Life statuses about long and hard relationships. Statuses about relationships: Beautiful, original statements for social networks

No animal will kill another without need. Only a person is capable of it.

People are a goal, not a means. And the attitude to them should be appropriate.

You know, it sometimes seems to me that the foundation of our relationship with you was laid by migrant workers.

Every woman wants to see a beloved man next to them. Otherwise, she will see someone else.

Best status:
It is stupid when a person is interested in what others think about him. Moreover, if these others do not put in the penny.

If you pay attention to the disadvantages of others, you will be tired of saying where they should go.

The same worldview helps to establish good relations, different - makes them brighter.

Do not be afraid, deciding on a frank conversation, jeopardize a relationship with a person. It is unlikely that such relationships were very good. The conversation will simply put all the points above "and".

There is a single faithful tool to make a relationship. I really want to know him.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say.

Relationship like a girl's hair. Than they are longer, the harder to solve them to chop.

Experience taught me that if people do something against you, ultimately, it will benefit you.

No one is made by a woman's friend if it can become her lover.

Sometimes a woman evades rapprochement with a man not because he doesn't like her, but because she is afraid not to please him.

Some time will pass. You will understand that this is the end. But it will only be the beginning of a new one.

In my opinion, marriage and his bonds or the greatest good, or the greatest evil; Middle no.

At a certain age, decent people farewell to each other errors and former weaknesses, the stormy passions, which were carried out between them a sharp face, are inferior to the place of tender affection.

Relationships are like air: to spoil, just once can not be restraved

It is nice to hurt, when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday.

Man is the only animal that causes other pain, while not having any other purpose

It should be treated as a big goal, but never believing as a means.

Listen, I have a feeling that our relationships with you have built Tajiks.

All girls need to be near was the beloved person, if you do not, then there will be someone else next ...

We are so fue that we attach the importance to what people think about us who do not give meaning.

If you do not take people as they are, you will have to send them to where they place

General views and interests of people make their relationship pleasant, but it is precisely the differences make them interesting.

If as a result of finding out relationships with someone, they deteriorated, mean, they were not good before their clarification. Clarification only put everything in its place.

In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good, not disturbing the decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope for success. Do not put yourself in a humiliating position.

There is only one right way to build a relationship, and we all would like to know it.

If you can't change the situation, it is worth changing your attitude to it

Millions of people offer each other to become friends when they are trying to finish the relationship ... although it is from that they need to start!

A dead end in the relationship - as a dead end on the road, there is nowhere to go, but it is pointless in place.

Even family bonds would be broken if our thoughts were written in our forehead

A weak man turns away when he sees a loved one with another. Glupy is trying to break the relationship. And only a strong person can let go who loves who loves

The climate of relations depends on the weather conditions of characters.

It is better to immediately stop on dots than gradually walk to the point.

Relations between parents and children are as difficult and as dramatic as the relationship between loving.

The best way to spoil the relationship is to start finding out them.

Who caught a good son-in-law, he acquired his son, and who was bad, he lost and daughter.

One-sided self-sacrifice is an unreliable basis for living together, because he insults the other side.

When you are dear to man, he will surely answer you even on the message that is essentially nothing to say.

Aphorisms about relationships - any relationship between people is a deal.

Not relationships define values, and values \u200b\u200bdetermine relations. Otherwise, the unshakable breaks in the eclipse cobweb.

If people together and they are good, it does not matter what their relationship is called.

The future worries us, and the past is holding us. That is why the present escapes from us.

When you were born, you cried, and everyone was happy. Live so that when you die, only you smiled alone, but all the others cried ..

Give a fairy tale to each other very easily ... .. But for some reason I remember it rarely ... ..

"The sky by the sea wave will cover, I will breathe only by minute meetings ..

"People like ships ... each has their own coordinates, its speed, their passing wind ..."

I always say everything that everything is fine with me, no matter what. After all, our thoughts are material!

I learned to be silent about the love of which I wanted to scream ...

I like to just watch you laugh .. love call you with your sun .. you just look in your eyes .. and only you can say I love you ..

If you see it, say that every evening I wish him good night ...

I am not a wizard, I'm just learning, and the focus "Do not miss without you" I do not work yet ...

Hearts in one rhythm. . . Dreams with one course. . . I MISS you dream of me !!!

I will smile, dream, invent - and I will definitely become for someone the biggest joy in the world

Friendship is not needed for life, she is from those things, without which life does not need ...

I'm just right next to you, minutes, please, get the eternal .. "

Love is what you smile, even when tired.

Someone loved, he will not love again.

why people go that they find there, where dreams live ..

Love does not tolerate those who defiantly defiantly turned to her back. Love loves decisive and bold, which is precisely because they do not make mistakes that they are not afraid to make them.

she knew how to talk one look only ..

... sometimes inexplicable wonders happen - but solely with those who believe that miracles are. (C) Paulo Coelho

Help me survive this night. Make so that my cry is quieter ... quieter! After all, you know, only you can help me. I do not want to count seconds before dawn - they are infinite, like these tears, again ... and feel separation, and she smells like gunpowder. © ©

"If I were offered eternity without you, I would choose a moment, but with you.".

Or maybe you forget about everything, and I will open my heart and let go of the soul. And maybe you are talking about everything, because I will not sleep if I don't know ..

And people are looking for each other ... everywhere, constantly. Among passersby, facing face to face, apologizing, smiling and looking back ...

You asked what I really ... I finally understood ... a small enthusiastic child, whom they scared and forced to learn to be strong ...

The most mysterious and at the same time is the most beautiful phenomenon - the relationship between a man and a woman. And no matter how many people have tried one phrase to determine the variety of manifestations, covers them only partially. Statuses about relations for social networks - an attempt to emphasize in this phenomenon what worried himself. Or give to understand an important person, as you feel about it.

Original statuses about the relationship of man and women

  • And a woman is possible. Provided some extent of physical disgust to each other. "
  • "It is terrible than losing a relationship, may be losing yourself in this relationship."
  • "The distance is perceived by an amazing adventure if at the end of the way await you."
  • "Why is the word if the views are so eloquent?"
  • "It is hoped for the heat of others can only one who gives heat itself."
  • "In perfect relationships, everyone feels as easily as alone, and also fun, as in society."
  • "The best development of relationships is not on you, but on we."
  • "Nothing better does not characterize a person as his behavior after parting."

Funny and woman

Statuses about relationships are often with humor.

  • Beloved woman for me ladybugs. "
  • "Before the wedding, my wife and I agreed to eat more vegetables and less than each other."
  • "I didn't know what I was with her in a relationship until she began to find out."
  • "Our relationship moved to a new level when I began to endure garbage from her apartment."
  • "Only those women who are fed with words are loved by ears.
  • "Why didn't I say before that this is not a marriage certificate, but another labor?"
  • In two cases: if this is the current former and the former current. "
  • "Men would never go if the presence of a woman was as welcome as closeness with her."
  • "A clever woman never forbids her husband to ride fishing. The wise helps to gather things and ... children."
  • "Working women sometimes want to have a wife."
  • "Women are smart as long as they are not in love."
  • "Next to the woman, any man can turn into a millionaire. Of the billionaire."
  • "If a man stares a woman in his eyes, then he has already considered everything else."

Beautiful statuses about relationships

  • "Each of us Iceberg. Do not recognize the warmth of another person."
  • "The attitude of a man to a woman directly depends on the relationship of a woman to himself."
  • "Great effort stands, having struggled by one, not punish the other."
  • "Love is too dangerous to play. But it is so beautiful that it is worth it."
  • "Nothing saves a person like an embrace of her beloved."
  • "You do not need to be perfect. We must be perfect to approach each other."
  • "In the promises of men are all equal. Highlights of their actions."
  • "A woman does not want to be the best. She wishes to be the only one."
  • "No one hurts so much pain as the one who gave the highest pleasure."

The statuses about the relationship are the more popular than the more beautiful they sound.

Statements about relationships with meaning

  • "The easiest way is to love for one quality. And try to love everything in a person ..."
  • "Even one thread in a relationship can keep people near, if you don't drag her like a rope."
  • "The fear of the loss of another cannot be a foundation for long-term relationships. Because of it, everything is solved."
  • "What is the point maybe in treason? You want to be with a person - do not change. You want to change - do not hold a person."
  • "To understand yourself, a man can then when look at his woman. Worthy with happiness shines."
  • "Not so destructive for the relationship of a heavy conversation, as inexpensive."

Statuses about relationships help users of social networks to hint or straight to tell the dear person about what is in the soul. Also, do not forget to be frank in personal conversations.

Love is freedom ... to be close to those who take you as you are!

Love for something - it's too easy, and you try to love everything ..

Even one thread can keep you together, if you stop throwing the rope to your side.

What I am for you, themes and you will be for me ... Henry Mann

Iceberg considers himself a bump until it becomes a warm attitude.

If you are cold, then behave warmer.

Speak people more good words, and only good people will surround you!

The perfect husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife. Bernard Show

Before you have a relationship with someone, put the relationship with you.

Relations with a person is not what comes from him. This is what comes from you. Oleg Torsunov

A man always belongs to a woman as she herself treats himself ..

Happiness is a real, not burdened with thoughts about the past.

I decided that they threw ... it came to the mirror looked ... nea ... Lost ...

Stupid, to be near a man who is "actually good", but all the time you offended you. Salma Hayek.

Disappointed in one, do not punish the other. And gain happiness.

The bridge to other people will then be strong when it is built from the broken walls of his own Ya.

Love ... is too dangerous to play it and too great to refuse it.

You can not always start life from pure sheet ... But, because, you can change the handwriting.

The valley of an excellent relationship is for the passage of the offense and the gorge of mutual claims.

Hugging each other more often - nothing heals the soul, like warm words, sincere hugs.

Do not look for your halves ... Look for the same whole whole as you yourself ...

Now I know what to love. Rebel. Differently. When everything is mutual. When he is the best ...

I build relationships based on the desire to be with you, and not from fear of losing!

If you are always ready to easily let go of others - others will try to be with you!

The best relationships are those in which love for man exceeds the need for it.

I am the richest man in the universe. I have you, love and whole world! Thank you for it.

Yes, we are not perfect, so what? But we are perfectly approaching each other!

Random meeting - the most outstanding thing in the world ...

We choose your loved ones! Therefore, who next to us depends only on us!

With a man should not be boring or fun. It should be warm with him, reliably and calmly.

Your woman needs to love! Just to love. Want to raise someone: Buy a dog ...

The most important thing in the relationship is nothing to do with each other.

The step towards the wise decision! This is our happiness and saving, this is not heroism, it's life!

Love is a beast that grows from mutual concessions.

In words and oaths, all men are the same, but the actions show the difference between them.

Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate oaths. Marlene Dietrich

Appreciate a woman who is loved! The one is not looking for the river shore ...

Take care of relationships - otherwise you will take care of the memories.

Did you change her? - Not. - Why? - I respect myself, which means I respect my choice!

In the relationship between a man and a woman should not be someone else's opinion and other people's councils.

The frank dialogue for souls is always productive intense silence.

Since you have forgiven a man, you should not warm up his sins for breakfast.

When a man loves a woman, cockroaches in her head seem to him by God's cows.