Energy self-defense. Loss of human energy or who and what is eating up your energy

We will consider where we dissipate the energy of our shell
In addition to a qualitative characteristic, a biofield has a quantitative characteristic, and the more energy we hold, the more strength we retain for action. And this means - the greater the energy potential, the more chances we have to survive. There are many ways to increase energy, but in this chapter we will look at the channels through which we lose energy in situations of everyday communication.

Knowledge of these processes in itself contributes to the accumulation of energy. Energy, as you know, moves after our attention to the object to which our senses are directed.

Situation one - rudeness

This happens everywhere, especially on public transport, or on the street. You have heard remarks like: "Where are you going, cow!" and. etc. With the help of knowledge about the work of energy, rudeness can be avoided. A ham is a person who instinctively probes the line where elements of fear arise in order to receive energy recharge (gain strength). If the fear inside you is triggered, the boor is filled with strength. People who have no fear very rarely encounter rudeness in relation to themselves. If you are indifferent to fear, in no way showing your fear to the boor, if you exclude fear from under the sternum, the boor will immediately lag behind.

You can master this technique: when again you will be rude, try to imagine yourself like Buddha, with an even gaze detached from emotions, unchanging facial expressions, without hustle and bustle in movements and complete calmness inside. If you learn to do this, you will witness an amazing phenomenon. You will feel how the boor begins to fidget, not understanding what is actually happening, since he is losing energy. He will simply have to fidget and leave in disbelief. It looks very funny. In general, all methods of internal blocking of energy are very funny.

One of my students mastered the method of influencing the traffic police officers, maintaining the vibration of a cold conviction in his righteousness, not letting in the doubt and energy of the guard. After some time, the guard himself, deprived of support, realizes that it is useless to talk to this person. My students conducted many other experiments that I did not approve of - they went to the theater without a ticket, in the subway without a token, entered respectable restaurants without a seat, and the like. The root of this technique is the same - keeping one's own vibration as the only true one, blocking the emotional channel that everyone instinctively uses to get to the bottom of the truth. The opponent always probes you with his feelings, but if you do not allow his energy to feel something, or play back emptiness or cold indifference, the opponent falls out of the usual coordinates of interaction. The people who threaten you have only one goal - to scare and seize your energy. If at the same time you do not react inside, the effect is amazing.

Some, in response to rudeness, use cold air intake, feeling how cool air moves freely down the front of the body, over and over again. A bully or a boor is already accustomed to intimidating a person to receive a portion of new bioenergy, but if you are already rooted in your fearlessness, the hooligans stop pestering you. Because, before you hit, every boor probes the threshold of your fear.

I had a lot of funny situations when I used these techniques. Once, when I was walking through the park, I saw a crowd of drunken hooligans ahead. There was nowhere to turn, and I went further through them. Immediately, one, acting according to the algorithm he had already passed, abruptly grabbed my chest, looked into my eyes and ... And he saw nothing in them: He froze for a few seconds, and then let go of me, stepping back. I have met such a sudden freeze of people attacking me many times, until I completely got rid of the fear of rudeness.

I was seventeen years old, and one night, returning from a trip, I walked through the station square with my mother. And we saw an unforgettable sight: two micro-districts staged a real Kulikovo battle. A huge crowd of people beat each other with anything at a very fast pace. And I found myself in an extremely difficult situation: on the one hand, I needed to protect myself, and on the other, my mother.

The situation was such that we could not bypass the crowd in another way. And I remembered the story of the Indian mystic S. Aurobindo about how a brick falling from a building chooses a victim. His students conducted such an experiment, finding out that if there is no fear of a brick in the head, then the brick will not fall on the head, that is, if there is no connection between the object and its content in the mind, then these objects will never meet.

In an outburst of youthful romanticism, I renounced all emotions and imagined that these fighters were not connected with us in any way, that they did not feel us, and we did not see them, and that in general my mind was pure. I remember how we walked through them, hearing the muffled sounds of blows, their fall, but we passed this swarming mass, and no one touched us. I was incredibly happy and, remembering the wisdom of Aurobindo, relaxed. And then I saw that two more followed us, and walked relentlessly 20 meters away, turning after us into a pine forest, and since there were knives and everything else in use, I became a little wary and began to free myself from my inner fear with renewed vigor, from thoughts of persecutors. After a few minutes they turned the other way. That is, there was no emotional connection between us, through which they could intimidate us to begin with, and then rob us both in the direct and in the energetic sense.

What is fear in general? - it has a positive side: it warns you of danger. Fear is a bundle of destabilized energy aimed at correcting the situation that caused it.

You must remember - if the boor is not afraid, he loses interest in you. Thus, energy is conserved in provoking situations.

Situation two - envy

When we see a successful person, a new thing, a fortunate destiny, we begin to envy. Envy is the release of energy.

Everyone we envy gets our energy. Some people unconsciously dress better, use expensive jewelry and accessories to collect as much energy as possible. People who want to achieve anything in life do not envy, they do it. That is, they give money, energy, investing them so that they return, and not accumulate. The narrow-minded person is distinguished by envy.

Situation three - sympathy, compassion, pity

This is also an emotion of energy flow, when you not only give up your energy, but you can also capture disharmonious someone else's energy. If you are involved in pity and compassion, then turn on 0.01%, otherwise you give up energy. Often friends and acquaintances in moments of mental weakness call or come to you to get your compassion.

It is their intuitive request for additional energy from you as you open up and allow them to pour out their soul. How exactly to be is up to you. If you accustom your acquaintances to constant compassion on your part, then I am afraid that as a result you will spawn a vampire. Remember that you yourself need energy to keep your luck by the tail, and your constant potential supports all the things that happen in your life. Such processes are especially intensified if you and your friend drink alcoholic beverages. Here is a simple example that will seem unusual to someone who has not developed vibrational awareness.

This example is the result of a significant decrease in energy potential. One entrepreneur worked hard all day. He was tormented by employees, non-payments and other problems, and he finished his work, as usual, after midnight. As soon as he was about to leave the office, a friend called, in a very sad and anxious voice, told that he had problems with his girlfriend. It seemed that his friend was exhausted and evoked all kinds of sympathy. Then our businessman accepted the invitation to stop by for a cup of tea, as a result of which they shared their problems until five o'clock in the morning, having tasted half of the bar. Having returned home exhausted, our businessman went to sleep for an hour before the morning trip. He woke up, drank the strongest tea and went with the goods to another city. But what happened: the car started to junk and broke down. They had to freeze in the cold, all plans were thwarted. For an ordinary person, this is just a breakdown of a machine, for a person who is conscious at a vibrational level, it is the result of energy depletion. The energy was depleted because he spent it not only on employees until late at night, but also on a friend all night and on accelerating the release of energy - alcohol in the third.

Situation four - conscience

Conscience is a property of the psyche to compare the amount of energy consumed and given. We always want that energy and attention that we give to a person returned to us. And if he does not reciprocate with us, we believe that he has no conscience, that is, he took energy, but did not give or gave much less. It is a deep inner mechanism. It is necessary to give no less than you receive, then the balance will be observed, and harmony will be preserved inside.

Situation five - gossip

Gossip is a subconscious desire for energy from the person being gossiped about. If this person is a creative and vulnerable nature, such gossip in a team can destroy his shell, and he will get sick. If he forms a bank of faith in his positive qualities among friends, family and friends, then it will be more difficult for gossip to break through his shell. Therefore, people who have a strong family, good good friends, succeed much more and feel stronger in life - they have something to rely on: the thought forms of close people, as a rule, are aimed at positive personality traits and faith in his strength.

Situation six - man and woman

a) The family can accumulate energy in the case of strong emotional and mental relationships, in the absence of energy dissipation outside (for lovers) - such a union will have a huge energy supply for both spouses. Especially if they are in tune with each other. Such a union will give both spouses real happiness and joy of life. Faith maintains this connection. Each other's energy is enriched by passing the marital ring of mutual attention.

b) For example, a husband finds a mistress, and a wife loses faith in him, then this closed system stops working, as the energy spills out. The husband, instead of enriching his spouse with energy, gives energy to his mistress, expecting return energy and attention, respectively, from his mistress and not from his wife. That is, the husband has a ring with his mistress - the wife remains de-energized. If she does not have the patience to wait for her husband to leave his mistress, then without receiving the energy of attention, she will be forced to look for nourishment in another man or find marriage inappropriate.

c) If both spouses have sluggish feelings for each other, or even enter into a relationship at all under the pressure of relatives or chance, then such a marriage, although it proceeds without problems, is completely useless from the point of view of the accumulation of energy. They do not enrich each other with energy by creating a ring of mutual attention, but keep their relationship through artificial speculative goals.

d) The husband loves, but the wife stops loving. In this case, the husband energizes the wife. And the wife wastes energy on others, not having one of her own. Of course, this will exhaust the husband to a critical point, which will lead to a break in the relationship. He simply does not want to give energy to a woman who simply gives it to others.

e) The husband loves, and the wife has only negative feelings towards her husband. In this case, both of them will experience loss of energy and acquire a lot of unnecessary diseases if they do not disperse. Because the fact that she contains subconscious aggression inside will provoke her husband's aggression.

f) It so happens that either due to her cowardice or stupidity, the wife simply absorbs energy. It is not capable of either reflecting it or amplifying it - then the effect of a black hole is formed.

g) The wife makes a friend. This situation dramatically weakens a loving husband (if he is not able to rebuild his psyche and find another wife, there are monogamous people). The husband has the features of all her lovers. He starts swinging, making money, making modern haircuts and adopting any other given properties of a lover. Because sometimes it takes years to understand the rudeness of a loved one and disperse.

He cannot realize that she does not love him as he is, but the quality of a lover he has taken over. All this is an artificial union. It is worth noting that such a woman, the spouse of a person who is strong in emotions and mind, is a tidbit for weaker men. (According to research by V. Ivanov.)


If you encourage rudeness in people, flatter people, sympathize and accustom people to undeserved compliments and other bio-nourishment from themselves, then they will become impudent and confuse their own and others, turning into energy vampires in a matter of weeks.

It is necessary to understand that a strong person himself generates healthy strong energy of emotions and mind.

He himself tries to cope with all the problems that arise in his life, drawing from them additional wisdom and strength. The amount of energy potential determines the ability of a person. Conservation of energy must be approached consciously. We waste enormous amounts of energy in situations of inappropriate communication.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

It's great to be an energetic and cheerful person - to feel that you can move mountains and cope with any task! Recently, I have come to the conclusion that such a state is the norm for absolutely any person. And not only during vacation, but always. And the fact that most people experience chronic fatigue and loss of energy is not at all connected with the fact that there are a lot of stress and a frantic rhythm in modern society. More precisely, with this too, but not in the first place.

I think that in the days of our great-grandmothers there were enough problems. Nevertheless, there were people who remained vigorous - despite the huge number of things to do and the difficulties of life. The same is happening now. There are people who live in megacities, work in responsible jobs, have a large family and are full of energy, which they have enough for hobbies, self-development, travel ... And there are people who get tired before starting to do something.

I believe that the key point here is understanding where we spend energy and how we replenish it. And the first is much more important. Rather than looking for ways to fill with energy, isn't it easier not to waste it? And in order to do this, it is important to be aware of the connection between your actions and your emotional state. Energy by itself does not go anywhere. Although, of course, it is sometimes easier for us to think that a noisy city, hard work or a negligent spouse takes away all our strength ... In fact, we are the creators of our life. We take actions that lead to a loss of energy. In this article I will tell you what these actions are.


Any business has a cycle: design - action - result:

  1. First, an idea arises ("shouldn't I do ...?"). In the wake of enthusiasm, we in all colors imagine the result of doing the job. It gives us energy and stimulates us to take action.
  2. We are starting to carry out our plans. That is, we direct our energy to the execution of the case.
  3. When a business is completed and we see a result that suits us, we experience emotional satisfaction. It gives us energy. And the cycle is closed.

But in practice, it does not always work out so smoothly. Very often we freeze at stage 2 and the cycle remains incomplete. This happens if the case turned out to be more complicated than we expected (it requires more time, effort, money). Or if too many things have accumulated at one point in time, and there is simply not enough energy to complete them. And the reason may be an elementary inability to plan cases and set deadlines for their completion.

Unfinished business takes energy and causes emotional decline! They resemble anchors that prevent you from moving forward. And the more unfinished business "hanging", the more anchors, and the more devastated you feel.

What I would recommend:

  • Don't plan too many things at once. Find your sweet spot between no tasks and too many.
  • Solve difficult tasks in stages. At the end of each intermediate stage, record the result. This will give the necessary completeness and burst of energy to do the "big thing."
  • Don't set yourself impossible tasks. Tasks that are too complex and beyond your reach will drain your energy reserves. It's good to set the bar just above your current ability.
  • Be sure to praise yourself for every task or step you complete, regardless of the outcome. If the result is worse than expected, just praise yourself for trying, trying, gaining experience ...
  • Don't set tasks that are perpetual. Each case must have a time benchmark, otherwise it will be postponed "until better times" and will be unfinished.

Unfinished cycles can be not only for material affairs (buy a thing, clean up the house, learn English, do yoga), but also for emotional ones! For example, you promise a lot and fulfill little. Or you keep a lot of resentment towards someone and do not express it. It's like a mess, not in the apartment, but in the shower. Until you clear this mess, it will be difficult to move forward.


Perhaps nothing takes as much energy as life in masks! We start trying on masks in childhood and this happens as a response to the behavior of our parents. If the parents scold or punish the child at the moment when he sincerely expresses his feelings, emotions, abilities, then for the child this becomes a signal: “never again show yourself real, do as they like, play the role and then you will receive approval and love".

From childhood, a person remembers these rules of the game and continues to follow them as an adult. That is, it plays a role, fearing that otherwise it will not receive the approval of colleagues, friends, or a loved one. This is a typical situation for most people! And it leads to the fact that sometimes we are not able to separate from the masks that we wear and start living our own lives. Instead, we continue to play the roles of the ideal wife, the always strong man, the diligent clever, the independent woman, etc.

It is a heavy burden to constantly correspond to the chosen role, which is not really close to your soul! This devastates and takes a lot of life energy that could be directed towards realizing talents and true desires. It's like dragging someone else's heavy bag all your life - you seem to do something and get public approval, but there is no happiness.

What I would recommend:

  • Become aware of what kind of masks you are wearing. To do this, ask yourself: How important is the opinion of other people to me? how painfully do I react to criticism? how often do I compare myself to someone? in what situations am I afraid to be myself? For example, am I afraid of appearing more stupid than others? How do I end up doing: live with this fear or do something despite the fear?
  • Understand that masks are always the result of self-acceptance. Once you love and accept yourself with all your flaws, you stop fearing that others will not accept you. You just allow yourself to be yourself.
  • Create new, positive experiences. To do this, begin to show yourself in what you were afraid to show earlier - talk about your desires, express your opinion, joke out loud ... And you will see that this does not threaten anything terrible.
  • Think back to yourself in early childhood, even before you knew about masks. Most likely, you had some favorite pastime that may be interesting for you now. Did you paint well? Or were you a "ringleader" in the company of other children?
  • Before consciously giving up the mask, thank her from the bottom of your heart. After all, you needed it for something all these years. Perhaps she, for example, protected you from potential heartache ...


Few people think about the fact that food can also take energy. You ask: "How is it, because we eat in order to receive and not lose energy ?!" Indeed, food should be converted as efficiently as possible into energy necessary for life. But for this you need to:

  • food was quickly and easily digested (did not take a lot of energy for digestion)
  • food was absorbed as fully as possible (did not provoke the formation of toxins)
  • food saturates (contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients)

It should be. But in fact, the typical food of modern man does not meet these conditions! I'm not even talking about hamburgers and fries right now - everything is clear with them. Having studied the literature on nutrition and health, I came to the conclusion that any animal food is an ineffective "fuel" for humans. It takes more energy than it gives.

First of all, a lot of energy is spent on digesting heavy animal food. Surely each of you is familiar with this effect - when, after a hearty dinner, you want to lie down on the sofa and sleep) In addition, animal protein is not completely absorbed in the body, and not the assimilated protein rots and turns into toxins - hydrogen sulfide, indole, phenol, ammonia, methane and other poisons. The body spends a lot of energy to remove these toxins. Moreover, this happens all the time - the body does not have time to digest one meal, as a new portion of heavy food comes in.

It turns out that the body spends shock doses of energy simply to digest and fight toxins. You can read about why animal protein has such an effect on the body in the article 15 reasons not to eat meat .

I have not eaten meat for 5 years and have not eaten fish and dairy products for 2 years. And I feel great! I was not a passive person before, but now the energy level is just going through the roof! There is so much energy that it becomes completely natural to spend it on various activities - running, swimming, yoga, exercises. And there is enough strength for all this after a working day! This is not a miracle, but just the result of the fact that the energy that was previously spent on digestion and removal of toxins has been released and is now directed to interesting activities!

  • Eat as many fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs as possible. Energize with Healthy Carbs!
  • Drink plenty of water, but it should be clean water without harmful impurities.
  • Try to avoid heavy animal foods that drain your energy and ultimately your health. Try eating only wholesome vegan food for at least a month, and you will see the results. If you are interested in my experience, then read the article “Why Veganism? My history".
  • Remember that plant foods also include heavy foods. This is mayonnaise, vinegar, yeast. And also fatty foods in large quantities (nuts and seeds, avocados).


Unloved deeds are definitely that bottomless barrel into which energy leaves and then does not come back. We experience negative emotions in the process of doing an unloved business, and even when it is completed, the result does not bring satisfaction and joy. This means that the energy is not replenished, and we feel a breakdown.

Remember how sincerely you are happy when you manage to do what you have long wanted! For example, sit on a twine, bake a delicious cake, learn English, lose 5 kg, etc. (for everyone - something different). And this joy more than compensates for the fatigue that could arise in the process of achieving the goal. Now remember how you feel when you complete a task that is unpleasant to you. Fatigue, devastation ...

That is why unloved work is so exhausting, even if it is not at all difficult work in terms of physical or mental stress. Your emotional state at the end of the day is a litmus test of whether you are in your place. If not, then you come home exhausted and fall asleep! If so, then you have enough energy to give affection and love to your loved ones, take care of yourself, etc.

Of course, it is hardly possible to get rid of all the unloved things. There will always be things that need to be done. For example, I don't like mopping and dusting, but I do it from time to time. But if such cases are a large part of your life, then this is a signal to change something. Otherwise, you will turn into a tired person with dull eyes.

What I would recommend:

  • Take a piece of paper and conditionally divide it into 3 columns. First, write down the things you usually do during the day. In the second, how many minutes / hours are spent on each task. In the third - in front of each case, put "+" or "-" depending on whether you like it. And then count the total time that you spend on business with a "-" sign. If this is the majority of the day, then this is a reason to think hard. Most often, people react to this exercise like this: "But I cannot take and give up unloved things, I must / must ...". I have nothing to say here. If you really think you should be unhappy and tired, then so be it. But it still seems to me that every person was created to be happy.
  • Perform those unpleasant things that somehow appear in your life in stages. Set yourself intermediate goals and be sure to praise yourself for completing them. It doesn't seem important, but it works great in practice! Just tell yourself, “Today I only spend 15 minutes. for cleaning ". And after 15 minutes. decide for yourself whether to continue cleaning or not. So the unloved business will be done faster.


Energy vampires ... sounds pretty scary. It may seem that these are some special people who are rarely found in ordinary life. They "siphon" energy from other people, while they themselves become cheerful. In general, everything is true, except that these are not special, but the most ordinary people. And they are not rare, but every day.

The fact is that most people act like energy vampires from time to time. And they do it unconsciously. And the victims of the vampires also do not realize that they are allowing their energy to be taken away. Therefore, it is very important to be able to recognize the vampire type of communication and not fall under its influence. An important point is that you need to correct your own behavior in communication, because retraining others (and even more vampires) is a bad job.

How vampirism can manifest itself in relation to you is described in detail in the article "On psychological vampirism." In general terms, a sign of vampirism is when, instead of a productive dialogue, two parallel monologues take place. This happens when one or both of the interlocutors pursue hidden goals in the conversation. For example, self-assertion (show your status), raise self-esteem (due to devaluation of the interlocutor), throw out aggression (which arose in another place with another person). In this case, the interlocutors have no points of emotional contact, which means that the energy goes through such pseudo-communication to nowhere.

What I would recommend:

  • If you communicate with a person who is constantly telling you about their problems, allegedly asking for your advice, but for every advice of yours he finds counterarguments and a thousand "buts", then stop giving advice. He doesn't need them. He just wants to complain and play the game "What a miserable I am." Just agree with how unhappy he is.
  • If you communicate with a person who scandals "from scratch", then do not feed him with energy, do not get into an argument and do not defend your position. It is better to discuss the situation later, when the passions have subsided. If this person is dear to you, and you to him, then he will try to stop splashing out negative on you. If not, then you just need to stop communicating with such a person.
  • There are people who love to find fault, criticize and argue. They are vampires. They can easily devalue you or your work because of some nagging. It is better to agree with such people once than to argue endlessly all your life! For you, these long dreary arguments are just a waste of energy.
  • If you ever hear a phrase like "I put my whole life on you, and you, ungrateful pig, ...", then you should know - it is uttered by a vampire. Don't take it personally and don't go into a state of guilt. Understand: it is not your responsibility that someone was by your side and allegedly put their life on the line. This is his decision, and such phrases are an attempt to manipulate your feelings of pity.

Over time, you will learn to very quickly recognize the energy vampire in the interlocutor and will be able to get away from destructive communication in time.

Perhaps these five points are the most basic sources of "energy leakage" in my understanding. Awareness of them helps me not to waste energy, live in full force and not complain that there is too much stress in the modern world. Yes, there are stresses in my life (how without them !?), but they do not prevent me from maintaining good spirits! Because I know some laws according to which my life energy moves.

Being myself, accepting myself with all the "imperfections", praising myself for success, planning things in accordance with real possibilities, eating healthy vegan food, doing what I enjoy, being able to communicate openly and without conflicts - this is what helps me to save energy for saturated , bright life!

I wish you to keep your spirits and energized for the most exciting activities, developing hobbies and exciting adventures!

Love, Alena Big Sister.

In this article, I will tell you where your energy goes and how to stop wasting your energy. Energy in a person's life plays a huge role, since it depends on its presence how a person will live, how effectively he can achieve his goals, his perseverance, willpower and cheerfulness depend on energy. Energy stimulates the brain, improves metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of organs, improves mood, and helps prevent and get rid of many diseases. The presence of a sufficient amount of energy in the body speaks of a healthy and happy person who has the strength to achieve success in life. At the same time, various failures in human energy and leaks of this energy lead to mental and physical decline. If a person has a constant lack of energy, then he may develop various diseases of the body, which, if left untreated, can turn into chronic diseases. Also, a person may develop various mental disorders. To avoid this, you need to know where the energy goes.

I have highlighted several of the highest priority areas where our energy goes:

1. Negative emotions and thoughts.

Negative thoughts and emotions consume a lot of human energy. Just remember the person who is depressed. What is his face? What is his gait, what is his posture? The expression on the face of such a person is usually sad and drooping, the gait is slow, the head is lowered, and the shoulders and back are hunched over. Depression took all the strength out of this organism. Negative emotions are energy vampires of their own. The more you experience them, the more they take energy from you. Therefore, it is necessary in life to try to rejoice more, to look for your sources of happiness and joy.

2. Bad and unhealthy food and overeating.

Food carries nutrients. And in my opinion, food is divided into natural and non-natural. The stomach and digestive organs spend a huge amount of energy in order to digest food. And if you consume non-natural food or overeat, then your body will simply spend a lot of energy in order to process food, and in return there will be little biological substances from food. Therefore, it is necessary to consume natural food (by natural food, I mean healthy food, natural meat, soups, vegetables, fruits, cereals, honey, etc.), and by not natural, I mean various chips, fast foods, sausages, noodles instant cooking, etc.). It is also necessary to control food intake, that is, do not overeat, but eat in moderation. Imagine that your digestive organs consume a lot of energy to process food, and if you overeat, then you are forcing your body to expend a huge amount of energy. Personally, if I eat too much at a time, then I have a strong feeling of weakness.

3. Excessive TV viewing.

Watching TV really takes a lot of energy and time if you do it all the time. Excessive daily TV viewing can lead to depression and mental disorders. And if you also watch all kinds of negativity on TV, then it takes even more energy from you. Therefore, it is better not to watch too much TV. Preferably no more than 2 hours a day.

4. Sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a breakdown because physical activity increases energy production. When you are constantly sitting or lying, then your body and organs of the whole body do not receive energy. Physical activity fills the entire organism and body with energy. The organs and body begin to work better. And since our body and mind are interconnected, this is automatically reflected in well-being.

5. Doubt and uncertainty. Wandering in the clouds.

Doubt and hovering in the clouds absorb a lot of energy. Because while a person is pondering what to do, he loses a huge amount of energy, begins to strain, constantly return to these thoughts, and loses concentration. If you are constantly in doubt, then you are wasting your energy in constant reflection. Doubt is taking away your energy. Learn to make decisions quickly and close questions.

P.S. Learn for FREE how to transform your mindset and change your life with effective techniques for working with the subconscious:

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So, in the morning you get up "cheerfully", full of strength and energy, in the first half of the day you work more or less, your strength ends when the working day is over, you come home and fall exhausted on the sofa

Recently, many have often written recently that it is not clear why every day there is a feeling of fatigue, illness, poor health and failure. Let's now figure out the main reasons and try to remove them.

So, in the morning you get up "cheerful", full of strength and energy, in the first half of the day you work more or less, the strength ends when the working day is over, you come home and fall exhausted on the sofa. So where did all the vital energy that you were full of in the morning go to?

Where do we waste life energy:

An abandoned business (promise, debts) leads to a drain of vital energy, which unnoticed for you concentrates on things that you have not completed.

We all feel sorry for ourselves and say that tomorrow, or certainly from Monday, we will begin to deal with it, but in fact, we constantly postpone it and postpone it indefinitely.

Soon, unconscious reproaches begin, which later inflate into stress and internal tension, fears and self-doubt, and all your energy is spent on these experiences in the surrounding space. A similar problem can be compared to a computer, when some unclosed process remains hanging in the task manager, which is not recognized, but all the time devours the resources of the processor or RAM (in our case, attention and strength).

What to do? Initially, abandon things for which you do not have time (overtime work), desires (conversations "about nothing" with the environment), opportunities (for example, buy a thing on credit), try not to make promises (to yourself or someone), in which you are not sure what to do exactly.

It is necessary to finally deal with the problem, only then you will experience deep satisfaction and gain control over yourself, there will be self-confidence, a sense of your own worth and personal pride.


When a person lies, he has to spend a lot of energy maintaining fictional images, thoughtful details, so that you are not caught in a lie ... it is really exhausting as much as unloading the carriages.

And the most problematic is when a person deceives himself, self-deception, attempts to appear as someone who you are not. Soon, a person is left with nothing (no friends, etc.) or begins to live in his own micro-world of self-deception (for example, “I have no problems with weight, just a wide bone”).

Yes, sometimes a lie is needed, for example, to manipulate and pull a situation in your favor, but then, in terms of energy, the flow between the Vishuddha throat chakra and the Anahata heart will begin to bend. There is an expression: “to bend the soul”, it is from the lie that it really bends and the balance in the subtle bodies is disturbed.

The main reason is distrust of everything in the world and of oneself, people not only do not trust, but also do not know exactly what they want. They act out of habit, as simple as possible, but not as best (for example, instead of going to the theater with friends, they say that they are busy, but in fact they are sitting in vk). I personally know a man who has been married for quite a long time, and his wife was sure that he was a big boss, that he put all the money on a deposit for the children’s studies, but in fact, he was an ordinary office worker with minimal salary and huge debts. I lied when we met, and then it went. Everything became clear when the bailiffs came to evict the family, and he left for another world.

What to do? You need to understand why you need this constant lie. Try to be as honest as possible with your loved ones, acquaintances and with yourself - and it will become easier to live, and more energy will appear. You must always tell the truth, no matter in what light you present yourself.

Lack of communication with nature

Life in the city is exhausting in itself, there is not a minute of absolute silence, not a chance to get away from problems. We spend a lot of time at work or at home, there is a constant lack of being in clean air and unity with nature.

Trees, grass, birdsong - all this feeds your vital energy, and the cold and soulless city sucks it out of you. For me personally, it is incredibly important to communicate with nature, as with a clean space, where I can feel and understand the undistorted essence of any phenomena that interest me, and escape from the bustle of the city.

Be sure to stand with bare feet on the ground or on the river bank in order to remove the negativity and get harmony, mentally communicate with the trees, because they are an incredible source of energy and knowledge.

What to do? As soon as the opportunity arises, be sure to run to the park; once every 1-2 weeks, try to get away from the hustle and bustle in some forest or in a remote part of the park, square, which, in turn, will help balance the overall energy and get a boost of vivacity.

Resentments and worries

The body spends a lot of vital energy to work in overload and / or stress mode. There is not a single body system that would not be negatively affected by stress. In addition, the inability to forgive, the habit of keeping anger and resentment in oneself - negative emotions draw life energy from us and feed on it, growing to incredible sizes. If you cannot forgive a person this or that act, think that you are harming yourself first of all: your psyche, physical health and reserves of vital energy.

Grievances can be simple (when a person promised something and forgot, usually, it is resolved by a reminder or discussion), complex (when grievances accumulate, in this case you need to throw them out, "talk heart to heart") and grievances of the past (they are the most difficult, concern yourself, others, and life in general are associated with childhood traumas and breakups).

Usually, all grievances turn into experiences, which are not just a local process somewhere in the head, but an event for the whole organism as a whole. It is reflected in postures, gestures, facial expressions, sounds that we make at the same time (screaming, stuttering). Each emotion corresponds to a specific increase in muscle tone in certain parts of the body.

Long and strong grievances most often lead to the appearance of tumors in certain parts of the body and even malignant ones, i.e. to cancer. In several sources, I found the opinions of those working in hospice with people dying, cancer has a psychological palette - it is the result of a far-reaching internal conflict, and its beginning often lies in childhood or youth.

Everyone has met people in life who consider their opinion to be the only correct one and demand from others that they do as they say. Inflexibility of views, difficulties in perceiving something new over time lead to a loss of flexibility in the body, arthritis, arthrosis.

The joints begin to heal, the legs and arms bend with difficulty, the joints become inflamed, the person loses flexibility and mobility, as if saying with his whole body: "I will not give up my positions, I will not change my mind, I will not admit that the other may also be right in his own way." ...

A person is not always ready to see his own shortcomings, to realize that they are peculiar to him to one degree or another. Their indicator, sadly enough, is often disease. If you get sick, it means it's time to reconsider something, your behavior or views.

What to do? Personally, if I notice an insult, I immediately tell a person that this does not suit me and I need to solve it right now, I try to discuss (if he does not want, I solve the problem through his Higher Self) And childhood grievances - through meditative states I realized the reason and let go ...


Life is too short for idle chatter Why waste life energy on conversations that will not benefit you or your interlocutor? Such chatter makes you waste not only energy, but also invaluable time. Therefore, if you feel that the conversation is losing any meaning, then stop the conversation.

The same applies to internal dialogue. He also takes a lot of energy and attention (even more than the environment and his life). Sometimes unnecessary conversations lead to the fact that we lose the energy necessary for us, which we would need for some business or important event.

Also, during a dispute with oneself, another reprogramming of consciousness occurs, namely, the consolidation of the old settings, but with some shifts of the pros and cons up to exaggeration, or a complete reprogramming of the old settings to the opposite, depends on how strong your ideas are, whether they have they are the foundation. It is especially harmful to communicate about such events that are happening now in your life, signify a certain process that has just begun, if many events have not yet occurred, but are expected by you.

What to do? Observe yourself, try not to waste time communicating with people who will not be able to teach you something or give you useful information. Stop communicating with yourself and endlessly replay useless monologues.

Lack of sleep and lack of exercise

Where does vital energy come from if you do not give rest to your body or soul at certain intervals? Failure of biorhythms confuses the body: it no longer understands how to cope with the tasks assigned to it without a clear schedule of rest and work, it wonders why everything has changed in the usual rhythm of work and eventually goes on strike.

Lack of physical activity leads to problems with the body and muscles, they begin to atrophy and become weaker, the tone of the organs decreases, the body's resistance to fight infections decreases, the brain works slower, the risk of getting a sore, and sleep is not so strong.

What to do? Observe your daily routine, try to go to bed and get up at the same time, force yourself to do physical exercises, at least the simplest warm-up

Energy factors

There are energetic factors that we cannot always influence. However, everyone can stop the outflow of vital energy, which takes place when dealing with unpleasant people! The main thing is not to get angry, but calmly and with a smile on your face, stop communicating or quarreling with a person you dislike, not letting him enjoy your vulnerability.

Never succumb to provocations and manipulations (for example, now a lot on TV and on the network a military conflict is discussed, when you are angry, you give your energy to a military egregor, and then a strong energy connection is established, which will be problematic to break).

In addition to people, the subtle world can influence in the form of pathogenic zones of the planet, negative influences and energy-information programs, entities.

What to do? Be sure to have in your arsenal the techniques of protection against negativity, at least the simplest ... it can be like energies, channels, prayers, visualization techniques, methods of psychological protection. The same reiki system, with the right intentions, does a good job of dealing with negativity.

Make a list of energy costs and think about what energy costs you can cut, and for what useful things the amount of energy spent is better to increase. So you can balance your life, you will have more strength for all sorts of accomplishments!

Oh yes, be sure to find time for yourself, to be creative, have a good time with your family and engage in self-development so that you can cope with any difficulties quickly and efficiently. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption - together we are changing the world! © econet

Few people today argue with the fact that each person has his own energy. No wonder they say that that's who - then the energy is good, but who has- then bad. But that's not all - our happiness, quality of life, success, relationships with people are directly proportional to the quantity and quality of our energy. How not to waste energy? And how to learn how to replenish it?

Once an amazing epidemic happened to me. After a year and a half break from fitness classes due to a sharp drop in energy as a result of overload caused by professional activities, I returned to my favorite gym. I accumulated energy, improved my health with the help of point-channel massage and constant support from Master Ji, and “took up the old,” that is, dumbbells and exercise machines.

A couple of days after returning, I came to the teacher, all radiant with muscle pleasure and pleasant tone. Xiaogang looked at me intently and suddenly asked with anxiety in his voice, "What happened to you?" And with me there was a wonderful bodily joy and, as a result, the excitement of the brain. "Nothing," I say, "nothing bad happened. Everything is fine with me!" However, the master did not calm down: "What happened? Your energy has changed. It is not even clear what a strange transformation it is!"

Still would! Wow transformation! For a year and a half I could not lift a dumbbell, because enormous efforts were spent on creating seminars, writing books and articles, answering dozens of letters every day ... And then a miracle happened - the energy again filled a significant part of my personal volume, and this gave me strength not only to work without fatigue and energetically without losses for yourself to pump a large audience of seminars listeners, but also to keep yourself a "piece" for good physical activity.

I decided to use this "stash", holding the "hardware" in skillful and experienced hands. Still, 20 years of regular training is no joke! And suddenly - such a reaction of the teacher! It seemed to me that the master encroached on the sacred! Although, to be honest, of course, I went too far with the load for the first time and splashed out a fair share of the precious energy content from a full glass.

But everything that happens in the life of the writer Lisa Piterkina is not a problem, but a topic! Therefore, I decided to talk with the master about what circumstances affect the energy status, and what are the main reasons for energy losses. Since at that moment, as an author, I was concerned about the problem of the influence of the hara or the lower energy center located in the area behind the navel on the general state of energy, then the conversation was about this important foundation of our energy structure.

By the way, from the point of view of the Japanese, the lower energy center, hara, is not only a certain anatomical localization of vital energy, but also a certain quality of life.

A well-developed hara ensures success for the individual in all areas of its realization. We can say that the level of consistency, both in the spiritual and in the material sense, depends on the hara. Accordingly, the weaker the hara, the less chances of achieving success and taking place as a person.

Once I had a chance to talk about hara with a student of Ji Xiaogang, vice-president of the Federation of Wushu and Qigong of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Yevgeny Voronin. A trainer with many years of experience watched different groups of people, realized in different professional niches, and noticed that in any field there are so-called "naturalists", that is, people with a high level of energy inherent in them by nature from birth.

Such specialists become the best in the profession, they usually manage to achieve such results that for colleagues with the same experience and education seem unattainable and impossible. The same thing happens with people who have received a powerful hara as a gift from the Creator. They can be called the lucky ones with confidence.

Those individuals who were much less fortunate with the power of the hara have the right to choose: to increase their natural strength or to squander the little they got. Since the overwhelming majority of the "users" of their own lower energy center have no idea either of its existence, or of the "rules of operation" that guarantee the long-term effective action of this accumulator of vitality, consumption prevails over income, and vital energy fades over the years.

And along with fading energy, success, both social and personal, fades away. This loss becomes especially dramatic for women, who, due to the loss of energy, become less interesting for men, and even strong marital relationships begin to be seriously tested. It is even more difficult for those mature feminines who, for various reasons, were abandoned by their beloved and embarked on the path of seeking new happiness, being far from being young ladies.

If you want to look and feel energetic, stay vigorous, loved and in demand even at the most mature age, I suggest you use the recommendations of the master Tao Ji Xiaogang. We will outline five reasons for a significant drop in energy levels and its leakage through the lower body, and also outline several ways to maintain and increase your own energy balance.

First of all, let us clarify that not only the lower energy center is responsible for healthy and full-fledged physical activity, but also the internal organs that have fallen into the "lower compartment" of our body.

Of the five Wu Xing, a system of five dense organs, the kidneys, as the main accumulator of vitality, and in addition, the liver and spleen, take responsibility for our well-being. These three organs of the famous Chinese pentagon are somehow dependent on nutrition.

The first reason for the loss of energy is the lack of food culture and the destruction of traditions that have historically developed in a particular country.

This applies not only to Russia, but also to the situation in the world as a whole, with its gravitation towards various forms of fast food and a large amount of fried, fatty, salty and sweet foods. The meal ritual is being replaced by new traditions of saturating the stomach with food of dubious quality and low energy value. Speaking about the energy value, we do not mean the calorie content of food, but the amount of vital, vital energy contained in it. For example, millet porridge cooked in water contains more useful energy than a piece of meat, although the calorie content of meat is higher.

The imbalance of food products significantly affects not only the digestion processes and the filling of the body with energy. Paradoxically, food affects our character. For example, excess salt affects kidney function, and weak kidneys give rise to fear, anxiety, and pathological anxiety.

Too much sugar in the diet is no less dangerous factor, sugar destroys the spleen, and disruption of the activity of this organ leads to soul-tearing doubts that poison existence and inhibit personal growth, and affect the dynamics of success. Alcohol abuse destroys the liver, and liver problems breed anger and aggression.

In modern psychotherapy, there is a belief that the lack of the skill to restrain aggression, the inability to cope with your fears and anxieties, the inability to clearly express your feelings and emotions is often associated with certain dysfunctional behavior that arose as a result of the incompleteness of solving various developmental tasks in early childhood.

Without diminishing the importance of high-quality living at all stages of personality formation, we want to note that psychotherapy does not consider the possibility of the relationship between individual personality traits and the nutritional system.

Of course, to representatives of Western science, such a connection may seem absurd, but the centuries-old practical experience of the Ancient East has no less right to exist and be used in modern methods of therapy than the most promising modern theories, some of which are based, by the way, on the ancient Eastern culture. ...

It is surprising that the very theory of gestalt therapy, one of the youngest but most effective areas of psychotherapy, has much in common with Zen Buddhism or Chan Buddhism, if you follow the Chinese transcription. So, in principle, all promising doctrines, whatever one may say, have oriental roots or are in close contact with the philosophy of the Ancient East.

The second reason for the loss of energy is a violation of the daily routine and the regime of life in general.

In Taoist philosophy, there is a theory of twelve channels. The theory is based on the fact that each organ has a certain system, an energy channel that runs throughout the body. The impact on these channels helps to normalize the work of one or another organ, to cope with the disease that has arisen, or to significantly improve the state of health.

The intensity of the channels is not the same and depends on the time of day, month and season. During the day, each channel is active for 2 hours. Violation of the daily routine, which is considered universal in both Western and Eastern medicine, leads to disorders in the functioning of organs and a weakening of their energy.

For example, from 23:00 to 01:00 - the time of the gallbladder. If you have not fallen asleep before 23:00, your attempts to quickly move to Morpheus can be crowned with a complete fiasco, because this is the time for a natural rise in activity. But after 01.00 you need to try to fall asleep, since from 01.00 to 03.00 the liver is working time. The liver is responsible for the state of the blood, therefore, a person's well-being is closely related to the ability to give the liver complete rest and rest at this time. Otherwise, the quality of blood gradually deteriorates, and regular failures occur in the entire system, leading to premature aging and frequent illnesses. A good sleep is especially important for women who lose some blood volume every month and need effective work of the hematopoietic system.

No less important is the mode of life as a whole, the proportional alternation of rest and work, complete relaxation after prolonged exertion and the obligatory vacation once a year. It is equally important to switch from one activity to another. Personally, I noticed for myself that even the alternation of periods of preparing seminars and working on books has a beneficial effect on well-being.

And if you switch to creating completely different creative products, for example, works of art, stories or poems, then fatigue does not occur at all, because different processes replace each other even before fatigue from monotonous work accumulates. But even with such an environmentally friendly approach, we must not forget about complete disconnection from professional activities at least one day a week and at least a couple of weeks a year.

The third reason for energy loss is physical inactivity, lack of necessary physical activity.

Let's not overload your consciousness with information about this problem of the twenty-first century, for sure you are already sufficiently aware that sedentary work seriously undermines your health. The insidiousness of hypodynamia is that it causes slow damage without causing practically any trouble. Your health simply fades away, even if you follow the daily routine and work and rest schedule and at the same time eat right.

As a visitor to fitness centers and a fan of various types of aerobic exercise, I often observe the movements of women during dance aerobics classes. It seems that they have iron armor under their bright sports uniform, which rigidly fixes the lower part of the body, not allowing it to move freely.

By the freedom of movement in the pelvic area, one can easily judge the sexual liberation of young women. Not about promiscuity and vulgarity, but about the absence of constriction. Stiffness in movement is a symptom that the energy in this area is blocked, therefore, sensuality is also reduced, as a rule.

A simple way of fighting and physical inactivity is dance breaks with an emphasis on "wagging the booty" in different directions, left - right and forward - backward. At a party, such wild dances cannot always be perceived adequately, they will most likely seem inviting and provocative dances of sexually preoccupied human females, but far from male eyes it is quite possible to allow yourself to move as nature dictates.

The more obscene these movements look, the more natural and sexy they are. And if you attend aerobics classes in the style of "strip dance" or "Latina", then the apparent vulgarity will grow into grace and seduction, and your sexual energy will increase. In general, do not pinch yourself from below, let energy fill your most erotic parts of the body! However, do not drive yourself to the stage of arousal that leads to loss of energy instead of filling.

The same emotions in a limited amount can be healing, and in an overabundance - devastate. Energy must remain under control and not leak out through natural openings, and for this, the tone of intimate muscles must always be at its best.

In this part of the conversation with Master Ji, the secret of going to the gym was revealed to me. It turns out that working on simulators or with dumbbells is for the most part still a loss of energy for the sake of muscle tone. The goal is noble, the path to it is unreasonable from the point of view of ancient Chinese medicine, which stands for a long happy life and maximum conservation of the energy given by nature. Youth tends to waste energy thoughtlessly, not realizing the consequences that such generosity can lead to in maturity. But sooner or later, a healthy shell may turn out to be "empty", like a brand new computer model with a battery in which there is no charge left.

I received several recommendations from the master that will help me maintain muscle tone, but not be untimely de-energized. First, it is best to train outdoors. The optimal type of aerobic exercise is jogging. If you can't run, just walk intensively.

Of the dynamic forms, squats are especially useful, but not any, but exclusively at a slow pace and with maintaining balance in the center of the body. This technique requires a special description, so we do not recommend that you experiment without knowing all the secrets. This is exactly the case when the most important meaning lies in the details.

The fourth reason for the loss of energy is the performance by women of functions that are not provided for by nature.

The forced appropriation of masculine roles by women has a detrimental effect on the balance of energies. To exist organically in the male world, you inevitably have to use yang, active, hot energies much more than is prescribed in the "instructions for the safe exploitation of women" written by the Creator.

It is impossible to restrain progress, and if the female social role becomes more and more important, one should simply not forget that the violation of the laws of nature entails certain, not always positive consequences. But you should not be afraid of this, it is only important to remember that the balance of yin-yang has not been canceled, and it is important to balance the yang energy with yin energy.

Set the proportions of this "mixture" yourself, to your taste, depending on how important it is for you to remain a woman, beloved, desired and in demand by men, depending on how important conservative values ​​are to you - a happy marriage and no less happy motherhood.

The list of reasons for our energetic devastation "through the bottom" is crowned with dramatic news: sex is harmful! Yes, yes, this is not a joke.

The fifth reason for energy loss is rampant sex without understanding the laws of working with energy

After an act of insane love, the very one that happens "without a mind", that is, without the slightest awareness of the meaning of the process, most often leads to fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of wasting energy without replenishing the balance.

In principle, sexual relations are a great way to collect energy and fill with strength, but for this it is absolutely not necessary to connect any bulges with some more or less suitable or completely inappropriate cavities. "Sex" is an English word and denotes the behavior of a person in accordance with belonging to one of the two sexes. Sex is gender.

But an intimate relationship between a man and a woman is a special behavior in a certain situation, which has a certain sacred character. In general, what sexual relations turned into by the beginning of the 20th century is far from a mystery. Sex is no longer a science worthy of study and careful preparation for practice. Therefore, no acquisitions can be expected from this interaction, only waste.

On this sad note, we will end our exploration of the ways in which the greatest treasure given to us by nature disappears. But, as usual in the philosophy of Tao, in every phenomenon there is yin and yang, an inner and an outer side. The Yin side of the question is a sad list of the reasons for our rapid aging and the loss of vital juices, which turn a certain creature into a full of life, a charming woman who, like a magnet, attracts men.

In the same way, thanks to the stored energy, the creature turns into a man of a woman's dreams. And if the creature is not aware of the laws described above, it transforms into a gray shadow that even the most deprived of love feminine, who is on the verge of sexual despair, does not notice.

The Yang side of the problem is our opportunity to radically change everything for the better. It is enough just to stop the drain of precious energy. Great news - now you know exactly how to do it. So, forward to an energetic and happy new life!