Age of marriage in russia. Age of marriage in Russia

The institution of marriage is depreciated every year. Do you think this is due to the fact that people stopped believing in love? No, just today, in order to live happily with a loved one, it is not necessary to officially register a relationship. Young people adhere to the position that before officially linking your life with the life of another, you need to get to know the chosen one better. And now the decision has been made. What should people getting married know about?

The difference between a civil marriage and a registered one

Lovers who decide to live together before marriage are wise. They get to know each other better, get acquainted with the traditions and way of life of another person. Civil marriage is cohabitation. Although recently, officials have decided to make such an alliance legally formalized. But it hasn't come to that yet.

What is the difference between a civil marriage and an officially registered one? The joint property acquired by the lovers, in the first case, will be impossible to divide. Only the honesty of people and their compliance will help. People getting married will not experience such a problem. Everything that will be bought after the wedding can be divided, if necessary, by means of a court. Children born in a civil marriage receive the mother's surname, and the father will have to officially adopt the child. In the case of an official marriage, this can be avoided. Civil marriage places less responsibility on people. Swearing lovers can leave and not talk to each other, just for the sake of principle. The officially registered family will be forced to make peace and resolve the conflict.

Reasons for marriage

People formalize their relationship in the registry office voluntarily. So what prompts couples who are getting married to take this serious step towards formalizing their relationship?

  • Love. This is the most commonplace and most common reason. Lovers want to spend more time with each other, share sorrow and joy. Therefore, the couple formalizes the relationship and begins to live together.
  • Money. Some mercantile persons sometimes decide to live at someone else's expense. They find themselves a rich sponsor, marry him or get married and live happily ever after.
  • Salvation from loneliness. No person in this world wants to be alone. Each person needs to know that there are those in this world for whom you need to wake up tomorrow morning. Marriage can help a person find new meaning in life.
  • Traditions. In many countries, wedding is still the main goal of a woman's life. From an early age, girls are brought up in the spirit that a beautiful wedding and a wonderful family life await them in the future.
  • Circumstances. An unplanned pregnancy most often becomes the circumstance due to which people get married. Sometimes citizens of one country cannot get a visa to another state and they have to arrange fictitious marriages.

Conditions for marriage

If the lovers have decided to formalize the relationship, they must fulfill some conditions. There is nothing difficult here. Everything is thought out so that the persons entering into marriage are aware of the seriousness of their step and can bear responsibility for the committed act.

  • Mutual agreement. People who come to formalize their relationship must be firmly convinced that their choice is correct. It is impossible and unnecessary to force a person to marry. Such a marriage will not last long. Therefore, one of the main conditions for formalizing the relationship is the mutual consent of the future spouses.
  • Reaching the age of majority. A child cannot support a family and make responsible decisions. Therefore, the age at which people can officially formalize their relationship is 18 years. From that moment on, a person becomes an adult and it is believed that he now has the right to do whatever he wants with his destiny.
  • Lack of obstacles. In order for a marriage to be valid, there should be no circumstances that could interfere with its registration.

Reasons for refusing registration

Relationships cannot always be registered and there are serious reasons for this:

  • Close relatives. People who are related to each other should not marry. Why? They have no chance of successful procreation. As numerous examples from history show, family marriages lead to the degeneration of the species. Children of such couples are born sick and mentally retarded.
  • Mentally unhealthy people. A person who decides to marry must be aware of himself as a person and make decisions consciously. Mentally ill people do not have the right to take responsibility for the life of another person, since they cannot control their behavior and their emotions.
  • Already married. A person who already has an official family cannot have another one. Therefore, if one of the lovers is married at the time of the application, the couple will be refused.
  • The adoptive parent and the adopted child. Parents who raised a child should not view him as a potential husband or wife. Therefore, adoptive relatives cannot marry.

Registration procedure

The lovers decided to take a crucial step. What should people who marry do?

  • Payment of duty. As in all municipal institutions that register human rights, the prospective married couple must make a contribution to the state's account. Payment of the state duty is made by both representatives of the future family. The payment form can be obtained from the registry office or downloaded on the Internet.
  • Application submission. After the state fee is paid, the spouses must write a statement. In the standard form, you must indicate your full name, nationality, reason for marriage and indicate that the decision was made by mutual consent.
  • Submission of documents. In addition to the application, a passport must be submitted to the registry office. Those individuals who already have a failed family relationship behind them must also provide a certificate of divorce.

Can I submit documents separately?

In today's world, it should come as no surprise that spouses cannot find free time on a weekday to apply. And therefore, persons getting married should be aware that they can write separate applications and submit them at different times. True, in this case, lovers will have to use the help of a notary. Both statements must be officially stamped and certified by a lawyer. This problem can be avoided if you submit documents not at the registry office, but on the official portal of public services. Young people will need to electronically verify their identities, but they won't have to collect paperwork.

Outside registration

Do you want a beautiful outdoor wedding? It is quite possible. You should notify the registry office employees about this in advance. Your wish will be fulfilled only on Friday and Saturday. The spouses must necessarily think over how the person who will formalize the marriage will get to the place of their wedding. In an ideal situation, the newlyweds should hire a car so that the registry office employee can easily get to the place. If the lovers want to organize their celebration on one of the weekdays, then they can officially marry on the weekend, and then arrange a falsification of the wedding in nature. This option is less expensive because it is easier to implement.

But people do not always order on-site registration because of their whim. Some have no way to get to the registry office. For example, people with disabilities, people in difficult situations or prisoners. All these citizens have the right to register their marriage and this right is always satisfied.

How to choose a surname?

The decision to marry people should be mutual. But how should you choose a surname? Usually a woman takes her husband's surname. But often there are situations when the opposite happens. For example, if a man does not like his surname, or if such a condition is set by the bride. Newlyweds may not part with their names. This option is also valid. And also there is an opportunity to make a double surname. However, there is one caveat here. If one of the spouses already has a double surname, it will be impossible to add another hyphenated addition to it.

Entries in the marriage registration certificate

Every person has the right to marry. Many people are interested in how their document confirming the marriage will look like. It will contain data from the passports of the newlyweds, common or different surnames, as well as the position before marriage. If one of the spouses has already had experience of family life, then in the marriage certificate there will be a column indicating the number of the document of dissolution of the previous marriage. Each document has its own series and number, as well as the date of compilation.

When can I get a certificate?

On the same day the citizens marry, they will receive a certificate of registration of their union. Also, the newlyweds get their hands on their pastor with stamps on the change of marital status. But the rest of the documents, the person who changed his surname, will have to change in those instances in which he received them. Can the issuance of a marriage certificate be delayed? No. It is always handed out at the end of the festive ceremony.

Medical examination

When marrying, spouses must be confident in each other. And sometimes you don't have to trust people at their word. If both partners had an active personal life, then blind trust can cost a person dearly. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to undergo a complete medical examination before getting married. Its results are medical secrets. But a person who wants to connect fate with his beloved must give her the opportunity to view all the results. Indeed, quite often a person may hide something, for example, HIV infection, or a person may not even know that he is infected.

Wedding preparation leave

Whether to marry or not to do so - everyone decides for himself. People who have decided to enter into an alliance should be able to prepare for their holiday. But not everyone has the opportunity to combine vacation and wedding. Therefore, by law, everyone has the right to take 5 unpaid time off. The resulting mini-vacation can be spent by a person at his own discretion. For example, a person can take half of the days before the holiday itself, and half after. Or leave the whole week for a little honeymoon.

Marriage contract

The citizen entered the marriage in her right mind and blessed memory. But she did not manage to check her husband for honesty before the wedding. How can you proceed in this case? Sign a marriage contract. Honest and open people who marry for sincere love will not be materialistic. They will gladly sign all the papers that will confirm the purity of their intentions. Someone thinks that for those entering into marriage, the prenuptial agreement can become a stumbling block. But this is not the case. If a person does not intend to take all the property of a spouse after the wedding, then he will not have anything against it. Someone will say that a prenuptial agreement is uncertainty about the future. It's hard to deny. But there is a very true saying - "trust, but verify." It is she who is guided by reasonable people.

Reasons for divorce

When a person does a fateful act, he must always think about the consequences. A person who has entered into a legal marriage should think about whether that person is next to you. After reading the reasons why marriages most often break up, you can think about whether the right choice was made.

  • Different tempers. People who often swear and quarrel are unlikely to ever find a common language. Yes, at the beginning of a relationship, a couple likes to swear, and then put up. This brings variety and a storm of emotions to life. But over time, a person who trembles daily nerves will begin to annoy.
  • Different habits. Many marriages break up for the reason that people were brought up in different conditions and therefore acquired different everyday habits. Someone washes the dishes immediately after eating, while others are used to doing it before eating. Some people are normal about the mess, but for others, cleanliness in the house is very important.
  • Lack of children. If one of the spouses cannot conceive a child, then the other half will soon be able to find a replacement for their beloved.
  • Treason. If one of the spouses gets bored and tries to find entertainment on the side, this can cause the collapse of the family idyll.

Marriage is one of the main stages in the life of every person. The creation of a family, a full-fledged unit of society, is a necessary step.

Some take marriage seriously, some not. But the rules of registration and conditions for marriage in the Russian Federation are the same for everyone.

Conditions and procedure for marriage - how to apply to the registry office?

Legal liability to the spouses arises only after the registration of the marriage with the civil registry office on the basis of the application of both citizens wishing to marry.

It is worth remembering that a church wedding is nothing more than just a religious ritual, and has nothing to do with the legal side.

Marriage procedure

  1. The marriage is concluded in the personal presence of the citizens entering into marriage, on the basis of the application submitted by them, but not earlier than one month from the date of its submission to the civil registry office. If there are reasons that indisputably indicate the need to change the established period of one month after the filing of the application, the vital statistics authority has the authority to shorten it, or, on the contrary, extend it. But for no more than one month.
  2. If there are circumstances - such as pregnancy or the birth of a child - the marriage can be contracted on the day the application is filed.
  3. A marriage can be concluded only with the personal, voluntary consent of citizens of different sex and their reaching the marriageable age.

Circumstances Preventing Marriage

The vital statistics authority has the right to refuse to contract a marriage. The reasons can be different, and all of them can be contested in court. The main ones are listed below.

Marriage is not allowed between:

  1. Persons who have not reached the marriageable age. According to the family code, the marriageable age is considered to be the age of 18 years. In some cases, marriage is allowed upon reaching the age of 16.
  2. By persons of whom one or both are married to a third party. In this case, the dissolution of the current marriage is mandatory.
  3. Close relatives in a straight line (parents and their children, grandparents, grandchildren and great-grandchildren). Such marriages are strictly prohibited.
  4. Persons who have a common father or mother.
  5. Brothers and sisters.
  6. Persons of whom at least one has been declared incapacitated due to a mental disorder.
  7. To adoptive parents and adopted children. Such marriages cannot be contracted either.

Grounds for the conclusion of marriage by adults and minors

The Family Code of the Russian Federation provides for the marriage of both adult citizens and citizens under eighteen years of age.

The legal minimum age for marriage is 16 years.

Grounds for marriage between persons who have reached the age of 18:

  1. Applications to the civil registry office.

Grounds for marriage between persons who have reached the age of 16:

  1. Permission of local authorities at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry. The list of circumstances by which local authorities can allow persons who have reached the age of 16 to marry may be different, depending on the laws adopted by different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As a rule, this is pregnancy or childbirth. But other reasons are also possible.
  2. Absence of the factors that prevent marriage, as described above.
  3. Mutual voluntary consent of citizens entering into marriage.

Is it possible to marry relatives?

In all civilized countries, marriage between close relatives is illegal. This is connected not only with a moral, but also with a biological and genetic problem. Children born in such marriages are doomed to life-long problems associated with genetics. But article 14 of the family code of the Russian Federation says only about close relatives.

It sounds like this:

"It is forbidden to marry close relatives (relatives in a direct ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren), full-blooded and incomplete (having a common father or mother) brothers and sisters)."

At the same time, there are no legal obstacles to the marriage of distant relatives who do not have a single common parent. For example, between cousins ​​or second cousins. This also applies to stepbrothers and sisters.
Another of its clauses, the Family Code prohibits the marriage of the adoptive parent and the adopted child, but does not prohibit marriage between the relatives of the adoptive parent and the adopted child.

Features of the conclusion of marriage abroad by Russian nationals

In recent years, weddings abroad have become very popular. The future spouses are planning their solemn marriage against the backdrop of medieval buildings or beautiful mountain landscapes of different countries.

But can such a marriage be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation?

Definitely yes, subject to certain rules. We will try to understand them in more detail below.

  1. The first and most important thing to remember when marrying outside of Russia is that it can only be recognized if the registration was carried out in accordance with the laws of the country in which the ceremony is taking place. And also the absence of circumstances that prevent marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 158 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. In most countries, the circumstances that prevent marriage are similar. But it will be useful to find out in detail all the nuances of the legislation of the country on the territory of which marriage is planned before planning the ceremony. Otherwise, you may encounter problems when legalizing the document in Russia.
  3. You should also carefully approach not only the choice of the country, but also the place in which the marriage will be concluded. It is best to choose the diplomatic organizations of the Russian Federation on the territory of the state that is chosen for the ceremony. A marriage entered into at an embassy or consulate of Russia is considered the same if it had been entered into in the registry offices of the Russian Federation. Such a document does not require additional legalization.
  4. If the marriage with the subsequent issuance of the document was made in the authorized body of the state on the territory of which the ceremony is taking place, then it should be remembered that such a document requires subsequent legalization. It is carried out by the country that produced and issued the document. Legalization is not required only if between the Russian Federation and the state on the territory of which the marriage took place have additional agreements on the abolition of such legalization.

Types of legalization of a marriage contracted outside the Russian Federation

There are two main ways to legalize:

  1. Apostille stamp - applies if the country on whose territory the document was made and issued is a party to the Convention on the Legalization of Foreign Documents. This convention was concluded between a number of countries in The Hague on October 5, 1961.
  2. Consular legalization - necessary if the country on whose territory the document was made and issued is not a party to the Hague Convention. Such legalization is longer and requires the obligatory participation of the Ministry of Justice of the country, the manufacturer of the document and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Moreover, such a document will be valid only in those countries in which it was recognized as valid.

It is also important to know that the Russian Federation has agreements on the abolition of legalization with a number of countries. These countries include the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and others. All that Russian citizens need to legally use such a marriage document is to provide its certified translation from a foreign language.

Online marriage application

With the development of information technologies and their more and more active introduction into our life, an online application form has been introduced and is actively working in civil registration authorities. This saves a lot of time for applicants, saving them from waiting in endless queues. But you still need to know something about this service.

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, marriage is allowed only with the personal presence of the applicants and their mutual consent to marry. The ceremony is carried out on the basis of a personally submitted application of the future spouses.

The online marriage registration application merely reserves an appointment for applicants at the vital statistics office. This significantly saves time for those wishing to get married.

When submitting such an application, the return letter will indicate the exact time and place at which the authorized employee of the registry office will wait for the applicants. It is during a personal meeting that the exact date and time of the solemn wedding ceremony of citizens are determined.

Documents required to apply for marriage

When the decision to marry has already been made and the first steps have been taken to go to the civil registry office, it is worth taking care of the preparation of the documents necessary for the legal registration of marriage.

So, what should citizens have with them when applying for marriage:

  1. Applicants' passports, or other identification documents, and provided by law.
  2. Certificate of temporary registration (for nonresident citizens).
  3. Divorce certificate (if such was the case).
  4. Permission to marry (if one of the applicants at the time of application is under 18 years of age).
  5. Receipts for payment of state duty and commission fee of the registry office.
  6. Invitation from the registry office (if the meeting was planned and agreed upon or the application was submitted online).

It should be remembered that the above list of documents is valid only for citizens of the Russian Federation. For marriage on the territory of Russia, where the applicant is at least one citizen of a foreign state, the list of documents may differ.

What documents are required should be clarified with the civil registry office selected by the applicants for marriage registration.

Cost and payment of state duty

The Family Code of the Russian Federation in article 13 reveals all the features of the marriageable age. So, in this bill it is indicated that the state sets the marriageable age at 18 years. At the same time, there are certain nuances. If there are valid reasons, at the request of persons wishing to marry, local governments may authorize marriage at the age of sixteen. The procedure and conditions by which one can marry at the age of 16 is also determined by legislative documents.

How many years can you get married according to the law of the Russian Federation?

So, it becomes obvious that the family code provides for the possibility of registering a marriage no earlier than upon reaching the age of 18. Nevertheless, it is possible to conclude a marriage earlier, but there must be good reasons for this. A woman's pregnancy is a special and valid reason. When you provide a pregnancy certificate from a local clinic, you must be scheduled as soon as possible, and in this case, you do not need to wait until you turn 18. However, discussions on this issue are still relevant. Many people who are convinced of the complexities of family life can confidently tell you that you should not rush to get married. But, the younger generation looks at everything much easier, for this very reason, the provision that allows you to get married at the age of 16 is very relevant at the current time.

Should you get married before the due date?

Many psychologists are convinced that the age for marriage is determined by the development of the individual. At the age of 18, a person intelligently takes this step. As for marriage at the age of 16, as a rule, it occurs exclusively under the pressure of circumstances. These circumstances primarily include early pregnancy, for which, in fact, young people are not yet ready. This unpreparedness for an adult and independent life leads to the fact that marriage most often falls apart, under the yoke of social problems.

So, in our country it is allowed to marry under the family code from the age of 18. However, there are some kind of exceptions that allow you to get married much earlier. The presence of such exceptions provokes the formation of opportunities to register a marriage in time so that a child is born into a full-fledged family. Without such exceptions, it is impossible to imagine a normal, healthy society. But how correct and rational it is to marry at such an early age is, of course, up to you and your parents to decide. But, according to the opinion of psychologists, such early marriages most often break up. So, you need to once again weigh everything well and think it over before embarking on the path of an adult and independent life.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 105 discloses all the features of the work of state institutions that are involved in the development and adoption of federal laws. V...

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In Russia, you can now officially marry from the age of 14 - the State Duma adopted the relevant amendments to the Family Code yesterday. This requires "special circumstances", but there is no list of them in the law, which allows in many cases to interpret it at your own discretion. Parental consent is not required for early marriage, although their opinion is taken into account.

Now, if you have "special circumstances", you can get married from the age of 16. However, in a number of constituent entities of the Federation, the minimum age of marriage for women has not been established at all, and the Committee for Women and Youth Affairs decided to unify legislation in this area and oblige the regions to bring their laws in line with federal ones. Now the minimum age of marriage (14 years) is set in 21 subjects of the federation. The deputies supported the law unanimously: all 403 votes were cast in favor.

As an exception

"As an exception, in the presence of special circumstances, local governments at the place of residence of persons wishing to marry have the right to allow persons between the ages of 14 and 16 to marry at their request," reads the text of the law. The opinion of the parents and guardians will be taken into account, but their consent, in accordance with the bill, is not a prerequisite for registering a marriage. If the parents are against, they can only appeal the decision of the registry office in court. Special circumstances mean pregnancy or the birth of a child, as well as an actually established family - the so-called civil marriage.

According to the chairman of the committee for women and youth affairs, Svetlana Goryacheva, the demographic situation in Russia is complicated by the fact that pregnant women do not want to give birth out of wedlock. Since it is impossible to marry at the age of 14, but it is possible to become pregnant, Goryacheva spoke in favor of lowering the marriageable age to 14 years, "in order to avoid criminal abortions and broken lives."

"In national republics, puberty occurs before the age of 14"

But already below this age, the deputies did not agree to lower the bar, although there were such proposals. Deputy Andrei Wolf / SPS / made an amendment on the possibility of marriage "upon reaching puberty." “Let's think about the national republics, where puberty begins even before the age of 14,” the deputy called on his colleagues. "For marriage, maturity is necessary, not only sexual, but also psychological and civil," - said Wolfu Goryacheva sternly. "Well, then many can't get married even at 40," the deputy desperately waved his hand. But he recalled that Romeo and Juliet were 13-14 years old and they would never have been able to get married according to our code.

"Depraved acts are not always associated with marriage."

At the same time, the chamber in the summer adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code concerning the raising of the "age of consent" for entering into sexual relations from 14 to 16 years. This means that after the entry into force of this law, a young man who has an affair with a fifteen-year-old girl may be held accountable for child molestation. Let's say he comes to the registry office to formalize a marriage with her, and here he will be caught red-handed. So it is unclear in which cases one law will be applied, and in which - the second. “I do not see a contradiction in these two laws,” Aleksandr Barannikov, a member of the committee, a deputy from the Union of Right Forces, explained to the GAZETTE. was against raising the age of consent to have sex. " / Gazeta.Ru, October 31 /