7th fetal week of pregnancy. Changes in a woman's body. Your next steps

Each woman's body is unique, so all signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves in different ways. Someone does not know about the "interesting situation", but someone is already checking the fact of pregnancy, buying a third test at the pharmacy! There are several main signs of pregnancy:

  • Delayed menstruation is the most popular of all
  • Mild pain in the lower abdomen and chest
  • Vomiting / nausea (increased / decreased appetite)
  • Unstable emotional state
  • Increased discharge from the genital tract

Baby development at 7 weeks

By the end of the week, the embryo will acquire fetal status. Its size will reach 5-10 mm, and its weight is 0.8 g. The embryo does not yet look like a little man, but there is an active laying of all organs and systems:

  • The formation of the neck is outlined between the body and the head;
  • The genitals are forming;
  • The brain is divided into hemispheres;
  • Fingers are forming, but already well distinguishable;
  • The heart begins to divide into chambers and compartments.

The placenta forms blood vessels in the seventh week, so its sensitivity is high. Taking care of the right lifestyle now, you will have a positive effect on the formation of the placenta and embryo.

An ultrasound scan at 7 weeks will show the rudiments of the pharynx and esophagus in the anterior part of the intestine in the baby. The liver and pancreas are also actively improving. Also, with the help of ultrasound, you can hear the heartbeat of the unborn child about 150 beats / min.

The body of a woman at 7 weeks

The tummy may not yet be noticed, but the uterus is already the size of an orange. The ligaments that support it gradually tighten, which causes pain in the lower abdomen. But if the pain is cramping and radiates to the lower back, the threat of termination of pregnancy is likely . Additionally, this pain is accompanied by bloody discharge. You must immediately contact a specialist!

To avoid unpleasant situations, from the very beginning of conception, give up shoes with heels, excessive physical exertion, and heating of the abdominal region.


You've become a little more irritable. There will be headaches, a rise in temperature up to 37 degrees. Toxicosis is still weakly manifested, but already now you are drawn to "salty" or, on the contrary, "turns away from everything."

The breasts have increased, the nipples have become more sensitive. Urination may become more frequent due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.

The weight

Body weight at 7 weeks can move in both directions. If your appetite has increased, expect an increase. If toxicosis does not allow you to eat, the weight will decrease. Normal deviation of weight from 400 to 2000 grams in any direction.

Registration and analysis at week 7

Registration in the antenatal clinic takes place at the place of registration / residence. The first thing to do is to undergo the necessary examination and tests. Further, you will be given an exchange card - an important document that records all visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, the results of analyzes and examinations.

It is important to keep all the results of tests and examinations so that the doctor will correctly and correctly manage the pregnancy.

Required examinations when registering:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Measurement of body parameters;
  • Vaginal smear for microflora;
  • General analysis of urine / blood (for infections);
  • Examination by narrow specialists (ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist, therapist, etc.).

Pregnancy allowance

The exchange card helps doctors from any medical institution to monitor pregnancy. And it has the greatest value for periods up to 12 weeks - you are entitled to benefits! It can only be received by a woman who is in a "position" for a period strictly up to 12 weeks (obstetric). The amount of the benefit in 2017 is 543.67 rubles. Payment can be claimed by:

  1. working women;
  2. female students;
  3. individual entrepreneurs;
  4. unemployed pregnant women who are registered with the employment service.

Such assistance is paid by the employer, educational institution, social protection authority at the place of permanent registration of the expectant mother.

In addition to this advice, there is a whole article on how to control the budget while "in position".

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7 obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of a new stage in the development of the baby. Now it is no longer called an embryo, but a fetus. He is growing rapidly - and acquires the features of a little man.

How does the baby develop at 7 weeks, and what is special about this period in the womb?

7 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo: how does the baby develop and what does the baby feel?

During this period, the baby develops at a rapid pace.

The main event that occurs at week 7 is the sex of the fetus. An ultrasound scan will not yet be able to determine it, since now girls and boys look the same. But he already has a tubercle, inside of which is the rudiment of a male - or female - genital organ.

In other words, inside the woman there is already a baby of a certain gender.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at 7 weeks of intrauterine development in obstetric terms?

At week 7, the baby has fully formed the main parts of the body - the head, trunk and limbs.

Another important achievement is that the child has a vestibular apparatus.

What does it mean?

This means that he can already move the arms and legs. Moreover, not just move, but even react to touch. All this is facilitated by a developed muscular and nervous system.

Skin sensitivity develops primarily in the mouth, preparing it for the sucking reflex.

Some babies at this time are already beginning to touch their body, the umbilical cord, the membrane of the ovum. The handles of the fetus are bent. The rudiments of the fingers are already clearly visible on them.

Ultrasound - pregnancy 7 obstetric weeks, one fetus

Due to the peculiarities of blood circulation, the baby's body is still disproportionate. The head appears to be much larger than the torso. On the head, you can see the eyes, they look like black grains. The mouth and nostrils are clearly visible. The rudiments of the teeth and the neck appear.

This is a very crucial period for the future intellectual development of the child. After all, right now the cerebral hemispheres and the nervous system are being formed. For full development, he desperately needs such a trace element as folic acid.

Video: ultrasound - pregnancy 7 weeks

With the help of ultrasound, it was noticed that babies for a period of 7 weeks are almost constantly in motion. But a woman still cannot feel it because of the small size of the fetus.

Ultrasound - pregnancy with twins 7 obstetric weeks

For 9 months, the baby gets used to constant movement. This explains the fact that after birth, babies calm down faster if they are rocked in their arms.

The kid still does not see and does not hear - but he feels great with his skin.

Typically, in the first trimester, transvaginal ultrasound... With its help, you can take a closer look at the condition of the fetus.

Does the fetus have a heartbeat at 7 weeks of intrauterine development?

The heart of the baby at 7 weeks beats with a frequency 150 beats per minute.

With an ultrasound examination, the doctor assesses how well the heartbeat meets the established norms. Pay attention to the frequency, rhythm and nature of the contractions.

Failure to comply with these norms may mean that the child has a heart pathology.

If the abnormality is too severe, your doctor may advise you to terminate the pregnancy.

What happens in a woman's body at the 7th week of pregnancy?

Changes in a woman's body at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy - is the pregnancy visible externally?

Until 12 weeks, the abdomen should not be visible. Only if a woman gains weight, then the volume of her waist will also increase.

At this point, the uterus is about the size of an orange and sits in the lower abdomen. Therefore, there should be no visible changes.

The chest, on the other hand, grows rather quickly. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of each woman. In most cases, at this time, the breasts become noticeably larger.

In addition, it is impossible not to notice symptoms such as heaviness in the mammary glands, pain, tingling. This is how the body prepares the expectant mother for the lactation process.

What can and should not be for a woman at the 7th week of pregnancy?

What is strictly prohibited for pregnant women:

  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Sudden movements, falls.
  • Pairs of chemical compounds.
  • Long hot baths.
  • Medications.
  • Radiation exposure.
  • A tough diet.
  • Stress, overexertion.
  • Uncontrolled use of any folk remedies.

Allowed in small quantities, if there are no contraindications and the threat of miscarriage:

  1. Regular, light exercise.
  2. Sex.
  3. Flight by plane.
  4. SPA procedures.

What is possible and useful for an expectant mother:

  • Only fresh and natural food.
  • Maximum fresh air.
  • A good rest.
  • Positive emotions.

Do not close your eyes to your need for rest. Even if a woman wants to sleep all day, there is nothing strange about it. The body spends tremendous efforts to ensure that the child fully develops.

You need to learn to listen to your desires - and, if possible, implement them.

Any whim during pregnancy is not just a whim, but a need for the body. This should be known not only to a woman, but also to her immediate environment.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 7 - the specialist answers

Delay 3 weeks - why could the test be negative?

If a woman is sure of her pregnancy, and the test shows one strip, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Wrong test performed.
  • Taking any medication before using the test. This is especially true for diuretics. The more a woman drinks fluids, the less hCG hormone in her. Accordingly, the test result may be false.
  • Abnormal fetal development: placental insufficiency, frozen or ectopic pregnancy.
  • If a woman has kidney problems.

7 week of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic terms - how are they different?

When it comes to obstetric weeks, I mean the period from the first day of the last menstruation.

Fetal term starts from the moment of fertilization. The exact embryonic date can only be determined using ultrasound.
What can spotting at the 7th week of pregnancy mean?
Slight appearance of blood can be observed after intercourse or examination by a doctor. Such discharge does not pose a threat to pregnancy.

Only those discharge are considered dangerous if they are accompanied by a sharp or pulling pain - and do not stop for a long time. The cause may be a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

If at the 7th week of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat ...

First of all, you need to clarify the duration of pregnancy. Perhaps the deadline has been set incorrectly and the baby is still too young.

No heartbeat can be heard due to outdated equipment. For these purposes, it is better to contact a specialized modern medical facility.

If the heartbeat is still not heard, this may indicate serious pathologies.

If at 7 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen - is it dangerous, and what can abdominal pain indicate?

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen are common early in pregnancy. This is how the body reacts to physiological changes.

Short-term pain in the lower abdomen is considered normal. This is due to the growth of the uterus and the stretching of the muscles.

A warm bath can relieve the condition. It is better not to lift anything heavy during pain.

In other cases, if the pain appears suddenly and does not subside for a long time, it is better to see a doctor- It may be dangerous!

A 7 week pregnant woman feels tingling or pain in the ovarian area - all causes

During pregnancy, the uterus rises slightly, with it the ovaries rise.

The pain that a woman feels is due to the fact that in place of the ovaries there are now ligaments that support the uterus. Due to their stretching, pain is felt.

In rare cases, if a woman has had problems with the ovaries before pregnancy, the pain may indicate inflammation.

In any case, the doctor needs to be told about the nature of the pain.

7 weeks pregnant with IVF - what do doctors do?

Until 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should be under the close supervision of doctors. Their task is to control and maintain the normal hormonal background of a woman.

If there are no deviations, after 7-8 weeks the woman can be followed up in a regular antenatal clinic.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 7 weeks, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

At this time, pregnancy freezes more often than at a later date.

Guessing this in the early days is not always easy. This phenomenon has no obvious signs.

After some time after the fading occurs, the woman's signs of pregnancy gradually disappear. This is especially noticeable on the chest - it takes on its original shape and size, pain and heaviness in it disappear.

To confirm a frozen pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is needed.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy?

Acute infectious diseases in the early stages can lead to impaired fetal development. To avoid this, doctors recommend seeking medical help on time!

A common cold is not a threat to your baby. But you shouldn't ignore it either. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, pregnant women are allowed to take paracetamol, it does not affect the fetus.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if there is a real threat to the mother or baby.

The gestational age of 7 weeks or 9 obstetric weeks is already quite significant. The kid becomes like a tiny man, but he remains completely dependent on his mother. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your proper nutrition and lifestyle, to protect yourself from stress and physical exertion.

Signs of pregnancy at 7 weeks gestation

Most expectant mothers feel pregnant in one way or another, but do not look pregnant yet. That is, there is no visible tummy yet. At least those around him do not notice him. And this despite the fact that the uterus has doubled and is now the size of a small melon.

Some signs of pregnancy in the seventh week after conception.

1. Periodic spasms on the right and left side of the uterus. If there is no pain, there is no spotting, then they say that these sensations are associated with the growth of the uterus. "Ligaments stretch," so to speak.

2. Flatulence. Disturbing throughout pregnancy. Avoid the use of foods that provoke gas formation. First of all, these are cabbage and beans.

3. Changing the priorities of smells and tastes. The food that you enjoyed eating before is now completely disliked. And the smell of your favorite perfume causes an attack of vomiting. Try to avoid foods and things that irritate you with tastes and smells. And don't worry, after giving birth, and maybe even earlier, your tastes will be the same.

4. Heartburn. Due to the action of the hormone progesterone, the work of the entire digestive system slows down. And this can lead to heartburn. You can prevent it if you eat often, but in small portions. Avoid eating very acidic and spicy foods. Do not take a horizontal position immediately after eating. If this does not help, then reclining is recommended.

5. Frequent painless urination. The uterus presses on the bladder, and now it has become more difficult to contain the urge. Avoid drinking water two hours before bed and cut back on coffee, a well-known diuretic. If it hurts to urinate, see your doctor. You probably have an infection in your bladder. And if you do not start treatment in a timely manner, pyelonephritis, a serious kidney disease, is very dangerous for expectant mothers.

There are antibiotics approved for use by pregnant women even in the first trimester.

6. Slight dizziness. Normally, about five liters of blood circulates in the human body. And during pregnancy, this amount gradually increases to seven liters. The increased blood circulation puts additional stress on the heart. Increases blood flow to the uterus, kidneys and other organs. All this is interconnected and leads to a violation of well-being. But normally it is not pronounced.

7. Nipples darken more and more. Around the areoles, the so-called Montgomery tubercles appear. The absolute norm.

8. The amount of vaginal discharge is increasing. A woman can no longer do without panty liners. This phenomenon is hormonal.

9. Weight increases. If you do not overeat, then it is likely that the reason is fluid retention in the body. Make it a rule to weigh yourself in the morning after stool, before breakfast. And before going to bed and at night, try not to drink a lot of fluids. In the first trimester, fluid retention in the body is not so dangerous, at least it is not yet a symptom of another dangerous pathology - gestosis, it is characteristic of the second half of pregnancy.

If your weight increases due to overeating, you need to pull yourself together. Being overweight is a risk of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. The more weight you put on, the harder and more problematic it will be to carry a baby.

10. Libido. Sexual attraction increases markedly. Sex is not prohibited if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

11. Hair becomes shiny, thicker, less falling out. But only if the woman does not have anemia, the hemoglobin level is above 110.

Since blood clotting during pregnancy becomes less, thus prevention of the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta is carried out, nosebleeds and bleeding of the gums are possible. If the tests and nutrition are normal, you do not need to worry about this.

What happens to a baby in the seventh week of pregnancy

Your child is about the size of a large grape. Height approx. 23 mm. The embryonic phase of development has ended. Now he is a "fetus." The tail has disappeared, and the baby already looks like a small person.

Anatomically, what happens to the fetus at 7 weeks of gestation? The eyelids cover the eyes completely. And they won't open until the 26th week of pregnancy. Tiny earlobes are visible.

The nose, nostrils and mouth become more distinct. The mouth looks like a thin strip. Language begins to form.

Fingers and toes are visible. Wrists and ankles begin to develop. The arms increase in length and are easily bent at the elbows.

The neck becomes visible, and the fetus can already turn its head. All joints, including the baby's elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, and wrists, begin to work and allow the baby to move freely in the amniotic fluid.

The digestive system and diaphragm are actively developing, and very soon the fetus will begin to make respiratory movements.

Your baby's skeleton is starting to harden. Cartilage appears all over the body. Nipples and hair follicles, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and anus are slowly forming. The intestines are lengthened. Valves of the heart are formed.

At 7 weeks and during 8 weeks of pregnancy, the reproductive organs are actively developing, but boys and girls still look the same. It is still not possible to determine gender on ultrasound.
The placenta takes over the production of hormones. The development of the main body parts and organs of the child is complete. They will only get better in the coming weeks.

What mom feels - emotional state

1. Weakness and nausea. They will accompany a woman for almost the entire first trimester of pregnancy.

2. Dissatisfaction with a partner. Unfortunately, men cannot understand what the expectant mother feels, all those feelings and discomfort, so there is no need to be angry with her husband. Try to be calm.

3. Feelings of guilt. Most women, especially primiparous women, do not yet experience any maternal feelings. This is totally normal. So far, a responsible attitude to one's position is enough. Many mothers begin to have love for their baby only a few days after his birth.

4. Fatigue. Try to make your life as easy as possible. If it’s hard for you, for example, to work in the country, then you don’t need to. Wait.

5. Anxiety. Obviously, you can be worried about your pregnancy. Especially if you like reading medical forums or mommies' blogs. Try not to read sad stories. Don't try them on yourself.

6. Stress and excitement. Avoid them by any means. Do not swear, it is better to leave or keep silent. At home, listen to music, relax, watch your favorite movie, take a warm bath.

How not to forget your "pregnant" feelings

The mom-to-be becomes very sensitive. Everything seems to her touching, she wants to remember every day of pregnancy. And for this it is best to start a diary. Paper as before. Blogging on a website is good, of course. But there is no guarantee that this site will always work. Your secret notes about feelings in the seventh week of pregnancy and everyone else may simply disappear ... You can print on a computer and save, but again there is no guarantee that the technique will not let you down. In this regard, paper will be more reliable.

It is very interesting to take pictures of your tummy every week, to watch how it grows. These photos will remain for you for a long time.
Many moms keep their tests with two stripes. This is also completely normal.

Save the photographs that will be given to you after the ultrasound examinations. If possible, in the second or third trimester, at the screening time, undergo an ultrasound scan, where you can see the child in a three-dimensional image. Preferably in a private honey. center so that family members are allowed to attend the examination. This is important not only for detecting various developmental defects in the baby, but also for family cohesion. It is very touching to watch men who see their child for the first time, even if only on the screen.

And also, after passing such an examination, they are usually given discs with a record and photographs in a three-dimensional image. Facial features are already clearly visible on them. You can even say who the child looks like. The main thing is that during the examination, the baby does not turn his back to the ultrasound sensor.

Looking at pictures, videos, your diary after the birth of a child, and especially when he is already growing up, you may decide on another pregnancy. To live it all again is so wonderful.

7 week, ectopic pregnancy (video):

7 weeks pregnant

7 week, ectopic pregnancy

2013-06-05T00: 00: 00

Should I take vitamins?

Many expectant mothers, having watched an advertisement for vitamin preparations, begin to take them from the very first days of pregnancy. But in most cases, there is no need for this if the nutrition of the expectant mother is complete and balanced. It is not at all necessary to calculate your menu to grams, but you need to try to ensure that on your table every day there is non-fatty meats, cereals (if you don't eat porridge, you need to add cereals to dishes, soups, etc.), vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products.

We already wrote earlier that there is an absolute need to take only two trace elements - potassium iodide and folic acid. They are usually not enough in our food products, and expectant mothers have an increased need for them.

Folic acid dosage is 400 mcg per day. It's minimum. But if in the past there have already been miscarriages, the birth of children with developmental defects, the age of over 35 years, the dosage can be increased several times. At the discretion of the attending physician. Be sure to take folic acid, the world's leading gynecologists advise up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester, it is also desirable, but no longer necessary. Sometimes folic acid is prescribed to be taken in parallel with an iron supplement with low hemoglobin.

The standard dosage of potassium iodide is 200 mcg per day. Iodine is a very important trace element. It regulates the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, whose hormones play an important role, including during pregnancy. The lack of iodine in the mother's body is dangerous not only for herself, but also for her unborn child. Iodine enters the baby through the placenta.

A little later, in the second half of your pregnancy, you will most likely be advised to drink calcium with vitamin D3. This will keep your teeth from decaying and reduce discomfort in the pelvic area.

By the way, about the thyroid gland. In the first trimester, you must be tested for TSH (Thyroid Tropic Hormone). It is a pituitary hormone that rises when there is a lack of thyroid hormones. The maximum level of TSH is normal - 4. If the indicator is higher, the expectant mother is prescribed synthetic thyroxine, a hormonal drug. If the situation is not normalized, and the lack of hormones is significant, the child may be born mentally incomplete.

Continue to take folic acid at the dosage indicated by your doctor. Don't skip pills. If other drugs have been recommended to you, for example, progesterone to relieve the threat of termination of pregnancy, do not refuse to take it. Hormonal pills are not as scary as some ignorant people say about them.
Primiparous women over 30-35 years old should be especially attentive to their health. They are at risk not only for various pathologies of pregnancy, but also for fetal malformations.

Continue your daily activities as long as they do not cause discomfort. Unnecessary bed rest will only harm you and your baby. In general, travel is best avoided for now. And avoid physical overload.

Sunbathing is not prohibited, but it is better to do this in the morning or evening hours, when the sun is not so active. And don't sit on the open beach. In addition, white-skinned women should use sunscreen to avoid the appearance of age spots on the skin that are typical for pregnant women.

Most couples do not know if they can continue having sex or not. Many fear that this could harm the pregnancy. Sexual activity is generally not harmful. However, sex should be avoided if you have pregnancy bleeding, abdominal pain, or repeated miscarriages in the past.

In the seventh week of pregnancy, the embryo is still very small. The expectant mother does not notice the tummy, and there are no external manifestations of the fact that she is pregnant at all. Therefore, for now, you can decide for yourself: to whom to tell about your secret, and to whom not.

Despite the absence of external manifestations, many important changes are already taking place inside the body of the expectant mother, probably at 7 weeks of pregnancy she managed to feel some symptoms. For the embryo, this is also a very important and eventful period: its internal organs and the nervous system are actively being formed.

The seventh week is the period when it is recommended to visit the antenatal clinic and register. The gynecologist must confirm the pregnancy using an ultrasound scan, assess your health status and tell you what examinations, at what time, you need to undergo during pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of 7 weeks pregnant

Symptoms that a woman experiences at 7 weeks of gestation and generally in the early stages are variable. Some of them are insignificant, others can be strongly pronounced. Some women practically do not feel anything, the body of others reacts very violently.

The most common symptoms are:
· Morning sickness, which in fact can bother not only in the morning. It is associated with hormonal effects, and the higher the hormone levels, the more vomiting. Therefore, in women who are pregnant with twins, the symptom is usually more pronounced. By the second trimester, hormone levels gradually decrease and nausea decreases or disappears altogether.

· Cramps in the lower abdomen - This is a normal phenomenon, because a lot of different processes are currently taking place in the uterus. However, if you are concerned about pain, you need to see a doctor.

· Slight bleedingfrom the vagina. The cervix becomes softer and more tender, so after sex you may notice small marks on your underwear. Bleeding, like during menstruation, is a reason to seek medical attention.

· Changing eating habits. Many mothers-to-be find that they are beginning to dislike the food they previously enjoyed. On the contrary, it is drawn to all sorts of specific products and even inedible items. For example, some pregnant women are beginning to adore the taste of chalk, red brick. As strange as it may sound, this symptom is needed so that food that is potentially dangerous to your baby does not enter your body. It usually goes hand in hand with nausea.

· Severe mood swings. Surely you are not yet fully accustomed to the idea that you are carrying a future baby in the tummy - hence such a bright and often unpredictable bouquet of emotional states. Plus, your body is under the influence of hormones.

· Frequent urination. At this point, your uterus is twice the size it was before pregnancy. She needs more oxygen and nutrients. Due to the increased blood flow to the pelvic area, the expectant mother begins to pull to the toilet more often.

· Discharge of a large amount of saliva. Another "hello" from hormones. In addition, nausea can make the drooling worse.

· Acne (blackheads) - also a consequence of hormonal effects.

How soon the symptoms go away? It's not always the same. For example, nausea ceases to bother half of expectant mothers by the 14th week of pregnancy. The remaining half of the women get rid of it in another month. Frequent urination over time not only does not pass, but also increases.
Some women won't come across any of the items on this list. We can assume that they are lucky. If there are no symptoms, this is quite normal.

Pregnancy at 7 weeks with twins

If you are pregnant with twins, you are more likely to develop any symptoms associated with early pregnancy and are more likely to be more pronounced. Although, everything is relative here.

How much is the seventh week of pregnancy?

In our article we are talking about the seventh week of obstetric pregnancy, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. In reality, fertilization occurs on average 2 weeks later. The period that is counted from the moment of conception is called embryonic or gestational... Thus, 7 weeks obstetric period corresponds to five weeks gestational, and 7 weeks gestational - nine weeks obstetric.
You are approximately one month and two weeks pregnant, that is, almost a month and a half.
Calculate how long you are pregnant in weeks and calculate your due date from your last menstrual period

What happens to the embryo at 7 weeks of gestation?

Compared to last week, the size of the embryo has doubled, and compared to the fertilized egg, it has increased 10,000 times. Yes, it is growing very fast! His body is now roughly the size of a blueberry.

In appearance, the embryo resembles a small lizard or tailed amphibian. It still has a tail, but it has nothing to do with animal tails. These are just the coccygeal vertebrae, which, as they grow, will end up inside the body. The arms and legs are indicated, but so far they resemble webbed fins. Knees and ankles form, nails begin to grow on the legs.

The skin of the unborn baby is as thin as tissue paper. All vessels and internal organs shine through it. The face begins to look like a human: it has eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth.

Perhaps, of all the organs of the embryo at 7 weeks of gestation, the brain develops most actively. Every minute a hundred new nerve cells appear in it. The structure of the brain also becomes more complex. Muscles continue to grow and develop, their strength increases.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, there is already an umbilical cord - vessels pass through it, through which the child receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother's body, and removes metabolic products. The unborn baby has its own kidneys, which will begin to produce urine in the coming weeks.

The development of internal organs continues. The embryo has a vermiform appendix and a pancreas. His intestine partially extends into the umbilical cord - in the future, it will gradually return to the abdominal cavity. The liver produces red blood cells ( erythrocytes) - it will perform this function until the red bone marrow matures.

The development of the heart, lungs, and spinal cord continues. Begin to form gonads- ovaries in girls and testicles in boys. The baby's heart beats at a frequency of 160 beats per minute - about 2 times faster than that of the mother.
The embryo is actively moving inside your uterus, but you will not feel its movements for a long time.

Ultrasound at 7 weeks of gestation

· will measure blood pressure and pulse: it is important to know the baseline values, because during pregnancy they can increase or decrease, sometimes this indicates complications;

· measure body temperature;

· will determine the size of the pelvis using a special measuring instrument: this will help to understand if the birth canal of the expectant mother is too narrow, if it will create problems during childbirth.

You will be given a very impressive list of tests that you need to go through... It will likely include:
· General and biochemical blood test.
· General analysis and bacterial culture of urine.
· Determination of the blood group according to the AB0 system and the Rh factor.
· Tests for infections: viral hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV.
· Smear for flora and cytology.
Feces for helminth eggs.

According to the indications, other tests can be prescribed.

You will be referred for consultation with specialist doctors... You will have to visit:
· Therapist;
A dentist (during pregnancy, many women have problems with their gums and teeth);
• ophthalmologist;
ENT doctor: this specialist will take swabs for staphylococci from the nose and throat;
· A cardiologist.

This is the largest examination a woman undergoes during pregnancy. It is important to comprehensively assess the health of the expectant mother and identify possible risks.

When do you need to see a doctor?

During the first trimester, there are two possible serious complications of pregnancy. It is important to be aware of their symptoms:
· Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy- a condition in which the embryo is implanted not in the uterus, but in another, unsuitable for its development, place, for example, in the fallopian tube. Such an embryo is not viable, in addition, it poses a threat to the life of the mother. Call an ambulance immediately if you experience symptoms such as: severe bleeding from the vagina, dizziness and fainting, sharp, severe pelvic pain, shoulder pain.

· Miscarriage... Its likelihood is highest in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, then sharply decreases. The cause may be genetic disorders in the embryo, infections, hormonal disorders. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the cause. Seek medical attention if blood or a thick pink liquid comes out from the vagina, tissue particles come out, if there is pelvic pain, weakness, dizziness. As you can see, the symptoms are similar to an ectopic pregnancy. If they have arisen, you cannot hesitate, your life may be in danger.

7 Weeks Ectopic Pregnancy - Video Guide

Never again will there be so many changes in a child in a limited amount of time as now, when the first trimester of pregnancy is underway. At 7 obstetric week, the baby changes daily, constantly, every minute.

The processes that take place inside the mother's womb can be compared to magic or miracle. About how the baby has become by this time, and what awaits him in the next seven days, we will tell in this material.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Baby's age - two views on the term

7 obstetric week corresponds to the full 4 weeks of a baby's life from the moment of conception. The fifth week has gone. Since ovulation in different women occurs at different times, but in most cases in the very middle of the cycle, it is more convenient for obstetricians to calculate the period from the first day of the last menstruation to simplify the task. Therefore, a woman may be confused, because she is used to counting the embryonic term.

In fact, all medical examinations, all ultrasound standards and test results are always indicated in obstetric weeks, and therefore now, when a little more than 4 weeks have occurred since conception, and after a delay - only 2 full weeks, it is the seventh week of pregnancy.

If 7 weeks have passed since the moment of conception of your baby, then we are talking about a completely different period - it is the 9th week of pregnancy.

Embryo development

At 7 weeks, it is believed that the most critical period in terms of the likelihood of losing a baby is already behind. In fact, the threat of termination of pregnancy is still very high, because the baby is very vulnerable, any unfavorable factor can affect its development.

As long as your baby is still considered an embryo. In fact, a transitional neo-fetal period begins, which will last 2 weeks. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetal period of intrauterine development will begin, and then everyone will officially call the baby a fetus, not an embryo.

Now the baby is in a transitional stage - in fact, it is not an embryo, but not yet a fetus. Therefore, it can be called both an embryo and a fetus. Many doctors are inclined to believe that the baby is already worthy of being called a fetus, therefore, in the conclusion of an ultrasound scan at this time, they already write that it is the fetus that is visualized inside the uterus.

The early embryonic period was left behind, when the crumb was an accumulation of cells that were dividing. Now it has acquired a shape similar to human, and this similarity is increasing every day.

Height and weight

A little more than four weeks have passed since the moment of conception, but the crumb has increased from the day of conception by about 10 thousand times! The embryo-fetus is growing very intensively, and at the very beginning of this week its growth will be about half as much as at its end.

At 6-7 obstetric weeks, the baby's height is about 2 centimeters. At the end of the week, growth will increase to 5 centimeters. Weight does not come so quickly, the stage at which the child will begin to gain grams has not yet started. In the meantime, the baby's weight is a little less than a gram, on average - 0.8 grams.

The size of the crumbs can now be compared with the solid size of the beans. But this is its entire size - along with the membranes. Mom's uterus has already grown one and a half times, and now it is the size of an orange. The kid-"bean" is still very comfortable and spacious in it, there is enough space in the uterine cavity.

Nervous system

The baby's body at this time looks disproportionate. The largest part of his body is his head. It is not yet even, not round, drop-shaped, but its impressive size is not a whim of nature, but an urgent need for that.

Now the baby looks like a tadpole because its brain grows more intensively than all other organs. At week 7, the brain is already divided into two hemispheres - left and right. The brain substance is formed at a rapid pace.

These days, a lot is decided for the baby, since five cavities resembling bubbles are formed in his head. It is these cavities that are destined to soon become parts of the brain.

Each "bubble" will correspond to one of the brain regions. The neural tube is not closed yet the development of the nervous system is very intensive.

It is on these seven days, which belong to the seventh obstetric week, that the formation and development of the network of nerve fibers begins. It is they who will soon have to connect the brain and spinal cord with all internal organs.

If the network is formed correctly and accurately, the baby should not have problems with the functioning of the central nervous system, but if negative factors now intervene in this process, then serious malformations are not excluded - microcephaly (decrease in the size of the brain), hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain ), anencephaly (absence of the brain), various defects of the neural tube. In most cases, such vices are incompatible with life.

They often accompany a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities, and it is the anomaly at the level of the chromosomal set in this case that is the main negative factor that "interferes" with the formation of the nervous system and the brain at 6-7 obstetric weeks.

Everything that happens to the expectant mother and baby now can be described in a nutshell - a global restructuring. That is why now a woman should be especially careful and attentive to her health, not to be exposed to tobacco smoke, the smell of paints, varnishes, radiation, not to be in places with strong vibration, not to take medicines and other substances without medical indications.

Internal organs

The baby's body is not yet similar to a human in our usual sense, but it does not even resemble the embryo of an animal. Through the translucent shells and transparent skin, internal organs are visible, which are already beginning to take their proper place.

So, this week the only intestine is still undergoing transformations. It is divided into three main sections - the stomach, larynx, and esophagus. The upper part of the intestine is connected to the only organ of the respiratory system so far - the trachea. The lower one from this week begins to turn into the urogenital sinus.

The rectum and appendix are forming. The middle of the intestine extends into the umbilical cord. These days, the laying of the biliary tract began, and the emerging pancreas begins to produce its own insulin.

As already mentioned, the respiratory organs are still few in number - only the trachea is present, but this week the formation of the lungs and bronchi begins, a start has already been made. It is at the fifth embryonic week that the formation of vision begins.

The convex part of the anterior cerebral bladder begins to protrude forward, it is from this that the development of the optic nerves and retina begins. The eyes are still similar to dark dots located on the sides of the head. Over time, they will begin to approach the center of the face to their proper place.

This week, the heart of the baby becomes four-chambered, it pumps blood throughout the small body. In this he is helped by blood vessels, which are also actively developing. Large blood vessels grow especially actively this week.

Baby gender

The sex of a child is determined directly at the moment of conception and remains a big secret until a certain date. 7 obstetric week is no exception. The gender is not yet distinguishable. It is not possible to define it.

The embryo develops regardless of gender. However, it is this week that the genital ridges are already forming, which will soon become the sex glands.

Where the genitals will soon be located, a genital tubercle appears this week. A little later, in boys, it will turn into a penis, and in girls, into the labia. In the meantime, the bumps in babies of both sexes look the same. It is impossible to find out the sex of the child from them. Sex hormones in the child's body are not yet produced.

Methods for determining sex by fetal heartbeat, by blood updates, by parental blood group are not reliable from the point of view of official medicine and are more reminiscent of fortune-telling on coffee grounds - coincidences are possible with a probability of 50% - either a boy or a girl.


The appearance of the baby is still not much like a person, but every day the baby becomes more and more like him. The baby has a nose bud this week. And if it were not for the wide-set eyes, the face of the crumbs would already resemble a human face.

This week the inner ear begins to form and the auricles begin to form. While they look only like small seals of cartilaginous tissue, but soon they will become our usual ears, and the baby will be able to hear.

The laying of milk teeth begins, the upper and lower jaws are formed. The spinal column is formed, and the baby these days "will receive" the first cervical bend at his full disposal. From the inherent position of the embryo - bent - the baby gradually begins to emerge. This week he will begin to unbend his body like a caterpillar.

There are no feet on the legs yet, but their rudiments have already appeared, and where there will soon be heels, there are seals - future marigolds, which will move to the toes immediately after their formation.

All embryos have a tail. At 7 weeks, it is shortened almost twice, after a week or two it will become a rudiment and turn into a tailbone. The lower limbs in children at this gestational age develop much more slowly than the arms.

His upper limbs now look like oars or shoulder blades - this is how the hands are formed. The fingers have not yet separated, between them is a dense skin membrane, but very soon they can be counted on an ultrasound scan.

The umbilical cord is tightening, this week it becomes a connecting link between the young, barely formed placenta, which is now only a little more than a centimeter thick, and the baby. Uteroplacental blood flow begins to debug, but the placenta is still far from full-fledged work. While the main work on feeding the child is done by the yolk sac.

What can a kid do?

The baby starts to move at 7 weeks. Naturally, the expectant mother cannot feel this. There is still enough time until the moment when she begins to feel the movements of her son or daughter. However, the absence of sensations does not at all mean the absence of movement.

At 7 weeks obstetric measurement and at 5 embryonic weeks, the baby begins to bend and unbend the handles - the paddles in the wrist area. These are his first movements, which by the end of the week are already given easily and naturally.

A new skill that allows the baby to unbend the body can be noted on an ultrasound scan if a woman goes to it at this time. At the moment of maximum extension, they usually begin to measure the so-called CTE - the coccygeal-parietal size.

Ultrasound at 7 weeks

An ultrasound scan this week is not considered mandatory or recommended. If the health of the expectant mother does not cause anxiety and fear, she does not have pain, unusual discharge, then there is no need for ultrasound scanning.

The effect of ultrasound waves on a growing fetus is not fully understood, and therefore doctors recommend not to abuse this simple and indicative diagnosis.

The doctor may recommend to undergo an ultrasound scan at this time only in certain situations when there are very specific indications for conducting a study, without waiting for the first screening prenatal examination, which usually takes place from 10-11 weeks to 13 weeks of pregnancy, inclusive.

A woman will have to go to ultrasound diagnostics right now if, when registering in a consultation with a gynecologist, some doubts, concerns and questions arise. So, ultrasound is now shown:

  • to confirm the fact of pregnancy;
  • to establish the fact of an ectopic, frozen pregnancy;
  • to confirm or refute multiple pregnancies;
  • to examine the pelvic organs for signs of a threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • to clarify the duration of pregnancy;
  • to exclude complications of pregnancy with recurrent miscarriage;
  • to obtain information about the peculiarities of pregnancy, which has occurred thanks to reproductive techniques, for example, IVF.

Ultrasound at this time is most often performed with an intravaginal sensor, since the fetus is still very small so that it can be seen through the denser anterior abdominal wall. The procedure does not take more than 15 minutes and is painless.

The doctor-somnologist this week necessarily assesses the viability of the fetus, specifies the number of fetuses, compares the size of the ovum with the norms for a given period. So far, only two parameters are used for this. One of them is measured between the inner walls of the fetal membrane. It is called the average inner diameter of the ovum:

The average inner diameter of the ovum at 7 weeks of gestation:

Ovum diameter (SVD, mm)

What corresponds to the gestational age

6 weeks + 1 day

6 weeks + 2 days

6 weeks + 3 days

6 weeks + 4 days