Children's crafts on the theme of March 8. Sculpting a greeting card with your own hands. Graceful vase of toothpicks and thread

Hello. Today, with great joy, I share new crafts for March 8, which can be done in kindergarten with the older and younger groups, you will definitely like simple and beautiful ideas, I'm sure you will quickly make them with your own hands.

I will not describe the history of International Women's Day, it is already known to many, it is better to proceed with detailed descriptions of crafts and postcards for our beloved mothers and grandmothers.

Crafts by March 8 in kindergarten are done by everyone without exception, so before the holiday fuss begins to save time, I propose to study my new ideas, repeat step-by-step descriptions and please your mother with an interesting gift.

Crafts for March 8 mom do it yourself

  1. To make a gift for mom for the holiday, you should not spend a lot of money, crafts and postcards can be made from improvised means and waste material. For this job you will need:
  • Several household napkins.
  • Sheet of cardboard.
  • Staple with staples.
  • Glue with scissors.

Working process:

Take several household napkins of different colors, cut three circles out of them. The diameters of the circles should be different, follow the decrease. Lay the circles as shown in the picture, twist and secure with a staple.
If you do not have these wipes, although they are sold in any store, use cotton pads. To make flowers from cotton pads, pre-paint them in different colors, wait until they dry, and start tinkering.

The twisted bud needs to be slightly tweaked with your hands, stretching the extreme petals. Children from the middle group of the kindergarten will cope with this work, of course, not without the help of educators.
Bend a few petals outward, as shown in the photo. According to this scheme, make three flowers.
Now we cut out the leaves from the green color, for this, cut the rectangles, randomly draw the leaves in them, cut them out.
On a cardboard sheet of any color, draw a heart, you can use my template. Cut it straight along the line. On top of the heart, assemble an arrangement of flowers and leaves, as shown in the photo.
Your gift for mom is ready by March 8, now it will not be difficult for you to do this work with children of the senior or middle group in kindergarten.

2. This original card with hearts is suitable not only for International Women's Day, but also for Valentine's Day, birthday, family day. Children of the older group can easily repeat my master class, in addition, I provide postcard templates and a step-by-step description.

To get started, we need 2 of these templates.

We cut out the dog from a sheet of white paper, by the way, now is the year of the dog, which means that this animal will blend in harmoniously. We circle the hearts and cut them out from red, you can pink.

We bend the hearts in half, prepare the glue stick.

Lubricate one half of the heart with glue, attach the half of the second heart to this side. You should get a three-dimensional figure for a postcard, watch the video.

We fold a sheet of cardboard in the center in half, level the place of the fold with our hand. Cut out a rectangle from paper of a different color, it should be slightly smaller than the postcard itself. Glue the rectangle onto the cardboard. Colored paper can be replaced with a piece of old wallpaper or wrapping paper.

At the bottom of our postcard, we need to fix the dog, we will do it with glue. Place a knitting thread or ribbon under the nose of the dog, pre-lubricate the tip. Press down with your fingers so that the thread sticks.
A do-it-yourself postcard for a kindergarten is almost ready, it remains to fix a three-dimensional heart. The second piece of thread, also coat with glue and stretch it up, place a heart on the thread.
Do not forget to grease the halves of the heart with glue. Postcard for mom is ready.

Friends, mothers, educators, now you also know how easy it is to make crafts and postcards with children of the older or middle group in kindergarten.

Crafts for March 8 junior group

So I got to the crafts that can be done with children 1 and 2 of the younger group in kindergarten. Toddlers are still bad at scissors, glue and other items, so they need simple and easy work.

Prepare a few branches, they can be found under any tree, or take kitchen skewers and wrap them with green paper. Fix the edges of the paper with glue.
Roll a ball out of one cube of plasticine, if it is difficult for a child to do this, help him. Put a plasticine ball on a stick or twig.
Take cotton swabs, divide them in half with scissors. Now alternately insert the halves of the cotton buds into the plasticine ball.

Collect a bouquet of three or more flowers, tie them with a ribbon. Gift for mom or grandmother on March 8th. Even the smallest children will cope with such a bouquet. This option is perfect for a kindergarten of a younger group.

Crafts in the garden on March 8

Such crafts for mothers in the garden on March 8 will be made even by children of the 1st junior group. To work, you will need cosmetic discs, a glue stick, a green piece of paper, a piece of plasticine and cardboard.

We roll a ball from a piece of plasticine, crush it a little with our fingers or palm, grease it with glue, and attach it to a postcard.
Around the core, we draw with glue with a pencil, we fasten our petals from cotton pads.
Now we cut out leaves and a stem for a flower from colored paper, glue it and the craft for kindergarten on March 8 is ready. You can make such a postcard at home with your own hands, give it to your grandmother.

Friends, here are such interesting, beautiful and easy crafts for March 8, I recommend doing it yourself, use ideas for kindergarten, for elementary grades, do homework using my step-by-step photos and descriptions.

Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

A wonderful holiday on March 8 is impossible to imagine without beautiful flowers, warm congratulations and sweet ones, including those made with your own hands. Particularly touching are children's crafts for March 8 with their own hands, which kids prepare for mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens and elementary schools. What materials do they use to create these lovely souvenirs for International Women's Day! With a light hand, ordinary cotton pads, corrugated paper, napkins, water tubes, scraps of fabric turn into amazingly beautiful flowers, vases, jewelry and other presents. Such do-it-yourself crafts delight mothers and grandmothers for many years, reminding them of the sincere and good moments of the holiday. Our article today contains simple master classes with step-by-step photos and instructions for creating original crafts for March 8, which any child can master. Read more about how to make a beautiful gift with your own hands for International Women's Day, read on.

Do-it-yourself crafts for March 8 from cotton pads for the senior group of the kindergarten, a master class with a photo

Let's start with a do-it-yourself craft for the older group of the kindergarten on March 8 - sophisticated callas from cotton pads. This master class can also be used for children in the middle group of the kindergarten. More details on how to make this version of crafts for March 8 from cotton pads with your own hands in the senior group of kindergarten, below.

Necessary materials for crafts on March 8 from cotton pads for the senior group

cotton pads

  • cotton swabs for ears
  • yellow marker
  • straws for drinks

Instructions for DIY crafts from cotton pads on March 8 for kindergarten

  1. As mentioned above, in this version of the craft, it is proposed to make an original bouquet of cotton pads, consisting of calla flowers. First you need to make stamens for this amazing flower. To do this, one side of the cotton swab needs to be painted with a yellow felt-tip pen.

  2. Then the finished stamen should be glued to a cotton pad, as shown in the photo below.

  3. The edges of the disc must be wrapped inward, forming the basis for the bud, and secured with glue.

  4. The free end of the stick should be inserted into the green drink tube, which will become the stem for the flower.

  5. Then you need to make another petal from a cotton pad and fix it on the stem with glue. Ready!

How to make a craft "Tulip" on March 8 with your own hands for mom, grandmother, step by step

The tulip can be called the flower-symbol of International Women's Day, so it is not surprising that it is often chosen for presentations on March 8th. Making a DIY craft in the form of a tulip on March 8 for mom or grandmother is not difficult at all. For example, you can create a stunning bouquet of corrugated paper tulips, which will please its owner for many years. Learn how to make a Tulip craft with your own hands on March 8 for mom or grandmother from the next master class.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts in the form of a tulip on March 8

  • corrugated paper in different colors
  • pliers
  • cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • green adhesive tape
  • thin wire
  • hot glue
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make a tulip with your own hands on March 8 for mom, grandmother

Original DIY postcard for March 8 for kindergarten, step by step

An original and good version of do-it-yourself postcard crafts for March 8 for kindergarten awaits you further. In this master class, there will be no traditional figure eight, which usually adorns the front side of any children's postcard on March 8th. How to make an original DIY postcard for March 8 for kindergarten, read on.

Necessary materials for crafts-postcards on March 8 in kindergarten

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • white cardboard
  • double sided tape

Instructions on how to make a card for March 8 with your own hands for kindergarten

  1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half.

  2. From pink and red paper, cut out hearts of the same size.

  3. We take 2 hearts of pink and red color and put one blank on the other. By the same principle, we will attach hearts to postcards, forming a three-dimensional beautiful flower from them.

  4. On the back side of the blanks we fix double-sided tape. We spread the petals-hearts on cardboard, forming a flower that looks like a peony. In this case, the red and pink hearts should also be connected to each other on one side with adhesive tape.

  5. Gently move clockwise, forming a flower. Ready!

Beautiful DIY crafts for March 8 from satin ribbons, a step-by-step master class

Incredibly beautiful crafts for March 8 with your own hands can be made from satin ribbons. Ribbons make lovely decorations, such as brooches, for mothers and grandmothers. Learn how to make beautiful crafts for March 8 with your own hands from satin ribbons in the form of brooches from the following step-by-step master class with a photo.

Necessary materials for crafts on March 8 from satin ribbons with your own hands

  • satin ribbons 2-3 shades
  • lace
  • large beads / pearls / beads
  • thread and needle
  • scissors
  • pin

Step-by-step instructions on how to make crafts from satin ribbons on March 8 with your own hands

  1. First you need to make blanks for the brooch. To do this, a wide tape must be cut into 8 pieces of 6 cm in length. Each segment should be folded in half. Two segments need to be folded in the form of a heart, as shown in the photo below, and stitched with threads.

  2. Of the four finished blanks, you need to make two. To do this, 2 blanks need to be folded together crosswise and stitched with threads.

  3. Then the blanks should be folded together again crosswise and stitched with a few stitches.

  4. A thinner ribbon of a different color should be cut into 5 pieces of 3-4 cm in length. Each piece must be folded together and stitched from the bottom.

  5. Small blanks should be laid out on top of the main part of the brooch and secured with threads. Then cut off a small piece of lace ribbon and use a thread to form a blank out of it, as in the photo below.

  6. The lace part should also be sewn to the main part of the brooch. Then the middle of the jewelry must be decorated with beads or pearls. Attach a large pin to the back of the brooch with glue. Ready.

Children's crafts for March 8 with their own hands from napkins for elementary school, a master class with a photo

The next master class of children's crafts on March 8 with their own hands from napkins is perfect for elementary school. It tells how you can use the origami technique to turn an ordinary paper napkin into a useful vase in which you can store small jewelry, sweets and other trifles. Read more about how to make children's crafts for March 8 with your own hands from napkins for elementary school in the master class below.

Necessary materials for crafts on March 8 with your own hands from napkins for school

  • paper napkins in different colors
  • small jar or glass

Instructions for children's crafts on March 8 from napkins for elementary school

  1. We take a napkin and straighten it carefully.

  2. Now we bend each corner of the napkin inward to its middle.

  3. We repeat the same thing, but with the corners of the resulting square.

  4. Once again we repeat the same thing - we bend each corner inward to the middle of the napkin. Press with your finger for a few seconds so that the workpiece holds its shape better.

  5. Now we turn over the workpiece. Again, bend each corner to the middle and lightly press with your finger so that the workpiece does not fall apart.

  6. Then we turn the workpiece over again and put it on the opening of the jar or glass.

  7. Now, holding the middle of the workpiece with your index finger, carefully straighten each fold of the napkin, as shown in the photo below.

  8. After the first four "petals" are straightened, we move on to the next row of corners. We continue to straighten each corner one by one until all the “petals” are dissolved.

  9. Now it remains to carefully remove the finished vase from the jar and turn it over. This is just the perfect device for storing small things that need to be kept at hand at all times.

Do-it-yourself paper crafts for March 8 for mom, master class with photo

This version of paper crafts with your own hands on March 8 will appeal to any mother. After all, it is a huge peony flower, which is not inferior in beauty to its living counterpart. Learn how to make this do-it-yourself paper craft for March 8 for mom from the next step-by-step master class.

Necessary materials for paper crafts for mom on March 8 do it yourself

  • corrugated paper pink, green
  • wooden skewers
  • green paper tape
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make paper crafts with your own hands for mom in honor of March 8

  1. First of all, you need to draw a template for a large heart, which will become the basis for the correct shape of the petals of our peony. The finished template should be attached to corrugated paper and cut out 8-10 blanks.

  2. We put two wooden skewers or sticks together and wrap them with green paper tape - this will be the basis for the peony stem.

  3. Now you need to give the petals the correct shape. To do this, each heart blank must be properly stretched in the middle. Then the edges of the petal should be slightly wound around the pencil in the opposite direction, as shown in the photo below.

  4. At the next stage, you can proceed to the assembly of the flower. To do this, each petal must be wrapped around the stem and secured with glue and tape.

  5. From green corrugated paper, you need to cut a blank for a leaflet, and then fix it on the stem with paper tape.

  6. It remains to cut out the base for the sepal from green paper and fix it on top with adhesive tape.

Do-it-yourself crafts master class for a child on March 8, video with instructions

You can find another simple master class of the original DIY craft for March 8 for a child with step-by-step instructions in the video below. In this do-it-yourself crafts master class for a child on March 8, it is shown how you can make a very interesting present for mom or grandmother from colored paper. Details in the video below.

The most beautiful, blooming spring holiday - March 8 - is very close! He is a harbinger of spring, beauty and sunny days. On this day, everything blooms and smells. The first spring flowers bloom - snowdrops, birds fly in, everything in the area comes to life. On this holiday, all women, girls and girls are waiting for something special. So how to congratulate your beloved mom, granny, nephew, girlfriend, sister?

Of course, the best gift made with your own hands. In this article you will see a lot of craft ideas for March 8th.

DIY materials

So from what you can make crafts for the eighth of March:

  • Colored paper or thick cardboard.
  • Pasta.
  • Plastic spoons (bottles).
  • Beads.
  • Candies.
  • Plasticine.
  • Salty dough.

  • "Blossoming Lily"
  • "Flower for Mom"
  • Spoon snowdrops.
  • Paper rose.
  • Unusual chamomile.
  • Flower of cotton buds.
  • Magnet is a heart made of salt dough.

"Blossoming Lily"

You will need:

  • Colored cardboard (green).
  • The paper is white.
  • Scissors.
  • Heart templates (you can draw by hand).

Manufacturing progress:

Take a heart template, cut it out on green paper. Cut out lily flower template. From yellow colored paper, cut out the middle of the lily. Glue the flower to the heart. Attach the yellow center to the flower. Blooming lily is ready!

"Flower for Mom"

We will take:

  • Black pencil.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Large flower stencil.

Working process:

We outline the stencil on cardboard. We roll balls from corrugated paper. Dip the resulting balls in glue and glue them on the flower. The flower is ready!

Snowdrops from spoons

To craft these beautiful spring flowers, we need:

  • Plasticine mass (green and yellow shades).
  • Plastic spoons.
  • Already old, unnecessary plasticine.
  • Cocktail pipes (green).
  • Green bottle.
  • Napkins (green).
  • Flower pot.

Instructions for making crafts:

We twist the ball from unsuitable plasticine, and lay it on the bottom of the pot. Roll 7 carrots from green plasticine and do the same with yellow plasticine. Attach a yellow carrot tightly to the tube. We carry out such actions with all seven cocktail tubes.

Cut off the handles of the plastic spoons. We insert three petals into each tube. From the green bottle we cut out the leaves of our snowdrops. We alternately attach the snowdrops to the plasticine located in our pot. We also attach the leaves.

We put green napkins in a flower pot to simulate grass. Here are the wonderful snowdrops ready, it remains to give them to your mother or grandmother.

the Rose

To form a flower you will need:

  • Double-sided paper in different colors.
  • Corrugated green paper.
  • Wire (preferably aluminum).
  • Scissors.


  • From multi-colored paper of red shades of color, cut out a circle. Draw a spiral in the resulting circle.
  • We cut carefully in a spiral, we try as evenly as possible. We twist the spiral.
  • We glue the resulting structure. Let's dry. From green colored paper, cut out leaves for a rose.
  • Glue the flower bud to the leaves. We wrap the wire with green paper. We fix the bud to its base with glue.

Chamomile from cotton pads

You need:

  • Cotton discs.
  • Threads for sewing white.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • plastic mass.
  • Durable multi-colored cardboard.
  • Multi-colored paper (any color).

Manufacturing process:

First we make the petals of our chamomile, for this we twist the cotton pads with the edges up. So we make 8-9 petals. We connect the petals with a thread.

For the core of the flower, take a disk and dip it in yellow paint. Let's dry. We smear the middle with glue and form a flower. Let's make a stalk from green paper and 3-4 sheets per stalk. We form a flower. Chamomile is ready.


For a fake, we will take:

  • Cotton sticks.
  • Plasticine mass for modeling (yellow).
  • Felt pens or markers.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored cardboard.


We take a leaf of colorful cardboard, absolutely any color that your soul desires, this will be our basis. Now you need to cut the sticks into two parts, scissors will help us with this.

From plasticine we make the middle of our inflorescence. We roll a plasticine ball. In the resulting ball we insert cotton swabs in a circle.

We stick the resulting flower to thick cardboard. Draw the stem and leaves with markers. If you wish, you can add pleasant words of congratulations.

Salt dough heart magnet

We will need:

  • Corn flour.
  • Salty dough.
  • PVA glue.
  • Magnet.

Manufacturing process:

First, prepare the salt dough. To do this, we take 300 g of ordinary wheat flour and 150 g of salt, so that the dough smells, you can take sea salt with some kind of smell. Add water and any food coloring. Mix well.

Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter to shape it into a heart shape. Let's dry our heart.

The dried heart from the heart must be smeared with glue and decorated with cornmeal on top. Spread glue on the other side of the heart and attach a magnet. You can add beads if you like.


Every girl, girl, woman, grandmother will be pleased to receive a gift on this gentle spring holiday. And it's even nicer if this gift is made with your own hands. Therefore, do not be lazy and take some time to make a gift and give it to your beloved women. By the way, you can show off the photos of crafts you donated on March 8 to your friends.

Photo crafts for March 8

Hooray! Hooray! Coming soon March 8th! - the representatives of the fair sex dream. On this day, they will accept congratulations from men of all ages. This day is impossible to imagine without flowers, gifts and… handicrafts.

Always on the eve of this holiday, children in kindergartens and schools embody their creative talents by making crafts for their mother, sister or grandmother with their own hands, and then look forward to giving them. For example, as a child, I could not wait for the holiday and gave all my craft gifts much earlier. And then she sat down again to sculpt, glue and draw new ones, inspired by the generous praise for her creative efforts.

Children enjoy making crafts. Thanks to this activity, they can not only congratulate someone in an original way, but also develop fine motor skills, concentration and creativity.

Beautiful crafts can be made from anything. There are a lot of bright interesting materials available nowadays. Entire stores are dedicated to handmade crafts. Today we will look at some successful craft ideas that children can make from improvised and purchased items on their own or with the help of adults.

Toddlers learn a lot in kindergarten. Before the holidays, they learn to make their own souvenirs that can be presented.

Any gift should be beautifully wrapped. Even children from the younger groups of kindergarten can cope with this craft.

Souvenir sweets:

For the manufacture you will need simple materials:

  • Cardboard tubes. You can use tubes from toilet paper, kitchen foil, etc.
  • Packing bright paper.
  • Threads, tape.
  • Jewelry, sequins.
  • Small prepackaged gifts.

To begin with, we will prepare the basis for future packaging - tubes. Peel off the remnants of paper, cut into pieces.

You also need to prepare small gifts. They must fit freely in the diameter of the tube.

Cut the wrapping paper into pieces and wrap them around the tubes.

If necessary, fix the paper with glue so that the candy does not unfold ahead of time. From one edge of the candy, carefully tie the paper with a beautiful ribbon.

Now it remains to fill the candy with gifts and decorated elements, and tie the second edge of the paper with a ribbon.

The process of making a souvenir candy takes a little time, and even small children can cope with this task, of course, adults should help them.

Older children (schoolchildren) can set the task a little more difficult. Almost all adults have mobile phones and mom will be happy to carry her smartphone in a case that her beloved child will make.

To do this, children need to know the size of their mother's phone and prepare pieces of felt of beautiful colors, buttons and threads in advance.

First you need to cut out the main piece of felt on the cover. When calculating the size of the future cover, please note that the side seam will take 5 mm. fabric on each side. It is necessary to add 1 cm per seam to the width of the phone.

Fold the main piece of fabric in half and sew with threads on both sides (side and bottom), as shown in the image below.

From the felt of bright colors, you need to cut out several small flowers.

Sew the prepared flowers onto the cover using buttons. The original gift is ready.

You can also make a stylish necklace for your mother or sister with your own hands.

This does not require special skills and rare expensive materials. All you need is:

  • Multicolored threads.
  • Thin rope.
  • Lock for jewelry.
  • Transparent glue.
  • Wire.

First you will need to cut the rope of the required length. If you do not have a clasp on the necklace, then the segment should be so long that the necklace can be worn over the head.

On the rope you need to fix the thread with a knot and glue it. Carefully wind the colored threads with 2-3 cm lengths around the rope, tie the thread and fix it with glue for reliability, as in the figure below.

Do the same with threads of a different color. After that, wind a thicker dark thread cross-over-cross on the side, as shown in the image below.

Attach the edges of the dark threads to the rope with a wire, the ends of which must be carefully cut off and pressed against the inside of the rope.

Now we are preparing tassels from the same threads that we wound on the necklace.

Cut the bundle and tie with a thread.

Attach fluffy tassels to sections of thread of the appropriate color.

It remains only to fasten the lock or tie the rope with a neat knot.

Thanks to simple instructions, the kids will prepare a stylish and beautiful gift.

Ideas and templates for voluminous postcards from colored paper and cardboard

In addition to gifts and flowers, any woman is pleased to receive a card from her child. Let's consider several options for making voluminous postcards with congratulations.

A postcard for mom can be prepared from the following materials:

  • Finished elements (you need to print and cut them according to the patterns below).
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Glue.
  • Colored paper (decorative) for the base.

To get started, print the image below, with all the necessary elements.

Now you need to carefully cut out all the elements and the envelope for the bear from the paper.

In several places of the silhouette stick double-sided tape.

Now the elements of the paws and the head of the bear need to be glued onto the adhesive tape in the appropriate places, and the silhouette of the bear itself should be glued to the base of colored paper.

As a result, you should get a three-dimensional postcard.

Now it remains to fold the envelope,

glue it with tape and fix a flower of colored paper in the middle.

Glue the envelope under the paws of the bear.

It remains only to write a congratulation and hand it to mom.

Using stencils, you can make beautiful postcards. Below are a few templates you can use.

Here is such a voluminous postcard you can make.

There is a ready-made template for it, you can print it.

You can also cut openwork butterflies from the inside

or these flowers.

The result will be like this

and such a voluminous postcard.

It takes a little practice and you can get a variety of options.

Look at a few more options for postcards made from colored paper. Here, for example, this one:

Or like this:

Kids will love making these cards.

Here is such a beauty:

Elegant bouquets of flowers:

Turn on your creative imagination, and you will definitely get an original postcard.

Crafts for kindergarten with children

A beautiful bouquet of colored paper is very suitable for a kindergarten.

For crafts, you need to prepare glue, scissors and colored paper.

Let's start by preparing the base. Fold a sheet of colored green paper in half along the long side, glue the edges with glue, and make “fringe” cuts at the bottom. Roll the workpiece into a tube and glue it with glue so that it does not unwind.

The next step is to cut flowers out of paper in different colors. After that, it remains to glue them to impromptu stems and leaves.

See below for some more simple crafts.

The flower is on the paper plate above.

Flowers from corrugated colored paper.

Bouquet on the palms.

Take these ideas, they will be fun to make with children, and moms and grandmothers will love the gifts.

Paper flowers for March 8, made for mom and grandmother by children

Not only men can give women flowers. Little kids can do it too. From improvised materials they make beautiful bouquets of flowers. Below we consider several options for self-production.

For this craft you will need the following:

  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • stapler.
  • Colored and openwork napkins.
  • White paper.
  • Decorated ribbon.

First of all, let's prepare the packaging for the bouquet. To do this, fold the openwork napkin in half. Try to make the patterns match.

After that, we fold it again.

Now unfold the napkin and cut out a quarter of the napkin along the lines.

Make a few cuts in the center.

Lubricate the edges with glue and shape the napkin into a cone and fix it.

From ordinary paper you will need to make a pen. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half, and then cut it into two equal parts along the line, as shown in the image below.

Roll the pieces into a roll and glue them together.

Now carefully insert the roll into the hole in the middle of the napkin and fix it with glue.

To make flowers, we need colored thin napkins.

First of all, fold the napkin in half twice.

At a slight angle, start twisting the napkin. You should get a bud that needs to be fixed with a stapler.

Thus, it is necessary to prepare several buds. Then cut out the squares from the green napkin.

In the middle, make a neat incision, as shown in the photo.

Now you need to insert the bud and fix it with glue.

When all the elements of the bouquet are ready, they need to be assembled into a coherent composition. To do this, grease the buds with glue and fix them on a cone-shaped package.

The handle of the bouquet can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon. Even small children can make such a bouquet.

A beautiful bouquet can be made from sweets and paper.

For crafts you need to prepare:

  • Wooden skewers.
  • Chocolate candies.
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Scotch.
  • Colored corrugated paper.

From corrugated paper, you need to cut 27 strips 4X15 cm. As a result, you should get 9 tulips, that is, 3 petals for each flower.

You also need to cut 9 strips of green paper. Size 2-25 cm.

You will also need to cut a long strip 1 cm wide from green paper. You will need it for winding.

Now you can start making flowers. The red stripe in the middle must be twisted. Then fold in half and gently pull out both ends, giving a convex volume.

You will get the following petals:

On a skewer with sweets, it is necessary to fix 3 petals each, forming a bud. You can secure the base of the flower with tape.

A wooden skewer should be wrapped with green stripes.

Here they are in finished form:

To make leaves, strips of green paper need to be twisted in the middle, folded in half, and double-sided tape is attached to the bottom edge, and then fixed on a skewer.

A beautiful bouquet of corrugated paper tulips is ready.

You can make crafts for the holiday with your own hands from any improvised materials. You can use the ideas from this article, as well as turn on your imagination and come up with something original.