Decoupage boxes from under shoes with napkins. A detailed master class in decoupage shoeboxes. Level the surface with sandpaper

Elena Kozyreva

Good day to all! I bring to your attention manufacturing caskets which will be very useful for storing our ladies' accessories. Once I went to the store to buy myself casket... well and prices! I decided to try to make DIY casket.

We take an ordinary cardboard box from under the shoes and cover it with water-dispersion polyacrylic white paint. There is a special primer for decoupage but it is very expensive. Let it dry. Acrylic paint dries quickly and does not smell.

We use two-layer or special napkins for decoupage. Box with daisies is made from ordinary napkins, and the other from decoupage.

Remove the protective layer

We put the picture down on the file

Apply water with a wide brush, starting from the middle and gently smooth out the formed folds. I tear off the edges of the napkin with my hands, it will turn out more beautiful

We put it on the surface boxes and carefully remove the file. The napkin is pulled out, so we cut off the edges with our hands.

Apply PVA glue over the entire surface with a brush

So we will decorate all sides of boxes... After the napkins are dry, cover them with acrylic varnish. It dries very quickly and does not smell

Decoupage of a cardboard shoe box.

Author: Beginners in decoupage sometimes worry that they can accidentally, due to inexperience, ruin a beautiful workpiece. Everyone has mistakes: someone forgets to separate the extra paper layer, someone's napkin may break, or ill-fated folds appear ... Craftsmanship comes with experience!

Experience is best gained by honing your skills on simple foundations that are easy to find at your fingertips and don't have to spend extra money on.

A perfect base for decoupage is a cardboard shoe box. It often happens that after buying a pair of shoes, the box is kept at home for some time until the purchase warranty expires.

In reality, it stays much longer, because you probably forgot about it :) So, finding the box is pretty easy.

It will not be difficult to come up with an application for it after decorating: it will be possible to store documents, paints, medicines, materials for sewing and needlework, and much more in it. The matter is small, let's get down to decoupage!

To decoupage a cardboard shoe box, we need the following materials:

... decoupage varnish-glue for hard surfaces;

... finishing acrylic varnish;

... finishing fixing varnish;

... acrylic primer;

... paints for painting (or from any other line of acrylic paints): Titanium White, Light Green, Chromium Oxide, Orange, Lemon, Medium Yellow;

... napkins for decoupage;

... palette, scissors, iron, ruler, simple pencil, foam sponge, synthetic brushes.

Surface preparation

We cover the surface of the box and lid with acrylic primer. The shoebox is quite large, so you need to arm yourself with patience - all the interesting and creative stages are still ahead.

Our box has loose joints at the corners, so we additionally strengthened them by gluing them with masking tape.

After we have covered all surfaces with soil, let them dry.

Then we sand with sandpaper.

After sanding, cover it with soil again.

And skins again. We will repeat these two steps (primer + sanding) until the surface is smooth and the corner joints, taped with masking tape, are flush with the rest of the surface.

After we have achieved perfect smoothness, we cover the box with acrylic paint to match the future motif from napkins.

Decoupage process with an iron

This time we will decoupage "hot".

This method is ideal for gluing napkins to large flat surfaces.

Evenly coat the surface with decoupage glue varnish and let it dry.

After the glue has dried, we spread our napkin on the surface. We make sure that it lies flat, straighten and smooth it with our hands.

With a hot iron (but not at maximum power, but at medium power), iron this side of the box through a sheet of paper (many recommend taking baking paper for this purpose).

The napkin adheres perfectly evenly. Cut off the extra edges.

Now is the most crucial step! We varnish over the napkin. The most important thing here is to make the layer as thin as possible.

It is not necessary to grease the napkin profusely, otherwise it will go in bubbles. We proceed carefully, lightly working with a brush from the center to the edges.

We repeat the gluing process on all planes of the box.

We coat with decoupage glue varnish, dry.

On the dried varnish, we iron the napkin with an iron through a sheet of paper.

Cut off the extra edges.

Apply varnish with a neat thin layer over the napkin.

Thinking over the composition on the lid.

We plucked two large sunflower flowers from napkins and placed them in different corners.

We glue it. We coat the places for napkins with glue-varnish.

Iron it through a sheet of paper and fix it with a thin layer of varnish.

After the initial thin layer of varnish has dried, boldly cover the entire box with a layer of acrylic glossy varnish.

Background refinement

We spread the acrylic paints that we need on the palette (Titanium White, Light Green, Chromium Oxide, Orange, Lemon, Yellow Medium) and acrylic varnish.

Dip a small piece of foam sponge in paint and varnish.

We start tamping. It's okay if we slightly go to the napkin: the excess can be wiped off.

As you add each next color, do not forget to dip the sponge into the varnish: this will create an interesting glaze effect.

Add colors to match the napkin to smooth out the abrupt transition.

Excess varnish and paint on the drawing can be easily erased with a dry cloth.

After the background has dried, we slightly finish painting the petals of the sunflowers, adding bright and contrasting strokes and highlights to them.

Add a little splatter with white paint. An old toothbrush is good for this. Do not forget to put unnecessary paper or newspapers under the box so as not to dirty the workplace.

We collect Brown paint on a sponge and go through all the corners of the box, focusing on them.

We cover with acrylic varnish.

And we finish our work with a layer of finishing fixing varnish.

From an unnecessary cardboard shoe box, the result is such a cozy box for storing balls, knitting and sewing accessories.

In any house, you can find some kind of box in which its inhabitants put all their useful household items. Often this role is played by an old shoebox, which is stored in a closet, away from prying eyes, because of its unsightly appearance. But if you decoupage it, it can easily take a prominent place in the living room or bedroom. So let's get started.

In our article, you will learn how to make a shoebox decoupage: a master class with step-by-step instructions, photos and videos will help you with this.

Decoupage shoeboxes

For decoupage we need the following materials:

  • shoe box
  • napkins for decoupage
  • white cardboard
  • PVA glue
  • glue moment crystal
  • glue stick
  • brushes
  • sponge
  • masking tape
  • acrylic paint (in our case - gold, white matte)
  • acrylic varnish

Instructions for decoupage boxes:

1. First, we prepare the box for decoupage. First of all, we paste over all the joints and folds with masking tape. Then we cover the entire box (inside and outside) with PVA glue. After it dries up, paint with white paint or primer.

2. The next step is to decide what the decor of the box will be. We chose dark green napkins with an openwork pattern.

3. So, our box is dry, now we cut out a piece of white cardboard according to the size of the bottom and lid of the box and glue napkins on it. For this we need a glue stick and an iron. After separating the top layer of the napkin with the pattern, slightly sprinkle it with water, after which we go over it with an iron - the napkin will become a little larger. Using a glue pencil, glue the napkin (it should be slightly larger than the cardboard itself) and again go through it with an iron. We fold the edges of the napkin onto the seamy side of the cardboard and glue it there. We have a new bottom for the box. In the same way, we make another bottom - for the lid.

4. With the help of gold paint, which we apply on the corners, we mask out the white, which can show through if there is a slight inconsistency.

5. We glue napkins on the rest of the box using a file (this will protect the cardboard box from moisture). To do this, you need to put a napkin on the file that matches it in size. Gently stretch the napkin with water and a brush. Excess water can be gently blotted with an unnecessary layer of napkin. Then we coat the box with PVA glue and put a napkin on it, smooth it and remove the file. Leave to dry.

6. After all the parts have dried out, glue the bottoms for the box and lid prepared by us earlier. Using a sponge with gold paint, paint the edges of the box with light tangential movements and cover it all with acrylic varnish - in 2-3 layers. Each layer of varnish needs to be dried for 30-40 minutes.

DIY shoebox decoupage is ready!

In addition to decoupage a cardboard box, you can also decoupage a wine box.

Wine box decoupage workshop

The following materials are useful for decoupage:

  • old wine box
  • napkins for decoupage
  • PVA glue
  • brushes
  • craquelure composition
  • acrylic lacquer
  • primer or white acrylic paint
  • sandpaper
  • acrylic and oil paints

Step-by-step instruction

1. The first step is to prepare the box. We need to sand it with sandpaper. Then the cleaned surface is primed or coated with white acrylic paint.

The inner surface of the box does not need to be primed.

2. With the help of PVA glue and a brush, carefully, so as not to form folds, we glue napkins with the motif of your choice.

3. Paint the background with acrylic paints (white with a bronze dye). Do not try to paint over it evenly - "curved" transitions will help create an aging effect.

4. Apply the craquelure composition to the outer side of the box, and simply coat the inner one with ordinary varnish. As soon as the craquelure dries up and cracks appear, we need to cover them with brown paint (fresh oil paint, which can then be easily wiped off with a sponge dipped in water). This will accentuate the aging effect of the thing.

You can also glue napkins inside the box, or paint with background paint.

That's all! We made a decoupage box for wine, which will not be a shame to give to loved ones, with wine, together, of course!

So, today we made decoupage of a cardboard box with napkins, as well as decoupage of a wine box. We hope that our master class was useful to you. For clarity, we have prepared a small selection of videos on the topic and invite you to get acquainted with it:

Good luck in your work!

Decoupage is good because it allows you to give a second life to any old item. Using this technique, an ordinary shoebox can be turned into a box for storing jewelry and spices, or, decorated with bright pictures, made a storage for children's toys and creative kits. These homemade boxes will perfectly fit into an interior with an open storage system and will become a highlight of any modern design.

A variety of containers for storing bulk products are quite expensive, but you can make a beautiful box for cookies, sweets or tea with your own hands using decoupage. It is not for nothing that decoupage is called napkin technique, because this method of decorating products requires beautiful napkins, decoupage cards or pictures printed on a sheet of paper.

The choice of pictures for the decoration of the box must be approached responsibly, because they must be combined with each other and with the surrounding interior.

If you decide to take a drawing with one storyline, then the other images located on this box should be executed in the same theme.

A few tips for decorating boxes with napkins:

  1. For a children's room, napkins with the image of cartoon characters or pets are suitable.
  2. Men will be delighted with a box with a picture of weapons and cars. As a gift to your loved one, it is better to choose a blank box made of wood, not cardboard.
  3. A grandmother or mother can be presented with a round box decorated with photographs of relatives and friends.
  4. A cardboard box decorated with images of dishes of vegetables or fruits is suitable for the kitchen. The spice box can be decorated with a printed onion or garlic on a sheet of paper.
  5. It is better to store needles and threads in tin or plastic containers decorated by hand with themed motives.

Whichever pattern you choose, a shoe box decorated with napkins will look stylish and unusual. With a little imagination, you can create a real masterpiece that will be a great gift that speaks of your love.

Tools and materials for decoupage boxes

Before you start decorating any product, you will have to prepare some tools and materials. You can buy them at specialty or stationery stores.

Materials and tools that you may need to decoupage the box:

  • Actually the box itself, it can be metal, plastic, wooden or old shoe.
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Glue (if the box is cardboard, you can use ordinary PVA, in other cases it is better to purchase a special decoupage glue).
  • Printouts or napkins with pictures;
  • Decoupage or parquet varnish;
  • Soft brushes for painting boxes with paint;
  • Hard brushes for applying glue and varnish;
  • Sponge;
  • File;
  • A container with warm water;
  • Priming;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Additional decor elements.

Here is a minimal set of items that can be useful for decoupage boxes with your own hands. All additional materials will have to be purchased in the process of creativity.

Decoupage box for spices by implantation of printouts

For this method, it is better to use plywood blanks, since the cardboard base can delaminate during the implantation process. However, if you work very carefully, then decoupage with implantation of printouts can be used to arrange a shoe box.

In addition to the technique of implanting a printout "with a face in varnish" given here, there is another method: transferring the pattern to the product by means of a hot iron.

This technique may seem too complicated for novice decoupage girls, but if you follow all the steps carefully, then the result will delight you.

Master class for beginners on the design of the box using the technique of implantation of the printout:

  1. We sand the box with sandpaper.
  2. Apply a thin layer of a primer, white acrylic paint or stain on its surface and let it dry.
  3. On top of the ground, we apply several layers of acrylic paint of the main color. We give the boxes to dry properly. This step does not need to be performed if you used wood stain to decorate the box.
  4. Apply several layers of acrylic varnish or special glue varnish to the printed motif. We cover the places where the drawing will be implanted with a thin layer of the same composition and until it dries we lower the varnished image with its muzzle into the varnish. We leave this structure in this position until it dries completely.
  5. The next day, moisten the printout abundantly with water, and begin to roll all the paper off the product. When it seems to you that there is no more paper in the image, dry it with a hairdryer, and you will see a white bloom, you also need to get rid of it.
  6. When only a bright image remains on the product, paint the missing details with acrylic paint.
  7. Open the box with several layers of varnish and leave it to dry completely.

Despite the seeming complexity of this technique, even a beginner can handle it, the main thing is to exactly follow the described sequence of actions.

Wine box: decoupage

If you want to give your friend a bottle of good wine for the New Year, a tastefully decorated box made using decoupage technique will help to complement the gift. You can take a ready-made wooden slatted blank or use a regular box of baud boots to make it.

Decorating wine boxes using decoupage technique step by step:

  • We process the box with sandpaper;
  • We remove dust from the workpiece and degrease it with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol;
  • We cover the outer part of the box with several layers of primer, pay special attention to the lids;
  • We treat the inside with a stain;
  • Paint the outside of the wine box with a mixture of blue, pink and green paint;
  • Separate the top layer of a napkin or decoupage card and pull out the motive we need;
  • We soak it on a file in a small amount of liquid and transfer it to the surface of the base;
  • We smear the picture with glue, straightening it with a stiff brush along the box.
  • We finish the missing elements;
  • We decorate the box with gold leaf;
  • We cover the product with several layers of varnish.

It remains to put a bottle of wine in the box and the gift in the original style is ready. Such a product is not ashamed to exhibit at the fair of craftsmen in Ukraine.

Plastic box: decoupage

From an unnecessary round salad or mayonnaise jar, you can make a great box for storing chocolates, spice mixtures or craft supplies.

Decoupage can be combined with other equally interesting techniques, such as kanzashi.

For such a craft, you do not have to buy a lot of materials, and therefore, there will be no big costs.

Master class on the design of a plastic box:

  • Cut out four circles equal to the diameter of the box from white glossy paper;
  • We cover the entire surface of a plastic can with a primer;
  • We glue circles on both sides of the bottom and lid;
  • We prime the side surface of the box and glue it with a strip of decoupage napkin with the pattern you like;
  • We decorate the lid of the box with an artificial flower, which you can buy in a store or make yourself from ribbons and corrugated paper;
  • We paint over the free spaces in a color suitable for the decor and varnish.

Such an unpretentious box will become a real decoration of the kitchen space.

Do-it-yourself decoupage shoe boxes

A shoebox can serve as a storage space for spices, cereals or tea bags. In order for it to harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, it can be decorated with decoupage.

We decorate the shoe box with napkins:

  1. We glue all the joints in the corners of the box with pieces of paper or masking tape.
  2. Cover the workpiece with a white primer. Let it dry. Sand the product. Repeat these three steps at least three times.
  3. We paint the box in the main color.
  4. Separate the top layer with the pattern from the napkins. And having thickly greased with glue, we glue the pattern on the surface of the base. We iron the sides and lid of the box through the gauze so that the glue dries faster, and you can proceed to the next stage.
  5. We finish painting the missing elements, and with the help of brown paint applied to the sponge we age the edges of the box.
  6. We cover the product with 3-4 layers of varnish.

If you apply a little imagination, then in a very short period of time, you can make a beautiful and necessary thing from an object that, it would seem, is time to go to the trash.

Simple decoupage of a cardboard box (video)

Decoupage on a shoebox is a great opportunity for those new to this technique to practice before decorating more expensive items.

An ordinary solid box, for example, from under shoes, using decoupage technique can be turned into a unique piece. Decoupage boxes transforms them into beautiful interior items, in which it is convenient to store cosmetic accessories, small toilet items (hairpins, combs, brooches, etc.), various receipts, chargers, etc. This is especially important if you have furniture with open shelves in your room. Decoupage boxes of different sizes in the same style and color scheme will allow you to decorate any room with a classic interior, and deliberately different decoupage of cardboard boxes will emphasize the atmosphere of a child's room, hallway or dressing room.

The proposed master class for beginners will introduce you how to decoupage a cardboard box.

You will need:

  • shoe box (preferably without gloss);
  • three-layer napkins with a pattern;
  • acrylic paints;
  • decoupage glue;
  • soft new sponge;
  • soft brush for varnishing;
  • hard brush for gluing;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Before starting work, let's choose a motive. When choosing napkins for decoupage, we try to take into account the size of the box: for a large box we select a large picture, for a small one - small elements.

Decoupage boxes with napkins

1. If the box has a glossy surface, we need to remove the gloss with fine sandpaper. We carefully remove small pieces, brush off the dust. If the box is made of ordinary rough cardboard, then this operation is not needed.

2. With acrylic white paint, cover the entire outer part of the box with a sponge, trying to paint evenly. Let the paint dry well.

3. Glue the napkin with a brush, taking into account the following:

  • only the top paint layer of the napkin is used for the sticker;
  • no glue is applied under the napkin, you need to glue a dry napkin with a brush dipped in glue;
  • glue should be started from the edge, holding the napkin with your hand from the other edge and spreading with a glue brush with wide strokes on the surface.

If you do not have glue for decoupage, you can use acrylic varnish.

4. Fragments of the picture are glued not only on the lid, but also on the sides of the box. Let the box dry. We fix the drawing with acrylic varnish, applying it in several layers. If the acrylic varnish is glossy, then the product will be shiny, matte varnish will give the work a vintage character. The varnish layers must be calculated correctly, checking, after applying the next layer and drying, whether the box closes well.

5. We decorate the inside of the box, pasting with napkins, covering with acrylic paint or spreading it out with a cloth. Spacers can be placed inside to form smaller cells.

Improving your technique, you will gradually learn to design more complex products: original gift wrapping, book covers, decorative tables.