Burning sensation from Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy. How long is the course of treatment. Contraindications to use and adverse reactions

A decrease in immunity, which is often noted in women during the period of gestation, makes the body of the expectant mother vulnerable and susceptible to attacks by pathogenic microorganisms.

The health of the intimate area is a question that worries many women, and pregnant young ladies are doubly attentive to their bodies. With the onset of the magical weeks of waiting for the baby, gynecological problems often come. Their elimination should be not only safe, but also effective, since your child does not need a neighborhood with pathogens and dangerous microorganisms at all. One of the drugs that are widely used for the treatment of gynecological infections is Terzhinan, which doctors often prescribe during pregnancy. How safe and justified is this therapy?

Terzhinan and the intimate health of a woman during pregnancy

The drug Terzhinan is a complex drug that has antibacterial and antifungal effects. What are the components of the drug due to its medicinal properties?

Helper or enemy: composition and pharmacokinetics of the drug

The effective and at the same time somewhat aggressive composition of the Terzhinan drug allows it to be used in the fight against many diseases, including during pregnancy. The main active ingredients of the medication are:

  • Ternidazole - blocks the further appearance and reproduction of bacteria, fights against existing pathogenic organisms of the anaerobic type.
  • Nystatin - effectively removes fungus, incl. genus Candida.
  • Neomycin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibacterial component that inhibits the activity of pyogenic bacteria.
  • Prednisalone is an anti-inflammatory component of Terzhinan. Reduces the likelihood of developing allergic reactions, the appearance of purulent infections, has a beneficial effect on the capillary walls.

In addition, the composition of the drug includes such components as: magnesium stearate, lactose, starch, silicon dioxide, talc, perfume. The combination of all substances of the drug has an active effect on pathogenic pathogens, soothes inflammatory processes, while the natural normal pH of the vaginal mucosa is minimally affected.

Terzhinan release form

The drug is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories - oval slightly flattened tablets with a logo - the letter "T". Depending on the type of packaging, it can contain 6 or 10 candles of a milky white or beige color. There is also Terzhinan in the form of a solution for injection, but such a drug is prohibited for use by women in position.

Indications for the use of Terzhinan during pregnancy

The list of ailments that can affect a woman's genitals is quite wide. What kind of ailments are targeted by the drug? The active substances of Terzhinan suppositories will help eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  • Various kinds of vaginitis. This group of diseases includes vaginitis caused by bacteria, Trichomonas, fungal infection (including Candida albicans), as well as vaginitis of mixed etiology. In the latter case, gardenella, yeast-like fungi, and Trichomonas can also occur.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • The genital tract is affected by several infections.

Also, vaginal suppositories are used for preventive therapy in anticipation of manipulations or surgical interventions: before the introduction of intrauterine contraceptives, an abortion, to sanitize the birth canal before the baby is born.

Terzhinan: instructions for use during pregnancy

Like any drug, Terzhinan has its own characteristics of use. Taking any medications by women in the position should be strictly in agreement with the doctor. In the case of prescribing vaginal tablets, the doctor will also write down the scheme for their use, but it will also not be superfluous to study the instructions.

  • The drug has a local effect, therefore it is not suitable for oral administration.
  • Place the tablet in warm water for 20-30 seconds. Lie on your back.
  • Next, the medicine must be placed as deep as possible into the vagina.
  • After administration of the drug, remain in a horizontal position for at least 15 minutes. To achieve the best effect, as well as to prevent the agent from leaking out, it is better to set the suppository at night.
  • In most cases, the tablet is administered once a day.

The standard course of treatment with the drug is 10 days, but in each individual case, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. The duration of treatment can be increased up to 20 days. Preventive treatment of the genital tract with Terzhinan suppositories, the use of which is possible during pregnancy, is carried out within 6 days.

Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy: features of using the medicine at different times

Despite the effectiveness of Terzhinan candles, there is no need to talk about their absolute harmlessness. The antibacterial components of the drug often cause concern among expectant mothers, and not without reason. At different periods of expectation, the baby in the mother's womb has a different degree of susceptibility to external influences. Therefore, you need to be careful when taking any medications.

Terzhinan during pregnancy 1 trimester

During the first weeks of waiting for the crumbs, active changes occurring in the female body often lead to the occurrence of such an unpleasant condition as thrush. Some doctors choose Terzhinan as a means of getting rid of the disease. At this stage of pregnancy, this is unacceptable and information about this is posted in the instructions for the drug. If the deviations in the analyzes are insignificant and the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, it is recommended to postpone treatment until the transition to the second trimester. If treatment is not urgent, the woman is better off opting for a safer remedy.

Terzhinan during pregnancy 2 trimester

The baby continues to grow and develop, and now half of the "pregnant" path has been passed. But even in this most calm period, the second trimester, a woman may begin to be bothered by such unpleasant symptoms as severe itching, burning, swelling in the genital area. Such a picture is typical in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, among which bacteria and fungi occupy the leading positions. Terzhinan suppositories, which can be used during pregnancy according to the instructions, will help get rid of intruders. It should be remembered that the drug is approved for use only in the second and third trimesters. Therefore, if a woman does not have an individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the drug, Terzhinan vaginal suppositories may well be chosen for therapy.

Terzhinan during pregnancy 3 trimester

9 months of waiting for the birth of a new person are coming to an end. In the last weeks of carrying a baby, the doctor can also prescribe a course of vaginal pills to a woman, even if the expectant mother has no complaints and the results of her tests are within normal limits. Such an appointment is connected with the preparation for the birth of a child - the sanitation of the birth canal, the elimination of microflora disorders in order to avoid infection of the child with candidiasis or other infection. On the eve of the birth, the baby is already fully formed, therefore, the therapeutic components of the Terzhinan drug are not able to have a sharply negative effect on him. If the doctor, who for 9 months led a woman's pregnancy, makes a choice in favor of this drug, such therapy has a right to exist.

Treatment with Terzhinan: effects and consequences of therapy

As we have already found out, Terzhinan vaginal tablets can be successfully used during pregnancy. In this case, the drug has a complex effect on the mucous membranes of the genital tract, providing:

  • Antifungal effect.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Preventive remediation.
  • Eliminating foci of inflammation.
  • Soothes and heals tissues.

Treatment of thrush using Terzhinan tablets during pregnancy

A frequent companion of a woman during the period of bearing a baby is a thrush. Hormonal changes often lead to changes in the microflora of the vagina, and they, in turn, to the activation of pathogenic forms. Since vaginal tablets also have a pronounced antifungal effect, they can be prescribed to fight Candida.

Intimate life during treatment with Terzhinan candles during pregnancy

When treating any kind of gynecological diseases, and vaginitis is no exception, it is recommended to refuse sexual intercourse. It is allowed to have sex using barrier methods of contraception - condoms. This requirement also applies to the period of treatment with Terzhinan tablets. Moreover, in order to prevent re-infection and eliminate infections identified in a woman and her sexual partner, a man should also undergo antibiotic therapy.

Consequences of Terzhinan therapy during pregnancy

The drug Terzhinan is used not only for thrush during pregnancy, but also to eliminate a number of other gynecological infections. In the course of treatment, some women note changes in their condition, and not for the better. There are complaints about:

  • The appearance of severe irritation in the intimate area.
  • A burning sensation.
  • Allocations.
  • Allergic reactions.

Discharge after Terzhinan, which is often noted by women during pregnancy, should not bother the expectant mother too much. The mucous membranes absorb most of the drug, the rest is excreted. An increase in the amount of discharge is noted with treatment with almost all vaginal drugs. An overdose of the drug is impossible, since the absorption of the drug is rather slow, besides, the therapeutic dosage is 1 candle per day. Therefore, the feeling of discomfort is most often a reaction of mucous membranes and microorganisms inhabiting them to the components of the drug. If discomfort on the 3rd day of treatment still persists, inform your doctor about it. In this case, it is necessary to choose an alternative therapy. In the presence of allergies, therapy should be discontinued immediately, as the condition of the mucous membranes will worsen even more.

Pregnancy planning and Terzhinan

Gynecological ailments can attack not only the vulnerable organism of the expectant mother, but also women who are at the planning stage of the toddler. The drug is categorically not recommended until the 14-16th week of pregnancy, therefore, on the eve of possible conception, it should also not be used. If the doctor has chosen Terzhinan as a remedy, this cycle must be skipped. The drug does not adversely affect reproductive functions, therefore, pregnancy after Terzhinan occurs taking into account the physiological capabilities of the woman.

The opinion of doctors and women regarding therapy with the use of Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy

The features and composition of the drug also influenced the ambiguous opinion of doctors about the relativity of the safety of Terzhinan. On the one hand, it is a complex drug with a pronounced antibacterial effect, on the other, a local vaginal tablet. Nevertheless, it is recommended to take into account the information and recommendations from the manufacturer of the medication, and he prohibits the use of Terzhinan suppositories in the initial weeks (in the first trimester) of bearing a baby. As for the opinions of women regarding the drug, they are also ambiguous. When undergoing treatment with Terzhinan during pregnancy, reviews are in most cases positive. If the therapy was carried out at a late (after the 20th week) waiting periods for the crumbs, there are practically no negative reviews. But the results of using candles in the first weeks are different. Not massively, but there are cases when, after using the tablets, the fetus stopped its development. Coincidence or not? Do not experiment with prohibited drugs, even if your doctor insists on it. Find an alternative and safe therapy, because the most important thing is the life and health of your baby.

Summing up, it is worth noting that Terzhinan can be used, but only during pregnancy in the second or third trimesters, after consulting a doctor and strictly listening to your feelings during therapy.

Sometimes the joyful moments of pregnancy are overshadowed by visits to the hospital. And the expectant mother is saddened not so much by the trip to the medical institution as by the reason that caused it. One of the most common ailments manifested in women during pregnancy is called "popularly". According to statistics, fungi of the genus Candida at different times make themselves felt to seventy-five percent of pregnant women. And here the question arises: "What to do if in a" special "position not any treatment is possible?" Do not panic, because there are still some drugs that can save a pregnant woman from the disease and not harm the unborn baby. These are Terzhinan vaginal suppositories. Let's see how effective and safe this drug is during pregnancy.

Terzhinan is approved for use in pregnant women

In addition to treating thrush, Terzhinan is able to cope with bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis. That is, these suppositories are used during pregnancy to treat various diseases caused by an imbalance of microflora, which is located in the genital tract of a woman. Terzhinan has antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects.

During pregnancy, Terzhinan is not dangerous to the fetus, since it has a local effect and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. This fact allows the drug to be used at any stage of pregnancy. In addition, the use of Terzhinan is also safe during breastfeeding.

Sometimes Terzhinan is used prophylactically. For example, this is true for women with pathogenic flora of the birth canal. In order to protect the baby and minimize the possibility of its infection, in the last trimester (and most often just before childbirth), "treatment" with Terzhinan is carried out.

How to use Terzhinan candles?

Suppositories Terzhinan, as we have already noted, are available in the form of vaginal tablets. They are inserted into the vagina while lying on your back. You need to carry out the procedure before bedtime. This will ensure that the drug stays inside for a longer time, and therefore will have a better effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to administer the drug at other times of the day. Unless a woman, after injection, will be able to lie down for at least 3-4 hours. But this, you see, is extremely inconvenient and almost impossible.

As a rule, Terzhinan suppositories are administered once a day.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to the use of Terzhinan is an individual intolerance to the components. These points are clarified with the doctor.

In addition, the use of suppositories, especially at first, can provoke a burning sensation in the genital tract. As a rule, this symptom disappears after a few days. But this does not mean that you need to endure in silence. Call your doctor and talk about it.

No matter how effective and safe Terzhinan candles are, in no case do not prescribe them to yourself! If you feel any discomfort, see your doctor right away. Remember: no article on the Internet can replace qualified professional advice.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

From a guest

Thanks to the doctors, it came to me with +++ yeast, and all despite the fact that I was constantly complaining. And a friend in a private clinic was immediately prescribed ecofemin so that there were no problems with a smear. So think about where it is better to be observed, maybe it's not in vain that they pay money there - at least they don't have such problems,

From a guest

At 37 weeks, I started having thrush (after acute respiratory infections), the immune system weakened. And the doctor prescribed TERGINAN suppositories for me! She said that it would relieve thrush and before childbirth it is very good for the birth canal!)) I was very pleased! The result was visible already after 3 days !! I put it for the night!)) Now I will mean only these candles !! Hexicon is really bullshit, it can only be suitable as a prophylactic agent !!

From a guest

I couldn't get pregnant for 2 years. We were preparing for the GHA and then for IVF. Before the HSG, elevated leukocytes were found in the smear. Have written out candles terzhinan. Began to insert the day before ovulation. Ovulation was monitored by tests and according to the BT schedule. And in the same cycle (with Terzhinan suppositories) I got pregnant. It is now the 8th week.

From a guest

Suppositories, pills ... Girls, you ask your doctor about vaginal metrogil gel. It is introduced with the help of an applicator, well, a very convenient thing and quickly removes all the symptoms with bacvaginosis, and also normalizes the flora of the vagina, so you do not need to be treated for thrush later. It is a pity that not all doctors know about this drug yet.

From a guest

I can not say anything about Terzhinan, it was Metrogyl gel that helped me. I caught this infection, bacterial vaginosis, in the middle of pregnancy. I don’t know how it happened ... I even thought of my husband as a sinful deed. I read a lot of different fears on the Internet. And the doctor later confirmed that if you do not receive treatment, then the fetus can not be tolerated. Bacteria can enter the amniotic fluid. And there whatever you want can happen ... and miscarriage, and premature birth, and abortion. Metrogyl gel turned out to be the magic wand that quickly got rid of the disease. And most importantly, it didn't hurt my son!))

From a guest

And I was diagnosed with chlamydia at 1-2 weeks (I did not even know that I was pregnant yet), the doctor prescribed Terzhinan for 14 days, 1 tablet at bedtime. It helped! Chlamydia disappeared =)

From a guest

To me this drug seems dangerous for pregnant women, that you, there are both a hormone and an antibiotic. At 36 weeks, I was prescribed vaginal metrogil for vaginosis, so there is one metronidazole and that's it. I do not advise terninan.

From a guest

Terzhinan was prescribed before childbirth. Just 2 weeks after giving birth, I started to experience itching and burning, it turned out to be bacterial vaginosis. The doctor of the polyclinic explained that this may be due to the use of Terzhinan, tk. it kills all bacteria, including beneficial ones, and against this background, bacterial vaginosis may well develop. I was cured with Metrogyl vaginal gel, especially since it normalizes the balance of the vaginal flora, which negates the possibility of developing bacterial vaginosis and acts specifically on the pathogen, but does not affect beneficial bacteria.

From a guest

I used vaginal metrogil when I had bacterial vaginosis. Everything went very quickly, I myself did not expect such an effect from this super gel.

From a guest

When I found bacterial vaginosis, my doctor immediately advised me vaginal metrogil gel. He helped me deal with this problem very quickly, I am very pleased with the effective action of this gel.

From a guest

After pregnancy, I had bacterial vaginosis. I took Metrogyl vaginal gel, and was very pleased. Everything passed in just a week. As it turned out, Metrogyl vaginal gel is an effective and, moreover, inexpensive medicine.

From a guest

I used Metrogyl vaginal without being pregnant, but I can say that the drug is effective and very convenient to use.

From a guest

And I was prescribed metrogil at 26 weeks, because even before pregnancy I was treated with terzhinan and it caused a terrible burning sensation, so I immediately refused it. And metrogil turned out to be a mild drug, the form of the gel is much more convenient than suppositories and helped immediately, and the control smear after treatment showed the norm, and the price was generally pleasing - terginan is much more expensive.

From a guest

I was also prescribed terginan during pregnancy. But to be honest, I did not notice much help. After giving birth, bacterial vaginosis happened again. They prescribed terzhinan, but the pharmacy advised me to replace it with vaginal metrogil gel. Everything was fine here. He coped with my illness in a week.

From a guest

Very good effect

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Questions and answers for: terzhinan in early pregnancy

2016-09-11 09:30:47

Natalia asks:

Hello. I have 5 weeks of pregnancy, purulent discharge began. I handed over the tank sowing, showed corynobacteria 10 ^ 2 CFU. Doctor prescribed candles Terzhinan. Please tell me if this drug will harm the fetus at such an early date. Thanks in advance.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! What do you mean by the phrase “purulent discharge”? What color are they - green, white? Is it itching? The fact is that titles up to 10 * 4 are generally not subject to reorganization. To be honest, Terzhinan is not very suitable for the very early stages of pregnancy. Perhaps, against the background of a physiological drop in immunity, your thrush has worsened? But then, during bacterial sowing, you would have sown Candida. If you wish, please write more specifically.

2011-10-11 13:26:02

Karina asks:

Good day!
I am asking you for advice!
I am now 10 weeks pregnant.
Confirmed cytological analysis "mild cervical dysplasia"
The doctor in the ZhK claims that it is necessary to carry out MANDATORY treatment in the second trimester.
According to the results of TORCH, only ureaplasma was found (increased titer)
Having passed a smear on the flora, Candida fungus was found, Terzhinan was prescribed for a period of 8 weeks. But after reading the instructions for the drug, I am very afraid to use it at such an early date, although the gynecologist claims the opposite ...

Tell me what to do with dysplasia, whether it is necessary to take measures and start treating after 14 weeks, as well as what to do with Terzhinan? ..
I would be grateful for your prompt reply!

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Good afternoon. Treatment with Terzhinan is best done after 12 weeks of pregnancy, and with dysplasia 1 tbsp. during pregnancy, observation is possible with a monthly colposcopy.

2011-08-22 14:47:29

Marie asks:

Hello! July 5th was her last menstrual period and pregnancy occurred between July 20th and August 1st. During this period I used the Dolobene mazza, I had a bruised leg. Then on August 2, 3, 4 I drank one Suprax tablet, that is, I drank 3 tablets and 1 tablet of fluconazole 150 ml. After that I didn’t take anything else. Please tell me if taking these drugs can affect the fetus in any way? And on August 19, I went to the doctor in the analysis of urine, they found protein, elevated leukocytes and erotrocytes, in addition, severe pains in the lower abdomen and in the urethra itself, regardless of urination, were prescribed terzhinan for 10 days, kanephron, ginalact for 10 days, kidney tea. I went to a consultation with another doctor, who took a smear, and at the same time prescribed treatment without waiting for the result of amoxil 500 ml. 3 times a day for 5 days, born 2 times a day vaginally, urolesan, folic acid and vitamin E. Could you please tell me these drugs can be taken at such an early stage of pregnancy? And in general, can they be taken during pregnancy? I am 24 years old, this is my first pregnancy, so I am very worried. Thanks in advance.

Answers Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Marie. During pregnancy, pregnancy is used as a hormonal drug, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. According to the degree of safety for pregnant women, the drug belongs to the so-called group B - potentially safe, but still insufficiently studied. Amoxil should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy. In case of impaired renal function, the dose should be set taking into account creatinine clearance.

2015-06-09 09:43:48

Oksana asks:

Good day! Please help me figure out the situation! I have a pregnancy of 9-10 weeks, pregnancy with IVF, all tests were taken repeatedly and in full, no infections were detected! now I am getting registered and also taking tests, donated blood for TORCH infections, Chlamydia trachomatis Ig A- 1.109 at a rate of 0.208 and Ig G-1.451 at a rate of 0.206! the doctor said to retake Ig A in another laboratory and the result of Ig M is 0.37 at the norm of R

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Oksana! You do not have any chlamydia and where it could have come from, think logically. In addition, the ELISA method during pregnancy can give false-positive results, which an experienced specialist does not pay attention to at all. The presence of Ig G indicates contact with an infection in the past and does not require treatment. In addition, your antibody titers were initially low. From 10 weeks of pregnancy, you should pay attention to completely different, more important things.

2011-02-02 18:45:39

Anna asks:

Hello, Doctor! I am 27 years old, married. Blood group - II (negative), the husband's IV (positive). The last CD were on 12/29/2010. The delay is now 9 days.
1. Elements of inflammation;

Even at the end of a frozen pregnancy in the second half of the day, my body temperature rose every day from 37.0 to 37.5. And now, for a year and a half, every month the body temperature rises in the second phase of the cycle.
Can you please tell me how dangerous pregnancy is in my situation? What can a rise in temperature indicate in my case?
Thank you for the early!

Answers Silina Natalia Konstantinovna:

Anna, if a cytologist gives a conclusion - grade 2 dysplasia, a biopsy is necessary to confirm this diagnosis. However, the inflammatory process always worsens the cytological picture, therefore, first you need to sanitize the vagina and drink eubiotics and then re-do colposcopy and cytological examination. CIN II is not a contraindication for carrying a pregnancy. For pregnant women, a temperature rise of up to 37.5 is characteristic. Most importantly, donate blood for hCG and progesterone now and drink folic acid 800 mcg per day.

2011-01-29 18:08:44

Anna asks:

Hello, Doctor! I am 27 years old, married. Blood group - II (negative), the husband's IV (positive). The last CD were on 12/29/2010. I made 2 tests - positive. I haven't seen a doctor yet.
In October 2009, I had a miscarriage at a period of 12-13 weeks against the background of a frozen pregnancy at a period of 6-7 weeks. After that, I had a curettage of the CM cavity. On the recommendation of the attending physician, she was tested for infections, hormones and underwent treatment. In June 2010, two different laboratories gave me two different diagnoses:
1. Elements of inflammation;
2. Moderate DShM, HPV of high oncogenic risk.
I pierced 3 injections "Alokin-alpha", 10 injections "Mukoza", 10 candles "Terzhinan", tab. "Likopid", candles "Genferon". Until December 2010, video colposcopy showed a 2-fold reduction in the size of the affected area, and the doctor diagnosed "CM erosion against the background of grade I dysplasia?" But cytological analysis again showed - grade II dysplasia. The doctor prescribed for February radio wave treatment of dysplasia with the device "Surgitron". Naturally, now I will not carry out radio wave treatment.
A doctor I knew said that at the oncological dispensary I needed to take a permit to carry a pregnancy and would have to be under constant medical supervision.
Can you please tell me how dangerous pregnancy is in my situation?
Thank you for the early!

Answers Velichko Tatiana Ivanovna:

Dear Anna! You do not need to take any permission to carry a pregnancy. Carry a pregnancy, give birth, and after childbirth, continue cervical treatment.

During pregnancy, a woman lies in wait for many diseases. During this period, the body is especially susceptible to the effects of external negative factors. The disease can develop and manifest itself completely suddenly, regardless of which woman has taken measures to prevent it. One of these diseases is vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina.

As you know, curing this kind of inflammation during pregnancy is very, very difficult. Medicines are selected with great care and in such a way as not to harm either the child or his mother. However, there is a way out: one of the drugs prescribed by doctors is Terzhinan. Reviews, price, the degree of influence on the body of the expectant mother, the opinion of experts about the drug - all this will be discussed in this article.


Candles "Tergynan" ("Tergynan") - one of the most successfully combined drugs, the main action of which is aimed at effective and fungal diseases in the field of gynecology.


The composition of the medication includes the following active substances:

Ternidazole (slows down the process of bacterial reproduction);

Neomycin sulfate (is an antibiotic, actively blocks the action of harmful microorganisms living in the intestine);

Nystatin (inhibits fungal growth);

Prednisolone (has a positive effect on inflammatory processes, reduces the level of allergic reactions of the body, the amount of pus, strengthens the capillaries);

Additional components: silicon dioxide, sodium, magnesium, clove and geranium oil (protects and regenerates the vaginal mucosa during treatment, maintains acidity at a stable level).

Release form

The drug "Terzhinan" has the form of release in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories, 6 and 10 pieces in 1 package. The tablets are in the form of a flat oval. Color - from milky to beige. Each tablet has an embossed “T” logo.

"Terzhinan" injections are presented separately. During pregnancy (reviews and comments of doctors on this matter are given below) this form is unacceptable at any time, and it is much more difficult to find it.

Candles "Terzhinan" can be bought at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25C. The shelf life is no more than 3 years.

Vaginal tablets "Terzhinan" are a French drug manufactured at the SOPHARTEX plant.


Many women are interested in how much they will have to pay for "Terzhinan" candles during pregnancy. The price of the drug differs depending on the packaging, region and method of sale - in a regular pharmacy or via the Internet. For example, in Moscow, a pack of Terzhinan for 6 candles costs from 215 to 313 rubles. A blister of 10 tablets will cost from 333 to 421 rubles. On average in the country, Terzhinan No. 6 costs about 250-300 rubles, and No. 10 - 400-450 rubles.

Thus, based on the average duration of treatment, which is about 7-10 days, the course of therapy will cost no more than 500 rubles. Of course, in each case, the number of suppositories and the period are set by the attending physician separately.


Suppositories are mainly prescribed. Instructions for use are attached to each package of the drug. The following diseases are treated with the help of Terzhinan vaginal tablets:

Mixed vaginitis;

Recurrent vaginitis;

Bacterial vaginosis.

In addition, suppositories "Terzhinan" are often prescribed before surgical operations on the pelvic organs, including before abortion, before the introduction of mechanical contraceptives and childbirth. This is done in the absence of the above diseases solely for preventive purposes, as well as to preserve the integrity of the inner lining of the vagina and promote its early recovery after operations.


What are the nuances of the use of Terzhinan tablets during pregnancy? The instructions for this drug contain the following recommendations for use:

Before insertion into the vagina, the candle should be soaked in boiled water for about 30 seconds;

A wet tablet is inserted in a supine position; after installation, it is not recommended to get up for 15 minutes;

For the best effect, candles should be used immediately before bedtime - they dissolve for a short time, but when they take an upright position, they abundantly and quickly flow out of the vagina;

If during the course a woman starts menstruating, the treatment is not interrupted;

With deep and recurrent vaginitis, the course can be extended by the doctor up to 20 days.

Suppositories "Terzhinan" are used exclusively as a local drug, the oral method is strictly prohibited. Since bacterial vaginitis tends to be sexually transmitted, it is also possible to treat the sexual partner.

Contraindications and interactions with other drugs

The next question, which is often asked by patients, concerns the possible reactions of the body to the Terzhinan candles. Is it possible to use this drug during pregnancy, and what are the contraindications to its use?

The composition of "Terzhinan" is selected in such a way that it suits almost every woman. Its use is not recommended only in the presence of allergic reactions to individual components.

And how safe is Terzhinan in combination with other drugs during pregnancy? Reviews of doctors and specialists who observed their patients during the use of the drug are very encouraging: not a single negative case in the form of side effects has been identified in the entire practice.

Side effects and overdose

Such a nuisance as some side effects can occur when using the drug "Terzhinan", despite all its hypoallergenicity. Most often, they appear in the first days of the course in the form of itching and after several doses, these phenomena disappear. However, if irritation and burning persist, you should contact your gynecologist.

What is the probability of an overdose if you use Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy? Reviews of specialists from control laboratories say that due to the peculiarities of the application and due to the low degree of absorption of the drug into the blood, an overdose is practically impossible. However, it should not be abused.

Contraindications during pregnancy

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms on which you can use the tablets "Terzhinan". During pregnancy, the 1st trimester is the most dangerous for the use of the drug - in the first weeks it is really capable of causing some harm to the fetus.

At later dates and during feeding, the "Terzhinan" agent is prescribed directly by the attending specialist, based on the personal data and conditions of the disease of each particular patient.

Clinical trials

Suppositories "Terzhinan" are considered one of the optimal treatment options for gynecological inflammatory diseases during pregnancy. In addition, clinical trials are periodically conducted to assess the effect of the drug on various nonspecific inflammations. Colpitis, one of the most common diseases in women of reproductive age, has become the object of recent research.

For the course of treatment, 50 patients were selected, who were prescribed suppositories "Terzhinan". The drug was used by each woman according to the instructions - once a day for 10 days before bedtime.

Clinical trials were carried out as follows:

  1. Complete examination, including bacteriological and colposcopic examination, confirming the presence of the disease.
  2. Directly taking Terzhinan tablets within the specified period of time.
  3. Fixation of results.
  4. Follow-up examination of patients, if necessary - prolongation of the course of therapy up to 20 days.
  5. Final check for relapse.

In the course of clinical studies, it was possible to identify the following:

After the first application of the drug, all the patients disappeared itching and discomfort in the genital area;

By the end of the course, women's well-being improved significantly, abundant atypical discharge disappeared;

Recurrence of the disease was recorded in 1/5 of the total number of patients. This is explained by the fact that these women already had chronic gynecological diseases of this type.

Despite the fact that the studies were carried out in those who were not in position, the discharge after "Terzhinan" during pregnancy, according to statistics, acquired a standard consistency, color and moderation at the same stage of the course of treatment - after about 8-10 days.

It should be noted that none of the observed women had any allergic reactions to the drug.

During pregnancy, a physiological decrease in immunity occurs. By nature, this is laid down in a woman so that the child is not perceived by the body as an attack on health and there is no rejection.

Against this background, chronic diseases are exacerbated, bacteria are activated on the vaginal mucosa. Thrush often occurs.

Doctors, in such cases, prescribe Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy.


An exacerbation of thrush occurs due to the intensification of the activity of Candida fungi, these are the usual components of the vaginal microflora. Their growth inhibits a healthy level of immunity, but during pregnancy it weakens, which leads to increased growth of fungi.

Indications for the appointment of Terzhinan, prescribed in the instructions:

  • with thrush and vaginitis;
  • to restore the microflora of the genital tract;
  • prevention of genital diseases before childbirth.

Suppositories are used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease on the genital mucosa. The drug inhibits pathogenic microbes and helps prevent various inflammatory processes ..

What kind of medicine Terzhinan

The drug is quite new, it must be used with caution.

According to the instructions, Terzhinan can be used from the second trimester, when the laying of the main organs and systems of the fetus has occurred (read about this period in detail in the article 2 trimester of pregnancy >>>). You cannot prescribe this drug to yourself!

Instructions on how to use Terzhinan during pregnancy

Terzhinan is a combined antifungal agent, it is in the form of oblong vaginal tablets of light yellow color. The letter T is printed on both sides. The color is not uniform, has inclusions.

Main cast

  1. Nystatin;
  2. Prednisolone;
  3. Ternidazole;
  4. Niamycin sulfate.

Pharmacological properties

Antimicrobial concentrated topical agent, which is prescribed for gynecological diseases.

  • Nystatin is an antibiotic that effectively inhibits the growth of yeast-like fungi. It is especially effective in the treatment of various vaginitis;
  • Prednisolone - has an anti-allergic effect, relieves inflammation. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agent;
  • Ternidazole is one of the imidazole derivatives, antifungal agent. Destroys anaerobic bacteria. Changes the properties of the cell membrane. Has the ability to actively influence the simplest microorganisms;
  • Neomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the aminoglycoside category. Microorganisms slowly adapt to it. Has the ability to stop infectious diseases. It is he who eliminates the unpleasant sensations at the onset of the disease.
  1. candidiasis (read the current article on the topic: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  2. trichomoniasis;
  3. mixed vaginitis;
  4. indicated for the prevention of vaginal infections:
  5. before childbirth (also read: Preparing the cervix for childbirth >>>);
  6. before installing the spiral;
  7. before hysterography.

Correct dosage and methods of administration

  • Getting ready for bed, lie on your back, insert one tablet, as deep as possible into the vagina;
  • Before use, the candle must be moistened with plenty of water;
  • After the procedure, do not get up for 15 minutes;
  • The course lasts an average of 10 days. The prophylactic course can take up to 6 days;
  • Everything should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

Know! Sometimes, during the application of Terzhinan, a profuse yellow discharge appears. This is because the candle does not completely dissolve and its residues come out naturally.

Indications and side effects

Reduce the amount of starchy foods and sweets in your diet, as sugar is a favorite food for mushrooms.

Turn your head on and always double-check your doctor's prescriptions. No one will take care of your child except yourself.

Terzhinan can be replaced with safer drugs. Tell your friends about its dangers and dangers. Maybe then obstetricians will stop prescribing it to everyone.

Watch three basic videos on how to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. The subscription form is at the bottom of the article.

Have a healthy pregnancy!