Christmas carols for children. Short, long, funny, carols texts. Interesting Christmas carols - long and funny carols for children and adults

Christmas and the entire festive week for the Slavs is of great importance. Christmas traditions involve religious, family, fairground and mystical beliefs and rules. Today, most of the rituals and folk beliefs associated with Christmastide are a thing of the past. Here you will find carols for children and learn how to carol correctly.

The history of carols

Initially, the holiday with carols was timed to coincide with the winter solstice and was called Kolyada. Children can be introduced to ancient traditions using the ancient custom with carnival elements. On Christmastide, fairs, performances, dressing up in costumes with masks and singing of merry carols were held. Some of the customs have survived to this day.

The brightest traditions and folk beliefs in Russia concerning Christmastide are well represented in the work of Nikolai Gogol "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". In the evening and on the night before Christmas, it is customary to set a lenten dinner of 12 dishes on the table, to divine fortunes and go to neighbors' houses with merry carols. Our ancestors believed that on this day you can meet evil spirits.

It is not customary to sing carols on Christmas Day. The time for songs is the evening of January 6th (Holy Evening). Christmas carols can be long or short, with humor and good wishes. You can choose the lyrics for children and adults. It is customary for the whole family to visit Christmastide. Housewives prepare the best meals at home as a treat and honor family traditions.

Carols in Christianity

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated in different regions in their own way. Traditionally, carols were sung in large groups, going around all the houses. The owners of the house listened to carols and generously treated the guests.

The traditions of Christmas among the Slavs have absorbed part of the customs from pagan times. As a treat at home, they bake cookies in the form of animals and pies. In the old days, the bag of carols was replenished with bread, pies, homemade sausage, ham and other delicacies. Currently, carol songs are of most interest to children, who are happy to perform short songs for a sweet treat. It is appropriate to put candies, pies, waffles, tangerines, and oranges in the bag. Some people give money for the performance of a Christmas carol, this approach is inappropriate and does not correspond to the spirit of the holiday. It is better to buy several packages of different sweets and fruits in advance.

New year has come
Old hijacked,
He showed himself!
Get up people
Come out of the gate -
Meet the sun
Drive the frost away! Koleda - molida
White beard
Nose - with a bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - with sabers,
Legs - with a rake,
Come on New Year's Eve
To magnify the honest people!

Kolyada, kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire for an hour.
Crackling with frost,
With a thorny cold
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sledges
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is cheerful.

Oh, kolyada
I went to the kovalechka.
- Koval-kovalochek,
Give me a hatchet.
-What for little axes?
-Pine chop.
-What is a pine tree for?
-Pave the bridge.
-What is the bridge for?
-Frost to walk, -
New Year's Eve!

Tausen, Tausen,
We go to all!
Who will not give jelly -
I'll spray at the gate.
Who will not give a crumpet -
I am a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, Tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -
On a little pea
In the skull.

We sow, blow snow
On a silk rest.
Snow is spreading
A blizzard will break out!
Give you, master,
New year:
On the field - offspring,
On the threshing floor - it is hammered,
You will give us -
We will praise
But you won't give -
We will scold.

Kolyada, kolyada!
And there is a kolyada
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada came
Brought Christmas.

The carriage walks on holy evenings,
The carriage enters Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's be with Christmas carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get a penny!
Come, don't be shy
Now we will amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, kolyada,
Christmas Eve!
Auntie kind
Butter pie
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Yes, we will not stand!
The stove is heated,
I want a pie!

And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
His rye is thick,
Dinner's Rye!
He is like an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his rug,
Half-grain pie.
Would the Lord endow you
And live and be,
And wealth!

Give you, Lord,
On the field of nature
On the threshing floor it is hushed,
Kvashny gushchina,
Sporin's on the table
Sour cream is thicker
Milk cows!

Let the night sparkle with magic
A flock of snowflakes rushes upward.
Merry Christmas,
We wish you smiles, joy.
Stream of divine love
Let it flow with a wonderful light
And the Lord bless you
Health, happiness and success!

Christmas ... Waiting for a miracle
All-embracing, light love.
It's not hard to believe in a fairy tale this night,
Raise your gaze to heaven!
Let the Christmas star bright
Will light up your soul warmly
And a luxurious wonderful gift
God's peace and goodness will come to the house!

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and family at the festive table.
How you want the joy to last forever
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but it won't disappear with it
Beautiful kind light from our souls.
And let everyone in his heart believe -
God is love, and He is with us forever!

How to carol properly

If you decide to go caroling on Christmas time, you should take into account several important points. Caroling can only be done on January 6, it is unacceptable to do this on the day of the holiday. Traditionally, caroling is customary in the evening, but in some regions it is done as early as noon. In ancient times, only representatives of the stronger sex went to carol. Now boys and girls can sing carols together. Most often, children with great enthusiasm take part in a merry Christmas celebration. It is better to learn the lyrics of popular and new songs suitable for the occasion in advance.

Earlier in the group of caroling there was always a "bell ringer", a man with a bell, the ringing of which warned of the arrival of the group. This is not necessary now. You can inform people about the arrival of carols with a doorbell. The first to enter the house is the one who carries the star. Making it for children is quite simple at home. You will need a sheet of thick paper, foil, glue and a stick of sufficient length. The Christmas star is of great importance. She represents the star that gave the sign to the Magi that Christ was born.

With the help of this symbol and cheerful carols, people share their joy, welcoming the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Before you start singing, you should ask permission from the owners of the house. It is not accepted to refuse, and after receiving permission, you can start caroling. Christmas carols in Russian are performed by a chorus in several voices. It is customary to sing long songs, glorify the holiday and wish the owners of the house happiness and all kinds of blessings. For young children, short carols, text that can be easily and quickly memorized, come in handy.

Treats received from the owners for children and adults are put into one large bag or bag. The person who carries the bag - "mehonosha" must take good care of it and ensure the safety of the contents. The received sweets and other delicacies are divided equally among all group members after the end of the hike. Children prefer to eat sweets as soon as they come home.

How to find out your destiny

Christmas rituals and fortune-telling originate from pagan traditions. It is believed that it is on January 6 that a fragile connection with the other world appears and a person can find out his fate. Fortune-telling at Christmas will reveal secrets only to those who sincerely want an answer. For the mystical process to go smoothly, you should not joke about what is happening or say insults.

If the audience does not believe in fortune-telling, but only wants to have fun, the spirit world will not answer questions and may even harm.

The most common Christmas-time fortune-telling that can be done at home:

  • Fortune telling on the shoe. The simplest and most famous fortune-telling. Held by an unmarried girl in the house where she lives. You need to stand with your back to the fence and throw your shoe over it. A boot, boot or shoe will do. After that, you should go beyond the fence and see where the toe of the shoe points. It is from this side that the future husband will come.
  • Fortune telling on the rings. Four rings are placed in a suitable bowl: copper, silver, gold and with any natural stone. The rings are covered with grain or cereals, mixed. The girl takes a handful of the contents from the bowl, from which ring she got to judge the future marriage. Copper speaks of a poor husband, silver speaks of a good simple guy, gold promises marriage with a merchant, a ring with a stone portends a marriage with a boyar.
  • Fortune telling on leaflets. You will need a bowl of cereals and 4 identical paper sheets. On one sheet, you should write the name of your beloved, leave the rest blank. All leaves are mixed with cereals. Next, you should take the leaves from the cereal. If the name of her beloved appeared on the first selected piece of paper, then the girl can count on a marriage proposal in the near future. The name on the second piece of paper means relationship difficulties, on the third - deception on the part of a man. If the name appeared only on the last sheet of paper, this man is indifferent to the fortune-telling girl.

Family traditions and folk customs dedicated to the holiday of Christmas help in communication and create a festive atmosphere. This is a great chance for children to learn a lot about the history of their ancestors and take part in a fun walk with songs and congratulations.

We began to return to our origins. Increasingly, in Orthodox families, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has rightfully begun to take its traditional place. Our ancestors strictly followed the rules for celebrating the Nativity of Christ.

The hostesses beautifully laid the tables and prepared the best treats, did not forget about the poor, sick, needy people: they visited orphanages, orphanages, hospitals, prisons. In ancient times, on Christmastide, even kings disguised as commoners went to prisons and gave alms to prisoners.

On Christmas Eve, they began to decorate the trees, probably not everyone knows that the spruce is a symbol of eternal life, unfading.
After the solemn Christmas service, all Orthodox Christians began to congratulate each other on the holiday. In the afternoon we sat down at the table.

A special tradition of Christmastide in Russia was caroling, or glorification. In the villages and villages, on the streets, one could meet slaves. Young people and children dressed up, walked around the courtyards with a large home-made star, singing church chants - the troparion and kontakion of the holiday, as well as spiritual carols dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

This tradition is called Christmas carols. The caroling ended with general fun, roller coasters, and a general feast.

In the evening, the fun spilled out into the streets and continued for another twelve days - until the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. These twelve days were popularly called Christmastide. Holy days consecrated by the Nativity of Christ.

Carols (from the Latin "kalenda" - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans) is a ritual song with wishes for wealth, good health, and a good harvest. Christmas carols were performed, mainly on the night before Christmas. The owners brought out treats to the carollers, and they wished them every well-being.

The history of caroling in Russia

It was originally associated with pagan gods. Previously, they used to go caroling on the winter solstice. For the Slavs, this very day was the birth of the Divine - the Sun.

Carollers walked the streets, sang ritual songs and announced the birth of the Sun to everyone. Later, with the penetration of Christianity, caroling was timed to coincide with the Nativity of Christ. So, biblical motives appeared in carols, and people began to praise the birth of Christ.

Christmas carols text and carol songs for children and adults

Kolyada, kolyada

Open the gate

Get out the chests

Serve the patches.

At least chop

At least a penny

Let's not leave home like this!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

Christmas Eve!

Kolyada, kolyada,

Who will not give a pie

We are a cow by the horns

Who will not give crumpets

We are bumps on the forehead,

Who will not give a patch,

Tom's neck on the side.

The carol came

Christmas Eve,

Give a cow,

Oil head.

God forbid that

Who is in this house.

His rye is thick,

The rye is squeezed.

He is like an ear of octopus,

From the grain of his rug,

Half-grain - pie.

Would the Lord endow you

And living, and being,

And wealth.

And create for you, Lord, even better than that!

An angel came down to us from heaven,

And Jesus said was born.

We came to glorify him,

And congratulate you on the holiday.
We sow, we blow, we sing,

Merry Christmas!

Glorify Christ,

Give us some treats!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Epiphany

And in Jerusalem they rang early -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

We are to you, master, with good news -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

The Most Holy Virgin gave birth to a son -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

And to you the owner, three holidays to visit -
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

And that the first holiday is Holy Christmas,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

And what another holiday is Holy Baptism,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

And that the third holiday is Basil the Great,
Rejoice, oh, rejoice, earth!
Cheerful Son of God,
God ... was born.

* * *
The night is quiet, the night is holy
People sleep, the distance is clear;
Only in the cave does the candle burn;
The holy couple does not sleep there,
In the manger the Child sleeps, in the manger the Child sleeps.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
The height lit up
A bright angel flies from heaven,
He brings the message to the shepherds:
"Christ was born to you, Christ was born to you!"

The night is quiet, the night is holy
A star is burning in the sky;
The shepherds have been on the road for a long time,
In a hurry to come to Bethlehem:
There they will see Christ, there they will see Christ.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
All hearts are waiting for happiness.
God, let everyone come to Christ,
To find bright joy in Him.
Eternally glorify Christ, eternally glorify Christ!

* * *
In the land of Judea Bethlehem stands,
The star above the nativity scene shines low.
Heaven is shining, angels are singing

Shepherds guarded the flock on the field,
The Blessed Virgin was found in the cave.
And they came to the cave to give the flock food.
And they look into the nursery - there the Mother of God.

Little Baby in swaddling clothes
The Blessed Virgin has in her arms, -
She pressed him to her chest and feeds him
And tenderly caresses his Son.

O Lord God our Creator,
You bless us all every hour.
Heaven is shining, angels are singing
Glory is given to the eternal God.

* * *
Nativity of Christ - The angel has arrived.
He flew across the sky, sang songs to people:
- All people rejoice, this day rejoice -
Today is Christ's Christmas!

I am flying from God, I brought you joy,
That in the den of the poor Christ was born.
Hurry, hurry up, meet the baby

The shepherds from the East came before anyone else,
In the manger, on the straw, the Baby was found.
We stood, wept, glorified Christ
And His Holy Mother.

And the Magi, seeing a bright star,
They came to worship God and the King.
They bowed to God, gave gifts to the King:
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

And the rebellious Herod learned about Christ,
Kill all the infant warriors sent.
The babies were killed, the swords were dulled,
And Christ was in Egypt.

We have sinned a lot, Savior before You.
We are all sinful people, You are one Holy One.
Forgive our sins, give us forgiveness.
Today is Christ's Christmas!
Kolyada, kolyada!
And there is a kolyada
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada came
Brought Christmas.

Get ready, villagers,
Let's be with Christmas carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get a penny!
Come, don't be shy
Now we will amuse the people.
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

The carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give the pie
Tom is full of cattle shed,
Ovin with oats
A stallion with a tail!
Who will not give a pie
Tom's chicken leg
Pestle, and a shovel,
Humpback cow.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
There is light, beauty in the sky.
God's Son is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
In the Bethlehem Nativity scene lies.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep, Holy Child.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
And bright and clean.
The joyful Angels chorus glorifies,
Dividing the expanse far away
Over the asleep earth.
Over the asleep earth.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
We sing Christ.
And with a smile, the Baby looks,
His glance speaks of love
And shines with beauty.
And shines with beauty.

Today an Angel has come down to us
And he sang: "Christ was born!"
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We are going to the house,
We glorify Christ God.

This night is holy, this night of salvation
Announced to the whole world
The mystery of the Incarnation.

The shepherds did not sleep with the flock that night.
A bright angel flew to them
From the heavenly light distance.

Great fear gripped those children of the desert,
But he said to them: oh, do not be afraid -
There is joy to the whole world now.

Where Christ was born to people for salvation,
You go see
Great humility.

And from the heights of heaven suddenly a song was heard:
Glory, glory to God in the highest,
Goodwill on earth

Here is a spruce in the forest, as green
And how beautiful she is
But how beautiful she is
When the house is full of candles
She shines clearly.

One of the joyful nights
The Lord Jesus was born.
He is the One who redeemed the people,
After all, without Him in your darkness
This world is lost.

For all who believe in Christ,
And the light shines at night.
And this night is sacred to us,
May the joy of all be pure,
Jesus dwells here.

Let Him in, child, into your home:
He dwells in the heart,
He wants to arrange a garden in it,
Enrich him with fruit
Who lets him into the house.

Christmas Carols for Kids: Lyrics

You will give us -
we will praise,
but you will not give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Little boy
Sat on a sheaf
Plays a pipe
Kolyada amuses.
Avsen, avsen,
Tomorrow is a new day!
Don't stand at the gate
Tomorrow is New Year!

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer for you!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush living there.
Where is the goat's horn -
There is a haystack.

How many aspen trees,
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
There are so many sheep.
Happiness to you
host with hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, kolyada!

Give me a dumpling!
A spoonful of porridge
Sausages upstairs.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children!

The sparrow flies
Twirls its tail
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests,
Meet Christmas!

Today is a walk
fortune telling
Pancakes, pies, tea party,
And pranks and dates.
Winter hurries us - hurry up!
Hurry to see
Dress up and leave the houses,
Carol, dance, joke!

There is good fun:
Who will get the cock
On a high pole
Conquer the heights!
Who's in the bag without stopping
He will be able to skip deftly,
Who can break a pot -
Will not regret anything!
We are waiting for good fellows on the stage -
Amateur singers,
Balagurov and dancers,
Harmonists and reciters!

The carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Give a cow, an oil head,
And God forbid to the one who is in this house,
He has thick rye, dinner rye:
From an ear of octopus to him,
From the grain of his rug,
Half-grain - pie.
Would the Lord endow you
And life, and life, and wealth
And repay you, Lord,
Even better!

The carriage walks on holy evenings,
The carriage enters Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's be with Christmas carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get a penny!
Come, don't be shy
Now we will amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada is the largest pagan (later - Slavic) holiday of the winter solstice, which came to us practically unchanged. Later he was associated with the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Carols are celebrated on Christmas Day, January 6-7. Before the Old New Year, on January 13, young people go to give generosity. Sowing - they bring cereals to their homes as a symbol of prosperity on the morning of January 14th. In the old days, carols - the glorification of the owners of houses - were organized mainly by young guys and guys, although there were also quite adults among the carols. Gathered in groups, dressed in special costumes, with songs and poems called "carols", they walked from yard to yard. For their efforts and sincere wishes for good and profit, they were thanked with sweets and money. Today, not everyone knows how to carol correctly. , what words to say to kind people who opened the door, in what costumes it should be done.

What is the correct way to carol for Christmas on January 6 and 7 and how to give generosity on the Old New Year? Carol Songs and Generous Poems for Caroling

A carriage comes to us
On the eve of Christmas.
Asks, asks for a kolyada
At least a piece of the pie.

Who will give a cake to a carol,
There will be one in every way!
That cattle will be healthy
The barn will be full of cows

Who will squeeze his piece
The whole year will be lonely.
Will not find luck, happiness,
The year will be washed in bad weather.

Do not regret the pie
And not something you will create a favor!

Kalyadu in order
Who will give me the ruble everything
And it's not difficult for me to dance
For a ten in hand.

If there is a son in the house,
Give me the mistress / owner some cheese,
Since you have a daughter in the house,
I'll ask for a barrel of honey.

If there are more sweets,
I'll shelter myself in my pocket.
Well, mistress / owner, do not be shy!
Treat me quickly!

Caroling, caroling,
So I can smell the smells.
Don't forget to pour me
And then give me a bite!

Congratulations on the Christmas carol
And I wish the owners
To have prosperity in the house
And everything was smooth in the family!

Caroling, caroling
We wander from family to family
We will tell you rhymes,
Give us pies

Well, it would be better to have coins
We ourselves will buy sweets,
And also a handful of nuts,
And let's take a thimble of wine!

Open stranger
And give me a gold piece.
I'm carols
I sing without looking back
I can stay awake at night
And shout songs.
Think how sweet
Sleep without carols!

Give me a dumpling!
A spoonful of porridge
Sausages upstairs.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children!

The sparrow flies
Twirls its tail
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests,
Meet Christmas!

You, master, do not weary,

Give it as soon as possible!
And how is the current frost
Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time
Orders to submit soon:
Or pies from the oven,
Either a piglet of money,
Or a cabbage pot!
God bless you
Full yard of bellies!
And to the stable of horses,
In the calf shed,
To the hut of the guys
And bake kittens!

Who can carol and when?

According to an old established tradition, before Christmas, on January 6, children and adolescents go from house to house with songs and poems. It is not forbidden for adults, having changed into appropriate costumes for the Holy Evening and the Old New Year, to join the groups of congratulations. In the morning, January 7, they sing - birth. On the Old New Year, they generously (January 13) and sow (January 14). Generous and sowing can only be done by young men and boys.

How many carols should there be?

There must be at least three people caroling correctly. Moreover, the first of them, called a star, carries a star. This is the most responsible Christmas "job". The star must know as many verses as possible. The eight-pointed guiding star, according to legends that illuminate the road to the Magi, can be easily made from cardboard and foil. The next in the group is the ringer. His bell informs the owners - Kolyada has come! The mechonosha closes the procession: it is he who collects the generous offerings of the owners of the house - sweets and hard coins. You can walk in large groups - this is also correct. It is unacceptable just to recite poems and sing songs one by one: Christmas is a happy, merry holiday, and everyone needs to rejoice!

Rolled up young.
We found a carriage
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, uncle Ivan,
Take the good out into the yard!
It's like frost outside
Freezes the nose
Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time
Tells you to serve soon,
Or a lukewarm cake
Or a spear of money,
Or a ruble in silver!

What are Christmas carols and carols?

Carols are small old songs and poems that glorify the owners of the house. They are also read on Holy Evening, January 6th. Schedrovki - poems with wishes of goodness and prosperity to people, to whom the generous came before the Old New Year, January 13. Traditionally, only young people are generous. Sowed in the morning after the Old New Year on January 14 - this can only be done by boys and young men. They pour cereals on the doorsteps of houses and wish the owners money and prosperity. Previously, the owners' permission for sowing was not required - they were allowed on the doorstep of the house with joy. Today, for young people who come to a city apartment with cereals, it would be correct to ask permission for an old rite. The owners can ask the sowers to limit themselves to poetry and songs only.

Kalidym, Kalidym I am at my father's only,
Father sent me
So that I get some bread.
And I don't want bread, serve the sausage,
Don't give me the sausage, I'll blow the whole house.

How and when is it right to carol for Christmas, what to say to the owners of the houses. Video with Christmas carols

It is necessary to start caroling correctly on Christmas (Holy Evening) after sunset, but today it is allowed to walk with holiday songs earlier - in the afternoon. After knocking on the gate or door of the owner of the house (apartment), you need to ask for his permission to "poke around". After the consent of the person, those who come begin to recite poems and sing carols. They wish the owners of the house well, prosperity, prosperity. The songs say that the born Christ is generous and merciful to all. If the listeners like the wishes, they thank the welcome visitors also generously, from the bottom of their hearts. People are especially attentive and kind to little guests. In the video you will see how to communicate with the owners of the house, what to say when entering the house, how to say goodbye.

For hello, for a treat

You will live together for up to two hundred years!
I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

Would the Lord endow you
And live and be,
And wealth in everything
And God forbid you, gentlemen,
Health for many years!

What is the correct Christmas carol on the evening of January 6 and 7? Examples of Christmas poems and songs and videos with them

To carol for Christmas properly, you need to learn as many different old and modern carols as possible - Christmas poems and songs. Finding them is easy. Today such carols are even published in primary school textbooks. To memorize the melodies of the "correct" carols you liked, find a video with such songs on the Internet. We also invite you to memorize a few caroling and generous verses, the words of which are given below.

The carol came

Christmas Eve,

Give a cow,

Oil head.

God forbid that

Who is in this house.

His rye is thick,

The rye is squeezed.

He is like an ear of octopus,

From the grain of his rug,

Half-grain - pie.

Would the Lord endow you

And living, and being,

And wealth.

And create for you, Lord, even better than that!

An angel came down to us from heaven,

And Jesus said was born.

We came to glorify him,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Kolyada, kolyada

Open the gate

Get out the chests

Serve the patches.

At least chop

At least a penny

Let's not leave home like this!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

Christmas Eve!

In what costumes is it right to carol and generous for the Old New Year? Photo of Christmas costumes mummers

Today, at Christmas and Old New Year, both in villages and in cities, carollers continue to dress the way their ancestors did in pagan times. The villagers did not have to think for a long time: a doha worn with fur inside out, a huge mask of a goat or a ram, a bear's head - these are the costumes the owners saw on the carols. There was no need to be afraid of such outfits - the people who came to glorify the owners only wanted to appease Kolyada. Today, you can make such costumes yourself (buy masks) or simply sew Russian folk costumes.

Of course, you can carol in ordinary winter clothes, but how happy the owners of the house will be when they see the "correct" mummers on their doorstep on the evening of January 6!

Take some time and prepare for your Holy Evening performance ahead of time - learn carols, make costumes. You can also be generous in ordinary clothes, but if you still have homemade outfits from January 6-7, you can dress up in them again for the Old New Year!

We sow, we blow, we sing,

Merry Christmas!

Glorify Christ,

Give us some treats!

We are sure: after reading how to properly carol for Christmas and how to give , You will definitely use our advice. Now you know that you can go caroling - you can tell carols and sing songs only on the evening of January 6th. On January 7, visit your friends and neighbors and sing Christmas carols to them. On the evening of January 13, just before the Old New Year, knock on the gates of the houses and invite the owners to generously with them, wishing people prosperity from the bottom of their hearts. Remember: it is only right for young men and boys to generously and sow on the morning of January 14th. Follow folk traditions and enjoy them!

Zvezdar, mekhonosha, goat, bear, Herod, the three kings are perhaps the most striking and memorable characters of traditional Christmas holidays. In the old days, not a single celebration of Christmas could do without these mummers. Even today, companies of adults and children, going to carol on January 6 and 7, are happy to try on these colorful costumes. And they also definitely learn carols and generosity - funny songs that are an integral part of the ancient rite at Christmas and January 13 at the Old New Year. From our article today, you will learn how to properly carol and generous, what to say, as well as find the words of the most popular and beautiful songs and traditional poems.

How and when it is right to carol on January 6-7 for Christmas and Old New Year

It is no secret that for many decades, religious traditions in our country were banned. But, despite this, most of them, including the generosity with carols, have survived to this day in almost their original form. True, not all modern children and adults are well acquainted with them. For example, the question of how and when to carol and generos correctly - January 6-7 at Christmas or the Old New Year - remains one of the most relevant. In fact, in different regions of our country and neighboring countries, the time of day and night when carols and generosity are chanted can differ. This is due to local traditions and folk customs. However, the numbers and holidays when carols and generosity can be chanted are common to all. Therefore, so that the question of when and how to carol / generosity is correct - on Christmas (January 6-7) or on the Old New Year (January 13-14), you no longer have, remember:

  • January 6 - carols
  • January 7 - Christmas
  • January 13 - generous
  • January 14 - sow

When you can carol and give

In most regions, caroling, and not generous, begins on the evening of the 6th after the first star appears in the sky. The mummers go home, sing songs glorifying the birth of the Savior, and wish the owners well-being and prosperity. In return, the mummers receive sweet treats and monetary rewards for their songs. On the morning of January 7, girls and children are born - they sing ritual songs about the birth of Jesus Christ. Unlike carols, they do not dress up in costumes, except for folk, and not songs about Kolyada. On the night of the Old New Year, young guys and girls go to generous with songs. They also sing songs of well-being in the coming year (bounty) and receive treats for their efforts. And on the morning of January 14, it is customary not to generously, but to sow - go home and generously sprinkle the owners with grain and coins. This ceremony is accompanied by special verses and symbolizes prosperity and a rich harvest in the new year. Traditionally, men go to sow, as well as to give generosity, since it is believed that a man who first crossed the threshold of the master's house in the new year brings good luck. This is what the highlights look like on those holidays when you can be generous with poetry and songs.

What is the correct Christmas carol and what should be said?

The idea of ​​how to Christmas carol (generous) and what to say to the owners can vary greatly depending on the specific region and local customs. But there are a number of common traditions that characterize Christmas caroling / generosity outside of local custom. For example, carolers should go door-to-door in groups of at least 3 people. The most important carol player is the star star. Traditionally, the most vociferous member of the group, who knows carols, generosity and Christmas poems, is appointed as a star. Besides the fact that he plays the role of the main "lead singer", another honorable mission is entrusted to him - wearing a star. The star symbolizes the good sign of the birth of Jesus and heralds his appearance in this world. In addition to the star ringer, there must be a ringer and a mekhonosha among the carols. The first carries a large bell and thereby notifies the owners that mummers are approaching their yard. Mehonosha, in turn, carries a large beautiful bag for gifts - sweets and money, which people give to singers.

What should be said to carolers, what words and verses

Before proceeding with poems and songs, traditionally carollers must ask the owners of the house for permission to carol. In the old days, it was considered unacceptable to refuse mummers for Christmas, but today many can easily refuse carols. Therefore, asking permission first would be most correct with a simple phrase: “Good evening! Can I poke around? " After the approval of the owners, you can start caroling - singing songs and reading traditional short rhymes. At the end of the performance, the hosts present the singers with gifts, and they, in turn, thank the hosts for their generosity with good wishes for peace and prosperity. Now that you know how to carol for Christmas correctly and what to say (poems, songs), be sure to put your knowledge into practice on January 6th.

Kolyada, kolyada

Open the gate

Get out the chests

Serve the patches.

At least chop

At least a penny

Let's not leave home like this!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

On the eve of Christmas!

The sparrow flies

Twirls its tail

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests,

Meet Christmas!

For hello, for a treat


You will live together for up to two hundred years!

I wish you happiness and good health!

Merry Christmas,

Happy New Year!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!

Sons and daughters have come to you!

Meet the carolers

Greet us with a smile!


Rolled up young.

We found a carriage

In Ivan's yard!

Hey, uncle Ivan,

Take the good out into the yard!

It's like frost outside

Freezes the nose

Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time

Tells you to serve soon,

Or a lukewarm cake

Or a spear of money,

Or a ruble in silver!

Traditional songs and poems for those who are going to carol at Christmas

According to the tradition of Christmas carols, mainly children and young people gather with songs and poems. Adults can also accompany a group of carols and participate in the caroling process, such as portraying various characters. Depending on the region, the lyrics of Christmas songs and poems differ, but there are also traditional versions that are always relevant. These are the so-called folk poems and carols, in which there is a mention of Kolyada - the pagan goddess of fertility. Our ancestors dedicated their songs to her on the New Year's holiday. Later, this pagan holiday was combined with Christian Christmas, which led to the appearance of the so-called "church" carols - folk songs and verses about the birth of Jesus Christ. Next, you will find options for traditional songs and poems for those who are going to carol for Christmas 2017 and Old New Year. With their help, both children and adults will be able to carol.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

And there is Kolyada

On the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada has come

Brought Christmas.


Christmas Eve

Even a ruble, even a nickel -

We won't just leave!

Today an Angel has come down to us

And sang: "Christ was born!"

We have come to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,

All sins are forgiven us,

We carry good news to you,

We will not leave without gifts!


Good with honey pancakes,

And without honey it is not like that,

Give, aunt (or uncle) pies!

Merry Christmas holy you people!

Peace be with you, let it be

So that you do not know grief

And stayed in wealth!

Kolyada - molada

I entered the new gate!

And behind her and frost

Through tyn has outgrown!

He brought the cold

So that grandfather Arkhip

Got young!

The frost is not great

He won't let you stand!

The frost does not tell me to stand

It's time for us to carol.


Give me a carriage soon!

The legs are chilly

I'll run home.

Who will give

He is a prince

Who will not give -

Togo in the dirt!

Kalidym, Kalidym I am at my father's only,

Father sent me

So that I get some bread.

And I don't want bread, serve the sausage,

Don't give me the sausage, I'll blow the whole house.

Kolyadin, kolyadin,

I'm alone with my mother,

Knee-deep shroud

Give me a pie, uncle!

Open the chest

Give me a piglet!

What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

Here is mother - winter has come,

Open the gate!

Christmas time has come!

Christmas carols have come!

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.

God grant to the one who is in this house.

We wish all people good:

Gold, silver,

Lush pies

Soft pancakes

Good health,

Cow butter.

How many aspen trees,

So many pigs for you;

How many trees

So many cows;

How many candles

There are so many sheep.

Happiness to you

The owner with the hostess,

Great health,

Happy New Year,

With all the family!

Kolyada, kolyada!

The carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Who will give the pie

Tom is full of cattle shed,

Ovin with oats

A stallion with a tail.

You will give us -

We will praise

But you won't give -

We will reproach!

Kolyada, kolyada!

Serve the pie!

How to Carol for Christmas Correctly - Options for Traditional Costumes

To carol at Christmas correctly, you need not only to know songs and poems, but also be sure to dress in traditional costumes for this rite, the options of which are quite many. What is noteworthy is that most of the costumes for carols do not require special material costs and are very easy to manufacture. However, like the characters themselves, in which, by tradition, adults and children are reincarnated on January 6 and 7 for Christmas and Old New Year. The most popular among them are the following images: goat, bear, gypsy, angel, horse, devil. The most relevant and simplest options for costumes can also be called masks - homemade or purchased, symbolizing different characters and animals. For example, it is very easy to make a goat costume from a dark sheepskin coat and a horned mask. A memorable and simple image of a gypsy is also easy to embody with a long skirt, bright jewelry and a colorful scarf. Believe me, caroling and generous in this way will be very fun and right. Learn more about how to carol correctly, what you need to say at the same time, which costumes are better to choose from the video below.

The bluish dawn turns white. The snowy lace of trees is light as air. The church rumble is floating, and in this frosty hum the sun rises like a ball. It is fiery, thick, more than usual: the sun at Christmas. Floats by fire behind the garden. The garden is in deep snow, brightens, turns blue. Here, it ran along the tops; the frost turned pink; the check marks turned pink black, woke up; pinkish dust splashed, the birches turned gilded, and fiery golden spots fell on the white snow. Here it is, the morning of the Holiday - Christmas. In childhood, this was - and remained.

Ivan Shmelev. "Summer of the Lord"

Today is Christmas Eve.

Let's remember our traditions?

Did you go to Christmas carols? I - no, but lately children have come to our house, sang Christmas carols, and my soul has somehow become more joyful.

What is a Christmas carol?

Now there will be some smart words.

Carols are a Christmas ritual song and poems, an ancient Slavic analogue of Western Christmas carols.

Our ancestors sang carols on the main winter holiday, and in these songs they glorified the birth of God, wished each other well and prosperity.

People of all ages go to carols - from young to old.

Still, children and adolescents were the first to spread the news of the Birth of Christ.

They visited everyone in a large crowd - both poor houses and the courtyards of rich people.

Children's songs about Christmas gave joy, light, hope, they make the soul feel better and hope for a brighter future appears. As many centuries ago, it is believed today that the more children bring the good news into the house at Christmas, the more joy, light and kindness there will be in it throughout the year.

And what Christmas songs do you know, apart from the now familiar American "Jingle Bells" or the Soviet "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"?

I will help you.

Quite, very soon the carol will come.

And suddenly you (or your kids) will need it.

Russian carol
The carol came
Christmas Eve,
Give a cow,
Oil head.
God forbid that
Who is in this house.
His rye is thick,
The rye is squeezed.
He is like an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his rug,
Half-grain - pie.
Would the Lord endow you
And living, and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better!

Sparrow flies
The sparrow flies
Twirls its tail
And you people know
Power the tables
Receive guests,
Meet Christmas!

And here's a Christmas music for you.

There is everything here: from folk carols to classical music and contemporary musicians.

"Quiet night"
One of the most popular Christmas songs around the world was written in 1818 by the Austrian priest Josef More.

And here is what kind of pre-Christmas performance the members of the male choir of the Theological Academy staged at Pulkovo airport a year ago.

The most famous carol in the world (and very, very beautiful) - Shchedryk.

This Ukrainian Christmas folk song has gained worldwide popularity in the musical arrangement of Nikolai Leonidovich.

For the first time the song was performed by the choir of Kiev University in 1916.

In English, the song is known as " Carol of the bells". It is very popular and is often used in motion pictures. For example, she can be heard in "Harry Potter"

More modern Christmas songs

Aquarium " Christmas song”(Lyrics by A. Fet)

Sweating " Everybody is a little magician at Christmas”(Art. I. Brodsky)