Slowing down hair growth: how different products can help you postpone epilation. The best post-depilation products that slow down hair growth. Reviews

Every woman strives to ensure that the skin is silky and smooth. Excessive growth of unwanted hair on the body and face brings many problems. A woman is ready to endure various painful procedures in order to get rid of them at least for a while.

Despite the use of the most modern technologies, there is still no such method that can completely make you forget about unwanted hair on the body and face. However, there are many natural remedies available that will help get rid of them for a long time and make them invisible and thin.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric powder, when combined with various other ingredients, is known to slow the growth of facial hair fairly quickly. A paste should be prepared from turmeric and a small amount of yogurt and applied to the hair growth area. The effect increases with regular use.

Another effective method for removing unwanted hair is to use a paste made from flour, turmeric, lemon juice and cream. Paste paste is applied to problem areas and allowed to dry. After that, using a soft sponge dipped in warm water, remove the paste from the skin surface in a circular motion. A paste made from pea flour and turmeric has a good effect. Peas soaked overnight are ground into a paste and turmeric powder is added. The paste is applied to problem areas of the skin and washed off with water after drying.

This remedy is effective if the excess hair growth is caused by excess testosterone production. A cup or two of mint tea can lower testosterone levels, thereby slowing the growth of unwanted hair. Mint tea should be taken daily.

Facial masks made from sugar, egg whites and cornmeal can also significantly slow down the growth of unwanted hair. Stir the mixture, preparing a thick gruel and smear on the skin. Once dry, the mask can be removed from the skin surface with a damp sponge or water. This mask also acts as a scrub and can be used to cleanse the skin.

4. Phytoestrogens

The phytoestrogens found in plants mimic the action of estrogen, a hormone produced by the female body. This hormone slows down the growth of hair on the face and hands and reduces hair density. The richest in phytoestrogens are alfalfa, dill, flax seeds and licorice. They can be used as complementary additions to main dishes and salads.

5. Discoloration

If there is not much hair, then they can simply be discolored. A 10% hydrogen peroxide solution will help make hair thinner so that it becomes barely visible on the body. You should wipe problem areas of the skin with this solution twice a day. The effect is enhanced by adding a few drops of ammonia to the solution.

6. Iodine and ammonia solution

A fairly effective recipe will be a mixture made from iodine, ammonia and castor oil. Add 1.5 g of iodine, 2 g of ammonia solution and 1 tsp to 1.5 tablespoons of alcohol. castor oil. Leave the mixture until it becomes discolored. Lubricate unwanted hair areas twice a day.

7. Seeds of stinging nettle

Tincture made from nettle seeds will help get rid of hair for a long time. Problem areas should be lubricated with this solution twice a day.

All of these above methods of getting rid of unwanted hair are not fast-acting, in order to get the effect of their use, you should be patient. However, it is safe to say that they are much safer than some of the modern hair removal methods offered in salons.

Smooth skin without unnecessary hairs for most girls is an integral indicator of grooming and a guarantee of a pleasant feeling of self-confidence. And although the procedure for removing unnecessary "vegetation" is as common as brushing your teeth, you want to resort to it as little as possible. Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity, pushed by a natural and logical desire, is trying to find effective ways to slow down the growth of body hair.

How quickly hair grows back is determined by four factors:

  • Individual characteristics of the organism. The speed of hair regrowth depends on natural conditions, as well as their thickness, color and stiffness.
  • Hair removal method. The method that a girl chooses to get rid of excess "vegetation" directly determines how long the smooth effect will last.
  • Compliance with technology. The observance of the intricacies of this or that method of removing hairs depends not only on how thick, hard and dark the newly appeared ones will be, but also on the rate of regrowth.
  • Using special products after hair removal. Special formulations that weaken the structure of the hair and / or follicle not only postpone the next epilation or depilation procedure, but also make the re-removal process more comfortable and, in the case of epilation, less painful.

Knowing these points allows us to conclude that special measures need to be taken both at the stage of hair removal and after the procedure.

What can be done during the hair removal phase

Natural indicators can be influenced by using special means, which will be discussed below, but by and large they are genetically incorporated. Sometimes increased "hairiness" - a consequence of hormonal disorders, in this case, you should consult a doctor. But the method and technology of removal are factors that are much easier to influence.

Method selection

With depilation, when the hair is removed along with the follicle (sugar paste, wax, epilator), the result is longer than with epilation (machine, creams and gels), when the bulb remains intact. The table below will tell you how long the effect lasts after one method or another of getting rid of excess "vegetation".

Table: duration of effect after different methods of hair removal

The most effective way to prolong the smooth skin effect is to remove hairs along with the follicle. Numerous reviews report that a course of laser or photoepilation allows you to save the result for several years.

Video: Hair Removal Techniques

Compliance with technology

An incorrectly performed epilation or depilation procedure is fraught with short-term results, as well as the problem of ingrown hairs and the fact that the newly growing "bristles" become more and more hard and dark. How can you avoid these troubles? Recommendations in the table below.

Table: how to remove hair so that the result lasts longer

  • Change the machine more often: the blade must be sharp;
  • before the procedure, treat the skin with a scrub;
  • use special foams and shaving gels: they weaken the structure of the hairs;
  • move the razor only in the direction of hair growth.
Depilation with cream (gel, lotion)
  • Select the product carefully (for example, stronger formulations are required for coarse hair);
  • before the procedure, steam the skin in a bath or shower, treat the "hairy" areas with a scrub;
  • scrupulously follow the instructions for the drug.
Hair removal with epilator
  • Use a quality device;
  • before the session - hot shower or bath, scrub;
  • the movement of the epilator is according to hair growth.
  • Before the procedure, take a hot shower or bath, work out the skin with a scrub;
  • it is best to contact a professional;
  • when exercising at home, use high-quality sugar paste (the degree of hardness of the composition is determined by the characteristics of the hairs, the temperature in the room, the treated area);
  • apply the paste against hair growth, remove - in the direction of growth.
  • Before the session, relax in a hot shower or bath, scrub the skin;
  • if possible, contact a beautician;
  • when carrying out at home, purchase high-quality wax;
  • remove the composition against hair growth.
Laser hair removalContact a professional cosmetologist with good recommendations, who works on modern, high-quality equipment.

Video: how to shave your legs correctly

What means to use after removal

After doing everything possible to slow down hair growth during the removal phase, you can take care of your skin care after the procedure. The use of special tools will help prolong the achieved result. The compositions can be purchased at the store or made by yourself.

Regardless of which hair growth retardant will be used, in order to achieve the desired effect and not harm the health of the skin, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Consider contraindications. Means that slow down hair growth are intended for external use, most often their only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Therefore, an allergy test is required before using any product. Apply a small amount to the wrist or elbow for 7-10 minutes. If after a day of undesirable reactions (redness, itching, peeling, etc.) do not appear, you can use the product. You should not resort to the use of funds for dermatological pathologies, open skin lesions, and a tendency to allergic reactions without first consulting a doctor.
  • Follow the instructions. Carry out the treatment of the skin with the product as stated in the instructions, adhere to the recommendations on the duration and frequency of use of the product.
  • Observe the reaction of the skin. If, during the application of the composition, the condition of the epidermis worsens, you should look for another way to slow down hair growth.

Purchased products

Modern girls in the conditions of a wide range of cosmetic products and the lack of a large amount of free time often prefer to purchase a means to slow down hair growth in a store.

Mechanism of action

Such agents, called inhibitors, work by the activity of active ingredients that weaken the structure of the hairs and / or follicles. These ingredients can be:

  • salicylic acid;
  • formic alcohol;
  • plant extracts (papaya, hyacinth, lemon, green walnut);
  • organic acids, etc.

Purchased products, as a rule, also contain substances that have a soothing effect on the skin: extracts of calendula, aloe, chamomile, etc.

Subtleties of choice

It is not difficult to buy a means to slow down hair growth, but how not to make the wrong choice? When buying a drug, several points should be considered:

  1. Hair removal method. Not all products suitable for skin care after hair removal are suitable for slowing down the growth of "vegetation" after depilation: if the follicle is preserved, it is more difficult to affect the growing hair, stronger formulations are needed.
  2. Individual characteristics. Products that slow down the growth of light, fine hairs may not be suitable for owners of dark, tough "vegetation". In addition, the skin may react differently to a particular product.
  3. The processed area. For the face, as well as for the sensitive, delicate skin of the bikini area, more delicate products are required than for the legs and arms.
  4. The composition of the product. The preparation should contain substances that weaken the hair structure and have a soothing effect on the skin.
  5. Financial opportunities. The average cost of funds is from 100 to 1500 rubles.

Owners of hard and thick hairs, as well as those who prefer to use a razor, it is better to give preference to stronger, more expensive formulations. After each epilation, as well as when using most depilatory creams, the hairs grow thinner and thinner, lighter and weaker, so it becomes easier to find a means to slow down their growth.

Table: an overview of popular drugs

MeansActive ingredientsPeculiaritiesApproximate cost in rubles (at the beginning of 2018)
Skin Doctors "Hair Growth Inhibitor Spray"
  • Salicylic acid;
  • St. John's wort and walnut extracts;
  • arnica.
  • Available in spray form;
  • has a high-quality composition;
  • has earned positive reviews.
  • Walnut, lemon extracts;
  • extracts of green tea, aloe;
  • urea.
  • Part of the line of products for professional use;
  • soothes and moisturizes the skin;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • used every day for a month after hair removal.
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • plant extracts;
  • collagen.
  • A spray bottle provides easy application of the product;
  • protects sensitive skin from external factors.
  • Allantoin;
  • Wax Mirika;
  • eucalyptus;
  • arnica.
  • Provides a cooling effect;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation and rash.
  • Papain;
  • arnica.
  • Effectively relieves irritation after epilation;
  • prevents the appearance of ingrown hairs.
Eveline Q10 + RThe composition does not contain components that slow down hair growth, contains mineral oil.
  • It softens and regenerates the skin well;
  • judging by the reviews, hair growth does not slow down.
  • Extracts of cotton and aloe;
  • fruit acids;
  • lemon oil.
  • Available in the form of a spray that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed;
  • has skin softening properties;
  • hard to find on sale.
  • Clover and walnut extracts;
  • aloe;
  • chamomile.
  • Easy to apply;
  • Provides gentle care for irritated skin.

Home formulations

You can also make products that slow down hair growth at home. An important advantage of such products is their natural composition.

What to make

For the manufacture of home remedies that have a detrimental effect on the structure of the hair, the following are most often used:

  • lemon juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • green walnut;
  • turmeric;
  • essential oils, etc.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a home remedy, it is important to consider several factors:

  • Individual characteristics. If the hair is too dark and coarse, grows back very quickly, the preparations made by yourself may not work. For excessively dry and sensitive skin, you should abandon alcohol-containing formulations, which will only aggravate the problem.
  • Required ingredients. Lemon juice is much easier to get hold of than green walnuts.
  • Availability of free time. Some products need to be used only 1 time, others 3 times, and some up to the next hair removal procedure.

Table: home remedies to slow hair growth

MeansPreparationApplication features
Lemon juiceSqueeze the juice from half a lemon.Wipe the skin 1-2 times a day.
Grape juiceCut large white grapes into halves.
Tincture of green walnut shell and partitions
  1. Place the shell and partitions in a dark glass container.
  2. Pour in enough alcohol so that it completely hides the raw material.
  3. Insist 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  • Before use, dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of 4 to 1.5.
  • Lubricate the skin with the product after hair removal, then use for another 2 days, applying the product once a day.
Oil composition
  1. Pour 5 tablespoons of apricot oil into a dark glass bottle.
  2. Stir in essential oils of lavender, mint (5 drops each) and tea tree (20 drops).
Apply the product immediately after getting rid of hair, then use every other day.
Turmeric pastePour enough water into the seasoning to make a pasty mass.Apply the composition in a thick layer, cover with plastic wrap, rinse off after 15–20 minutes.
Papain lotion
  1. Stir 1 g of papain into 50 ml of lavender flower water.
  2. To thicken the mass, add a pinch of guar gum.
  3. Stir in 5 drops of turmeric oil.
Apply after epilation or depilation, then apply for another 3 days, treating the hair-free areas twice a day.
Alcohol solution with iodine and castor oil
  1. Combine 35 ml of medical alcohol with 5 ml of ammonia.
  2. Stir in 1.5 ml of iodine and 5 ml of castor oil.
Wipe the skin 1-2 times a day.
A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxideCombine peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions, stir in a tablespoon of liquid soap.After hair removal, apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Turmeric and green walnuts can stain the skin, so it is recommended to alternate their use with lemon juice, which, on the contrary, provides a brightening effect.

I use tea tree and lavender essential oils to boost hair growth (on the scalp), and I know that peppermint oil can be used for the same purpose. The substances contained in these products activate blood microcirculation, strengthening the follicles. Therefore, the use of essential oils to slow down hair growth, in my opinion, is highly questionable. The same applies to castor oil, because it has been known for a long time that it makes hair darker and stronger. In my school years, I used hydrogen peroxide to lighten the hair on the legs and in the bikini area, it helped, they also became softer, but as for the slowdown in their growth, such an effect was not observed. I think lemon juice also only has a brightening effect.

Video: how to remove hair with turmeric

Is it worth resorting to "heavy artillery"

In search of effective methods for prolonging the effect of a "clean" body, you can stumble upon radical methods involving the use of strong alkaline compounds. It is recommended to use a solution with an acidity level of 13 pH, so that after six months you will forget about the hair removal procedure forever:

  1. Dissolve a third teaspoon of baking soda in 300 ml of water.
  2. After epilation, pour the product over the skin.
  3. Use for another 2 days 1-2 times a day.

However, even if all precautions are taken, the risk of getting burns is very high, therefore, when deciding to resort to this method, you should be aware of the full degree of responsibility for your own health.

Every time after removing excess hair, a woman has a question - how to stop time, prolong the feeling of absolutely smooth skin. Cosmetology firms produce many creams and other products that slow down hair growth.

Epilation or depilation?

For a long time, hair removal and depilation were considered synonymous. Modern cosmetology has in its arsenal many modern technologies that have a devastating effect on hair follicles. Therefore, now epilation and depilation mean different procedures.

Confusion often arises though. Depilation with wax is called bioepilation. And it would be more accurate to call a depilator an epilator.

When depilation removes the visible part of the hair with or without a root. In this case, the hair follicle is not affected, after a while new hairs begin to grow from it.

Depilation includes:

  • shaving - with such a removal, even the hair root is not affected;
  • chemical depilation - special depilatory creams destroy hair, but the root and hair follicle are not affected;
  • mechanical removal - when using tweezers or a depilator, the hair is removed from the root, but the follicle remains unharmed;
  • waxing - excess vegetation is removed by the root using cold or hot wax;
  • shugaring - hair removal with a special sugar-based paste.

When hair is removed from the root, new hairs will appear more slowly than after shaving. If you use special creams after depilation, the stubble will not appear longer.

Epilation types

When epilating, hair is removed along with the bulb, new hairs appear rather slowly. Only professional cosmetologists in specialized salons or clinics can carry out such a procedure correctly.

Electric hair removal takes place using galvanic or alternating current. The devices use different frequencies so that the current can penetrate directly to the follicle and destroy it. The procedure is very painful, microtrauma may appear.

When using a laser, hair cells, follicles and melanin are destroyed by high temperatures. After such a procedure, the hole quickly overgrows, the skin becomes very smooth. But laser hair removal is only suitable for dark-haired girls - the device does not recognize light shades.

Photoepilation involves the removal of hair using light flashes. The method is suitable for light hair.

Ultrasonic hair removal uses a special gel and ultrasonic equipment. The molecules penetrate deeply and destroy the hair follicle. This procedure is not suitable for the bikini area; during epilation, nearby tissues are destroyed.

Enzymes slowly but surely destroy follicles. After enzymatic hair removal, you cannot visit the solarium for a week or sunbathe. This procedure cannot be performed on the face.

After any type of hair removal, you must use special professional or home remedies that slow down hair growth, moisturize the skin and eliminate inflammation.

What is included in the inhibitor cream?

A cream that slows down hair growth is a highly concentrated cosmetic product. It contains substances that slow down the division and maturation of follicles. With regular use, keratin is destroyed, the hair becomes thin, and over time it loses color.

Any agent for slowing hair growth contains inhibitors - substances that interfere with the normal division of hair follicle cells.

Natural ingredients are used in high-quality creams:

  • natural preservatives - plant extracts, essential oils, sodium benzonate;
  • extracts from arnica, witch hazel, St. John's wort, pumpkin seeds, safflower;
  • enzymes that inhibit hair growth (proteases) - obtained from papaya and pineapple.

Some inhibitors neutralize sulfur, which promotes rapid hair growth. Other creams based on enzymes break down proteins, which leads to the destruction of the visible part and the root of the hair.

The cream contains additional components that soften and soothe the skin - jojoba or grape seed oil, glycerin, wax, lecithin. Aloe extract, allantoin contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

Review of the best inhibitor creams

High-quality inhibitor creams can actually significantly slow down hair growth, make them thin and unobtrusive. For such funds, the price is not always the main indicator; when choosing, you should carefully read the composition. A good cream can be found both in foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Yves Rocher 2-in-1 Inhibitor Cream moisturizes the skin and slows down hair growth. The composition includes agave juice, skullcap root.

The Russian company "Floresan" produces Deep depil cream. It contains chamomile, aloe, clover extract and green walnut shells. For a noticeable result, manufacturers recommend applying the product in a thin layer, do not rinse for 5 minutes. The tool is very effective and inexpensive.

BYLY Moisturizing and Hair Growth Inhibitor Cream contains papain. Moisturizes, gradually destroys follicles. The consistency is liquid, reminiscent of body milk.

Stop-hair from Serge Arsua is a joint Russian-French product. Effectively moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation.

Aroma Epil Expert DECLEOR cream can be used on delicate areas - face, armpits, bikini. Not only slows down hair growth, but also prevents ingrown hairs.

Depilatory cream: PROS and CONS / Yanina Z

Other remedies to slow hair growth

In addition to creams, you can find other products on sale that slow down hair growth.

Lotion from JOHNSON'S is the best product for softening the skin after epilation. The lotion removes redness, promotes the healing of small scratches. After application, a slight shine appears on the skin. Hair growth slows down noticeably, they become less noticeable. The composition includes soy extract.

GREEN MAMA inhibitor gel contains aloe juice, which moisturizes and soothes the skin, eliminates inflammation. Arnica extract promotes rapid regeneration and makes the skin soft. Peppermint and lemon oils provide a feeling of coolness and freshness.

Products for men

The constant struggle with the stubble tires not only women, but also men. Men's hair is coarser, grows back faster, inhibitors act on them much worse.

Modern cosmetology firms have taken into account all the features of the structure of hair in men, have developed preparations with a higher concentration.

Serge Arsua also produces Stop Cream for men.

There is a male inhibitor cream in the Oriflame product line. After using Nord cream for a month, 75% of men noted a significant slowdown in the growth of facial hair.

Xreducer Almea cream is universal - suitable for both men and women.

How to use it correctly?

Any remedy to slow hair growth should be applied immediately after epilation. During the procedure in a beauty salon, all the necessary cosmetic products are applied to the skin, so home care can be postponed until the next day.

If, after hair removal, the skin becomes very dry, cracks appear - you should refrain from using inhibitors for several days.

Disadvantages of using an inhibitor cream:

  • at first, itching may appear, the skin begins to peel off;
  • ingrown hairs may appear;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • high price.

Inhibitors should be used regularly until new hairs appear, after which the vegetation should be removed and a special cream applied again.

Traditional methods

Hair growth inhibitors can be made at home.

  • Butter

Pour the base oil into a dark glass container. These can be grape seed oils or jojoba oils. Add 3 drops of peppermint oil, 5 drops of tea tree oil for every 15 ml of base.

Use immediately after hair removal and after bathing or showering daily. You can store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.

  • Nettle oil

Pour 25 g of nettle seeds into 100 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Stir, apply to skin after epilation with massage movements.

  • Moisturizing cream

Any body cream will do. Take the amount required for a single use, add 5 drops of lemon oil and 3 ml of white grape juice. Such a product cannot be stored, it quickly deteriorates.

  • Ant oil

The product can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is not cheap, but it works effectively. The acids that are part of the oil quickly destroy hair follicles. Can be used on face, underarms and bikini area. Apply after epilation on clean, ideally dry skin, do not rinse for 2 hours. Repeat the procedure daily.

An inhibitor cream cannot get rid of hair permanently. But in combination with epilation (depilation) it allows you to make your skin perfectly smooth for a long time. When choosing, it is necessary to give preference to products that contain natural ingredients and a minimum of aggressive substances.

Depilatory cream. Skin care after depilation.

There are many methods of getting rid of unwanted body hair, they are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Depilation- removal of the visible part of the hair with a machine or using a depilatory cream.
  2. Epilation- hair removal with a bulb. Epilation is carried out by different methods in a beauty salon. At home, the procedure takes place using an epilator or tweezers. They also use wax or shugaring, threading (description and reviews). you can read about pain relievers for hair removal.

The differences between epilation and depilation are detailed. These manipulations are less often allowed by special means that destroy the hair follicle, as a result of which hair growth slows down. To really get the expected effect, choose the right product, depending on the method of hair removal (depilation or epilation).

They can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them yourself at home.

Homemade recipes

Effective oils that inhibit hair growth. The potion is easy to prepare:

  • in base oil(grape seed or jojoba - the least fatty) you need to drip peppermint oil and tea tree oil (take 5 drops of each for 15 ml of base) and mix. Such a composition will relieve irritation, soothe the skin and slow down hair growth. Apply with massage movements, rubbing in slightly;
  • into your favorite body moisturizer(take the amount that will be enough for one time) drip a few drops of lemon oil and white grape juice. Apply the prepared mixture immediately after epilation, it cannot be stored - it will quickly deteriorate.

The video shows how to make a mask to slow down hair growth:

Traditional methods

To destroy the onion, alkalis and acids available at home are used (vinegar, lemon, soda, brown laundry soap). After depilation, rub the skin with one of the selected products (for example, lemon). You cannot use it together, because the substances neutralize each other.

One of the popular methods to stop hair growth is to lather the place after depilation with laundry soap and leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat every two days.

Laundry soap dries the skin! After the procedure, moisturize your skin with a special cream!

TOP 5 popular tools that work!

  1. Slows down hair growth ant oil... It is obtained from ant eggs. The process is laborious, so the tool is quite expensive. The acids included in the composition destroy the hair follicles. Before use, the epilated area must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. Rub the oil with massage movements. Do not rinse for several hours. Repeat the procedure after epilation for several days in a row. It will be possible to completely get rid of unwanted hair only after a few months of use. According to numerous reviews, the most effective is the form oil from Turkey "TALA". Suitable for even very delicate parts of the body (face, underarms and bikini area). The cost of a 20 ml bottle is about 500 rubles.
  2. Yves Rocher offers 2 in 1 body care. It moisturizes the skin and slows down hair growth. The company's researchers have included special ingredients in the milk: hydration is due to the properties of Mexican agave juice, and the Chinese skullcap root has an overwhelming effect on hair growth. The price for 200 ml is about 800 rubles. But the company often holds promotions, special offers, using them, you can buy the product much more profitably.
  3. JOHNSON'S Company(UK) offers a body lotion that slows down hair growth. It moisturizes and soothes the skin well. After applying the lotion, the skin acquires a subtle attractive shine. Hair grows more slowly, becoming less visible, thanks to the soy extract, which is included in the composition. After regular use of the lotion, you will need to epilate your legs much less often. A volume of 250 ml costs about 600 rubles.
  4. GREEN MAMA offers a gel after depilation “Aloe Vera and Arnica”. Aloe vera juice is known for its properties to moisturize and soothe the skin, relieve inflammation. Arnica is used to heal irritations and soften the skin. Peppermint and lemon essential oils cool and pleasantly refresh. A number of other ingredients (among them - plant extracts) slow down hair growth. The price of a tube of 100 ml is about 200 rubles.
  5. There are similar products from Russian manufacturers that deserve attention. For example, a company "Floresan" offers "Deep depil" -. The composition contains chamomile and aloe vera, extracts of which soothe the skin. To reduce the intensity of hair growth, extracts of clover and green walnut shells are used. This tool will really stitch off your hair when applied correctly! The manufacturer recommends applying the cream gel in a continuous layer and leaving it for a few minutes to absorb. The price is quite affordable: a 150 ml tube costs about 130 rubles.

There is a huge selection of beauty products on the market that promise to slow down the growth of unwanted hair. So far, not a single remedy has been able to solve this problem 100% (so that hair growth does not resume). But many drugs really have an effective effect and depilation, thanks to them, can be less frequent.

All that remains is to choose the right one for your skin. The formula “good or bad” does not work, here the other is more relevant - “suitable - not suitable”. And this is calculated only after numerous attempts, by the method of "trial and error". Product reviews can help reduce the number of unsuccessful experiences. You might also be interested in. The link describes how they are used. Also read,.

The desire to intervene in the natural course of events, to influence the expected results and to argue with Mother Nature about some of her decisions is characteristic of many representatives of the human race. Women are less categorical on global issues, but they are ready to modify and improve their appearance ad infinitum, disagreeing with the option that was kindly offered initially by nature.

Interference with natural processes

Hair growing on the head is usually actively stimulated to make it as lush, thick and luxurious as possible. On any other part of the body with unwanted hairs, a fierce and merciless war is being waged. A woman is ready to endure pain and torment, just to admire her smooth and even skin for a while, removing everything from it, down to the last hair.

It is impossible to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation, and we have the choice of the most suitable method: less painful and not particularly effective or clearly effective, but expensive and quite traumatic. An intermediate cream can be a cream with properties of slowing down the hair growth process, but its effectiveness, usefulness and safety must be checked individually.

Possibilities for slowing hair growth

The most successful cosmetic preparations act on the hair follicle, discoloring and thinning the newly growing hairs. This can be an epilator cream or an inhibitor that is applied to the surface of the skin after epilation. There are specially designed inhibitors for different parts of the body, and their assortment is also quite diverse - this is a cream, and a deodorant, and a gel, serum, mousse or lotion. The salon can offer special capsules and serums.

In addition to their direct purpose, these preparations carefully care for the skin, softening and nourishing it, thanks to biologically active components such as essential oils with an antiseptic effect, extracts and extracts from geranium, lavender, pine, chamomile. In addition to slowing hair growth, ingrowth is prevented.

You can use the cream before epilation for pain relief or after the procedure to soothe the skin and relieve the unpleasant sensation of dryness, irritation and flaking.

So boring hairs on the body and on the face, as you know, are not given by nature by chance. But, sometimes, it seems that nature acted somehow unreasonably. We sometimes struggle with our hairstyle, wanting our hair to be fuller, thicker, shinier, healthier, and from the hair on our legs and in intimate areas we don't know where to go.

Radical methods

To remove unwanted hair, women have long used all kinds of means: from shaving to wax. But now our cosmetics industry offers the most optimal options for waging this war. For example, a cream that slows down hair growth.

For many of us, hair removal is not a pleasant procedure. If painless - with a razor, then you get dry flaky skin. If wax or shugaring, however, like an electric epilator, then it is quite painful, plus reddening of the skin for several hours. In both cases, there is another problem - the possible ingrowth of hairs under the skin, which looks and feels just the same disgusting. It is for this reason that more and more women, in addition to radically removing unnecessary hairs, also use creams to slow down their growth.

Sparing means

Almost every cosmetic company produces such products. But, having come to the store for such a necessary care product, it is difficult to choose something right away. After all, these funds are different in price, composition, volume of packaging. And the name painted on the bottle is for many a landmark in purchases for themselves, their beloved.

Therefore, before buying such a cream, you need to decide on many issues. First, the type of skin and hair. For sensitive skin it is better to buy one cream, and for dry and flaky skin - another, the same with the hairs: some components are suitable for hard naughty hairs, and others for thin and soft ones.

Secondly, it is worth thinking about the volume of the tube: how often do you intend to use this cream, does it make sense to buy a larger bottle, or is it worth buying a completely small tube for testing.

Third, the price. Most likely, even fairly cheap products produced by Russian cosmetic companies will turn out to be no worse, if not better, than world famous branded creams with exorbitant prices.

Folk ways

In this case, in my opinion, it is still worth starting with small sample volumes containing natural ingredients - oils, herbal infusions. The cream affects hair growth with rather aggressive chemical elements, to which the body can react with manifestations of allergies. Natural remedies are not as active, but less dangerous, and their regular use leads to the expected result.

A slice of lemon can be used after epilation by rubbing it over the skin. Essential oils of grape seed, jojoba, mint or tea tree discolor hair, slow down their growth and gently care for the skin.

A hot mixture is prepared from castor oil, iodine and alcohol to treat the skin of the legs. A couple of tablespoons of Indian spice turmeric, diluted to a slurry state in warm water, well slows down hair growth, if you rub the resulting mixture into the skin after epilation. To enhance the effect of the product, you can create the appearance of a compress. A slight itching of the skin indicates that the procedure is successful.

The green peel of an unripe walnut can be used to rub the skin, but be careful not to burn or be upset when the skin turns dark. Ash from burnt nut shells can also be used by soaking in warm water. Means can be varied and quite exotic, but what to choose for ourselves and the decision whether to use them, we decide for ourselves. Good luck to you!