What is the difference between the federal pensioner from the regional. Main types of benefits: Social, hard, demo. Who are federal beneficiaries

Federal beneficiaries are a separate category of citizens who have the right to qualify for a large number of different payments and benefits, in addition to the pension they receive. Such benefits are paid at the expense of the federal budget, are made to the pension fund, in order to support and provide a worthy existence of citizens who have enlightened services to the state.

  • Ivalida War
  • Participants in the Great Patriotic War
  • Veterans of hostilities
  • Military who served in Wanskaya parts, but not in the existing army during the Second World War
  • Citizens who have a sign of the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad"
  • Working during the war in facilities air defense, members of their families
  • Disabled, disabled children

How can I realize the right to pension

People who have federal benefits, as well as ordinary citizens, can receive when performing some conditions - insurance pension. These conditions include:

  • Availability of at least one day for which the employer paid contributions
  • Achievement of retirement age, for the Russian Federation man 60 years, woman 55
  • The presence of pension points on the account

In the event that a person had an experience of work, but became disabled for any reason, he will be able to receive a disability retirement.

  • Some federal beneficiaries have the right not only for insurance pension, but also state

It relies on persons who have certain merits to the Fatherland and participating in the war of 1941-1945.

What benefits are provided to maintain

  • Monthly cash payment
  • Additional monthly material support

In addition, the beneficiaries receiving anterior are eligible for benefits that are an integral part of this payment, such as medical, transport, sanatorium service. If a person takes advantage of them, then the amount of money decreases.

  • The amount of such a monthly allowance can be from 480 rubles. O 56 thousand, and additional provision from 500r. to 1000

Monthly cash payments

The Pension Fund is engaged in this category. To destination payments, it is necessary in person or through a legal representative to appear in the department of the Foundation at the place of registration or residence, write a statement of the appropriate sample and collect a full package of documents. The size of this manual is set for each category of beneficiaries separately.

  • If a citizen has the right to receive a law on several categories, he can choose a more optimal for him

Spa treatment

Sanatorium-resort treatment, as well as medical products and drugs, free travel to the place of treatment are included in the list of social services provided to citizens eligible for federal benefits. The right to receive these benefits occurs when submitting documents for the receipt of EVER, it is not necessary to separately engage them.

  • Persons accompanying people with disabilities or disabled children have the same rights to receive compensation for travel, like the beneficiaries themselves

In 2017, the following amounts of allowances were established:

On the issue of obtaining, registration of vouchers for improvement and treatment must be applying to social protection authorities. Vouchers are provided in accordance with the established queue. The duration of treatment is eighteen days, for children - disabled twenty-one day /

Providing free medicines

In order to get medicines, food for therapeutic nutrition of children with disabilities, you need to contact the clinic on the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation and provide the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Document giving the right to preferential support
  • Help, giving the right to NSA
  • Medical Policy

The attending physician should write you a recipe with the appointment of preferential drugs that must be included in the list approved by the government. It can be found on the Internet or perhaps hanging in clinics. You can also get drugs in all pharmacies, but in certain.

Preferential travel in railway transport

The right to free travel in trains is carried out yearly, regardless of routes, the number of trips. Social security authorities are issued a travel ticket that cannot be transmitted or exchanged anyone. It is provided with necessarily together with the document confirming your right to this benefit.

To provide free travel to the place of treatment, the beneficiary provides travel documents or social coupons for which the right to receive travel tickets. If several types of transport are involved in the route, the tickets are issued for each separately and back. You can travel by car, train or aircraft.

Additional benefits and benefits

Additional benefits and payments include demo-additional monthly material support.

It is appointed by a pension fund, which accrued retirement.

If a pensioner has several grounds for obtaining monthly material support, then it will be installed on that which is more profitable in size. Establishing a demo does not depend on other payments.

Citizens who have the right to receive an attachment must independently decide whether they will receive NSU as the service itself or although its cash equivalent. To do this, apply to the PF once, indicating the form of obtaining, and it is not necessary to confirm each year, but in the event of a change in the choice, the application should be rewritten until October 1.

You can receive a pension in one of the following ways:

  1. through Russian Post- At its discretion, you can receive a pension to the house or independently in the post office at the place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is determined by the date when it can get pension provision, it may be early and later the deadline depending on the availability of money at the checkout. If you have not been received for six months for any reason, the payment is suspended and for its resumption it is necessary to appeal to the Pension Fund with a statement.
  2. through the bank- You can receive a pension at the box office of any branch of the bank or place a bank card and make money through an ATM or accumulate. Cash to the card is credited immediately after financing the pension fund, and they can be removed at any time without additional commissions.
  • Currently, everyone uses bank card payment system
  1. through the organization engaged in delivery of pension- To do this, learn the full list of such organizations in the PF of your region, the order is the same as receiving in the post office of communication

List of documents for registration, payout terms

For EDA, provide to the Pension Fund:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation
  • The document that gives and confirms the right to pay

The recipient is obliged to notify the bodies on any changes in their documents, the status that may affect the amount of a manual or termination.

By the term, the decision is made within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, the notice of the decision takes five days. This type of benefit is paid simultaneously with the pension, and if the recipient is not a pensioner, then any convenient way to it

  • Thus, it can be concluded that the receipt of federal benefits is very important for certain categories of citizens. At least somehow help keep afloat in our difficult life. It is profitable for free to receive free medicines, and other monetary compensation, everyone chooses for himself that it is convenient for him. In any case, it is good that the state is trying to take care of pensioners, people with disabilities, about socially-unexplored categories of citizens (read also an article ⇒).

Answers to frequently asked questions

My grandmother Leningrad's blockade, what federal benefits are provided by it?

Answer: Yes, the grandmother is suitable for a preferential category of citizens eligible for federal benefits from the state, namely a monthly allowance for EVER, or NSU. The NSR has a sanatorium-resort treatment, obtaining medicines, travel in railway transport. For registration, contact the pension fund authorities

My girlfriend disabled 3 groups, abandoned EVER and receives monetary compensation, while each month the doctor has written 2 drugs for free. And now one of the drugs refuses to write out, referring to the fact that it is shortage. The drug in the list of mandatory drugs. So does the doctor legally refuse to discharge?

If the patient already receives monetary compensation, the doctor does not have the right to write a recipe for a preferential medicine, it is illegal and then the doctor will punish the doctor when checking

Check if you have additional social assistance. We tell about how to become a federal beneficiary and get the right to monthly social benefits.

In addition to pensions, additional payments are made to certain categories of citizens. One of these categories includes federal beneficiaries.
It is possible to distinguish three main types of additional social assistance to federal beneficiaries:
Monthly cash payment (EVER).
A set of social services.
Additional monthly material support.
Citizens may apply for the appointment either themselves either through the representative. The Pension Fund annually performs monthly cash payments of 16 million citizens.
In addition, citizens who receive monthly monetary pays are entitled to a set of social services (NSU) in kind or cash equivalent. NSU includes medical, spa and transport components.
The appointment and payment of the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, the heroes of socialist labor, the heroes of the Russian Federation and the full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory, which are citizens of Russia, have their own characteristics.
Some categories of federal beneficiaries also have the right to additional monthly material support.

Federal beneficiaries - who applies to them

Federal beneficiaries are categories of citizens, the provision of which benefits and measures of social support are carried out on the basis of federal laws and attributed to the powers of the federal level (Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance").
The Pension Fund of Russia carries out the following types of payments to federal beneficiaries: monthly monetary payment (EDA) and additional monthly material support (demo).

Monthly cash payment

The monthly cash payment is provided by certain categories of citizens from the number of veterans, disabled, former minors of the prisoners of fascism, persons affected by the impact of radiation.
If a citizen has the right to receive an attachment for several grounds within the framework of one law, it is still established by one base, providing a higher amount of payment.
If a citizen at the same time has the right to eat for several federal laws or other regulatory acts, it is provided alone alone according to one of the grounds for the choice of a citizen.

Who are two monthly cash payments?

Citizens who were influenced by radiation with the right to eat under the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens who were influenced by radiation due to a disaster at the Chernobyl NPP" and simultaneously on another regulatory legal act, two eases are established.
How and where to apply for hard

Enerous or incapable

In cases where the monthly cash payment is appointed a minor or an incapacitated citizen, the application is submitted at the place of residence of its legal representative (parent, adopter, guardian, guardian). At the same time, if the parents of the child live separately, the application is filed at the place of residence of the parents, with whom the child lives. A minor who has reached the 14 years has the right to apply for the establishment of a monthly cash payment independently.

Refusal or appointment

The appointment and payment of EDA are produced on the basis of the personal appeal of a citizen or his representative with a statement and all the necessary documents confirming the right to eat.
If necessary, documents certifying the identity and powers of a legitimate representative (adopter, guardian, guardian) confirming related relations, finding a disabled person on dependency, etc.
The decision to appoint either a refusal to appoint an EDA is made within 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application. Another 5 days is given to inform the applicant about the decision.
The monthly cash payment is established from the date of appeal to it, but not previously the emergence of the right to the specified payment:
If you have addressed or through the representative, the day of appeal is the day of reception to the territorial authority of the Pension Fund of Russia applications with all the necessary documents; If you sent an appeal by mail, then the date of appeal is the date indicated on the postmark of Russian Post to the place of departure of this application; If you have contacted a citizen's personal account on the Russian Pension Fund website, then the date of reference is the date of registration of the application in electronic form.

Indexing EDV

For various categories of federal beneficiaries, the size is still different. The size of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year.
The recalculation of the size of the monthly cash payment to persons with disabilities is made in the case when a higher or low group of disabilities is established. At the same time, the recalculation of the size of the EVER occurs in a progressive procedure on the basis of an extract from the certificate acts received to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia from the Federal Institution of Medical and Social Expertise:
- in the direction of the increase - from the date of establishment of a group of disability, which gives the right to a higher size ener;
- in the direction of the decrease - from the 1st day of the month following the month, which was established by the previous disability group, which gives the right to a lower size of hard.
Citizens who receive monthly cash payments are obliged to immediately report to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund on the circumstances affecting the change in the size of the EVER, as well as the cessation of the monthly monetary payments. For example, if another group of disability is installed.

A set of social services

The right to receive a set of social services (NSA) arises from a citizen from the date of the monthly cash payment to it.
The NSU is provided in a prosecurative manner and includes medical, sanatorium-resort and transport components. It is necessary to write an application for the provision of NSU only to citizens who refer to the category "exposure to radiation".
When appropriate, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia issues a citizen a certificate of an established sample on the right to receive NSU. The certificate indicates: the category of beneficiaries, the term of appointment of monthly cash payments, as well as social services to which a citizen has the right in the current year. Help is valid throughout the Russian Federation.
It is important to understand
A set of social services is part of a monthly cash payment and a citizen can choose, in what form to receive NSU: in kind or in the form of its cash equivalent.
Upon receipt of the NSU in a natural form, its cost is deducted from the amount of the installed ener. If a citizen refuses to obtain a set of social services in full, one social service or two of any social services in favor of its cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of EVER. The monetary equivalent of a set of social services in the composition of the monthly monetary payments is indexed annually.

The application for the decision is sufficient to submit once until October 1 of the current year. It will act from January 1 next year and until the citizen has changed its choice. In this case, it will be necessary to apply with a new statement directly to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of residence or through MFC, or online through the Personal Cabinet of the citizen on the PFR website. About how to work with a personal account on the Pension Fund's website, read here.

Additional monthly material support (demo)

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the material situation of some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" Demo is established:
In the amount of 1000 rubles
disabled people of the Great Patriotic War; Participants in the Great Patriotic War from among the persons listed in subparagraphs "A" - "W" and "and" subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Appendix); Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghetto and other places of compulsory content created by the fascists and their allies during the Second World War; In the amount of 500 rubles
military personnel held military service in military units, institutions, military-educational institutions that were not part of the current army, from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 at least 6 months, as well as servicemen, awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service at the specified period; widows of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the War with Japan, the widows of the deceased persons with disabilities; citizens awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad"; Former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghetto. The right on additional monthly material support have only citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence. The demo is appointed and paid by the authority that appropriates and pay the relevant pension.

Documents for the purpose of the demo

In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit a passport and documents confirming the right to the demo (certificate of the right to benefits or a certificate of archival institution, certificate of medical and social expertise). The widows of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the War with Japan, the widows of dead disabled wards need to additionally submit:
notice of the death of a husband;
Certificate of marriage or a copy of the Civil Act;
Certificate of death of her husband.
Citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing outside Russia, confirm citizenship at the date of appeal to the appointment of the demo.

Demo disabled due to military injury

Since September 1, 2005, citizens of the Russian Federation, recognized in the prescribed manner with disabilities as a result of military injury, are entitled to receive an additional monthly material support in the amount of 1000 rubles (in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2005 No. 887 "On measures to improve The material situation of persons with disabilities due to military injury ").
The provision is paid to citizens recognized in the established manner with disabilities as a result of military injury, except for those citizens to which the demo is paid in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the material situation of some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with The 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "
Getting at the same time two payments on the facilities of March 30, 2005 and dated August 1, 2005 with disabilities as a result of military injury, which also include the disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, the legislation is not provided.
It does not matter, during which military and equivalent service, a citizen has become a disabled due to military injury. This cause of disability should be associated with the passage of military and equivalent service. In the current document of the institution of medical and social expertise (in VTEK and ITU certificates), the cause of disability - "Military Injury" should be specified. It does not matter when this disability is obtained.

The preferential category of citizens is persons who receive assistance from the state of the state or locally from the administration. Help can be provided in natural or in cash. In fact, for some citizens, the provision of privileges of this kind is associated with the release from a number of rules and responsibilities.

Benefits are such a measure of social support that allows citizens a certain level of residence. In particular, we are talking about maintaining people entering the list, economically and morally.

Assistance is to people who, for a number of reasons, are considered particularly needed in such types of assistance or are endowed with this right of special merit to the state. The article will consider issues related to those who can count on obtaining such types of support and on what grounds.

Preferences of this kind are used by the state as a tool for performing particularly important functions for the state. In particular, we are talking about ensuring social and financial equality. All types of help can be divided into several groups, and each of them has its causes and grounds. For convenience, make a small table.

Cause of granting benefitsCategory of applicants
Special need for financial and social support
  • women;
  • persons who have undermined minors;
  • citizens with disabilities;
  • large families;
  • pensioners.
For special merits to the state
  • families of the dead participants in hostilities;
  • participants in military battles;
  • employees of power structures.
For work in harmful and dangerous conditions for the benefit of the state
  • railway workers;
  • miners;
  • military;
  • persons affected by radiation radiation.
For stimulating to work
  • young professionals.

At the state level, the decision on the provision of benefits is made on the basis of federal laws and presidential decrees, and on the local basis on the basis of regional laws. Further, we will consider several more categories of citizens who can count on the rescue from the state and the types of preferences that apply to them.

Who is a beneficiary at the federal and regional levels

In fact, the beneficiaries in Russia are a lot. The main difficulty lies in the fact that some faces do not even realize that they have any rights. As you know, assistance is provided only in a declarative manner, and people who do not have the idea of \u200b\u200btheir capabilities believe that it is not necessary to seek help for a number of reasons.

In different areas and the edges of our country, the list of privileges is somewhat different. If federal privileges apply to all beneficiaries without exception, then at the local level, social support has become more addressful. In fact, there are two list of applicants for benefits.

The first includes persons who are endowed with special rights at the state level, and in the second person who can count on help in the region of their residence. So federal beneficiaries are:

  • children and adults with health restrictions (with disabilities);
  • pensioners;
  • large families;
  • children under 3 years;
  • persons who are especially needing support;
  • young couples;
  • veterans of the Warm;
  • non-employment persons;
  • blood donors.

At the regional level, the list of beneficiaries is complemented by the following persons:

  • persons who are not capable of work;
  • women in position;
  • widow and children of the dead military;
  • persons who were dependent on another person subsequently the dead.

The list at the local level can be complemented by other categories of citizens, but on the federal, the list is closed.

Briefly about the benefits provided

Each group of beneficiaries have their own types of help. The priority is the social support of small children and citizens with disabilities. For children, the right to travel in public transport without paying ticket is established.

Schoolchildren are provided with the opportunity to purchase a daily discount ticket, and kids to parents under 3 years old can buy medicines on preferential terms if the attending physician was discharged. If a child has a disability, he is supposed to be a special retirement benefit.

Disabled people can also count on various preferences, in particular, free medical treatment and prosthetics, for travel without payment and for service out of turn. Some of the specified types of assistance are distributed to veterans and pensioners, as well as large families. Each group of beneficiaries have their own types of material assistance.

The procedure for issuing social support

As already noted, all types of benefits are provided in a declarative manner, but in addition to the application, in a standard form, it will be necessary to submit a complete package of mandatory documentation. In particular, papers certifying the personality of the applicant may be required, and various certificates and extracts confirming the law of a citizen to a state destroy.

After submitting an application to the executive body, an office employee considers the appeal and makes a decision. In the case of a positive result, the applicant begins to enjoy benefits.


Persons included in the list of beneficiaries can contact the executive body and arrange various types of benefits and benefits. Only certain categories of citizens are entitled to calculate such assistance, in respect of which at least one of the reasons for the provision of social support.

In Russia, women retire pretty early. The retirement age is 55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively. After a person receives the status of a pensioner, a number of new features opens in front of it. The state has taken responsibility to support the mentioned layer of the population. Everyone needs to know where and how can they be issued? Having answered these questions, it will be possible without much difficulty to take advantage of government bonuses for pensioners. They greatly facilitate life and reduce spending in certain areas.

Types of benefits

It is important to draw attention to the fact that the benefits are different. Pensioners can get help in the following areas:

  • social;
  • tax;
  • housing;
  • property;
  • financial;
  • medical;
  • material.

It turns out that people of retirement age can get help in almost all spheres of the modern citizen. But what exactly can you count on? What benefits has a pensioner in old age?


The most common state bonus is usually fully liberating older people from certain tax payments. Some benefits in this area are installed at the regional level, but most of them are federal.

Pensioners in old age most often allocate the following:

  • property tax - complete exemption from paying for 1 object in each category of real estate (room, house, cottage, apartment, and so on);
  • transport tax - partial or complete exemption from payment on passenger cars of low power;
  • land tax - usually there is no benefit, in some regions from payment is frequensed partially or completely.
  • deduction on land tax of 10,000 rubles - all elderly people.

It is not difficult to guess that the design of this bonus occurs in the FTS. On how to get rid of taxes correctly, being a pensioner, will be told later. First you need to understand the state support of the elderly to the fullest.

Housing questions

What benefits do old age pensioners use? The next category of state bonuses is housing. Usually, to obtain the appropriate support, you need to submit a written alert about the implementation of your rights in the Criminal Code.

What can you claim in Russia after receiving the status of a pensioner? Today it is:

  • discount for utilization of utilities and rent services (from 50% to 100%);
  • reimbursement of spending on the use of a home phone;
  • free extraordinary home phone installation;
  • help with home gasification (free connection outside the total queue);
  • liberation (from 80 years) or 50% discount (from 70 years) to pay for the overhaul of the house.

All this is guaranteed, as a rule, in all regions of the Russian Federation. But this is not all. Housing benefits on the listed features do not end.

Ensuring housing

The thing is that under certain circumstances, pensioners can get housing from the state. Free housing is not available to everyone. To date, they can claim him:

  • people who have no living space;
  • needy retirees (official recognition is required);
  • persons who have special merits in front of the state (veterans, heroes, and so on).

Accordingly, the elderly people can not hope for free provision of housing. Registration of this benefit is carried out in the city administration or in the housing chamber of the region.


The next very important sphere of human life is medicine. Elderly offers special bonuses.

Their major mass does not require any design. It is enough to have an identity card and a pension certificate.

What benefits from old-age pensioners in the field of medicine take place? Among them are distinguished:

  • free (prescription);
  • treatment in sanatoriums and resorts (in directions) without payment;
  • free service in medical facilities out of turn;
  • service in nursing homes and boarding houses without charging;
  • dental prosthetic supply free of charge.

As already mentioned, no design benefits do not need. When contacting medical help, you just need to confirm your pensioner status.


The benefits made by older retirees often depend on where the family concretely lives. Separate attention must be paid to the transport sphere.

The thing is that today in Russia they are talking about the abolition of transport benefits for pensioners. Such a measure was adopted in most regions. But in some cities, older people did not deprive state bonuses in this field.

Older people get right to:

  • free use of public transport;
  • buying tickets for suburban transport is out of turn;
  • travel on suburban vehicles without charging fees (usually after 80 years).

It is important to take into account that on the route and ordinary taxis benefits (if available) do not apply.

Working citizens

The retirement age in Russia comes pretty early. The population even after the status of pensioners is trying to continue its activities. It helps not only feel more young, but also contributes to the retirement.

Working pensioners have the right to state support. They may require:

  • tax deductions for certain transactions;
  • vacation without salary salary at a convenient time (duration depends on the status of a pensioner);
  • recalculation of pension once a year;
  • free advanced training or retraining at the expense of the employer;
  • accrual for the period of working work.

Disabled pensioners also have the right to tax deduction, but only if no more than 3 years have passed since the dismissal. Otherwise, this feature in individuals who do not deduct ndfl (13%) is lost.

Legal help

Old age is a period when citizens often require legal support. Experienced lawyer services can not be called cheap. Therefore, the state decided to provide elderly free legal support.

She relies with the following persons who have gone to a well-deserved rest:

  • veterans of wars and labor;
  • poor;
  • people living in social service organizations;
  • polished;
  • incapable.

All the rest will have to pay for the services of a lawyer. There is nothing surprising or unusual in this.

Address and Material Help

What benefits are the old age pensioners? The elderly of the Russian Federation can get material or targeted assistance. To do this, refer to the relevant statement in social services.

Address assistance can be expressed:

  • clothes;
  • money;
  • shoes;
  • products;
  • furniture;
  • items for home and life.

It is necessary to address and material assistance only to those in need of pensioners. The amount of payments will vary. The only thing we can speak with confidence is that material support should provide a pensioner to the subsistence minimum of the region.

Financial sphere

All citizens of the Russian Federation at a certain age are given a pension. Pensioner in old age benefits will be drawn up after a person is officially recognized by the elderly. To date, his employment has no employment affects the majority of government bonuses.

Financial benefits of old men in Russia are also obtained. Among them are distinguished:

  • exemption from NDFL material support;
  • receiving a pension;
  • increase the insurance part of pension payments at a certain age.

As already mentioned, under certain circumstances and the need, citizens will help to provide living on minimum in the region.

Deep old age

It is clear which tax benefits of old-age retirees are provided in Russia. Upon reaching 80 years, new horizons open to the older people. What is it about?

At this age, citizens can usually count on:

  • care of care - Careful accrues work experience and pay 1 200 rubles per month;
  • full release from;
  • an increase in the insurance part of the pension 2 times (occurs automatically).

Caring is drawn up in the FIU. If a citizen is caught by a pensioner, he cannot lead care activities. But, as already mentioned, labor experience and pension points he will still be accrued.

To make care you need to bring:

  • statement;
  • passports of the parties;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • Snifices of the caring and retired.

Care for a pensioner can, as relatives (documents confirming the relationship), and completely outsiders.

We draw up tax breaks

Now it is clear what benefits have a pensioner in old age. All listed state bonuses are offered to the whole older population. How to make tax breaks?

To do this, you will need to contact the FTS at the place of registration. With it, the pensioner must bring:

  • a request to be released from tax;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • passport;
  • INN (if any);
  • documents on ownership of transport / real estate.

After studying papers, FTS will release a pensioner from taxes. In order for the changes to take effect on the year of the citizen's appeal, it is necessary to submit a written request until November 1. Otherwise, taxes will be released from the following tax period.


It should also be paid to the registration of tax deductions. They are provided to all working citizens who pay 13% NDFL to the state treasury. Pensioners receive this support for general rules.

With you, they must bring:

  • a request for deduction;
  • identification;
  • registration certificates;
  • labor book;
  • certificates of income (usually in form 2-NDFL);
  • tax Declaration;
  • documents based on deduction (Mortgage Agreement, sales agreement and so on);
  • details of the account for which the cash is paid.

After a detailed consideration of the request, pensioners may wait for the response from the FTS regarding the provision of deduction. If everything is done correctly, the money will go to account in approximately 1.5-2 months. It is clear what benefits has a pensioner in old age.

About 100 million rubles are spent on drug provision of preferential categories of citizens from the Russian State Cassente of the Russian Federation. This measure allows you to open access to the necessary medicines of the segments of the population. But not everyone is aware of their right to a list of medicines for federal or local law. According to the last condition of issuing drugs, their number, names and persons applying for preferences vary at the discretion of regional authorities.

The Federal Law establishes general rights for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the material status and nationality. Benefits depend on belonging to a special category (disabled person, veteran, poor).

Unfortunately, it is possible to receive medicines only by one of the grounds (although there is no direct ban on the simultaneous use of federal and regional preferences), so the beneficiation will have to make a choice. The state beneficiary is performed by the state beneficiaries, and the regional social protection authority.