Parent meeting in the middle group "What has learned for the school year. Organization of summer holidays." Parent meeting-game in the middle group "This is my child

Most parents lead their babies to kindergarten. When visiting this institution, the child develops communicative abilities, learns independence, is preparing for school. But only with the joint work of educators and parents, the child's harmonious development of the baby is possible. It is for discussing various problems, solving urgent issues, and meetings of children's institutions and parents are regularly organized. In the middle group of kindergarten can be raised by pressing household issues, to wear information. But also careors try to pay attention to the peculiarities of the upbringing and training of the guys. Events can be carried out in different formats.

Themes of parental meetings for the middle group

It is worth considering which subject it can be affected at such meetings:

  • health and physical education issues should be regularly lifted at such events, here you can stay on the methods of preventing colds, hardening methods;
  • it is useful to conduct information work with parents about the need for various toys for this age;
  • one or even several meetings should be devoted to the peculiarities of the upbringing of kids, how to instill them rules, useful habits;
  • it is also important to pay attention to learning issues, educators can tell parents about how interesting and benefit can be held at home with a child.

Unconventional parent meeting in the middle group

In order for the event to be more interesting and memorable, it is sometimes spent in unusual form.

You can prepare a kind of business game. To do this, make it necessary to prepare a script. It should be defeated by the situation that will demonstrate the current problem. At such a parent meeting in the middle group you can come with children. Kids are interested in attracting problems to play. For example, on the theme of education, you can prepare a scene on child disobedience and ways to cope with this problem. The guys can demonstrate different options for negative behavior, and educators together with mothers will disassemble every situation and look for optimal solutions.

Another unconventional form of parental assemblies in the middle group DOU can be a master class. With their help, it is possible to demonstrate ways to make crafts, preparation of home doll theaters and representations. This will get acquainted with the options for holding family leisure and entertainment that will benefit education, as well as the development of the baby.

Also often conduct meetings for parents in the form

Goals. Formation of a benevolent relationship between parents and children, teachers and educators, teachers and parents based on trust; Develop self-awareness of parents and teachers, constructive ideas about children (among parents and teachers).

Tasks. To summarize the presentation of parents about the individual characteristics of children of preschool and younger school age to use them in the family education process; Promoting the formation of the right relationship of parents to the individual abilities of their child.

Participants. Educators, parents.

Preliminary work.

1. Parents shortly before the meeting are offered to write a mini-essay on the topic "My child is my Sun!" and illustrate his photo of a child. On a large sheet, write the full name of the child, and next to each letter of the child name - the word characterizing his character, features of the personality, ability. For example, O - witty, etc.

2. Poster with quotes "The most valuable thing is that parents can give, is it upbringing?"

3. Place an invitation to the meeting, prepare tests for parents, folders with consultations, memo, place the room, prepare background music.

Powder of the parent meeting

1. Opening Word of the Educator

Educator . Do you know your child? Sure. Almost every parent will answer. Polish teacher Galina Philipchuk so answers this question: "We are engaged in our children from the first days of life. These are we, parents feed them, wear, bathe, put to sleep, teach the first steps and pronounce the first words. These are we familiar with the world around the world, comfort, duty at their bed when they sick. Can anyone be known to know her child better, his mother and father are the most close to him, the most loving and selfless people? " Many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. The smaller our child, the time we, really know him better. But in preschool age we notice that our judgments about him are becoming increasingly approximate. And perhaps, after 10-12 years, they will be found represented by his own child of an absolute stranger. The question is naturally arising: "Do we know your child?" Let's give dear parents about this and talk.

2. Learning the parent drawing and deciphering the name of the child.

Educator. Please tell me, dear parents, what is the word the sweetest, caressing the rumor? What is the main thing in the life of a child from birth? (parental statement).

This is his name. The wise men said: "How to call the ship, so it sails." For each person, his name is the most important and sweet sound in a world that sounds like the best music on Earth. Our name sometimes drips like a rain, sometimes sounds like an echo in the mountains, and sometimes knocks like a drum. Take a look at the names of your children. The kids are just beginning their life path, and you already attribute to them the qualities of the individual who would like to see in them, or the qualities that have not implemented themselves and want to realize them. Take a look at the portraits of children: what are all different, each of them is individual and unique.

Before you, the game "Flower-sevenceticism". Imagine that this is your baby gentle, blooming. Write on the petals to the stool derivatives on behalf of or family nicknames. On the stem, the name you appeal to the child when you are unhappy with them, be angry with it. (2-3 minutes is given to fill the flower) We give the flower name of your baby. Let him lie in a family album, because it is part of his life, and then will become part of the history of your family.

3. Conversation "What you need to know about your child?"

Educator. What you need to know about your child? And why do you need to know? (parents' statements) . You are all absolutely right. There is no unambiguous answer to this question. About the child you need to know everything! And since it is almost impossible, you need to try to be closer to him, know what he lives, whom he loves, why he instantly deteriorates the mood that he is on his shoulder, and with which it is difficult to cope with what he believes and what he believes doubts why lies, etc.

4. Children's lie.

Psychologist . Baby in nature are truly unique, unique. They have very flexible thinking that helps to fantasize, imagine. Children's fantasy is rich, individual and very interesting. At times, your fantasies, fiction children begin to use in personal, mercenary purposes. They feel thin and know where to insert their fantasy. Lies are the distortion of the events, and fantasies are fiction, imaginary world. Children can convincingly compose, but know what is the secret? In the fact that the child himself believes in everything says. Everyone knows the story about the optimist and pessimist. "Glass vessel, which is half filled with water. The pessimist will say that the vessel is half empty, and the optimist will say that the vessel is half full. " Any event is perceived by each person in different ways. Let's see how it really happens.

5. Why conflicts arise between parents and educators.

Conflicts are part of our lives, and it is important to be able to constructively solve them.

Educator. We offer to analyze the pedagogical situations and discuss them together with parents and the educator.

"A young mother is interrogating educators every day, how did her child behave? Who played with? What played? What hel? How much? How did you sleep? And it gets in response not what I would like to hear (I did not play with anyone, passive, in myself). As a result, Mom is in bewilderment. Proves to teachers that the child's child is completely different, asks why this happens. "

(parents discuss the situation)

Comment by the teacher. The child is clearly difficult to communicate. Social environment in kindergarten is the opposite of home. At home, the child is nominated for a pedestal. Family life spins around him. And in kindergarten it is the same as that. He is part of the group. The child develops an intrapersonal conflict, and he does not know how to behave in the group.

Educator. Let's mentally analyze, whether my child is, remembering his dignity and disadvantages, let's notice, no matter how I wanted to see him. To make it easier to compare negative and positive qualities. And now we offer you, as if to look at our children and analyze their behavior with the help of chips lying on trays. If the child performs this rule, then you put the red chip on the table; If it does not always perform or not quite right - yellow color; If it does not perform completely - blue.
    The child is able to wash his hands, and it is always washes them before eating, after visiting the toilet. Able to wipe away a towel. Gently folds clothes. Always uses a nasal handkerchief as needed. Yawns and high silently. It is politely addressed to tie a cap, fasten the coat, thanks for the assistance rendered. I know how to apologize in time and says this word with the necessary intonation, a feeling of guilt. Does not indicate a finger on others, on items. It does not interfere in the conversation without need, in the case of an urgent request, respectively, the rules, apologize. When meeting, hesitantly greet, saying goodbye, always says "Goodbye." Does not thrown on the street, indoors of a piece of paper, wrapper, etc. Does not say matel words.

Look at the chips, their colors will help you decide what to work with children.

Psychologist. Before you form. Fill it out, please.

The advantages of my child

Disadvantages of my child

Whatever I wanted to see my child.

(Task for 2-3 minutes.)

Once wrote, a psychologist asks a question: what table column turned out to be more completed? Why?

Summaries a psychologist. There is not a single person in life who would only have one advantages or only one shortcomings. The wisdom of parents is that seeing those or other features of their child, they relate them to the effectiveness of family upbringing. The child is not an empty vessel. And if positive qualities are not formed in it, there are bad habits and inclinations. If the child is lazy, this means that in the family he was not taught to work; If he is aggressive, it means he did not know a good relationship. Parents must know the advantage and disadvantages of their child to balance them, leaning on a positive to help get rid of the negative. Try to look at your baby with such eyes.

The advantages of my child

7. Test "What is your parent?"

Educator. And now let's estimate yourself: what are we parents? Sometimes we are right, and sometimes we feel guilty before the child, but do not show it. To whom I do not want to get an answer to this question "What is my parent?"

Please note those phrases that you often use in dealing with children.

    How many times do you repeat? (2 points)

    Please advise me. (1Ball)

    I do not know what I would do without you! (1 point)

    And who you were so crushed (2 points)

    What are your wonderful friends! (1 point)

    Well, who are you like? (2 points)

    I'm in your years ... (2 points)

    You are my support and assistant (1 point)

    Well, what kind of friends do you have? (2 points)

    What do you think about? (2 points)

    What a clever you are! (1 point)

    And what do you think? (1 point)

    All children are like children, and you ... (2 points)

    What are you smart! (1 point)

Now consider the total number of points

From 5 to 7 points . You live with a child's soul in the soul. You respect the child, and he sincerely loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the formation of his personality.

From 8 to 10 points There are some difficulties in relationships with a child, misunderstanding of his problems, attempts to transfer blame for disadvantages in its development itself.

From 11 points and more . You are inconsistent in communicating with the child. He respects you, although not always frank with you. Its development is subject to accidental circumstances.

This is only a hint of a valid state of affairs, because what kind of parent you do not know nobody better than you.

8. The result of the meeting.

Educator . Meeting I would like to finish with the words of S.Solovichik: "Every morning I appeal to the better that I am in me:" I am sent a child; This is my dear guest; I am grateful to him for what he is. He is also called up for life, like me, it unites us - we are, we are living people. He is the same as me, he is a man, and not the future person, but today, and therefore he is another, like all people, I accept it, like any other person. I take a child. I accept it, guarding his childhood, I understand, suffer, forgive. I do not apply power to him, I do not inhibit it with my power, because I love him. I love him and I am grateful to him for what he is, and for the fact that I can love him, and thus I tower in my spirit. "

Educator (tells parable ): The man wanted to pose a wiser who knew the answers to all the questions. I caught a butterfly and decided: Summary Palm, where the butterfly is located and ask: "Oh wise! Butterfly in my palms is live or dead? ". If you say "dead", open your arms, and she will fly away, and if the "lively", imperceptibly sizes and show a dead butterfly. Came, asked. And the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands a man!" Dear parents, your child is in your hands!

Purpose: Acquisition by parents of interaction and mutual understanding with children, strengthening emotional contact between the parent and child.


  1. Formation of parents of practical skills in the field of interaction with children.
  2. Acquaintance parents with species "Difficult situations" The interaction of adult and child.
  3. Teach and form the skills of the right interaction with the child in one situation or another.
  4. Improving the level of mutual understanding between the adult and the child.
  5. Promoting the formation of a harmonious relationship between parents and children, changing the image of a child in the presentation of parents in a positive way.

Stimulus Material: Talking Threads, Record with Creation Music, Tape recorder, Cards with situations, Memories for parents

Meeting Plan:

  1. Greeting parents.
  2. The exercise "Acquaintance"
  3. Performance of a psychologist and analysis of each type of situations
  4. The game "Understand me"
  5. Independent work of parents in groups
  6. Reflection lesson. Summing up and presenting memo for parents "Types of interaction situations with a child"
  7. Relaxation "Cleansing from alarms"

Meeting Structure:

1. Greeting parents

Good evening, dear parents! Today our meeting is called "ABC of the interaction of parents with a child" . "Letters" Alphabets of parental interaction will be the types of situations that we will consider today.

2. Exercise "Acquaintance"

The psychologist invites parents to get to know each other closer to each other, passing the ball of threads. The participant who in the hands of the tangle calls his name and adjective on the first letter name, which characterizes it as a person. Then the tangle is transmitted to the next participant.

When the tangle returns to a psychologist, he asks: "What does it seem what we did?" (Poutine, asterisk, etc.)

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in life our relationship with children resemble such a weakening of the threads.

At the end of the exercise, the tangle is wounded in the opposite direction, while it is necessary to repeat the name and adjective again so that all participants remember them.

3. Speech by a psychologist.

The human life can be viewed as a chain of situations. Today in various sciences develops the so-called "Situational approach" who seeks to teach people to make the right decision in various situations.

So we will be the subject of our conversation with the situation of the adult interaction with the child. The subject of the conversation will be such situations in which the actions of the child do not like us for some reason, cause concern, stress, irritation, etc., i.e. Difficult situations of the interaction of the child and adult. To learn how to choose the right actions in a particular situation, first of all it is necessary to understand that inside this situation feels, he wants, is experiencing, he understands the child, why he behaves this way.

Based on the motives of the child's actions, it is possible to distinguish seven types of situations of the interaction of the child and adult, which we will consider. Our task is to learn to determine the type of situation, because Our further action will depend on the type of situation.

3. 1. Situations, difficult for the child.

These are situations in which the child did not know how to do, did not suspect that she was doing something bad, or even confident that he was doing well; did something inadvertently, by chance; Could not do otherwise or was forced to do this.

The main sign of situations: the child could not (did not know) To do otherwise, he himself suffers.

Consider an example of a situation of this type.

On Sunday day, a girl has been going for a walk for 8 years with his girlfriend. Usually at home was Dad, who gave her with her money on ice cream, sweets. But today it was not, he went on business. Papin jacket hung on a hanger. From the pocket of this jacket dad always took money. The girl decided to take a dad's mission, since he himself cannot fulfill her. She was sure one hundred percent that Dad would give her money, just now it is not. Without thinking, she took money from his pocket and went for a walk. Home The girl returned in a beautiful mood, but saw a angry father. At the threshold, he met her hard cry: "Thief!" . Then she heard her father in her disappointed that he could not respect her more that she would be punished and would not go outside for a walk for two weeks. Nobody asked anything from the girl, she did not have time to insert a word, but very soon he could not speak from her resentment.

Let's think about what was the guilt of the girl? She did not have the thoughts that she steals or takes without demand. She was sure that this is her money and she takes his own - because Dad always gave her metal money from his pocket. Most likely, she did not think about such a phenomenon at all as theft, since he had never encountered him.

Why did Dad reacted so? Probably, he wanted to stop theft in an embryo and believed that such a reaction would become a bright lesson for life. Perhaps he once suffered from theft and sharply negatively referred to him, which made his actions with such emotional.

The girl took money several times from his pocket, but she did it somehow - only took part of the amount to be unnoticed. Although, of course, she risked.

Why did she do it? If it is not to blame for anything and do not thief, then why steal?

Because it was already called the thief. For all she is a thief, and called it so the most expensive person for her. She was very insulting.

What can a child to which is very offended?

How to reduce hurt pain and justify the actions of your favorite dad?

Internal voltage requires discharge. These actions shot a little pain. Could she get involved in this and continue to steal? Could.

This situation is a very bright illustration of the existing law on the degree of punishment. We use the punishment so that the child will no longer repeat erroneous actions, but the real inner force, which can dismiss it from repetition, is a feeling of guilt and the desire not to do bad in the future, so as not to be guilty again.

Thus, in a situation, difficult for a child, we can not be punished with anything, nothing to punish!

Situations with money related to the fact that children absolutely do not understand their values \u200b\u200bare quite common. Children can take money from home and distribute them to the guys, as they believe that if they just lie, then they are not needed. Can take them to play.

Here is another case: the preschool girl often visited the grandmother and played her in her various games, including the store. For the game, she used money that was lying at her grandmother in different places. Once, when she came home from the grandmother from the dad, she felt in his pocket dresses paper money, which forgot to leave her grandmother. She pulled out a piece of paper and stretched dad. Dad was very happy and said: "Did you find money?" Without giving a child to insert the word, he continued: "What a clever thing! Freedom! And give it to me? Well done! We will buy something on this money! " Next time, having come to the grandmother, the girl specifically laid paper money into a pocket. After all, her truck wanted to be a getter again, and that dad praise her again. Then the grandmother noticed that the money disappears, and told the parents. Only a girl was to blame for everything. She was scolded for a long time, they said that she disgraced his parents, and forged for some time to go to her grandmother.

Let's think about what was the guilt of the girl? In the desire to perform approved actions?

If the grandmother in different places lay money, why should she have guess what she was needed?

In a situation where the girl copied the money and bought them to parents as a gift to chocolate and flowers, parents managed to scold a girl for fighting and not telling where he took the money.

Why do we not want to believe the child?

Maybe this is due to some kind of parental experienced parents or with their fears before the possible negative development of the child?

Often of our suspicion and distrust just grow the problems that we want to avoid, and the disadvantages of children remain for a long time and destroys relationships with parents.

Situations of this type can be the most different. Here are some more examples:

You bought a child new rubber boots. By walking it for a walk, gave the order - do not swap new shoes. The child returns in wet boots. Why did this happen? Outside the street, the child was filled with joy because of the new clothes, all his attention was riveted to beautiful brilliant boots. And what can be done with boots? Of course, to experience out of the opportunity, to show other guys, what deep puddles he is now not afraid.

Why do we punish the child?

For his joy and emotionality?

For the fact that he is still small and does not know how to restrain his desires?

What do you need to make adults who collided with the child in such a situation? If the child just did not know something, did not understand, he did not know how it was difficult for him, then, of course, the task of an adult to provide the child with the necessary help. Adults need to give the child the necessary explanations, to teach it properly act, teach those skills, due to the lack of which he does not cope with the situation today. We have nothing to scold and punish a child, nothing to blame.

Interestingly, parents, losing a wallet or key, usually upset and sympathize. But if the wallet lost a child, often angry at him for scattered, irresponsibility, inattention, etc.

If we want the child to make conclusions and acquire new abilities, we need to rely on his understanding, to include him in aware of themselves.

If they scold and punish, then this problem will not be solved, and the complexity, the child's uncertainty will appear.

If a child performs these actions because it does not see another way to solve his problem, then our task is to help him solve the problem.

The cause of the child's difficult for a child can be the parents themselves, their relationships. For example, children are very hard to survive the quarrels of parents among themselves, and even more so their decision to divorce.

Also, the situation, difficult for the child, we can solve with the help of the game.

3. 2. Situations arising in the game.

These are situations of the game, i.e. Children simply play, but what is happening in the game, we would like to change.

If the fact that children are busy, conflict with our adult affairs, for example, with the need to go somewhere, something necessary for us to do, then the easiest way to rebuild children by entering the game situation through the appropriate game of the role and sending events to the right direction.

Children enthusiastically belong to the adult connection to the game, as he brings new ideas into it, develops the plot of the game, more interesting with him.

Adults are often not considered that the child is busy, and they consider only their adults important. Therefore, parents insist that any games be discontinued in connection with dinner, the need to sleep and other points. Although entering the game and affect its development in the right side is absolutely difficult.

Situation for analysis:

1. Lenya rides a bike around the apartment, representing himself the driver of a big car. Mom is calling to eat, Lenya refuses, as he has not finished shipping delivery.

Solution: Mom takes a plate with porridge, sits on the sofa and says: "Comrades Drivers, beat your vehicles in the park. Mobile dining room arrived at you. We are waiting for you" . Lenya. "Drives" To the sofa, puts a bike machine "to the park" , not forgetting to close the door to the key and turn on the alarm. Lenya was calm, after which he continued his flight by car. All satisfied.

2. My niece is 5 years old. Very often, playing, she forgets everything. Somehow I was visiting them, gathered to dinner, called Alina. And she plays a dog alcu: runs on all fours with a leash, barks, does not react to adult words. Dad began to scold daughter, the situation was glowing.

Solution: I say to her: "Alka, let's go with me your paws wash, you are dirty" . I take over the leash, she runs to the bathroom with joyful lare. Washing "Paws" , I say: "Let's rather, and then your bones are cooled in a bowl" . Alya runs at the table.

A child can plunge into the game under the influence of the book, a film, a cartoon that made a strong impression on him.

For example, five-year-old Denis loves the cartoon "King Lion" Many looks around and starts to fit into the image of a lion, in his actions and actions. The time comes to go to bed, and he goes to the floor as the hero of this cartoon. Mom is trying to talk to him, in response, he only growls.

What to do? You can not destroy the emotional responsiveness of the boy, deep living by the cartoon events. The simplest thing is to take on the role of one of the cartoon heroes and come up with a situation in which the lion goes to bed on the bed cooked for him. For example, the evil queen offers him to lie on the sacrificial stone. By the way, in the cartoon heroes talking in the human language, so my mother reminds him that he is the king of the lion who can speak, and begins to communicate with him.

One of the problems of the participation of children in the game is the desire to play truly. This desire delivers a lot of harm to an adult and can lead to a serious danger. For example, two boys played at home in Indians. Wanting to do everything truly, the children divorced the Indian bonfire right on the floor in the room. Fortunately, the house was a mother who did not give the tragedy.

Playing a doctor, children are trying to truly sticking the skin, make an injection; As tablets swallow buttons and details of the mosaic. Therefore, our task is to explain to the child the need to play a ponaroschka, as the game is a convention, the game itself implies actions not really. When we play, we are transferred from the usual reality into a conditional fictional world.

3. 3. Situations checking boundaries.

These are situations in which the child is trying to break the bans to cancel or soften them.

From an adult, the child learns that it is possible and impossible, from adult prohibitions and their control. An adult sets the borders for which one cannot go, and sets posts on them. But the child is from the nature of the experimenter. His psyche is looking for the most convenient and attractive options for action, and for this checks the established boundaries for strength.

The girl 4 years old heard on the street, as the boy told Pope: "Dad, you goat" . She wanted to know if it was possible to say her dad. Intuitively understood that Pope hardly consider such an appeal to admissible. Therefore, coming home and shouting the dad he heard the phrase, she ran into the toilet and closed in it. Dad reloaded violently negatively, although the door to the toilet did not break. The boundaries were installed.

In the need to check the boundaries there is a special period from 2 to 4 years, when the child is very carefully listening to adult prohibitions (for example, do not touch the stove, burn it out)And immediately does what is forbidden.

It turns out that the prohibitions of adults can provoke the traumatic actions of the child. Therefore, it is better to organize a personal acquaintance of a child of this age under your control with a dangerous subject.

In many families, the child behaves completely differently in the presence of Pope and Mom, with a grandmother and with his parents. He experimented, tried to dictate his conditions, as a result it turned out with someone, but there is no one. In accordance with the results, the child chose the line of behavior.

Here is an example of such a situation:

"Lena bought elegant lacquer shoes. The next morning she is going to kindergarten.

Lena: I wear new shoes.

Mom: No, Lenochka, we have already agreed, these are shoes for holidays and guests.

Lena: No, I want today! (Begins to cry)

Dad: do not worry, we will come up with something. Mom, can you only be once?

Mom: No, I do not agree. The child must take care of dear things.

Lena cries more and declares: then I will not go to the kindergarten at all.

The grandmother appears.

Grandma: What happened again? Again, you upset the child from the morning! Go to me, girl, tell me who offended you. Ah, shoes? I will buy you today others, you will go to them when you want ... "

What experience gets a child in this situation? Pressure experience on people with tears and threats, whining and extortion, the experience of avalange between adults.

Even if one adult does not agree with the requirements of another, in the situation of interaction with the child it is better to silent, and then, already without a child, discuss disagreements and try to come to the general opinion.

There are families, the rules in which are changing depending on the mood of the parents. What was impossible today can be tomorrow, but the day will be impossible again. In such a family, the child feels life as an arbitrary adult and learns to guess and use his mood.

So, what should adult make when a child checks the borders for strength?

It is necessary to react calmly and kindly, realizing that such experimentation is normal behavior for an active child.

The main task of an adult is gently, but unambiguously confirm the presence of boundaries, if necessary, once again substantiate their need and recall the consequences of their violation.

3. 4. Situations of adult checks.

Children are trying to check for strength not only borders, but also the adult itself. Children deliberately create a difficult situation for an adult in which he manifests himself, and they will know what he is real.

Adults are checked for erudition, mind, humor, justice, and above all for psychological stability. Four qualities are made that children are especially valued in an adult man: kindness, justice, mind, humor. On different age steps, these qualities are located in importance in different sequences.

The adult tests organized by the children begin with inspections for psychological stability when the adult turns out to be emotionally difficult for him. All this is unexpected and unpleasant for an adult and causes a storm of negative emotions in it. What will take an adult next? Scribbles, will look guilty, punish? All these behaviors will talk about the fact that an adult check did not pass.

Very often in a situation of adult checks we punish the child. Will you be able to answer the question:

Why in such a situation we most often strive to punish a child? Maybe because they are not ready for such situations, do not know how to maintain emotional stability and goodwill, we are afraid of unpredictability, are not able to respond to the situation in which it looks awkward, with humor?

Situation for analysis:

1. Little girlhousehouse has aunt. One day, when aunt laid her sleep, she called her cow. The girl thought that the aunt would start swearing.

Solution: Aunt said: "And you - Goldfish!" . Then the girl again called her cow, and in response he heard a gentle word. Thus, the aunt all turned into a joke, which I liked the girl. In the future, laying sleeping, they played, calling each other in affectionate words.

2. Christina at the age of 5 decided to check how mother behaves if she hide. At the same time, she opened the door to the staircase so that Mom thought she was gone. Mom discovered that the child is not. Searches have not led to anything. She was very frightened. Mom found Kristina by chance after 30-40 minutes. Christina was frightened, realizing that the game went too far, but she herself could no longer stop her.

The decision: to punish Christina Mom did not become, realizing that the girl was already punished with his fear. When they both calmed down, they talked calmly, but with tears in the eyes. Mom told the girl that she loved her very much and was afraid of frightened, having lost her. Christina was silent, hugged her mother, and then said: "I wanted to see how you would look for me. Forgive me, mommy " . More girl did not do that.

So, the task of an adult is to allow the child to check and be able to undergo checks, i.e. Demonstrate the quality for which it is checked, while maintaining a benevolent attitude towards children.

3. 5. Emotional splash situations.

These are the situation of violation by the child of ethical norms of communication due to severe emotional state. The child does not know how to cope with his feelings, can not hide them. Being in the power of negative emotions, he says something rough, sharp, offended for the interlocutor.

Many children still do not know how to manage their emotions, cope with feelings, hide them. For example,

  1. Girl Tonya 5 years, Being a grandfather, trying to collect a picture of mosaic pieces. She does it feel bad, she begins to cry. Grandfather who loves his granddaughter, suggests her to postpone the mosaic and continue to work later, what Tonya says: "Leave me alone, old fool!" . Grandfather is offended and in the future it does not speak with his granddaughter.
  2. Familiar mom stretches a four-year-old child "Candy" which is wrapped in a fantyant bread. The boy deployed candy and, finding the content, upset and said: "Uncle, are you fool?"

Solution: Mom in this case, you need to help the child, and not offend the guest. We can say the following: "Seryozha, do not be offended. In childhood, we also played out each other. Our guest hoped that you would understand that this was a joke. Take another candy " .

3. In anger of anger, the boy said at the age of three years: "I'll kill you and throw in a hole!" .

It should be understood that the child himself, saying an unpleasant word, scared, upset. Therefore, it is better if the adult reaction is adequate to the situation and will not lead to the growth of the conflict, and will help the child, feeling its wrong, to correct the situation. To work out, you need to use

ethical protection techniques:

1. Question to playback.

You pretend that I heard the words of a child: "Sorry, please, you said something, but I unfortunately did not hear. Be so kind, repeat, please " . The emotional gauge of the child fell along with the unfounded phrase, he already mostly owns himself and herself is already awkward.

2. Contacting the advantages of the child with its actions.

We say what kind of child is always good (polite, kind, understanding, modest, delicate, etc.), and suddenly now he showed himself as a person intolerable (sharp, rough, suspicious, incredulous, etc.). What happened? We are waiting for the explanation.

3. Recognition of your guilt.

We are talking to the child: "Probably, I really offended you if you declare me such things. Just so you would not allow this. But I, unfortunately, did not notice what I offended you and when. If you are not difficult, please explain " .

4. Demonstration of surprise.

Adult shows a child a strong emotional reaction to his words - surprise. Surprise suggests that we did not expect a wonderful child from this actions that we are stamped, knocked out of the rut and wait for it ... Explanations? Apologies?

5. generous forgiveness.

We just say the child that you forgive him. We can not add anything to these words and do not explain anything. Forgiveness is important in itself.

6. Motive substitution.

For example, your daughter played on the street and saw one of the boys called her grandmother "dog" . You came up with my daughter and she screams you: "Mom, you're a dog!" Mom's answer: "How interesting, and you, then you will be a puppy. And how will we bark or talk? " Thus, the mother did not accept as an opportunity to use a rude word daughter and substituted the game motive. The child realized that his mother can be called "Dog" Only in the game.

7. An explanation for the child of his behavior and reasons.

The use of this technique contributes to an increase in the emotional culture of the child, helps him learn to understand and control his emotions.

8. Delayed conversation.

This technique must be applied if the child is greatly derived from himself and cannot quickly cope with its feelings. We just offer the child to talk about it later: after lunch, in the evening or even tomorrow. It is very important that the conversation took place and was not adult adult monologue, but a frank conversation of a child and a parent about his feelings.

So, the task of an adult is to apply the reception of ethical protection that will allow the child to feel awkwardness for their words and return communication to the generally accepted cultural standards.

3. 6. Situations of pedagogical conflict.

These are situations in which desires, interests, opinions of a child and an adult are contradictory.

Most often they are associated with the desire of an adult to make a child do something that the child does not want to do. An adult believes that it is necessary, it is important, and the child does not agree with him and for some reason does not want to fulfill the requirements of an adult. There is a conflict. Most often, the adult is confident that he is right and trying to solve the conflict from the position of force, i.e. Threatening, intimidating. But no one wants to obey the fear.

We can pump threats, and the child will eventually give way, but what do we actually achieve? Breaking his character, turning into an obedient artist? Reduced self-esteem? The occurrence of the desire to do is called a sneaker? The emergence of secrecy and tricks when he tries not to do what he does not want, but secretly from his parents? Negative attitude to the fact that it was forced to do?

Sometimes we create a conflict simply because you do not treat what the child wants and does, seriously, we proceed only from your desires.

Situation for analysis:

Lena, 6 years old, with interest and hobby, sculpts in his room at the table. Mom enters the room and gives an order to immediately gather for a walk. The girl wants to finish the work and asks to wait a little bit. Mom selects plasticine outraged by disrespectfulness and makes his daughter dress. "To what is stubborn" . - Continues to sign an angry mother, putting on a coat and cap on the daughter.

Why do we believe that only our circumstances are important and, even making a good deed for a child (gathering with him for a walk), Have time to create tension in relationships?

Think, is it really what you need is important?

If you can not explain to the child so that he understands why he needs what you need, then you do not need to demand it. If you do not have enough arguments, it means that they are not.

If you are confident that for the development of the identity of the child, it is important that you need, and you have arguments, then you need to use the following technique to resolve the conflict:

It is necessary to turn the external conflict between the child and adults, to the conflict of the internal, between the positive and negative start of the child, his promising and momentary interests.

For example, your child refuses to remove toys before bedtime. You say to him: "I understand that you are tired, but you have a volitional person and more than once showed your ability to do what you need, overcoming fatigue. I believe that my wonderful son and today will cope with the situation. " .

Thus, we appeal to the positive side of the person's personality, we demonstrate faith in his ability to cope with them and put it in a situation of choice: overcome your weakness or today to surrender to her mercy.

The task of an adult in a conflict situation is to make sure that the child needs the desire to be needed to want to be good.

Sometimes you need to temporarily retreat, yield. What for? To enable circumstances that do not suit you, it is spontaneously developed to such an extent that in the new situation you need a motive to have a child.

3. 7. Citizens offense.

These are situations in which the child knows that he does bad things that can not be done, but still does.

Why does a child do what is forbidden? This can be different reasons. To understand the child and help him in the future, do not make misconduct, it is very important to find out these reasons and help your child does not depend on them.

In this case, the reasons are the motives that encourage him to complete the offense.

The main motives of misconduct:

  1. Satisfying life needs.
  2. The power of desire.
  3. Care, desire to possess money, things.
  4. The desire to be no worse than others (comply with the requirements of the reference group).
  5. The desire to be adopted by the group.
  6. Enhance your prestige, status.
  7. Desire to try.
  8. The desire to test yourself in the risk situation.
  9. The desire to prove your courage in a situation where the child "Take on the weakly" .
  10. The desire to attract attention.
  11. Actions "Oblost" .
  12. In order to restore justice.
  13. "As everybody" or for the company.
  14. From fear of blackmail.
  15. To achieve positive social goals.

Thus, the motives of the misdemeanor can be the most different. Among these motifs there are positive, negative and neutral.

If the motive is negative (2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14) , then we need to help your child get rid of it.

If the motive is positive (12, 14) or neutral, then the child must be taught to satisfy it with socially acceptable ways: not through misconduct, but through the act.

So, the task of an adult in the situation is offense - to figure out the motive of its commit. If the child does not call the motive (Replies: "I dont know" ) , perhaps he is hesitating to admit, because many of the motives have a negative meaning from the point of view of ethics, or it is not fully aware of why I did it. Do not agree when the child says he did it "just" that there is no motive: everything has its own reasons.

The punishment in the situation is a misdeeding may be a demonstration of the chagrins of parents. J.J. Rousseau offered such a punishment method - the method of natural consequences. In this method, the child who made misconduct himself feels discomfort caused by the consequences of the offense. For example, if he broke his chair, you do not need to rush to get it new. Let some time live with a broken chair.

We must understand that the child has the right to make a mistake, but it is important to help him, "Turn the prank to wisdom" As Amonashvili writes, i.e. comprehend the experience gained and learn not to repeat errors.

It is the knowing motifs and the causes of the child's behavior that we can determine the type of situation, and then choose in accordance with this, the model of our behavior.

4. Game "Understand me"

I suggest you relax a little and play the game "Understand me" . Your task is to determine what feelings the child is experiencing, pronouncing the proposed phrases.

The child says the child feels

Look, dad, I made a plane from a new designer! Pride. Satisfaction.

I do not have fun. I do not know what to do. Boredom, put in a dead end.

All children play, and I do not with whom. Loneliness, abandonment.

I can do it. I do not need to help. Confidence, independence.

Leave me one. I do not want to talk to anyone. Pain, anger, offense, feeling of dislike.

I can not. I try, but it does not work. Should I try? Disappointment, desire to quit.

I am glad that my parents are and dad, and not others. Approval, gratitude, joy.

5. Determining the type of situations

Parents are divided into 4 teams. Get cards on which various situations are written. Their task is to determine the type of situations.

  1. One day, the boys decided to play "War" . Along the automotive road, the tractor believed on the roadside. Sugrets served for boys and cover, and ammunition. They began to sculpt from the snow lumps and throw them into the cars passing by, representing them with enemy tanks, and themselves - partisans. (Situation arising in the game)
  2. Seryozha went to kindergarten with a new beautiful and not cheap machine. He returned from kindergarten he without her. To the question where the machine, the happy child handed the dad to the box, in which there was a living horned beetle, and explained that he exchanged the car on the beetle. (Situation, difficult for a child)
  3. At the cottage built a new home. Father, working on the second floor, periodically asked the Son for 10 years to bring and submit it to one thing, then another. The child ran to the shed and brought what would be needed. Father shouted his son next request. The son did not understand, asked again, then again and more. So without realizing that he was required of him, he shouted his father: "What are you yell like a fool, better to go down and tell me!" . Father really descended, but not then to repeat the request. (Emotional splash situation)
  4. Mom bought new cosmetics for gifts in the store, laid out the shopping on the shelf and warned the girls of the three and five years, which can not be touched. Returning after a while, she saw that the girls tried all cosmetics, spoiling packaging. It was impossible to give gifts. (Offense situation)
  5. My 4-year-old kid, like all the children, loves to play with his toys, but does not like to clean them. We have a certain agreement with him: if I wants to see the cartoons, you must first remove all the toys. Sometimes, without collecting toys, it turns on a favorite cassette with cartoons. (Situation of border checks)
  6. As a child, I spent a lot of time with my great-grandmother. She loved me very much, whorested me, we often laughed with each other, joked for each other. At some point I stopped perceiving it as a person who is much older than me, began to take her as a girlfriend. I was interested to know whether the grandmother could become a real girlfriend. I had not only a storytelling of secrets, but also a Panibrate attitude. Once I needed to call my grandmother, and I, thinking, shouted: "Hey, Babuska!" . (Adult check situation)
  7. The school will be held in the school drawings on the fairy tales of P. Bazhov. It is necessary to draw an illustration. Tanya draws well, but refuses to take part in the competition, motivating the refusal by what she does not want to do this. The teacher is trying to force Tanya to take part in the exhibition, emphasizing that the duty of the student is to take part in the life of the school. (Situation of pedagogical conflict)
  8. Reflection. Summing up the classes and the presentation of the memo for parents "Types of interaction situations with a child"
  9. Relaxation "Cleansing from alarms"

Observations and analysis of accumulated experience have shown that the problem of organizing cooperation between kindergarten and parents existed before the staff used by teachers, standard events in the form of parental meetings are ineffective. Since the selected forms of holding meetings do not give parents the opportunity to be active participants in the process. The content of the assembly includes the transfer of theoretical knowledge to parents and show practical exercises, the interaction is built mainly with those parents who take an active part in the upbringing and training of their children. In turn, not all families fully implement the entire complex of opportunities for a reasonable influence on the child. Causes Different: Some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, others do not understand why it is necessary.

In this regard, it became necessary to revise the forms of interaction between parents and kindergartens. The search for new forms of interaction has led me to such a form of organizing parent meetings as a game. Where parents could better understand and feel the behavior, feelings of their child. Understand his essence and reveal your child from all sides.

One of the interesting forms of working with parents, in my opinion, is "Is this my child?" . For this event, a huge preliminary work should be preceded:

  • talk to children and write on the video of their statements and stories about the family, about what they love to play, what they fear and that they love to eat in kindergarten;
  • draw drawings on the topic "My family";
  • crop the dancing of children in the costumes of fairy-tale heroes hidden behind the screen;
  • prepare a "fear room" with a Baba Yaga and toys;
  • organize parents to participate in the game.

I suggest you evaluate what happened.

Abstract of the parent meeting

Subject: "Is this my child?"

Participants: Parents and children of the middle group.

Form of: the game.


1. To summarize the presentation of parents about the individual characteristics of their children;

2. Develop a self-awareness of parents;

3. Develop a constructive representation of parents about children;

4. Provide the opportunity to parents to analyze the traits of their children;

5. To form the right attitude of parents to the individual characteristics of children;

6. Integ parents with the results obtained, make them think about;

7. Show parents the importance of joint games in the family for the development of the child.

Expected results:

1. introduced parents with the new form of the parental meeting;

2. summarized the idea of \u200b\u200bthe individual characteristics of their children;

3. continued to develop self-awareness of parents;

4. They continued to develop a constructive representation of parents about their children;

5. Provided the possibility of parents to analyze the features of the nature of children and form the right attitude between children and parents;

6. Interested parents with the results obtained.

Information and technical support:

  • Figures depicting people of children to decorate the hall;
  • Posters with the statements of children "What is a family?";
  • Video recording with the stories of children "Portrait of my family";
  • Video "Question-answer" video;
  • Video "Fabulous transformations" (dance behind the screen);
  • Video "fear room";
  • Drawings of children "My family."

Materials and equipment: Video projector, chips, material for awarding.



Hello, dear parents. Do you know your child? "Sure!" - Almost all parents will answer. As the Polish teacher Galina Phillipchuk said: "We know our children from the first days of their lives. These are we, parents feed them, wear, shift, bathe, put sleep, teach the first steps and pronounce the first words. These are we familiarize children with the world around the world, we console when they cry, to duty at their bed during illness. Could the child know better than his mother and father - the closest and relatives of him people, the most close and relatives of him, the most loving and dedicated? "

Many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. The smaller the child, the more we really know it. But by 6-7 years we notice that our judgments about him are becoming increasingly approximate. And perhaps, after 10-12 years, they will be found represented by his own child of an absolute stranger. Today I suggest you, for the best knowledge of my child, take part in the game "Is this my child?". You are waiting for an exciting competition, in which we learn how many parents know how to understand their children, and children passing tests will help their parents to earn the title of the best family. And I am pleased to represent families who agreed to participate in this event.

This is family… (Full name is listed)

Presentation of the jury.

Stage 1. "Portrait of my family"

Educator: I asked the guys in advance to tell about my family, I now read all the answers of children, without calling the child name. Your task is to determine in which of the options I talked about your family. For the correct answer you will earn the ball (chip). Then, the stories of children parents are browsed on the TV screen.

Stage 2. "Question answer"

Educator: I bring to your attention a few questions with answers. Your task guess your child's answer. For each correct answer, you get the ball.


What dish in kindergarten loves your child more?

What does your child like to do in kindergarten on the site during a walk?

What is your child most afraid?

What, according to your child, can upset mom?

3 stage. "Fabulous transformations."

Educator: Everyone knows that children love fairy tales and easily turn into the heroes of fairy tales. The task of parents, choose by the shadow of your child, from children dancing in costumes of fairy-tale heroes per wide. And show the number under which you think your child is dancing. Guessing get the ball. (view on tv)

4 stage. "Handwriting of the artist."

Educator: I asked the guys in advance to draw a drawing on the topic "My family." Your task to know the work of your child. Parents pass to the exhibition of drawings and if you guess your child's work. That receive the ball.

5 stage. "Room of fear".

Children enter the room in which you can take the toy you like, but you can only take it from the hands of Baba-Yaga. But he has a choice, he can take a smaller toy. It is in free access. The task of parents, to say how your child behaves. It is afraid or not a fabulous hero. And the correct answer, we will see on the TV screen. If your opinion coincides with the behavior of a child, you get a score.

So our game came to the end and while the jury summarizes the result. I invite everyone to a cheerful dance.

Summarizing. Defining the winner. Award. (Diploma of the participant or winner of the game "Is this my child?").

- I hope that my experience will facilitate the work of educators of kindergartens to prepare parental meetings, as well as will host them to creativity and search for new forms and ways to interact with parents.

Parent meeting on the topic:

"Middle preschool age - what?"

Purpose: introduce parents with the features of children's development of 4-5 years, with the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard; To introduce parents with the annual tasks of the Middle Group and on the organization of the educational process with children of this age group.

Preliminary work.

  1. Questioning of parents in order to identify the problems of education and the development of the child in the family.
  2. Preparation of memo "Commanded Effective Education".
  3. Preparation of the video "Educational Situation of Cognitive Development", "Primate Moments".
  4. Selection of music for maintaining the parent meeting.


Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We thank you that in such a cycle of affairs, work, employment you have found time and came to us to meet. We are glad to see you for our round table. .

Each parent is invited to say hello and introduce themselves.toy and told, whose mom, whose dad.

Positants begin: My name is Golovchenko Natalia Anatolyevna, I am an educator of your children, my name is Mirzaev early Ungrovna, I am an educator of your children.

Educator : Here we got acquainted closer. Today in our circle 17 moms, 3 dads, and 12 boys and in our group will go to our group.

Educator: I would like to start our performance with the fact that according to the Federal State Educational Standardfrom September 1, 2013 Pre-school education is a level of general education. FROM January 1, 2014 The Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-School Education (GEF BC) came into force.Now education in the Dow is considered not as a preliminary stage before learning at school, but as an independent important period in the life of a child.

The standard involves the implementation of the main educational program of pre-school education. And this year, our guys will receive education under the program developed on the basis of GEF.

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Socio-communicative development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

The education of children in kindergarten is carried out in all regime moments in the form of the game, and in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

Educator: Each child develops in different ways, each has its own way and the pace of development. But still there is something in common, which allows you to characterize children, their age characteristics. We will make a general age portrait of a child of 4-5 years, allocation of indicators of different parties to its development.

Children turned four years old. They switched to the middle group of kindergarten. You probably notices in their behavior and activity a number of new features manifested in physical, intellectual, social and emotional development. The physical capabilities of children have increased: their movements have become much more confident and diverse. The motor sphere of the child is characterized by positive changes in shallow and large motility. Decisions are developing, coordination of movements. At this age, children better hold equilibrium, step over small obstacles. Preschoolers are experiencing an acute need in motion. In case of restriction of active motor activity, they are rapidly overcited, become naughty, capricious. Therefore, it is especially important to establish a motor regime, fill the life of children with a variety of rolling games, game assignments, dance movements to music, djid games.

Educator : Children actively manifests the desire to communicate with peers. If a child of three years is quite satisfied by the "society" of dolls, then in 4-5 years he needs substantial contacts with peers. Children communicate about toys, joint games, aboutsoup x deeds. Their speech contacts become more efficient and effective. The educator uses this desire to establish friendly ties between children. We combine children in small subgroups based on common interests, mutual sympathies. We help our participation in games to understand how to agree, find the right toys, create a game setting.

New features appear in the communication of children 4-5 years old with adults. Preschoolers willingly cooperate in practical matters (joint games, labor orders, care of plants), but along with this, more and more actively strive for cognitive, intellectual communication.Because children at this age are interested in internal relations of phenomena, causal - investigative relations. Those. They often ask various kinds of questions: Why?, what's there inside? why the car moves? Why does snow fall from the sky? et al. If before the child attracted the appearance of objects, phenomena, without thinking - why it happens, then at this age - they are wondering why ... .. who need to always answer these questions, and the answers should be brief and simple . At the level of cognitive communication, children experience an acute need for a valid attitude from an adult .. It is noted that children who do not receive questions from adult answers to exciting questions begin to show the features of closetness, negativism, disobedience towards the elders. In other words, the unrealized need to communicate with adults leads to negative manifestations in the behavior of the child.

Educator: the child of the fifth year of life is characterized by high activity. This creates new opportunities for the development of independence in all spheres of his life. The development of independence in knowledge contributes to the development of children of a variety of surveillance actions, techniques of simplest analysis, comparisons, the ability to observe. The perception of children becomes more developed. They are capable of calling the shape on which one or another item is similar. Children are able to streamline groups of objects on the sensor sign - the size, color; Selects parameters such as height, length and width. Improved orientation in space.The child is able to analyze objects at the same time 2-3 signs: it can compare items in size, smell, taste and other properties, finding differences and similarities. We are specially saturated with children's life with problematic practical and cognitive situations in which children need to apply mastered techniques (determine, wet or dry sand, whether it is suitable for construction; select the lumps of such a width so that 2 or 3 cars, etc., is used simultaneously. ).

Educator: in children of 4-5 years, interest in the game is pronounced.This is the age of the first friends., which child acquires in the plot-role-playing game, because the plot - role-playing game becomes the leading form of gaming activities. They are in contrast to the kids play with 2- or more children (up to 5 people). And they are sparkling in sympathy games. The child in the game is the main director, and the chief executive. Playing, he learns to cooperate, resolve conflicts, trying to settle the misunderstanding and quarrels, learn to lose and win, obey the majority, to have their own opinion. Their continues to remain the main form of organizing their lives. During the day, children can participate in a variety of games - plot-role, directorial, mobile, imitation-theatrical, dance, musical, cognitive. Some of them are organized and purposefully used by us as a means of solving certain tasks. For example, games with finished content and rules are used to develop attention, memory, speeches, the ability to compare, act according to the elementary algorithm. By participating in the same game, an adult takes new roles every time, enters into different role-playing dialogues. Using your play role, he encourages children to work, to change the game environment (put an additional phone for negotiations, extinguish the place for another Cabinet of the doctor, to outline a new travel route). All types of educational situations pass either in the form of the game, or are composed of gaming techniques and actions. Due to the peculiarities of the visual-shaped thinking of the middle preschooler, preference is given to visual, game and practical methods, the words of the teacher are accompanied by a variety of clarity forms and the practical activities of children.

Educator : A remarkable feature of children is fantasy, they often confuse fiction and reality.It is at this age that children begin to unreasonably fantasize, telling incredible stories. Unfortunately, adults regard it as a lie, which is completely unfair and extremely disappointed for the child. At this age - you can fantasize. And the only correct reaction to similar "fantasy" is calm and interested attention. After all, the brightness of the fantasy expands the framework of the mental abilities of children and enriching children's playful experience: inventing in the game of fantastic images of animals, people, fabulous travels.

Educator: in children of this age, there is an awakening of interest in the rules of conduct, as evidenced by numerous complaints - the statements of children that someone makes something wrong or does not fulfill some requirement. The main thing for adult to try is to foresee the actions of children and orient them in advance for proper behavior. Therefore, among educational techniques, a large place belongs to personal example, as well as projective estimates - it is estimated for the estimated future the correct actions of the child. For example, noticing the attempt of the boy to come on with his car to the house built by girls, the teacher says: "What kind of Sasha we have a good chauffeur, he looks at the road carefully and never goes to anyone. He controls the machine well. " The boy, proud evaluation of the teacher, gladly drives, not a hoping of a house. Please note the child's vulnerability of 4-5 years - this is not a manifestation of his individuality, but a feature of age. Adults need to be very careful to his words, to the intonation of speech when contacting the child and evaluating its actions. First of all, emphasize the successes, achievements and targe positive actions.

Educator: Aesthetic feelings of children are actively developing. Try to draw the attention of children to the beauty of nature, the sound of music, a variety of visual funds. Children confidently hold a pencil in their hands, paint people, animals surrounding objects, are glad to be constructed, they are constructed.Significant development receives visual activities. The drawing becomes subject and detailed. The technical side of the visual activity is improved. Children can draw basic geometric shapes, learn to cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc. Complete design. Buildings may include 5 - 6 parts. Construction skills are formed by their own design, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

Educator: At this age, the pronunciation of sounds and diction is improved. It becomes the subject of children's activity. They successfully imitate the voices of animals, intonationally distinguish between these or other characters. Of interest causes the rhythmic structure of speech, rhymes.The dictionary is increasing, the task for an adult is more learning with the child poems: A.L. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshaka, to Chukovsky - game sounding poems, and works by N.Nosov, V. Sayeva and other authors - in an entertaining form, they teach kids not only to properly do, understand what is good, what is bad ! And the main thing is developing beautiful speech and speech turnover.But do not forget, memory basically remains involuntary, i.e. It is remembered only what it is interesting, bright, unusually.

Interacting, communicating with children, use several pedagogical positions: partnerships and cooperation ("We will do it together", "Let's find a general decision," "I also find interesting about it"), the position of the transfer of experience ("People usually do this" ), the position of appealing for help to children ("for some reason it does not work"). Such interaction of an adult helps children faster becoming independent and feel competent.

Watching children at this age, it can be noted that the guys pay attention to the behavior of adults, their interaction among themselves, evaluate useful things, draw conclusions, and most importantly - trying to take an example and repeat them.

enter yourself as you want to behave your child. We prepared memo for you

(Previously, issues were prepared in a written version on leaves, which indicate the skills and middle-aged skills. Everything is mixed in the basket. Each parent is invited to pull out 1 sheets with a question: read it out loud and answer, focusing on watching your own children).

Game "Phanti".

Questions for parents:

1. Is your child your favorite games in which he willingly play?

By the end of the year, preschoolers call their gaming actions, manifests independence in choosing toys. Initiative in the development of the game plot. Friendly in communicating with partners in the game.

2. Does your child independence in self-service (wash, dresses, eats)?

And by the end of the year the child is active in self-service. Independently performs the process of personal hygiene. It seeks to help adult in the organization of the process of nutrition in the regime moments.

3. Does your baby form, color, size size?

By the end of the year, many children know how to perform a touch analysis, highlighting not only the most pronounced, but also hidden in quality and properties. Transfers flowers, sizes, forms, proportions.

4. Does your child show speech activity in communication: He greets and says goodbye, thanks for the help?

At the end of the year, the child has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of culture of behavior. In the usual setting independently performs familiar communication rules with adults. Address you. We strive for positive forms of behavior.

5. Does your child have favorite books?

At the end of the year, most children willingly discuss the works, express their attitude towards events and heroes, respond to questions on the content. Have an idea of \u200b\u200bsome features of literary genres, like a mystery, fairy tale, story, poem.

  1. What pictorial materials (pencils, wax crayons, paints, markers)your child loves to draw

By the end of the year, you can observe how a child in the process of its own activity (drawing, modeling, applications) seeks to create expressive and interesting images. Owns individual technical and fine skills.

  1. Does your child know the content of the listened works on the illustrations and covers of familiar books?

By the end of the year, the child seeks a re-meeting with the work, his heroes. It shows interest in the books, knows how to understand the overall mood of the work, its emotional and semantic subtext.

8. Does the child know his family whether to tell about the professional activities of Pope and Mom?

By the end of the school year, the child is brightly expressed by cognitive interest in the work of adults in the family. May tell who people close to him work than they are busy at work. And willingly reflect the obtained views in plot games.

9. Does your child make elementary household orders?

By the end of the year, preschoolers are independent in self-service, they themselves put a goal, see the need to perform certain actions and achieve results. We strive for the fulfillment of labor duties, willingly be included in collaborative work with adults.

10. Does your child liefly liefly in Mueyk, remembers and recognizes familiar musical works?

By the end of the year, the child carefully listens to the musical work and delves into its content. Actively participates in conversations about music, defining its character.

After each statement of one parent about the skills of last year's children, the teacher commented on the tasks of learning children of the middle age.

During the event there is open communication between those present by the parents and teachers of the group. There is a comparative analysis of the success and achievements of the children of the younger group and the announcement of the further tasks of the upbringing and training of children for the new academic period of the middle age.

Educator : Thus, in this academic year we set the following tasks for yourself:

  1. educate the emotional and value attitude towards the world around; develop interest in the independent knowledge of the objects of the surrounding world;
  2. develop the ability to compare items, allocate their similarities and differences, group items on different grounds;
  3. bring up the culture of behavior and communication, develop positive self-esteem, self-confidence;
  4. to form the presentation of children about the main types and sources of dangers in everyday life, on the street, in nature; On the rules of safe road driving as a pedestrian and passenger of the vehicle;
  5. develop children's speech, enrich their dictionary, instill love for various literary genres;
  6. bring up literary and artistic taste; educate interest in theatrical activity;
  7. develop the artistic and aesthetic perception of children, develop ideas about the genre diversity of art;
  8. develop moral and patriotic qualities in children, bring up love for the native land.

Educator : All tasks will be solved in various forms of working with children. This is a game, observation, experimentation, conversation, solving problem situations, project activities, etc.

Educator : And now we suggest you to see one of the forms of organizing the educational situation on sensory and mathematical development.

View video.

Educator: In the course of this educational activity, we implemented the following tasks: to learn to compare items in shape, size, color; Improve the ability to distinguish and call the basic colors and their shades.

Educator : In the course of our discussion, we saw with you how much new it is difficult for us to learn to learn. The educational process takes place all day. Our children are formed, learn to be new on both educational activities and in regime moments, in communicating, in kindergarten, at home, on the road. Therefore, dear parents, we need your help and support. Every year, exhibitions on various topics are held in kindergarten, projects are being created. A huge request to help us and take part in all the events of kindergarten and group. After all, creating some crawler with the child, drawing a joint drawing, choosing a photo from the album, etc., you are thereby teaching a child to communicate, negotiate, take a general decision, find ways to solve problems, you come closer to the child and plunge into the world of the child .

Educator : A few days before the meeting, you were offered a questionnaire for filling. The purpose of this questionnaire was to obtain information on the interests of parents of their interaction with the child in the family. We wanted to find out how well you know the interests and preferences of your children and what role in your family is given joint activities with the child.

Analysis of the questionnaire.

Educator: In kindergarten every day, the guys draw, sing, believe, develop speech, read books. With the guys, you love to carry out joint experiences, experiments, create various theatrical places based on famous fairy tales. And it is very important that the child visiting the kindergarten every day. Much work is carried out in the afternoon, so children are interested in kindergarten, they will learn a lot of new things. So let's give them the opportunity to communicate more with peers and develop in kindergarten. The grid of educational activities and the day of the day we are presented on the stand in the locker room. There you can also find a number of tips, consultations, announcements about the upcoming events. Look at the stand, please contact questions. We will be happy to help.

Organizational matters:

1. Form for physical education, Czech;

2. Love for the group;


4. Commands;

5. That can take a child;

6. How many days without reference;

7.Rodya committee;

8. Powder stationery.

Attachment 1

Questionnaire for parents

Purpose: get information about the interests of parents, their interaction with the child in the family.

1. Does your child visit other additional educational institutions? ......................................... .................................................. ...............


2. Did the conditions for your home for traditional children's activities of the game, read, drawing, designing, reading, drawing, designing, reading, drawing, designing? .......................... .


3. Do you read the books to your child? What time do you do? ....................


4. Do you consider various phenomena and objects of nature with the child (flower, bird, clouds, rain, wind ...), do you discuss their conclusions? ............... .................................................. .................................................. ..

5. The most commonly likes to do your child? ........................................ ....


6. Does your child participate with you in household? What?


7. What are the main worries behind the child: health, mental development, moral education? ................................. .................


8. How do you solve conflicts, situations about the actions of your child? .................................... .................................................. ..............................


9. What requests do you usually add to you? .........................................


10. What wishes would you addressed the pedagogical team of the kindergarten? ...................................... .................................................. ...................


Thank you for your cooperation

Appendix 2.

Commandments of effective education

This is a special age,child development 4-5 years It becomes very fast and goes quite different ways than it was before. From the point of view of psychologists, this stage of development was marked by the rapid growth of imagination, conscience, communicative skills, as well as a rapid desire to know everything.

1. Develop child identity.

You can do it only for the first 5 years of life. Then you have only a year or so to instill an understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Please make a contribution to the psychology and child development of 4-5 years.

2. Be sequential.

Your "no" must be "no." Even in the presence of outsiders or when you have a good mood, do not change the rules of behavior for your baby. Otherwise, you risk remain under the influence of the child in the next 14 years. On the other hand, you should never punish a child as it humiliates it, especially in public places. Children need to know that you respect their dignity it helps to make a harmonious child development of 4-5 years.

3. Do not limit the child's imagination.

4-5 years old is one of the most active stages of the child's development - your child will invent new stories (sometimes very stupid), new games. Do not tell him that "This is a car, not a giraffe," if your child has its own point of view.

4. Laugh with children more often.

5. Teach them to be sociable.

4-5 years old kids should play With children of their age. Thus, they can study cooperation and, satisfy their thirst for the knowledge of new things. Children can also master well communicative skills with those who understand them very much - with their peers.

6. Do not force children to do anything more than 10-15 minutes.

Children of four years can not focus on any longer. So do not think that your little girl does not love you, just because she threw the sake of the cat amazing doll, which you just bought. This is just a stage in the development of children.

7. Reactor correctly on hysterics.

It can be very difficult, but keep in mind that children aged 2 and more all the time experimenting to see how far they can go beyond normal behavior. It has nothing to do with the real needs of kids. Just wait until the baby calms down, and then talk to him calmly and seriously.

There are many things that parents should do, but the main principle:enter yourself as you want to behave your child.As a rule, children follow the example of parents. Parent behavior determines the development of a child of 4-5 years.