At how many months the newborn should hold the head. The child does not hold his head: physiological norm and pathology, reasons, how you can help

Is it worth worrying if a baby does not hold his head well at 3 months? The organism of each crumb is individual: what for one will be a deviation, for another - the norm. However, in any case, if its development raises doubts and concerns among parents, you should consult a doctor.

How does a baby develop up to 3 months

The newborn does not yet know how to control his body. All his movements are chaotic, disordered, carried out reflexively. When the tummy is up, its head turns to the right or left. If you pull it up by the hands, it will lean back. If you touch his palms with his fingers, he will squeeze them reflexively.

But gradually the crumbs begin to control the body, its muscles get stronger. By 3-4 months he already knows a lot. Lying on your back, forward and to the sides. Arms and legs are positioned as it is necessary for him, examines, plays with them, tries "by the teeth". This is the period when the child begins to hold his head independently in any position. Lying back up, the baby can lean on the forearms.

Also, by 3-4 months, the child learns to grab, take objects with pens. This is the period when, already consciously, any emotions are reflected on his face. Lying on his back, he can independently.

If any of the above is missing, parents begin to worry. Particular concern arises if there are problems with the head. The feelings are quite understandable. However, there is cause for concern or not, only a doctor can say for sure.

How and when does the baby begin to fix the head

There is no clear standard age. However, all healthy children develop this skill in approximately the same way:
The first attempts to raise the head of the baby are already in 2-3 weeks of life if you put it on your stomach. It is a natural reflex not to suffocate.

At 3 months, babies already achieve their first successes, but they still need a head safety net

A month old baby does not keep his head upright, but is already trying. Lying on my stomach 1-1.5 month old baby knows how to raise the head at an acute angle and hold it for up to a minute.
At 2 months of age if you pull the baby by the handles, it will no longer be there. Lying with its tummy up, the baby is struggling to fix it in an upright position. If a child at 2 months does not hold his head, this is not yet a reason for panic.

Gulba OV, pediatrician, Private clinic "Pervaya", Tomsk

A 3 month old baby, even with normal development, needs to be shown to a neurologist. If you do not hold your head, the problem can be solved quite easily with a course of massage, physiotherapy.

The mother can do the massage herself at home - so the baby will be even calmer.

At 3 months of age the baby usually tries to fix the head in any position. However, the muscles are not yet strong enough. Therefore, when he is in an upright position, it is better to support the neck.
4 months - the age at which the child begins to hold his head confidently... He not only fixes it in any position, but also turns it in all directions, studying the world around him. Leaning on his tummy, the baby calmly lifts the upper body on the arms.

A discrepancy with such a scheme for several weeks is not scary. But if suddenly a child does not hold his head well at 4 months, you should definitely consult a doctor. Read what else a child should be able to do at 4 months.

Why is the problem

It happens that a child at 3 months does not hold his head at all. And he doesn't even try. This is a reason to see a doctor. The reason for this deviation is that it does not control the muscles of the neck. This is influenced by the following factors:

  • low body weight;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • birth trauma.

Usually, to solve these problems, simple procedures are enough - special gymnastics, massage... Supplementation is recommended for low body weight. Only in severe cases, such as those caused by birth trauma, may physiotherapy or even surgery be necessary.

The sooner parents suspect something was wrong and see a doctor, the better. In the early stages, the problem is usually solved fairly easily. Read about gymnastics for a 3-month-old baby.

Often the pride and delight of parents is caused by the early development of the child, the ability to raise the head in a month and a half. Since the child does not have to keep his head up for a month, this is also a reason to see a doctor. Too early development can be caused by muscle hypertonicity or high intracranial pressure.

How to help your baby

First of all, if the child does not hold his head well at 3 months, you should contact the pediatrician. The pediatrician will tell you what to do, or refer you to the right specialist. So, in case of prematurity, birth trauma, an examination by a pediatric neurologist may be necessary... If the baby has problems with nutrition, weight gain, it is worth consulting with a feeding specialist. Most often, exercises and massage are enough to correct the situation.

Fitball exercises also have a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system and relieve colic.

Here are some exercises that help strengthen your neck muscles:

  1. Put the baby with his stomach on the palms of an adult so that one hand is under his chest, the other under his thighs. Raise and lower it vertically.
  2. Put on the palm of your hand, face down, wiggle, alternately raising your head and then your ass.
  3. Put on a large ball (fitball). One adult should fix the baby by the hips, the second by the handles. Swing gently on the ball. You can watch other fitball exercises for children.

Eremenko V.N., neurologist, Medical holding "Medica", St. Petersburg

Up to six months, most problems of this nature are solved by physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics. Medicines are prescribed for serious neurological abnormalities.

Therefore, if you doubt the appropriateness of the prescribed treatment, you should consult another doctor.

In addition, it is imperative to put the baby with its stomach down for a short time every day, several times a day. It will be useful. It will be easier for the baby to hold the head under water, and the muscles will get stronger faster.

You should not lay the baby down with the tummy down immediately after eating or during illness. If the baby is naughty, you can distract his attention with bright toys, singing, affectionate intonations, stroking.

Holds my head, but wrong

It happens when a child holds his head, but not correctly. In this case, he tilts or turns it to one side.

3 reasons for improper head holding:
With such a violation, you should consult an orthopedist. Incorrect holding of the head can be a symptom of paresis of the muscles of the neck. In simple terms -. This pathology is not common; it occurs later on a birth injury or during pregnancy with complications.

To get rid of torticollis, physiotherapeutic procedures or surgery can be prescribed. Sometimes you may need with which the baby will sleep.
When a child does not hold his head well at 3 months , inclines her, but torticollis is excluded, the reason may be. Then the doctor will prescribe a light home massage (and show you how to do it), exercises under water.
If the baby holds his head incorrectly from time to time, but at the same time knows how to hold it as it should - this, moreover, is not a reason for panic. He might just be comfortable. And when the baby kept his head all the time, and then suddenly switched to the wrong position, it is worth asking the doctor's advice.

3 ways to prevent

In order for a newborn to develop correctly, harmoniously from the very moment of birth, it is necessary to deal with him. This is not only communication, love of parents, but also massage, gymnastics, educational games.

All exercises with a baby are best done in the morning, after feeding in 1-1.5 hours

Asking the question of how to teach a child to hold his head, it is important to understand that everything has its time. You won't be able to teach how to do something if the time has not come yet.... Trying too hard can even hurt.

Therefore, all gymnastics, all exercises aimed at developing the cervical muscles should be, first of all, a fun game, give pleasure:

  1. To strengthen the cervical muscles, you need to start laying the crumb for a short while with the tummy down in the first weeks of his life, when the umbilical wound heals. If you do this before a feed, then a simple exercise can help reduce intestinal gas even more.
  2. To prevent problems with the neck, its curvature, it is necessary to avoid positions when the head is thrown back or to the side. Muscles are still weak up to 3-4 months. Therefore, in order not to harm, you need to hold the baby's head, lifting it in your arms.
  3. A good prevention and a way to strengthen the neck muscles will be daily exercises with a large ball - as well as exercises in the water. It is not necessary to use the pool for this. Up to six months, a deep baby bath or a regular bath will be enough.

Valieva A.A., pediatric neurologist, Clinical Hospital of JSC "Russian Railways", Tver

You need to put on the tummy as often as possible. Better before every meal. If the baby is crying on a hard surface, you can start with soft ones, put on the stomach to the parents. Gradually he will get used to it.

This position stimulates the development of the muscles of the back and neck, develops the motor abilities of the crumb.


It is impossible to say for sure when the child starts to hold his head. Someone as early as 2 months can lift it confidently, and this will not be a sign of hypertension. The other is just studying at 4 months. However, this does not mean that parents should let everything go by themselves, explaining developmental deviations by individual characteristics.

It is always better to ask the doctor once more than to regret it later. And, of course, it is necessary to deal with the baby - from the very birth. Do it with a good mood and a smile, so that even a simple exercise becomes a game and brings joy to him and his parents.

When a baby appears in a family, his parents anxiously think whether everything is fine with him, whether the baby meets the developmental norms. Immediately after birth, the child is not able to hold his head - the muscles in his neck are still quite weak. It must be supported so that the baby does not throw his head back and injure the cervical vertebrae. But you can tilt your head to your chest - it's not dangerous at all. Keeping your head up is the very first physical skill that a little person learns.

When the child starts to hold his head

To begin with, I would like to note that all children are different and their development is also different. Someone begins to hold their heads in a month, while others master this skill closer to six months. However, there is an approximate time frame in which a child must learn to hold his head without the help of mom and dad.

Already in a few weeks of age, the baby is trying to tear the head off the diaper, lying on his stomach. However, this does not work out very well for him - the muscles are very weak. Closer to two months, the baby can raise his head and hold it for about a minute. At three months, the time for holding the head reaches several minutes. Do not try to force the child to hold his head - this is a serious strain on his fragile neck muscles.

It is a little easier to hold your head in the column position; much less muscles are involved here. If a child is unable to hold their head from a supine position after 6 months of age, this is a good reason to see a doctor.

Exercises to train the muscles of the neck

In order for the baby to quickly learn to hold the head on its own, it needs to be stimulated. That is, muscles will not develop without proper training.

  1. Regularly, several times a day, you need to lay the child on his stomach in order to train the muscles of his back. Place toys nearby - colorful rattles, a ball, a doll. All this attracts the attention of the crumbs, and he examines them, not noticing that his neck is intensively exercising at this time. It is best to lay the baby on his stomach between meals so that a full stomach does not cause discomfort to the baby.
  2. If your baby is two months old, often carry it upright, while holding the head with your hand. From time to time, let the baby hold its head on its own, supporting the neck only as a safety net.
  3. Lay your baby to sleep on both the right and left sides so that his neck muscles develop evenly.
  4. If the child stubbornly does not want to raise his head, you need to put a small roller under his armpits, which, as it were, will raise his body. In this position, the baby will feel discomfort and he will have to raise his naughty head.
  5. When the baby is lying on his back and raises his head at least a little to the sound of a rattle, you need to move the toy from side to side in order to train the neck muscles in motion.
  6. Fitball exercises are very effective. Place your child on a large ball on their belly. Slowly move the ball back and forth so that the head of the crumbs is either higher or lower than the body. This will allow him to raise his head in those moments when the body is almost vertical.

These simple movements and exercises should be done with love and patience. Quite a little time will pass, and you will remember with a smile that you were worried about the child's inability to hold his head.

Muscle strengthening massage

Massage for a small child is a unique opportunity to solve many problems. With the help of massage during infancy, you can correct almost any defects in the structure of the skeleton. A course of massage on the neck will help you to strengthen the baby's muscles, make him stronger and stronger.

The massage should be performed in a warm room, in a comfortable environment. Place your naked baby on a clean diaper, apply a little massage oil on your hands, and then start the massage. Light stroking and rubbing movements of the neck perfectly stimulate muscle muscles. The massage should be done by a professional, at least for several sessions. After that, carefully observing the specialist's movements, you can repeat the massage at home. Remember, no sudden movements! The massage should be fun for mom and baby.


Correct and balanced nutrition is the key to the successful development of the baby. In order for the baby to receive enough vitamins and minerals, a nursing mother should eat a variety of foods. Her diet should include meat and dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables. Eat more nutritious foods like honey, nuts. Be careful, however, that new foods do not trigger allergies. Babies who are artificially fed need not worry about this. The composition of the adapted mixtures already usually contains all the vitamins necessary for the growing body.

Swimming to strengthen the neck muscles

Swimming is another effective exercise that can help your little one to strengthen their neck and limb muscles. Water has a beneficial effect on the child, because much less effort can be spent in the water. It is very effective to swim with a special circle. It is put on the baby's neck and fixed. The baby can swim, moving his legs and arms, and not be constrained in movements when his mother holds him. In addition, it is much easier for a mother with such a circle - she does not have to hold the child, bending over in three deaths.

Keeping your head up has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. This forms the correct cervical bend, improves blood circulation in the brain. But sometimes, despite all the efforts, the child cannot keep his head up. Then you need to see a doctor and find out the true cause of this malformation.

There are several factors that can cause your toddler to be unable to keep his head up.

  1. Premature babies, due to their lagging behind, begin to hold their heads later. But this is not a pathology, it is just that such children start doing everything later, looking back at their true age.
  2. Torticollis. It can be congenital or acquired. Sometimes torticollis appears as a result of birth trauma. Slight torticollis occurs in many children when they sleep on only one side of the bed. For example, a baby is constantly looking to the right while lying down to find his mother. So the muscles of the left side are less developed, the child does not turn his head in this direction and, as a result, later begins to hold his head.
  3. Neurological problems can cause developmental delays. Consult a neurologist about this.
  4. Insufficient training also affects the baby's head-keeping ability. The child needs to be dealt with every day, only in this case you will get a visible result.
  5. Poor nutrition can also cause developmental delays. Perhaps mom should drink a complex of vitamins in parallel.

In order to exclude possible deviations, the child's condition must be assessed by a doctor. In a month, an examination is required not only by a pediatrician, but also by an orthopedist and a neurologist. If the experts did not notice any pathologies in you, then everything is in your hands.

Love your child, despite the fact that he does not know how to do some things yet. Train with your kid in a playful way, and very soon he will delight you with new achievements.

Video: learning to hold your head

The development of a child in the first months is a very important, crucial stage in his life. During this period, favorable conditions are laid so that he grows up healthy and strong. One of the first skills of a baby is the ability to hold the head on its own. Therefore, the first thing parents want to know is when the child starts to hold his head.

At this stage of development, mom and dad are obliged to help the baby cope with such a very difficult task for him. Taking it on the handles, you must try to maintain it in a comfortable position and not let your head tilt back or to one side.

The fragile muscles of the neck or back of the baby do not allow him to hold the heavy head immediately after birth. But after twenty days he can lift it. When a child is playing, he reacts to a loud sound by turning his head. Lying face down, the baby raises his head and lingers in this state for several seconds.

There is still no confidence in his movements, since the neck muscles have not yet sufficiently strengthened. In life, the baby not only independently holds his head, but also turns it to the sides. The next important step for him is lifting on the forearms and keeping the head in an upright position for a long time.

Such indicators are conditional and only approximate guidelines for young parents. The limits of individual development are different for all babies. But if the baby is 3 months old, and he does not hold his head, then it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Signs that the child is ready

There are a number of signs by which it is possible to determine that the baby is ready and will soon begin to hold his head on his own. After he turns a month, you can check the baby for self-holding of the head. He should be put on his tummy and try to attract his attention with a bright object on top. Healthy children already raise their head for a few seconds to examine the object of interest.

This can also be verified with sound. For example, clap your hands over a baby or shake a rattle. In this case, the newborn is also placed on the tummy. If he tries to raise his head and he does not succeed, then this is a reason for excitement. Young parents should consult a pediatrician and also consult a neurologist.

If the child does not hold his head?

If the baby does not have the skill to turn his head to the sides when he lies on his tummy, then this means that there are serious problems. Perhaps their solution will include complex drug therapy and several massage sessions. A visit to a specialist is indispensable.

If the baby is not able to hold his head when he is already 3 months old, this means one of the problems:

  1. The delivery was difficult and pathological.
  2. The baby has low muscle tone, because it is rarely spread on the stomach.
  3. Insufficient body weight. If there is a shortage of breast milk, it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding with the formula recommended by the pediatrician.

If the child holds the head at an angle, the pediatrician will definitely send him to.

The newborn does not hold the head at 4 months for the following reasons:

  1. Nervous system problems.
  2. Potential injury.
  3. Poor weight gain may be the reason your toddler is holding his head uncertainly.
  4. Pathologies associated with difficult childbirth that have not been previously cured.

If the baby is 5-6 months old and has problems holding his head, then perhaps he has one of the following problems:

  1. Malnutrition of the baby. Lack of nutrients in food affects its development.
  2. Prematurity. The child will be lagging behind in development. Under favorable circumstances, this will change by about a year.
  3. Low muscle tone. Healing massage and special exercises are recommended.
  4. Neurological disorders. You can cope with malfunctions of the nervous system by doing a general strengthening massage.
  5. Underdeveloped cervical muscles.

How do you know that everything is ok?

If it is difficult to find out whether the baby can hold its head, you need to check it with the help of such exercises:

  1. Grab the baby by the handles and lift it from a lying position so that it sits down. If the baby holds his head for at least a couple of seconds, then this is the norm and muscle tone develops well. A newborn baby should not be left in a sitting position for a long time. Children should not sit down until 5 months old, especially girls.
  2. For the second exercise, to check the cervical muscles, the child must also be lifted slightly by the handles. He should try to keep his head at the level of the ridge at least for a short time. If he succeeds, then there is no reason to worry.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that everything has its time. No matter how many months the child begins to hold his head on his own, everyone has it individually. It is important to be patient.

How can parents help?

Mom's help is needed to strengthen children's muscles. To do this, you need to plan special physical exercises with your baby. Spread it on the tummy more often, use a roller to hold the head in an even position. Relaxing baths with medicinal herbs will be useful for the baby. The nutrition and maintenance of the baby should be of a high level.

You can use a fitball. It is very effective in changing the curvature of the neck. At 2 months, the baby needs to be laid face down on the ball. He will intuitively start to raise his head. For the development of the cervical muscles, it is useful to keep the baby in an upright position.

It is necessary to understand that the child begins to hold his head on his own, you cannot teach him this skill, you can only help. All children develop in their own way and they hold their heads at different periods of their development. But if by six months the neck muscles remain weak, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Useful video about when a child starts to hold his head

From the first days of birth, the child still does not know how to control his body, including the work of the neck muscles. The newborn is unable to hold his head, and the ability to independently hold it is the first serious skill of controlling his body, which is also the basis for the ability to sit and walk.

When does a child start holding his head?

Each child (as well as his development) is individual. The ability to keep a head comes to some children earlier, to others later. But there is a norm by which many are guided, and it is 3 months for a baby. From about 1.5 months of age, a child from a supine position begins to pull his chin to his chest. At 2 months, you may notice attempts to keep the head upright. By the age of 4 months, the baby should hold his head confidently enough. By 5 months, the baby, lying on its stomach, confidently lifts the upper body. In recent years, the ability to hold the head comes to infants much earlier, and some babies already at 2 months confidently control the muscles of the neck.

How to develop the neck muscles of a newborn?

From the moment the umbilical wound heals, the child can be laid out several times a day on the tummy. For the first time, one minute is enough, then gradually increasing the time. The more often you carry out such a procedure with the little one, the more he will train the neck muscles and, as a result, learn to control them faster. You will notice that while lying on its stomach, the infant tries to lift its head and lay it on its side. This is an innate reflex of self-preservation, so that the baby does not suffocate. This procedure is also good in that it promotes the passage of gas from the intestines, which in turn will help in the fight against colic.

It is also useful to carry the baby upright from one month of age, supporting his back and head. In this position, the baby begins to try to independently keep his head on par with the body.

The child began to hold his head a month earlier

If the child begins to hold his head in a month, he should be shown to the doctor, since this phenomenon is not normal. And, as a rule, it has nothing to do with early development. This is often a sign of intracranial pressure or muscle hypertonicity. Symptoms: frequent crying, little sleep.

The reason to see a doctor is:

the child holds his head, but crookedly, at an abnormal angle;
lying on his stomach, the child does not turn his head to the side;
the child has hypotonia of the muscles of the neck or the whole body.

A child at 3 months is in no hurry to hold his head

Underweight babies with low muscle tone, neurological problems, premature babies, babies born with complicated labor often begin to hold their heads a little later for their peers. If the baby does not hold his head in time for the child, he should be shown to a specialist who will take all the necessary measures.

Important! Until the moment when the child learns to confidently hold his head, you should support it in the back of the head and neck. If this is not done, the baby can injure the neck.

The newborn seems so fragile, the cervical vertebrae and muscles are weak. Any careless movement can result in serious consequences. It is no coincidence that in the first months of life it is important to support the head, to prevent unnecessary stress on the cervical spine.

Moms and dads often ask the pediatrician: "When should the baby hold the head on his own?" The question is far from idle: if a baby at a certain stage of development does not hold its head well, it is important to pay attention to this shortcoming in time, to visit a pediatrician. Modern methods of therapy will prevent complications. The information will be useful to all young parents.

When a toddler needs to keep his head on his own

The answer is simple: only when the neck muscles are strong enough. Do not forget that the newborn's head seems large against the background of the rest of the areas, the body is not proportional enough. It is not possible for weak vertebrae and muscles to hold such a "load" in the first weeks of life.

A newborn who is 2–3 weeks old is trying to raise and hold his head in the “lying on his tummy” position, but the attempts have so far been unsuccessful. He cannot cope with this task until one and a half months.

Some mothers are glad that the month-old baby independently holds the head. Do not brag to your friends and familiar "achievements" of the newborn, you need to contact a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible. The reason for the deviation from the norm is often high levels of intracranial pressure, which is very dangerous for the development of the nervous and cardiovascular system.


  • most babies begin to hold their heads upright at about 3 months. Some babies cope with this task a little earlier, others - by four months;
  • by five to six months, the baby confidently holds the head, turns it from any position when he hears a sound or wants to see his toy;
  • one more skill - by six months, the baby calmly tilts his head to the left - to the right, interestedly examines the world around him, bright toys, turns his head after his parents.

Important! For the first 3-4 months, be sure to support the head when you carry the baby on your hands in any position. Make sure that your head does not tilt back. Sudden movements can damage weak cervical vertebrae, disrupt the condition of muscle tissue.

Factors affecting the condition of the neck muscles:

  • the presence of birth injuries. Some of the injuries sustained during childbirth slow down the physical development of the newborn;
  • position taken by a child who is carried in his arms or while sleeping;
  • the quality of the mother's nutrition (with breastfeeding). Lack of vitamins, calcium affects the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

How to check the level of development of your neck muscles

It is important at an early age to determine whether the baby is developing correctly. One of the tests is the ability to keep your head up.

There is no need to go to the hospital to examine a newborn: each parent can handle it on their own.

What to do:

  • wait until the baby is a month old;
  • put the baby on his tummy, take a rattle, rattle above his head;
  • with a sufficient level of development of the nervous system, the baby will slightly raise his head, try to look at the toy;
  • if there are deviations in nervous regulation, the baby will not be able to raise the head. The task of the parents is to visit a pediatric neurologist to find out the cause of the problem.

Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles

Often, after the examination, the doctor says that the nervous system is in order, there were no birth injuries, you just need to pay attention to the physical development of the crumbs. Perhaps the parents did little work with the newborn, did not spread it on the tummy. Pediatricians recommend a simple complex that must be performed daily.

How to teach a child to hold his head? Exercises and tips to strengthen your neck muscles:

  • main: by three weeks of age, lay the baby on his stomach more often. During the waking period, between feedings, be sure to do this manipulation. The baby obeys an innate reflex, slightly raises his shoulders, tries to turn his head on its side. Regular muscle tension strengthens them;
  • massage for a newborn is a simple, effective way to give strength to muscles. Watch pictures and videos on how to carry out the procedure at such an early age. Gently, rubbing movements, stroke the body, gently moving to the area of ​​the heart;
  • check how the baby sleeps. Change the position of the baby in the crib every 6-7 days. Place the baby's head in different directions. So you will prevent excessive tone of the cervical muscles on one, "favorite" side;
  • one more useful tip: control so that the baby does not fall asleep in one position;
  • pediatricians recommend that parents teach their babies to swim from an early age. As soon as the umbilical wound has healed, start exercising. A special inflatable ring keeps the baby's head above the water, while swimming develops motor skills. Provide comfortable conditions in the bathroom, and the baby will swim with pleasure;
  • watch your mom's diet. Breast milk should be high-calorie, nutritious, otherwise the newborn will lack nutrients. Insufficient weight gain negatively affects the condition of the baby. Gradually accustom the newborn to the daily routine: this way children gain weight better, sleep better, grow calmer;
  • is your baby 7-8 weeks old? Do a useful exercise with him: carry the baby in a horizontal position (keep the little body with the tummy down). One hand must hold a delicate neck so that a straight line is obtained, the other hand lies under the tummy;
  • start another exercise when you are two months old. Holding the back of the head, lift the baby upright. Wear the baby in this position for several minutes. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day;
  • after six months, when the child holds his head well, turns it in different directions, offer an interesting, useful game. Take your favorite toy, first put it to the left of the crumbs, then to the right. Task: make you turn your head, trying to see the object. The toy should be bright, “sounding” (a rattle is a good option);
  • buy a fitball. Joint activities with the baby strengthen the muscles, provide emotional contact between the mother and the baby. Consult your pediatrician, choose exercises that are age appropriate.

What to do if the child does not keep his head on his stomach

At 5-6 months, a baby such a state of affairs speaks of problems with a tiny body. Parents who do not follow the recommendations of pediatricians are often to blame. Sometimes the doctor reveals a congenital / acquired pathology or a lack of nutrients with an improper diet.

Note the root causes of the problem:

  • weak tone of the cervical muscles, torticollis;
  • childbirth trauma;
  • premature baby;
  • parents rarely lay the baby on the tummy;
  • lack of nutrients, malnutrition;
  • neurological pathology.

Signs of torticollis development

Sometimes mothers notice that the baby often turns its head to one side, looks at the toy from the left or right. Some children constantly put their heads on only one side, resist, are capricious when trying to change their position.

Why it happens? How to proceed? If such signs are detected, pediatricians recommend seeking advice from a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will tell you what to do.

Perhaps the baby has torticollis. Often, the problem is caused by a violation of muscle tone. In the baby, one part of the neck is more tense than the other. The child simply cannot turn the head to the "uncomfortable" side. Sometimes the problem goes so far that the symmetry of the facial muscles is disturbed in the baby.

How to bathe a baby for the first time? We have an answer!

About how and how to treat a runny nose in a baby is written on the page.

Main reasons:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • birth injury;
  • sleep on one side only;
  • constant attachment to one breast;
  • the development of a neurological disease in the first weeks of life against the background of other pathologies, for example, with cephalohematoma.

How to fix the situation:

  • consult a pediatrician and pediatric neurologist. After examination, doctors will refer you to an experienced massage therapist. The earlier you start working with the cervical muscles, the faster the result will appear. Sometimes the procedures take two to three weeks, some children have to take sessions longer;
  • effective physiotherapy: paraffin therapy, electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound of the cervical spine will help to exclude torticollis. If a pathology is detected, a pediatric neurologist will prescribe treatment;
  • it is useful to sleep with an orthopedic pillow, which limits the rotation of the head in a certain direction;
  • if it is difficult to find a special pillow, make a roller from a diaper, put it around the head so that the baby looks in front of you. For comfort, put cotton wool inside: this will make the device softer, more convenient for the baby;
  • hang a bright toy over the bed, always in the center. So the baby will not only look left or right;
  • put your baby to bed in a new way every week. A simple technique: changing the place of the head and legs will prevent torticollis;
  • doctors pay attention to two points: from which side you approach the baby, and from where the light falls. If the position is the same, there is a high probability that on one side the muscles will be more tense, on the other - relaxed;
  • early swimming is a great way to relieve increased neck muscle tone. Work with your pediatrician to find exercises. The doctor will suggest a complex for correcting muscle tension on one side.

Tune in to a positive result, don't panic. Perform a set of exercises with your child, follow the recommendations for care, nutrition, and the development of physical activity. Doctors strongly advise adjusting the tone of the cervical muscles at an early stage of development, while the musculoskeletal system is actively developing. The later you see a specialist, the longer it will take to treat torticollis or hypertonicity of the cervical muscles.

Now you know what time the baby should confidently hold the head. If you fall behind the norm, be sure to show your baby to a pediatrician, a pediatric neurologist. Perform a set of simple exercises to actively strengthen the cervical muscles, do swimming and fitball with your baby. Simple techniques will keep your baby healthy and guide the baby's physical and emotional development on the right track.

Video on how to help your child learn to hold his head: