Weak streak on a pregnancy test - what does it mean? A weak streak is an indicator of pregnancy

Almost all women sooner or later resort to using pregnancy tests, regardless of whether they planned a pregnancy or not. Now, with the help of pregnancy tests, a woman can independently determine whether there is a pregnancy and, of course, you always want to know about the presence of pregnancy as early as possible. Expecting the bright two stripes, women often or not at all notice the faint second stripes on the pregnancy test or do not understand what this means. Although the manufacturers assure that even the weakest second strip means one thing - pregnancy - many women develop panic about this. It makes sense to worry if you saw a weak second strip on a pregnancy test, whether it is pregnancy and why it happens - we will try to tell you in detail about this and not only in our article.

What a very weak grayish second strip on the test says (photo)

With the development of technology and the availability of pregnancy tests among women, real hysteria develops in this regard. Having done, the woman begins to look at it under all possible light sources, to study its result and after 2.3 to 10 minutes and even after a longer time after carrying out her "manipulations". And it is often in such cases that women see barely noticeable, as a rule, grayish second stripes, which, of course, simply cannot be seen with the naked eye, but their desire to see these stripes sometimes draws these stripes where they are not. They take pictures of the tests, darken them in a special editor and ... see the "ghost" of the desired or so unwanted second strip. Most often, such suspicious women look at a pregnancy test ... just a reagent.

The pregnancy test contains on its surface 2 fields for "strips", this is a reagent. There is a test strip - in this place the reagent reacts to a small content of hCG in the urine, even in a deeply non-pregnant woman, it is needed so that you, when using the test, see that it is working properly. But the second strip reacts only to an increased content of hCG in the urine, which, as a rule, indicates pregnancy. Only a pinkish second strip can speak of pregnancy. So why do women sometimes see the reagent? This happens for various reasons:

  • Desire to see the second strip. A woman is examining the test, almost through a magnifying glass against the background of a lamp, etc .;
  • Poor quality reagent. This is seen with some pregnancy test firms;
  • Incorrect use of the test.

Take another look at your weak second strip - are you sure it's not a reagent? Then let's understand further.

What the very weak pinkish second strip on the test says (photo)

The appearance of a faint pinkish strip on a pregnancy test usually means one thing - pregnancy ... It can be the same as in the photo, or even weaker.

Of course, seeing this, the question often arises - why is she so weak? And is this normal? What does it mean?

A weak second line on the test may appear for the following reasons:

Short pregnancy ... HCG in a woman's body is still produced in small quantities. Such a strip, during pregnancy, can be seen either before the delay or even several days after the expected onset of menstruation. This is completely normal.

Sometimes it depends on the firm of the pregnancy test ... Different manufacturers of pregnancy tests have different results. Therefore, if a weak second strip appears on the pregnancy test, it is recommended to repeat the test, only from another company.

Inappropriate use of a pregnancy test ... It is best to do a pregnancy test already having a delay of at least one day and perform an analysis for morning urine, it is in it that the content of the hCG hormone is highest.

Failed pregnancy test ... Yes, that happens too. Improper storage or other factors may well affect the test result. The test may show a false positive result. Therefore, it is always important to duplicate the result obtained with another test, preferably from another company.

What to do if the second dough strip is weak

The first thing you need to do is do not panic ... Congratulations, most likely the pregnancy has happened! All you need to do is be patient and wait. Do a pregnancy test for morning urine every two days and you will see how your baby begins to appear with a more and more bright strip on the test.

Please note that some women never see bright, identical stripes on the test and perfectly carry and give birth to absolutely healthy babies.

If the strip does not become bright and even begins to fade, then of course, for your peace of mind and health, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

You can donate blood for the content of hCG in the blood, this test is much more indicative. You can also follow the reading. To do this, you need to donate blood every 2-3 days and watch how its value increases.

What to do if the dough line becomes fainter

If at first the second strip on the test became weaker than it was on the test in previous days, then this is not a reason for panic.

Common causes of a slack in the second strip on a pregnancy test include:

  • Various firms of pregnancy tests;
  • Tests with different sensitivity;
  • Errors in the test;
  • Different test times. In the morning, the second strip will be brighter on the test than on the same day in the afternoon;
  • For a period of more than 8-10 weeks, tests may not show the second strip on the test at all, since the hCG values ​​are too high.

Of course, a weakening of the second strip on a pregnancy test can mean a decrease in hormone production, and this, of course, can also be a sign of a frozen pregnancy. If you have such doubts or concerns, consult a doctor, but remember that, according to statistics, this scenario is quite rare.

Can a weak second strip on the test speak of an ectopic pregnancy

You can often hear that a weak second strip on the test is a clear sign of an ectopic pregnancy. But in practice, an ectopic pregnancy can be determined only after visiting a doctor. Therefore, do not think too much, do not harass yourself, and if you have concerns or a history of ectopic pregnancy, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Even if they are all equally sensitive and of high quality, they are all performed according to the same principle: a special reagent reacts to urine, in which the hormone gonadotropin is present. This hormone indicates that a woman has had a pregnancy. Each test has a test zone and a control zone, in which there are two strips: the first is a control one, the manifestation of which indicates the information content and suitability of this test. A second strip appears only if the pregnancy hormone is present in the urine - it is she who is covered with a special reagent that immediately reacts to the hormone.

All tests with instructions. They indicate the time when the test result can be determined, as a rule, it is no more than ten minutes. After the time has expired, the test result is no longer informative. It is at this time that, for example, a dull second strip may appear, which does not indicate pregnancy.

Also, the appearance of a gray or white second strip should not be regarded as a positive result - it is called a drying strip. A similar situation can arise if a large amount of liquid gets on the test.

It should be noted that the manifestation of two clear stripes should be taken as a positive result. They should not be blurred and of the same size, which are undoubtedly located in the test and control zones and are equal in intensity, brightness and color. It may be that a pregnancy test done very early may show the presence of hCG in the urine, but due to the low level, the reagent is poorly expressed. However, without retesting, there is no need to hope so. In all instructions before the tests, they write that even a poorly expressed second strip is regarded as a positive result. But practice shows that this is not always the case. If the second line is very blurry and pale, this indicates that the test is unusable or you did not test according to the rules. In addition, false positive results can be with the development of pathologies of pregnancy, in the presence of tumors, after abortion, in case of impaired renal function.

In general, the fuzzy second line should be regarded as a false result and to confirm your guesses, carry out a few more tests. However, do not forget that tests do not show a positive result until after your period is delayed, although there may be exceptions.

The faint streak is said to be talking about - however, it is not. It is very likely that pregnancy develops with some kind of abnormality. As a rule, all tests determine the absence or presence of pregnancy in general, but where it develops can be established only with the help of an ultrasound scan.

Today, if a girl suspects pregnancy, she can easily check her guesses at home using a pharmacy test. It is clear that two distinct lines indicate the presence of an interesting position, but how to evaluate the results if a weak strip appeared on the pregnancy test. The test may be defective or expired, how should such results be interpreted?

An important day in the life of a young family

In fact, the device for determining pregnancy is an indicator that reacts to the presence of gonadotropic chorionic hormone in the urine, which is characteristic of pregnancy. This substance is produced by the fetal membranes from the first day after implantation, already in a week it accumulates in the body in the amount to which the test strip reacts.

  • There are several types of pregnancy tests, but the principle of action is the same for them.
  • Regular strip strips are considered the most affordable.
  • There are also tablet and inkjet test systems, electronic devices for detecting conception.
  • The most accurate and reliable are inkjet diagnostic systems. They are easy to use and do not require a separate set of urine, the test is simply placed under the stream, and then the test results are read.
  • On all tests, there is a special indicator, which, upon contact with urine, in the presence of chorionic gonadotropic hormone in it, appears as a bright strip, which means that the patient has become pregnant.
  • HCG values ​​double every 48 hours, starting from the day of implantation. Therefore, by the time a delay is detected, a certain level of this hormone accumulates in the blood, to which the test indicator reacts.
  • If the hCG content is low, then only one control strip appears on the strip test, but when its level rises to 15-25 mIU / ml, then the second one appears, the test strip.

Sometimes such testing shows a weak strip, which girls sometimes perceive as a strip test malfunction. But there is a perfectly understandable explanation for this.

The truthfulness of the results

Morning is the best time to check

Sometimes test systems give erroneous results, which depends on compliance with the storage conditions and terms, the rules for conducting the study, etc. It is better to give preference to tests from reputable manufacturers, rather than suspiciously cheap strip strips. The second strip on a pregnancy test may turn out to be weak precisely if the instructions are not followed. The most informative is the first morning urine, which must be collected in a sterile dish or simply put the device under the urine stream.

Tests with a high threshold of sensitivity determine the interesting position most reliably. These include products under the brand name Frautest, Home Test Express, BB, etc. You need to look for sensitivity values ​​of 10-15 mIU / ml on the packaging. It is these tests that will be the most sensitive, they will be able to detect hCG even before the delay and will not show a weak second strip. In terms of convenience, express inkjet systems are considered the simplest. Such tests are highly accurate, and the likelihood of an unreliable result is practically absent.

What a faint streak might look like

It makes no sense to conduct testing a couple of days after intimacy, because it will take at least 5-7 days for the egg to implant, and then it still takes time for the hCG to reach its normal level. With a premature examination, it may turn out that a second white or very weak stripe will appear. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct such studies after a delay.

Each pregnancy test has two sectors - indicator and control. When the required volume of urine enters the control sector, a reaction occurs and a bright line appears. This is a confirmation that the test is working and of high quality, and the research is proceeding correctly. The indicator sector performs the main function - it determines the absence or presence of an interesting situation.

If there is no pregnancy, then only one strip appears, but if the girl will soon be a mother, then 2 strip appears, which should normally be as clear as the control one. If the second strip is light or vague, then it cannot be regarded as a sign of conception. Retesting will be required in a couple of days. A barely noticeable second strip of a grayish tint indicates an incorrect reaction of the device to the urine being examined, therefore such a test is faulty and cannot be used for research.

Is there a pregnancy - how to understand

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Usually, the first suspicions of conception arise in girls after a delay. And if conception is not the first, then the patient may even earlier suspect impending motherhood. Home express systems are intended to clarify the situation. The use of such a pregnancy test usually does not cause any difficulties, because it is simple and understandable for any girl. But within five minutes after the girl took the test, she will receive an exact answer regarding her position. But if a pale streak appears on a pregnancy test, then the girl faces difficulties in accurately assessing the result.

The results of the study are influenced by a lot of factors, so you need to try to exclude them in order to understand exactly whether there is a pregnancy or not. If the second strip is barely visible on the pregnancy test, then it cannot be considered a positive or negative result. The instructions clearly state that the line should be clear and contrasting. In other cases, the express test should be considered invalid and of poor quality, and the diagnosis itself is unreliable. If, during a pregnancy test, a weak second strip manifests itself, then this may indicate a too small content of hCG, violation of the rules for conducting the study, etc.

What a weak streak can mean

The appearance of a fuzzy strip on a pregnancy test can be caused by various factors:

  1. Poor quality product. If the test system has an expired expiration date or was originally manufactured with a defect, then a pale second strip is quite possible.
  2. The diagnosis was made too early. It is clearly stated in the annotation for each test that it is recommended to conduct the study no earlier than after a delay has been detected. It is on these days of the cycle that gonadotropic chorionic hormone will be released in sufficient quantity to be detected. Hypersensitive test systems are able to recognize the presence of hCG as early as a week and a half after fertilization, but the pregnancy test will show a pale streak.
  3. The implantation was unsuccessful. The strip does not appear in full force if the ovum is not sufficiently attached to the endometrial layer, or it has been completely rejected. In such conditions, the hCG content will be too low for a given gestation period. Therefore, a fuzzy second stripe appears, it is pale and, as it were, smeared. If gestation is interrupted, then repeated diagnostics will give a negative result.
  4. Incorrect interpretation of results. Sometimes girls literally rave about the idea of ​​getting pregnant and manage to look out for two strips in an absolutely negative test. Indeed, upon closer examination of the indicator sector, you can see a weak strip on the pregnancy test, it is hardly distinguishable, but still visible. This situation does not at all mean the presence of pregnancy, but only indicates the place of the probable manifestation of the second strip.
  5. Hormone-producing tumor formations. These can be benign or oncological tumors of the ovaries or uterine body, liver and other organs that produce female sex hormones, which leads to the appearance of two stripes on the express test.
  6. Late maturation of the egg. If the ovulatory period falls at a later time, and not in the middle of the cycle, then the hCG level will also accumulate longer, and during testing, two lines will appear, only the second strip is pale.

Other reasons

Any question will be answered by the attending gynecologist

Ectopic pregnancy. If the girl has a clear delay, and on the test the control strip appears brighter than the indicator one, then there is every reason to suspect the patient has an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous, therefore it needs compulsory treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization. With such a procedure, a girl is usually prescribed drugs of hormonal origin, which are quite capable of affecting the test results, and in the first gestational weeks on a positive test, one strip will be weak, which is quite normal.

Frozen pregnancy. With such a pathology, a characteristic drop in the level of hCG occurs, which appears on the test as a dull line. If, when tested at weekly intervals, the second line remains the same weak, then the suspicion of fetal freezing is confirmed.

In any case, if the express test showed two lines, one of which is dimmer and more smeared than the other, then such a result should be regarded as false, and after 2-3 days, retest.

The second band appeared during menstruation

There are times when the girl was already delighted with two lines on the express test, she began to make grandiose plans for the baby, and then her period begins. Such clinical cases require compulsory medical participation. Most often, this picture is observed when the ovum is rejected, which had an anomaly or deformity of a genetic nature. Moreover, the girl herself may not even guess about such processes, thinking that just the next menstruation has begun, especially if she is not obsessed with pregnancy and does not use express tests every cycle.

Although sometimes the appearance of a second cloudy strip signals the development of any pathology or complications of pregnancy. For example, this is likely with the detachment of the ovum or the threat of interruption, ectopic conception, etc. All these pathological conditions are accompanied by a characteristic decrease in hCG, which is why the second line on the express test is much weaker.

In addition, hormonal disruptions, a one-time fertilization of two female germ cells, or a lack of progesterone hormone can act as the cause of menstruation with a positive pregnancy test result. Progesterone ensures the preservation of the pregnant state, and if it is produced in insufficient quantities, then spotting may appear. Especially often they occur on those days of the cycle, when the girl should have had her period before conception.

What to do with a weak and fuzzy line on the test

If testing gave a positive result with a weakly expressed second stripe, then you should not consider it as confirmation of pregnancy. The most accurate result regarding pregnancy can only be given by a doctor, because when using home express systems, there is always a risk of receiving erroneous, inaccurate data, although manufacturers assure that their products are 100 percent accurate. Therefore, when a second blurry and dull strip appears, it is imperative to be examined by a gynecologist. Usually, to clarify the pathological picture, the doctor prescribes certain diagnostic procedures.

  • Retesting the test. After the first test, it is recommended to undergo home diagnostics again after a few days (3-4).
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. It allows you to detect the ovum inside the uterine body through a transvaginal examination. This is possible as early as 6 days of delay. If an ultrasound scan is performed through the abdominal wall, then conception can be detected only at 7-8 weeks of gestation.
  • Blood test for chorionic gonadotropin. In the blood, this hormone is detected much earlier than in urine, so a blood test helps to confirm conception at the earliest possible date.
  • Gynecological examination on the chair. With this examination, the doctor will be able to confirm pregnancy from the 4-week period.

If the fact of conception is not confirmed, then the girl will be referred to specialists of a different profile.

How to do a test to avoid mistakes

In order not to face such a problem as the appearance of a second dull strip on the test, girls are advised to follow the instructions for conducting the study. Firstly, testing must be carried out with the morning, the very first portion of urine, because it is in it that the maximum concentration of hCG is observed. Such a test will be the most informative and reliable. If there is a need to conduct a study at a different time of the day, then you should at least not drink a lot of fluids so as not to dilute the urine.

Use the freshly collected urine for research. It is impossible to freeze or simply cool urine before diagnosis. Dip the strip strip strictly to the level indicated on it, keep the test in urine for no more than 20 seconds, and evaluate the results 5-10 minutes after the study. For collection of biomaterial, it is necessary to use sterile containers. The test result should be considered positive only when two clear and bright stripes appear.

Many girls probably wondered if the pregnancy test could be reused. Absolutely not. The indicator field of the tests used has already reacted with urine, so a repeated study will not cause any reaction. And if the tests used show the presence of pregnancy, then such results cannot be considered reliable. Better to use a new test.


Weak or pale second line on a pregnancy test: what does it mean. Reviews are pregnant or not.

More recently, our grandmothers and even mothers determined the onset of pregnancy by a number of indirect signs: pulls for sweet or salty, the mood “jumps”, the next menstruation is delayed. Now it is much easier to find out about your "interesting" situation, it is enough to buy a test at the pharmacy.

Modern medicine already offers women digital pregnancy tests, but they are quite expensive, so not everyone can buy them. Much more familiar are paper strips of dough with a reagent applied to them. They are inexpensive, easy to use, but if electronic tests show the onset of pregnancy with sufficient accuracy, then their paper counterparts often give an unclear result, when the second strip is barely noticeable.

What the test responds to

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. In the body, global restructuring begins, aimed at preserving the life of the unborn child, bearing the fetus. In the body of the expectant mother, the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) rises. If before pregnancy its rate was 5 mU per ml, then in the first two to three weeks of pregnancy the indicator increases several times and can reach a value of 305-1050 mU per ml.

The dough has 2 strips. One of them - the control one - should appear immediately, which will indicate that the test is suitable for use, the second - the test one - reacts to an increased level of the hCG hormone, does not appear immediately and most often indicates the presence of pregnancy. The second strip may appear over time (more precisely, this is written in the instructions for a particular test). What is the barely noticeable second stripe talking about?

Why is the second stripe barely noticeable

Most often, a barely noticeable second strip on the test indicates pregnancy, but:

  • the test was done too early. The level of the hormone is not yet high enough, so the reagent is weakly manifested on the strip, it does not become brighter. If you do the test again after 1-2 weeks, the situation will change.
  • the test was of poor quality, passed its expiration date. Before using the test, you need to read the instructions on the package, compare the expiration dates, you do not need to use it after the expiration date. Some manufacturers save on the quality of materials, apply little reagent, so as a result - a pale second strip on the test in the presence of pregnancy. If in doubt about the manufacturer, buy a test from another company.
  • the fetus does not develop. The test may show a weak second strip in the event of pregnancy fading. The fetus stops growing, but the hCG level is still high enough and the test reacts to it.
  • ectopic pregnancy. To confirm or exclude the diagnosis, you need to be examined by a doctor.
  • the research was wrong. Before a pregnancy test, doctors do not recommend taking diuretics and foods, since their use reduces the concentration of the hormone in the urine. The same result can be due to increased kidney function.

The second strip on the test may be barely visible even when there is no pregnancy.

  1. Weak, barely noticeable staining of the test strip may indicate late ovulation.
  2. The test was done immediately after the termination of the pregnancy (abortion) or miscarriage. The test can react to the hormonal background that has not yet recovered.
  3. An increase in hormone levels can also cause the presence of malignant neoplasms (tumors).

As you can see, there are a lot of cases when a second pale streak appears on the test, which means that in order to clarify the diagnosis, you need to be examined at the clinic, to be tested. Here are some stories of women who were in a similar situation.

For many women, the days leading up to their period are the most exciting days. Therefore, even before the expected delay, they go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. This is the most effective way to determine your “interesting position” at home. However, this diagnosis has some nuances. If the second strip on the test is pale, the woman is at a loss: does this mean pregnancy or is it not?

Let's figure out why such a phenomenon occurs and how to react to it.

Pharmacies sell all kinds of home pregnancy tests. They differ in the way the research is carried out. To use each of them, it is necessary to study the features of their application.

Among the pregnancy tests are:

  1. Test strips. They are the cheapest means of detecting pregnancy. To use them, you need to take a container into which a portion of urine is collected. After opening the package, the test is lowered into the container to the drawn border for no more than 5 seconds. After that, the test must be placed on a horizontal surface. You can evaluate the result after 5 minutes.
  2. Tablet tests... Their principle of operation is similar to that of a test strip. Only in this case, the test is not lowered into the container, but a drop of urine is applied to its surface using a special pipette. After the substance is distributed over the surface, the result is shown in the second window of the tablet.
  3. Inkjet tests... In the course of their implementation, the strip is placed under the stream for a few seconds. After the distribution of the substance, the result is displayed in a special window.
  4. Electronic tests... They are the most expensive and reliable means of determining pregnancy. Electronic tests work on the inkjet principle. In this case, the main difference is the speed at which the result appears. Some types of tests even determine the expected gestational age.

All tests are designed to detect the pregnancy hormone in a woman's urine. A special reagent is applied to the surface of the dough, which is colored when a sufficient concentration of the hormone in the body is reached.

The hCG level depends on the duration of pregnancy, increasing after the onset of fertilization. Every two days, the hCG levels double. The hormone enters the woman's body as a result of its production in the shell of the embryo-chorion. The first "doses" can be found within a week after fertilization.

In the presence of a hormone in a woman's body, instead of the standard one strip, a second colored line appears.

At the same time, some factors can affect the reliability of the result:

  • storage and transportation conditions of the dough;
  • shelf life;
  • research methodology;
  • the presence of diseases in the female body.

In order to get a reliable result and not see a missing or a second pale strip on the test, it is worth finding out some of the reasons for the manifestation of an ambiguous reaction.

Pale streak on the test if you are not pregnant

Sometimes a woman may see a pale streak on the test. In this situation, there may be several options for the development of events. An important condition for assessing the result is the correctness of the testing procedure.

Test manufacturers attach detailed instructions to the product. It indicates for how long it is necessary to lower the test strip into the container, how long the test needs to be kept under the stream of urine, and also after how long it is necessary to evaluate the result.

Sometimes, even with the right application, a woman can find an ambiguous result. This can occur as a result of uneven soaking of the surface of the dough with urine. Distribution most often occurs with inaccuracies on the test strips. In this case, you must repeat the procedure using the plate test.

The second common reason for questionable results is early use of the test. Manufacturers recommend carrying out the diagnostic procedure no earlier than on the first day after the onset of the delay in menstruation.

Some tests indicate that they can be carried out even before the first day of the delay. Usually these tests are sensitive. However, they can also give or false negative results. In this case, the second stripe may not appear at all or have a faint, blurry outline. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the test at the onset of the delay.

Manufacturers note that the second strip should be the same as the control one: even, bright, and have clear edges. It should be the same length and width as the first strip. Only in this case is the test positive.

However, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy after a laboratory analysis has been carried out to determine the hCG hormone in the blood. It is carried out at intervals of 2-3 days to assess the growth of indicators.

A pale second strip on the test may appear after the due date for assessing the result. Sometimes women check a drawing on a test half an hour after the study. In this case, this result cannot be considered positive: this is how the residues of the reagent may appear.

Sometimes this result can be obtained from a test carried out after fertility therapy. During treatment, a woman takes drugs that contain a small dose of the hormone hCG (Pregnili, Profazi). In this case, it may not be excreted from the body for some time.

A positive test with a pale second stripe may indicate the presence of certain diseases in a woman's body. Often, cells similar to the hormone produced by the chorion of the ovum are formed when a cyst is present. After examination, doctors can diagnose chorionepithelioma of the uterus, cystic moles.

When pregnancy is possible with such a test reaction

A second, faint streak may appear immediately during the test. In this case, pregnancy can be suspected. However, an accurate assessment can be made only after an examination in a medical institution, so that disappointment does not occur in the event of a false positive result.

The second pale strip on the test may indicate a low content of the hCG hormone in the woman's urine. This result can occur for several reasons:

  1. If the gestation period is very short, and there is still no delay, then the strip may have a pale color.
  2. When using means to remove excess fluid from the body (diuretics), urine is diluted. Also, a low concentration of the hormone can occur due to the use of foods that affect the urinary function, and with increased kidney function.
  3. A weak second strip may indicate abnormalities in the development of pregnancy.
  4. In the case of a frozen pregnancy, the test may show a weak second strip.
  5. In an ectopic pregnancy, the test response can be mixed.
  6. If the test is carried out in the period after the abortion procedure (abortion, miscarriage, curettage), then the test may be positive. In this case, the presence of the hCG hormone is due to its incomplete elimination after a recent pregnancy.

What if the test shows a faint second line?

An ambiguous result cannot be reliable for determining the presence of pregnancy. Therefore, retesting is necessary. You can use a different brand of test, or purchase it from a different pharmacy.

However, doctors advise conducting an examination using laboratory methods. The most effective is the analysis to determine the hCG hormone in the blood serum. He surrenders on an empty stomach in the morning. By the amount of its content, you can determine whether pregnancy has occurred. Also, its level should approximately match the rate of its concentration in the blood in accordance with the gestational age.

If a woman has pain in the abdomen, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. He will be able to confirm or deny an ectopic pregnancy.

In any case, if a woman saw only a barely noticeable second strip on the pregnancy test, it is too early to rejoice. It is worth confirming the result using other diagnostic methods and only after consulting a specialist.

Olga Rogozhkina


All pregnancy tests have the same principle of action - they react to the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. If present, the test always gives a positive answer in the form of two stripes. A dubious result means that there is uncertainty about the presence of a second strip. It can be barely noticeable, blurry, or shine through in bright light. Reasons: insufficient amount of hCG, bordering on minimal, but affecting the sensitivity of the test; defective test; misuse of the test; a woman's strong desire to get a positive result. The latter situation is more common. What if the test shows a questionable answer? Repeat it after 48 hours, or better - 2 days after the delay.

Useful video about taking a pregnancy test
