Recommendations for parents. How to organize a daily routine for a junior schoolchild on vacation. The correct daily routine for a teenager - what it should be

The daily routine for a teenager is of paramount importance. Compliance with it will allow the adolescent's body to develop correctly, and will also help prevent diseases.

When drawing up a regime, a daily routine for a teenager, it is impossible to use any one rigid scheme, since every teenager, every family has its own characteristics, its own traditions, but it is certainly possible to use recommendations that are general in nature.

For the correct routine of a teenager's day, it is necessary to take into account the rhythm, a certain alternation of various types of activities. If they are performed in a certain sequence and at the same time, then “habits” will be created in the central nervous system of the adolescent, facilitating the transition from one type of activity to another. It is necessary to try to withstand the temporary moments of the daily regimen. This must be taken as a basis when drawing up a daily routine.

When composing a daily routine for a teenager, consider the following:

  • The need for a mandatory alternation of work and rest.
  • Food intake should be regular and complete.
  • A night's sleep should be at least that time, which is enough for a good rest for a teenager, as well as observing the time of getting up and going to bed.
  • Clearly defined time for morning exercises, gymnastics, and hygiene procedures.
  • Clear time definitions for homework assignments. It is also necessary to provide for 10-15 minute breaks during classes for rest.
  • Determine the duration of the rest, and preferably with the greatest time outdoors.

You should start the morning with exercises, gymnastics, lasting 10-15 minutes. Gymnastics strengthens the work of the heart, ventilates the lungs, also improves the metabolism in the adolescent's body and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Then water and hygiene procedures are needed. You can shower, douse yourself with water, or simply wipe off. You should spend no more than 30 minutes on the morning toilet. All these activities prepare the teenager's body for a working, school day.

When you return from school, you shouldn't start doing your homework right away. It is necessary to rest for some time, preferably actively. It is necessary to provide 1 - 2 hours of time for walking, staying in the fresh air.

Preparing homework assignments for elementary school students should be provided for 1.5 - 2 hours, for middle classes - 2 - 3 hours, and for high school students 3 - 4 hours.

Before going to bed, an evening walk or quiet activities is desirable so that the teenager's nervous system is not in an agitated state, but in a calm state before going to bed.

The table shows the approximate daily routine of a teenager.

List of activities for a teenager Times of Day
12-13 years old 14-17 years old
Morning is wake up time 7.00 7.00
Morning exercises, exercises, hygiene procedures, making the bed, morning toilet 7.00 — 7.30 7.00 — 7.30
Light first breakfast 7.30 — 7.50 7.30 — 7.50
The way to school, a morning walk is possible before the start of classes 7.50 — 8.20 7.50 — 8.20
Study, school 8.30 — 14.00 8.30 — 14.30
Hot lunch at school, a walk after school is possible (on the way home) 14.00 — 14.30 14.30 — 15.00
A solid lunch 14.30 — 15.00 15.00 — 15.30
Time for walks, games and sports 15.00 — 17.00 15.30 — 17.00
Light afternoon snack 17.00 17.00
Time to prepare homework assignments 17.00 — 19.30 17.00 — 20.00
Dinner and classes of your choice, according to your interests 19.30 — 21.00 20.00 — 21.30
Getting ready for bed - washing, cleaning clothes and shoes 21.00 — 21.30 21.30 — 22.00
Night sleep 21.30 — 7.00 22.00 — 7.00

Although the teenager also needs extracurricular activities: music, sports sections, hobby groups, but you should not overload him. Everything should be in moderation.

This schedule can change a lot during the summer. Often children spend more time at the dacha, they are almost constantly on the street, it happens that they do not eat at home, do not sleep during the day, or go to bed much later than usual.

Sometimes such a change in regimen causes fatigue and irritability in the child. Many children find it difficult to adapt to new conditions. However, parents also deserve a break after a difficult year's work, and it would be wrong not to change the summer vacation schedule at all, adjusting to the baby's normal daily routine.

Here are some tips for parents to help their little one adjust to the summer schedule.


During the holidays, parents often face the question: to wake up or not to wake up the baby. The answer depends on the child himself. Some children always wake up on their own at about the same time. Others cannot wake up in the morning, and then they cannot fall asleep in the afternoon, which completely disrupts their regime. If your baby gets up two hours later in the summer, then, most likely, daytime sleep will move by two hours and go to bed in the evening. If you know this is impossible, do not be afraid to wake the child up. For children with an established sleep pattern (usually after a year), there is nothing wrong with waking up from gentle touches and mother's kisses.

It will be very useful for the baby to get up at about the same time and during the holidays. Even if your child goes to bed a little later than usual, it is best to wake him up by following the daily regimen. And to compensate for the lack of sleep during the day's rest.

When the baby is up, try to follow the daily sequence: for example, wash, brush your teeth, get dressed, make the bed together, have breakfast ... This will give the baby confidence even in a new, unfamiliar place.


Morning hours can be devoted to activities and games. Offer your child activities that require concentration. Toddlers can play with educational toys, older children can write (for example, write a postcard to a friend).

However, if the weather permits and is possible, it is always the best option to spend this time outdoors. Games with water and sand are very useful for children, they perfectly contribute to sensory development and the development of fine motor skills. Since it is quite easy to organize such games in the summer, this opportunity should not be missed.


It is important for a child to have lunch at a specific time. Less important is where the lunch will take place. It will be beneficial for your child to diversify their menu by dining at a party or trying new dishes on vacation.

Toddlers love to eat outdoors where they usually eat more and enjoy themselves. Therefore, if in the morning, going out for a walk, you are not sure that you will be able to return home by lunchtime, you can take your lunch with you. It will be much more pleasant to eat lunch in the park on a bench than to rush home.

Invite your child to participate in the preparation of dinner, let him think for himself what kind of food is easy to take with him.

At the dacha it is also very pleasant to have dinners on the terrace.

Afternoon rest

Sleeping in the afternoon can be a significant issue on vacation. Firstly, because it is often not possible to return home from a walk to sleep in bed. And secondly, children can get so many new impressions on vacation that it becomes difficult for them to fall asleep during the day.

What should parents do? Which option is better: not going for long walks or neglecting sleep?

It is better to try to organize your child's sleep or rest so that you can go or go for a long walk. After all, new experiences are so important in our life for both children and parents. Don't neglect them for hours of sleep! The only thing you have to think about is where and when the child will sleep (or rest). Here are the options:

  1. If possible, take a stroller with you. A tired child sleeps well in it, while adults can explore the surroundings at this time.
  2. If the child is still small (up to 2-3 years old), you can put him to sleep in a sling or a backpack.
  3. Take a small blanket with you - then you can lay the baby right on the ground in the park (many mothers also use a sling).
  4. Don't worry if your child sleeps less than at home.
  5. Remember that children after 3-4 years do not need an obligatory afternoon nap - they need an afternoon rest. Such rest can be a quiet activity (reading, decorating, listening to pleasant music, etc.). If your child spends an hour calmly and does not look tired and capricious in the evening, it means that he no longer needs daily naps.


In the evening before dinner, you can devote to joint games, creative activities, or again in the fresh air. During this time, the heat usually subsides a little, and children can play active games.


Dinner in the summer may take place a little later than usual. If you know this can happen, make sure you have a hearty afternoon snack so your child is not hungry. Do not forget that summer and vacations are a time for new impressions and experiments. You can offer your child a dinner in the courtyard near a campfire in the country, or have a night picnic by the moon, looking at the stars. If the child is not tired during the day and is not capricious, such new experiences will benefit both him and the whole family!


Going to bed during your summer vacation is one of the most important points. No matter how the child's daily schedule and bedtime change, you should take care of observing a certain ritual. If during the year the child takes a bath before going to bed, listens to a fairy tale and falls asleep with his favorite toy, it is important to continue to put the child in this way in any new place. This means that when going to the country house or on a trip, you will have to bring your favorite toy or reading books with you before bed. Observance of such an evening ritual will help the child feel comfortable in any place and will ensure a good sleep, and in the morning - a great mood.

In order to have a good rest during the holidays and gain strength for further education, a student needs a properly structured regime, and it should not differ sharply from the daily routine on school days.

Holidays and a lot of free time do not mean at all that the child should be left to himself and can do whatever comes to mind. A clear regime is always necessary for a child, even if it will be more gentle for the duration of the holidays. The time of going to the son can be shifted by an hour and a half, depending on age (but it is highly desirable that the child goes to bed no later than eleven in the evening). It is also advisable to save the child from getting up early in the morning by the alarm clock, although, of course, many children are larks in themselves and get up early even on vacation in order to have more time. The sleep norm for preschoolers and schoolchildren is 9-10 hours, if you sleep longer, lethargy, weakness will appear, and there will be less time for games and other joys, so do not be afraid to wake up your child after 9 in the morning.

The summer regimen also necessarily includes all the usual hygiene procedures, morning exercises (there is often no time left for it before school or kindergarten), two walks - before lunch and in the evening, and lunchtime sleep or rest (depending on age).

8.00 Rise

8.00-9.00 Washing, running, exercising, dousing with water

9.00-9.20 Breakfast

9.20 Teeth cleaning

9.30-10.30 Classes, reading

10.30-13.00 Free time, hike to the river, to the forest

13.00-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.00 Home help

14.00-16.00 Quiet hour

16.30 Afternoon snack

17.00-19.00 Free time

19.00-20.00 Help in the garden

20.30-21.30 Free time

21.30 Getting ready for bed

22.00 Hang up

The diagram is given as a sample, from which, of course, there may be minor deviations. The main thing is that the main elements of the regime are fulfilled in a timely manner. The doctor advises parents to think carefully about what to do with their children during the holidays.

Recently, the structure of the free time of schoolchildren has changed: active forms of recreation are being replaced by passive ones. In practice, this is manifested by a reduction in physical education and sports, stay in the fresh air, and this leads to physical inactivity and becomes an additional risk factor for the development of chronic diseases.

The rules of summer children's recreation, in the compilation of which pediatricians and nutritionists took part.

1. The daily routine can be slightly changed, but without fanaticism. During holidays, children try to change their usual schedule, for example, wake up closer to noon and go to bed closer to midnight.

The rest of the time, schoolchildren, as a rule, spend either at the computer or on the street with friends.

Of course, in the summer you need to rest and have fun, but you cannot overload yourself with entertainment.

The daily routine was invented not in order to drive the child into a rigid framework, but in order not to disrupt the course of biological processes. After all, our organs and systems work according to the internal biological clock. If they are forcibly translated, then a failure may appear, for example, hormonal.

2. Sleep is health. During the school year, many students do not sleep well. The younger the child, the more time it will take for him to recuperate.

3. It is worth establishing four meals a day. It is optimal for schoolchildren. The daily diet of children should include lean meat and poultry (beef, veal, turkey, chicken), whole grains, milk, bread, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits. Eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese, fish, yoghurts should be on the menu 2-3 times a week.

Regardless of how much a child drinks compote, tea, milk and other drinks, he must definitely drink water. The daily rate of water consumption for schoolchildren in the summer is 20-30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Fresh fruit will be appropriate in between meals.

4. Mandatory recovery. If a child is often sick during the year, it is worth sending him to a spa treatment.

If there is no way to send a child to a camp or a sanatorium, you need to improve him at home: more time in the fresh air, healthy sleep, hardening (dousing).

5. More time outdoors. The more the student spends energy, the more he will need to replenish it. This is why babies get better at their grandmothers so well.

In order for a child to have a good appetite, he must spend more time outdoors, play outdoor games.

Idleness for a student is also stressful. If a child sits at the computer for days, loitering on the street in search of friends, he does not rest, but gets tired. Therefore, it is imperative to organize interesting leisure activities - mini-hikes, trips out of town, picnics, excursions, cinemas, etc.

6. Do not risk your child's health. The first and main danger of summer is heat, sun and heat strokes. Before going outside, before relaxing on the beach, you should apply sunscreen.

During periods of maximum solar activity (from 12:00 to 16:00), it is better to be in the shade or in a cool room; you should not leave your child in a car in an open parking lot for a long time. Don't forget about the headdress.

Separately, it is worth remembering the safety rules on the water. So, junior schoolchildren should not swim without adult supervision.

Children should be aware of the rules of behavior on the water, for example, not to "hide" under water or "help" friends to dive. High school students should know that you cannot swim and dive in unfamiliar waters, you cannot swim behind buoys, etc.

Adolescence is a time of dramatic physiological changes. Around the ages of 9-13, there are a number of different physical and emotional changes associated with puberty. During this period, the body of a teenage girl undergoes significant changes. In addition, attitudes towards peace and friendship are changing. The emotional sphere is also affected by change. To keep your teenage years as painful as possible, follow a good daily routine. This will help you cope with the changes while staying healthy and happy.


Part 1

Start of the day

    Make sure you have a good night's rest. At the age of 9-13, a teenager should sleep 10-12 hours every night. Although each person has a different need for sleep, to determine if you are getting enough sleep, stick to the following rule: if you wake up refreshed and energized, you are most likely getting enough sleep. If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning and feel faint, you are probably not getting enough sleep.

    Visit the toilet. When you wake up in the morning, first of all, go to the toilet. Prolonged containment of urine leads to an overflow of the bladder. In this case, the risk of developing infections that cause severe painful sensations increases.

    Wash your face. During adolescence, the skin glands begin to secrete an oily substance called sebum. Excess sebum makes the skin look oily and shiny, clogged pores and increases the risk of acne breakouts. This is due to hormonal changes. Of course, these changes are part of the growing up process, but you will have to include an additional item in your regimen that will help you avoid many skin problems.

    Use deodorant. In adolescence, hormonal changes occur, as a result of which the process of sweating increases significantly, and the smell of sweat becomes more pronounced. If you're concerned about foul sweat odor, use a deodorant to mask the odor or an antiperspirant to stop the sweating process in your underarms.

    • Use a natural deodorant like Lush. If this type of deodorant does not provide the level of protection you want, choose an antiperspirant.
  1. Get dressed. If your school requires you to wear a uniform, be sure to follow this requirement. If not required, make sure your clothes are clean. Wear clothes that show your personality.

    Style your hair. Do the hairstyle you like. You can curl your hair or straighten it. Most importantly, you should like the chosen hairstyle. You should feel confident. If you exude confidence, the people around you will certainly notice and treat you accordingly.

    Decide if you will be doing makeup. At this age, many girls start experimenting with makeup, but you yourself have to decide if you will do makeup. Consider if you have the desire and time to do this. Do your makeup just for fun.

    Eat a healthy breakfast. It is very important to start the day with breakfast as it will help you concentrate more easily at school. Plus, you will have enough energy until your next meal.

    Brush your teeth. Plaque and food particles left over from breakfast mix with bacteria in the mouth and cause an unpleasant odor. Good oral hygiene significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay and keeps your smile shiny and beautiful.

    Take lunch and backpack and go to school. Allow yourself enough time to get ready so you don't have to rush to school. Start your day off on a positive note.

    Part 2

    Follow a good school routine
    1. Come to school on time. Be a good student. This includes attending and being actively involved in the lesson, as well as a willingness and ability to learn.

      • Getting to school on time with the necessary supplies (books, pencils, homework, and so on) requires self-discipline. Teachers value students who arrive at school on time, whatever the cost, and do all of their homework.
    2. Eat a healthy lunch. Some schools offer a wide variety of food and drinks for their students. In other schools, there is no such diversity. Even if you bring lunch from home, choose healthy foods that will fill you up and give you the energy you need for the rest of the day.

      Go to the restroom. While you may not have much time between lessons, use the bathroom to empty your bladder (and bowel, if necessary) about once every four hours.

      Maintain friendships. Unfortunately, in adolescence, misunderstandings and conflicts are very common. Resist peer pressure to do what you don’t want to do.

    Part 3

    End of the day

      Do your homework after school. Typically, mid-level students are given a lot of homework. Therefore, adolescents have to devote a lot of time to its implementation. If necessary, you can ask your parents or older brother or sister for help.

      Get exercise. When planning your day, be sure to set aside time for exercise. Exercise improves health and helps reduce stress. Be sure to include sports in your schedule. This is especially important to do on those days when you do not have a physical education lesson at school.

      Eat a healthy lunch. It is very important to include a variety of foods in your diet. Lunch is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, include only healthy foods in your lunch menu.

    1. Take a shower. Remember, during adolescence, sweating increases, which leads to unpleasant odors. It is the bacteria in sweat that are the source of body odor. Therefore, it is imperative to take a bath or shower regularly. Be sure to shower after exercising.

      • Be sure to wash your face if you have oily skin, sweat, or have done makeup.

I would like to note right away that the daily routine of a teenager is such an individual concept that it makes no sense to count on some generally accepted standard scheme. There is an ancient wisdom that says that with a child under six years old, one should behave as if he is a master, with a teenager - as with a subordinate, and with an adult - as with a friend. To take it literally, of course, is not worth it, but there is a rational grain here. Children aged 10-15 are developing intensively. Along with this, a rebel grows in the adolescent. His body is undergoing drastic changes, and the mental state is also changing. The child is formed as a person and at the same time as a part of a huge society. At this time, it is very important to establish the daily routine of the teenager and try to comply with it.

The concept of "day mode" includes not only daylight hours, but also night, because at this time teenagers can do something other than sleep. Therefore, the correct daily routine for a teenager should consist of 24 hours of activities that are useful for him, so that the time for stupidity is zero. This is not about total round-the-clock control, but rather about avoiding unnecessary situations. For example, on Saturday morning, when you don't have to go to school, your child wakes up without problems at seven in the morning, but you won't wake him up at the same time on Monday. Of course, there was such an interesting film on TV late at night!

Doing homework

Every mom knows how long it takes a teenager to do their homework. An hour is enough for one child, two for another. But if the lessons are taken for more than three hours a day, then it is worth finding out the reason. It is quite possible that the matter is in the lack of assembly and inability to organize their own time. Parents should correct such features of the adolescents' day regimen, motivating them, for example, with a walk. Knowing that you can go for a walk until seven in the evening, the child will try to make homework faster. But the quality will be checked by the mother, who will decide whether it is possible to allocate time for a walk with such homework.

Personal time

It is unacceptable to create a daily routine for children and adolescents without taking into account a certain amount of personal time. Each person has their own hobbies, and they need to be given time. It's good if your hobby is connected with spending time on the street. Football, ice hockey, roller skating, or playing the classics can help relieve school stress, take away from daily chores, and benefit your health. But remember that introducing elements of democracy into the work and rest regime of a teenager, you must be sure that he has his own opinion, attitude and convictions. Adolescence is the time when the first cigarettes, alcohol and sexual relations appear in a person's life. Prohibitions, punishments and continuous restrictions will not be able to solve this problem. The main thing is mutual trust. Having told the parents about his problems, experiences, the child should be sure that he will receive help, advice, and will not be punished.


At this "tender" age, the adolescent's study and rest regime should include at least nine hours of sleep a night. Only in this case, the child will receive good rest.

A teenager is not a baby, you can't get him to sleep, so you need to create certain conditions conducive to a normal night's rest. Offer dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. At night, do not allow your teenager to sit in front of the computer or TV. If you notice that something is bothering the child, do not ignore, talk to him heart to heart. It is only in appearance that 15-year-old "hedgehogs" seem to be adults, but in reality everyone is waiting for their mother to come into his room, kiss and wish him good night.