Do-it-yourself fleece hat for girls. Funny fleece hats. Lining connection

2014-10-25 Maria Novikova

Do you want a nice hat? How to quickly sew a hat for yourself and your child? This master class with a pattern will tell and show you step by step how to sew a beautiful hat with your own hands. As a result, you will receive not only a few beautiful and original knitted hats, but also pleasure from the process. You will also learn how to make a hat pattern yourself, sew knitwear on a regular machine, develop imagination and much more.

Choosing a hat model

Here are some models of fashionable hats:

If you don't know how to choose a hat, then take a look.

And we will sew, like this:

You will need: knitted fabric, necessarily well stretchable, since the hat should fit snugly on the head.

Fabric consumption: width 1.5 m. length 0.30 m.

The hat consists of: main part and lining (from the same fabric)

Open knit hats

In this workshop, I'll show you how to sew a two-layer knitted hat.

How to sew a knitted hat pattern:

Dimensional signs of the cap: head circumference 52.0 cm. - 4 cm.(this value may vary, depending on the density of the fabric) = the volume of the cap around the head 48.0 cm.

48.0 / 2 = 24.0 cm(cap width according to the scheme). The magnitude 24.0 cm. can vary individually for everyone.

To find out your size, take a measuring tape and measure around your head. The resulting value will be the girth of the head.

Seam allowances:

  • top cut = 1.0 cm.
  • bottom cut = 1.0 cm.
  • middle cut = 1.0 cm.
  • by wedges = 0.7 cm.

You will need: tailor's scissors, safety pins, one spool of thread in the fabric color, knitting machine needle № 70-75 , hand needle, ruler, tape measure, sharpened chalk or soap.

Preparing the fabric for cutting

Check the fabric for defects and textile defects, if any, circle around with a chalk line and take into account when cutting.

We define front, seamy side

Decatting: check the fabric for shrinkage by ironing the fabric from the wrong side with a steam iron.

How to cut the hat correctly

Cut out the main part

Since jersey is knitted, not woven, it has its own thread direction. How to determine this? Find the cross thread on the fabric sections and pull on it. If the loops begin to unravel, as on things knitted, then this will be the top of your future hat, let's call it - top cut , and where the loops do not open - bottom cut.

We cut the details of the caps according to the scheme.

We place the fabric on a flat surface with the wrong side down, with the lower cut towards us and bend the fabric from the left side to (24.0 cm + 1.0 cm.) = 25.0 cm. right sides inward, this will be the main part of the hat.

1.0 cm.

Then we divide the top cut of the cap into 4 equal parts: 24.0 / 4 = 6.0 cm.

Then on each segment 6.0 cm. find the midpoints of the segments 6.0 / 2 = 3.0 cm.

6.0 cm. below the top of the cap. We decorate with arched lines, as shown in the figure and mark the allowances 0.7 cm.

After the construction of the hat on the fabric is built, we check all the dimensions again. Then we cut out the main part of the cap with tailor's scissors. If the fabric slips or slips, then to do this, you need to chop the part with safety pins so that the pins do not get under the blade of the scissors.

Open the cap lining: we place the fabric in the same way as when cutting the main part.

On the right side, fold the fabric over (24.0 cm + 1.0 cm) = 25.0 cm. facing inward

We set aside the allowance from the upper cut 1.0 cm.

Then we divide the upper cut of the lining of the cap and divide it into 2 equal parts: 24.0 / 2 = 12.0 cm.

On these segments we find the midpoints (12,0/2 ) = 6.0 cm.

We connect the midpoints of the segments with the lower points that are on 8.0 cm... below from the upper cut of the cap lining. We decorate with arched lines, outline allowances 0.7 cm., as it shown on the picture:

We check all sizes and cut out the lining of the cap, taking into account all the allowances.

Sewing hats

We select threads in the color of the hat fabric

Stitching details

We begin to grind the wedges along the upper cut of the cap, from the beginning on the main part

And then on the lining of the cap

We grind the wedges one by one in a circle

At the end, we grind the middle seam on the main part of the cap, and then on the lining of the cap. Pins off the middle seam with pins:

Sew the middle seam, from the beginning on the main part, then on the lining. If the seams slide off when sewing, they can be swept away with temporary hand stitches.

Lining connection

Thus, we have two finished parts of the cap, the main part and the lining.

Now they need to be connected together. To do this, turn the main part of the cap to the wrong side, and leave the lining on the front side. Next, we put the lining in the main part with the front sides inward, we combine the middle seams of the main part and the lining. Align the bottom cuts of the parts, pin them around the entire circumference.

Sew on a sewing machine (allowance width 0.7-1.0 cm.) with a light, zigzag stitching, this is necessary so that the stitch does not burst when worn.

After all the seams have been processed, remove all the pins and turn the cap onto the front side.

To do this, in the middle of the middle seam of the lining, we unpick the seam with a distance 8.0 cm.

and through the resulting hole, turn the entire hat onto the front side.

Then we fix the spaced seam gap with manual blind stitches.

Presentation of the cap

Sewing a hat with your own hands is not at all difficult, such a simple model can be sewn from various fabrics and wear a new one every day.

There are several options for how you can decorate your hat with various interesting applications to make it unique.

What kind of hat to sew for a child

With a bunny:

With a bunny and flowers:

With a girl and flowers:

With cherries:

With red cherries:

With a bouquet of flowers:

With branded logo:

DIY hats for girls

To do this, you need to cut out the details for the applique from the fabric. You can think of any drawing you like, I decided to make a carrot with bunny ears, so that the ears move away from the cap. The effect is as if a hare hid behind a carrot.

When the details are ready, they need to be stitched in a zigzag along the office so that the ears fall into the seam.

On the finished carrot, you can make lines in a small zigzag. Then iron the applique carefully with an iron. To prevent the jersey from stretching when stitching, you can glue non-woven fabric (adhesive non-woven material) on the wrong side to the place of application.

Then we grind all the seams and hem the bottom. The hat is ready!

Now we take a large clamping needle and embroider the eyes with black yarn. Sew on a button for the nose, smoothening openwork fabric.

Such a cute hat can be worn complete with do-it-yourself children's things. Watch my master classes: and a flat cap in a masculine manner? How to sew a hat with your own hands so that everything works out correctly and neatly? No need to rack your brains anymore, buy fabric and start sewing according to these instructions. And everything will definitely work out!

I wish you creative success!

To better assimilate the material, watch the video:

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Best regards, Maria Novikova

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Right now, make an order for a personal pattern or consultation on tailoring and cutting of clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and your own image.

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I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

If you like to sew hats of unusual and original models, then you will definitely like the shape of the helmet. from fleece of this configuration is not very difficult, a person with any level of experience can sew on it. Using the ready-made template, you can easily create your design for a woman's or children's model with additional decor.

Children's options

The most important advantage of this headgear shape is convenience and comfort during wearing. The child is reliably protected from cold and wind. The pattern of a fleece hat for a baby can consist of only two parts: a side element, which is made in duplicate, and a back part. The edging of the face is made in the form of a hem, but you can also use a separately cut strip. If you create some kind of original model, you will need additional details in the form of ears, an eyelet, etc. It is easier, of course, to use a ready-made pattern, but you can build everything according to a sample or instructions yourself according to your size.

Women's options

The pattern of a fleece hat will differ from a child's only in size. The principle of construction and sewing is the same. In addition, age-appropriate decor is used in the adult version. Convenience and comfort of this wardrobe item are equally inherent in any size.

A spectacular item can be obtained by combining leather and fur. A beautiful and unusual combination is easy to create using fleece of different shades, similar or contrasting. For this it makes sense to take a sample with a lot of detail.

Materials and tools

To get a neat pattern of fleece baby hat, you need the following:

  1. Thin paper (preferably millimeter paper).
  2. Pencil.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Measurements taken.

In this case, you will be working completely independently. If you are good at a computer, you can create a pattern in a specialized program. A very simple option is to take a ready-made template, print it in the desired size and cut out the details from paper.

Baby hat

Fleece is very good in that it does not require processing of edges, and, accordingly, it is easy to cut and sew. The pattern of a children's fleece hat can be made according to the pattern below. It is also suitable for other materials, for example, knitwear, from which it is good to make an "inner helmet", which is worn under the main hat. If you use a stretchy material, then the side part of the cap, of which there should be two, can be cut out as a single one so as not to make unnecessary fasteners on the neck.

As for the fleece, you need to cut the extreme right part in one copy, and the other two - in pairs, although a narrow strip of the edging of the face can be made of a single, but longer length. When you sew the side elements with the center one, it is good to decorate the hat with additional details that need to be sewn into the seam. The ears of various animals are usually performed in this way, so that the hat resembles the head of a particular animal. Such a detail is easy to make simply in the form of a triangle. Accordingly, to make a pair of ears, you will need to cut out four parts of the same color or two different ones, for example, from dark brown fleece for the outside of the ear and from light or pale pink for the inside. For the convenience of further work, you can perform workpieces already taking into account the seam allowances.

Women's fleece hat: pattern

You can sew a headdress of this type in other ways. The meaning and shape of the header remain the same, the combination of elements changes. In this case, the upper part is formed from details that resemble petals. There are four or six of them. Ears are formed separately, and a wide edging is sewn around the head. The ears are easy to perform and in one piece with him.

(pattern from the illustration above) can also be decorated with additional details at your discretion. It is easy to sew ears into the seams between the petals, as in the next photo. Ties made of the same material or a beautiful decorative button will look beautiful.

How from fleece (pattern and instructions)

If you have never sewed or created patterns yourself, use the simplest idea from this section. Here, both the bezel and the details resembling petals are cut out in one piece, so fewer seams will need to be made. The ears are easy to make using the pattern from the previous section.

This will create a quick and easy fleece hat. A pattern using an easy method is made as follows:

  1. Take a piece of tissue paper that is the same length as the circumference of your head and the width of your hat, plus take into account the fold if you plan to make it large.
  2. Fold the sheet of paper "accordion" in such a way that you end up with the required number of layers, depending on the number of "petals" of the top of the headdress you have chosen. The example shows a variant with four elements.
  3. On the first layer to you, draw a symmetrical detail of the "petal", or rather, its upper part.
  4. Cut out an outline and lay the sheet in front of you.

The pattern for a simple hat is ready. For the helmet, also make ears.

Sewing such a hat is also quite simple. You need to do the following:

  1. Cut out all the elements of the hat from the fleece.
  2. Sew the petals together (only the tops, as in the last version, or as a whole, as in the previous case).
  3. Hem in the hem.
  4. Sew the ears and stitch them to the headband.
  5. Sew a clasp on the ears (sew on a button, Velcro) or make ties from the same fabric.

If you decide to sew a model with additional decor (animal ears, horns, etc.), do not forget to make them and sew them into the appropriate seam before stitching the details of the "petals".

The model for the first pattern is even easier to perform. When you have prepared all the details of the fleece hat, all you need to do is sew two seams connecting the middle piece with the side parts, sew on the edging of the face and complete the fastener.

As you can see, the pattern of a fleece hat is easy to build. If you don't feel like wasting time on preparatory work, take a ready-made template. If you show a little imagination, you can make different original models for one blank. It is easy to sew from fleece on any workpiece.

What should be a hat for a baby?

Of course, soft, warm and comfortable. It is even better if, in addition to all of the above, the children's hat is fashionable, bright and unlike the others.
And where can I get such a hat?
I suggest you sew a funny and bright baby fleece hat with your own hands.

Why is it better to sew a fleece hat?
Fleece- it is lightweight, soft, pleasant to the touch, anti-allergenic material, synthetic "wool" made of polyester. Fleece Products made from this fabric are lightweight, durable and perfectly keep warm, thanks to the large amount of air contained in the so-called "air chambers". We can say that the fleece is specially designed for babies. Fleece does not absorb moisture, but conducts it well. Children do not sweat in clothes made of this fabric, since the fleece "breathes" and retains warmth perfectly.

The fabric is perfectly washable and remains soft after repeated washes. In addition to all of the above, fleece is sold in a very diverse range of colors, and most importantly, it is a pleasure to sew from fleece. The edges of the fabric do not need additional processing, the fabric does not fray and is easy to cut.

To sew a baby hat, we first need to measure the circumference of the baby's head.
How to do this is shown in the photo on the right.
We grasp the head with a centimeter so that the centimeter tape passes through the forehead and back of the head - this will head circumference.
Then we measure the distance from ear to ear through the crown - this will be cap depth.
For a simple hat, these measurements will be enough.

1. Fleece hat - in 15 minutes

The simplest hats can be sewn in just 15 minutes.

You will need a piece of fleece with a width of:
1. Option- cap depth + lapel width +2 allowances (2 cm)
Option 2- cap depth + lapel width + width per bubo + 2 allowances (2 cm)

Fleece hat pattern

Cut out and sew a side seam. Then we turn away 5-7 cm to the wrong side and sew to the edge. It remains to collect the top of the cap. In the first version, we collect the fabric and sew it by hand. You can additionally wrap the button with a piece of fabric and sew on top.
You can also just grind the upper cut from the wrong side. You will get something like a hat "Cockerel". The corners can be left or hidden inside.

In the second version, we collect the fabric and tie it with a ribbon (ribbon, string), as if we are making a ponytail. It can be cut into strips of 1.5 - 2 cm. You will get a real bubo.
If you wish, you can decorate the hat with a fashionable thermal sticker.

2. Original fleece hats with ears

For fans of original ideas, I propose to sew a funny and bright baby hat from fleece.

Original fleece hats with ears

You can sew several of these hats and change them at least every day.
See the pattern for a hat with ears below.

In the video from Angel Nickman, you can see all the details of how you can quickly sew such an original fleece hat for your baby.

3. Fleece hat - Kitty

Another very simple option for a fleece hat.
Cut out 2 pieces here (remember to add seam allowances). Stitch them, and then arrange the lapel. It needs to be folded to the wrong side and sewn to the edge.

The cap can be beautifully stitched, sewn on an applique or branded label.

mk from its author

For cold weather, the cap should be warmer and cover the baby's ears well. Therefore, for late autumn, it is better to sew a double hat with lowered ears.

The photo shows how to build a pattern for a hat. This hat is suitable for a girl of any age.
Cut out 2 pieces. Keep in mind that the inner part of the cap should be 1 cm less in circumference of the head than the outer part.
Sew the side seams of each piece. Fold them face-to-face and sew to the hem along the bottom edge. If you want to make a hat with ties, then baste them to the ears in advance. Now turn the hat inside out, strip off the bottom edge a little and carefully stitch it from the front side. It remains to tie and arrange the bubo.
This double fleece hat will protect your child well in bad weather.

5. Fleece hat (for everyone)

If you do not need a large bubo, then the double cap can be sewn differently, where the bottom of the cap is cut out according to the shape of the head.

There are 2 sewing options here:
Option 1- make the hat completely two-layer.
To do this, you need to cut out two solid parts (do not forget that the inner part of the cap should be 1 cm less in volume than the outer one).
Sew all upper wedges on each part.
Then put one piece in another with the front sides to each other and stitch along the bottom edge of the cap, leaving a distance of 7-8 cm on the back of the head without a line, so that you can turn the cap over your face.
Don't forget the strings. The strings must be swept over the ears in advance so that they are inside the parts during stitching.
It remains to unscrew the cap and manually sew the remaining 7-8 cm of the seam on the back of the head.

Option 2- make only the lower part of the cap two-layer, and leave the bottom single-layer.
You can use 2 colors
To do this, the pattern must be cut into 2 parts - the upper and lower (red line in the photo).

Next, cut out 2 parts (with a fold) of the lower part (inner and outer) and 1 part of the upper part (4 wedges).
Sew the bottom details of the cap along the bottom edge, not forgetting the ties.
Stitch the wedges with a seam that runs from ear to ear. Sew the entire piece with wedges to the outer bottom of the cap.
Now you need to sew a side (seam on the back of the head) seam, which will connect the wedges of the bottom along the cap and 2 parts of the bottom of the cap (inner and outer).
It remains to turn the inner part of the cap inside the cap and beautifully and neatly sew the edge of the inner lower part of the cap to the seam between the lower and upper part.
Can be sewn by hand or stitched on a typewriter.

0.5 of the head width is divided into 4 parts. Three points are obtained. The depth of the cap is measured from the first and third points - these will be points A and B.

Which hat to choose for your baby? Of course, soft, warm and comfortable. It is even better if, in addition to all of the above, the children's hat is fashionable, bright and unlike the others. And where can I get such a hat? We invite you to sew a funny and bright baby fleece hat with your own hands. After all, fleece meets all our requirements in the best way. It is lightweight, soft, pleasant to the touch, anti-allergenic material, synthetic "wool" made of polyester. Fleece does not absorb moisture, but it allows it to pass through well. Children do not sweat in clothes made of this fabric, fleece "breathes" and keeps warm well.

Based on just one pattern, you can come up with and sew many different children's fleece hats, both for boys and girls.

Fleece baby hat ideas

Let's look at how to sew a baby fleece hat

For our baby hat you will need:

  • Hat pattern;
  • Fleece gray;
  • Fleece pink;
  • Fleece in blue or light blue;
  • Threads in black, gray, pink and blue.

Cutting from gray and black fleece, we get two parts, a gray upper part of the cap, and a black inner part.

Sew the front seam on the gray part

Now we draw on paper and cut on the fabric the details of the "muzzle" of the bear. The ears will be pink in front and gray in the back. Therefore, we cut two pink and two gray ears.

We take a pink oval and a blue nose, pin them together and sew

Sew on the resulting detail on the top of the cap

Sew on the eyes

Then we start creating the Bear's ears. To do this, we take the gray part and put it on the pink one, sew

We turn out the resulting eyelet, grind it by 0.5 centimeters. It turned out two such ears

Sew the back seam from above by 5 centimeters, insert the ears into the upper seam, pin them so that they do not run away and sew the seam

Sew a pink patch near the right ear, make decorative black seams. Sew up the back seam. The top of the hat is ready. It remains to make the inner and the strings. We take the black detail of the cap, sew the front and back seams, and then the top. Now we cut rectangles measuring 20 * 3 centimeters.

Fold them in half, sew and turn them inside out. We got strings. Sew the black and gray part together, not forgetting to insert the ties and leave a small slot for turning. Sewed, turned out, sewn up the opening. It turned out to be a hat.

Older children or teenagers will like this hat very much. I saw this hat with ears on the Etsy website.

Unfortunately, I did not find patterns for this hats, but there is a diagram. If you wish, you can carefully examine the hats and repeat. Please note that the ears on the cap are one-piece with the back of the cap, and are not sewn in, as in the example above.

How to sew a fleece baby hat

As a basis for a hat with ears, you can take the pattern of such a hat.

What should be a hat for a baby?
Of course, soft, warm and comfortable. It is even better if, in addition to all of the above, the children's hat is fashionable, bright and unlike the others.
And where can I get such a hat?
I suggest you sew a funny and bright baby fleece hat with your own hands.

Why is it better to sew a fleece hat?
Fleece- it is lightweight, soft, pleasant to the touch, anti-allergenic material, synthetic "wool" made of polyester. Fleece Products made from this fabric are lightweight, durable and perfectly keep warm, thanks to the large amount of air contained in the so-called "air chambers". We can say that the fleece is specially designed for babies. Fleece does not absorb moisture, but conducts it well. Children do not sweat in clothes made of this fabric, since the fleece "breathes" and retains warmth perfectly.

The fabric is perfectly washable and remains soft after repeated washes. In addition to all of the above, fleece is sold in a very diverse range of colors, and most importantly, it is a pleasure to sew from fleece. The edges of the fabric do not need additional processing, the fabric does not fray and is easy to cut.

To sew a baby hat, we first need to measure the circumference of the baby's head.
How to do this is shown in the photo on the right.
We grasp the head with a centimeter so that the centimeter tape passes through the forehead and back of the head - this will head circumference.
Then we measure the distance from ear to ear through the crown - this will be cap depth.
For a simple hat, these measurements will be enough.

1. Fleece hat - in 15 minutes

The simplest hats can be sewn in just 15 minutes.

You will need a piece of fleece with a width of:
1. Option- cap depth + lapel width +2 allowances (2 cm)
Option 2- cap depth + lapel width + width per bubo + 2 allowances (2 cm)

Fleece hat pattern

Cut out and sew a side seam. Then we turn away 5-7 cm to the wrong side and sew to the edge. It remains to collect the top of the cap. In the first version, we collect the fabric and sew it by hand. You can additionally wrap the button with a piece of fabric and sew on top.
You can also just grind the upper cut from the wrong side. You will get something like a hat "Cockerel". The corners can be left or hidden inside.

In the second version, we collect the fabric and tie it with a ribbon (ribbon, string), as if we are making a ponytail. It can be cut into strips of 1.5 - 2 cm. You will get a real bubo.
If you wish, you can decorate the hat with a fashionable thermal sticker.

2. Original fleece hats with ears

For fans of original ideas, I propose to sew a funny and bright baby hat from fleece.

Original fleece hats with ears

You can sew several of these hats and change them at least every day.
A pattern for a hat with ears is

In the video from Angel Nickman, you can see all the details of how you can quickly sew such an original fleece hat for your baby.

How to sew a fleece baby hat with ears

3. Fleece hat - Kitty

Another very simple option for a fleece hat.
Cut out 2 pieces here (remember to add seam allowances). Stitch them, and then arrange the lapel. It needs to be folded to the wrong side and sewn to the edge.

The cap can be beautifully stitched, sewn on an applique or branded label.

For cold weather, the cap should be warmer and cover the baby's ears well. Therefore, for late autumn, it is better to sew a double hat with lowered ears.

The photo shows how to build a pattern for a hat. This hat is suitable for a girl of any age.
Cut out 2 pieces. Keep in mind that the inner part of the cap should be 1 cm less in circumference of the head than the outer part.
Sew the side seams of each piece. Fold them face-to-face and sew to the hem along the bottom edge. If you want to make a hat with ties, then baste them to the ears in advance. Now turn the hat inside out, strip off the bottom edge a little and carefully stitch it from the front side. It remains to tie and arrange the bubo.
This double fleece hat will protect your child well in bad weather.

5. Fleece hat (for everyone)

If you do not need a large bubo, then the double cap can be sewn differently, where the bottom of the cap is cut out according to the shape of the head.

There are 2 sewing options here:
Option 1- make the hat completely two-layer.
To do this, you need to cut out two solid parts (do not forget that the inner part of the cap should be 1 cm less in volume than the outer one).
Sew all upper wedges on each part.
Then put one piece in another with the front sides to each other and stitch along the bottom edge of the cap, leaving a distance of 7-8 cm on the back of the head without a line, so that you can turn the cap over your face.
Don't forget the strings. The strings must be swept over the ears in advance so that they are inside the parts during stitching.
It remains to unscrew the cap and manually sew the remaining 7-8 cm of the seam on the back of the head.

Option 2
- make only the lower part of the cap two-layer, and leave the bottom single-layer.
You can use 2 colors
To do this, the pattern must be cut into 2 parts - the upper and lower (red line in the photo).

Next, cut out 2 parts (with a fold) of the lower part (inner and outer) and 1 part of the upper part (4 wedges).
Sew the bottom details of the cap along the bottom edge, not forgetting the ties.
Stitch the wedges with a seam that runs from ear to ear. Sew the entire piece with wedges to the outer bottom of the cap.
Now you need to sew a side (seam on the back of the head) seam, which will connect the wedges of the bottom along the cap and 2 parts of the bottom of the cap (inner and outer).