Bolero crochet scheme and description. Knitted bolero, a selection of models

Crocheting a short bolero for a woman or a girl is much easier according to the diagrams and descriptions for them, where each step of creating a canvas is discussed in detail. Initially, this garment was for men, in appearance it was a short vest. In the women's wardrobe, he began to change, acquiring various sleeves and collars. Today, the accessory is a good addition to any outfit in your wardrobe. You can knit it yourself using master classes.

What is bolero

In modern fashion, this piece of clothing is a cropped jacket. It looks like a tight-fitting blouse, often without any fasteners. Such a thing appeared in the 18th century, then it was worn by Italian bullfighters. Then women turned their attention to her - she became not so monotonous thanks to the invention of new interesting styles and experiments with decor and colors.

Models and styles

Modern models of such short jackets are presented in a wide range. They can be made from fabric, fur, leather, or crocheted from yarn. The difference from the initial version is the presence of sleeves of different lengths: long, short, three-quarters - although there are models without them. The variety of models is achieved by collars, including those that turn into the lapel, button fasteners.

What to wear with

The high demand for such a blouse is due to its versatility. With this small accessory, you can create many extraordinary and extravagant looks. You can wear a bolero with almost anything. It is combined with a knitted dress, jeans and skinny pants, shorts. A stricter option is with a pencil skirt. Shoes are preferred with high heels, such as ankle boots, although sneakers will work as well. Extraordinary fur models are combined with stilettos and tight trousers, and leather ones with jeans. Knitted options look good with turtlenecks and dresses.

Crochet bolero

The first stage of the work will be the preparation of the necessary materials and tools specified in the description of the master class. Their list includes the following:

  • a tool of a particular number, which is selected taking into account the type and thickness of the threads;
  • thin or thick yarn, depending on the purpose of the garment;
  • scissors;
  • if necessary, straight knitting needles;
  • darning needle;
  • some decorative elements are optional, for example, braid.

In order for the finished product to sit well, you must first tie the sample, which is used to calculate the knitting density. It depends on the thickness of the yarn and the tool number. The control sample is created as follows:

  • according to the desired pattern of the product, tie a sample measuring 10 by 10 cm;
  • wash, dry and iron;
  • put it on 10x10 cm cardboard;
  • count the number of loops along the main side of the sample that fell on the cardboard - this is the knitting density;
  • if the sample turned out to be smaller, then it is worth taking a thicker tool, otherwise, on the contrary, it is thinner.

How to choose the right thread

Choosing the right yarn is just as important. For light and airy patterns, threads with the addition of synthetics are suitable. As a result, the product will keep its shape better. Loose and thick patterns look more spectacular from a denser yarn, which can be knitted even in 2 strands. Tips for choosing a yarn:

  • bamboo, viscose, cotton and silk yarns are suitable for summer models;
  • mercerized cotton will give you coolness in the scorching sun, and pure high quality wool - warm in winter frosts;
  • lace models look prettier from a thin cotton or synthetic thread;
  • a product made of stretch yarn will emphasize the curves of the body;
  • warmth and beauty are combined in models from mohair, cashmere or merino wool;
  • evening options look elegant from lurex yarn;
  • sports models made of fine wool are suitable for girls with an active lifestyle.

This warm bolero is crocheted from merino (sheep) wool. It is hypoallergenic and soft. The most popular manufacturers are Gazzal - BabyWool, Galla, Artic. For an autumn-spring wardrobe, it is better to use yarn with cotton and acrylic in the composition, sometimes with the addition of wool. The best brands are Jeans by YarnArt, Cotton Gold by Alize and azzal - Baby Cotton. Linen and cotton yarns are considered summer. Elegant openwork blouses are obtained from it. In this case, good yarn Begonia, Violet and Duet (Alize), Iris, Lili and Semenovskaya - Tenderness, Ivushka, Irina and Lilia.

Knitting patterns

Novice needlewomen should not immediately tackle complex schemes. Working out with simple patterns will help you cope with more complex ones in the future. The patterns can be found in knitting magazines or on the internet. Symbols will also help to simplify the process, according to which even a beginner will figure out where and what loops to make. They may reflect:

  • single crochet (RLS);
  • double crochet (CCH);
  • air loops (VP);
  • half double crochet (PSN);
  • half-column without crochet (PBN);
  • lush column;
  • embossed column.

There are also different knitting techniques that are used by craftswomen. The main classification includes the following ways to create a knitted fabric:

  1. Circular. The canvas turns out to be round, like a napkin, seamless. Knits in one direction with the closure of each circle with a connecting and lifting loop.
  2. Straight. The fabric is knitted in rows according to the "round trip" principle.
  3. Knitting motives. In this case, several separate parts are made, which are then connected with a crochet or needle.

How to tie a bolero - step by step instructions

Almost any bolero is crocheted according to the pattern of a classic jacket, only with it they make rounded edges and reduce the length. First you need to choose a model - whether it will be needed simply to complement the image, or is it necessary for the purpose of insulation. A decorative bolero is crocheted from thinner threads and more often without long sleeves. The insulated version needs them, and the yarn should be thicker.

Decorative patterns

Silk, cotton, rayon or synthetic yarn - these options are suitable for decorative models. Any of them can be linked as follows:

  1. Choose the length of the sleeve, multiply it by 2 and add the back, measured from shoulder to shoulder. This is the width of the rectangle. Its height is equal to the girth of the arm at the widest point plus 5-7 cm for a free fit.
  2. Next, fold the rectangle along, make two seams from the edge to the center for the desired sleeve length. There is no need to do it here.
  3. Along the contour, make a strapping with ruffles or another pattern.

Warm knitted bolero

For warmed options, it is better to take yarn with wool, cashmere or mohair in the composition. Such boleros are crocheted according to a simple pattern:

  1. Measure the distance from shoulder to shoulder on the back, tie a square of such dimensions (for size 42-44 they are approximately 50-52 cm).
  2. Fold the resulting part in half, sew it on the sides from the edge to the center to the second mark by about 10-12 cm, leaving slots for the hands.
  3. Then tie the left holes to the desired length of the sleeves.
  4. Make shelves. To do this, tie the edges of the sewn square in a circle for the required number of rows.

Crochet bolero - schemes and description for beginners

Knitted models of such jackets have won special love. They can be created at any time of the year. In addition, the bolero is crocheted quickly, and according to the patterns and descriptions, any craftswoman can handle them. It can be a light cape for a cool evening or a warmed winter model under a turtleneck. Several of these options are presented in master classes with photos.

The model with long sleeves is more suitable for the autumn-winter period, so the yarn should be thicker. In general, knitting will require:

  • mohair of medium thickness of any color - 400 g;
  • hook - No. 4, 5.

The product is knitted from two parts in the transverse direction from the sleeve. In some places, loops are simply added or, conversely, removed. The instruction includes the following steps:

  1. Cast on a chain of 33 air loops, knit according to scheme 1, adding 4 times 2 loops (p.) In every fourth row. As a result, there should be 49 of them.
  2. After 48 cm of knitting, add a chain of 4 VPs on both sides (you get 57 stitches in total).
  3. Tie another 10.5 cm in the middle loop, close, continue knitting the remaining 28 sts of the back for another 8 cm, then cut the thread at a total height of 69 cm.
  4. Go to the shelf, according to scheme 2 through 3 rows, bevel the neck, cut the yarn.
  5. Perform the second part in the same way.
  6. Pin them on the pattern, moisten, let dry.
  7. Make side and center seams, tie the edges according to scheme 3.

Simple crochet bolero for girls

The next knitted model is perfect for a girl aged 5-6 years. Required materials and tools for the master class:

  • hook - No. 3.5;
  • yarn 100% cotton pink or other color - 50 g.

Crochet bolero for a girl begins to crochet from the armhole of the first sleeve, and ends with the end of the second. The product is not quite solid. The remaining sleeve is tied from the armhole. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Cast on as many VPs so that the width of the sleeve is the size of the child's hand.
  2. Knit according to the pattern to the armhole of the sleeves - the width of the fabric is equal to the width of the back.
  3. Close knitting with a ring. Continue knitting in circles in the same pattern until desired length.
  4. Run the second sleeve from the left armhole. Tie both with a row of single crochet and next to a crustacean step.
  5. Make the edging of the neckline and back like this: 1 row of RLS, 2 rows of the cycle * 2 columns with 2 yarns, knit 1 air loop * together. Repeat this twice more. Tie open edges like sleeves.

Bolero for summer

Summer models are lighter, so the yarn should not be thick. Their pattern is often openwork, which gives the product a special airiness. To make one of them you will need:

  • 100% cotton yarn (250 m / g) - 300 g;
  • hook - No. 2.

The ready-made garment, knitted according to this scheme, is suitable for women with clothing sizes 38-40. The sequence of its implementation is as follows:

  1. Back. Cast on a chain VP 52 cm long, knit according to the pattern of 43 cm.Then leave 12 cm in the center, and finish both sides separately. For the bevels of the neck, reduce 1 cm by 1 time.After 48 cm of the fabric, finish knitting.
  2. Shelf. Cast on a chain of VP 26 cm long, knit 24 cm of linen in the same way. Then in each row, decrease 7 times by 1 loop. When the fabric reaches 48 cm, finish knitting. Perform the second half in the same way.
  3. Sleeves. For each, type a chain of VP 40 cm long, knit according to the 5 cm pattern.
  4. Assembly. Run all the seams, tie the edges with 2 rows of CCH and 1 next to such a cycle * 3 VP, 3 CCH in the same base, skip 3 loops, 1 SBN, skip 3 loops *.
  5. Lace. Tie a chain of VP 70 cm long, knit 1 row of RLS, thread the tie into the shelves.

Openwork boleros for experienced craftswomen

If you are already familiar with knitting techniques and have completed some simple bolero patterns, then you can go to the next level and create a more complex product. It is more difficult to make openwork patterns, but according to the scheme and description, it is easier to make them. The main thing is to follow the manufacturing sequence of all parts, use the recommended yarn and the tool number for it. As for the color of the threads, you can choose it to your taste.

Crochet floral cape

A light openwork cape in this master class is knitted from round motifs. Then they are connected to each other, as a result of which the finished product is obtained. Required materials and tools:

  • 100% silk yarn - 230 g;
  • hook - No. 2.5.

The diameter of each motif is approximately 8.5 cm. They are knitted and assembled into a finished item according to the following instructions:

  1. According to scheme 1, tie 32 motifs, connect them according to the drawing: when knitting the last flower, do not cut the thread, but make 1 RLS from the top of the middle picot of the lower row, then 6 VP, 1 RLS, inserting a hook under the top of the middle picot of another motive. Perform chains of 6 VP and 1 RLS, inserting the tool alternately into one and the other flower.
  2. Fill the free areas of the upper edge according to scheme 2. Tie it with 1 row of single crochets.
  3. For a fringe, group 3 threads 25 cm long, fasten them along the bottom contour.

Bright knitted bolero "Chinese fans"

The creation of this model is more laborious due to the complexities of combining individual motives. The following materials and tools will be required:

  • double mercyrization cotton - 400 g;
  • hook - No. 1.5.

Crocheting a bolero begins by creating 4 round motifs. Already from them they make a pattern of fans. The instructions for creating a product are as follows:

  1. Tie an openwork strip of 4 circles.
  2. Next, tie the fans of the back according to the scheme, starting with 5, and then alternating 3 and 4 fans. There should be 6 rows in total.
  3. Run each shelf separately, observing the sequence of rows in the diagram.
  4. Sew the product on the sides, knit the sleeves with fans to the desired length.

White bolero from fragments

A very simple but beautiful bolero is crocheted from squares. You just need to complete several motives, and then connect them according to a special scheme. For knitting you will need:

  • cotton thread - 50 g;
  • hook - No. 1.5.

The number of square pieces can be different depending on the desired sleeve length and the product itself. In addition, they can be positioned at a 45 degree angle instead of straight as standard. The classic crochet bolero model is knitted like this:

  1. Tie 10 square motifs according to the scheme.
  2. Connect them together with connecting posts along the last row of arches.
  3. For the back, make a 2x3 square canvas. For the shelf, attach 2 more motives down.
  4. Tie the edges of the sleeves and necks with fans according to the pattern.

A small jacket with a mesh pattern can be a great addition to an evening dress. To make it, you will need the following:

  • Vega yarn 65% viscose, 35% cotton - 200 grams;
  • hook - No. 2.

It is necessary to crochet a bolero according to the pattern shown in the picture. The product consists of a back, two shelves and sleeves. The sequence of knitting them is as follows:

  1. Back. Tie a chain of 127 VP + 3 VP for lifting. Knit 5 rows with a pattern in diagram 1. Next, go to the main drawing. It is shown in Figure 2. After 20 cm, leave the armholes on both sides in the form of 2 pattern repeats. Continue knitting according to pattern, finish at 39 cm.
  2. Shelves. Dial a chain of 67 VP + 3 VP for lifting. Knit 1 pattern 16 cm, then make a cutout for the neckline, leaving 5 cm on the inside. Then add 4 times 1 cm and 2 times 0.5 cm in each row for rounding. Knit the right armhole similarly to the back. Run the second shelf symmetrically.
  3. Sleeves. Run side and shoulder seams, attach the yarn to the armhole, knit in a circle with the main pattern to the desired length.
  4. Assembly. Tie the edges of the shelves and the neck according to the scheme 3. Make the laces in the form of a VP chain.

Beautiful crochet bolero for an evening dress

For an evening out, it is better to crochet a classic black bolero from colored motifs. it is created very simply, and the materials and tools are needed as follows:

  • mercerized cotton - 200 g;
  • hook - No. 2.5.

The diagram shows the motives themselves, the places of their connection and the layout for the backrest and shelves. The details that connect the rear to the front are marked in red. The knitting sequence is as follows:

  1. For the back, according to the scheme, make a strip of 5 motifs, then tie 7 rows and add 4 more flowers.
  2. Then knit 11 strips. Then finish 4 motives, continue to knit the remaining 5 motives for 7 rows.
  3. In the same way, start knitting a shelf, only after adding 4 motifs, go through 5 more rows. In the last two, remove 1 flower each, as shown in the diagram. Perform the second shelf in the same way.
  4. Along the marked red lines, connect the parts using the same motives.
  5. Tie the edges like this - 3 sc, pico from 3 VP.

Exquisite Spanish lace cape

Capes made using the technique of Spanish or Irish lace are especially beautiful. They are made from many different motives, mostly floral. For one of the models you will need:

  • black Iris yarn - 100 g;
  • 100% cotton black yarn - 50 g;
  • hook - No. 1-1.2.

The manufacturing principle consists in knitting several patterns and then connecting them. This is done as follows:

  1. Tie the motives according to the indicated schemes.
  2. Next, draw a pattern, lay out the made patterns on it according to the sketch of the composition in Figure 5b.
  3. Video

When the air temperature rises, the sun warms up and thoughts about the sea come to mind, the "golden" time comes for those who crochet. It is this technique that allows you to create beautiful, light and delicate fabrics from fine yarn.

I crochet and knit, but for thin fabrics (over 400m / 100 grams) I prefer a crochet hook. Of course, you can also knit an openwork top, tunic, dress or bolero with knitting needles. But this will take much more effort, time and attention. There are knitters who work very quickly with fine knitting needles, but when I think about using a 2mm tool it makes me shudder and my eyelid starts twitching. For me, this is a real feat.

Therefore, I offer you an interesting and uncomplicated bolero crocheted from a fairly thin cotton thread.

Simple crochet bolero: a general description of the model and pattern

I found these photos when I got stuck on Pinterest again. Moving from one tab to another and jumping between pins, I came across several pictures, clearly extracted from the magazine (all photos below, as well as on my Pinterest board ). Considering that instead of the letters we are used to, everything is dotted with hieroglyphs, I would venture to suggest that this is a pattern from a Japanese magazine. I love these schemes for the extreme detail and illustrativeness. I once even met the details of sweaters and cardigans, depicted in the form of a diagram. No description is needed here, everything is clear.

For those who still can't figure out how to crochet a bolero, I wrote a step-by-step instruction. It will be useful to you when the density of your canvas matches mine (the calculations are given below).

The measurements on the pattern fit me perfectly, so there won't be any changes here.

The model is pretty simple:

  1. First, a rectangle is knitted.
  2. Then the right and left shelves.
  3. Then short side seams are made.
  4. Finally, a circular strapping.

This option is good because it does not require any specific skills. Anyone who wants to independently knit a short bolero for the summer and know how to perform basic crochet techniques can safely take on such a project. For those who do not know how, but want to learn how to crochet, I recommend my series of videos for beginners .

How to choose yarn

Among other advantages, the versatility of this model lies in the fact that you can use almost any material.

For about a year I had a bobbin of thin cotton ordered from the Angers store (

After I knitted the fishnet top, a decent amount of yarn remained, which I decided to use up. Despite the fact that I knitted in 4 additions, there is still a little left. This is the advantage of bobbin yarn - HUGE footage and economical consumption.

To knit this simple bolero crochet, you need about 60-70 grams of cotton yarn with a yardage of 300 to 500 m / 100 grams. Often cotton is sold in skeins weighing 50 grams, which means that you need to focus on the area of ​​150-250 m / 50 grams. Not only cotton materials are suitable for such clothes. You can use viscose, linen, hemp, fine wool, angora or blends: cotton with acrylic (at least 50% cotton), semi-wool or yarn with viscose.

The hook should be selected for a specific thread: the best tools will be # 2.5 or # 3.

The thickness of my yarn was 1416.7 meters per 100 grams. In four additions, the thickness was 354 meters per 100 grams. In total, it took 60 grams.

Where to start knitting: rectangular back

Like any serious knitting project, making a bolero should start with knitting a pattern. A small piece of 15x15 cm will suffice. After washing and drying (and in my case, after steaming), it should be measured.

My density:

3 rapports per 10 cm

14 rows (7 "bushes") by 10 cm

Since the width of the back part is 34 cm, I made a chain from VP for the first row and knitted 10 rapports.

Working according to the scheme, I have knitted 38 rows, which are equal to 28 cm.

That's it, the backrest detail is ready!

How to crochet bolero shelves

Each shelf is equal in width to three pattern rapports (about 10 cm). This means that immediately after completing the back, without cutting the thread, you can start making the front part.

One third of the part should be knitted exactly, the remaining two thirds are performed according to a special algorithm: some double crochets are replaced with half columns. This allows you to obtain a semicircular piece that fits better on the shape.

So, after the first part of one of the shelves (1/3 of the entire part) is ready, when performing one rapport, all crochet stitches are knitted like half-stitches. Depending on which shelf is knitted (right or left), half-columns are introduced into the first or last rapport. Simply put, this rapport should be located closer to the armhole.

As a result of the replacement, the height of the rapports will be less, so the part will turn out to be semicircular.

Pay attention to the diagram, all these tricks are perfectly visible there.

By the way, when knitting, I used a different method: I wanted to keep the same height of the rapports, so I adjusted the height of the edging elements. I described this method in detail in the video. You can watch it below or on the Anna and the Spokes channel.

I hope my explanation is clear enough. Here are the schematics used in the video.

Pattern of a pattern for knitting a flat section of the canvas

Changed pattern for knitting the right bolero shelf

Changed pattern for knitting the left bolero shelf

When the shelf on the long side is 38-40 cm, knitting is stopped. Until the details are sewn, the bolero is worth trying on. If necessary, the excess canvas must be dissolved or the missing one must be knitted.

Finished bolero detail

The second shelf is performed in a similar way, only the shortened rapports are knitted in a mirror order: if in the first case the height of the first rapport was reduced, then the last one should be reduced here.

Be careful: the movement of the threads and bobbins attracts the attention of predatory animals!

Finishing the job: performing the strapping

The finished part is folded so that the open edge of the shelves (the last connected row) is adjacent to the lower edge of the rectangle. Be guided by the previous scheme: you should combine the red lines and sew a bolero in these places.

Now you should work with the armholes and the open edge of the product: tie first with single crochet, and then with an openwork border.

Crochet harness

How to crochet a harness

The designer who developed the scheme did not provide for the strapping with single crochets, but I think that this way the product looks much more neat.

Before performing the openwork strapping, it is worth counting the number of STBNs and dividing this number by 9 (the number of STBNs on which one strapping rapport is based). If an integer does not work out, you need to dissolve the STBN and adjust their number to one that will be a multiple of 9. Otherwise, whole rapports will not fit, and the openwork pattern will be cut off.

I want to note that I have replaced such an element as "bunches of double crochets" with "fluffy columns". I like this more, because the pattern looks more voluminous.

At the end, the finished bolero can be steamed with an iron.

If you don't like this simple crochet pattern, you can choose your own. Almost any ornament will be appropriate here.

Knowing how easy it is to knit a bolero, you can enrich your wardrobe with a new thing. Also the model is good for children.

Dimensions:38/40 (Р1), 42/44 (Р2), 46/48 (РЗ), 50/52 (Р4)

You will need:Appu Blatt yarn: 8/9/10/10 Louxor skeins (100% cotton, 140 m / 50 g) black (383); knitting needles number 3.5; hook number 3; 108 round silver and gray beads. Patterns: faces. smooth surface, st. b / n, "rachiy step", art. s / n (see page 24).

Fantasy pattern:the number of loops is a multiple of 5 +1 p. for symmetry. 1st p .: * 1 tbsp. b / n, 5 air. p., skip 4 p. *, repeat from * to *, finish 1 tbsp. b / n. 2nd p .: 3 air. n. lifting, 3 air. n., * 3 tbsp. s / n, knitted together in the 3rd air. n. arches (1 yarn, insert the hook into the loop, 1 yarn, pull the loop, 1 yarn, insert the hook into the same loop, 1 yarn, pull the loop, 1 yarn, pull the thread through all the loops), 5 air. p. *, repeat from * to *, finish 3 tbsp. s / n, knitted together, 3 air. n., 1 tbsp. s / n. 3rd p .: 3 air. n. lifting, * 5 air. n., 3 tbsp. s / n, knitted together in the 3rd air. n. arches *, repeat from * to *, finish 5 air. n., 1 tbsp. s / n. Repeat 2nd and 3rd p.

Small leaf. 1st p .:5 persons. 2nd p. and all even rows: out. p. 3rd p .: 2 persons., 1 yarn, 1 persons., 1 yarn, 2 persons. 5th p .: 3 persons., 1 yarn, 1 person., 1 yarn, 3 persons. 7th p .: 4 persons., 1 yarn, 1 persons., 1 yarn, 4 persons. 9th p .: 1 persons., 2 p. Together with a tilt to the left, 5 persons., 2 p. Together persons., 1 persons. 11th p .: 1 persons., 2 p. Together with a tilt to the left, 3 persons., 2 p. Together persons., 1 persons. 13th p .: 1 persons., 2 sts. Together with a tilt to the left, 1 persons., 2 sts. Together persons., 1 persons. 15th p .: 1 persons., 3 p. Together persons., 1 persons. 17th p .: 3 points together, persons.

Big leaf:knit according to the appropriate pattern.

Knitting density, fancy pattern, hook number 3:25 p. (5 motives) and 7 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Back / front:dial a chain of 111/121/131/146 sts and knit with a fancy pattern, respectively 22/24/26/29 motifs. At a height of 36 cm, knit the armholes of the sleeves, decreasing on each side for P1 6 x 1/2, for P2 8 x 1/2, for PZ 8 x 1/2, for P4 10 x 1/2 motif. There will be 16/16/18/19 motives. At a height of 43/44/45/46 cm, cut the neckline according to the scheme. Finish the work at a height of 56/57/58/59 cm.

Sleeves:dial a chain of 11 sts and knit with a fancy pattern according to the scheme. When there are 5 motives in the work, add in the 7th p. a chain of 20 points on the right and a chain of 17/1II20 / 20 points on the left. We get 12/12/13/13 motives. Continue knitting with a fancy pattern, adding on each side for P1 in every 5th p. 4 x 1/2 motive, for P2 and RZ in each 4th p. 4 x 1/2 motive and in each 3rd p. 2 x 1/2 motive, for P4 in each 3rd p. 7 x 1/2 motive, after 2 p. 1 x 1/2 motive. We get a 16/18/19/21 motive. At a height of 42 cm (30 p.), Form an okat of the sleeve, decreasing on each side in each row first 1 motive / 2 x 1 motive / 2 x 1 motive / 3 x 1 motive, then reduce 1/2 motive in each row to top of the sleeve. Finish the work at a height of 58 cm. The second sleeve is knit in the same way, for P1 and P2 the bottom of the sleeves is knit in a mirror image.

Small leaves:knit 8 leaves for each sleeve, 36 for the front and 36 for the back.

Large leaves:knit 4 leaves for each sleeve, 18 for the front and 18 for the back.

Assembly:sew groups of 2 small and 1 large leaf on the back, in front and on the bottom of the sleeves. Then sew 3 silver and 3 gray beads (see photo) on the front and back. Sew side and shoulder seams as well as sleeve seams. Sew sleeves into armholes. Tie the bottom of the sleeves with 1 p. Art. b / n. Tie the neckline and bottom of the product with 1 p. Art. b / n and 1 p. "Crustacean step".

On the Internet, there are many options for how to tie a bolero. There are many ways and techniques. Bolero can accentuate the waist, hide imperfections and give freshness to the image. Such a wardrobe item will always delight others, especially if it is made with your own sleeves. Consider several options for crochet boleros for women. Some of them can be completed in one day, and some take longer.

Learning the basics

On overweight women, a shortened openwork bolero model will look good, which will highlight accents and visually hide flaws. Consider one of the options for how to tie such a bolero.

We need:

  • cotton yarn 350 grams (250 meters per 100 grams);
  • hook number 3.5.

Let's start a master class with patterns and a pattern. The bolero will be performed according to this pattern.

If necessary, the parameters can be changed. Only the number of loops in the report should be considered.

We start knitting the back. The data below the pattern will be used. We knit 107 air loops, add 3 air loops for lifting and then we knit according to scheme No. 1.

After 7 cm, the row should be reduced by about 3 cm. This is done for the armholes. We knit 6 loops on each side with double crochets. From the beginning of the armholes we knit 21-22 cm. We fasten the thread and cut it off. Let's start making the left shelf. We knit 57 air loops, plus 3 lifting loops. We knit the second row according to figure No. 1. We carry out the armhole, we reduce the loops as it was done on the back. For the cutout, simultaneously with the armhole, we subtract 18 rows in a row on the 1st loop. Decreasing the loops may distort the pattern. In order to preserve it as much as possible, we knit free loops with double crochets. When the work reaches 21-22 cm, the thread can be fastened. We knit the right shelf in a similar way. Everything is done in the same way, only mirrored.

Let's start working with the sleeve. We collect 8 g of air loops, lifting loops and knit 4 cm according to figure No. 1. To roll back the sleeve, retreat 6 loops on each side and close 2 times 3 loops, in the next row close 9 times 2 loops, then 2 times 1 st loop. We knit according to the pattern 15-16 cm from the beginning of knitting of the rollback. Fasten the thread. We carry out the second sleeve in the same way. When all the parts are ready, you can start assembling. Shoulder seams are performed first. Next, we sew in the sleeves and sew side seams. Sew sleeve seams.

You can start tying the bolero. We start tying the bottom from the corner according to the scheme No. 2. We tie the rest of the edges as follows:

  • a row of single crochet;
  • single crochet, * skip 3 loops and in the 4th loop, knit 7 double crochets, skip 3 loops, knit a single crochet *. Repeat from * to *.

Bolero for obese women is ready!

Product from motives

For beginner knitters, making a bolero from motifs would be a good option. Consider making such boleros using simple diagrams.

Of round motives

For this work, you will need 300 grams of cotton yarn with a density of 170 meters per 50 grams and a hook number 2.5.

Bolero elements are knitted in a circle according to this pattern. The photo also shows an example of strapping a finished product.

The bolero is assembled according to this pattern.

Out of the square

In order to knit such a bolero, you will need 10 square motifs. To increase the size, motives can be added both in width and length.

An example of a used motive and binding of a finished bolero:

Assembly diagram. The squares are sewn one by one. The least amount of rupture of the gathering thread should be performed.

Bolero from the circle

A festive and simple option can be a crocheted bolero in a circle. It is knitted according to the napkin principle, its size and appearance are very easily adapted to the individual parameters of a woman.

In this example, sizes 44-46, 360 grams of cotton yarn was used. The work is done by crochet number 1.75.

Before starting work, you should edit the proposed pattern to fit your parameters.

According to scheme 29, a circle is knitted, the diameter of which will be about 40 cm. Next, we knit a separate thread from air loops about 17 cm and sew to the places of the armholes.

We continue to knit according to pattern 29a.

Pattern 296 is designed for knitting sleeves.

The bottom of the bolero should be designed according to this scheme. Moisten the finished bolero and let it dry. Ready.

From a rectangle

This type of bolero is the easiest to manufacture. You can certainly knit it, if not in one evening, then in one day. To do this, knit a rectangle with the selected pattern. The width of the rectangle is determined by the width of the back from shoulder to shoulder and plus 15 cm. The height of the triangle is equal to the girth of the arm at its widest point + 7 cm. It is sewn in 2 places according to the scheme. A rectangle bolero can be both everyday and festive.

For experienced knitters, we will offer several options for the most beautiful boleros. Below you will find diagrams and descriptions of works in pictures.

Bolero is a short openwork blouse that protects from the hot sun or decorates. There are several ways to make them using a crochet hook.

Yarn selection value

Correctly selected materials and tools greatly affect the quality and appearance of the finished product. (schemes can be dense or openwork), it can be warm and decorative.

Depending on the purpose of the product, a model and yarn are selected. For knitting warm products, both solid and openwork patterns are suitable. If you choose the latter, you can use mohair, woolen or angora thread with a thickness of 400 m / 100 grams. The created ornament will be both functional and beautiful at the same time.

Of course, a solid canvas for a bolero will be the warmest. The hook, diagram and description are selected individually for each product. It is not recommended to use too much (less than 200 m / 100 grams), as the resulting bolero will look too massive. Light summer garments are traditionally knitted from cotton, linen or silk threads. Also, yarn with a content of these natural fibers (at least 50%) and polyamide, acrylic or microfiber will be appropriate.

The simplest model Scheme and description

There is nothing easier than crocheting a straight strip and stitching it in a certain way to get a bolero. Thus, the product is made in the following photo.

The manufacturing process of this model consists of a simple sequence of actions:

Selected aspects of the process

The described algorithm is perfect for beginners. To simplify the process and quickly crochet a bolero (for beginners, you can choose the simplest patterns), below are some graphic instructions.

The disadvantage of knitting a simple model in the described way can be called a slight asymmetry of the sleeves. On one of them, the pattern goes up, on the other - down.

This problem can be solved by tying two identical pieces and stitching them in the middle of the back. When making a seam, it is worth trying on the product several times so as not to get too tight an opening. It is very inconvenient to wear a bolero that squeezes under the arms.

Classic bolero pattern

The most popular are the classic boleros (hook). A diagram and description of one of these products are offered in this article. The classic model looks like a cropped, tight-fitting blouse without a fastener. Sometimes it is still present, but not for the entire length of the front shelf. It can be one button or strings.

So that (the schemes can be used at your own discretion), you must first take measurements, make calculations and build a pattern. Craftswomen, confident in their abilities, can do without the last point. But such negligence can result in a significant deviation from the planned size and the need for bandaging.

As for knitting a regular blouse, two parts of the front, a back and two sleeves should be knitted. A must for any bolero is a beautiful harness. It can be narrow (literally in several rows) or wide - up to ten centimeters. In some models, the lace trim plays the role of the main decorative element.

Bolero from fragments

Short boleros made using the technique of Irish or other inlaid lace look very beautiful. The photo below shows a bolero made of large square fragments.

Such an openwork form of motifs makes it possible to significantly simplify knitting of a bolero. You can sew it from three rectangles (back, two shelves). The holes in the fabric help it to take shape without compromising the appearance of the product. It should be noted that when using a stiff thread (100% cotton) or a denser pattern for knitting motifs, it is worth trying to knit the traditional armhole and sleeve ridge. Otherwise, the formed folds will significantly distort the silhouette.

How to connect a part of a motive?

Partial knitting can be used to create a piece of fabric that matches the pattern. Unlike square fragments, their halves are knitted not in circular, but in return rows. This technique makes it possible to get a tight-fitting openwork bolero. Crochet patterns are quite easy to master, several suitable square motifs are given below.

There are two ways to knit a half of a motif: making a rectangular or triangular piece. The first one is pretty simple to knit. It is necessary to carry out the work according to the scheme, expanding the canvas in two places and forming two right angles of 90 degrees (180 degrees in total).

The triangular element is a little more complicated. Here you need to monitor the correct expansion of the canvas. When knitting, one right angle is formed (90 degrees), and loops should be added at the very beginning and end of each row (2 x 45 degrees). The sum of the additions should make up the expansion of the canvas by 180 degrees. Using the described technique, you can even knit a quarter or even an eighth of a square.

Typesetting cloth for bolero

Drawing up a typesetting cloth is the most difficult way to make a bolero (hook). The scheme and description of such models usually include schemes of individual fragments and methods of their connection. The motives for these types of clothing can be completely different. Most often, geometric shapes or floral elements are used. Abstract asymmetric fragments are also often used. To connect them, you definitely need a pattern. The elements are laid out on it face down and the mesh is sewn or tied between them. Despite this, the bolero can be safely called a versatile piece of clothing. It is appropriate for work and play, so do not put off until tomorrow what you can knit today!