Choosing a safe pet: hypoallergenic dog breeds. How to choose a non-allergenic dog

Contrary to popular belief that an allergy is a reaction to an animal's fur, the main irritants are dandruff and saliva. The formation of small scales of horny skin cells and the secretion of saliva are characteristic of all breeds, therefore the very concept of "hypoallergenic dogs" is rather arbitrary.

People who are puzzled by the question of which dogs are not allergic can be advised to pay attention to those varieties that are characterized by minimal dandruff production and moderate salivation. The choice of a pet is a question that presupposes an individual decision: paradoxically, the same animal (even if, according to statistics, it is not an allergenic one) causes non-identical reactions in different people.

Principles for choosing a dog breed

When considering hypoallergenic dog breeds, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • Wool type.
  • The size of the animal.
  • Temperament.

The belief that the most hypoallergenic dog should be of the smooth-haired breed is in fact mistaken.

However, even constant professional grooming does not completely exclude the frequent shedding characteristic of short-haired animals. At the same time, you can find more than one long-haired breed that almost does not shed (for example, the Maltese lapdog). Also, in the list of dogs that are relatively safe for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, one cannot but include wire-haired breeds (for example, Tibetan Terrier, Giant Schnauzer).

The size of the pet is also important: the smaller the surface of the animal's body, the higher the hypoallergenicity of the breed. In addition, a miniature animal is easier to redeem. However, it should be remembered that dogs of small breeds are characterized by excessively fussy behavior: constantly barking, they spray saliva, and intense movement contributes to the spread of dandruff throughout the apartment.

Thus, more temperamental pets also contribute to the development of allergies in humans. For example, agile and easily excitable toy terriers and miniature pinschers will give an allergic owner much more trouble than phlegmatic English bulldogs or pugs. It also follows from what has been said that when determining which dogs are best for you, you need to be guided not only by photographs and articles about the characteristics of a particular animal. Finding the optimal variety of pet involves attending a dog show to observe the behavior of different breeds. Often, the pet's temperament shows little in a static image, that is, sometimes the real image of the animal has little to do with the photo on the Internet.

To determine the optimal dog breed for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list given in the table below.

Dog sizes Breed names Distinctive features
Small breeds Maltese lapdog, Sealyham Terrier, Australian Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Havana Bichon, Chinese Crested, Louchen, Australian Silky Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Italian Greyhound, West Highland White Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Madagascar Irish Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier, Welsh Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Wire Fox Terrier, Shih Tzu, Border Terrier, Norfolk Terrier Advantages: can be trained to use the tray; easier to bathe and comb than a large individual. Disadvantages: cocky character, fragility of the physique.
Medium breeds Irish Water Spaniel, Griffon Corthalsa, Bullets, Portuguese Water, Samoyed Laika, Kerry Blue Terrier, Spanish Water, Hairless Peruvian, Mittel Schnauzer, Bergaman Shepherd, Lagotto Romagnolo, Basenji, Barbet, Irish Soft Coated, Polish Terrier 2Advantages: less prone to various diseases and injuries. Disadvantages: May be overly active.
Large breeds Bouvier of Flanders, Giant Schnauzer Advantages: phlegmatic temperament, easy to train. Disadvantages: high food costs; need a lot of living space.

In addition to the features indicated in the table, one more nuance should be taken into account: small dogs are preferable for those who wish to give a puppy to a child. This recommendation is due to the fact that if the duties of caring for animals are performed by children, they may have difficulties with large pets.

For example, dogs of the Giant Schnauzer breed are large (35-50 kg). Sometimes a child simply cannot take good care of the hygiene of such a large animal.

Care features

In order to successfully resist allergic diseases, it is not enough just to choose one of the breed names. Pet owners need to adhere to some rules for caring for pets. The simplest and most effective measures to minimize the risk of allergic reactions are as follows:

  1. Regular grooming.
  2. The use of quality feed.
  3. The use of phytomines (dietary supplements).

Regular grooming

Allergens include saliva, dandruff, urine, animal feces. Even hypoallergenic dog breeds require strict adherence to hygiene rules, including constant high-quality grooming (skin care):

  • your pet must be bathed and combed regularly;
  • for animal care, it is recommended to use high-quality products that meet both the needs of the pet itself and the wishes of the owner (for example, hypoallergenic shampoo for dogs will ensure both cleanliness in the house and comfort after bathing for the animal itself);
  • the place where the dog sleeps and eats must be clean and well ventilated.

It is important for allergic owners not to forget about ensuring their own safety: the systematic use of anti-allergic drugs, the use of rubber gloves when cleaning, refusal from carpets and blankets (these are the items that accumulate the largest amount of dust).

The use of quality feed

For dogs of hypoallergenic breeds, popular premium food is quite suitable: royal canin, purine and proplan. If financial possibilities permit, then the purchase of super premium and holistic feeds would certainly be ideal.

The advantage of premium food is obvious: the high protein content supports the health of the animal, that is, the pet does not undergo unseasonal shedding and peeling of the skin. In addition, quality feed reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis, one of the symptoms of which is uncontrolled and frequent urination.

This symptom is dangerous for allergic hosts because urine, like saliva, can be an antigen.

And although today there are drugs for dogs designed to treat urolithiasis, this disease does not go unnoticed for the animal: severe pain, even if it is transferred during treatment, leads to great stress. That is why it is advisable not to use low-quality products in the pet's diet, even in small quantities: economy class feeds contribute to the formation of uroliths and calculi in the organs of the urinary system.

The use of phytomines

It is useful for dogs of any breed, including hypoallergenic ones, to take a variety of biologically active additives (dietary supplements) - for example, phytomines. This veterinary drug has been produced by VEDA since 1997 and is popular both among professional dog handlers and ordinary pet owners.

Phytomins are a healthy, functional plant-based food that helps to balance nutrition and supplement the diet with nutrients. There are supplements for maintaining immunity, for strengthening and repairing joints, for hair, etc.

Phytomines for wool significantly shorten the shedding period, prevent non-seasonal changes in the skin, therefore, minimize the spread of dandruff. This type of dietary supplement is recommended for systematic use and is suitable for both puppies and adults. For the most effective selection of phytomines, you can consult a veterinarian.

Summarizing all of the above, we emphasize: there are no universal breeds suitable for any asthma or allergy sufferer.

The question of what breed of dogs should be considered hypoallergenic suggests an individual answer in each particular case: some dogs are for children, others for adults; some people will find pets that require quite expensive care, while others can be advised of breeds that offer the lowest cost of grooming. In cases of particularly severe forms of allergy and asthma, it is not recommended to have animals that provoke painful reactions at all.

They are carriers of allergens that are dangerous for people prone to allergies. However, some species shed less or drool less. You've probably heard a term like "Hypoallergenic dog"; let's find out together what this means and whether they really exist.

An allergen is a protein found in the animal's saliva and hair. Different types of dogs can affect the human body in different ways: some will cause a terrible allergy, others will have no effect. There are hypoallergenic breeds - the safest for allergy sufferers, in which the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal. Allergies can manifest themselves as a result of exposure to various factors: wool, saliva, dandruff, etc.

Reaction to wool

Some inexperienced dog breeders argue: the longer the dog's coat, to which the allergy occurs, the stronger the reaction to the allergen, but there is no confirmation of this opinion. Based on this, it is worth giving preference to sleek and short-haired pets like or. It is believed that if there is less wool, it means that the animal sheds less, that is, the allergy will not appear so often.

Very quickly, adherents of such a theory become convinced of its falsehood as soon as they discover a new woolen carpet in their home. To avoid this, dogs need to be combed out every day or get a representative of a different breed. There are breeds of dogs with long hair that almost never shed (dead hairs are removed when combing).

People with allergies are afraid even if they have no wool at all, since the reaction can also manifest itself on the saliva of the animal. This equally dangerous allergen is not so easy to exclude from your contact list. Even if the dog does not belong to the breed with increased salivation, this is not a guarantee of absence of salivation. Biomaterial can enter the environment at the time of barking.

Reaction to other factors

Talking dogs can also be dangerous for a person with allergies. While they bark, not only saliva but also dandruff spreads around the room. Give preference to a calm and balanced dog.

As for the cost of such animals, their price depends not only on, but also on the place of purchase, characteristics of the dog, the presence of a pedigree and other factors.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

The list of all existing antiallergenic dog breeds is conventionally divided into several groups:

  • non-fading;
  • bald;
  • without undercoat;
  • with hair;
  • large;
  • small.

Dog breeds that don't shed

  • - a small hypoallergenic dog for keeping in an apartment. They have a silky, curly coat. They do not fade and almost do not smell. Such a pet is very active and cheerful, loves to play and amuse its owner. Suitable for families with children who are willing to tolerate frequent barking. A distinctive feature is high intelligence. Bichons are easy to train. They don't like to be alone with themselves.

  • (, border, kerry blue, Irish soft-haired wheat, Russian black and others). The most popular breed is the Cairn Terrier. Its representatives have a hypoallergenic coat that does not shed. The animals themselves are small and smart. They are very energetic, as they are hunting, and are unpretentious in terms of maintenance and care.

  • ... The pet has a small size, bushy eyebrows and a protruding lower lip. Designed for living in apartments (even small ones). It is not recommended to have such dogs for families with children.

  • - the perfect pet for kids. He is small in size, very kind, playful and friendly. An animal of this breed adores communication and being in the circle of owners almost all the time.

  • ... Very funny and cute dogs have a kind disposition and playful character. Their main passion is games and kisses. This is the most obedient breed that can get along with almost any person, child and animal.

Bald dog breeds

  • American naked. This breed of dog is ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics for keeping both in the house and in the apartment. Its representatives are distinguished by their activity and energy. They are curious, easy to train, outgoing and friendly. Among the disadvantages is the need for increased physical activity in the form of walks and sports exercises.

  • has almost no hair (it is only on the legs, tail and head). They are easily trained dogs, small in size, very friendly, but behave like watchmen. Among the shortcomings - stubbornness and dislike for loneliness.

  • ... Their main difference is the high density of the skin. This is a very intelligent and silent animal. Despite this characteristic, loneliness for the Xoloitzcuintle is categorically not suitable.

  • - the most demanding dog. She needs to be looked after carefully because of her thin skin. The main requirement is to maintain a stable air temperature.

Did you know? Like human fingers, a dog's nose print is absolutely unique.

Dog breeds without undercoat

  • Irish merman with a thick curly coat that practically does not shed. This is a strong and hardy dog, a good-natured and absolutely non-aggressive companion. Advantages: dedication, intelligence, rare barking. Disadvantages: the need for long walks and frequent sports.

  • with a thick and soft coat without undercoat. This friendly and intelligent pet is very easy to train. Loneliness is the biggest disaster for poodles.

Dogs with hair instead of wool

  • - a dog breed with hypoallergenic hair, similar in structure to human hair, is more suitable for families without children. This is a playful, cheerful animal, it is calm about being alone. These pets are easy to train, but take into account their physical fragility.

  • is an intelligent, agile and cheerful watchman. It is easy to teach him commands. Of the shortcomings - exacting care.

  • - a sociable animal of small size. The dog is demanding in the care of the coat. Main characteristics: mobility, cheerful disposition and quick wit. This breed is easy to train. She is hardy and patient.

Large breeds

  • designed to protect the family and home. He is loyal and selfless. This breed of dog, which does not cause allergies in people prone to it, is most suitable for keeping in the house, since dogs require a lot of space to live. The downside is learning difficulties.

  • similar to the previous breed, but much easier to train. They are cheerful and cheerful guards, trying to please all family members and protect little children.

  • - a watchman and protector with a developed hunter instinct. It looks intimidating and requires a lot of space to live. A friendly and cheerful dog can become depressed due to lack of attention.

  • : Russian black and Irish ... They are the same guards, hunters and watchmen. Dogs always behave carefully with strangers, but love their owners very much.

Small breeds

Among hypoallergenic dog breeds, most of the representatives are small in stature:

  • affpinscher;
  • Terriers (Australian, Bedlington);
  • Bichon Frize;
  • Chinese Crested.

The basic rule of animal care is regular brushing of the fur. You can also bathe your pet more often (several times a week) to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Important! The grooming should be done by a family member who is not allergic.

In addition, carefully clean the dog's habitat, do not let him into your "free" territory.

If you notice the following symptoms in yourself, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor:

  • redness on the skin;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • high temperature.

The first recommendation you hear from a specialist may be: "Get rid of the dog urgently!" However, there is no need to rush. Remember: if you care for the puppy and the apartment correctly, then this kind of reaction has most likely occurred to dry food. Therefore, it is worth considering how to change the manufacturer of the food or revise the entire diet of the dog.
Of course, you still need to pass tests for allergens to make sure of the causes of the allergy. Follow your doctor's instructions and monitor your health.

Did you know?In ancient Egypt, dogs were idolized. The owners of these wonderful creatures grieved for a long time after their death. They shaved off their eyebrows and applied dirt to their hair.

As a conclusion, it should be emphasized that a hypoallergenic pet is selected only on an individual basis. Even a bald dog needs to be looked after carefully, as well as the places of common use with it. Control the state of your body. Allergies are not a reason to abandon a friend.

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Allergic diseases are insidious in that a person, up to a certain point, may not suspect that he has them.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms and in the future - from parting with the dog, you should take care of the correct choice of a hypoallergenic breed for an apartment or house in advance.

What Causes Dog Allergies?

Allergy is a complex reaction of the immune system that occurs when a person comes into contact with any substance - an allergen.

An allergic reaction manifests itself only when the antigen re-enters the body. That is, when a person first encounters an allergenic protein, the immune system recognizes it and then, by mistake, begins to identify it as dangerous, releasing histamine from mast cells to protect the body.

Most people mistakenly think that pet hair is the cause of dog allergies, but this is not the case. An allergen is the Can f 1 protein, which is present in saliva, stool, epithelium, paranal and sebaceous glands located in the epidermis at the base of the coat.

A person does not need to be in direct contact with an animal in order to experience the manifestation of allergy symptoms, the reaction can also occur if the pet is not nearby. It is worth knowing that the smallest traces of allergens are in the room up to 6 months after the presence of the animal.

Allergy symptoms depend on how the antigen entered the human body. Accordingly, the reaction can manifest itself both in an instant and in a delayed manner.

Usually a person has:

  • swelling and itching of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis);
  • redness of the eyes, itching of the eyelids;
  • rash on the body;
  • redness of the skin after a dog licks it;
  • cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing within 15-30 minutes after exposure to allergens;
  • choking, asthma attack;
  • sleep disturbances;

List of hypoallergenic dogs

Hypoallergenic dogs are a relative term, since there are no breeds that are absolutely harmless to allergy sufferers, but individuals are observed that produce less allergenic proteins. Consider the most hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Small breeds

Maltese Bichon. It is a small dog with silk and fine hair. Since it produces much less dandruff and saliva than most of its congeners, it is one of the ideal companions for allergy sufferers.

Miniature poodle. Many people believe that poodles are the most hypoallergenic dogs as they hardly shed. And indeed it is. They are ideal for allergy sufferers, but their coat needs constant monitoring. Therefore, a person should know in advance that it will take him a lot of time to care for a pet, or the help of professional groomers (haircut specialists).

Chinese crested dog. Affectionate, energetic and playful, very gentle with children. Hairless, odorless and not afraid of fleas or ticks, it is the best companion for people with allergies. However, her skin is sensitive to perspiration, sunburn, and acne. It should be washed twice a week and rubbed regularly with moisturizer to protect delicate skin.

Yorkshire Terrier. One of the most popular small breeds. It practically does not shed, so you will hardly find wool in your home. However, it is worth remembering that long hair requires daily brushing, therefore, if you are looking for a puppy for children, it is better to pay attention to smooth-haired dogs, since caring for this dog takes a lot of time.

Shih Tzu. Despite the very long coat, dogs of the Shih Tzu breed do without shedding, therefore, small and playful, it will become the best friend for an allergic owner.

Medium breeds

Bedlington Terrier. Suitable for keeping both small apartments and houses. It is a very energetic hunting dog with high physical activity. Its curly fur is not very allergenic, however, the dog needs to be brushed regularly and washed every 3-4 months.

Xoloitzcuintle. A very rare breed. Due to the absence of wool, it does not cause allergies and does not emit an odor. Due to its peculiarity, it requires anxious skin care.

Kerry Blue Terrier. A dog of medium height with a soft curly coat. Due to the complete absence of the undercoat, it almost does not shed. The dog must be brushed daily.

Polish Lowland Shepherd Dog. A muscular dog with long hair and a soft undercoat that does not cause allergies. The future owner needs to be ready for regular care and long and active walks.

Bullets. An active herding dog with coarse and long tubular hair. Does not require regular maintenance, since it does not need to be combed out.

Large breeds

Flanders Bouvier. A large and powerful dog with a balanced character. Despite its shaggy appearance, it loses very little wool, but only on condition of responsible maintenance: regular grooming and combing.

Irish Water Spaniel. If you are looking for a large hypoallergenic dog, then this breed will be the best choice for you. It has short hair, similar in structure to human hair. However, you should know that your pet needs a regular haircut - approximately every 2 months. In terms of character, it is a friendly dog ​​that needs daily exercise and enjoys swimming during the warmer months.

Giant Schnauzer (Giant Schnauzer). It is a reliable and energetic companion with a long life expectancy of 13 years on average. With regular combing and cutting a couple of times a month, this breed does not have problems with the coat, since Giant Schnauzers practically do not shed.

Black Russian Terrier. Will become the best child's guard. More suitable for keeping in a large area than in an apartment, as it is a good hunter and watchman. Behaves wary with strangers. Despite its hairiness, allergies with this dog can be avoided, since the hair practically does not fall out, and very little dandruff is formed.

Komondor. The breed is the largest in size, built to guard the family and home, loyal and courageous. Dogs do not cause allergies in sensitive people who are prone to it. Requires space for living - the apartments are small for them, so the dog should be kept in the house.

We have reviewed a list of the most popular hypoallergenic dogs that can become your faithful friend, even with health problems. The choice is yours!

If a dog has lived in your house for many years, but suddenly a family member develops an allergy to its fur, this brings great inconvenience and shock. On the one hand, the health of a family member is most important. On the other hand, it is also very difficult to give into the wrong hands an expensive creature to which he has become attached with all his heart. You have to find a compromise, arranging a pet with relatives, where you can visit. However, it happens that a person knowingly knows that he has an allergy, but still wants a pet. Or someone from his family asks about it. In this case, you need to think very well so that a hastily taken decision does not turn into trouble. If you still want to have a pet, then choose one of those whose fur is the least allergenic.

What do you need to know?

First of all, you need to undergo an examination to find out what exactly you have seizures and how to deal with them. However, if you start sneezing and coughing as soon as an animal appears nearby, then the conclusion suggests itself. In this case, people sometimes ask veterinarians if there are dogs for allergy sufferers. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. In fact, it is impossible to guarantee that this or that breed will not cause seizures. However, some breeds have physiological characteristics that reduce or negate the likelihood of allergies.

The source of your troubles

Dogs for allergy sufferers are a myth that breeders use very widely to sell their puppies at a higher price. Moreover, breeds that do not shed are most often served under this "brand". The hair of these animals is similar to that of humans, it also grows and requires regular haircuts. However, the allergy is not caused by wool, as is commonly believed. She is only a carrier of dust and other irritants.

Myths around us

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is best to visit people where a representative of the breed you like already lives. It is enough to spend literally a few hours in his company, as it will become clear to you whether you can endure such a neighborhood. In newspapers you can often find the headlines "The best dogs for allergy sufferers and asthmatics", but they are composed only with one purpose - to sell the animal faster and more profitably. Under this name, a wide variety of representatives of the canine world can be offered. It:

  • Short-haired animals such as Shar Pei. It is believed that they are suitable for allergy sufferers. However, the molting process in such animals does not stop all year round. It is very difficult to remove short hairs: they are hammered into carpets and rugs, upholstery and, together with the sebum and dandruff present on them, increase the number of allergens every day.
  • Here the situation is the same, with a small difference that the hard needles-wool are not removed with a broom, or a rag, or a vacuum cleaner.
  • It would seem that here it is, the best dog for allergy sufferers. But things are even worse here. Animals without hair are very often prone to dermatitis. As a result, we get the following: dying epithelium or dandruff regularly falls on the floor. From there, it rises into the air along with the dust, being the true cause of coughing up a runny nose.

That is, we come to the following conclusion. Dog breeds for allergy sufferers should be long-haired with a thick and soft coat. Moreover, it is best if they do not shed. In this case, it is enough to regularly bathe the dog and take a haircut.

Minimizing risk

The main idea is clear: there are no animals on which, in principle, allergies cannot occur. However, in some cases, the risk will be much lower. Dogs for allergy sufferers and asthmatics are divided into three large groups, which we will discuss below. In the meantime, let's think about what traits an animal must have in order to be hypoallergenic?

  • Choose representatives of small breeds. Because the larger the surface of the body, the more dandruff and other allergens will crumble.
  • Regular bathing of your pet in the bathroom will help you get rid of saliva and dandruff on the coat. Again, the smaller the animal, the easier it is to handle this task.
  • That is, the selected dog should be small, with a weak shedding and with a dry muzzle, without dripping saliva.

The character of your pet

We almost forgot about another factor. The protein that causes allergies is found in saliva. Therefore, choosing breeds of dogs for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, we immediately exclude from the list of potential pets dogs with flews and increased salivation. These are Neapolitano mastino, and many others. However, in reality we are faced with another pattern. The silent English Bulldog may be less allergenic than the constantly barking Pekingese. It is during the fierce barking that saliva scatters in all directions. Therefore, it is better to choose an animal with a balanced temperament, which does not stoop to shrill barking. By the way, it is the representatives of small breeds that sin this first of all. You can walk to the nearest exhibition and watch the behavior of animals in the ring.

Non-shedding dwarf breeds

And the poodle is the first to perform here. A small, very smart and cute, active and inquisitive dog. Thinking about what kind of dog you can get an allergy, think about the poodle first. They are completely odorless, do not shed or splash drool. Smart, sociable and aristocratic. One more point - they practically do not have dandruff, therefore, according to all three articles, they are the most preferred animals. Poodles are also small in size and willingly bathe. And by doing a haircut, you will spend many pleasant minutes together.

Yorkshire Terrier

And we continue to talk about what kind of dog to get allergy sufferers. In second place are charming Yorkies. Small, graceful, with a calm disposition, they often get along well with all family members. Natural friendliness will allow you to interact normally with other pets. Yorkies are considered a hypoallergenic breed because they have a special type of coat. In structure, it resembles human hair. But practice shows that there are people who do not tolerate the neighborhood even with these cute creatures. At the same time, there are confirmed cases when a strong allergic reaction is observed in the first days of a dog's residence at home, but every day it becomes weaker and almost disappears. This situation is also possible. The group of non-shedding, dwarf breeds also includes the following representatives. These are Affenpinscher and Italian Bolognese, Beavers and Coton de Tulear.

Conditionally hypoallergenic dogs

There are many of them, so we will bring together only the most famous representatives here.

  • Naked pets are considered ideal pets, but we have already explained above why this is not the case at all. Both naked and fluffy Corydalis are prone to dandruff, and they also have saliva.
  • also belongs to this category. Her long, white hair does not fade, but requires regular grooming and combing. Otherwise, an allergic reaction to this representative is not excluded.
  • This also includes wire-haired schnauzers. Their coat is not prone to shedding, the only way to make the dog look decent is to pluck out the extra hairs. However, these terriers are very fond of barking, splashing saliva.

Low-shedding rocks

Once again, I would like to emphasize that it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question: “What kind of dogs are hypoallergenic?" Maltese, Shih Tzu and Pomeranian Spitz can be attributed to them and the Miniature Schnauzer, but these emotional creatures bark a lot, and therefore saliva scatters around.There is no guarantee that having one of these breeds, you will not feel discomfort. Therefore, first of all, you need to go to a dog-breeding club and practically communicate with the chosen dog, then visit a doctor who will tell you how you can correct your condition.

When choosing which dog to get for allergy sufferers, I want to immediately clarify whether you have enough time to properly care for it. If the craving for keeping a pet outweighs the possible risks, a number of rules must be followed to minimize them.

If with the appearance of the dog in the house you feel unwell, a cough and a runny nose appear, the temperature rises, then it is not necessary to write off all the sins on it. It is quite possible that along with her a true source of your troubles appeared. Choose all accessories with care: leash and harness, tray and toys, bowls, house and bedding. Give preference to only natural materials. Another cause of an allergic reaction can be dry food, which appeared at the same time as the puppy. In this case, it is enough to change the manufacturer and the problem will be solved. I would only like to add that no two people are alike. In this case, the reaction of each of them to a particular dog will be different. Therefore, everything is strictly individual.

Today almost every family has dogs. A huge variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet of any type and character. However, what if a family member suffers from allergies, but dreams of a four-legged friend? Take your time to give up your desires. Hypoallergenic dog breeds can help resolve conflicts of interest.

How to choose a safe dog for allergy sufferers

Everyone can choose the right pet for themselves - even for allergy sufferers, there are safe breeds

The first thing to consider is that there are no dogs that do not cause allergies at all. These are natural, natural reactions that cannot be overcome. Hypoallergenic breeds are those types of dogs that are less likely to cause the body's immune response to a particular stimulus. The reason for this is low hair loss. It can also be a less intense production of fluids from the secretory glands, which give off an odor that is dangerous to a person with allergies.

Important! According to medical observations, even hypoallergenic dogs can provoke a negative human reaction, as it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But such cases are extremely rare.

The main factors of choice

When choosing a dog for an allergic person, you need to take into account its physiological characteristics - the intensity of molting, salivation, etc.

For those who suffer from allergies but intend to have a four-legged friend, the following aspects need to be taken into account:

  1. The less an animal sheds, the better for humans. The opinion that allergy sufferers find it more difficult to get along with a long-haired dog is wrong. It is not the length that matters, but the number of hairs that have fallen out. And since short-haired breeds molt almost all year round, they are very dangerous.
  2. Try to choose a small indoor dog as size matters. The principle is based on the same - from small pets there will be less hair. Look at pictures of dogs of different breeds, inquire about the sizes from the breeders.
  3. The number of allergens is influenced by the barking of the dog. Scientists have noticed that calm pets are less likely to cause allergies than violent ones. This is because barking produces more saliva, which is a source of allergens.

List of hypoallergenic rocks for apartments and houses

The International Kennel Club has identified a list of dog breed names that are most appropriate for allergy sufferers. The list includes the following types of pets:

  • Australian Silky Terrier
  • affenpinscher;
  • American Hairless Terrier;
  • bolognese;
  • bichon frize;
  • Havana Bichon;
  • welsh terrier;
  • dandy dinmont terrier;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • pomeranian;
  • Irish Water Spaniel;
  • coton de tulear;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • Cairn Terrier;
  • lhasa apso;
  • kerry blue terrier;
  • papillon;
  • maltese;
  • Polish Lowland Shepherd Dog;
  • bullets;
  • portuguese aquatic;
  • poodle;
  • shih tzu.

Description with photo

The Chinese Crested is a breed of small dogs that do not shed. However, they need careful care: the hair on the tail, paws and head must be brushed daily. In addition, these dogs are prone to allergies, so they need to be bathed using special, odorless products.

Mobile chinese crested

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small dog with fine long and straight hair. It will require frequent grooming, such as washing and trimming. However, despite regular contact with the animal's hair, this breed practically does not have a negative effect on allergy sufferers. This fact can be explained by the silky structure of the coat and the almost complete absence of the undercoat, the small villi of which cause allergies.

Hipster australian silky terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is an active and strong medium sized dog. This is a great option for people with allergies. The absence of hair, which is the carrier of spores of fungi, dust, pollen, makes the dog completely safe. In addition, following the opinion that the allergen is located in the exfoliated cells of the epidermis and various biological fluids of the animal, the American Terrier gives a huge advantage. You can regularly wash your pet's skin and enjoy his company without fear of allergies.

A strong and dynamic American Hairless Terrier

Affenpinscher is an inquisitive pet of small size, which has a weak molting intensity. Easy to care for and safe for allergy sufferers. Will be a great friend to your child.

Cutie Affenpinscher

The Bichon Frize is a small dog breed that is popular for its funny looks. They have a thick coat that grows throughout their life. It does not shed at all, which is a positive factor for allergy sufferers. However, you need to devote a lot of time to grooming and trimming.

Fluffy Bichon Frize

Bolognese is a breed of small dogs with good intelligence and calm disposition. As in the previous case, the lapdog's hair does not fall out, which leads to tangling and, as a result, the owner will need to pay a lot of attention to caring for his pet.

Tireless bolognese

The Havana Bichon is a breed of small, kind and curious dogs. They also have a long and silky coat that does not fall out. Owners will need to pay daily attention to brushing their pet's coat with a special brush.

Playful Havana Bichon

The Dandy Dinmont Terrier is an unusual breed of dog with short legs. They are gentle, funny and inquisitive pets, whose fur is not subject to shedding. She does not need such careful care as in previous breeds, however, trimming is still necessary once every 2 months.

Nimble dandy dinmont terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a popular breed of toy dog. Such pets are covered with shiny fine hair, which is similar in structure to human hair. These dogs practically do not shed, but they need constant care, including daily brushing, frequent washing with the use of special products, etc.

Dignified Yorkshire Terrier

The Irish Water Spaniel is a very rare breed of dog in our time. They are large enough, have thick curly hair that does not shed. They are undemanding in grooming, since it is not necessary to comb and cut the pet so often - it is enough to carry out these procedures 2-3 times a month.

Kucheryashka Irish Water Spaniel

The Cairn Terrier is a breed of small hunting dogs. They have coarse wool of sandy, wheat, gray and other shades, which does not fade. Such a pet will need to be trimmed 3-4 times a year, which greatly facilitates care.

Faithful and brave Cairn Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized breed of dog whose body is covered with soft curly hair. They are characterized by a complete absence of undercoat and shedding, which minimizes the risk of allergies. The animal needs daily grooming in the form of combing.

Gourmet kerry blue terrier

The Coton de Tulear is a small dog breed that is quite rare. Their coat looks like soft and fluffy cotton wool. Despite this, pets do not shed, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Noble coton de tulear

Lhasa Apso is a breed of small dogs with a hard, thick and straight coat. They are not subject to molting, but they need regular care: the owner needs to comb and wash the pet daily, less often to trim.

Attentive and affectionate lhasa apso

Maltese is a breed of small toy dogs with silky white hair that does not have an undercoat. With proper care, these pets almost never shed.

Playful shy girls to maltese

The Papillon is a breed of decorative small dogs with characteristic large ears. Such pets have a long, silky and thin coat that is not prone to shedding. This factor makes the dog suitable for keeping an allergic person.

Tireless and sociable papillon

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium sized pet breed. Such dogs are distinguished by fluffy, hard and thick hair. Despite the fact that animals have a soft undercoat, they are completely safe for people with allergies. When starting such a pet, get ready for regular grooming and frequent walks with the dog.

Calm and patient Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a service breed. These pets are covered with thick, stiff and tightly twisted hair that is not prone to shedding with proper care. In addition to combing, these dogs need physical activity, in particular, swimming. Best kept in a house, not an apartment.

Active portuguese aquatic

The Poodle is a popular breed of dog with curly hair. They have no undercoat, but their susceptibility to shedding is moderate. Poodles need frequent grooming and grooming. Perfect for keeping in an apartment.

Quick-witted poodle

Bullets are a breed of small shepherd dogs covered with coarse long hair, twisted into tubes. These brave and active pets are not dangerous for allergy sufferers, and, moreover, they are unpretentious in care. The wool cords do not need to be brushed. The only thing you need is to keep them clean.

Loyal and unflappable bullets

Shih Tzu is a breed of miniature dogs with a short muzzle. Covered with shiny double-layered wool. These pets are also suitable for allergy sufferers as they do not shed their hair with proper care. However, be patient, as Shih Tzu need constant care, brushing and trimming.

Gorgeous shih tzu

The Miniature Pomeranian is a miniature dog breed that also belongs to the “toy” category. Their body is covered with long thick stiff hair. There is also a soft undercoat. But the absence of molting saves allergy sufferers and does not cause any particular problems if trimming is done on time. Currently, many breeders call it one of the most beautiful hypoallergenic breeds.

Sweet and playful Pomeranian

How to reduce your risk of allergies

Compliance with simple rules for caring for a dog will minimize the risk of allergies.

Choosing a safe dog breed is just one factor in minimizing the risk of allergies in humans. In addition to this, you must follow certain rules for living with a pet:

  1. First of all, the dog needs regular grooming. This is a prerequisite. The amount of dangerous protein in saliva and on the skin can be significantly reduced if you often wash and cut your pet.
  2. Do not neglect combing the coat. This will make both you and the dog feel comfortable.
  3. Damp your home as often as possible. Remove all surfaces, especially the “collectors” of allergens and dust - carpets, curtains, etc.
  4. Isolate your sleeping area from the dog. Chat with your pet, enjoy playing and taking care of it, but do not let it into your bedroom.
  5. Household cleaners can help reduce the concentration of irritants in the air. Regular airing of the room will do.

Important! It is advisable that the animal is not looked after by the allergic person himself, but by any other member of the family.

Thus, each of us can make a four-legged friend, even those who are prone to allergies. There are many breeds of dogs that practically do not cause a negative reaction of the body. They all differ in appearance, character and method of care, but choosing a pet for yourself is not so difficult. Good luck to you!