Status stone heart. A heart

We are moving to live on a rainbow ... Tired of living on a zebra. 132

If you want to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him, listen to what he says about others. 125

Take everything you can from life! Then you want, but you can't... 136

Perhaps fate tests us not in order to show our weakness, but in order to discover our strengths in us ... 70 - statuses with meaning

And empty talk is useless
Like books, we've been read to cover:
When you're in love, you move mountains
When it's cold, you find excuses. 110

There are people - like snakes, there are people - like birds ... I ask fate: give me the strength not to break, to be brave in flight and not to be afraid of snakes! 60

You can sleep in the same bed and be completely strangers, or you can live in different parts of the country and be the closest. 120

When some doors of our happiness close, others open... But we look at the closed ones for so long that we don't see the open ones. 98

Problems should force you to act, and not drive you into depression. 65

Love can only be mutual. If feelings are only on one side, it is a disease. 68

When fate is wrong, when resentment rises to the throat, do not remember unnecessary words, wave your hand - it happens! 66

It is very easy to break down in life... It will be hard to get up... Well, if there is a support nearby, consider that everything is allowed... And if not, it is very slippery, and you are stuck in the mud... Let it be painful, very painful. .. Don't give up! You crawl! 85

Remember: regular practice of not giving a fuck significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. 91

There are people who every now and then bring something wonderful to the piggy bank of the day. I wish everyone to meet such people as often as possible! 23

Life is motion. Someone moves convolutions, someone flaps his ears. 49

Kill the hamster, cockroach and rat in you - become a man! 36

How nice it is when someone is waiting for us somewhere... Well, let them not wait, but just glad to see... Or maybe we are just loved and called, for this all without demanding a reward. 70 (1)

Appreciate those people who make you smile even in the worst of times. They have access to the most important strings of your soul... 104

The larger the goal in life, the harder it is to hit it. 39

When it comes to other people's sins, we are judges ... When it comes to our own, we are lawyers! 81

You meet a lot of people in life… But only a few of them are worthy… So there are a lot of stones in the mountains. Precious of them - units. 33

Erase unnecessary files from life, format the disk! Do not suffer for the past, start a new life! 35

Every guy in life has his own fifth element… Earth… Water… Fire… Air… And the one without which all this doesn't work. 68

The one who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light himself. 71

There must be someone in the world who needs only one thing from you: that you are alive and that everything is fine with you. 59

People do not change much, they only temporarily play the right role for the sake of their interests. 36

A hopeless situation is usually called a situation from which we do not like the way out. 33

When life gives a person hundreds of reasons to cry, he forgets that he has thousands of reasons to smile. 43

If a person does not have time for you, feel free to turn around and run, run away from him, otherwise you will just stand idle all your life - waiting for your turn. 96

Feelings are of great importance in human life. Thanks to them, people evaluate what is happening. Emotions are a reflection of the quality of life in general. Mental statuses in this sense help to express those very emotions, to express what is sore. In addition, they help simply create a mood for others.

Soul statuses with meaning

Each event resonates in the human soul. Even one conversation can change a life. Therefore, spiritual statuses are an easy way to express experiences that affect the life and personality of the person himself.

  • "A person consists of books that he has read. From the" thank you "he heard in his address. From the music that sounds in the soul. And from the smiles with which he is greeted."
  • "We feel important when we are important to others."
  • "People will quickly forget your appearance or financial situation. But they will always remember the feeling of happiness next to you."
  • "A person shares what he has in abundance. Only the one who is unhappy himself causes pain."
  • "Sometimes it's better to remain silent than to tell a person something that is not important to him."
  • "Loyalty can only be understood by going through betrayals."
  • "Sometimes after a hundred steps we have passed, we despair and retreat. And there was one step left to the goal ...".

Soul statuses about life

  • "Loneliness is felt more strongly when there is no one to open an umbrella in the rain. When there is no one to make tea in illness. When there is no participation in native eyes."
  • "Time heals the one who knows how to endure and wait."
  • "More often, it is not those who have nothing to say that are silent, but those who could tell a lot."
  • "Life will become easier when you realize the truth of your own conclusions, in not someone else's beautiful phrases. When you combine faith in others with faith in yourself. When you understand that the case is burning in the hands of someone who burns with his soul."
  • "Happiness is not always great, global. Look for it in the little things: in the awakening of nature in the morning, in delicious coffee in the morning and an interesting book in the evening."
  • "Ideal life does not exist. Strive for the ideality of the soul."
  • "Doubt is the betrayal of a dream."
  • "The opinion of strangers will not change your own life in any way."
  • "Striving for loneliness is not as scary as getting used to it."
  • "Life rewards most anyone to it."

Beautiful statuses about the soul

  • "A person is alive as long as his soul is alive. As long as he knows how to feel and believe, no matter what."
  • "Touch the soul of another with clean hands."
  • "The beauty of the soul can influence the appearance. The beauty of the body has little to do with the soul."
  • "The emptiness of the soul is visible in indifferent eyes."
  • "The soul allows us to be close to those who are physically far away."
  • "Interests, activities, appearance are important for communication. But without a kindred spirit, they keep people together for long."
  • "The pinnacle of spiritual development is to act decently even where no one sees or judges."
  • "Heartache and joy can be seen. These feelings are shown with tears."
  • "The cry of the soul is your own inner voice. It speaks so loudly that it drowns out other thoughts. It is inaudible to others. But, in the end, it can make you deaf to life."
  • "The greatest courage is to turn the soul inside out in front of people."
  • "Wherever the body tries to run, it takes the soul with it."
  • "Most of our soul lives away from us - with loved ones. That is why we feel emptiness inside when we do not see them for a long time."
  • "When my soul sings, I sing a duet with her. When she yearns, I buy her a good book and leave her to rest."
  • "Physical defects are corrected by fresh air, a gym, cosmetics or a plastic surgeon. Deformity of the soul cannot be changed."
  • "The light of the soul is a guide for the people we need, lost in the dark world."

Touching statuses about love

The most spiritual statuses are those that speak of love. No other feeling combines many shades of mood, experiences. Joy, euphoria, pain, sadness, peace - all this diversity is felt by a person in love. Spiritual statuses will help to express this.

  • "The soul of a person does not die from unrequited love. It dries up when it does not love at all."
  • "Love changes a person. As long as he is able to change, he lives."
  • "We clearly remember not how we were loved, but how we loved."
  • "Women are like books. If you can't read, then there's no point in blaming the book."
  • "When love leaves, hope remains. When hope leaves, pain comes."
  • "The strongest physical pain is toothache. The strongest mental pain is disappointment."
  • "Loyalty, care and kindness are a sign of strength, not weakness of the soul."
  • "We want to leave to be returned. To disappear - to be searched. To hate - to be loved as much as we are."

Heartfelt sayings about friendship

Soul states often describe friendship. Like the relationship itself, the words about them are touching and filled with personal meaning.

  • "Take care of people to whom you can say:" Do you remember? .. ".
  • "A friend doesn't complain to you or shift problems. He trusts you."
  • "Friends are not looked for. They are not a new bag for shoes. Friends are felt by the heart. In the crowd, at a distance, in trouble."
  • "Having friends directly depends on our ability to be a friend."
  • "Take care of your friends, not material goods. If you have friends, there will always be somewhere to sleep and what to eat."
  • "There are two commandments for a true friend: to be near in trouble and not to envy in joy."
  • "Friendship and health are two things that you value little while they exist."
  • "They care about their friends like they care about themselves."

Tender sayings about relatives

  • "Warmer than in mother's arms, will not be anywhere."
  • "All who care usually live furthest away."
  • "Life is given to us in order to please loved ones."
  • "The rhythm of life, long journeys, fatigue - they prevent us from giving love to loved ones. And they also make us feel the need for a native shoulder more acutely."
  • "The more dear a person is, the more sensitive his soul is to all our words and deeds."
  • "Native people are pillars that you can grab onto when a landmark is lost in life."

Beautiful spiritual statuses can have a certain therapeutic effect. With their help, you can release the accumulated emotions, feel relief and get the opportunity to be heard.

Spiritual statuses are not just a set of words in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or other social networks. The lines that a person writes on his page are able to tell friends and relatives about what is happening in his soul. Perhaps he is asking for help.

It is simply necessary to pay attention to spiritual statuses, especially if you are not indifferent to the fate of this person. Even beautiful sentences and phrases can cheer up others. In our article you can read interesting spiritual statuses for all occasions.

Statuses about love

Many people experience depression. After all, they were visited by love. Soul statuses will help you understand the feelings and thoughts of people who have gone through this:

1. Once a wise man said: “Only mutual love brings happiness and joy in the soul. One-sided love is a serious disease that urgently needs to be cured.

2. Love is like chocolate. It starts with "Bounty" (heavenly delight), continues with "Twix" (two sticks), and the conclusion is "Kinder Surprise - a night whim."

3. Appreciate the one who is near, supports, understands, loves and forgives. There is no need to chase after someone who does fine without you, understand that he is doing well anyway.

4. A man in love does not look with his eyes, but with his soul and heart.

4. It will never be easier, easier and better. After all, this is life, and nothing can be done. So try to be happy right now. After all, it will be too late.

5. If you are not happy with today's situation, do not worry or be upset. Just be glad, because it could be worse.

6. Everyone says they don't cry. However, it is not. They can cry sobbing, and then they will put on makeup again, fix their hair, go out and smile at everyone. No one will even guess that just an hour ago this woman was very ill.

7. A man can leave unexpectedly, abruptly and quickly, but most often he returns. He begins to understand that there is no other such beloved and never will be. A woman rarely leaves, but she never returns. Take care, appreciate your soul mate, because you will not find another like it.

Statuses about family

1. When the first child was born, a real friendly family appeared.

2. In the family, it is necessary to take into account the interests, requests and opinions of people you love.

3. In the family, the main causes of depression and disagreement are when there is a lot of money or none at all.

4. Peace in the family is maintained thanks to patience, friendship, love, and of course, if there is a TV in every room.

5. An ideal family is when a husband does not reproach his wife for spending money on various trinkets, the main thing is that the refrigerator is not empty.

6. A family is not only a lot of work without rest and holidays, but also great happiness.

7. In an ideal family, mom should be beautiful, and dad should work.

8. To create a family, it is enough just to love, but in order to save it, you need to learn to forgive a lot, endure, be faithful, understand and protect everyone.

Statuses about mom

1. Mom gave us a start in life. For that alone, we can thank her.

2. Love your mother while she is alive. After all, only this person will not gloat. Mom can only advise and be happy for you.

3. Mom always takes care of her children. Even when the spring tries to put a hat on you, agree with it. Remember that you have no one more dear than your mother and cannot be.

4. The only person who is not able to change is mom.

5. You become adults not when you stopped obeying your mother, but when you realized that your mother was right.

6. The most faithful and worthy friend is mom. Only she will not betray, will not leave you in difficult times and will accept her child as he is.

7. Mom can easily replace dad, grandma, grandpa, friend. But no one will ever replace her, such a dear one.

Statuses about friendship

1. A friend is not always known in trouble. If he does not envy you in moments of happiness, then there is true friendship between you.

2. A friend should be valued for what he is. Let him have different views on life, his character is not what you want, but if he is faithful and devoted, take care of him.

3. If you lend money to your friend, consider that the friendship is over... Depending on how much he owes.

4. A friend is always with you. Even when there is no benefit for him to be near you.

5. If you met a new person, remember that he came into your life not just like that, but for something. Perhaps, thanks to a new friend, your life will turn for the better. Therefore, do not reject it, but take a closer look.


Statuses about mental pain are written by those people who have gone through a difficult life path. So they learned to express their thoughts. When you see statuses about mental pain in social networks of your relatives or friends, write to them, call, show attention and care. Most likely they need you.

Roses are more expensive and last longer when the soul is invested in a bouquet and a gift.

If you've never made a fuss, then you don't have one!

Statuses about pain in the soul

In difficult times, only music can soothe the soul.

Again I mistook a hangover for the longing of my soul for you ...

My soul hurts with terrible force, no matter how much you tie up with ribbons: she gave me happiness on credit, and then took it with interest.

For you - I play positive, for myself - I crush the pain in my soul.

Nothing hurts forever: neither a tooth, nor a soul.

Tears are the words that the soul wanted, but could not say.

They spat in my soul so many times that, it seems to me, it choked and died ...

The soul is not an organ of our body... but its pain is incommensurable with anything...

Not one status can express the pain that you caused my soul!

The inexplicable thing is the soul. No one knows where it is, but everyone knows how it hurts.

There is nothing stronger than the heartache that hearts in love inflict on each other.

Sad about the soul

The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will...

The soul burns from the fire, and the hands are shaking the wrists. He chooses not me, but I wish him happiness.

Thanks to life experience, intuition for a rotten soul is well developed.

I really want to cry, but my pride won't let me.

And I know how to laugh, even when in my heart, very bad!

An open soul has one drawback - it is often spit on ...

The happiest people have the saddest souls.

Sometimes a wounded soul hides behind a wide smile.

About a soul with meaning

And dozens of those who wanted your body are not worth even the little finger of the one who loved your soul ...

Do not open your soul to the first person you meet, he can accidentally shake you out of it.

If you are trying to warm someone's cold heart, conquer the soul first.