. Moreover, the neuropath advised us to repeat all the actions, that with the youngest one should do the same with the older one. And with the spoon we solved the problem Now we eat everything from the spoon - and soup with meatballs, and fish soup, and noodles, and porridge, and that's it. -all. I bought a thermal spoon. I don’t understand what’s so magical about them, but if you take an ordinary spoon, it’s war Ursulla, and what kind of puree are you giving from jars? and what kind of porridge?

2008-10-29 07:39:57

Girls, tell me, please, and when should the baby start teaching himself to eat from a spoon? It's just that we are already 6.5 months old, and while I spoon-feed him myself, I still feed the elder herself, although she herself is able to eat. Well, she likes it when her mother is busy with her. Moreover, the neuropath advised us to repeat all the actions, that with the youngest one should do the same with the older one. And with the spoon we solved the problem Now we eat everything from the spoon - and soup with meatballs, and fish soup, and noodles, and porridge, and that's it. -all. I bought a thermal spoon. I don’t understand what’s so magical about them, but if you take an ordinary spoon, it’s war Ursulla, and what kind of puree are you giving from jars? And what kind of porridge? We, too, with thermal springs, in the sense of a spoon that changes color if the temperature is undesirable for the baby - nyubi firm.

2008-11-01 06:58:55

I refused a spoon, but ate from a bottle. But I didn't like this, my daughter is well-fed, therefore categorically - kefir-milk-compote - a bottle, porridge only from a spoon. I got used to it. However, I also experimented with cereals, changed dishes: I enjoy eating oatmeal made from oat flour (now Nordic flakes have gone too), mashed potatoes: rice + carrots + onions or mashed potatoes (with tomato). If she turns away, I make a decision that I don’t want to eat and I’m behind for a while.

  • Sleeps poorly
  • Daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • Parents of babies are well aware that all stages of the development of a baby by modern pediatrics are placed in a certain age range, which will be more convenient for mothers and fathers to navigate in the process of raising a child. So, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, the approximate timing of the appearance of the first teeth are called. There are deadlines for skills such as handling a spoon while eating and chewing and swallowing solid food.

    According to medical standards, a child at 7-8 months old can eat from a spoon with the help of his mother, and by a year he can keep it on his own. Confidently own a spoon, according to official textbooks on pediatrics, the baby should be one and a half years old. The baby should bite and chew solid food closer to the year, if the number of teeth allows.

    In theory, everything looks smooth and smooth. In practice, however, parents often face problems. The child does not want to eat anything solid, even if he has teeth, the baby refuses to take a spoon in his hands, quickly loses interest in eating with a spoon, stops eating or chokes on pieces. The authoritative pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky tells the parents what to do in this situation.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all the feeding rules in the next video.

    Komarovsky about the problem

    Does not chew

    There are no children in the world who would not have learned to chew and swallow by the age of 5-6, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. All people have a chewing reflex (and this is not a skill, but a reflex!), Only it is activated at different times. Some earlier, others later. When asked what prevents the reflex from developing early, the doctor answers one thing - parents!

    Overly caring parents who are in no hurry to give their child solid food are all afraid that the baby will choke. As a result, at 2 years old, when he is already physiologically able to eat in pieces on his own, he continues to receive food rubbed into gruel from mom and dad.

    Doesn't eat from a spoon

    District pediatricians, especially the older generation, very often remind mothers that a child by 8-9 months should eat normally from a spoon, and a year to keep it on his own and at the same time get it into his mouth. Allegedly, this skill can be used to judge the neuropsychic development of the child.

    A spoon is more of a psychotherapeutic technique for mom and dad, and not an extremely necessary thing for the child himself.

    In other words, if the baby eats from a spoon, and even himself, the parents begin to respect themselves immensely, take pride in their upbringing of the baby and in every possible way feel “like everyone else” and even better. But if he does not take a spoon, or, worse, denies it altogether, then this is a distress signal for many mothers, saying that somewhere she, mother, made a mistake - she was too lazy to teach, did not insist, did not demand, did not interest ...

    In fact, the child's need to eat with a spoon on his own will sooner or later form on his own. And then the baby pretty quickly (because there is motivation-interest!) Will learn to hold a spoon and bring it to the mouth. Therefore, if a baby prefers to eat liquid porridge from a bottle at 9-11 months, you should not force him to do it with a spoon. Everything has its time.

    Doesn't want to eat food in pieces

    Yevgeny Komarovsky warns that this problem is quite common among children who have been breastfed for a long time, and their parents were in no hurry to accustom them to complementary foods. But if such questions have arisen, then it is too late to look for the reasons, you need to think about what to do.

    Komarovsky urges parents to reasonably and objectively assess their child's ability to chew. To do this, you need to calculate how many teeth he has, and how they are located. Giving a baby an apple or a bagel to chew on if it has only two teeth is a real parental crime, especially considering that the vast majority of parents do not know how to provide first aid at all. Two teeth are enough to chew off a piece, but not enough for reflex chewing.

    Therefore, it is better to adhere to the same approach to the consistency of food in the diet, which manufacturers of ready-made baby food adhere to, and they change it gradually - first mashed potatoes, then mashed potatoes with small pieces, then thick homogeneous food and, finally, thick food with solid fragments. But here it is difficult to designate an age range, says Evgeny Olegovich, since all children are individual, and one a year with a whole mouth of teeth chews an apple, and another one and a half with three to four or a little more teeth continues to eat mashed potatoes.

    Doesn't want to eat until they turn on cartoons

    This is another common problem. The child looks at his parents, copies them, and 90% of the population is used to eating while watching TV. In addition, some especially "quick-witted" mothers specifically include cartoons that the child is distracted from the furious resistance to eating, while she, a caring mother, will stuff a couple of extra spoons of porridge or mashed potatoes into him.

    Yes, the kid, looking at the TV, will eat more. But this is precisely the main danger. When a child looks at a plate while eating, he produces gastric juice, which is so much necessary for normal digestion. And if he looks at the cartoon characters, then the juice is not produced, and such food will not bring any benefit, and threatens with stomach diseases. Even for this good reason, you can't eat while watching cartoons.

    • If a child does not chew, but tries to lick or suck an apple or a cookie, he does not need to rush to rub this very apple on a grater or soak the cookies in milk. Give solid food more often, if the number of teeth allows, let him exercise. It works for everyone, without exception. Not a single child has yet gone to school without knowing how to chew food.
    • It is best to give complementary foods with a special baby spoon, and not an ordinary teaspoon. Such a cutlery is made of plastic, which does not hurt the baby, it has a smaller volume, which does not make it difficult to swallow. If the child does not accept even such a spoon, it is not worth feeding him so forcefully. Let him eat from the bottle for now.
    • If the child refuses to chew, swallow and take the spoon in hand, Komarovsky advises to reconsider the diet. It is likely that the baby simply does not have time to get really hungry. This happens in families where the baby is given something to eat "when it's time," and not when he asks for food himself. Overfeeding is not only the reason for the baby's unwillingness to take part in the process itself, it can trigger the mechanisms of a variety of diseases. Therefore, overfeeding is more harmful than not overfeeding.
    • It is not difficult to teach a child to eat on his own, says Komarovsky, the main thing is to "catch the moment" and help the child, unobtrusively support him in an effort to take a spoon, a cup in his hands. But to teach by force, especially if the child is not yet ready to act independently at the table, and even more so to "press" on a crumb, is not the best parental decision.
    • If a child is selective in food (he only has something specific), then this is definitely not a hungry child, says Dr. Komarovsky. Real hunger will completely eliminate selectivity. And therefore, you should not indulge such selectivity, the child should eat what his mother put in front of him. If he doesn’t eat, then he doesn’t want to eat. Better to wait until he is really hungry.
    • There is no need to do for the child what he is already capable of doing himself. If we are talking about the fact that a baby does not take a spoon at the age of one and a little older, this is one thing. But everything changes if a child at 3-4 years old does not want to eat himself and asks his mother to feed him. After two years, Komarovsky advises putting on a plate, giving a spoon and leaving the kitchen for a while, every day increasing the time of absence.

    Returning, mom should not be interested in how much the crumb ate with a spoon, you need to pretend that nothing surprising happened. Usually, after a few days, the child begins to eat at least half of the prescribed portion himself. Remember to exercise your maximum patience and tact.

    Last updated article: 18.04.2018

    Often, newly-made mothers complain to their friends and specialists that the child does not want to eat complementary foods, turns away from mashed potatoes, spits out the porridge altogether. As a result, any attempt to feed the crumbs with adult food turns into a real battle, which ends in mutual stress.

    And it all started, it would seem, very standard. The baby is six months old, he has his first tooth - it's time to introduce complementary foods, moving from mother's milk or mixture to a more adult diet: various cereals, mashed vegetables and fruits.

    Child psychologist

    Is an important stage in the life of every baby, so it is not surprising that parents perceive the rejection of new products with anxiety and chagrin. The advice of experts will help you understand how a mother should behave so that the child begins to eat porridge and mashed potatoes.

    The main food for a child up to six months of age is breast milk or formula. Another option is a mixed diet that combines both types of food. The meaning of complementary foods is that the child is transferred to the traditional menu at the moment when his digestive tract is ready to digest adult foods.

    The introduction of the baby to complementary foods is extremely careful, since his digestive tract is already accustomed to milk or formula. If parents want to avoid, and other problems, it is necessary to know the optimal age for the introduction of new foods and follow the principles of transition to adult food.

    According to many sources, the optimal age for introducing complementary foods is six months, and the optimal weight is at least 6.5 kilograms. Before four months, it is strongly not recommended to change the infant diet to an older one.

    Physiological parameters of readiness

    It should be clarified that such periods of 6 months are considered rather arbitrary. Every child "matures" purely individually and at its own pace.

    The gastrointestinal tract of some children is already mature at the age of six months, the digestive system of other children cannot cope with new products even at 7 months. If you offer unfamiliar food at a time when the child's body is not ready for it, the child will simply refuse complementary foods. This is why it is so important to know the principles of physiological preparedness.

    A 6 month old baby refuses unfamiliar products? Probably, his body is not yet ready for such innovations. Wait 2 - 3 weeks, and then offer porridge or again. Just make sure that the moment of re-acquaintance does not coincide with teething, colds and other unfavorable factors.

    Psychological parameters of readiness

    In addition to physiological readiness, the baby's interest in new food should also be present. If the child shows a clear interest in the adult table, the desire to try unfamiliar products, we can talk about psycho-emotional readiness for complementary foods. In such a situation, children will not refuse food, on the contrary, tasting new products will take place in the most friendly atmosphere. Psychologists call this phenomenon "food interest."

    Psychological readiness for feeding is formed in the same way in natural scientists and in babies who eat a mixture. You can understand that a child is emotionally ready to introduce unfamiliar dishes into the diet by several signs:

    • the infant shows a clear interest in adult food. Sitting on her mother's lap at the dinner table, she pulls the handles to the contents of the plates and sends it to her mouth;
    • the child is unhappy if he is not given an adult dish. Moreover, we are talking here about products, and not about accompanying cutlery. Some children may just want to play with a fork or tear a napkin apart;
    • the kid in every possible way seeks to get adult food. Even if his mother distracts him with a toy, a bright object, he again and again insists on his desire to taste the food he likes.

    An interest in adult food develops when a child who knows how to sit is attracted to the family table. If he daily sees the culture of household behavior at the table, dining rituals, tasting new dishes, problems with the introduction of complementary foods, as a rule, do not arise.

    Based on the factors of the baby's readiness to change the diet, it is possible to establish and explain the main reasons for the child's unwillingness to try and eat new foods:

    Do not forget that new products are alien to children. Both the one-month-old baby and the six-month-old baby get sweetish mother's milk or tasteless milk formula every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that the child begins to be capricious and show character.

    Features of the introduction of complementary foods for different types of feeding

    Naturally, there are some differences in the development of the digestive system of children, depending on whether the baby is artificial or he feeds on mother's milk. Do I need to introduce complementary foods earlier if the child eats formula? Let's talk about this in more detail.

    Imagine a situation where a breastfed child does not want to eat vegetable puree or buckwheat porridge. What should mom do in a similar situation? In fact, no special effort is needed.

    According to experts from the World Health Organization, it is mother's milk that remains the main food and the main source of nutrients for babies up to 12 months. Any other products - vegetables, meat or cereals - are introduced up to the age of one in order to introduce the baby to a new meal.

    A twelve-month-old baby gets 75% of all nutritional components only from mother's milk and only 25% from adult food. According to some studies, babies under 8 months old can get all the nutrients they need from breast milk. Thus, it covers most of the needs of children under one year old.

    So the HV experts advise those mothers whose babies eat poorly at eight months, calm down, not get nervous and act according to the circumstances. Does your baby only love squash puree? Let him eat it for now. Refuses meat delicacies? Try to return to them after a while.

    The habit of getting used to a new product is formed gradually. According to the point of view of psychologists, in order for a habit to arise, it is necessary to repeat a certain action at least 21 times. So, forming an interest in a particular food, you need to regularly offer it to your baby for testing. Naturally, you don't need to force him.

    Thus, the age of six months is the initial and approximate period for the introduction of new products into the children's diet. An infant will join a full-fledged adult table only after one year of age. And this is completely natural, if, of course, the mother continues to breastfeed.

    Artificial feeding

    Of course, breast milk is more valuable in all basic respects than artificial formula. But modern manufacturers have managed to develop such adapted "surrogates" that they are as close as possible in composition to a natural product.

    Thus, experts in infant feeding are convinced that in the case of artificial nutrition, breast milk substitute can serve as the main source of the necessary substances for the full development of a child also up to 12 months of age.

    There is an opinion that the early introduction of complementary foods to a baby on artificial feeding is not due to anything. On the contrary, babies are easier to adapt to new food due to the enzymes obtained from breast milk. In artificial people, the gastrointestinal tract is formed with some delay.

    Experts from the World Health Organization recommend the introduction of new products with an artificial feeding option at approximately 6 months (at 5 or 7 months). Before that, children who receive a high-quality adapted formula do not need other food.

    The question of what to do if the child does not eat complementary foods may not arise if the development of undesirable phenomena is prevented. To do this, you need to know the main rules for introducing complementary foods into the baby's diet.

    Focus on the child

    Pay less attention to the advice of friends and relatives. Of course, grandmothers and aunts have experience in caring for their children, but here the key word is “ours”. Each baby develops at an individual pace, so seemingly useful recommendations may not be suitable for a specific case.

    If you have any questions, it is best to contact your pediatrician. He will talk about the norms, but at the same time he will also point out the characteristics of the baby. Mom's intuition and the experience of the attending doctor are the key to the success of the introduction of the first complementary foods.

    Never imitate friends who boast that their five-month-old babies are already eating meat or vegetable purees with might and main. If you see that the baby is not ready for the introduction of complementary feeding, postpone this important point for a while.

    Feed only a healthy baby

    You cannot taste new foods if the baby is unwell. Fever, fever, viral infections, teething, dysbiosis, the period before or after vaccination - all these factors are poorly combined with the introduction of complementary foods.

    If we neglect this factor, then the baby can subconsciously associate the new product with his painful condition. In addition, the child's body is already under stress, since it is forced to resist the disease. As a result, the addiction will be significantly delayed.

    Let's take a little

    Any unfamiliar product should be given to the child in a very small amount to avoid negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or allergies.

    This caution is extremely important, since the little man is trying new food for the first time. It is not known how his body will react to a seemingly harmless apple or zucchini.

    You can start with a minimum dose - half a teaspoon, despite the fact that the child may already be seven or eight months old. Over the course of a week, you should gradually bring the volume of the new product to the norm, which corresponds to age.

    Give up violence

    Forcing a child to eat is an extremely harmful and unproductive parenting tactic. You cannot persist in introducing complementary foods, since this can form improper feeding behavior from an early age.

    On the other hand, the baby's nutrition should be varied, so it is important to distinguish between usual moodiness and dislike for a particular product. In the first case, you should try again to offer mashed potatoes or porridge after a while.

    Introduce one product at a time

    Only one new product should be introduced to an infant at a time. This is the so-called monocomponent principle. If you are giving a vegetable puree to a child, then you can not mix zucchini and carrots. First, a zucchini is offered, and only then a carrot.

    Consistent familiarity with the products helps to determine how the child's body reacts to a particular product. If the baby develops a rash or diarrhea, it will be possible to understand what exactly caused the undesirable consequences.

    Start with the "right" products

    Most often, vegetable puree becomes the first option for complementary foods. But this is if the weight of the baby corresponds to the age indicators. In case of underweight, nutrition experts recommend serving cereal dishes - various types of cereals.

    Do not start complementary foods with chopped sweet fruits. The pleasant taste of these dishes can be the reason that in the future the child will refuse more bland vegetable purees.

    What if the child does not eat complementary foods?

    So, the generally accepted principles of introducing complementary foods are clear. But how should parents behave if the child refuses complementary foods and in every possible way demonstrates disapproval of the mother's desire to introduce him to new products?

    Many sources tell you how to accustom your baby to unfamiliar dishes. We have chosen the most effective and popular methods:

    If the baby, being accustomed to a certain product, suddenly begins to refuse it, take a break. After a week or a little more, interest in a familiar dish will surely return, and the crumb will eat mashed potatoes or porridge with appetite.

    Solving common problems

    Children need a certain amount of time to get used to previously unfamiliar products. This process is often delayed or accompanied by some problems, we will tell you about the most common difficulties in more detail.

    Acquaintance with solid foods occurs with the use of a spoon. Most often, special plastic devices are purchased for complementary foods, which are lightweight and attractive in appearance.

    To prevent problems with cutlery and complementary foods, many mothers give water from a spoon, refusing to use a bottle (in this case, we are talking about natural scientists). First, a coffee spoon comes into play, and then a tea spoon.

    If the child categorically does not eat from a spoon, allow him to try to take food with pens. And as soon as he becomes addicted to complementary foods, put cutlery in the palm of your hand. Of course, you can forget about cleanliness for a while, but the formation of a good habit in this case is much more important.

    The child does not want to eat porridge or vegetable puree

    The child may not like the vegetable puree because of the insipid taste, but you should not sweeten it too much, otherwise in the future the little man will refuse any unsweetened dishes.

    The same applies to cereals, which are usually added after vegetable ingredients. The most popular cereals are buckwheat, rice or corn. Cook cereals for babies in water, avoiding the addition of cow's milk and granulated sugar.

    If your child doesn't eat porridge or vegetable products, try cheating a little. Add a small amount of breast milk or artificial formula to the prepared meal. The familiar taste will help your baby get used to the new diet sooner.

    Remember that complementary feeding is not a substitute for breast milk or an adapted formula, but an addition to the old type of baby food. As already mentioned, up to a year, the children's menu will only consist of 25% complementary foods. Therefore, do not worry, but be patient.

    Let's move on from medical recommendations to psychological ones. Experts advise not to dwell on the process, but to perceive it as another stage in the child's growing up. In the end, the baby will not eat exclusively milk at the age of three!

    What else should parents keep in mind?

    1. You cannot punish a baby for an inverted bowl or a face smeared with porridge. The baby is still motor awkward, so neatness is unusual for him. In addition, an excessive mother's adherence to principles can negatively affect the child's nutritional interest.
    2. Do not force your child to eat, but at the same time try to diversify the children's menu by intelligently offering various dishes. Excessive selectivity in products is fraught with future whims or the education of a little girl.
    3. Get colorful cutlery. Let your favorite baby cartoon characters be depicted on plates and mugs. The spoons should also attract the attention of the little eater.

    Try to stick to a specific regimen. Every day it is necessary to offer the crumbs porridge for breakfast at the same time. But for an afternoon snack, let the child try vegetable dishes. This routine forms the correct eating behavior.

    Thus, the introduction of complementary foods requires maximum attention from parents and at the same time calmness. Do not worry if, for example, a child at 8 months old does not eat buckwheat porridge or pumpkin puree. Up to one year old, the main dish for a baby is mother's milk or mixture.

    The main task of parents during the second half of a baby's life is to acquaint him with new products, to encourage food interest. After a while, the baby will move on to the usual family diet and will be happy to devour mother's culinary masterpieces.

    (1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.