If you are an introvert. I'd rather stay with my cat. Please don't start a conversation with me just because we're sitting next to each other.

Society tends to hang labels and stamps on everyone who differs from the generally accepted "golden mean". If an athlete - then stupid, if a candidate of science - then a "nerd", if an introvert - then a misanthrope (hates people). But is it? Who are introverts? Is it bad to have this type of personality? How to find out your psychotype, introvert or extrovert? What to do if you or your environment are introverts? Before you "go into yourself", read this article carefully.

What is an introvert?

An introvert is a person who is immersed in his inner world. This type of personality is more focused on their own experiences and thoughts. It is more difficult for him than to establish social ties, to establish contacts with the outside world.

But not everything is so simple. Do not confuse introverts with lazy people or misanthropes. After all, laziness is an unwillingness to do something, misanthropy is antisocial behavior, but introversion is a feature of human thinking. Therefore, if someone says - " I am an introvert", we still need to figure out whether this is so. Perhaps it is simply more convenient for him to “hide behind” such a word, actually shirking work or responsibility.

The real introvert is not a lazy person, just his efforts are aimed at introspection, contemplation of the inner world. Such people very often become philosophers, inventors, scientists, writers, poets, which requires no less work than communication with others.

Introvert and extrovert

Pure psychotypes are extremely rare. Most often, an introvert and an extrovert are combined in a person - this is due to heredity, through which the signs of parents are transmitted. At different ages, one or another psychotype is activated, which depends on the conditions of life and its rhythm.

For the first time, the existence of two opposite types of personality was noticed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung who developed the concept of analytical psychology. Thanks to his work, people learned who introverts and extroverts are. The personality of the former turned out to be directed “inward”, while the latter, on the contrary, focused on interaction with the outside world.

Further research has only expanded our knowledge of introverts, highlighting several of their types. Studying psychotypes, the British scientist Hans Eysenck found that introverts are a collective concept, which, in turn, is divided into a number of types. They can be emotionally stable or unstable, which corresponds to phlegmatic or melancholic temperament.

Depending on whether a person is or, his introversion will manifest itself in different ways. In the first case, he will be detached from the outside world, and in the second, he will be distinguished by excessive vulnerability and worries.

How to define an introvert?

Pronounced psychotypes are rare. Basically, both types of personality are combined, just in different periods they are not expressed in the same way. Sometimes one of the qualities develops more actively. To determine your personality type, and at the same time temperament, you can go to our website.

In addition, it is advisable to analyze your behavior, try to detect the following signs of an introvert:

  • Feels lonely even among people;
  • Avoids crowds, noisy companies;
  • Not in a hurry to make new acquaintances;
  • If it becomes attached to a person, then for a long time;
  • Knows how to make friends, is distinguished by fidelity;
  • Prone to introspection, philosophical reflection;
  • Prefers to listen rather than speak;
  • Likes to fantasize;
  • Carefully plans his actions in advance;
  • Patient, able to control emotions;
  • Differs in observation, attentive to details;
  • Long "holds" resentment, unpleasant memories.

If the test results coincide with most of the listed signs, then it can be argued that the person is an introvert.

Is it good or bad to be an introvert?

Let's talk about the pros and cons of being an introvert. Some will immediately say that an introvert is a quiet, modest and shy person who is afraid to stick his nose out of the house, absolutely passive, inclined to obey others. One big minus. But is it really so? Imagine the surprise of those who learn that most of the famous leaders and outrageous artists- Exactly introverts.

For example, world famous introverts are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Steven Spielberg, Keanu Reeves, Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp and many others. Of the historical figures, it is worth remembering Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

In fact, everything is quite logical. Introverts, as opposed to extroverts, not so dependent on other people's opinions. They have their own value system. They are able to move towards the goal in spite of the opinions of others. And this is one of the criteria for leadership. Introverts are good at taking responsibility. They are very self sufficient. They are distinguished by perseverance, concentrate better and are able to carefully prepare for the upcoming work.

If someone has already thought about how to become an introvert, you should not rush into a decision, because introverts are not without flaws. First of all, their disadvantages are associated with unwillingness to build social ties. Introverts can neglect the opinions of others, which sometimes plays a cruel joke with them. In addition, people with the psychotype "introvert" adapt worse to external changes, move up the career ladder more slowly, and it is more difficult for them to find friends. At the same time, introverts themselves are very reliable and good friends.

Is it possible to become an introvert?

Let's say some extrovert decided to "retrain" as an introvert. Is he capable of doing it? And most importantly, does he need it? What is an introvert through the eyes of another personality type? Most likely, for a classic extrovert, he will be closed, unsociable, boring.

So why change your personality type then, even if it were possible? An approximate train of thought of such a person is as follows. Most likely, he fails because of his superficiality and hyperactivity. He asks himself the question, why is this happening? Looking for answers on the Internet. Learn what an introvert and extrovert are. He understands that he belongs to the second psychotype. Gathers information to get to know the introvert personality type better. At some point it starts idealize an introverted psychotype and trying to rebuild his temperament and personality.

Is it worth it and how likely is he to become an introvert? It is believed that temperament and psychotype are laid before birth. They depend on the anatomy and physiological characteristics person. That is, they can be corrected only in connection with fundamental changes in the body. Simple workouts or exercises will not change the type of personality.

Development of introversion

You can develop the ability to introvert. Like playing sports with different body types. Both an ectomorph (thin) and a mesomorph (strong man) can pump up, but it will be much more difficult for the first to do this. Also, an extrovert can become more thoughtful, scrupulous and assiduous, but an introvert will do it better.

It is enough to choose those qualities of introverts that it is desirable to adopt, and then methodically practice in their development. Listen more than speak, analyze your life more often, plan actions, etc. Moreover, an introvert and an extrovert often coexist in one person, so it is realistic to develop the strengths of both psychotypes. It is much more difficult to unite a team in which there are introverts and extroverts.

How to communicate with an introvert?

For introverts, due to a special type of thinking, you need to find your own approach. First of all, it should be remembered that an introvert is extremely jealous of his personal space. He is not ready to let everyone in there. Earning the trust of an introvert is a long and thorny path. But the result of such efforts will exceed all expectations, because introverts are faithful and reliable life partners.

Secondly, it is desirable to choose words, to respect the inner world of an introvert. They remember grievances for a long time, and if they are “hurt to the quick”, then the matter will not end with one “forgive”.

Thirdly, introverts do not like turmoil and crowds, it is pointless to pull them to noisy parties, rallies and mass celebrations. If you are planning a meeting with an introvert, it is better to invite him to nature, to visit or a quiet secluded place, somewhere in a cozy place.

These are tips for communicating with introverts. But what if you yourself are prone to introversion?

I'm an introvert!

First of all, an introvert is not a psychological deviation, but a special way of thinking. There is nothing bad in it. If you figure it out like this, then extroverts even more often get into unpleasant situations, due to their superficiality and energy. It is much worse when "language is ahead of thinking." In this calm people clearly win.

So, if you belong to an introverted personality type, then you should not dramatize. It is better to analyze what hinders results and fix just that. If an introvert has developed skills or logic, this is clearly not a disadvantage. The ability to plan is also useful anytime, anywhere. So they don't need to be corrected. But it is desirable to overcome excessive isolation and vulnerability.

For a change can take the initiative in communication with an interesting person. The first to write or call, invite for a walk. Even if a refusal follows, it’s not scary. It is much worse not to try if this call is actually expected.

It is also worth letting others into your life more willingly. It is simply desirable to be prudent, but offending others with “closed doors” is not an option. After all, the world is full of good people, so it makes no sense to isolate yourself from them.

The most important thing is not to get hung up on grievances, because many of them arise almost out of the blue. Sometimes a person offends someone by accident, not wanting it. What's the point of making a tragedy over a trifle? Even the most pronounced introvert is able to forgive. To do this, it is enough for him to switch to something good and just try not to remember unpleasant incidents.

Thinking about who an introvert is, you can increasingly catch yourself thinking about the success of such a person. But every advantage has its price. In order for an introvert to be able to fully realize his potential, he needs to learn how to communicate with others, to forget the bad. And others should remember that any introvert is a rather vulnerable person, so it is advisable to respect him and his inner world.

It is believed that the modern world revolves around extroverts - perpetually cheerful people who just let them perform in front of a crowd or dance an energetic dance. They get career tops, prolonged applause and the title of sex symbols. Those who are gifted only with natural modesty, logically, can only look melancholy at the successes of others from their shells. However, before drawing conclusions and deciding the fate of mankind, let's do a little test.

Have you ever celebrated your birthday in splendid isolation, walking along your favorite birch grove? Do you often think about what kind of person you are? Do you like to sit on the windowsill on a rainy day and meditate, watching the drops on the glass? If everything is by, it looks like you are a typical extrovert. I bet you rarely feel sad - only in those random moments when you are alone? You most likely have many friends, and you easily get along even with those around you who are unfamiliar and not very nice to you.

Also, you can easily drop everything and start a new life on the other side of the world and generally prefer to take risks and drink champagne, rather than squeeze a titmouse in your hands. Good job. If you still prefer a book to a noisy company, keep old toys and notes from school friends for years, often pretend to have a cold when it's time to get together for a corporate party, the diagnosis is obvious: "acute introversion." But this, let me tell you, is not so bad at all.

Introvert and extrovert

In the understanding familiar to you and psychologists, an introvert is a closed, shy person, about whom, chuckling, they say: “I went into myself, I won’t be back soon.” The author of the term and the corresponding theory about personality types was Carl Gustav Jung, the most famous student of Freud. From his suggestion, it was customary that extroverts are those for whom the world around and active changes in it are vital. If personal life - then with Mexican passions, if work - then with an off-scale level of stress, and you also need to experiment with a haircut every month and rearrange furniture in the bedroom, otherwise mortal boredom and meaninglessness of life. For introverts, the center of the universe is inside them.. Rich experiences, albeit not always pleasant, constant self-examination and independence from other people make them more selective, cautious and therefore almost more adapted to life's difficulties.

To better understand the difference between these two types, it is not a sin to recall the school biology course. taken in nature 2 ways to adapt and ensure the survival of their offspring.

  • Some creatures to the right and left throw mountains of eggs, from which hundreds of cubs hatch. Due to the number, many remain alive and in adverse conditions, the genus continues - even if the cubs are not so picky about food and entertainment. It does not sound very flattering for merry fellows and talkers, but the metaphor is still clear: there should be a lot of an extrovert, like any good person. It is important for him to multiply himself in any way, infiltrating a bunch of relationships and affairs, and thus continue to live - for example, in the memory of hundreds of people.
  • Other creatures have a somewhat different concept: they give birth to one or two babies, whom the mother is forced to take care of for many years, as, for example, in the case of elephants. When there are few cubs, they are much easier to care for, and the elephant has a chance to teach the heir the most effective self-preservation skills. So an introvert, protecting himself from the outside world and sacrificing some kind of discos and parties, saves time and energy - the latter, according to the hero of our material, is better spent on priceless self-development.

From nature

An interesting point: research shows that a tendency to one type of psychological warehouse is not the result of training, but an innate feature. But, as is often the case, family circumstances and the vicissitudes of upbringing can force a child to take a position in life that is actually alien to him (as is the case with left-handed people who have been forced to hold a spoon in their right hand for years). If you feel that prolonged loneliness saddens you and unbalances you, try to remember if they tried to convince you in your golden childhood that it was good to be alone and you couldn’t depend on anyone? Perhaps all these years you hid from yourself that you are much more comfortable being an extrovert?

What are the advantages

The virtues of snail people are not limited to the ability to listen and hear themselves. Scientist and journalist Winifred Gallagher, for example, praises introverts for their inherent ability to perceive and think about the surrounding reality, instead of immediately actively interacting with it. Thanks to this valuable quality, among other things, great works of art, scientific discoveries, technical breakthroughs and significant social upheavals happen. For example, Albert Einstein and Anton Chekhov are hard to suspect of craving for unbridled parties, these guys preferred to contemplate more and work furiously.

Another writer and business consultant, Susan Cain, author of Introverts: How to Harness Your Personality, confirms that introspective people manifest themselves as more accurate and valuable employees, which are more likely to generate non-standard (and successful) ideas. IN personal life our heroes also deserve compliments: they are both more loyal and attentive partners, and do not waste their affection in vain, but concentrate it on the most significant people. And loneliness is not a burden for them: unlike people of polar temperament, an introvert is his own friend, boss and animator. He does not fall into hysterics or depression from silence and idleness - and an even emotional background, by the way, is a guarantee of longevity and health of our beloved nerve cells.

What are the cons

Firstly, there are no such diseases that would turn you from a living person into an “unknown animal” and frighten a worldly doctor, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. And secondly, isolation and fear of one's own body can in themselves provoke all sorts of troubles. As you know, such psychosomatoses as migraine, ulcers, bronchial asthma or hypertension are sometimes the only way available for the body to reach out to the owner: “Hey, pay attention: you have already brought me to the third hypertensive crisis! Isn’t it clear, it’s time to change something in life! ”

Keeping this in mind, treat the signals of the body with understanding and, under any circumstances, be attentive to what is happening inside you - this is a long-awaited opportunity to use introversion for your own good! By the way, unlike perky extroverts, it should be much easier for you on the path to a healthy lifestyle: after all, it’s not so easy to tempt you to go to a bar or get donuts - you’ll be very happy to sit at home in cozy solitude, right?

Useful training

Assertive behavior or communication skills training is what you should attend if you are experiencing unbearable communication difficulties that do not have the best effect on your career or relationships with people. There you will be taught to take a confident pose, play with your voice so that the most stupid jokes from your lips will succeed in the company, and show leadership qualities - and let it seem to you that you do not have them. In general, they will teach you how to correctly imitate an extrovert.

It would take some time to prove that introverts are no worse than extroverts adapted to a long happy life, if not for a disturbing observation from Susan Cain. Growing up as a modest introvert in today's world is not as easy as it might seem. The current society itself does not favor thoughtful and self-centered people. Susan calls the value system that is common today “The Ideal Extrovert”: the average person should easily make contact, dominate their social group and feel confident in the center of attention. From childhood, parents inspire their offspring that they need to be sociable and be friends with everyone - after all, only cowards and egoists close in on themselves.

How to communicate with an introvert

You may not be an introvert, but you must know the rules for communicating with them - after all, there are probably a couple of copies in your environment.

  • It is important for an introvert to have their personal space respected. Therefore, it is forbidden to encroach on his belongings, rush to hug at a meeting and fill up on a visit without an invitation. It may be difficult for you to understand why he changes in his face when you just sort through the trinkets placed around the house - and for an introvert, your actions are nothing more than an alien invasion of his personal space.
  • Do not force communication on an introvert when he is not in the mood for it. Our tipchik is not one of those who, under any circumstances, will be amused by a joint outing to the bar.
  • Do not take silence as a sign of indifference or dislike. As a rule, introverts most value the company of that rare person with whom you can spend time in peace and quiet.
  • Unlike an extrovert, who is charged from communicating with people, an introvert spends a lot of mental and physical strength on maintaining contact. And his legitimate desire to be alone for a while does not mean at all that you are not loved or avoided.
  • Finally, contrary to all these rules, introverts get lonely too. Say hello to him, show friendliness and delicate interest. Even the most introverted and shy introvert loves to feel that someone cares.

Translator Natalia Zakalyk

Do you think you can spot an introvert in a crowd? Think again. While the stereotypical introvert may be one of those who will hang out with himself at a party, sitting at a table with an iPhone in his hands, any socialite can just as well be an introverted person.

Spotting an introvert can be harder than finding Wally (the protagonist of the popular game Where's Wally?), says Sophia Dembling, author of The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World.

"Many introverts can pass themselves off as extroverts."

People often don't know they're introverts (especially if they're never shy about anyone) because they can't figure out that being an introvert is about more than just being alone. Instead, it would be more reasonable to pay attention to whether they lose or, conversely, gain energy by being in a team, even if the company of friends brings them pleasure.

A hidden introvert in the modern world is clearly distinguished by the fact that it is difficult for him to endure visits to large hypermarkets, it is easier for him to order from the Internet with home delivery, for example, to Shopoz, and sit and wait with a cup of tea in an embrace with a book.

“Introversion is one of the main types of temperament. And the social aspect is just what people focus on, and this social aspect, in fact, reflects only a small part of the essence of an introvert, - said Dr. Marty Olsen Laney, psychotherapist and author of the book Introvert Advantages.

Despite the growing controversy surrounding introversion, there is often a misunderstanding of the personality traits that are prone to it. More recently, in 2010, the American Psychiatric Association even considered it necessary to classify “introverted personality” as a disorder by listing it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), which is used to diagnose mental illness. Those. in America introvert = psycho.

But more and more introverts are speaking out about what it really means to be the "quiet" type of person. Are you unsure if you are an introvert or an extrovert? Look at the list, maybe you will find yourself in it.

1. You find trivia incredibly tiresome.

Introverts are known to have real phobias about talking about nothing, because they regard it as idle chatter or an unnecessary source of anxiety, or at least find it irritable. For many "quiet" types, conversations about everything in the world can seem insincere.

2. You go to parties - but not to meet people there.

If you're an introvert, you may occasionally enjoy going to parties, but you probably won't because you don't like meeting new people. At a party, most introverts prefer to hang out with people they already know and feel comfortable around. If you are lucky enough to meet a new person and find mutual understanding with him, great, but you will rarely set yourself the goal of specifically getting to know someone.

3. You often feel alone in a crowd.

Have you ever felt like an outsider during parties or group events, even with people you know?

“If you tend to feel alone in a crowd, you might be an introvert,” says Sophia Dembling.

4. Making connections makes you feel like a liar.

Informal communication (in the sense of small talk with the ultimate goal of advancing your career) can make introverts feel like overly hypocrites, because they crave to be honest in working with someone.

“Making new acquaintances and connections becomes a difficult task if we do it in a way that causes stress on ourselves,” Dembling says, advising introverts to work in small, well-known teams, rather than in huge and mixed ones.

5. They call you "too impressionable"

Do you have a penchant for philosophical conversations and a love for reflecting on books and films? If yes, then you are a real "bookish" introvert.

“Introverts like to suddenly lose control of themselves,” Dembling says.

6. You are easily distracted.

While extroverts generally get bored quickly if they have nothing to do, introverts have the opposite problem - they are easily distracted and think deeply when they are required to complete a large number of tasks.

“Extroverts generally get bored much faster than introverts when performing monotonous tasks, probably because they excel in areas where a high level of attention is required,” researchers from Clark University wrote in a paper published in the journal Personal and social psychology. In contrast, introverts are easily distracted and therefore prefer a relatively inactive environment.

7. Downtime doesn't seem unproductive to you.

One of the most fundamental characteristics of introverts is that they need to spend some time alone in order to "recharge their batteries." While an extrovert will feel bored or restless after spending the whole day at home alone with tea and a stack of magazines, although this kind of pastime seems necessary and joyful to an introvert.

Introverts can make great leaders and speakers (despite being considered quiet people), they won't necessarily fear the spotlight.

Performers such as Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, and Emma Watson identify as introverts, and experts estimate that about 40 percent of executives have an introverted personality type.

9. When you enter the subway, you sit in an empty car in the very corner, but definitely not in the middle.

When given the opportunity, introverts tend to try not to be surrounded by people on all sides.

“We love to land in places where we can leave whenever we want,” Dembling says. "When I go to the theatre, I want to take an aisle or back seat."

10. You start to shut down after being active for too long.

Are you starting to get tired and prefer not to answer questions after being active for too long? It is likely that you are trying to conserve your energy. “Activities in the outside world make all introverts expend energy, after which they need to leave and renew their strength in a calm place,” says the same Dembling. If there is no quiet place nearby, many introverts can simply ignore what is happening.

11. You are in a relationship with an extrovert.

It's true that opposites attract and that's why introverts are often attracted to outgoing extroverts who make them have fun rather than being too serious.

"Introverts sometimes pay attention to extroverts because they also like to have fun," Dembling says.

12. You'd rather be an expert in one area than try to do everything at once.

According to Olsen Laney, the main principles of thinking that guide introverts allow them to focus and think about specific things for a while, so they focus on intensive study of one subject and improving their skills.

13. You actively avoid any shows that may involve audience participation.

Because in reality there is nothing scarier than that, right?

14. You review all your calls before answering (even from friends)

You may not answer the call even from the people you love, but you will definitely call them back as soon as you are mentally ready for this and gather the energy to talk.

"For me, when the phone starts ringing, it's like someone popping out from behind a closet and yelling 'Boo!'" Dembling says. "I really enjoy having long phone conversations with close friends, as long as it's not sudden calls that sound like a bolt from the blue."

15. You notice details that others don't.

The positive side of deep reflection is that it allows introverts to often have a keen eye for detail, that is, to notice things around them that others might not see at all. The study found that introverts have higher brain activity when processing visual information compared to extroverts.

16. You constantly conduct an internal monologue.

"Extroverts don't have the same internal monologue that we do," says Olsen Laney. “Most introverts need to think first before they talk.”

17. You have low blood pressure

A 2006 Japanese study found that introverts tend to have lower blood pressure than their extrovert counterparts.

18. You may be referred to as an "old man at heart" starting around age 20.

Introverts notice and remember a lot of information, and they always think before they say something, which makes them seem smarter than those around them.

“Introverts tend to think long hours,” Dembling says. "It helps them seem wise."

19. You don't enjoy your surroundings.

Neurochemically speaking, things like huge parties are just not your thing. Extroverts and introverts differ significantly in how their brains process impressions through their pleasure centers.

Researchers have demonstrated this phenomenon by giving Ritalin, an ADD-type drug that stimulates the production of dopamine in the brain, to introverted and extroverted students. They found that extroverts most often associated achieving feelings of euphoria with a surge of dopamine from the environment they were in. Introverts, on the other hand, did not associate feeling with their environment.

20. You look at the big picture.

When Jung described the mindset of introverts, he explained that they are more interested in the idea and the big picture than in facts and details. Of course, many introverts excel at tasks with a lot of detail, but they often have the ability to perceive more abstract concepts.

"Introverts really enjoy abstract discussions," Dembling confirms.

21. You were often asked to "get out of your shell"

Many introverted children think that something “wrong” is happening to them if they are inherently less open and assertive than their peers. Introverted adults often report that when they were children, they were often told to come out of "their shell" and finally get involved in class life.

22. You are a writer

Introverts generally communicate better in writing than in person, and many are attracted to solitary, creative writing. Most introverts (like Harry Potter author JK Rowling) say they feel most creative when they have time to be alone with their thoughts.

23. You take turns going through the stages of work, loneliness and periods of social activity.

Introverts can move around their introverted "set", which suggests that they must find a balance between their solitude and social activities. But, as Olsen Laney argues, when they move around too much (and perhaps even overexert themselves, revolving in society and business for too long), they get stressed and need to go back to solitude. This can manifest itself in periods of increased social activity, and then balancing it with a period of inner seclusion.

“They have special recovery points that seem to correlate with how much interaction they have with those around them,” Dembling says. "We all have our own cycles."

How much of an introvert are you?

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People come to me with different personalities, with different attitudes and perceptions of the world. Some of them are introverts. They have their own spiritual talents, in contact with which extroverts compose myths, for example, these are:

Myth 1. Introverts don't like to talk.

This is not true. Introverts just don't like to talk when they have nothing to say. They hate chatter. But if an introvert talks about something interesting for himself, he may not shut up for days on end.

Myth 2. Introverts are shy.

Shyness has nothing to do with introversion. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of other people. What they really need is a reason to interact. They do not communicate simply out of a thirst for communication. If you want to talk to an introvert, just start talking. Don't worry about being polite.

Myth 3. Introverts are rude.

Introverts often don't see the point in dancing with a tambourine around social strokes. They want everyone to be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is unacceptable in most situations, and introverts often feel the pressure of social norms on them, which depresses them greatly.

Myth 4. Introverts don't like people.

In contrast, introverts highly value their few friends. They can count close friends on the fingers of one hand. And if you're lucky enough to be one of them, you've probably got an ally for life. Having once earned respect as a worthy person, you have firmly taken your place on this list. Myth 5. Introverts don't like to go out in public.

Nonsense. Introverts don't like to be in public for TOO LONG. They also tend to avoid the complexities of being socially active. They absorb information and experience very quickly, and as a result, it doesn't take long for them to get the hang of it. They are ready to go home, "reboot" and comprehend everything that happens. By the way, rebooting is a vital thing for introverts.

Myth 6. Introverts always want to be alone.

Myth 7. Introverts are weird.

Introverts are often individualists. They don't follow the crowd. They prefer to be appreciated for their innovative way of life. They think first of all about themselves and therefore often defy the norm. They don't make decisions based on fashion or popularity.

Myth 8. Introverts are indifferent people.

Introverts are those people who are initially focused on their inner world, and give great importance to their thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that they are not able to be aware of what is happening around, just that their inner life is much more exciting and rich for them.

Myth 9. Introverts do not know how to relax and have fun.

Introverts tend to relax at home or in nature, rather than in noisy public places. Introverts don't hunt for thrills and aren't adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talk and noise around them, they simply “turn off”. Their brains are very sensitive to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Introverts and extroverts have different leading neural pathways. Just keep that in mind.

Myth 10. Introverts can pull themselves together and become extroverts.

A world without introverts would be a world with virtually no scientists, musicians, artists, poets, directors, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. It is said that there are many techniques through which an extrovert can learn to interact with introverts. (Yes, I am purposely swapping these terms now to show how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot "pull themselves together" and deserve respect for their natural temperament and their contribution to humanity.