How to clean silver from blackness at home. How to effectively clean silver at home: tips and nuances. High-quality cleaning of silver with ultrasonic devices, napkins and folk methods

Silver is a noble metal from which dishes, interior items, and jewelry are made. Its ions have disinfecting properties, which means that the use of silver cutlery has a positive effect on health. But over time, the surface of the metal changes - it tarnishes, dark plaque and spots appear on it. Let's figure out how to clean silver at home so that it gets its original appearance.

Before we figure out how to clean silver at home, let's find out why it darkens. In the old days, it was believed that black magic was to blame. But now it has been established that the metal reacts with different elements.

Reasons for darkening silver:

  1. Excessive humidity in the room or contact with wet skin.
  2. Reaction to a person's sweat. If there is a lot of sulfur in it, then the silver turns black quickly. The predominance of nitrogen in the secretion of sweat glands contributes to the long-term preservation of the appearance of the metal. Pathologies, as well as taking medications, can lead to a large amount of sulfur in the secretions.
  3. Interaction with cosmetics, food (onions, yolks, salt), household chemicals, rubber, gas.
  4. Incorrect storage.
  5. Low quality metal.

How to choose a cleaning method

The answer to the question of how you can clean silver at home is determined by factors such as:

  • product sample, composition, if we are talking about an alloy;
  • the presence of gilding, precious stones, enamel and other additional elements;
  • degree of pollution;
  • the size.

There is an important rule: aggressive agents can only be used for simple jewelry and household items made of silver. If they have stones, enamel, gilding, engraving, then only gentle methods are allowed. Expensive filigree jewelry made of high-grade metal is better to be trusted by professionals.

Special preparations for silver processing are on sale. Popular brands are Talisman, Silbo, Aladdin, Silver Quick. They are available in the form of sprays, solutions, pastes, napkins. Such products are cleaned efficiently and carefully, but it is important to carefully follow the instructions.

Important: Silver is a soft, ductile metal. When working with it, do not use coarse material, hard brushes and metal scrapers.

Cleaning methods

High-quality cleaning of silver at home requires preparation. It is necessary to remove grease, dust, residues of cosmetics, food and other contaminants from the surface. To do this, prepare a warm solution of water and soap, shampoo or detergent in arbitrary proportions. Rinse the silver item thoroughly in the liquid. If it has indentations, a soft toothbrush is recommended. At the end, you need to rinse the jewelry or cutlery in clean water and let it dry.

Toothpaste and powder

You can quickly clean silver from blackness at home using tooth powder or paste. But this method is considered rather crude, so it is better not to use it for jewelry and expensive household items.

The powder should be diluted with water to a gruel state. There is no need to prepare the paste, it should be white without impurities and large abrasive particles. The mass is required to be applied to a soft flap and gently rub the silver item. You can use a non-rigid toothbrush. It is important to move in one direction in a straight line. Do not press too hard on the metal, otherwise the surface may be damaged.

Note: For any cleaning method, the final treatment consists of rinsing the silver item under running water, drying it and polishing it thoroughly with a soft cloth.


An affordable silver cleaner is baking soda. For processing simple products, it is enough to combine the substance with water to make a gruel, apply it to the surface, and after 10 minutes remove it by gently rubbing the thing with a cloth.

If you have a problem, rather than gently cleaning your silver at home, it is better to use a soda solution. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil 250 ml of water, add 20 g of soda to it, stir.
  2. Lower a piece of foil to the bottom of the container. If you are using an aluminum pan, this can be dispensed with.
  3. Put silver items in a hot solution. Wait 15 minutes.

Citric and other acids

A powerful solution for cleaning silver can be prepared with citric acid. Stages of work:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of acid in 500 ml of water.
  2. Put a container with liquid in a water bath, put a piece of copper wire in it.
  3. After boiling the solution, dip the silver into it for 15 minutes.

If the silver item is small and not very dirty, you can simply soak the cloth in vinegar (6%) and wipe the surface. Another cleanser option is a 10% citric acid solution (10 g of powder per 100 ml of water).

Coins and other simple items that have darkened a lot will help clean up formic or sulfuric acid. Items should be boiled for several minutes in a 5% solution of one of these substances.

Important: When using various acids and substances with a strong odor, work with gloves in a room where air is circulating.


Thinking about how to clean silver at home quickly, you should resort to ammonia. Products that are slightly darkened, it is enough to wipe with cotton wool dipped in it. Heavily contaminated items should be placed in a 10% solution of ammonia for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water. You can also use the following methods:

  1. Combine water, ammonia and tooth powder in a 5: 2: 1 ratio. Soak a napkin in the solution and rub the silver. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts. Hold the product in the liquid for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour a little ammonia into the chalk powder to make a paste. Process metal. You can use tooth powder instead of chalk.


Common table salt will help to give silver a shine:

  1. Dissolve 25 g of salt and 10 g of tartar in 0.5 l of hot water. Immerse the products in the liquid for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into an aluminum pan. After boiling, add 10 g of salt, soda and dish detergent each, mix. Put silver in a saucepan. Boil for 30 minutes.

Other methods

There are several other effective methods for cleaning simple silverware:

  1. Pour Sprite, Cola, 7-Up, or similar beverage containing phosphoric acid into a saucepan. Immerse a silver object in the liquid. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  2. Prepare a solution of washing powder and water in arbitrary proportions. Dip jewelry or cutlery into it. Boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Spray window cleaner onto the product. Wipe with a cloth.
  4. Polish the dirty object with a regular stationery eraser. The method is not suitable for openwork jewelry.

The nuances of cleaning products with stones, gilding and other features

How to clean silver with stones so as not to damage it? Such products require careful treatment, especially if they are inlaid with turquoise, moonstone, amber, malachite, coral, pearls.

Dust and light dirt can be removed with regular rubbing alcohol or cologne. You should wipe the decoration with a cotton pad dipped in the substance. A cotton swab is suitable for processing indentations and various decorative details.

You can remove plaque and stains by soaking silver objects for 15-30 minutes in a solution prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  • grate laundry soap, dissolve in warm water to make a foam, add a few drops of ammonia;
  • pour a tablespoon of ammonia or vinegar into a glass of water.

The same methods are suitable for gold plated items. After soaking, the jewelry should be rinsed with water, dried with a paper towel and rubbed with suede.

An original way to clean jewelry with stones is to use lipstick. She needs to lubricate the surface of the metal, and then treat it with a flannel flap. If the silver is decorated with pearls, you need to sew a linen bag, pour a spoonful of salt into it and put the product, then wash in warm water.

Blackened silver needs special care. Cleaning methods:

  • hold the jewelry for 20 minutes in a solution of soap (10 g), soda (1 teaspoon) and water (500 ml);
  • cut raw potatoes, cover it with water and put the silver in the same place, pull it out after 3 hours.

General cleaning rules

In order for cleaning to be effective and not to harm silver products, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Regularly wash jewelry and household items until the dirt becomes too heavy.
  2. Do not use harsh abrasive substances. For simple items, you can use a soft toothbrush. If you need to clean your jewelry, it is best to use a natural bristle brush.
  3. Sterling silver may only be lubricated with special agents. Home remedies can damage it.
  4. Radiated metal is resistant to chemical damage, but its surface is easily scratched. It can be cleaned with an exceptionally soft cloth.
  5. After pastes and solutions, the product should be rinsed under running water. It is especially important to do this if foil or aluminum dishes were used during the cleaning process. Otherwise, an aluminum sulfate film may form on the surface.
  6. To add shine, the metal should be treated with lemon juice and hot water.
  7. You can dry the products on paper towels or under the jet of a hair dryer.
  8. Dry silver items should be polished with chamois, flannel or wool.
  9. It is better not to wear jewelry for 2-3 days after cleaning, so that a protective layer forms on them.

How to store silver properly

Silver jewelry will keep its shiny clean surface longer if properly cared for. Fundamental rules:

  1. Store products in separate closed boxes (cases, boxes) in a dry room. If an item is planned not to be used for a long time, it should be washed with soapy water, dried and wrapped in flannel, foil or parchment.
  2. Silver should not be in contact with medicines, food, household chemicals, plastic, rubber during storage.
  3. It is recommended to remove jewelry made of silver before applying cosmetics, taking a shower, swimming in the bathroom, the sea, visiting the pool or sauna. It is also undesirable to clean them so that detergents do not get on the chain or ring.

Silver- beautiful, practical metal. Jewelry made of silver, in comparison with gold, is inexpensive and looks very impressive. However, silver has one significant drawback: when it comes into contact with skin and air, the metal quickly oxidizes, becomes dull and black... Silver jewelry lovers should take note of several ways how to cleanse silver from blackness to catch admiring glances over and over again!

Soda recipe

A plate is made from a piece of foil. Foil is a very malleable material, and it will not be difficult at all. You don't have to try too hard, the main thing is that the constructed container has high edges.

Put 1 tbsp in such a plate. a spoonful of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda, add a little warm water. The blackened silver is dipped into the solution for 30 minutes. At the end, it remains to rinse the product in clean water. Judging by the reviews, this method is the easiest and most effective!

Potato recipe

Do not pour out the water in which the potatoes were boiled. Pour some broth into a glass container, throw a piece of foil and silver earrings there. It takes 5 minutes for the silver to clear of blackness. Raw potatoes act in a similar way: several slices are immersed in water along with silver objects for 2-3 hours, and then washed in clean water.

Citric acid recipe

In 200 ml of warm water add 1 teaspoon of citric acid powder or the juice of half a lemon. In such a solution, it is good to clean silver cutlery.

Recipe with ammonia

Pour 100 ml of boiled water into a jar with a screw cap. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dish detergent. Stir well., Immerse in a solution of silver chain or ring and tighten the cap. After 5 minutes you can see the result. The method is good in that it does not require mechanical action - no need to rub. At the end of the cleaning, the silver item is washed in clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide + ammonia

Both ingredients are mixed 1: 1 in a bottle or jar with a screw cap. Cap and shake. Open again and throw a silver chain into the solution. You can hear a hiss, which means the reaction has gone. A couple of minutes is enough for the silver to completely clear of blackness. The solution turns black and the silver glistens. Products are washed in clean water and blotted dry with a dry cloth. The method is effective and cheap, but it also has a number of disadvantages: a strong smell and the fact that these are still chemicals. Scary…. However, Internet users praise the way.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide will only brighten pure silver items. But if other metals are included in the alloy, the reaction will be reversed! The silver will blacken even more. Therefore, we would recommend using peroxide cleaning with caution. But if you really want to try it, then it is better to first on the inner side of the ring. And for products with stones, the method is completely contraindicated.

Can you clean silver with stones?

During cleaning, some precious and semi-precious stones may tarnish and acquire a matte shade, so cleaning such items should be done with care. In this case, it is best to trust the professionals and take the jewelry to a jewelry workshop for cleaning. Alternatively, soak a piece of soft cloth in one of the listed solutions and wipe only the silver ring setting without touching the stone.

For many hostesses, it is easier to purchase a jar with a special cleaning agent for silver from the store. The right decision! A special composition will not only cleanse the silver from blackness, but also cover it with a protective layer.

Do not be discouraged if, after cleaning, a black border remains on the silver product. There is so-called scarlet silver (especially on cutlery and church crosses), it cannot be cleaned even with the most powerful means. This is fine.

Cutlery, jewelry, coins - silverware can be found in every home. Sooner or later, the owners of such things are faced with the need to clean them. There are various reasons why silver darkens. Improper storage and care, a chemical reaction to the individual characteristics of the organism - there are many options. How do I clean silver? The answer to this question can be found in the article.

How to cleanse silver: toothpaste

Of course, the easiest way is to entrust the salvation of your favorite things to professionals. However, you can cope with this task yourself. How to clean silver at home? You can try to do this with toothpaste.

  • You need to squeeze a small amount of paste into your palm, and then put a silver piece on it.
  • Next, the surface of the thing that needs cleaning should be rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • Then you need to thoroughly rinse the toothpaste with running water.
  • The final touch is wiping the item with a piece of flannel cloth.

The ideal choice would be an ordinary white paste that does not contain particulate matter and colored blotches. Gel-like options are not suitable in this case. This method is relevant when you need to make the tableware look decent. This product is not suitable for jewelry. We must not forget that the higher the silver purity, the greater the chance of bristle marks appearing on the surface.

Olive oil

How to cleanse silver with olive oil? This task can be completed in a few minutes. First you need to rub the jewelry (coin, cutlery) thoroughly with oil. Then you should wash the product in soapy water, rinse with cool water. The last stage is polishing with a soft cloth.

Baking soda

How to clean silver with baking soda? This product is attractive because it can be found in every kitchen.

  • A teaspoon of powder is added to a container with a little water. As a result, you should get a pasty consistency.
  • The resulting mixture must be applied to the surface of the product. The silver is then gently rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • Next, the thing must be rinsed with clean water, dried with a piece of woolen cloth.
  • This method is not suitable for restoring the attractive appearance of jewelery with stones. They become covered with bloom, become cloudy.

If the cutlery needs to be cleaned, it is best to make some changes to this recipe. Dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of water. The resulting solution should be brought to a boil, after which a silver product is placed in it. It is enough to hold it there for two or three minutes.

Citric acid is another proven remedy for generations.

  • A glass container must be filled with juice squeezed from one lemon.
  • Then you need to lower the product into it, wait about 20 minutes.
  • Next, the thing is rinsed with running water, wiped dry.


How to remove blackness from silver using ammonia?

  • The ammonia must be diluted in a soapy solution. A glass of liquid accounts for about a teaspoon of the product.
  • Next, you need to lower the product that needs cleaning into the resulting solution, wait about half an hour.
  • Then the thing is thoroughly washed, wiped dry.

The specific smell of ammonia is perhaps the main drawback of this method.

"Coca Cola"

Coca-Cola is a popular drink with many little-known health benefits. For example, it is famous for its phosphoric acid content. Is it any wonder that many owners of silver jewelry, coins and cutlery use Coca-Cola to clean them?

The drink must be poured into a glass or a deep plate, then the product that needs to be cleaned is lowered into the container. You can remove the item after 15 minutes, it will shimmer and shine.

Matt, blackened silver

How to remove blackness from silver at home when it comes to a matte product? Acids, abrasive materials are not suitable in this case. Their use negatively affects the appearance of the thing. Better to resort to another proven method - soap shavings dissolved in water.

It requires careful attitude to itself, as there is a danger of damaging the unique top layer. A soap and soda solution is suitable for cleaning such a product. The thing needs to be kept in it for about 20-30 minutes.

There is another effective method that will return the original appearance of blackened silver. To do this, you need to peel a few potatoes, and then place them in a container of water. The product should be soaked for 3-4 hours, after which it should be rinsed thoroughly. If plaque remains on the metal, you can easily get rid of it with a rubber eraser.

Salt and soda

How to clean your silver chain at home?

  • It is necessary to mix salt and soda in equal proportions (approximately 10 g each).
  • Then add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Further, the composition is diluted with a small amount of water.
  • Pour the liquid into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and place the silverware in it.
  • The container remains on the stove for about 30 minutes, then removed from heat. The chain is removed after the liquid has cooled. It must be rinsed thoroughly with water.


How to clean a silver chain? Milk will help to get rid of darkening and restore the pristine beauty of the jewelry.

  • The product must be placed in a small saucepan, filled with milk and placed on the stove.
  • The liquid should be boiled for about 10 minutes, then the decoration is removed.
  • The chain must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

If the stains on the silver are too dark, you can dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in the milk. Thanks to this, the procedure will have a greater effect.

Egg water

It's hard to find a house that never boils eggs. The water that remains after cooking such food can be used to clean the silver. After removing the eggs from the pan, the water must be cooled. When it gets a little warm, you can put items that need to be cleaned in it. It takes about 15-20 minutes to keep silver items in the pan. Then they are removed, washed with clean water and thoroughly wiped off. This method is not suitable when it comes to jewelry with stones.

Prevention measures

The above is about how to clean your silver at home. However, preventing a problem from occurring is much easier than dealing with it.

  • Jewelry, coins, silver cutlery need proper care. They need to be wiped regularly. For this, you can use, for example, flannel fabric.
  • Household chemicals and cosmetics are dangerous for silver. It is best to remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, chains) before applying makeup and cleaning. It should also be done before exercising, as sweat affects silver negatively.
  • Products need regular cleaning. You should not wait for the darkening of the metal in order to do this.
  • Jewelry, cutlery, coins should be kept as far as possible from moisture. You should not take a bath or shower with rings, chains and bracelets. Also remember to remove jewelry before cleaning.
  • Silver items need proper storage. An ideal place for them will be a box, which is upholstered with fabric from the inside.

A darkened silver cross or a ring that has lost its luster is a familiar problem for many owners of jewelry or other silver items. However, not everyone knows how to correctly and effectively return them to their original appearance with their own hands at home.

After all, the reason for the deplorable appearance of silver jewelry can be very different:

  • high humidity;
  • increased sweating;
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • taking medications.

And, of course, you should not discount the most common dirt, which, when worn for a long time, invariably clogs all the grooves on the product. However, the most common cause of metal darkening is exposure to substances containing sulfur compounds. The degree of color change also depends on the copper impurities present in the silver alloy - during oxidation, it is they that change the color of the jewelry.

Based on these facts, many different methods of cleaning precious metal have been invented and successfully used.

To return the products to their original appearance, various improvised means are used. And each affects the noble metal in its own way, depending on the nature of the pollution and the impurities it contains.

The most common methods are as follows:

Hydrogen peroxide

This product is used to clean not only silver items, but also gold jewelry. However, the nature of this effect is a chemical reaction that can have the opposite effect of the desired effect when the object contains foreign impurities. As a result, instead of a beautiful shine, you can get indelible black spots. Therefore, if you are uncertain about the chemical composition of the product, it is better to refuse this method.


To give your favorite jewelry its original look, it is recommended to use a solution of ammonia in a ratio of 1: 10 with plain water. Withstand the products, depending on the amount of contamination, for 30 minutes. (more or less possible). Then wipe with a soft sponge and dry with a cloth. If the spots are insignificant, you can wipe them with a cloth soaked in ammonia, then rinse with water and dry.


To obtain a cleaning agent, dissolve soda (2 tablespoons) in 2 glasses of water, then bring the solution to a boil. Place the silver jewelry in the finished product for about 15 minutes. If the contamination is weak, it is enough to wipe the product with a cloth moistened with the solution. Or try peeling it off with soda gruel. However, this method, with intensive use, can cause scratches on the surface of the silver.

Soda and foil

The method is similar to the previous one, only to enhance the effect, a piece of aluminum foil should be placed on the bottom of the container with the solution and items requiring cleaning should be placed on it. Literally in 10-20 seconds. after the solution boils, the product takes on its original form.


The usual 9% vinegar is able to remove the most old stains - it is worth holding a silver object in it for 15 minutes, then rinsing with water and then drying.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste is also suitable for cleaning, preferably without any additives. If a powder is used, it is sufficient to add a little water to it. It is better to clean products with numerous grooves with an old toothbrush; after finishing, rinse the silver jewelry well from the paste residues and dry thoroughly.


You can also use ammonia as part of a mixture: equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide, liquid baby soap, ammonia and water. Place a contaminated object in the solution and stand until completely cleaned.

Citric acid

A solution of citric acid (proportion: 100 g per 2 tablespoons of water) must be placed in a water bath, and after boiling, put the product requiring cleaning into it along with a small piece of copper wire. Leave for 15-30 minutes. depending on the cleaning speed, then rinse and dry.

Important! When using any method, try to carry out the procedure with care. If the silver item becomes shiny earlier than the specified time, stop the procedure immediately. After all, almost all methods are based on chemical reactions, which means that at least a little bit the product will become lighter.

How to clean a silver chain at home?

It is easy and simple to return the silver chain to its original appearance using various solutions, since the most effective wipes (with vinegar or ammonia) may not give the desired result. After all, some parts of the product are difficult to access and cannot be cleaned.

An effective way is to use the following solution: add a tablespoon of ammonia and baby liquid soap to 200 ml of pure water. It is best to carry out cleaning in a jar with a lid - ammonia is quite poisonous. After stirring, place the chain in the solution and close the lid. Literally after 5 minutes. the chain will be as good as new.

Self-cleaning of the silver cross

The silver cross, like the chain, most often requires cleansing, since it is in contact with the surface of the skin - a constant source of various secretions (sweat, fat).

Before chemical action on the item, you should thoroughly wash it with an ordinary soap and soda solution - it may have darkened from ordinary dirt. Then you can apply each of the above methods.

Important! First, you should make sure that your jewelry is not made of blackened silver, where darkening in certain places is a necessary design element. It is not recommended to apply aggressive chemical or intense mechanical action to such a product.

Cleansing a silver ring from blackness

At home, it's easy to shine a ring without gemstones. Beforehand, it is worth removing the usual dirt: dust, dirt, grease. This can be done with warm soapy water and a tablespoon of ammonia per liter of water.

If after this blackness remains, you can perform the following manipulations:

  • soak the ring in warm soapy water for two hours;
  • wash it with clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • prepare a gruel from chalk and ammonia, it is allowed to replace chalk with tooth powder;
  • rub the mixture into the ring with a soft cloth until clean;
  • rinse with water and polish with a dry cloth.

Important! One of the most readily available methods is to peel with potato juice. You can make a mixture of water and grated potatoes, or place finely chopped potatoes in the water. When starch passes into solution, it has a cleansing effect on silver objects placed in the liquid.

Cleaning of silver items with stones (rings, chains, bracelets)

If the jewelry contains stones, cleaning with aggressive agents can cause irreparable harm to them.

Therefore, during the process you should:

  1. Use only soft and gentle materials to prevent scratches and damage. These can be soft rags, old toothbrushes with natural bristles, and various solutions.
  2. Do not use dry powders such as soda or chalk, and even use liquid mixtures carefully.
  3. During the cleaning process, carefully monitor the state of the jewelry and, when the desired effect is achieved, immediately remove the object from the solution.
  4. After finishing cleaning, be sure to rinse the product with water and dry thoroughly.

Important! However, if the stone is precious or semi-precious, it is best to use the services of a jewelry salon. Here, the product is guaranteed to be cleaned without harmful effects.

Silver coins: purifying from blackness to shine

Antique coins require special treatment. Sometimes even their value is special traces of age in the form of darkened spots. Therefore, the initial stage is the most gentle cleaning with a warm soapy solution.

There are a few simple guidelines to follow:

  1. Do not use aggressive chemicals, especially at the beginning. First of all, you should try baking soda and soap solutions.
  2. When using dry substances (soda or chalk), do not use a toothbrush, but a rag, the most gentle tool.
  3. When the first stage is over, determine the approximate cost of the product and then draw a conclusion on further actions.
  4. During cleaning, do not allow coins to come into contact.
  5. High or low t is also a type of aggressive action, so it is better to exclude such methods.

Important! If you are unable to determine the value of a silver coin, contact the services of a specialist. Indeed, for many old coins, it is their spots that are of particular value.

Gilded Silver: Plaque Cleaning and Renewal

Products with gilding require careful attention - after all, this layer can be easily erased if improperly handled. But it is he who gives the jewelry a special value and a kind of beauty.

To clean gilded silver you need:

  1. Use only dry, soft suede as a care item.
  2. Pre-soaking in warm soapy water is a mandatory step in the process.
  3. Then you can use any liquid solution from the above methods. A good result can be achieved by rubbing with alcohol or vodka.
  4. At the end of the process, wash the product thoroughly with water and wipe dry with chamois.

Important! Gilded silver requires careful and frequent maintenance, as it dulls, darkens and appears black if neglected. And it can be very problematic to return it to its original appearance.

Video tutorial on cleaning silverware

At first glance, cleaning silver jewelry at home is a simple and not laborious process. However, for its correct implementation, you should have the necessary stock of knowledge and, at least, observe the rules of careful attitude to products.

Before and after (photo)

Professional cleaning (photo)

Don't forget about gold jewelry:

Over time, all owners of silver items had to notice that a dark coating appears on their jewelry. Removing it is easy if you know a few simple ways. We will talk about how to clean silver at home in our article and experiment a little.

Why does silver darken - we understand the reasons for darkening

Silver tends to darken, as it contains copper molecules in its composition. This metal is afraid of exposure to hydrogen sulfide, and becomes dark when interacting.

And here are the main reasons for darkening silver:

  1. the composition of the ambient air;
  2. test of a silver product;
  3. relative humidity;
  4. the composition of human sweat;
  5. the composition of the cosmetics used.

There is an opinion that silver on the human body darkens due to the state of his health. With kidney or liver disease, silverware begins to darken.

Basic methods of cleaning silver at home

In order to determine how best to clean silver at home, we will conduct an experiment and check the most famous methods of cleaning this noble metal. I took some silver jewelry, which has turned noticeably black.

1. We clean silver with soapy water

Sometimes the dark coating is common dust or dirt.

Therefore, the first thing we do is wash the silver with hot water and liquid or ordinary soap. You can use dishwasher instead of soap. Soak the silver in soapy water and then rub it with a toothbrush.

This method removed all the dirt well, but does not add shine to the decoration. a. If the jewelry has been lying for a long time and darkened strongly, as in my case, then this method will be ineffective. I was convinced by personal experience.

2. Grated potatoes to help

Another good method is grated potatoes. Here are the earrings before cleaning.

After chopping the potatoes, you need to fill it with water and lower the silver jewelry there. After a few minutes, you need to polish the silver with a dry cloth. It is best to use woolen fabric.

The silver piece really becomes cleaner, dark stains go away. I liked this method.

3. Lemon solution for silverware without stones

A lemon solution will help restore its former shine to your silver. Let's experiment with the chain.

It is enough to hold the silver in one of these solutions, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. It is important to know that this method is only suitable for silver items without stones.

To be honest, it took a little longer to keep in such a solution than in others. For some reason, my pendant chain has taken on a yellowish color, but the cleaning effect is a little disappointing. 15 minutes was not enough, I had to leave it in the solution longer.

A little about cleaning silver jewelry with stones

It is a little more difficult to clean silver jewelry that has inlaid stones. The easiest way is to use the services of professionals. In addition to all this, you can find on sale special liquids for self-cleaning silver jewelry.

But if you have not found such liquids and do not want to pay for the work of a professional, then there are also folk methods ... For example, again, you can prepare a soapy solution. You need to drop alcohol into a solution of laundry soap and bring to a boil. After complete cooling, you need to carefully handle the decoration. Remove black spots around the stone with a cotton swab. But a soapy solution is not suitable for stubborn dirt.

4. We clean silver products with ammonia

Let's take a ring for our experiment.

It is necessary to put silver items in 10% ammonia and leave for a while. Control the cleaning process, within 10-15 minutes the product should become clean. For the best effect, add a little vegetable oil to the solution, then rinse the product in soapy water.

This cleaning agent has a specific smell, so you need to use ammonia with care. I didn't like this method precisely because of the persistent smell throughout the kitchen, although the product cleans silver items perfectly.

5. Hydrogen peroxide against silver pollution

For comparison with the previous method, we again take the ring.

To clean silver with hydrogen peroxide , it is necessary to soak the product in a 3% solution for 10-20 minutes. This not only cleanses the jewelry, but also makes it shine.

This method turned out to be the best of the above. Firstly, the peroxide has no smell, and secondly, it cleans the products well. There were even pieces of dirt floating in the solution that had come off the ring.

6. Toothpaste for cleaning silver

Let's take a silver ring as an example.

Toothpaste perfectly cleans silverware. Just press a little paste on the brush and clean the surface in a circular motion.

Jewelry becomes clean even in hard-to-reach places. But there is one drawback, if the silverware is polished, then this method of cleaning will not work, since the brush will quickly scratch the surface. My pieces were simple, so the cleaning was a success.